






Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora

By :

RODIANI FATMAH HASIBUAN Register Number : 8126112028










Rodiani Fatmah Hasibuan, 8126112028, Developing ESP Teaching Materials for The Students of the Software Engineering Based on PBL at The Al-Washliyah teladan Vocational School. Thesis, Pascasarjana, Linguistic Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2015.

This study deals with the development of English Reading Materials of vocational school, Al-Washliyah Teladan Medan, majoring Software Engineering. The objectives of this study are to: 1) find out language skill and materials are needed by the students of Software Engineering, 2) develop the English materials for the majoring in software engineering students at the vocational high school. Develop Reading materials relevant to the needs of software engineering students, especially grade XII. This study was conducted by Educational Research and Development R&D (Borg & Gall, 1989). The data of this research are from existing documents, the result of interview with teacher and student.

The results of the research convey that the existing reading materials were mostly irrelevant because the title and content of the material is not appropriate and is not required for the students majoring in software engineering, then the existing materials there is also relevant but hard to comprehend because of some problems, namely: 1) some of the sentences were written in relative clause, 2) the terminologies and vocabularies that used in the reading materials were new vocabularies and special words terminology for software engineering. Therefore, the new English reading materials and syllabus were developed based on the students need related to the workplace. The materials and syllabus were developed from the existing materials from teacher. The developing materials then validated by two experts. They agreed that new developing materials and syllabus are relevant and easy to comprehend for the students of software engineering for grade XII. In conclusion, the developing Reading materials were developed based on the experts suggestion. Therefore, it is suggested to the English teacher to provide the materials based on the students need.



Rodiani Fatmah Hasibuan, 8126112028, Mengembangkan Bahan Ajar ESP untuk Siswa Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Berdasarkan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah di SMK Al-Washliyah Teladan. Thesis, Pascasarjana, Linguistic Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2015.

Penelitian ini berkenaan dengan pengembangan bahan baca bahasa Inggris untuk siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), Al-Washliyah Teladan Medan, jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) untuk mengetahui keterampilan bahasa dan materi yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), dan 2) mengembangkan bahan ajar bahasa Inggris bagi siswa jurusan rekayasa perangkat lunak di sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK). Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui fase Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pengembangan (Educational Research & Development : R&D). (Borg & Gall: 1989). Data penelitian ini berasal dari dokumen yang ada, hasil wawancara dengan guru dan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan baca bahasa Inggris yang ada kebanyakan tidak relevan karena judul dan isi materi tidak sesuai dan tidak dibutuhkan untuk siswa jurusan rekayasa perangkat lunak, kemudian bahan ajar yang ada, ada juga yang relevan akan tetapi sulit untuk dimengerti karena kalimat yang dipakai dalam bahan ajar terdiri dari kalimat yang susah dipahami. Bahasa yang dipakai di dalam teks masih terkesan baru, dan ungkapan-ungkapan yang dipakai masih sulit dimengerti oleh siswa-siswa jurusan Rekayas Perangkat Lunak (RPL). Oleh karena itu bahan ajar dan silabus yang ada dikembangkan dengan mengacu pada kebutuhan yang diharapkan oleh siswa itu sendiri yang berkaitan dengan teknologi dan lingkungan pekerjaan. Bahan ajar dan silabus yang dikembangkan berasal dari materi yang disediakan sendiri oleh guru. Bahan ajar yang baru di validasi oleh dua orang pakar atau ahli dalam bidangnya. Mereka setuju bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan sudah sesuai dalam segi isi dan kebutuhan dengan yang diharapkan oleh siswa khususnya jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak. Sebagai penutup di beritahukan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berdasarkan saran dari dua ahli atau pakar tersebut relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa jurusan RPL kelas XII. Oleh karena itu, disarankan kepada guru bahasa Inggris untuk menyediakan bahan baca bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada teori atau prinsip bahan baca efektif yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa.



Thanks to Allah, the lord of the universe who has given me the

opportunity to finish this thesis. Thank you so much my dear lord. It is also

impossible to be finished without guidance, support and valuable knowledge from

many people whose names can not be mentioned one by one.

First, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr.

Busmin Gurning, M.Pd her first advisor and Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed., TESP her

second adviser, for their valuable advice, guidance, constructive comments and

previous time spent on supervising and commenting the process of writing until it

come to its present form. Second her special gratitude goes to the head of English

applied linguistics, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd, who has generously

encouraged her in completing this study, all lecturers, for her valuable knowledge

and instruction they have implemented to her during the years studying and

librarians of the state university of Medan for leading some useful books and

other sources that are needed in writing this thesis.

The writer would like to sincerely thank to anonymous participant who

contributed suggestions, critics and advises to this study. My deepest gratitude

goes to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D, Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum and Dr. Sri

Minda Murni, M.S, without their excellent academic guidance and support, this

thesis would not have been possible.

Then, a very special dept of gratitude is directed to her beloved father Drs.


together with her beloved brother Faqih Hakim Hasibuan, M.Pd, and her young

brother Zulfahmi Hasibuan for their full love, support, care and prayers.

Finally, a special debt of gratitude is addressed to all her beloved best

friend sister Trisna Valentina Sembiring, M. Hum, and young sister Aprilia

Pratiwi, and Aliyah Lubis, S.Pd for their full support, care, and prayers and all her

classmates LTBI B1 for their close friendship and encouragement in finishing this


Last but not least, she must confess that she has done her most to

accomplish this thesis but she realized but it is still far from being perfect.

Therefore, any constructive, criticisms, suggestions or comments will be highly


Medan, 21 Mei 2015 The writer

Rodiani Fatmah Hasibuan 8126112028












1.1 The Background of the Research ………… 1 1.2 The Problems of the Study ………. 8 1.3 The Objectives of the Study ………... 8 1.4 The Scope of the Study ……… 8 1.5 The Significance of the Study ………….. 9


2.1 The Origins of ESP ……… 10 2.2 What is ESP? ... 11 2.2.1 Absolute and Variable Characteristics

of ESP ... 11 2.3 Types of ESP ... 13 2.4 Need Analysis and Evaluation………….. 15 2.4.1 Need Analysis .………... 15


iv Present Situation Analysis (PSA) ……... 15 Target Situation Analysis (TSA) .……… 16

2.5 Evaluation .……... 17

2.6 Materials Development Process on ESP … 17 2.7 Developing Materials ..………... 18

2.8 Revising materials ….………... 19

2.8.1 Materials development ……… 19 Input ..………... 20 Content Focus …...……….. 20 Language Focus ………..……. 20 Task ...……… 21

2.9 ESP Materials of SMK Al-Washliyah …... 21

2.9.1 English Syllabus ………... 22

2.9.2 Software Engineering Learning Program ... 23

2.10 Teaching and Learning processes ……... 24

2.11 PBL (Problem Based Learning) of ESP .... 24

2.11.1 PBL Products ………... 27

2.12 English For Software Engineering …...…. 30

2.13 Vocational High School ..……… 32

2.14 The Competencies of SMK …………....… 32

2.15 Relevant Studies ...…….……….. 34

2.16 Conceptual Framework...…….……… 35

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 The Research Design ……….………… 36

3.2 The Subject of the Study .……… 40



3.4 The Technique for Collecting Data ... 37

3.5 The Procedures of Material Development… 38 CHAPTER IV MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT 4.1 Data Analysis ... 40

4.1.1 The Language Skills and Material Needed... 40 The Language Skill Needed ... 40 The Material Needed ... 42

4.1.2 The Material Designed ... 45

4.2 The Evaluation and Need Analysis ……… 46

4.3 The Existing Syllabus and Materials ... 51

4.3.1 Existing Syllabus …... 51

4.3.2 Existing Material ...……….. 53 The Weakness of the Materials ………... 55

4.4 The Development of Syllabus …...…… 57

4.5 The Development of Learning Material … 61 4.6 Validating the Materials... 67

4.7 Revising New English Reading Materials.. 69

4.8 Discussion ………... 69


5.2 Suggestion ... 74





Table 1 : The Language Skill Need ... 41

Table 2 : The Parameter of Level of Need ... 43

Table 3 : The Names of Topics or Theme of Reading Materials Needed

by the Students... 44

Table 4 : Categories of Learning Materials types by Authentic teacher

and student made and modified... 45

Table 5 : The Materials Needs by The Students of Software Engineering.. 51




Figure 1 : Materials Design Model ... 21





Appendix A : Kuesioner Analisis Kebutuhan Bahan Ajar Bagi Siswa Rekayasa

Perangkat Lunak (RPL). ... 77

Appendix B : Daftar Pertanyaan Untuk Wawancara Guru ... 81

Appendix C : Daftar Pertanyaan Untuk Wawancara Siswa ... 82

Appendix D : Instrumen Penilaian Kelayakan Bahan Ajar English for Students of Software Engineering in Vocational School ... 83

Appendix E : Interview Result of Teacher ... 86

Appendix F : Interview Result of Students... 88

Appendix G : The Existing Syllabus ... 90

Appendix H : The New Syllabus ... 92

Appendix I : The Existing Materials ... 96



1.1 Background of the study

In this globalization era, all aspects of life are changing rapidly. Science and technology, for instance have become more and more complicated. In shorts, the change of social pattern, has created gaps between today and the future.

The globalization era’ development and needs in terms of engineering, technician are not only expected to have technical competences in accordance to their specialization but also are expected to be able to communicate with international language such as English. English seemingly becomes the international language broadly used among the countries in the world. To master English, seems to be a must for technician, especially engineering because clients may come from other countries whose languages are English. Beside that many engine use English well.

A quite devastating result from the National Examination shows unsatisfactory scores obtained by the students. Most of them cannot perform the langugae skills well, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening is the easiest skill to master and writing is the most difficult. One each of those four skills has a different way of learning. For instance, if one wants to excel in speaking one should take a different path of learning than if one wants to be able to write well in the language. Listening and speaking, however, are tight connected to each other. And so, is case of reading and writing. On the other hand, many students at the vocational school level can not use English, they must



ask somebody to translate the English text. It is because the materials taught are not based on the students’ needs.

In order to produce the competent and professional in communicative competence (English) especially in understanding the speaking and vocabulary comprehension in any form of speaking materials published, students must be taught and trained how to understand it. Speaking skill becomes very essential and critical in responding the rapid movement of globalization and information and technology communication era. This phenomena, for the students in academic and professional setting, it should be more intensively and extensively done by the students. In terms of academic setting, it is commonly known that speaking and vocabulary activity become a kind of daily ‘menu’ that must be ‘consumed’ by them. But in line with the students achievements of teaching learning, the learning materials many use reading and writing skills. Therefore, the students’ lack communicative competence especially in understanding speaking and vocabulary comprehension in the process learning.

In term of English competence, the English competence needed by students of engineering, is really different from general English and even the other English branches such as English for Law, English for Tourism, English for Economics, etc. English for engineering is typical English and restricted English used in engineering context and workplace. It is a fact that, over years, English for engineering as a branch of ESP has been viewed by many English scholars and teachers as having significant effects on meeting students’ career needs. As the demand for developing a curriculum to meet students career needs grows, ESP has been playing an increasingly important role in facilitating students’



preparation for professional requirements, training, and study. Engineering adopts many concepts, descriptions, and terminology in English. Advanced study requires sufficient English ability in technical areas. Over recent years, there has been an increase in the number of foreigners who come to work and live in.

The process of teaching and learning English for engineering is not optimal and successful yet. This may happen due to lack of teachers’ competences, learning strategies, the students prior knowledge of English and motivations and learning materials as well Harmer (2007)

In addition, based on researcher’s observation and experiences as well during her teaching, the low achievement of students in Engllish for Engineering , may be tentatively and dominantly caused by the lack existing learning materials in terms of relevance and adequacy provided and delivered by the teacher.

Then, it is seemingly caused by the way and strategy how the materials are prepared by the teacher. Based on the existing documents of teaching and learning materials used at Vocational school, the teaching and learning materials is so simple and lack of innovation and creativity. The teacher often uses learning materials in term of hand out and a piece of paper. In fact, the design of learning materials either by design or innovation and creativity really influence and determine the success of teaching and learning itself.

Also, the existing teaching and learning materials at vocational school can not encourage and motivate the students optimally because it apparently does not designed by using student-centered learning. The teachers seems to be more dominant in teaching and learning process, while the students tend to be a good



listener. The materials are designed not to be based on students activities so that the studens are actively involved in teaching and learning process.

In term of teaching materials, the materials may be designed and improved without prior study and need assessment in order to match the students’ need and the curriculum and workplace as well. And also, the learning materials provided by the teaching are not designed to lead the students activities or problem base learning (PBL). In addition the unsuccessful teaching and learning of English for Engineering, also probably is caused by the students themselves due to their lack of motivation. Also the poor motivation of students to learn is caused by the lack of learning materials in term of contents and process of teaching and learning itself.

In Indonesian setting, education has been defined as a planned effort to establish a study environment and education process so that students may actively develop their potentials to gain the religious and spiritual level, consciousness, personality, intelligence, behavior and creativity for the establishment of a strong country. Education itself is divided two major parts namely formal and non-formal, while formal education is divided again into three levels, i.e primary, secondary, and tertiary education. School in Indonesia are run either by the government or private sector. Some private school refer to themselves as “national plus schools” meaning that they go beyond the minimum government requirements, especially in relation to the use of English as a medium of instruction or having an international syllabus instead of the national one.

In Indonesia, there are two kinds of Senior High School, namely Senior High School (Sekolah Menengah Atas: SMA) and Vocational High School



(Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan: SMK). SMA differs from SMK. In general, the students of SMA are prepared to continue their study to the university because they study much general knowledge, while students of SMK are prepared to be ready for work because they study specific knowledge based on their competencies, though they are not restricted to continue their study to the college or university. Students attending SMA is divided into 3 streams of their 12 th Grade, namely Science, Social Studies, and Linguistics. In the SMK, there are many expected competencies.

In the SMK, there are six areas of competencies (Bidang Keahlian), namely: 1) Technical and Engineering, 2) Information and Communication Technology, 3) Health, 4) Arts, Crafts and Tourism, 5) Agri-Business and Argo-Industry, and 6) Business and Management. The six areas of competencies still have some skill programs (Program Study Keahlian), for example in Technical and Engineering, there are three skill programs, namely: 1) Electrical Engineering, 2) Industry Engineering and 3) Computer Engineering, and the third skill with competency skills (Kompetensi Keahlian), for example in Computer Engineering, it has software engineering competency. A more detailed description is presented in chapter 2.

English is considered to be very important for now and future. Students are expected to master English fluently. The development of the language skills are aimed at the improvement of the students’ proficiency in Engllish. Language classes at higher educational school always make use of the text of specific professional fields such as Technical and Engineering, Information and Communication Technology, and Business. The text should be focused on the



communicative needs of the students of a certain higher school level. However, the teaching and learning of ESP include much more than the teaching of English through specific contents and materials.

ESP courses are providing the learners with competence of use English For Specific Fields of knowledge at the advanced level. It is also concerned with the design of curriculum, using approaches, methods and techniques in advanced of ESP and develops materials for the syllabus : type of authentic scientific writing, grammatical features, vocabulary building and principles in the teaching and learning ESP

The phrase ’problem-based learning’ reveals that this is a learning method based on solving problems. With the spread of Problem-based learning approach to language teaching. It is an approach to structuring the curriculum that involves confronting students with problems from practice that provide a stimulus for learning. Given that teaching does not automatically lead to learning, problem-based learning is viewed in the context of an approach to learning rather than as a teaching technique.

Based on the realities above, it can be concluded that the learners motivation and the lack of vocabulary are the problems in English teaching-learning process. In solving the learners’ motivation, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), in this case, English for software engineering is extremely needed in order to increase their motivation. It is supported by Chen (1993) which stated that ESP will be more motivated, benefit, and effective in increasing students’ learning motivation because it relates to their field of the study and caters to their needs. From his statement, it can be assumed that the materials



which concern to the field can increase the learners’ motivation. It means, the materials for students of software engineering should concern to their field that is software engineering.

In connection with learning motivation and the existing phenomena of vocational school students motivation by simple classroom observation shows that the students motivation and curiousity seems low and not satisfying.

Relating to explanation above, the researcher interested in choosing this topic because of some reasons; 1) the teaching materials used only based on the curriculum made by Government which also used to other competencies. So, the students of engineering require specific materials to support their competencies 2) to develop English teaching materials that can be used to enhance the teaching-leraning process 3) The process of problem-based learning used by students to solve problems in learning material, 4) the materials developed and designed by using need analysis so that they are really good, relevant and reliable for the students 5)

Based on the problems, the researcher as one of the English teachers at the SMK is very much interested in conducting a research on developing ESP teaching materials at SMK, so that students are made ready for their Computer Work Practice and meet the challenges and competitions in the workplace.


8 1.2 The Problems of the Study

Based on the previous elaboration and explanation, the problems of this study are as follows:

1. What language skills and materials are needed by the students of the software engineering in the Vocational High School?

2. How is the English materials developed for the majoring in software engineering students in the Vocational School?

1.3 The Objectives of study

In referring the above research problems, the objectives of this research are:

1) to find out language skill and materials are needed by the students of Software Engineering in the vocational high school

2) to develop the English materials for the majoring in software engineering students at the vocational high school.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

Due to limitation of resources and for the shake of accuracy and reliability of research result, this research will focused on the development ESP teaching materials. The materials based on the existing materials used by the English teacher. Then, to support to understanding the materials, this ESP teaching materials also discussed related grammatical pattern, speaking and vocabulary usages in line with the topics/theme of the materials themselves. Finally, it will be developed through problem-based learning (PBL)


9 1.5 The Significances of the Study

In developing the ESP teaching materilas for the students of the software engineering, it is expected that the findings can be a valuable source of information in connection with the theoretical as well as the partical aspects. Theoretically, this study is hoped to be useful in developing the knowledge and science, especially in the implementation of theories of ESP in teaching materials.

Practically, this study is a conceptual contribution to the teachers, administrators, developers and educational institutions in responding to the dynamic needs of the students. The findings are expected to be used as inputs for the teachers in implementing appropriate learning needs for students in order to obtain a more leverage learning outcomes. So, the findings should be very useful and become a sample of how teaching materials can be directed to the students’ needs. It is also expected that the findings will arouse English teachers and other researcher in terms of promoting and exploring relevant materials to be taught. It can be concluded that the conduction of Present Situation Analysis and Target Situation Analysis will be very beneficial for the development of teaching and learning materials.





Based on the results and analysis of the research in the previous chapter, some concluding remarks and suggestion are as follows

5.1 Conclusion

1. The existing materials are too general for the students of software engineering. The existing reading materials are too general and inappropriate to for the students of software engineering because the materials are not related to the students’ needs

2. The learning materials needed by the students are relatively various in terms of contents, topics, and themes. Students also needs the materials designed by authentic materials and problem-based learning. In teaching and learning process, the classroom interaction needed by the students is the form of small group and pair activities.

3. Language skill which are needed by the students of software engineering are reading

4. In terms of language features, the students also need to know about certain grammatical pattern and certain vocabulary ranges in line with the topics/themes discussed in reading.

5. New English reading materials were validated by two experts by giving them questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of the dimensions of linguistic features, processes, contents, and layout. The experts checked whether the dimensions were found in the new materials. The result of the



questionnaires shows that the new English reading materiala are relevant to the students of software engineering.

5.2 Suggestion

In line with the above conclusion, some points could be recommended and suggested such as:

1) The development of reading materials for English Specific Purposes should consider and concern to the students’ and stakeholders’ need, students’ backgrounds, and the objective of the subject learned

2) To achieve the effective teaching learning process especially in the teaching of ESP, need analysis of the students are absolutely needed

3) It is suggested that the English teachers should taught the English reading materials that the contents are related to the students’ field. The contents of reading materials for students of accounting should be related to software engineering.

4) To enable the process of teaching and learning process runs effectively, actively and participatorily, the learning materials should be designed in a such way such as problem based learning, authentic materials, problem solving and research based learning

5) Due to English is not the students’ major, the learning materials should implement simple linguistics pattern either in terms of structures, vocabulary choices, or terminologies




Barrows, H. S. and Tamblyn, R. M. “Problem-Based Learning: An Approach to Medical Education”. New York: Springer (1980).

Barrows, H. (2002). Is it truly possible to have such a thing as dPBL? Distance Education

Bogdan, R.C & Biklen, S.K 1982. Qualitative Research for Education (An Introduction to Theory and Methods). Allyn and Bacon Boston: Schuster Boud, D.and Feletti, G. 1997. The Challenge of Problem-based Learning.

London: Kogan Page.Carter, D. (1983) Some Proposition about ESP, The ESP Journal, 2, 131-137

Brown, Douglas H. 2004. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practice. New York: Person Education, Inc

Cumming, Joy J. and Maxwell, Graham S. (2004). Assessment in education : principles, policy and practice. Griffith University, Queensland, Australia.

Depdiknas. (2005). Peraturan pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 19 tahun 2005 tentang standar nasional pendidikan. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan / BSNP. Jakarta.

Depdiknas. (2007). Model penilaian kelas, kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan SMK. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan/BSNP. Jakarta.

Carey, S (1985). Are children fundamentally different kinds of thinkers and learners from adults? In S.F Chipman, J.W Segal & R. Glaser (eds.), Thinking and Learning Skills, 2. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 485-517. Reprinted by Open University Press: Open University Readings in Cognitive Development

Dipti Gupta. (2013). Teaching English to Engineering Students in India. Jornal English for Specific Purposes World, 14

Douglas, D. 2000. Assesing Language for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press



Dudley-Evans, T. and St John, M.J. 1998. Development in English for Specific Purposes. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press

Finch, Curtis, R. (1999). Curriculum development in vocational and technical

education, planning, content, and implementation. Fifth edition. A

Viacom Company. Needham Heights, MA

Fitri, A. 2008. Designing ESP Materials for Students of Vocational School. A Thesis. State University of Medan: English Applied Linguistics Study Program

Gall, M.D, Gall J.P., & Borg, W.R. 2003. Educational research: an introduction

(7th ED). USA: Pearson Education

Gatehouse, K. 2001. Key Issue in English for specific Purposes Curriculum Development. The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VII, No. 10 Accessed August, 5 th, 2009

Gonczi, A., (1998). Developing a competent workforce: adult training strategies for vocational educators and trainers. Leadbrook SA: National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd.

Harmer, Jeramy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching, 4 th ed. London: Longman Pearson

Hutchinson, T & Waters, A. 1987. English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Jones, G. (1990). ESP textbooks: Do they really exist? English for Specific Purposes, 9, 89-93.

Kenji. Kitao. Selecting dan Developing teaching/Learning Materials dalam

Momtazur Rahman. Md. 2007. Developing an ESP Speaking Course Framework for the Foreign Postgraduates in Science and Technology at National University of Malaysia

Nunan, D. 1988. Syllabus Design. Hongkong: Oxford University Press Robinson, P. 1991. ESP Today A Practioner’s Guide. UK Prentice Hall



Schmidt, H. G. “Problem-based learning: rationale and description”. Medical Education, 17, 11–16 (1983).

Spiropoulou, M. 1996. Producing ESP Materials. FORUM, Vol. 34 no 3, July-September

Strevens, P. (1977). New orientations the teaching of English. London: Oxford University Press.

Tomlison, Brain. 2003. Developing Materials for Language Teaching. New York: Continuum.

William. E. (1984). Reading in the Language Classroom. London: Micmillan Publisher Llimeted


1.5 The Significances of the Study

In developing the ESP teaching materilas for the students of the software engineering, it is expected that the findings can be a valuable source of information in connection with the theoretical as well as the partical aspects. Theoretically, this study is hoped to be useful in developing the knowledge and science, especially in the implementation of theories of ESP in teaching materials.

Practically, this study is a conceptual contribution to the teachers, administrators, developers and educational institutions in responding to the dynamic needs of the students. The findings are expected to be used as inputs for the teachers in implementing appropriate learning needs for students in order to obtain a more leverage learning outcomes. So, the findings should be very useful and become a sample of how teaching materials can be directed to the students’ needs. It is also expected that the findings will arouse English teachers and other researcher in terms of promoting and exploring relevant materials to be taught. It can be concluded that the conduction of Present Situation Analysis and Target Situation Analysis will be very beneficial for the development of teaching and learning materials.




Based on the results and analysis of the research in the previous chapter, some concluding remarks and suggestion are as follows

5.1 Conclusion

1. The existing materials are too general for the students of software engineering. The existing reading materials are too general and inappropriate to for the students of software engineering because the materials are not related to the students’ needs

2. The learning materials needed by the students are relatively various in terms of contents, topics, and themes. Students also needs the materials designed by authentic materials and problem-based learning. In teaching and learning process, the classroom interaction needed by the students is the form of small group and pair activities.

3. Language skill which are needed by the students of software engineering are reading

4. In terms of language features, the students also need to know about certain grammatical pattern and certain vocabulary ranges in line with the topics/themes discussed in reading.

5. New English reading materials were validated by two experts by giving them questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of the dimensions of linguistic features, processes, contents, and layout. The experts checked whether the dimensions were found in the new materials. The result of the


questionnaires shows that the new English reading materiala are relevant to the students of software engineering.

5.2 Suggestion

In line with the above conclusion, some points could be recommended and suggested such as:

1) The development of reading materials for English Specific Purposes should consider and concern to the students’ and stakeholders’ need, students’ backgrounds, and the objective of the subject learned

2) To achieve the effective teaching learning process especially in the teaching of ESP, need analysis of the students are absolutely needed

3) It is suggested that the English teachers should taught the English reading materials that the contents are related to the students’ field. The contents of reading materials for students of accounting should be related to software engineering.

4) To enable the process of teaching and learning process runs effectively, actively and participatorily, the learning materials should be designed in a such way such as problem based learning, authentic materials, problem solving and research based learning

5) Due to English is not the students’ major, the learning materials should implement simple linguistics pattern either in terms of structures, vocabulary choices, or terminologies



Barrows, H. S. and Tamblyn, R. M. “Problem-Based Learning: An Approach to

Medical Education”. New York: Springer (1980).

Barrows, H. (2002). Is it truly possible to have such a thing as dPBL? Distance Education

Bogdan, R.C & Biklen, S.K 1982. Qualitative Research for Education (An Introduction to Theory and Methods). Allyn and Bacon Boston: Schuster Boud, D.and Feletti, G. 1997. The Challenge of Problem-based Learning.

London: Kogan Page.Carter, D. (1983) Some Proposition about ESP, The ESP Journal, 2, 131-137

Brown, Douglas H. 2004. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practice. New York: Person Education, Inc

Cumming, Joy J. and Maxwell, Graham S. (2004). Assessment in education : principles, policy and practice. Griffith University, Queensland, Australia.

Depdiknas. (2005). Peraturan pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 19 tahun 2005 tentang standar nasional pendidikan. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan / BSNP. Jakarta.

Depdiknas. (2007). Model penilaian kelas, kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan SMK. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan/BSNP. Jakarta.

Carey, S (1985). Are children fundamentally different kinds of thinkers and learners from adults? In S.F Chipman, J.W Segal & R. Glaser (eds.), Thinking and Learning Skills, 2. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 485-517. Reprinted by Open University Press: Open University Readings in Cognitive Development

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