Muhammad Nur Ali
Registration N u m ber : 065010203


E nglish Applied Linguistics St u dy P ro gram
Stutc LJnin·rsit)' of Mcda n

Thn is


C\amined on l\1a rrh 06,2009 hy lhe Hoard of E \a mincrs.

App ro\' al by

Approval of Boan.l Of Examiners
Thesis Examiners of .Magiste

l>r. Busrnin Gurning, M.Pd.
NIP: 131 571 761

Prof. Tina l\1 aria ny A, M.A., Ph .D.
NIP: 130 3-'-' 775

Prof. D. P. Tarnp ubo lon, Ph.I>.

Prof. Amri n Saragih, M.A., Ph.D.
NIP : 131 119 832

Prof.Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd.
NIP: 131 572 426




Praise be to Allah, the "Almighty" the "Most Merciful" and the "Beneficial"
for everything that has been given to the writer in completing his thesis as one of
the requirements to obtain the degree of Magister Humaniora of the English
Applied Linguistics Study Program, State University ofMedan.
This study would have never been completed without the support and
assistance of many people. Due to the long list of names, which would not possible
to mention all, he deserves his special gratitude to some of them.
First, Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., his first adviser, for his ideas, criticisms,
suggestions, and corrections in completing this thesis.
Second, Pro£ Tina Mariany Arifin, M.A., Ph.D., his second adviser and

Head of the English Applied Lingustics Study Program, whose advice,
encouragement, guidance, suggestions, and criticisms have been a feature of the
writing process from the very beginning of the academic piece of work until at last

this thesis appears in its present form.
His very most sincere gratitude is directed to his beloved father, DR. Syech
Salman Daim and mother, Rohani Silalahi and all his families who have supported
him during his study and in the process of writing his thesis..
Finally, his great thankfulness goes to his best friends who have contributed
a great deal to the improvement of his English they are ; Rosmita Ambarita, Dr
Mahfuzah Mahidin, S.p KK, Aidil Fitri, Zulham and also all his classmates..


Last but not least. due to the many problems ~ed

and the realization that it

is very difficult to write a good thesis, he confesses that this thesis is still far from
being perfect, therefore. any suggestions and criticisms for its improvement is
warmly welcomed.

May Allah Guide Us!

Medan. November 2008
The Writer,


NIM: 0650 I 0203



1.1 The Background of the Study
Jn this 21st Century and the era of gJobaJization. EngHsh has become
a language that should be well-mastered by many people in the context of
job market. This is a fact that in the competition to get a good job as
advertised in many job vacancies stated that English is required in terms of
fluency in written as well as spoken form. So, the applicants should be able
to perform their competence in English; General English (GE) as well as
English for Specific Purpase (EsP).

OeneraJ Eng]isb usuaJiy offers ajudicious bJend of different Janguage
skills and the topics that arc chosen from all range of sources, and based on

the selection of content more on students' interest and engagement rather
than an early identifiable students' needs. Students are taught to
communicate on general social level and to cope with the normal text. The
decision made, in part, that how, why or when students need the language in
the future is still unknown, so the materials given cover the broadest range
of use possible. In contrast English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has closely
identified goals for learning (K.ariman & Nababan, 2006).
ESP is seen as an approach, not a product, which means that no
speciaJ form of a language is taught, but it can be identified as typical of a


1.1 The Background of the Study
Jn this 21st Century and the era of gJobaJization. EngHsh has become

a language that should be well-mastered by many people in the context of
job market. This is a fact that in the competition to get a good job as
advertised in many job vacancies stated that English is required in terms of
fluency in written as well as spoken form. So, the applicants should be able
to perform their competence in English; General English (GE) as well as
English for Specific Purpase (EsP).

OeneraJ Eng]isb usuaJiy offers ajudicious bJend of different Janguage
skills and the topics that arc chosen from all range of sources, and based on

the selection of content more on students' interest and engagement rather
than an early identifiable students' needs. Students are taught to
communicate on general social level and to cope with the normal text. The
decision made, in part, that how, why or when students need the language in
the future is still unknown, so the materials given cover the broadest range
of use possible. In contrast English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has closely
identified goals for learning (K.ariman & Nababan, 2006).
ESP is seen as an approach, not a product, which means that no
speciaJ form of a language is taught, but it can be identified as typical of a

particular context of use. It is meant that the learners would likely meet the
target situation (Hutchinson and Waters, 1989). ESP is not just a matter of
science. work and grammar for scientists, etc. but it is linked with
performance and competence. It means that what people actually do with
language and the range of knowledge and ability, which enable them to do
them. ESP is not different from any other language teaching; that is, based
on the principle of effective and efficient learning. ESP courses are
providing the learners with competence of us English for Specific Fields of
knowledge at the advanced level. It is also concerned with the design of
curriculum. using approaches, methods and techniques in advanced ESP and
develops materials for the syllabus: type of authentic scientific writing.
grammatical features, vocabulary building and principles in the teaching and
learning of ESP.
ESP is generaJJy based on needs of the students, which are aimed at
specifYing what exactly the students• needs in studying English. ESP
practitioners are required to be sensible in detecting their learners needs in
the present situation and in the target situation. The practitioners should
develop their teaching materials based on the learners • preferences. Rustam
(1999: 32) reports his investigation that most Indonesian English teachers do

not develop their own syllabus and materials systematically based on the
teachers' preferences. As a result, students are not motivated to learn. Their
motivation is basically caused by the institutional curriculum that they
should follow.


Most of the Indonesian English teachers apply structural syllabus in
their schools. In the syllabus, the teachers focus on linguistic forms, such as
simple present, present perfect, present future, etc. instead of concentrating
on forms large areas of language use cannot be taught. In particular, the
formal syllabus may fail to provide the learners with an understanding of the
communicative use of the Structur (Allen & Widdoson, 1974).

1bc fact is, of course, being a problem for the teachers that the
students learn something that they do not need. Moreover the research
finding reported by Rustam (2003) suggests that ESP materials for
Information Technology should be developed based on the learners' needs
and their future job. The students are exposed to linguistic forms, which they
do not need and which are of little relevance to communicative purposes.

They learn English but their English is not aimed to accommodate
their needs. That' s why their English felt into

fulfill subject matter

only.Based on this there is an assumption that they do not have yet English
for specific purpose.
In this study, the writer is concerned with the English for Information
Technology students, especially with the syJJabus and materials design. The
design of ESP materials in this study is focused on speaking and reading.
The reason is that Information Technology students generally need English

for communication in order to get a better understanding in spoken English.


Thus, other skills of language are not neglected especially reading
skills to support their · needs of English. However, the new materials that
have been developed still based on· the existing materials. In fact, the
development of teaching materials should be based on the learners' needs.

ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners. ESP may be related to
or designed for specific disciplines such as how ESP is implemented for
Information and Technology students.

1.1 The Research Problem
In relation to the background that has been presented previously, the
problem of the study is formulated as follows: how is the ESP course
development for Information Technology students match with the job

1.3 The Objective of Study
The objective of the study is to answer the problem mentioned in the

research problem. In relation to that, the objective of this study is how to
match the ESP course development for Information Technology students
with the job market.

1.4 The Scope of the Study





of Jnformation

Technology will be an important thing to start at the very beginning because


in this rapid advancement of science and technology, new or authentic
materials are available in the society or market. and they should be
introduced and implemented. The materials should be always adjusted to the
present needs of the students and anticipating the future development of


science and technology. The information gathering on the needs of
information technology students is limited to the students majoring in
multimedia. The study is focused on the developing of ESP materials for the
students of vocational school particularly in the Department of multimedia.
1.5 Tbe Significance oftbe Study
The findings of this research are expected to be useful as an jnput for

English for specific purposes especially for English teachers of Vocational
school Multimedia Department. It is expected to provide information about
the course design, syllabus design. students' needs, and materials design for
an ESP teaching material for Information Technology students.
The findings of this study are intended to widen the teachers' horizon

in terms of their



commitment in implementing what has been

revealed so as to make them aware and realize that there are so many up-todate materials that can be used to enhance the teaching -learning process.
Teachers should always develop and match their teaching materials in
order to prepare students of the Information Technology to be always tuned
in with current developments. They are expected to know and understand
the technological terms, vocabularies, and read the reading text well, so that,


they can communicate in spoken as well as written English fluently. The
information gathered on the needs of the Information Technology students is
limited to the students majoring in Multimedia.