An Analysis Of Transitivity Process And Schematic Structure Of News Genre In “Time” Online Magazine












Supervisor, Co-Supervisor,

Prof. Dra., Tengku Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D Dr. Dra., Nurlela, M.Hum NIP. 1954091980032003 NIP.195904191981022001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English.




Approved by the English Department of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as a thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination

Head, Secretary,

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A.,Ph.D


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara on 17th April 2014.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

NIP. 195110131976031001

Board of Examiners


2. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D ... 3. Prof. Dra., Tengku Silvana Sinar, M.A., Ph.D ... 4. Dr. Drs. Syahron Lubis, M.A. ...



All praise and thankfulness to Jesus Christ for the abundance of His timeless blessings, particularly at the moment I wrote this thesis. I believe that I could not have this done without His will.

I would like to express a very special gratitude and high appreciation to my Supervisor, Prof. Dra. T. Silvana Sinar, M.A. Ph.D., and my Co-Supervisor Dr. Dra., Nurlela, M.Hum for their willingness and assistances to spend much time to guide me in writing and completing this thesis.

I also would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Univeristy of Sumatera Utara Secretary of English Department, Mr. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A.,Ph.D and to all lecturers of English Department for everything they already taught me during my academic years.

A deep appreciation to Bang Am for his unforgettable faithful services to English Department. Thank you for helping us through many burdensome troubles. May God give you a very good seat in heaven.

A huge gratitude for my families who give their endless love and undying support. To my wise father, Ganda Sidabutar and my genius mother, Sangkot Erni Malini Simorangkir, thank you for helping me through the hard time. To my gentle brother, Henry Josua Sidabutar and my choosy sister, Hildanti Lusiana Sidabutar, thank you for giving me ride and reminding me of important things. To all aunties


and granny of mine, thank you for helping me a lot. I am grateful for being a part of our great family.

Most of all, a heap of thanks to all friends of mine, Tami, Hetty, Laura (the neurotic goofballs I entrust my college years to), Cindy, Zega, Krista, Elsye, Apri, Wina, Eka (the brave grown-ups, I don’t even know why I call you so), Deny, Petrus, Yudi, Boy, Dicky (the perky men whom I enjoy being with), Yossi, Septi and Anok, every person in our class 2010 B; thank you for sharing great moments in those wonderful years. It is a huge honour being thrown to those laughable memes. I can imagine myself without all of you would be a lonesome road. I thank God for introducing all of you to me.

I may forget to mention some names, but I thank every one for helping and supporting me; for every clarity that people brought to me in the crucial moment; every noble deed I received from those whom I forgot. Those days are gone. I thank you.

Medan, April 2014 The Writer,




I, HANNY ESTER SIDABUTAR, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis except where reference is made in the text of this thesis. This thesis contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgements in the main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :




Title of Thesis : An Analysis of Transitivity Process and Schematic Structure of News

Genre in “Time” Online Magazine Qualification : S-1 / Sarjana Sastra

Department : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :



This thesis entitled “An Analysis of Transitivity Process and Schematic Structure of News Genre in “Time” Online Magazine” contains of a study of transitivity process and schematic structure of news genre in six political articles in the online website of Time magazine.

The analysis of transitivity process in this study uses Systemic Functional Theory by M.A.K Halliday to identify transitivity process which is divided by Halliday into 6 processes, namely material process, mental process, verbal process, relational process, existential and behavioural process. The schematic structure analysis in this study uses model of genre by J.R Martin who divides the structure of news genre into Newsworthy Event, Background Event, and Source.

From the analysis, it is found that the material process appears 48 times, mental process appears 11 times, relational process appears 15 times, verbal process appears 20 times, existential process appears 5 times and behavioural appears 2 times. From the schematic structure analysis, it is found that Newsworthy Events appear 6 times, Background Events appear 17 times, and Sources appear 10 times.



Skripsi ini berjudul “An Analysis of Transitivity Process and Schematic Structure of News Genre in “Time” Online Magazine” berisi kajian tentang proses transitivitas dan struktur skematika genre berita (news genre) yang terdapat pada enam artikel politik yang terdapat di situs online majalah Time.

Analisis proses transitivitas di dalam skripsi ini menggunakan teori Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional oleh M.A.K Halliday untuk mengidentifikasi proses transitivitas yang dibagi Halliday menjadi 6 bagian, yaitu proses material, proses mental, proses verbal, proses relasi, proses eksistensi dan proses tingkah laku. Analisis struktur skematis di dalam skripsi ini menggunakan model genre oleh J.R Martin yang membagi struktur genre berita menjadi Newsworthy Event, Background Event, dan Source.

Dari hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa proses material muncul sebanyak 48 kali, proses mental muncul sebanyak 11 kali, proses relasi muncul sebanyak 15 kali, proses verbal muncul 20 kali, proses eksistensi muncul 5 kali and proses tingkah laku muncul 2 kali. Dalam analisis struktur skematis ditemukan bahwa Newsworthy Events muncul sebanyak 6 kali, Background Events muncul sebanyak 17 kali, dan Sources muncul sebanyak 10 kali.









CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problem of the Study ... 4

1.3 Objective of the Study ... 4

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 4

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1. An Overview of Halliday’s Systemic Functional Theory ... 6

2.1.1 Metafunction of Language ... 7 The Ideational Function ... 7 The Interpersonal Function ... 8 The Textual Function ... 8

2.1.2 Transitivity System ... 8 Process and Participant ... 9

a. Material Processes ... 10

b. Behavioural processes ... 11


d. Verbal processes ... 13

e. Relational processes ... 14

f. Existential processes ... 15 Circumstances ... 17

2.2 Model of Genre by J. R. Martin ... 18

2.2.1 Schematic structures of text ... 19

2.2.2 Purpose or goal of text ... 19

2.2.3 News Genre ... 20 The Schematic Structure of News Genre ... 21

a. Newsworthy Events ... 21

b. Background Events ... 21

c. Sources ... 21

2.4 Relevant Studies ... 22

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Method ... 24

3.2 Data and Source of Data ... 24

3.3 Data Collecting Method ... 25

3.4 Data Analysis Method ... 26


4.1.1 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Senate Renews Ban on Plastic Guns, Rejects Expanded Restrictions” ... 29

4.1.2 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “White House Touting Mental Health Funding After Sandy Hook School Shooting” ... 32


4.1.3 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Pivotal Senator Backs Out of Iran Sanctions Push” ... 36 4.1.4 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Senator Will Fast To Support Immigration Reform” ... 39 4.1.5 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Women in Federal

Workforce Face More Obstacles Than Men” ... 43 4.1.6 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Newtown Anniversary Comes One Painful Day Early For Obama” ... 47 4.2 Findings of Transitivity Process’ Analysis ... 60 4.3 Analysis of Schematic Structure ... 60 4.3.1 Analysis of Schematic Structure in “Senate Renews Ban on Plastic Guns, Rejects Expanded Restrictions” ... 61 4.3.2 Analysis of Schematic Structure in “White House Touting Mental Health Funding After Sandy Hook School Shooting” ... 62 4.3.3 Analysis of Schematic Structure in “Pivotal Senator Backs Out of Iran Sanctions Push” ... 63 4.3.4 Analysis of Schematic Structure in “Senator Will Fast To Support Immigration Reform” ... 63 4.3.5 Analysis of Schematic Structure in “Women in Federal

Workforce Face More Obstacles Than Men” ... 65 4.3.6 Analysis of Schematic Structure in “Newtown Anniversary Comes One Painful Day Early For Obama” ... 66 4.4 Findings of Schematic Structure’s Analysis ... 68


5.1 Conclusion ... 71 5.2 Suggestion ... 73




page Table 1 : The Distribution of Transitivity Process in 60 Six Political Articles of “Time” Online Magazine

Table 2 : The Distribution of Transitivity Process in 69 Six Political Articles of “Time” Online Magazine

Table 3 : The Relationships between Transitivity Processes 69 with Schematic Structures in Six Political Articles of



This thesis entitled “An Analysis of Transitivity Process and Schematic Structure of News Genre in “Time” Online Magazine” contains of a study of transitivity process and schematic structure of news genre in six political articles in the online website of Time magazine.

The analysis of transitivity process in this study uses Systemic Functional Theory by M.A.K Halliday to identify transitivity process which is divided by Halliday into 6 processes, namely material process, mental process, verbal process, relational process, existential and behavioural process. The schematic structure analysis in this study uses model of genre by J.R Martin who divides the structure of news genre into Newsworthy Event, Background Event, and Source.

From the analysis, it is found that the material process appears 48 times, mental process appears 11 times, relational process appears 15 times, verbal process appears 20 times, existential process appears 5 times and behavioural appears 2 times. From the schematic structure analysis, it is found that Newsworthy Events appear 6 times, Background Events appear 17 times, and Sources appear 10 times.



Skripsi ini berjudul “An Analysis of Transitivity Process and Schematic Structure of News Genre in “Time” Online Magazine” berisi kajian tentang proses transitivitas dan struktur skematika genre berita (news genre) yang terdapat pada enam artikel politik yang terdapat di situs online majalah Time.

Analisis proses transitivitas di dalam skripsi ini menggunakan teori Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional oleh M.A.K Halliday untuk mengidentifikasi proses transitivitas yang dibagi Halliday menjadi 6 bagian, yaitu proses material, proses mental, proses verbal, proses relasi, proses eksistensi dan proses tingkah laku. Analisis struktur skematis di dalam skripsi ini menggunakan model genre oleh J.R Martin yang membagi struktur genre berita menjadi Newsworthy Event, Background Event, dan Source.

Dari hasil analisis ditemukan bahwa proses material muncul sebanyak 48 kali, proses mental muncul sebanyak 11 kali, proses relasi muncul sebanyak 15 kali, proses verbal muncul 20 kali, proses eksistensi muncul 5 kali and proses tingkah laku muncul 2 kali. Dalam analisis struktur skematis ditemukan bahwa Newsworthy Events muncul sebanyak 6 kali, Background Events muncul sebanyak 17 kali, dan Sources muncul sebanyak 10 kali.



1.1. Background of the Study

When people write or speak in a language, they deliver meaning so that people who read their writing or people whom they talk to can understand them. Therefore, we can consider that language is used to make meaning. Showing how language is related to its use and how meanings are built up through the use of words are the main concerns of functional linguistic. It indicates that there are three important elements as the main object of the systemic functional theory: language, meaning and grammar.

With language, functional diversification is modeled through metafunctions - ideational, interpersonal and textual. Ideational function is concerned with representation. Ideational function is divided into experiental and logical function. Interpersonal function is concerned with interaction, and textual function is concerned with information flow (Martin & Christie : 2000, 13). These metafunctions have a systemic relationship with the lexicogrammar of the language.

Each function is realized by different system. Textual function is realized through theme system. Interpersonal function is realized through the system of mood. Ideational function is realized through transitivity. There are three important elements in transitivity system. They are : circumstances, processes and participants. Circumstances represent time, place, manner, cause, accompaniment, matter and role. Participants attend the circumstances and do the process. Process can be


regarded as various actions. There are indeed six different process types identified by Halliday: material, mental, relational, behavioural, verbal and existential.

The relationship between language metafunctions and lexicogrammar shows that meaning and grammar have a connection in arranging texts. There are many types of text that people know. Some of them are recount, report, analytical exposition, narrative, procedure, anecdote, description, explanation, discussion, news and many more.

These various types of text are called genre. Moreover, the term ‘genre’ refers to different types of texts that enact various types of social contexts. Gerot & Wignell said that genre is defined as a culturally specific text-type which results from using language (written or spoken) to (help) accomplish something (2001 : 17). Texts of all types have three particular things which have associated with genre :

a. Purposes or goals of the text b. Schematic structures of the text

c. Lexicogrammatical choices of the text

One of many existing genres which interests the writer is news genre. According to Gerot and Wignell (2001 : 200), news genre is a type of text which function is to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important. The reason why the writer chooses news genre to analyze is due to the need of information as human being. News provides us important information about what is going on, why, when, how and who gets involved. News also can influence, persuade and entertain people.


Generally, news genre exists in articles of newspaper and magazine. In this study, the writer chooses Time online magazine’s political articles as the source of data. The online edition is chosen because it is more actual, more up to date, easier to access, and cheaper than the printed edition. In this online edition, there are many articles with various topics. There are US News, politics, world news, business, technology, health, science and entertainment. The reason why the writer chooses political articles is due to challenging issue of political news. Politics is a topic that many people around the world are fond of, since it portrays human problems in the real life situation. Politics also can provoke people with its news. Political news encourages people to view things from different perspectives so that we can be more critical.

In this study, the writer chooses to analyze the transitivity process and the schematic structure in six political articles of Time online magazine. The reason why the writer chooses to analyze the schematic structure of news genre is due to the particular stages that genre should have to achieve its goal. It is important to know what stages a text should pass through to get its goal so that we can learn how to arrange a good news text. The transitivity process is chosen to analyze due to the important role of grammar to build up a text. Through the choice of verbal groups, we can understand the events in the news.

The underlying theory which is applied in the analysis of transitivity process is called the systemic functional theory by M.A.K. Halliday and the analysis of news genre’s schematic structure applies J.R Martin’s model of genre which is developed by Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell.


1.2. Problem of the Study

From the preciding background, there are two problems which are focusing in this study. The problems are as follows :

1. What kind of transitivity process occur in Time online magazine’s six political articles?

2. What schematic structures of news genre occur in Time online magazine’s six political articles?

1.3. Objective of the Study

In regards to the problems of the study, the objectives of this study are :

1. To find out and identify types of transitivity process which occur in Time online magazine’s six political articles by referring to systemic-functional theory by M.A.K Halliday.

2. To find out and analyze the schematic structures of news genre which occur in Time online magazine’s six political articles by referring to genre model by J.R Martin which developed by Linda Gerot and Peter Wignell.

1.4.Scope of the Study

With regards to the problems and objectives of the study, the writer has to limit the scope of the study. Therefore, the writer focuses on the analysis of the schematic structure and transitivity process of news genre which exist in six selected political articles. Those articles were taken from six different days of Time online magazine’s publications. The first political article is entitled “Senate Renews Ban on Plastic Guns, Rejects Expanded Restrictions” published on December 09, 2013. The


second political article is entitled “White House Touting Mental Health Funding After Sandy Hook School Shooting” published on December 10, 2013. The third article is entitled “Pivotal Senator Backs Out of Iran Sanctions Push” published on December 11, 2013. The fourth article is entitled “Senator Will Fast To Support Immigration Reform” published on December 12, 2013. The fifth article is entitled “Women in Federal Workforce Face More Obstacles Than Men” published on December 13, 2013. The sixth article is entitled “Newtown Anniversary Comes One Painful Day Early For Obama” published on December 14, 2013.

1.5.Significance of the Study

Theoritically, this study is expected to enrich more studies which discuss the discourse analysis study in terms of transitivity and genre analysis.

Practically, this study may also be used as a reference to scholars who are studying discourse analysis, especially in method of analysis of the schematic structure and transitivity process of news genre.




This study is based on the analysis of Systemic Functional Theory of M.A.K. Halliday and model of genre by J.R Martin. Therefore, it is necessary to explain the framework of those theories in this chapter.

2.1 An Overview of Halliday’s Systemic Functional Theory

The most influential systemic functional theory is M.A.K. Halliday’s which was first introduced in his book, An Introduction to Functional Grammar, in 1985. This theory has been developed through the works of Halliday and his associates. Systemic functional linguistics is increasingly recognized as a very useful descriptive and interpretive framework for viewing language as a strategic, meaning-making resource (Enggins, 2004 : 2). Therefore, we may have a notion that systemic functional theory views language as a meaning-making resource. This might be related to Halliday’s view of language.

According to Halliday & Matthiessen (2004 : 10), grammar as system, enabling us to show the grammar as a meaning-making resource and to describe grammatical categories by reference to what they mean. This perspective is essential if the analysis of grammar is to be an insightful mode of entry to the study of discourse.

For Halliday, language is a ‘system of meanings’. That is to say that, when people use language, their language acts are the expression of meaning. From this


point of view the grammar becomes a study of how meanings are built up through the use of words. It indicates that the relations between language, meaning and grammar are the main object of the systemic functional theory.

The relations between language, meaning and grammar as the main object of systemic functional theory describe the actual use of language, texts and their contexts. In addition to the texs and contexts, the object of study focuses on the structures and how those structures construct meaning.

From those statements, we may have understanding that systemic funtional theory is used for analyzing and describing how language makes meaning through its choice of words and structures or grammar.

2.1.1 Metafunction of Language

Halliday & Matthiessen (2004 : 29) suggested that there are two basic functions of language : making sense of our experience, and acting out our social relationship. With language, functional diversification is modelled through metafunctions - ideational, interpersonal and textual. The term ‘metafunction’ was adopted to suggest that function was an integral component within the overall theory. Ideational linguistic resources are concerned with representation, interpersonal resources with interaction, and textual resources with information flow (Martin & Christie : 2000, 13). The Ideational Function

Halliday (1985) claims that the ideational meaning relates to the inner and outer worlds of reality; it is “language about something”. In other words, language provides a theory of human experience, and certain of the resources of the


lexicogrammar of every language are dedicated to that function. The ideational function is distinguished into two components, the experiential and the logical. The experiential or representational function of language (clause) is realized by the

transitivity system of language (clause). The Interpersonal Function

If the ideational function of the grammar is ‘language as reflection’, the interpersonal meaning is ‘language as action’. The interpersonal meaning is an interpretation of language in its function as an exchange. It is concerned with language as action. The interpersonal meaning of language in its function as an exchange is realised by the mood system. The mood system is represented by the mood structure of clause, which comprises two major elements: (1) mood, and (2) residue (Halliday, 1985). The Textual Function

The textual meaning of language is an interpretation of language in its function as a message, which is a text-forming function of language. The textual meaning of language is realised by the theme system of language. The theme system of the clause is represented by the thematic structure of the clause, which comprises two major elements: (1) theme, and (2) rheme (Halliday, 1985).

2.1.2 Transitivity System

As it was explained before, transitivity system belongs to the experiential metafunction. Transitivity is a system in which clauses are organized to represent reality in language. Through the system of transitivity, we shall be exploring the


clause in its who=does=what-to-whom, who/what=is-what/who, when, where, why, or how function (Gerot & Wignell, 2001: 52).

In analysing transitivity system in a clause, it is necessary to describe three aspects of the clause: First, the selection of process. The process choice will be realized in the verbal group of the clause: Last year Diana gave blood. Second, the selection of participants. Participants will be realized in the nominal groups: Last year Diana gave blood. Third, the selection of circumstances. Circumstantial meanings are expressed through adverbial groups or prepositional phrases: Last year Diana gave blood (Enggins, 2004: 214). Process and Participant

The transitivity system construes the world of experience into a manageable set of process types (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004 : 170). Processes are different kinds of goings on, which necessarily involve different kinds of participants in varying circumstances. Processes are realised by verbs, but some verbs do not show an action but rather express states of being or having. Halliday identifies there are six different types of Process.

Material Doing Bodily, physically,


Behavioural Behaving Physiologically and


Mental Sensing Emotionally, intellectually, sensorily

Verbal Saying Lingually, signalling

Relational Being Equal to, or some attribute of


These are the examples of transitivity process which esist in clauses :

Process type Example (Process + participants underlined; Process in bold; circumstances in italics)

Material During the European scramble for Africa, Nigeria fell


to the British.

the British ruled it until 1960 Behavioural people are laughing

Mental The Ibos did not approve of kings.

Verbal so we say→that every fourth African is a Nigerian

Can you tell us about the political and cultural make-up of Nigeria?

Relational that every fourth African is a Nigerian. Existential so today there’s Christianity in the south (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004 : 171)

a. Material Processes

The actions are usually concrete and tangible. Material process are process of doing & happening (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004 : 179). They express the idea that some entity physically does something-which may be done to some other entity.

Clauses with a material process is obligatorily to have a doing (process) and a doer (participant). The entity who or which does something is the actor. There optionally is an entity to which the Process is extended or directed. This entity which may be done is the goal.

The exhausted bushwalker dropped his pack Participant :


Process : Material

Participant: Goal

There are two varieties of Material Processes: creative and dispositive. In the creative type, the goal is brought about by the process.


Handel wrote the Messiah

Actor Material Goal

In the dispositive type, we have doings and happenings.

Kerr dismissed Whitlam

Actor Material Goal

The gun discharged

Actor Material

Material processes ‘take’ both the active voice (as above) and the passive.

Whitlam was dismissed by Kerr

Goal Material Actor

The gun was discharged

Goal Material

b. Behavioural processes

These are processes of (typically human) physiological and psychological behaviour, like breathing, coughing, smiling, dreaming and staring (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004 : 248). In this process, there is one obligatory participant: the behaver. The behaver is a conscious being. But the process is one of doing, not sensing, such as:

She lives in a beautiful old house


He listens carefully

Behaver Behavioural Circumstance : manner

Behaviourals can contain a second participant that is called the behaviour.

He smiled a big smile.

Behaver Behavioural Behaviour

c. Mental processes

While material clauses are concerned with our experience of the material world, mental clauses are concerned with our experience of the world of our own consciousness (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004 : 197). Mental processes are processes of sensing (feeling, thinking, perceiving). There are three types of mental processes : affective or reactive (feeling), cognitive (thinking), and perceptive (perceiving through the five senses). The participants in mental processes are called senser and phenomenon. The phenomenon is that which is sensed: felt, thought or seen.

That microwave doesn’t like you Participant:


Process: Mental

Participant: Phenomenon

There are clauses with senser or phenomenon only, such as:

Mark understood

Senser Mental : Cognitive

Loneliness hurts


The clause may also contain both Senser and Phenomenon, such as:

Mark likes new clothes

Senser Mental : Affect Phenomenon

d. Verbal processes

Verbal processes are processes of saying, or more accurately, of symbolically signalling. The process of a ‘verbal’ clause is realized by a verbal group where the lexical verb is one of saying (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004 : 254). There are three other Participants that may be incumbent upon Verbal Processes: Receiver is the one to whom the verbalisation is addressed, Target is the one acted upon verbally (insulted, complimented, etc), and Range/Verbiage is a name for the verbalisation itself.

John told Jenny a rude joke

Sayer Verbal Receiver Verbiage

Keating slurred Howard


Examples of verbal processes are listed below.

TYPE Examples of verbs

activity Targeting praise, insult, abuse, slander, flatter, blame, criticize, chide

talking speak, talk

Semiosis (neutral


say, tell; go, be like

Indicating tell (sb that), report, announce, notify, explain, argue, convince (that), persuade

(sb that), promise (that)

ask (sb whether), question, enquire (whether)

Imperating tell (sb to do), ask (sb to do), order, command, require, promise, threaten, persuade

(sb to do), convince (sb to do), entreat, implore, beg

(Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004 : 255)

e. Relational processes

Relational processes involve states of being (including having). Relational clauses serve to characterize and to identify (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004 : 210).

They can be classified according to whether they are being used to identify something, quality to something. Processes which establish an identify are called Identifying Process and processes which assign a quality are called Attributive Processes. Each has its own characteristic participant roles. In Attributives there are Carrier and Attribute.

Barry Tuckwell is a fine horn player


In Identifying Processes the participant roles are token and value.

Barry Tuckwell may be the finest living horn player.

Token Identifying Value

Relational Processes can be further sub-classified according to whether they are: intensive, possessive or circumstantial.

Intensive Possessive Circumstantial

Circumstance as Attribute Circumstance as Process

Paul Keating is arrogant. Paul Keating has dark hair. The yolk is in the centre. Albumen surrounds the yolk.

Listed here are some of the more common Relational Process:

Atributive Identifying

Be become go

Get turn grow

Keep stay remain Look appear seem Smell taste feel Sound end up turn out Last weigh concern Cost has belong to Need require

be become equal

add up to play act as

call mean define

represent spell express form give constitute imply stand for symbolise realise indicate signify betoken take up span resemble occupy own include involve contain comprise provide cause

(Gerot & Wignell, 2001 : 71).

f. Existential processes

Existential process represents that something exists or happens. Existential clauses typically have the verb be. The entity or event which is being said to exist is labelled, simply, Existent. In principle, there can ‘exist’ any kind of phenomenon that can be construed as a ‘thing’: person, object, institution, abstraction; but also any


action or event, as in is there going to be a storm?, therewas another robbery in the

street (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004 : 258)

There’ s a unicorn in the garden.

Existential Existent Circumstance:place

“There” has no represential function; it is required because of the need for a Subject in English. Existential processes are expressed by verbs of existing: ‘be’, ‘exist’, ‘arise’ and the Existent can be a phenomenon of any kind.

There ensued a protracted legal battle

Existential Existent

Existential ‘there’ is not to be confused with Circumstantial ‘there’:

There ’s your book (right where you left it)

Attrib:Circ Attributive Carrier

There ’s even a book about great Australian dunnies Existential Existent Circumstance:matter

‘There’ ‘There’s your book’ tells where the book is. ‘There’ in ‘There’s even a book about great Australian dunnies’ is telling yout hat such a book exists.

Examples of verbs serving as Process in existential clauses

Type Verbs

Neutral Exist exist, remain

Happen arise; occur, come about,

happen, take place + circumstantial feature Time follow, ensue

Place sit, stand, lie; hang, rise, stretch, emerge, grow

Abstract erupt, flourish, prevail

(33) Circumstances

The circumstantial category answers such questions as when, where, why, how, how many and as what. They represent meaning about :

Time (temporal) : tells when and is probed by when? How often? How long? For example : He goes to church every Sunday.

Place (spatial) : tells where and is probed by where? How far? For example : He goes to church every Sunday.

Manner : tells how

-Means : tells by what means and is probed by what with?

For example : He goes by taxi.

-Quality : tells how and is probed by how?

For example : He loved her madly, deeply, truly!

-Comparison : tells like what and is probed by what like?

For example : He was jumping arounf like a monkey on a roof.

Cause : tells why

-Reason : tells what causes the Process and is probed by why? Or how?

For example : The sheeps died of thirst.

-Purpose : tells the purpose and is probed by what for?

For example : He went to the shop for cigarettes.

-Behalf : tells for whose sake and is probed by for whom?

For example : He went to the shop for his mother.

Accompaniment : tells with(out) who or what and is probed by who or what else?


Matter : tells about what or with reference to what and is probed by

what about?

For example : This book is talking about functional grammar.

Role : tells what as and is probed by as what? For example : He lived a quiet life as a beekeeper.

2.2 Model of Genre by J. R. Martin

In analysing the schematic structure of news genre, the writer uses model of genre by J. R. Martin. Genre commonly refers to various types of art and literary works. For example, in music, there are pop, rock, blues, jazz, etc. Those are the genres in music. From that example, we may have a notion that genre refers to different types in art. Genre in discourse analysis also refers to different type of texts. Genre represents the system of staged goal-oriented social processes through which social subjects in a given culture live their lives (Martin & Christie : 2000, 22). Social because we participate in genres with other people, goal-oriented because we use genres to get things done; staged because it usually takes us a few steps to reach our goals. In a brief sentence, I may take a notion that Martin defines genre as “types of texts which have various social goals or roles or functions and stages”.

Martin states that the number of recognizably distinct genres in any culture may be quite large, but not unmanageably so. In contemporary western culture we could name many spoken genres whose patterns of meaning are more less predictable, such as greeting cards, service encounters, casual conversations, arguments, telephone enquiries, instructions, lectures, debates, plays, jokes, games and so on; and within each of these general types, we could name many more


specific genres. (Martin & Rose, 2008 : 8). Furthermore, Gerot and Wignell (2001) gives more genres of written texts, they are spoof/recount, recounts, reports, analytical exposition, news item, anecdote, narrative, procedure, description,

hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion and reviews.

Genres are culture specific, and have associated with them are purpose or goal of the text, schematic structures of the text, lexicogrammatical choices of the text .

2.2.1 Schematic structures of text

The schematic structures of each genre are also different. The term schematic structure simply refers to the staged, step-by-step organization of the genre, or, in Martin’s terms:

Schematic structure represents the positive contribution genre makes to a text: a way of getting form A to B in the way a given culture accomplishes whatever the genre in question is functioning to do in that culture. (Martin 1985b : 251) in (Enggins 2004 : 59).

2.2.2 Purpose or goal of text

The social purpose is the goal that shows the function of the text. The social purpose of text is varied, depends on the genre of the text. For example,

Men think that they are dogs so they go to the psychiatrists. After a while the doctors say they are cured. The men meet friends on the streets. The friends ask them, ‘How fo you feel?’ ‘Fine’, the men say. ‘Just feel our noses.’

The original of this text is a type of Narrative. The purpose of texts of the genre is to relate an amusing or unusual experience in an entertaining way (Gerot & Wignell, 2001 : 18).


2.2.3 News Genre

Martin & Christie assumes that news genre as one of the most influential textual domains in contemporary society, that of mass-media news reporting. The texts of news genre known as 'hard news'. This hard news category includes reports which are primarily grounded in a material event such as an accident, natural disaster, riot or terrorist attack, and those grounded in a communicative event such as a speech, interview, report or press release (Martin & Christie, 2000 : 110).

Following Martin’s idea of news genre, Gerot & Wignell develop a simple explanation. They don’t use the term ‘hard news’ anymore to refer to the text of news genre but simply use the term news text. According to Gerot and Wignell (2001 : 200), news genre is a type of text which function is to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important. Generally, news genre exists in articles of newspaper and magazine. The articles of news are also varied from politics, world news, business, technology, health, science and entertainment.

Before getting into the schematic structure of news genre, it is important to explain the structure of news from journalism perspective. Every news story should have a clear and obvious structure. The most common structure for news stories is

the inverted-pyramid structure. In an inverted-pyramid news story, the lead, the “nut

graf”, and the main point of the story are all in the same sentence, and that sentence comes first (Kershner, 2005 : 60). The rest of the story in the inverted-pyramid structure simply adds supporting facts and details in descending order of importance.

(37) The Schematic Structure of News Genre

In news genre, the schematic structures are divided into three stages. They are newsworthy events, background events and sources.

a. Newsworthy Events

Newsworthy events recounts the event in summary form. This is like the summary of the news in few clauses.


Moscow A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.

b. Background Events

Background events elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances. In this structure, the events in the news are explained, what the event is, how it happens, why it happens, when it happens and who gets involved.


The accident, which occured 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the then Soviet Union.

c. Sources

Sources are comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities or expert on the event.


A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.


2.4 Relevant Studies

There are some books and theses which also discussed about transitivity process and schematic structure of genre that the writer uses as references. Those books and theses are reviewed as the following:

Halliday & Matthienssen (2004) identifies that there are six transitivity process. They are material, mental, relational, verbal, behavioural, and existential. This book helps the writer to identify six processes in six political articles of Time Online Magazine.

Martin, J.R. & Christie, Frances (2000) identifies that there are many genres. One of them is news genre which schematic structure consists of newsworthy event, background event and source. This book helps the writer to identify the schematic structure of news genre in six political articles of Time Online Magazine.

Gerot & Wignell (2001) develop simple understanding about functional grammar and genre. This book helps the writer to get knowledge about transitivity process as well as to identify the schematic structure of news genre in six articles of Time Online Magazine.

Harahap, UN (2012) compares the schematic structures of narrative genre in “Beauty and the Best” and recount genre in letter “Weekend at the Beach”. The result shows that the structure of narrative genre is Abstract, Orientation, Complication, Evaluation, Resolution and Coda while the structure of recount genre is Orientation, Events and Re-orientation. From this thesis, the writer may take a look at how Ummi Natsiroh classified structure of a genre.

Frismatiladanis (2009) analyzes type of process and finds out the schematic structures in narrative genre using systemic functional linguistics theory by Halliday. The result shows that the most prominent process is material process. This thesis also


finds that each story has the schematic structures: Abstract, Orientation, Complication, Evaluation, Resolution and Coda. But there are two stories which do not have “Evaluation”. From this thesis, the writer knows that a text does not always have complete schematic structure. This thesis is a reference to the writer to analyze transitivity process and schematic structures. Instead of narrative genre, the writer chooses news genre to analyze.

Indra (2005) analyzes the schematic structure and transitivity process in three short stories in Annida, A Moslem Magazine. Those short stories are The Words on the Ceiling, A Letter for Grandma, The Wise King using systemic functional theory. The result shows that not all of schematic structure of narrative genre and types of transitivity process exist in those short stories. This thesis helps the writer to analyze schematic structure and transitivity process. Instead of narrative genre in short stories, the writer choose news genre in political articles.

Lubis, DS (2009) analyzes six experiental functions occur in four selected articles of Reader’s Digest Magazine using systemic functional theory. The result shows that material function dominates other function, followed by relational, verbal, mental and existential function. This thesis helps the writer to identify transitivity process in verbal groups. Instead of random articles of Reader’s Digest Magazine, the writer focuses on political articles in Time Online Magazine.




3.1. Research Method

This thesis applies qualitative method. Qualitative method is characterized by observation and description in forms of words or sentences. Djajasudarma (2006:11) states that qualitative methodology is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral language in society. He also said that the collected data are not numbers, it can be words or descriptions of something (Djajasudarma, 2006 : 16).

The reason why the writer chooses this method is regarding to the data which will be analyzed. The writer considers the data are fulfilled the criteria to use qualitative method that the data are formed in group of words not numbers.

3.2 Data and Source of Data

The data for this study are taken from Time online magazine’s articles. The online edition is chosen because it is more actual, more up to date, easier to access, and cheaper than the printed edition. In this online edition, there are many articles with various topics. There are US News, politics, world news, business, technology, health, science and entertainment.

In this study, political articles are chosen because political news is intriguing to many people. There are six articles from six different days of publications which are used as the source of the data. The reason why those articles were chosen is


because at the publication time, those news were overwhelming and being top news of the world. The articles are chosen intentionally from six different days respectively to make the proportion of the data equal. Those articles are :

1. “Senate Renews Ban on Plastic Guns, Rejects Expanded Restrictions” published on December 09, 2013, written by Maya Rhodan.

2. “White House Touting Mental Health Funding After Sandy Hook School Shooting” published on December 10, 2013 written by Noah Rayman.

3. “Pivotal Senator Backs Out of Iran Sanctions Push” published on December 11, 2013 written by Dan Kedmey.

4. “Senator Will Fast To Support Immigration Reform” published on December 12, 2013 written by Alex Rogers.

5. “Women in Federal Workforce Face More Obstacles Than Men” published on December 13, 2013 written by Nate Rawlings.

6. “Newtown Anniversary Comes One Painful Day Early For Obama” published on December 14, 2013 written by Zeke J Miller.

The data which are used for the analysis of transitivity process are the clauses found in those political articles, while the data for the analysis of schematic structure are the whole text of those political articles.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

The selected political articles from Time online magazine are chosen intentionally from Monday, December 09, 2013 to Saturday, December 14, 2013. There are some steps that the writer did in collecting the data. First, the writer opened the website of Time online magazine. Second, the writer read and chose political


articles which were published from Monday to Saturday, started from December 09, 2013 to December 14, 2013. Last, the writer printed those six political articles. Those six political articles are chosen from six different days respectively to make the proportion of the data equal and fair.

3.4 Data Analysis Method

The writer analyzes the data using the qualitative method. The qualitative method is used to get the result of analysis in description form. There are three steps that will be done in analyzing the data : data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/ verification (Miles & Huberman, 1994 : 10).

The first step is reducing the data to analyze. The writer selected which data was necessary to analyze and which one was not. The second step is displaying the data. After reducing the data, the writer displayed the data in specific form whether it was tables, matrices, graphs, charts or networks. The last step is drawing a conclusion.

Regarding to this data analysis method, the writer makes several steps in conducting the analysis. They are:

1. Reading the selected political articles from Time online magazine as the object of the research.

2. Dividing the data into clauses and reducing the data which is unnecessary. 3. Identifying the verbal group that belong to the transitivity process.


5. Identifying the texts that belong to the schematic structures of news genre (newsworthy event, background event, source) in accord with the characteristic of each structure.

6. Drawing a conclusion based on the findings of the analysis.

For example :

Congress renewed an expiring ban on plastic firearms that can go undetected in metal detectors on Monday, though tougher restrictions on the guns did not pass. The Senate approved the 10-year extension, narrowly missing the midnight deadline.

We can divide them into five clauses :

1. In data 1 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal: the circumstance is Circumstance of Time.

Congress renewed an expiring ban on plastic firearms that can go undetected in metal detectors on Monday,

Congress renewed an expiring ban on plastic firearms that can go undetected in metal detectors

on Monday,

Actor Material Goal Circ: Time

2. In data 2 occurs Material Process; the participant is Actor; there is no circumstance.

tough tougher restrictions on the guns did not pass.

tough tougher restrictions on the guns did not pass.

Actor Material


3. In data 3 occurs Verbal and Material Process; the participants are Sayer and Verbiage; the circumstance is Circumstance of Manner (quality). The Senate approved the 10-year extension narrowly missing the midnight deadline.

The Senate

approved the 10-year extension

Narrowly missing the midnight deadline. Sayer Verbal Verbiage Circ: Manner



The schematic structure of the text is newsworthy event because it summarizes events of the news in few clauses.





In this chapter, six political articles from “Time” online magazine are analyzed by applying the theory of transitivity. The analysis of transitivity process consists of material, mental, relational, behavioural, verbal and existential that are found in the six selected texts.

In addition, the analysis of the schematic structures of news genre consist of newsworthy event, background event and source.

The analyses are as follows:

4.1.1 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Senate Renews Ban on Plastic Guns, Rejects Expanded Restrictions”

1. In data 1 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal: the circumstance is Circumstance of Time.

Congress renewed an expiring ban on plastic firearms that can go undetected in metal detectors on Monday,


Congress renewed an expiring ban on plastic firearms that can go undetected in metal detectors

on Monday,

Actor Material Goal Circ: Time

2. In data 2 occurs Material Process; the participant is Actor; there is no circumstance.

though tougher restrictions on the guns did not pass.

though tougher restrictions on the guns did not pass.

Actor Material

3. In data 3 occurs Verbal and Material Process; the participants are Sayer and Verbiage; the circumstance is Circumstance of Manner (quality). The Senate approved the 10-year extension narrowly missing the midnight deadline.

The Senate

approved the 10-year extension

narrowly missing the midnight deadline Sayer Verbal Verbiage Circ: Manner



4. In Data 4 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the Circumstances are Circumstance of Time and Cause.

Last week the House passed the measure, which is now headed to the President to be signed into law.

Last week the House

passed the measure which is now headed to the President

to be signed into law.

Circ: Time Actor Material Goal Circ: Cause (purpose)


5. In Data 5 occurs Relational: Attributive Process; the participants are Carrier and Attribute; there is no circumstance.

The bill that passed the Senate on Monday is less stringent than the one proposed by Senator Chuck Schumer, who pushed for a ban on detachable metal parts which can be removed to pass through security screenings

The bill that passed the Senate on Monday

is less stringent than the one proposed by Senator Chuck Schumer who pushed for a ban on detachable metal parts which can be removed to pass through security screenings

Carrier Relational:



6. In Data 6 occurs Relational: Identifying Process; the participants are Token and Value; the circumstances are Circumstance of Time and Place.

The rejection of Schumer’s push by Republican lawmakers marks yet another setback for stricter gun legislation since the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

The rejection of Schumer’s push by Republican lawmakers

marks yet another setback for stricter gun legislation since the Dec. 14 massacre

at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

Token Relational: Identifying


4.1.2 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “White House Touting Mental Health Funding After Sandy Hook School Shooting”

1. In Data 1 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer; the circumstance is Circumstance of Time.

Vice President Joe Biden will announce Tuesday

Vice President Joe Biden will announce Tuesday

Sayer Verbal Circ: Time

2. In Data 2 occurs Verbal Process; the participants are Sayer and Verbiage; the circumstance is Circumstance of Cause (purpose).

that the Obama administration is promising $100 million

that the Obama


is promising

$100 million

to improve mental health services as part of its response to the deadly school shooting in Connecticut almost one year ago

Sayer Verbal Verbiage Circ: Cause (Purpose)

3. In Data 3 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer. a White House official said.

a White House official said.


4. In Data 4 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer; the circumstances are Circumstance of Accompaniment and Cause (purpose).

The White House, with Biden at the forefront, has pledged to find ways to stop mass shootings,

The White House,

with Biden at the forefront,

has pledged to find ways to stop mass shootings,

Sayer Circ:


Verbal Circ: Cause (purpose)

5. In Data 5 occurs Mental Process; the participants are Sayer and Verbiage; the circumstance is Circumstance of Cause (purpose).

but it failed to push any new gun control legislation through Congress, even after the massacre of 26 people, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., late last year.

but it failed to push

any new gun control legislation through Congress even after the massacre of 26 people, including 20 children,

at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., late last year.

Senser Mental Circ: Cause (purpose) Circ: Cause (reason) Circ: Place Circ: Time

6. In Data 6 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Role.

A Biden-led task force identified mental illness as another focus in the effort to stem shootings,


A Biden-led task force

identified mental illness as another focus in the effort to stem shootings,

Actor Material Goal Circ: Role

7. In Data 7 occurs Material Process, the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstances are Circumstance of Role and Manner.

and the White House has already set it as a priority, including by enforcing a 2008 law that requires insurers to treat mental health as a physical ailment.

and the White House

has already


It as a


including by enforcing a 2008 law that requires insurers to treat mental health as a physical ailment. Actor Material Goal Circ:


Circ: Manner

8. In Data 8 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstances are Circumstance of Time, Place and Accompaniment.

Biden will unveil the new funding Tuesday afternoon at the White House “with families who lost loved ones during the shooting in Newtown,”

Biden will unveil

the new funding

Tuesday afternoon

at the White House

“with families who lost loved ones during the shooting in Newtown,”

Actor Material Goal Circ: Time

Circ: Place



9. In Data 9 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer.

The White House official said.

The White House official said.

Sayer Verbal

10.In Data 2 occurs Material Process; the participant is Actor; the circumstance is Circumstance of Place.

The money comes from existing government funding: $50 million from the Department of Health and Human Services to expand behavioral health services for people with mental illness or addiction, and another $50 million from the Department of Agriculture to expand mental health services in rural areas.

The money

comes from existing government funding: $50 million from the Department of Health and Human Services to expand behavioral health services for people with mental illness or addiction, and another $50 million from the Department of Agriculture to expand mental health services in rural areas.


4.1.3 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Pivotal Senator Backs Out of Iran Sanctions Push”

1. In Data 1 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Matter.

A key Senate Democrat has agreed to withhold his vote for further sanctions on Iran

A key Senate Democrat

has agreed to withhold

his vote for further sanctions on Iran

Actor Material Goal Circ: Matter

2. In Data 2 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal. until the Obama administration’s nuclear talks run their course.

until the Obama administration’s nuclear talks

run their course.

Actor Material Goal

3. In Data 3 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer; the circumstance is Circumstance of Matter.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Senator Tim Johnson said

According to the Wall Street


Senator Tim Johnson said


4. In Data 4 occurs Mental Process; the participant is Senser; the circumstance is Circumstance of Accompaniment.

that he agreed with Secretary of State John Kerry

that he agreed with Secretary of State John Kerry Senser Mental Circ: Accompaniment

5. In Data 5 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal. that additional sanctions could drive Iranians away from the negotiating table.

that additional sanctions could drive Iranians away from the negotiating table.

Actor Material Goal

6. In Data 6 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor, Recipient and Goal.

Johnson helms the Senate Banking Committee, a pivotal position for introducing sanctions legislation.

Johnson helms the Senate Banking


a pivotal position for introducing sanctions legislation.

Actor Material Recipient Goal

7. In Data 7 occurs Verbal Process; the participants are Sayer and Target. Congressmen on both sides of the aisle have criticized the Obama administration’s handling of negotiations,


Congressmen on both sides of the aisle

have criticized

the Obama administration’s handling of negotiations,

Sayer Verbal Target

8. In Data 8 occurs Relational Attributive Process; the participants are Carrier and Attribute.

arguing that a recent interim deal was too weak

arguing that a recent interim deal was too weak

Carrier Relational:



9. In Data 9 occurs Mental Process; the participant is Phenomenon.

and a new round of sanctions was needed

And a new round of sanctions was needed

Phenomenon Mental

10.In Data 10 occurs Material Process; the participant is Actor. should a long-term fix fall through.

should a long-term fix fall through


4.1.4 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Senator Will Fast To Support Immigration Reform”

1. In Data 1 occurs Behavioural Process; the participant is Behaver; the circumstances are Circumstance of Time and Cause (purpose) .

After a year of frustrating setbacks for immigration reform activists, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin has decided to stop eating for one day to call attention to the cause.

After a year of frustrating setbacks for immigration reform activists, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin has decided to stop eating

for one day

to call attention to the cause Circ: Time Behaver Behavioural Circ:


Circ: Cause (purpose)

2. In Data 2 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstances are Circumstance of Place and Time.

Fast4Families, a group that advocates a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants through coordinated hunger strikes, met with the Illinois Democrat on the National Mall Wednesday,

Fast4Families, a group that advocates a path to citizenship

for illegal immigrants through

coordinated hunger strikes,

met with the Illinois Democrat

on the National Mall



3. In Data 3 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer. a Durbin aide said,

a Durbin aide said,

Sayer Verbal

4. In Data 4 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal. and Durbin accepted the group’s invitation to the join the fast.

and Durbin Accepted the group’s invitation to the join the fast.

Actor Material Goal

5. In Data 5 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Time.

President Barack Obama and First Michelle Obama met with Fast4Families late last month.

President Barack Obama and First Michelle Obama

Met with Fast4Families late last month.

Actor Material Goal Circ: Time

6. In Data 6 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal.

“This fast will coincide with the observance of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of Mexico and one of the most solemn days on the Catholic calendar for many,”

This fast will coincide with the observance of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of Mexico and one of the most solemn days on the Catholic calendar for many


7. In Data 7 occurs Verbal Process; the participants are Sayer and Verbiage.

Durbin said in a statement.

Durbin said in a statement.

Sayer Verbal Verbiage

8. In Data 8 occurs Existential Process; the participant is Existent; the circumstances are Circumstance of Cause (reason) and Cause (purpose).

“There is no excuse for the failure of the U.S. House of Representatives to call our bipartisan Senate bill for a vote.

There is no


for the failure of the U.S. House of Representatives

to call our bipartisan Senate bill for a vote. Existential Existent Circ: Cause


Circ: Cause (purpose)

9. In Data 9 occurs Mental Process; the participants are Senser and Phenomenon.

[House] Speaker [John] Boehner is ignoring the injustice of our broken immigration system; the suffering of millions of innocent Dreamers and the values at the heart of this great immigrant nation.”

[House] Speaker [John] Boehner

is ignoring the injustice of our broken immigration system; the suffering of millions of innocent Dreamers and the values at the heart of this great immigrant nation.”

Senser Mental Phenomenon

10.In Data 10 occurs Mental Process; the participants are Senser and Phenomenon; the circumstances are Circumstance of Time and Manner.


Last week, Boehner revived the hopes of immigration reform advocates by hiring Rebecca Tallent, a top policy aide on this issue.

Last week,

Boehner revived the hopes of immigration reform advocates

by hiring Rebecca Tallent, a top policy aide on this issue. Circ:


Senser Mental Phenomenon Circ: Manner

11.In Data 11 occurs two Material Processes; the participants are two Actors and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Time.

The Senate passed a reform bill earlier this year

The Senate passed a reform bill earlier this year

Actor Material Goal Circ: Time

that has yet to be taken up by the House.

that has yet to be taken up by the House.

Material Actor

12.In Data 12 occurs Material Process; the participant is Actor; the circumstance is Circumstance of Time.

Durbin will fast from 7 p.m. Thursday until 7 p.m. Friday.

Durbin will fast from 7 p.m. Thursday until 7 p.m. Friday. Actor Material Circ: Time


4.1.5 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Women in Federal Workforce Face More Obstacles Than Men”

1. In Data 1 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstances are Circumstance of Time and Matter.

Despite years of gains toward equality, women in the federal workforce experience more challenges than men, according to a government report released on Thursday.

Despite years of gains toward equality, women in the federal workforce

experience more challenges than men,

according to a government

report released on Thursday.

Circ: Time Actor Material Goal Circ: Matter

2. In Data 2 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer; the circumstance is Circumstance of Place.

The report, from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, said

The report, from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,


Sayer Circ: Place Verbal

3. In Data 3 occurs Relational Attributive Process; the participants are Carrier and Attribute.

that the biggest obstacles hindering women’s advancement to top positions was a lack of flexibility for women raising young children and a lack of mentoring and training for top jobs.


that the biggest obstacles hindering women’s advancement to top positions

was a lack of flexibility for women raising young children and a lack of mentoring and training for top jobs.

Carrier Relational:



4. In Data 4 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Matter.

According to the AP, women make up 44 percent of the federal workforce, but just 30 percent of senior executive service positions.

According to the AP, women make up 44 percent of the federal workforce, but just 30 percent of senior executive service positions.

Circ: Matter Actor Material Goal

5. In Data 5 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Manner.

Women earn roughly 89 cents for every dollar a man earns, which is better than the private sector,

Women earn roughly 89 cents for every dollar a man earns, which is better than the private sector, Actor Material Circ:



6. In Data 6 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer. the report said,

the report Said

Sayer Verbal

7. In Data 7 occurs Relational Attributive Process; the participants are Carrier and Attribute.

but the pay gap is worse among minority women.

but the pay gap is worse among

minority women.

Carrier Relational:



8. In Data 8 occurs Relational and Material Processes; the participants are Token, Actor and Goal.

Among the recommendations are that federal agencies offer different start times for workers and expand telework policies and satellite work centers to reduce commutes.

Among the recommendations

are that federal agencies

offer different start times for workers and expand telework policies and satellite work centers to reduce commutes.


9. In Data 9 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal. The EEOC recommends formal mentoring programs and track increases in opportunities for women.

The EEOC recommends formal mentoring programs and track increases in opportunities for women.


4.1.6 Analysis of Transitivity Process in “Newtown Anniversary Comes One Painful Day Early For Obama”

1. In Data 1 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Place.

An aide placed a note in front of the president on the ornate wooden table in the Roosevelt Room.

An aide placed a note in front of the president on the ornate wooden table in the Roosevelt Room. Actor Material Goal Circ: Place

2. In Data 2 occurs Verbal Process’ the participants are Sayer and Target; the circumstance is Circumstance of Manner.

Somberly, he informed the roomful of cringing newly elected mayors Somberly, he informed the roomful of cringing newly

elected mayors Circ: Manner Sayer Verbal Target

3. In Data 3 occurs Existential Process; the participant is Existent.

that there had been a school shooting

that there had been a school shooting Existential Existent

4. In Data 4 occurs Relational Attributive Process; the participants are Carrier and Attribute.


and the details were scarce.

And the details were scarce

Carrier Relational: Attributive


5. In Data 5 occurs Material Process; the participant is Actor; the circumstance is Circumstance of Time.

The scene on Friday at the White House, just before Saturday’s one-year anniversary of the horrifying school shooting in Newtown, Conn., came The scene on Friday

at the White House,

just before Saturday’s one-year anniversary of the horrifying school shooting in Newtown, Conn.,


Actor Circ: Time Material

6. In Data 6 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstances are Circumstance of Time, Place andManner.

after a student at a Colorado high school critically wounded another student

after a student at a Colorado high school

critically wounded another student Circ:


Actor Circ: Place Circ: Manner

Material Goal

In the continuance of Data 6 occurs Material Process; the participant is Goal; the circumstances are Circumstance of Time and Manner.

before fatally shooting himself.


Circ: Time Circ: Manner Material Goal

7. In Data 7 occurs Relational Attributive Process; the participants are Carrier and Attributive.

It was eerily reminiscent for the President Barack Obama and his aides to the day

It was eerily reminiscent for the President

Barack Obama and his aides to the day Carrier Relational: Attributive Attribute

8. In Data 8 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Place.

when the most powerful man in the world learned of horror in small-town New England

when the most powerful man in the world

learned of horror in small-town New England

Actor Material Goal Circ: Place

In the continuance of Data 8 occurs Relational Attributive; the participant is Attribute; the circumstance is Circumstance of Cause (purpose).

and was powerless to stop it.

and was powerless to stop it.

Relational: Attributive

Attribute Circ: Cause (purpose)

9. In Data 9 occurs Behavioural Process; the participant is Behaver; the circumstances are Circumstance of Time and Place.


The day he cried in the Oval Office.

The day he Cried in the Oval

Office. Circ: Time Behaver Behavioural Circ: Place

10.In Data 10 occurs Verbal Process; the participants are Sayer and Verbiage; the circumstance is Circumstance of Time.

The day Obama called “the worst day of my presidency.”

The day Obama called “the worst day of my

presidency.” Circ: Time Sayer Verbal Verbiage

11.In Data 11 occurs Material Process; the participant is Actor; there is Circumstance of Time.

“Whenever a situation arises

Whenever a situation arises

Circ: Time Actor Material

12.In Data 12 occurs Existential Process; the participant is Existent.

whether it’s a tornado, terrorist attack, hurricane, active shooter situation, or wildfire

whether it ’s a tornado, terrorist attack, hurricane, active shooter situation, or wildfire Existential Existent

13.In Data 13 occurs Existential and Material Process; the participants are Existent and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Place.


there are processes in place to brief the President

there are Processes in place to brief the President Existential Existent Circ: Place Material Goal

In the continuance of Data 13 occurs Material Process; the participant is Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Cause (purpose).

and coordinate a response to ensure the local leaders

and coordinate a response to ensure the local leaders Material Goal Circ: Cause (purpose)

14.In Data 14 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal. and first responders are receiving the support they need,”

and first responders are receiving the support they need

Actor Material Goal

15.In Data 15 occurs Verbal Process; the participants are Sayer and Target. a White House spokesman, Bobby Whithorne, told TIME.

a White House spokesman, Bobby Whithorne,

told TIME.

Sayer Verbal Target

16.In Data 16 occurs Mental Process; the participants are Senser and Phenomenon.

“We’re planning for the worst

We ’re planning for the worst


In the continuance of Data 16 occurs Mental Process; the participant is Phenomenon.

but hoping for the best,”

but hoping for the best,

Mental Phenomenon

17.In Data 17 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer. a White House official said.

a White House official said

Sayer Verbal

18.In Data 18 occurs Existential Process; the participant is Existent. There’s no question

There ’s no question

Existential Existent

19.In Data 19 occurs Relational Attributive Process; the participants are Carrier and Attribute.

these situations are heart wrenching.

these situations are heart wrenching.

Carrier Relational : Attributive Attribute

20.In Data 20 occurs Mental Process; the participants are Senser and Phenomenon.


All of us see families and communities torn apart in the matter of minutes,

All of us see families and communities torn apart in the matter of minutes,

Senser Mental Phenomenon

21.In Data 21 occurs Relational Process; the participant is Carrier; the circumstance is Circumstance of Cause (purpose).

but our sole focus, from the President on down, is to do everything we can to support the first responders

but our sole focus, from the President on down,

is to do everything we can to support the first responders

Carrier Relational Circ: Cause (purpose)

In the continuance of Data 21 occurs two Material Processes; the participants are two Goals.

saving lives and keeping folks out of harms way.

saving lives and keeping folks out of harms way.

Material Goal Material Goal

22.In Data 22 occurs Relational Identifying Process; the participants are Token and Value.

Tuscon, Aurora, and Oak Creek are events Tuscon, Aurora,

and Oak Creek

are events that have become indelibly etched into the psyche of the Obama White House.

Token Relational :



23.In Data 23 occurs Mental Process; the participants are Senser and Phenomenon.

Moments that have shocked a nation

Moments that have shocked a nation

Phenomenon Mental Senser

In the continuance of Data 23 occurs Material Process; the participant is a Goal.

and demanded maybe the most difficult of presidential duties: healerin- chief.

and demanded maybe the most difficult of presidential duties: healerin- chief.

Material Goal

24.In Data 24 occurs Relational Attributive Process; the participants are Carrier and Attribute.

But school shootings are different,

But school shootings are different, Carrier Relational:



25.In Data 25 occurs Material Process; the participant is Actor.

especially since Newtown, where 20 children and six adults died

where 20 children and six adults died

Actor Material


before the gunman killed himself.

before the gunman killed himself.

Actor Material Goal

27.In Data 27 occurs Verbal Process; the participant is Sayer.

Aides say

Aides say

Sayer Verbal

28.In Data 28 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal; the circumstance is Circumstance of Cause (behalf).

that for Obama, like millions around the country, moments like Friday’s shooting bring out the gut-wrenching anger and confusion

that for Obama, like millions around the country,

moments like Friday’s shooting

bring out the gut-wrenching

anger and confusion

Circ: Cause (behalf)

Actor Material Goal

29.In Data 29 occurs Material Process; the participant is Actor; the circumstance is Circumstance of Time.

that it’s happening again.

that it ’s happening again

Actor Material Circ: Time

30.In Data 30 occurs Material Process; the participants are Actor and Goal. That another parent is losing a child.

That another parent is losing a child.



Senator Will Fast To Support Immigration Reform

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) accepts invitation from reform advocacy group Fast4Families

By Accessed at 7:46 PM

After a year of frustrating setbacks for immigration reform activists, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin has decided to stop eating for one day to call attention to the cause.

Fast4Families, a group that advocates a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants through coordinated hunger strikes, met with the Illinois Democrat on the National Mall Wednesday, a Durbin aide said, and Durbin accepted the group’s invitation to the join the fast. President Barack Obama and First Michelle Obama Fast4Families late last month.

“This fast will coincide with the observance of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of Mexico and one of the most solemn days on the Catholic calendar for many,” Durbin said in a statement. “There is no excuse for the failure of the U.S. House of Representatives to call our bipartisan Senate bill for a vote. [House] Speaker [John] Boehner is ignoring the injustice of our broken immigration system; the suffering of millions of innocent Dreamers and the values at the heart of this great immigrant nation.”


Last week, Boehner revived the hopes of immigration reform advocates by hiring Rebecca Tallent, a top policy aide on this issue. The Senate passed a reform bill earlier this year that has yet to be taken up by the House.



Women in Federal Workforce Face More Obstacles Than Men

A new report finds women face more challenges reaching top positions and salaries

By Accessed at 7:52 PM

Despite years of gains toward equality, women in the federal workforce experience more challenges than men, according t

The report, from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, said that the biggest obstacles hindering women’s advancement to top positions was a lack of flexibility for women raising young children and a lack of mentoring and training for top jobs.

30 percent of senior executive service positions.

Women earn roughly 89 cents for every dollar a man earns, which is better than the private sector, the report said, but the pay gap is worse among minority women.

Among the recommendations are that federal agencies offer different start times for workers and expand telework policies and satellite work centers to reduce commutes. The EEOC recommends formal mentoring programs and track increases in opportunities for women.



Newtown Anniversary Comes One Painful Day Early For Obama

A shooting in Colorado was a frightening moment for the White House one year after Sandy Hook

By Accessed at 8:13 PM

An aide placed a note in front of the president on the ornate wooden table in the Roosevelt Room. Somberly, he informed the roomful of cringing newly elected mayors that there had been a school shooting and the details were scarce.

The scene on Friday at the White House, just before Saturday’s student at a Colorado high school shooting himself. It was eerily reminiscent for the President Barack Obama and his aides to the day when the most powerful man in the world learned of horror in small-town New England and was powerless to stop it. The day he cried in the Oval Office. The day Obama called “the worst day of my presidency.”

“Whenever a situation arises — whether it’s a tornado, terrorist attack, hurricane, active shooter situation, or wildfire — there are processes in place to brief the President and coordinate a response to ensure the local leaders and first responders are receiving the support they need,” a White House spokesman, Bobby Whithorne, told TIME.


“We’re planning for the worst but hoping for the best,” a White House official said. “There’s no question these situations are heart wrenching. All of us see families and communities torn apart in the matter of minutes, but our sole focus, from the President on down, is to do everything we can to support the first responders saving lives and keeping folks out of harms way.”

Tuscon, Aurora, and Oak Creek are events that have become indelibly etched into the psyche of the Obama White House. Moments that have shocked a nation and demanded maybe the most difficult of presidential duties: healer-in-chief.

But school shootings are different, aides, especially since Newtown, where 20 children and six adults died before the gunman killed himself. Aides say that for Obama, like millions around the country, moments like Friday’s shooting bring out the gut-wrenching anger and confusion that it’s happening again. That another parent is losing a child.

“This evening, Michelle and I will do what I know every parent in America will do, which is hug our children a little tighter and we’ll tell them that we love them, and we’ll remind each other how deeply we love one another,” Obama said hours after the Newtown shooting from the White house, wiping back tears.

Speaking at a tearful memorial service days later in Newtown, Obama said a society is judged by how it cares for its children. “We’re not doing enough — and we will have to change.”


in this Congress. One year later after Newtown, as the Obama and the First Lady lit candles in memory of each of the slain that fateful day, the president’s efforts to tighten gun laws and fix a broken mental health system have gone unfulfilled, and the notes keep coming.