Handling an 8-Year-Old Boy Who Liked to Tell Lies in Mp2 Class at Equalbright School.

Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya membahas mengenai kesulitan saya saat menemukan
anak yang suka berbohong di kelas MP2 di Sekolah equalBright. Masalah ini
berdasarkan pengalaman magang saya sebagai asisten guru di sekolah tersebut. Saya
membahas tentang penyebab permasalahan, dampak dari masalah, dan beberapa
pilihan solusi berdasarkan analisa dari buku, artikel, dan pengalaman magang.
Ada beberapa penyebab yang timbul dari permasalah yang dihadapi di Sekolah
equalBright. Penyebab yang pertama adalah anak tersebut tidak ingin dihukum, dan
penyebab yang kedua adalah karena anak tersebut tidak ingin mengecewakan orang
tuanya. Masalah ini memiliki dua dampak yaitu, yang pertama dia kehilangan
kepercayaan dan tidak dihargai dan yang kedua karena kebohongannya maka dia
akan selalu diberikan konsekuensi. Selain dari penyebab dan dampak permasalahan,
saya juga menganalisa beberapa pilihan solusi yang sesuai untuk mengatasi
permasalahan saya. Solusi-solusi tersebut juga memiliki dampak positif dan dampak
Saya memilih seluruh pilihan solusi yang dianalisa untuk mengatasi permasalahan
ini. Pertama saya akan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan saya melalui membaca
buku atau artikel yang berhubungan dengan masalah saya, sehingga saya tahu
bagaimana harus mengatasi masalah tersebut, selain itu saya akan memberikannya
konsekuensi yang sesuai. Terakhir saya akan mendorongnya untuk menjadi anak
yang jujur dengan cara berbicara baik-baik padanya setiap hari dan menyampaikan

bahwa bohong itu adalah tindakan yang tidak baik untuk dilakukan.


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ...............................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................



Background of the Study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Organization of the Term Paper

CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS .............................................................


CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ...................................................... 11
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION.......................................................................... 18




A. Background of the Study
Character is an important thing to build in children‟s life. It is essential to
build a good character since they are young. According to Jim (2006), “all
character is determined by habits, actions and thoughts. All habits are determined
by actions and thoughts” (par. 1). One of the aspects to build a character is habit.
According to Johnson (n.d.) “habit is a usual way of behaving: something that a
person does often in a regular and repeated way. Lying is a bad habit that can
grow since we were young” (para. 7) .There are many reasons why children lie to
others. According to Why children lie and what to do (n.d.)

Children tell lies for many reasons, depending on the situation and their
motivation. Children might lie to cover something up, hoping to avoid
consequences or punishment, explore and experiment with their parents‟
responses and reactions, exaggerate a story or impress others, gain attention(even
when they are aware the listener knows the truth) manipulate a situation – for
example, saying to granny: „Mum lets me have crisps before dinner (p. 2).


I did my internship at equalBright School since June 18 until August 14,
2015. I taught English to the Mp1 and Mp2 classes. Mp1 class consists of first and
second grade, while Mp2 consists of third and fourth grade. During the teaching, I
also observed their behavior. Although they are still very young, some of them
show good behavior, while some did not behave well. When I did my internship, I
met many students, but there was one boy who caught my attention. I interested in
observing an 8-year-old boy who likes to lie. This 8-year-old boy would lie, for
example, when he did not do his homework: when I asked him why he did not
make his homework, he answered with different reasons. Based on my internship
experience, handling a child who likes to lie is rather difficult. Therefore, I am

going to analyze this problem critically and systematically to find the best
solutions of the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem
In this study, I would like to analyze the following research questions:
1. Why did the child at equalBright like to tell lies to others?
2. How did the problem influence me and other people at equalBright?
3. How could I handle the child who likes to lie to others?


C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The first objective of the study is to find the causes of the problem in handling
an 8 year old boy who likes to lie in equalBright. The second objective is to find
the best solution to overcome this problem effectively. There are several benefits
of the study. First, for the institution, especially the teachers at equalBright so that
they will know how to deal with children who likes to tell lies. Hopefully, they
will know how to help those children as soon as possible. I hope this paper will be
beneficial for the institution. Another benefit is for the readers who have the same
problem as mine. They will know the causes, effects and also the solutions to

solve this problem. Moreover, through this paper, I can find solutions to handle
children who like to tell lies.

D. Description of the Institution
Based on the equalBright School profile 2015, equalBright was established in
August 2010 at Jalan Setiabudi 20 Bandung. At first, there were only four classes,
from first grade until fourth grade, and there were only five students. Now there
are 39 students and also 15 teachers in equalBright School. The classes are
designed with this arrangement: the first and the second graders are put in one
class, and the same condition applies the third and the fourth grade students. The
school has some facilities, such as Music Studio, Art Studio, Concert Hall,
Science Laboratory, and Students‟ Health Center.


The vision of this school is to provide an exceptional learning environment
where students are able to recognize and achieve their fullest potential so that they
can contribute in building a better society, while the mission of this school is to be
place of excellence that provides a balance of academic rigor (knowledge) and the
teaching of life skills (values).They strive for partnering parents in empowering

and inspiring the learners to achieve their fullest potential in a fun and nurturing
The philosophy of this school is to be a partner in the children‟s development.
They believe that children learn best in a learning environment that is attuned to
their uniqueness and individuality. They provide a rich experiences, concepts and
skills that target the children‟s individual learning styles and capabilities that
address optimum progress and holistic development. Furthermore, they also
provide the experiences which are needed to develop children‟s physical, social,
emotional and intellectual potential. Besides, the school also concerns in the
importance of imparting essential life-skills, such as passion for learning,
confidence to try new things, positive sense of self-worth, and that understands
how learning takes place.
They adhere to the philosophy which states that it is important not only to
know “what” but also to know “how”. Learning is thus seen as not just the result
but more importantly a process that children are exposed to both a practical and
personal level.


E. Method of The Study

The method applied for doing the study are library research and field research.
The data for library research were taken from books and reliable articles or
journals on the internet. Furthermore, the data for field research was taken from
my observation. The observation result was recorded in my internship journal. I
wrote the journal based on my teaching experience during my internship at
equalBright School in June until August 2015.

F. Limitation of the Study
The study is based on my experience as an assistant teacher for MP2 class
when I did my internship at equalBright School from June 18 until August 14,
2015. The subject of my research is an 8-year-old boy who likes to lie.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper is divided into four chapters, which are Introduction, Problem
Analysis, Potential Solutions, and Conclusion. Chapter One discusses the
Background of the Study, which mentions the reasons for choosing the topic,
Identification of the Problem that states the problems, Objectives and Benefits of
the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study, Limitation of the
Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter Two discusses the Problem
Analysis, which states the causes and the effects of the problem. Chapter Three

discusses the Potential Solutions with the positive and negative effects of the


solutions. Finally, Chapter Four discusses the Conclusion, which states the
summary of the previous chapters, statement of chosen solutions and justification
points relevant with the discussion in the previous chapters, and the concluding
paragraph. The last part is the Bibliography and the Appendices, which contain
the flowchart, journal and school profile.


In this chapter, I will discuss the summary of the previous chapters and my
chosen solutions. The problem that I discuss is my difficulty in handling an 8year-old boy who likes to lie. The first cause is the child wanted to avoid the
punishment, the second cause is the child was afraid of disappointing his parents.
The effects of the problem are the child lost credibility and respect, while the
second effect is his dishonesty often leads to a negative consequence. Then I find
the solution to overcome my problem. The solutions are I will encourage him to

be truthful, I will improve my knowledge to handle the children, especially about
to those who like to tell lies to others, and I will provide a fair consequence.
In overcoming the problem, I choose all the solutions that I have discussed.
The reasons I choose all the solutions is because every solution has important
roles to make the child stop lying to others. First, I will improve my knowledge to
know the reason why the child telling lies to others. I will try to find out books or
articles which discuss about this problem. Then I will provide give consequences.
Fair consequence will discipline and remind him not to tell lie. Then, as a teacher
I will encourage him to be truthful. I will try to have more time to talk with this
boy and encourage him to be honest all the time.


By combining all the solutions, it will be possible to handle the child who likes
to lie to others and make him stop telling lies. I hope through this paper, the
readers and equalBright School teachers can have more insights on how to handle
the child who likes to lie to others.


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