Martabak Bangka Punyaqita : A Business Plan.


Bisnis yang saya pilih dalam rencana bisnis ini adalah bisnis kuliner di
Bandung yang menawarkan salah satu makanan tradisional Bangka, yaitu
martabak. Bisnis Martabak Bangka yang kemudian saya sebut Martabak
Bangka PunyaQita ini merupakan bisnis yang menjual Martabak Bangka
yang dibuat asli oleh orang Bangka dan menyediakan tempat makan yang
bernuansa Bangka. Selain menyediakan Martabak Bangka dengan cita
rasa aslinya, Martabak Bangka PunyaQita juga menyediakan berbagai
pilihan ukuran martabak sehingga memudahkan konsumen untuk memilih
martabak dengan ukuran yang sesuai dengan keinginan.
Dalam penulisan rencana bisnis Martabak Bangka PunyaQita, saya
akan membahas lima bagian penting yaitu latar belakang, aspek
pemasaran, aspek operasional, aspek sumber daya manusia dan aspek
keuangan. Latar belakang saya memilih membuka usaha ini adalah
karena sedikitnya penjual Martabak Bangka yang menyediakan tempat
makan khusus Martabak Bangka. Dari aspek pemasaran, saya
menggunakan strategi pemasaran untuk mempermudah saya melakukan
pemasaran produk yang akan saya tawarkan kepada target market saya.
Dari aspek operasional, saya memilih Jl. Dr Setia Budi sebagai tempat
menjalankan bisnis. Dari segi sumber daya manusia, saya

mempekerjakan satu orang supervisor, dua orang juru masak, dua orang
asisten juru masak dan empat orang pelayan. Dari segi keuangannya,
bisnis saya membutuhkan sekitar 90 juta rupiah untuk membuka usaha
ini. Bisnis Martabak Bangka PunyaQita ini merupakan bisnis yang
menjanjikan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan jangka waktu yang hanya
berkisar delapan bulan bisnis ini sudah mencapai payback period.

Maranatha Christian University


Martabak Bangka PunyaQita is a stall which offers one of the
traditional foods of Bangka, named martabak. My business offers the
original taste of Martabak Bangka and also provides a comfortable place
for the consumers who like to enjoy the atmosphere of Bangka Island so
that they would feel as if they were in Bangka. Martabak Bangka
PunyaQita presents the original taste of Martabak Bangka which is made
by Bangka people who are competent in making martabak. Martabak
Bangka PunyaQita also offers various sizes of martabak based on the

consumers’ demand. Martabak Bangka PunyaQita will be located at Setia
Budi Street No. 175. I choose this location because Setia Budi Street is
known as a strategic place and many tourists (domestic and international)
usually pass this street.

Nowadays, Bandung has become one of the cities in Indonesia that is
famous for its culinary. Since the building of the highway from Jakarta to
Bandung, called Cipularang, many people from Jakarta and other cities
come to visit and enjoy the culinary in Bandung. I am interested to
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establish Martabak Bangka business in Bandung because the development
of the culinary business in Bandung has been increasing.

Martabak Bangka PunyaQita is a feasible and acceptable business
because the product is suitable for situation these days where generally
people like to have a delicious snack and like to hang out. Martabak Bangka
PunyaQita is a profitable business because the payback period shows that in
only eight months this business can recover its initial investment. This

proposal is prepared to obtain financing in the amount of IDR 55,000,000,
which is the total initial investment of this business. Supplemental financing is
required to prepare the increase of the capital investment and the large
capital investment will allow Martabak Bangka PunyaQita to provide its
consumers with good products and a comfortable dinning room. I project that
my profit will increase year by year.

Maranatha Christian University


TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................i

FRONT COVER OF THE BUSINESS PLAN ..........................................ii

APPROVAL PAGE .................................................................................iii

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................iv

ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................vii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................x

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................xii

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LIST OF FIGURES ...............................................................................xiv

CHAPTER I THE BACKGROUND ..........................................................1

CHAPTER II. THE MARKETING STRATEGY ........................................8

CHAPTER III. OPERATIONAL ASPECT……….……………….............17


CHAPTER V. FINANCIAL ASPECT…….………………………..............33



Appendix 1. The Logo of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita

Appendix 2. The Banner of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita

Appendix 3. The Leaflet of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita

Appendix 4. The Brochure of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita

Appendix 5. Menu of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita

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Table 2.1 Product Variants of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita ................11

Table 2.2 The Price List of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita .....................13
Table 4.1 Working Hours of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita’s

Table 5.1 Initial Investment of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita ................33

Table 5.2 Total Initial Investment of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita .......34

Table 5.3 Cash Inflow of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita .......................35

Table 5.4 The Promotion Cost of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita ...........37

Table 5.5 The Operational Cost of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita .........37

Table 5.6 Total Variable Cost of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita ............38

Table 5.7 Total Fixed Cost of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita .................39
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Table 5.8 Total Cash Outflow of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita ...... 39

Table 5.9 Income Tax Calculation PPh Pasal 21 .............................40

Table 5.10 Net Cash Flow of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita ............40

Table 5.11 Payback Period of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita ...........42

Table 5.12 Net Present Value of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita .......43

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Figure 3.1 The Service Process of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita……….19
Figure 3.2 The Map of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita……………………22
Figure 3.3 Layout Plan of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita………………...23
Figure 4.1 Organizational Structure of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita…...26

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1.1 Background of the Study
Today, many culinary businesses rapidly develop in Indonesia and
make people motivated to create and build their businesses with new
ideas. Culinary businesses can contribute big incomes for a nation, as the
data of Labor Statistics show: “The culinary industry represents one of the
fastest-growing occupational categories in the nation” ( Chalmers
par. 5). For Indonesian people, the favorite food is not only modern food
but also traditional food. Based on my survey through the Internet to 50
respondents, I can conclude that one of their favorite foods is Martabak

Bangka. Martabak is a flat dough cake usually with savory fillings.

There is some significant information related to Martabak Bangka.
Based on the information from a government site about Chinese people in
Bangka, named BUKJAM (Bangka Urang Kite Jitjong A.M), it is stated

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Martabak Bangka is a special cake originated from Bangka Island
and is usually called Hok Lo Pan. Hok Lo Pan or Martabak in
Indonesian is a special food from Bangka Belitung. Martabak was
created by Hakka people. Literally, the meaning of Hok Lo Pan
(martabak) is a cake that is made by Hok Lo people. However, this
is the original cake from Hakka (Khek) Bangka’ people. The real
fact is martabak was made by immigrant Hakka (Khek) not by Hok
Lo people. (par.1)
Hok Lo Pan (martabak) is a very simple cake. It takes only 12 minutes
to make it. Nowadays, there are many varieties of martabak’s toppings;

there are bananas, cheese, chocolate, strawberry, and others. However,
the original martabak only uses sesame seeds for the topping. Therefore,
mostly in Bandung, the taste of Martabak Bangka nowadays becomes
different from the original cake because Martabak Bangka is sold by
people who are not from Bangka. As one of the Martabak Bangka’s lovers
who also comes from Bangka, I have a great desire that many people
should know the original taste of Martabak Bangka. Based on these
situations, I plan to run a food business that sells original Martabak
The name of my business is Martabak Bangka PunyaQita. According to
Jaringan Bisnis-Team, one of the favorite foods in Indonesia is Martabak
Bangka (JB Team 10). It means that martabak can be easily accepted in
the market. Therefore, this is a good opportunity for me to be successful in
running this business, based on my survey of 50 people who are

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employees and students in North Bandung; this cake has a good image in
the market. Martabak Bangka is suitable for people who like sweet and

salty meals. I also choose to run this business because this food is
suitable for coffee break or as a gift brought back from a trip (JB Team 10).
The target market of my business is teenagers and adults who like the
original taste of martabak and like to hang out. These people are the most
suitable target for my business that offers the original taste of Martabak
Bangka and also provides a comfortable place to enjoy the atmosphere of
Bangka Island so that they would feel as if they were in Bangka. My
product is packed into a packing box for customers who like to have it as a
take–away meal. Besides, there is a dinning room for consumers who like
to dine in.

1.2 Unique Selling Proposition
Before starting a business, first it is important to know the unique
business selling proposition. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, it is
stated that, “Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the factor or
consideration presented by a seller as the reason that one product or
service is different from and better than that of the competition” (par. 1).
The uniqueness of Martabak Bangka PunyaQita is its special original taste
and various sizes of the product.
Martabak Bangka PunyaQita presents the original taste of Martabak
Bangka which is made by Bangka people who are competent in making
martabak. Martabak Bangka PunyaQita also offers various sizes of

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martabak based on the customers’ demand. There are three sizes of
Martabak Bangka PunyaQita which are small, medium, and large. The
small Martabak Bangka PunyaQita can serve 1-2 people, medium-size
can serve 1-5 people, and large size can serve 1-8 people. They can
enjoy the delicious and warm Martabak Bangka with their friends or family
because my business also provides a dining room which is decorated with
Bangkanese cultural decorations, such as ethnic centerpieces from
Bangka, some pictures of Bangka and ethnic wall-ornaments.

1.3 SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis is needed to define the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats of a business. Johnson, Scholes, and
Whittington emphasize that “SWOT summarizes the key issues from the
business environment and the strategic capability of an organization that
are most likely to impact on strategy development” (119). Therefore,
performing SWOT Analysis is important in the business in order to make
the business develop successfully. The next paragraphs explain the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Martabak Bangka

1.3.1 Strengths
The first SWOT analysis is strength. Pearce and Robinson state that
“strengths are special qualities that a company has and which is also

Maranatha Christian University

suitable with the needs of the markets“ (167). The strengths of my
business are:

The various sizes of Martabak Bangka.


The original taste of martabak made by Bangka people.


The reasonable price for each martabak.


The use of a dining room.

I will divide Martabak Bangka PunyaQita’s size into three various sizes,
namely small, medium, and large based on the customers’ demand.
Based on my survey of seven sellers of Martabak Bangka in Bandung, I
consider that when Martabak Bangka is made by non-Bangkanese people,
the taste of Martabak Bangka will be different from martabak made by
Bangkanese. The original taste of Martabak Bangka comes from the
process of making Martabak Bangka PunyaQita. The difference between
Martabak Bangka PunyaQita and the other martabak is when Martabak
Bangka PunyaQita’s dough is not done, the dough will be lifted up from
the cooker around three minutes and the dough will be spread with the
butter at the same time. I will hire a Bangkanese cook who is an expert in
making Martabak Bangka. Based on my survey of 50 people who are
employees and students in Bandung, my products have reasonable prices
and they are almost the same as the prices of the competitors. I also
provide a dining room for consumers who like to enjoy the martabak at my

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1.3.2 Weaknesses
Weaknesses are the internal conditions that keep a business from
developing. It is stated that, “Weaknesses are the qualities that prevent us
from accomplishing our mission and achieving our full potential” (“SWOT
Analysis” par. 4). The weakness of my business is that it is difficult to find
a cook from Bangka who is an expert in making martabak in Bandung. To
overcome this weakness, I will go to Bangka and try to find a cook who
can join my business. The other weakness is that Martabak Bangka is not
a new kind of meal so it is easy to imitate. This situation makes me think
creatively to make the target market loyal to my business by giving a box
of large sweet martabak for the consumers who have collected ten bills
from Martabak Bangka PunyaQita.

1.3.3 Opportunities
According to Pearce and Robinson, opportunities mean “a major
favorable situation in a firm’s environment” (166). Based on the same
survey that I have done, the opportunity of my business is the good image
of my products in the market and the strategic location (Jl. Setia Budi
No.175). The location is strategic for my business because it is near
hotels, universities, cafes, and banks. I also start the first business which
has a stall concept of Martabak Bangka that has various sizes in Bandung.
Therefore, I have an opportunity to develop this business.

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1.3.4 Threats
Pearce and Robinson maintain that “a threat is a major unfavorable
situation in a firm’s environment” (166). Based on the statement, my
business’s threat is that there are many competitors who also sell
martabak, either Martabak Bangka or other martabak, and this situation
causes the price competition. They are Martabak Royal Bangka, Martabak
Bangka/ Kubang, Martabak Bangka Royal Jaya, Martabak Mr. Black,
Martabak San Francisco, and others. It is also difficult to get positive
responses from the consumers at the beginning of the business.
Despite the threats and weaknesses, Martabak Bangka PunyaQita
will become a promising business because the product is suitable for the
situation these days where generally people like to have a sweet and salty
snack. The theme of Bangkanese culture in the dining room also will be
fascinating for people who like to hang out.

Maranatha Christian University


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