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A Thesis


Arranged and proposed by:

Reg. No.: 04501:0133
English Applied Linguistics Study Program
State University of Medan

This Thesis was examined on February 19th 2009 by the ·Board of Examiners

Approved by

Adviser I


Adviser II

The Director of the

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Prof."Dr. Belferik Manullang

NIP. 130 518 7'78



This Thesis was examined on February 19th 2009 by the Board of Examiners.


Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombin&- M.Pd

Prof. D.P. Tampubolon, Ph.D

Prof. Tina Mariany Arifin, M.A., Ph.

Dr. Busmin Gurnin&- M.Pd


I certify that I have read this thesis and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequate in scope
and quality as a Thesis for the Degree of Magister Hwnaniora.

First Adviser

I certify that I have read this thesis and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequate in scope
and qual ity as a Thesis for the Degree of Magister Humaniora.

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd
Second Adviser


This study is concerned with Genre in Tests of UN and SPMB. It is
submitted to the Post Graduate School of State University of Medan in Partial
Fulfillment of the Final Academic Requirements to obtain the degree of
Magister Humaniora from the English Applied Linguistics.
First of all, the writer would like to thank Allah SWT for it is
impossible for her to complete this thesis without His Guidance and Blessings.
The writer also would like to express her sincere gratitude to Prof. Amrin
Saragih, M.A., Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd. as her first and








encouragement, and criticisms to broaden her perception and knowledge on the
She is also indebted to Prof. D. P. Tampubolon, Ph.D., Prof. Tina
Mariany Arifm, M.A., Ph.D., and Dr. Busmin Guming, M. Pd. as her reviewers
and examiners for their constructive comments and suggestions for this research.
Her great gratitude is also due to Prof. Tina Mariany Arifm, M.A., Ph.D. and
Mahmud Layan Hutasuhut, S.Pd., M.Hum., Head and Secretary to the English
Applied Linguistic Study Program for their suggestions and administrative
assistance during her study and in conducting this research. Also deep gratitude

to all the lecturers who advised and guided her throughout her academic years at
the Post Graduate School of State University ofMedan.


Her gratitude is also dedicated to her beloved parents (late Drs Irwan
Purba and Hj. Surati, Am.Pd.), brother (M. Darwan Purba, SE.), sisters (Evi
Irawaty Purba, Am.D. and T. Afifah Am.D.), and especially for Yudistira
A vandi S.Pd. who gave her support and motivation in fmishing this thesis.

Medan, February 2009
Ummi Novayanti Purba





The Background of the Study
Human beings use language in their lives for many purposes. In order

to achieve the purposes, the use of language is adjusted to the context in which it
is being used. The context of language used will influence the appropriate
language choice (Butt., et all, 1995: 10).
The use of a language is normally associated with the language form
which means that the purpose is realized through the form of the language use.
For example, the language used by ministers in a talk show on television is
different from the language used by clowns. The aim of interviewing the
ministers is to inform something to the audience while the clowns use language
to entertain the audience. Another example is in party campaign. The language
used by the party has the purpose to persuade people to support the party. Thus,
the language user will adjust the language form to its context in which the
language is being used.
Analogously to the spoken language previously described, different
written language form has different purposes. The result of the function and the
purpose in written language are determinative to the form of the language. This

concept, according to Eggins, (1994:26) is called as a genre.
Genre has been included in some tests of English test, such as in the
State Examination (Uj ian Nasional: UN) and the State University Entrance Test
(Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru: SPMB). Four years ago, in 2004, reading

texts were found both in UN and in SPMB. Beside reading text, structure and
listening are also included in that test. But beginning in 2005 until now, the test
only concerns in listening and reading comprehension (in UN) while in SPMB
the test concerns mostly in reading comprehension.
Nowadays, the Senior High School's Curriculum has been concentrated
on the use of genre. According to the 2007/2008 The Competency Standard for
Senior High School (Depdiknas, 2007:2) students are to be able to comprehend
short functional text, dialogue and monologue text in form of narrative, recount,
news item, descriptive, report, exposition, explanation and discussion. They are
not hoped to write a text in a certain genre (except in their practice test), but they
are expected to be able to comprehend some sort of texts and answer some
questions related to the text. However, it is important for the students to master
genres, besides language proficiency, because they will be able to understand a
reading text by mastering them.

This implies that English teaching is oriented to the mastery of
semantic element rather than structural one. This emphasis has a consequence on
the selection of new university student. The State University Entrance Test is
obviously should be related to the teaching of English at the Senior High School
level. It is of relevance and beneficial implication if the final test of the Senior



High School, which is called the State Examination (Ujian Nasional: UN), is
compared with The State University Entrance Test (Seleksi Penerimaan


Mahasiswa Baru: SPMB).


Based on the background of the study, it is obvious that genres are very

i ..





important in reading. A certain genre has certain stages (schematic structure) as

a process to make certain purpose in a text. Despite the fact that Senior High
School students are taught reading such as how to understand or comprehend a
text, they still find difficulties when they are asked to answer some questions
based on a text.
This study is attempted to analyze the reading text found in UN and
SPMB that is connected with the theory of genre and the schematic structures of
each genre in the reading text and also what linguistic realizations occur in the
reading text. It is also attempted to compare both of the tests •. It addresses to UN
and SPMB because in this level of test will prove the achievement of Senior
High School students in understanding genres and English in common. Based on
the reasons, so this thesis will study deeply about "Genre in tests of UN and


The Research Problems
The problems in this study are formulated as the following:

What types of genres are administered in the UN and SPMB in the
last three years?


What is the dominant type of genre used in the UN and SPMB?


How are the Genre's occurrences in the UN and SPMB?



The Objectives of the Study
In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study are:

to describe types of genre in the UN and SPMB


to find the dominant genre used at the testing, and


to describe how the genre's occurrences in the i..JN and SPMB



The Scope of the Study
Reading is conducted by many purposes and by readers with different

background. Among those purposes, reading is used in learning English. English
is a foreign language in Indonesia, but it plays an important role in today's time.
Therefore, it is a challenge for today's young generation to be able to master
English, especially reading.
The study is limited only the reading text mentioned in the Senior High
School's curriculum. Not all texts are discussed in this study, there are 8 (eight)
kinds oftexts out of 12 (twelve) academic writings. They are narrative, recount,
news item, descriptive, report, exposition, explanation and discussion.


The Significance ofthe Study
The findings of the present study are expected to be useful for

English teachers, as a contribution to plan a better teaching learning
program in 'reading' so that teachers can guide the students to identify
and comprehend the schematic structures of certain genres.


English learners, as a reference to improve their ability and skill in
facing the reading text and in tum that they are able to answer the
questions about genres available in UN and SPMB.


the linguists and those who are learning English, as an input for the
linguistic development that the teaching should be more oriented to the
semantic rather than structural elements.



The objectives of this study are to describe types of genres

administered in the UN and SPMB, and to fmd which genre is dominantly used
at the testing. In addition the study attempted to describe the occurrences of
genres in the UN and SPMB. In order to gain the obj ectives, the data collected
for this study were twenty texts from UN and seven texts from SPMB.
There are ten types of genres found in UN, they are News Item, Report,

Exposition (Analytical and Hortatory Exposition), Explanation, Recount,
Narrative, Description, Review, Discussion, and Procedure. While in SPMB,
there are only three types of genres, i.e. Exposition (Analytical Exposition),

News Item, and Discussion.
News Item is the dominant types of genre found in UN. There are four

news item texts out of 20 texts in UN, the percentage is 20 %. In SPMB,
Analytical Exposition is the dominant types of genre. There are frve analytical

exposition texts from seven texts in SPMB and its percentage is 7/, 4 %.
In the UN, News Item and Exposition text are found every year. The
occurrence of news item the UN in the last three years is four and Exposition is
three. Explanation also has the same total number with exposition, but in the UN
year 2006/2007, explanation text is not included in the testing. The occurrence


of Narrative and Description text is the same. In the UN year 2005/2006, and
year 2006/2007 these texts are found one each. While Report, Recount, Review,
Discussion, and Procedure text are found one each. It means that they have low
frequency in the UN.
In the SPMB, Exposition text is mostly found but not every year. In the

SPMB year 2006/2007 this text is not included. The occurrence of news item
and Discussion are found one each. So, it can be concluded that Exposition text
has high frequency in the test.


Genres, for sure, becomes very important for students to be mastered,

therefore, it is suggested that:

the teaching of English Language should be oriented more to the
mastery of semantic element (reading comprehension) rather than
structural one (grammar), since the material of reading connected to the
types of genres.


the types of genres should be taught to Senior High School's students
from the first level until the third level by which they will have no
difficulty when they are asked to answer questions based on the text,


the schematic structures as the stages in a certain type of genres are also
taught to the students. They should be taught and trained how to draw
out the schematic structure from certain genre. Such as in News Item,
the schematic structures must be Newsworthy Event" Background

Event" Sources. It is hoped that they will be able to recognize a text in a
certain genre by identify the right schematic structures,

the students should be asked to do a lot of practices by asking them to
analyze a text and also asking them to write it,


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