ART DE Waimbo Prapto Y Dinamika Masyarakat Papua Abstract

Journal of Interdisciplinary Development Studies

Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah dalam Era Otonomi
dan Relevansinya dengan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
(Studi Pada Kabupaten dan Kota se Jawa – Bali)

Priyo Hari Adi
Dinamika M asyarakat Papua pada Era Otonomi Khusus

Danny Erlis W aimbo, Prapto Yuwono
Efektivitas Kerja PNS dalam Reformasi Birokrasi

Yustisia T.A Putranti, Sri Suwartiningsih
Arah Dasar H idup M enggereja GM I H secara Kontekstual
sebagai Pelaku Pembangunan dalam Konteks
Dinamika Sosial di Provinsi M aluku Utara

Julianus Mojau
Kontekstualisasi M usik Gerejawi,
M engangkat W arna Budaya Lokal di I ndonesia

Agastya Rama Listya
Effectiveness of the W orld Trade Organization’s
Dispute Settlement M echanism
Yafet Yosafat W ilben Rissy

ISSN 0215 – 4765

Vol. XXI, No. 1, Januari – April 2012

Penanggung Jawab :
John A. Titaley
Koordinator Penyunting :
Kutut Suwondo
Pemimpin Redaksi :
Prapto Yuwono
Penyunting Ahli :
Ferry F Karwur
Daniel Nuhamara
Sri Suwartiningsih
Dien Sumiyatiningsih

Neil Semuel Rupidara
Theofransus A Litaay
Penyunting Pelaksana/Bahasa :
Titi Susilowati
Lasmono Tri Sunaryanto
Sekretariat :
Adhisti Raras Putri
Penerbit :
Program Pascasarjana UKSW
Jl. Diponegoro 52-60 Salatiga 50711
Telp. (0298) 321212 Ext. 401; Fax. (0298) 311995
Email :

Journal of Interdisciplinary Development Studies

Kemampuan Keuangan Daerah dalam Era Otonomi
dan Relevansinya dengan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
(Studi Pada Kabupaten dan Kota se Jawa – Bali)

Priyo Hari Adi ....................................................................


Dinamika M asyrakat Papua pada Era
Otonomi Khusus

Danny Erlis W aimbo, Prapto Yuwono .............................


Efektivitas Kerja PNS dalam Reformasi Birokrasi

Yustisia T.A Putranti, Sri Suwartiningsih .........................


Arah Dasar H idup M enggereja GM I H secara
Kontekstual sebagai Pelaku Pembangunan dalam
Konteks Dinamika Sosial di Provinsi M aluku Utara

Julianus Mojau ....................................................................


Kontekstualisasi M usik Gerejawi,
M engangkat W arna Budaya Lokal di I ndonesia

Agastya Rama Listya ...........................................................


Effectiveness of the W orld Trade Organization’s
Dispute Settlement M echanism
Yafet Yosafat W ilben Rissy ...............................................


Penulis Nomor I ni ..............................................................


I ndex ...................................................................................


ISSN 0215 – 4765

Vol. XXI, No. 1, Januari – April 2012


Danny Erlis Waimbo1
Prapto Yuwono2
Papua is a name of people who live in the most eastern island of
Indonesia and at the same time a name for the island itself. The name
was acquired through a long process. During the Dutch colonial era,
it is called West New Guinea, and during the New Order, it is called
West Irian. Only during Gus Dur as president of Indonesian

Republic, the name was reintroduced. With the name, people of
Papua gain new spirit especially after the implementation of special
autonomy which entitles the Papuans to build itself. However the
implementation of special autonomy did not necessarily improve the
situation. The issue of democratization is still not implemented
properly; problems of poverty still haunts the Papuans, and conflicts
of identity switches from vertical to a horizontal conflict.
Uncontrolled excess of the problems will be harmful for the lives of
the Papuan people.
Kata kunci : otonomi khusus, dinamika sosial, Papua



Staf Pengajar Universitas Negeri Papua Manokawari
Staf Pengajar Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga