P106384 Request for Expression of Interest

Consulting Services for Human Resource Management and Organization Design
In Support of STATCAP –CERDAS Project Implementation
(Reference No. 02140.202/IV/2015)

The Government of Indonesia has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost
of the Statistical Capacity Building - Change and Reform for the Development of Statistics
(STATCAP-CERDAS) Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting
BPS-Statistics Indonesia (BPS), the implementing agency, is a central government
institution that has responsibility to provide official statistics. Currently, BPS has more
than 500 nationwide operating units, comprising a Headquarter Office, 33 Provincial
Offices and 475 District Offices, with around 15,800 employees. To support its human
resources development needs, BPS also operates Institute of Statistic (STIS) and Education
and Training Center (Pusdiklat) that are located in Jakarta.
The consulting services ("the Services") are intended for the duration of approximately 36
months to support BPS in implementing its institutional transformation program,

specifically in the following areas for the Improvement of Human Resources Management
and Development, and Organizational Alignment:
a. Conducting a detailed assessment of the current state of the organization of BPS
to identify strengths and weakness of the organization;
Improving BPS Organization Model and Structure that is aligned with the
organizational and statistical business strategy;
Developing and improving a regulatory framework in support of organization
d. Improving BPS HR Strategic Planning;
e. Developing and improving HR Policies, Procedures and Practices covering the
whole HR lifecycle;
f. Improving BPS Training and Development to support the organization strategy and
to close HR competency gaps; and
g. Conducting pilot project implementation.
BPS now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services.
Interested consultants must provide specific and sufficient information that they are
qualified to perform the services. At the minimum, the expressions of interest should
contain the following:

1. Information about firm/ organization,
2. Experience of similar assignments in the last 5 years (describe project name,
location, scope, time and duration, value in USD)
3. Availability of appropriate skills among staff and their experiences,
4. Information about current audited financial statement, and
5. Any relevant information related to the Services

Consultants are likely to have successfully delivered similar assignments providing
advisory and technical assistance services in the assessment, design and implementation of
HR and organization strategy for reform or institutional transformation program in large
organizations in private or public sectors, and preferably in government institutions. The
successful Consultant should propose a team of full-time and part-time professionals, with
a multi-year track record of successful delivery of similar assignments. Experience in
following areas or tasks will be considered for this assignment:
1. Organization/Institution due diligence/audit, design, development and strategy
2. Organization strategy implementation using a Balanced Scorecard methodology
3. HR strategy development and implementation
4. HR management and development, covering policies and practices for the whole
HR lifecycle
5. HR and organization laws and regulations for public sector or government in

To enhance the degree of confidence in performing the Project, interested consultants shall
provide audited financial statement that describes general information about their financial
position, their financial performance and audit opinion provided by qualified auditors.
Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. If the consultants decide to
express interest in the form of an association, they need to submit a letter of association or
an MOU which should clearly indicate whether (i) the association is in the form of a joint
venture (JV) or sub-consultancies, and (ii) in the case of a joint venture association, the
letter should explicitly stat that JV partners are jointly and severally liable for the
assignment. Qualification documents should be submitted for each of the joint venture
members. In addition, each consultant should specify in its submission whether it is a
commercial firm or a non-profit organization.
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank's
Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May
2004, revised October 1, 2006 and May 1, 2010 ("Consultant Guidelines"), setting forth
the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person
or by email) or delivered electronically to our drop box by June 3, 2015, 16:00 Western
Indonesia Time.
Badan Pusat Statistik

Attn: Procurement committee of Package 3
Subbag. Pengembangan Pegawai, Biro Kepegawaian, Building 1, 6th floor
Jl. Dr. Sutomo No. 6-8 Jakarta, 10710, INDONESIA
Phone: +62-21-3841195, 3842508 ext 2142
Fax: +62-21-3857049
E-mail: procurement3statcap@bps.go.id
Drop box: box-statcapcerdas.bps.go.id
Note: to use our drop box, please send an email to request user id and password