(B. Seni) The Empowerment of Bamboo Craftsmen Community Through the Ethnic Design Development and Marketing Management to Improve Competitiveness of Quality Craft Products.

(B. Seni)
The Empowerment of Bamboo Craftsmen Community Through the Ethnic Design
Development and Marketing Management to Improve Competitiveness of Quality
Craft Products
Yulianto, Nanang; Hindrayani, Aniek; Rohmad, Zaini
LPPM UNS, Penelitian, DP2M DIkti, Hibah Bersaing Lanjutan, 2012
The objectives of this research are: a) to advise the craftsmen motivatively and alternatively, b) to
experiment the design, c) to make prototype of bamboo products, d) to pilot test of products,
packaging, joint the exhibition, and marketing, e) to evaluate the result of the pilot testing to the
HKI process, and f) to disseminate the result by socialization, journal, and book.
The research methodology done by the expert of design and marketing empowerment through
the motivation and alternatives to the craftsmen. Experimental design done by making many
kinds of new and innovative bamboo craft design. The process of pilot testing done by joining the
exibition and through the web design. The evaluation of pilot testing through the focus group
discussion required to identify the strength and weaknesses of the products. The products
innovation then registered to the HKI. The dissemination by the journal and book was to socialize
the result of the research to the public, particularly to the institution which is respectable to the
bamboo craftsmen at Jambukulon Ceper Klaten.
Based on the result of the study, we can conclude that:
The design advisory started by apreciating bamboo craft product design by the craftsmen at

Jambukulon to find out the strength and weaknesses to each product. The illustration of
many kind of raw material made of bamboo, technique and design would inspire the
imagination and creativity of the craftsmen. The craftsmen required to adopt many
techniques, contour, or the way of handling bamboo material, thereby generate variety,
creativity, and innovative products.
The marketing advisory was presented with the theory of marketing management, so the
craftsmen would understand how to get a beneficial marketing. The marketing advisory
was done by creating web design program, even though there were some limitation, which
were almost all of the craftsmen can not operate the computer and low connectivity at
Jambukulon. The reasercher suggession was training the son of the craftsmen which could
operate the computer to join this program, we use “warung internet” to get better
connection, and creating web design so they can keep them for the rest. Finally the training
program followed by few volunteer.
Reasercher made many alternatives of design dealing with the craftsmen, and then we
choose one to two products to make the prototype. We discuss the result of the products
and they can give their opinion to the products, whether they don’t agree with.


The prototype process product at two location. The product made of the root of the
bamboo, black apus bamboo produce at Mr Yana’s and Mr Daryono’s studio, and the
product made of betung bamboo produce at Pendidikan Seni Rupa FKIP UNS laboratory.
After finishing the production, the reasearcher check the quality of the product.
The result of the product design can improve the variety of the product, which were: vas
made of bamboo root, vegetable dishes made of bamboo root, candle holder made of
bamboo root, stationery stuff made of bamboo stem, and lampshade decoration made of
bamboo stem. The pilot testing by joining exibition on Solo International Performing Art
(SIPA) at Pamedan Mangkunegaran Surakarta on September 28th – 30th. The great




response was on the lampshade decoration made of betung bamboo stem, and vegetable
dishes made of bamboo root.

The public response was used to evaluate the products testing. The development of the
product show diversity to the craftsmen original products. The excellence of the product
development was on the simplicity of the product, so the production process didn’t take
too much time, and low raw material consuming.
The HKI process done by the HKI unit of LPPM Sebelas Maret University. The initial process
of HKI prosedure was consulting with the expert of HKI unit, and then understanding the
mechanism and requirement prosedure, and finally registered.
The development of the product then disseminated so the public would recognised the
products. The dissemination by writing article published on the National Journal
Accredited. The socialization also done by inviting the journalists from newspaper and
television which is TATV Surakarta to expose the craftsmen activities and product
development. The reasercher also write the book to improve publication of the bamboo
craft at Jambukulon Ceper Klaten.