Psychological Aspect Analysis of Main Character In “Split” Movie(2016)


1. Background of Study
Literature is one of expression of feeling, spirits and experience that come from
an idea that build into literary works and also can defined as a art. According to Waren
and Walek (1986:107), literature is the form of human creativity consisting of action,
feeling idea, spirit and experience using the language as the medium and having positive
impact on life. Literature comes in three main genres which is Prose, Poetry and Drama.
This study will focus on movie and is part of Drama. Movies in modern era is
favorite entertaiment, Movies is also a part of Literature that branch of Drama.The word
of drawa was taken from “Drau” which the mean is action or something that related to
it. Refer to Aristoteles drama is a representation of an action which show in literature,
and it is also similar with Moulton opinion about drama that presented an action. One of
the element in movie is Character, the main character is the main focus of this study and
it also discuss the psychological aspect of the main character by characterization.
According to Lajos Egri that mention about the three dimensional aspect of character
include psychological, sosiological and physiological.
“Split” is a movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The movies starts in blurry
condition because somethings feels strange. Focusing in three tenager thad have
kidnapped by a stranger that stole their car. Locked up in basement of a zoo with the
stranger, one of the teenger finally learn that that the man who is kidnaping them has

DID (Dissociatice Identitiy Disorder) with several personalities that have come to them,
but the bigest problem is the new personalities that will appear when the man sacrifice
those teenager.


2. Problems of Study
Based on the background that has been stated above, there are two
problems that will be discussed in analyzing the characters in the Movie. The
problems are as follows:
1. What are the characteristics of the main character
2. What are the factors that influenced the main character seen from the
psychological aspect
3. Aims of the Study
Based on the problems above, there are two major aims that would be
achieved in this study. The objectives as follows:
1. To know and understand the main character characteristics in movie
2. To analyze the characteristics of the personalities in term of psychological
4. Scope of Discussion

The present study limits to the discussion of the following:
1. The characteristics of the of psychological aspect in “SPLIT” Movie
2. The Main Character Personalities.

5. Research Method
5.1 Data Source
The data source of this study was taken from a thriler genre film entitled
“SPLIT” directed by M. Night Shyamalan in 2016. According to IMDB was
started by James McAvoy as Kevin and Anya Taylor as Casey.


5.2 Method of Collecting Data
This study applied documentary method, the author collect the data by
taking a note. Observate the main character on the movie by watching and
reading the movie script among the character of the movie several times.
5.3 Method of Analyzing Data
In method of analyzing data, the descriptive qualitative method was
applied. The analyzed data applied the theory of characterization by Williem
Kenney and phsycological aspect by Karl Benhardt.


Review of Literature, Concepts, and Theoretical Framework
The researcher collect some studies for review and comparing the study that
realated with the topic of this study. This is done that the studies being keep on the track
of the topic that analyzing Psychological aspect in main characters by comparing the
theory, the strength, weakness, and relevance to this study.
The first study entitled “A Psychological Analysis Of The Main Character In
The “Just The Sexiest Man Alive” By Julie James” by Valeria (2013). The study was
intended to analyse the character of Taylor Donovan in terms of the physiological
dimension, and the implications of the study of the character in the novel toward the
English language teaching. Theory of psychology and introduction to literature are
major theories that applied to analyze the novel. The theory that was used in analyzing
the characters is stated by Lajos Egri (in Sukada, 1987:62) who mentions that character
has three dimensions as its basic structure, namely physiology, sociology, and
psychology. The author was analyzing romance novel and it is done by founding 9
personalities of psychology aspect based on its analysis. The psychological aspect of
feelings and attitude could be taught by asking the students to analyse the quotation
from the novel and finding the moral value. The similarities these study that analyze the

subject by using three dimensional aspect that consist of Physical, Sosiological and
Psychological aspect. The difference between this thesis and this study is the thesis
using the therory in big scope that describing all of the branch of the theory. The
weakness of the thesis is the theoretical framework that the author did not applying all
of it is theory that he mentioned in the concept.
The second study entitled A Psychological Analysis On Two Main Characters'
Friendship In Novel “Veronica” by Fadhilatul Muharam(2009).The writer studies about
friendship analysis between Alison and Veronica as the main characters in novel
”Veronica”. It aims to know the factors underlying friendship and understand it using
J.W Thibaut and H.H Kelley’s social exchange theory. The method of this research is
descriptive qualitative, which tries to analyze the main characters’ friendship of the
novel using psychological approach. At first, the research focuses on the factors
underlying friendship using Robert S. Fieldman’s theory. Then it focuses on the
friendship analysis by applying J.W. Thibaut and H.H. Kelley’s social exchange theory.

By referring to the discussions, the writer concludes that the friendship need perpetuity
factors such as similarity, reciprocity of liking, positive qualities, physical attractiveness
and physical appearance. Then the writer also finds out that Alison and Veronica’s
friendship is satisfactory, stable and interdependence. The weaknes of the thesis is in

theoritical framework by using non native english, the difference also the author
analyzing two main characters in the thesis.
The last study entitled “Psycological Analysis Of The Main Character’s”
Personality In Go Ask Alice by Nailul Fauziyah(2008). Literature is a piece of writing
which expresses and communicates through feeling and human attitude in literary
works. In this study, the researcher looks that Psychology is also influenced in the
literary work, to know the psychological condition of the author when he or she creates
the work.. The purposes of the study are: To know how the aspects of the main
character’s personality portrayed in this novel and to know how the main character’s
personality is viewed from Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation. To achieve the
above problems of study and objectives of the study, the researcher categorize this
research as literary criticism since the researcher conduct the interpretation and analysis
on literary work. The researcher sees this literary work from two points of views there
are intrinsic and extrinsic, the researcher uses psychological approach in doing this
analysis. From the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded that there are three
character personality of the main character, such as sensitive, unrealistic, and
pessimistic. There are main character’s personality needs viewed by Abraham Maslow’s
theory of motivation (hierarchy of needs): Psychological needs, safety needs, the love
and belonging needs, esteem needs, self actualization needs. Finally, for the next
researcher it is suggested to do the research to use another theory to analyze more

deeply, because this novel has many aspects that can be analyzed.
There are concept being explain that make the study relevance and practical.
These concepts would be explained below.
The Concept of Character


The definition of character in generat is a subject of the story, but according to
Wellek and Warren (1942: 15) they explained that character in a novel differs from
historical figure or afigure in real life, the author also said that the character has no
past, no future and sometimes no continuty of life. Klarer (1998:17) defines that typed
character in literature is dominated by one specific trait and is referred to as a flat
character, and term round character usually denotes a persona with more complex and
differentiated features. in short story, character that commonly emergences is flat
character since short story only presents the critical time of the chief character.
Characters are the persons presented in dramatic or narrative work, who
are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities
that are expressed in what they say the dialogue and by what they do the action
(Abrams, 1957:20).

The Concept of Psychology
Psychology maybe defined as the science that the studies the behavior of man.
Beside that, literary psychology is literary studies that consider the literary work as
psychology activity, the author uses the thought, feeling, and work in working
(Endraswara, 2003:96).
Psychology has a closer with literature because literature and psychology touch
the same things in their relationship. These things are human beings and the problems
that they express (Sukada, 1985: 102). Psychology is the scientific study of the activities
of individuals. The task of psychology is to discover the general laws that explain the
behavior of living organism, especially and the most important of all, human being. The
individual is continually subjected to stimulation from his environment and is
continually responding to this stimulation and by such responses adjusting to his world.
Psychology of literature means the study of the writer, as type and a individual.
or the study of the creative process, or the study of the psychological types and laws
presented within works of literature. or linally, the elects ol literature upon its readers
(Wellek and Wamen. 1962. 75) For some conscious artists, psychology may have


tightened their sense ot reality, sharpened their powers of observation or allowed them
la into hitherto undiscovered patterns. But, in itsell, psychology is a preparalory to the
act of creation: and in the work itself, psychological truth is an artistic value enhances
coherence and complexity of art. (Wellek and Warren, 1962. 88) From the explanation
above, only the psychology ot literary works itself is used here which can be observed
through the character. Hence the psychology of the characters can be observed through
their attitude, though, feelings, mentality. dreams, etc. In this case, psychology can be
the scientific study behavioral and mental processes of organisms, that is why theory of
psychology is appropriately used in analyzing conflicts.

Theoretical Framework
This study applie theory to analyze the problems, the first is theory from William
Kenney from his book entitled How to Analyze Fiction; according to Kenney (1966: 27)
“ A character is obviously relevant yo us and to our experience if he is like ourselves or
like others whom we know.

Theory of Literature
Literature is simply another way we can experience the word around it literary
through our imagination is the accordance with Kenney who states that the imaginations
is the organ of men's moral nature, and this organ is strengthened by the experienced of

literature. Imagination is related to literature because the poetic language that is used in
literary works is permeated with imagery. A good literary work must be educating and
entertaining by reading many literary work, people can get unlimited knowledge about
self Literature is also a mirror of what men have seen in life, what they we have thought
and left.
Literature offers pleasure for everyone who reads it through beautiful words that
please readers and contains moral teaching or massage that the writer wants to convey.
There are many literary works that are classified into poetry, drama, and prose. Novel
and short are the parts of fictional prose (Kenney, 1966: 102).


Drama is a literary composition in either verse or prose, intended to be
performed by actors upon the stage, and usually in the form of a narrative told by the
action and dialogue of
Character is the figue who participates in the action the story According to
Kenney (1966: 24-25) the character are expected to be natural or life like. Human being
is free but the fictional character is never entirely free because it is a part of an artistic

whole and must always serve the needs of that whole. In other words, character are the
imaginary people that writer creates, sometimes identifying with them, sometimes
judging them.
Greater emphasis on character can be given in the novel since permits the author
show the passage of time more fully, while the story will often concentrate on the
relevation of character Kenney, 1966:102) He also gives two division of character, such
as the following:
1. Simple (flat) character
The simple or flat character is less the representation of a human personality
than the embodiment of a single attitude or obsession in a character. is called
flat because we see only side of him.
2. Complex (round) character
The character that is obviously more lifelike than simple because the
character is described from all sides of life. Complex character are more
ifelike than simple character and as we have seen lifelikeness is one form of
relevance. The complex character is in many more difficult than simple. The
simple character needs only repeat his basis formula each time he appears on
the scene.
The real human beings can surprise us as well as the complex character. In
contrast, the simple character cannot do it. We may conclude, then that complexity of


character tends to produce lifelikeness in the work of fiction. However, we need only
remind ourselves that the fictional character. However, complex is not a human being.
Another theory also comes from Warren and Wallek (1986: 92),character divided
based on the functional and role as following:
1. Main character
Main character is the character, which has important role that mostly related
to the other character. Main the character is the central character because that
plays is very important role in the story. Main character is categorized
important one and appears continually, so that it seems dominate almost the
whole part if the story. In the other words main character are involved in the
greatest part of the relative descriptions more than other character.
2. Secondary character
This character is mostly affects the main character also has a position in a
story and gives much influence to the main character.
3. Supporting character This character support the main character in the story.
Although the functions of this character is to support the main character. It
may take an important part in the story but incidentally it acts as a supporter.
He supporting character also support or confirms the views of the main
character through the thing he or she says or does. To be able to determine
where certain figure belongs to the main character or so the supporting, the
measure that be used is the character's frequency of getting in touch with
other in the story

The main character will have a higher frequency than the second character or
supporting character. Besides that, the main character is regarded as a character that is
able to lead the plot of the story from beginning until the end of the story, so that it gives
an easy way to the readers to determine what will happen or where the story goes.
The characterization in literature is the presentation of the attitude and behavior
of imaginary person in order to make them credible to the author's audience. Besides
that, characterization is a unique feature of such fictional form as the story, novel,
drama, and a narrative poetry. According to Kenney (1966:34 there are five methods
that can be uses in presenting the character in a story. The methods are following:


1. Discursive method
The author tells the readers about the character and she or he even mentions
the approval and disapproval of the character The advantages of this method
are simplicity and economy. The author will quickly finish the job of
characterization and go on to the other things. The disadvantages are that it is
mechanical and discourages the reader imaginations.
2. Dramatic Method
The method showing rather than telling. In the dramatic method the author
allows his character to reveal them selves to us through their own and action.
The advantages of dramatic method should be obvious. The dramatic method
is more lifelike and invites the reader's active participation in the story. This
method has its disadvantages: it is less economical than the discursive, since
to show takes longer than tell.
3. Character on character method
One character in a story talks about another character. But this kinds of
information is not reliable because what A say about B will probably tell
more about A than about B.
4. The contextual method
By the contextual method, we mean the device of suggesting character by
the verbal context that surrounds the character.
5. Mixing method
Mixing method means applying all the methods in accordance with the
degrees of effectiveness to be achieved. It is rare than a fiction uses one
method only. Indeed, the contextual m will only be effective when combined
other method.

Three Dimensional Aspect
Lajos Egri in Sukada (1987:135) introduces three dimensions constructing the
characterization in literary work, namely, physiological, psychological, and sociological
a. Physiological
Physiological aspect is the dimension describing the appearance of the
character. It gives the reader clearer depiction of character’s physical
condition so that they can recognize the character in the other occasion. It

is observed through sex, age, physical appearance such as shape of body,
whether or not a person is beautiful or handsome, colour of skin and hair.
From that aspect, the reader can imagine how the character looks like and
what clothes he or she wears to help to convey the personality, (Sukada,
b. Psychological
Psychological aspect is the aspect dealing with the personal qualities of the
character, e.g. ingenuity. It also studies the character’s behaviour and 22
activities as a reflection of his psychological life as a human being. It
includes in the literary study since the inner of human beings is the source
of knowledge and art (Jung in Sukada, 1987:140)
c. Sociological
Sociological aspect is the social background of the society where the
character lives, in which social interaction and social system exist. The
social system consists of system of family, politics, economy, belief,
education, and constitution. This aspect characterizes the character’s
behaviour, the way of thinking, and the way the character acts when he or
she faces certain problem (Atar Semi, 1988:55).


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Klarer, M. (1998). An Introduction to Literature Studies. Rouledge, London
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