The Influence of Sand-Lime Column Toward Physical Properties and Consolidation Parameter of Soft Clays

The Influence of Sand-Lime Column Toward
Physical Properties and Consolidation Parameter of
Soft Clays
Agus Susanto#, Anto Budi Listyawan#, Renaningsih#, Puguh Merdhiyanto#

Civil Engineering Department, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

Jl. A. Yani Tromol Pos 1 Pabelan Kartasura Telp. (0271) 717417 – 719483 Surakarta

Abstract— The construction works sometimes deal with difficult
soil, for example soft clay and organic soil. Many kinds of soft
clay can be found in Central Java area including Blora,
Purwodadi, Sragen, and Klaten. It exposes a problem when
building on soft clay sites. Many construction activities are
focused on the behavior of the soil, especially when soil different
conditions in each area of construction that requires the
accuracy of the planning and the execution of construction

itself.There are several techniques used to improve the quality of
difficult soil, among which are adding stabilizator materials (for
example lime) and making the vertical drain. This research aims
to determine the influence of sand-lime column stabilization on
soft clay soil from Troketon Pedan Klaten in terms of the
physical properties, coefficient of consolidation (Cv),
compression index (Cc), and the consolidation settlement (Sc) by
conducting several testing according to ASTM standard. Spacing
sampling variation is 50 cm; 33.33 cm and 16.67 cm from sandlime column. The result of physical property test shows that the
closer soil sample from the sand-lime column, liquid limit (LL)
decreased and the plastic limit (PL) and shrinkage limit (SL)
increased.Similarly, the closer soil sample from the sand-lime
column, plasticity index (PI) decreased. Consolidation test results
show, the closer soil sample from the sand-lime column Cv value
tends to increase, the highest average Cv values,
0.00177��� /second, occur in soil samples which located16.67 cm
from sand-lime column. While the value of compression index
(Cc) tends to decrease, the smallest Cc value, 0.655, occured in
the soil samples which spacing sampling 16.67 cm from sandlime column. While settlement consolidation (Sc) decreases, the
smallest Sc value, 0.245 cm,

occured in soil samples which
spacing sampling 16.67 cm from sand-lime column.This study
shows that the addition of sand-lime column can
increase/improve the physical properties and consolidation
parameter of soft clay from Troketon Pedan Klaten.
Keywords — Coefficient of Consolidation, Compression Index,
Column, Soft Clay.

A. Background
The construction works sometimes deal with difficult soil,
for example soft clay and peat soil. Many kinds of soft clay,
can be found in Central Java area including Blora, Purwodadi,
Sragen, and Klaten. It exposes a problem when building on
soft clay sites. Many construction activities are focused on the


behavior of the soil, especially when soil different conditions
in each area of construction that requires the accuracy of the
planning and the execution of construction itself.To overcome
the soil conditions, there are several techniques used to
improve the quality of soil, among which are adding
stabilizator materials (for example lime) and making the
vertical drain.
In general, lime is used in many projects for soil
stabilization. Lime as a stabilizing agent typically used slaked
lime or calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2).This method is used in
varieties of projects such as on transportation projects and
runway projects.
Vertical drain is basically intended to improve the shear
strength of the soil, reducing the compressibility of the soil,
and preventing a high settlement which possible damage to
the building structure. Vertical drain is generally used on soils
with low bearing capacity like the soft clay and organic soil.
The soil type typically has the following characteristics:

extreme moisture content, high compressibility and little
permeability coefficients. In principle, the techniqueof vertical
drains is done by reducing the water content in the soil
Based on these problems, this research tries to study the
influence ofsand-lime column stabilisation onthe physical
properties and the consolidation parameterof soft clay soil.In
this research soil samples were soft clay soil from Troketon
Pedan Klaten and sands were taken from Kaliworo Klaten.
The lime which was used was slaked lime from a building
material store in Kartasura.
Similar research was previously conducted by Muntohar
(2010) with the title “A Laboratory Test on The Strength and
Load-Settlement Characteristic of Soft Soils Using Lime
Column”. This research only used lime and showed that lime
column contributed to enhance the soil strength.
The other similar research was conducted by Satriyana
(2014) with the title “Tinjauan Jarak Pengambilan Sampel
pada Tanah Lunak dari Ds. Jono Kec. Tanon Kab. Sragen
yang Distabilisasi dengan Kolom Pasir”. This research only

used sand and showed that the addition of sand column could
increase/improve the consolidation parameter of soft
clay.Therefore, the research onsoil stabilization using sandlime column has not been previously conducted.

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B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background of the problems, the problem
formulations of this study include :
1) What is the influence of sand-lime column to the
physical properties and consolidation parameter of soft clay?
2) How large is the consolidation parameter and
physical properties of soft claywith sand-lime column?
C. Research Objective
1) To determine the the influence of sand-lime column
to the physical properties and consolidation parameter of soft
2) To determine the value of the consolidation

parameter and physical properties of soft claywith sand-lime
D. Basic Theory
1) Physical Properties
Physical properties of soils can be seen from their
specific gravity and Atterberg limits. Specific gravity (Gs) is
the ratio between the weights of the solid grain volume (γs)
with weihtgof water volume (γw)(Hardiyatmo, 1994).
Basically, the soil has three limitations including liquid
limit (LL), plastic limit (PL), and shrinkage limit (SL).
However, the plasticity index (PI) of a soil is determined only
from the difference of the liquid limit and plastic limit
(Plasticity index = Liquid limit-Plastic limit).
Plastic limit (PL) is determined by rolling out a thread of
the fine portion of a soil on a flat, non-porous surface. If the
soil is at a moisture content where its behavior is plastic, this
thread will retain its shape down to a very narrow diameter.
The sample can then be remoulded and the test is repeated. As
the moisture content falls due to evaporation, the thread will
begin to break apart at larger diameters.

Liquid limit (LL) is conceptually defined as the water
content at which the behavior of a clayey soil changes from
plastic to liquid. However, the transition from plastic to liquid
behavior is gradual over a range of water contents, and the
shear strength of the soil is not actually zero at the liquid limit.
Plasticity index (PI) is a measure of the plasticity of a
soil. The plasticity index is the size of the range of water
contents where the soil exhibits plastic properties. The PI is
the difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit (PI
= LL-PL). Soils with a high PI tend to be clay, those with a
lower PI tend to be silt, and those with a PI of 0 (non-plastic)
tend to have little or no silt or clay.
Shrinkage limit (SL) is the water content where further
loss of moisture will not result in any more volume reduction.
The shrinkage limit is much less commonly used than the
liquid and plastic limits.
2) Soil Consolidation
A layer of soil experiencing additional load on it, the pore
water will come out of the pores, so that the contents (volume)
of soil will shrink. Consolidation generally lasts only one

direction, namely vertical direction, because of the load
addition cannot move the soil in a horizontal direction
(retained by the surrounding soil). In this situation the
drainage water is also running one direction, namely the
vertical direction or called "one-dimensional consolidation"


and the calculation of consolidation is always based on this
theory of "one-dimensional consolidation".
In the sand layer, the settlement are quick (immediately)
and thoroughly, but small, because of sands having "low
In the clay layer, the settlement is running a bit slow (takes
a long time), but high. Therefore, research consolidation is
generally conducted only on clay soil (fine grain). Because
clay has the properties of "high compressibility".
A process of consolidation typically has a long enough
time span even 50 years or more. This situation will show the
ability of the soil condenses or so-called index compression.

Consolidation parameter consist of Coefficient of
Consolidation (Cv) and Compressibility Index (Cc).
Coefficient of Consolidation (Cv) is used to estimate the
speed of soil settlement. Because the speed will greatly affect
the condition of the building structures that stand above it, it is
very important to know it, especially for soil having a very
large settlement. The coefficient of consolidation can be
formulated as follows :
�� = 90
= 0,848
Where :
= time factor
= time (second)
Cv = Coefficient of Consolidation (� 2 /second)

= high of soil (cm)
Compressibility Index (Cc)is the slope of the straight part
of the graph of e-log p' consolidation in the results of
laboratory test that can be written in equation:
(�1 − �2 )
�� =
∆ log ′ log ′2 − � ′1
Where :
p’1 : effective stress on the soil compressible before loaded
(kg/� 2 )
p’2 : effective stress on the soil compressible after loaded
(kg/� 2 )
e1 : large of void ratio on the stress p’1
e2 : large of void ratio on the stress p’2
Cc : Compressibility Index

If the cohesive soil (clay) receives an additional load, it will

make consolidation occur. Consolidation rate will be affected
by the amount of permeability and the thickness of the soil.
The amount of settlement consolidation (Sc)can be formulated
as follows:
��. �

1 + �0
Where :
Cc : Compressibility index
: Thickness of soil layer (cm)
p’1: effective stress on the soil compressible before loaded
(kg/� 2 )
p’2 : effective stress on the soil compressible after loaded
(kg/� 2 )
: large of void ratio on the stress p’1

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In general, the research was conducted in five stages, as
described flow chart Fig. 1.

Fig. Flow Chart of The Research


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The explanation of flowchart in Fig. 1
Stage I
The first step is the determination of the location and soil
sampling besides preparing steel plate box 100 x 40 x 40 cm
and make a load weighing 50 kg.
Stage II
The second phase of this experiment was conducted
without the soft clay consolidation of sand-lime column and
the column of sand-lime. On the soft clay consolidation the
test was conducted without the sand-lime column in the first
phase.To prepare this test, insert soil sample into steel plate
box 100 x 40 x 40 cmin 30 cm height of solid soil and
gradually 3 layers with the number of 25 strokes per layer.
Then soil was saturated by soaking water for 4 days. After soil
in saturated condition, water was discharged by opening the
drain. After waiting for 24 hours, the heap with a weight of
50 kg was placed for 4 days then two samples for testing
consolidation were taken.
To prepare soil sample for soft clay consolidation of sandlime column in the first stage the sand 5 cm height was
insertedat the base of the box as horizontal drainage and
molding sand-limestone columns in the form of a semi-circle
is placed on the edge of the right and left of the box testing.
Then, soil sample was inserted until soil reached a height of
30 cm solid and gradually 3 layers with 25 strokes per layer.
After the samples were saturated with water soaking for 4
days water was discharged by opening the drain for 24 hours.
Furthermore, mold sand-lime column was removed and the
hole was filled with sand ½ of height of soil sample, then
placed on it a multiplex separator.Lime was filled in the hole
at the top of separator ½ the height of soil sample. Then the
sand above the soil samples with a thickness of 5 cm was
inserted as a horizontal drainage. After that the heap with a
weight of 50 kg was placed and was waited for 4 days.
After removing the heap with a weight of 50 kg, 5
samplesweretaken, namely; 5 samples with a distance of 16.67
cm, 33.37 cm, and 50 cm from the right and left edges of the
box test for consolidation testing (ASTM D2435-04).
Stage III
On this stage the consolidation test and physical properties
test of the soft clay were conducted with and without sandlime column. Physical properties test consist of specific
gravity test (ASTM D854) and Atterberg limits test (ASTM
At this stage, the analysis of the data of the tests performed
on stage I to stage II. Data analysis was conducted to obtain
the conclusion of the research that has been done.
The research equipments are:
1. Steel plate box 100 x 40 x 40 cm
2. The equipment of specific grafity test
3. The equipment of Atterberg Limits test
4. The equipment of consolidation test.


Fig. 2 Steel plate box 100x40x40 cm

A. Physical Properties
1) Specific Gravity Test (Gs)
Specific Gravitytest (Gs) includes soil without sand-lime
column and also soil stabilization with sand-lime column use
spacing sampling variation from the right and left of the
column as 16.67 cm; 33.33 cm; 50 cm. The test results can be
viewed in Table I.
of Test








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Spacing Sampling Variation (cm)







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Fig. 3 Relationship between spacing sampling variation and specific gravity
(ASTM D854)

Fig. 4 Relationship between spacing sampling variation and liquid limit value
(ASTM D4318)

Table I and Fig. 3 indicate that the average Specific Gravity
of soils decreased starting from: without column;50 cm; 33.33
cm; and 16.67 cm from column. Due to the reaction of
cementation between grains of soil and lime, the grains
become bigger. Beside that specific gravity of lime are 2.107
less than specific gravity of soil, itmakes the specific gravity
of soil closer from the sand-lime column decreased.

Table II and Fig. 4 show that liquid limit value (LL)
decreased when getting closer to the sand-lime column. This
is due to the reaction of cementation between grains of soil
and lime, the grain become bigger. Itmakes the soil cohesion
decreasedso that the liquid limit value decreased too.

2) Atterberg Limits Test
Atterberg Limit test is intended to determine physical
properties changes from each sample of soil without
stabilization and sand-lime stabilization installed with spacing
as in Table II.

Fig. 5 Relationship between spacing sampling variation and plastic limit value
(ASTM D4318)

Table II and Fig. 5 indicate that the plastic limit value
increased when getting closer to the sand-lime column. This
was due to the decrease of soil cohesion.


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Consolidation Test

Consolidation test includes soil without sand-lime column
and also soil stabilization with sand-lime column use spacing
sampling variation from the right and left of the column as
16.67 cm; 33.33 cm; 50 cm. Test results can be viewed in
Table III, Table IV, and Table V.

Spacing Sample (cm)

Fig.. 6 Relationship between spacing sampling variation and plasticity index
value (ASTM D4318)

Without Column

Cv right
Cv left


The decrease of liquid limit (LL) and the increase of plastic
limit (PL) make plasticity index (PI) decrease. Table II and
Fig. 6 showthat the plasticity index value decreased when
getting closer to the sand-lime column.The decrease of
plasticity index value indicates the decrease of potential
expansion of the soil.

Fig. 8 Relationship between spacing sampling variation and coefficient of
consolidation (ASTM D2435-04)

Fig. 7 Relationship between spacing sampling variation and shrinkage limit
value (ASTM D4943)

When the soil loses moisture content, it will have
depreciation until in a position solid or semi-solid and called
Shrinkage Limit (SL). Table I and Fig. 7 indicate that the
shrinkage limit value (SL) increased when samples taken
closer sand-lime columns that mean less the potential of
expansion. This is due to the reaction that makes the soil with
lime soil grains become larger and reduce the specific surface
area of soil and cause soil sensitivity reduce water absorption.


Table IIIand Fig. 8 show the comparison coefficient of
consolidation (Cv) among spacing sampling variation. If
taking the sample from the column is closer, coefficient
consolidation (Cv) increased as well. The higher Cv value, the
faster consolidation process. This is due to soil that closer
sand-lime column is drier.

Spacing Sample (cm)
Without Column

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Cc right

Cc left




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Fig. 9 Relationship between spacing sampling variation and compression
index (ASTM D2435-04)

Table IV and Fig. 9 indicate that compression index value
decreased when getting closer to the sand-lime column. Due
to the decreaseof soil compression, the compression index
decreased too.

Spacing Sample (cm)
Without Column

Sc right

Sc left




Sand-lime column could improve the physical properties of
soilfrom Troketon Pedan Klaten. Soil samples were taken 50
cm ; 33.33 cm ; and 16.67 cm from the column have smaller
specific gravity (Gs) there 2.277 ; 2.234 ; 2.151 than without
sand-lime column 2.303.The value of Liquid limit (LL)
decreased, 79.5%; 76.25%; 74.88% are better than without
column 82%. Plastic limit (PL) has increasing values, 36.07%;
37.64%; 41.61% are better than without column31.8%.
Plasticity index (PI) has decreasing value, 43.43%; 38.62%;
33.27% than without column 50.20%. Shrinkage Limit (SL)
has increasing values; 14.26%; 17.84%; 22.74% are better
than without column 13.67%.
Consolidation test results show, the closer soil sample from
the sand-lime column Cv value tends to increase, the highest
average Cv values, 0.00177 � 2 /second, occur in soil samples
which located 16.67 cm from sand-lime column. While the
value of compression index (Cc) tends to decrease, the
smallest Cc value, 0.655, occured in the soil samples which
spacing sampling 16.67 cm from sand-lime column. While
settlement consolidation (Sc) decreases, the smallest Sc value,
0.245 cm, occured in soil samples which spacing sampling
16.67 cm from sand-lime column. This study shows that the
addition of sand-lime column can improve the physical
properties and consolidation parameter of soft clay from
Troketon Pedan Klaten.Sand-lime column is potentially to
improve physical and mechanical properties of soft soil in the
site because the implementation is easy and cost less than
cement column.




Fig. 10 Relationship between spacing sampling variation and settlement
consolidation (ASTM D2435-04)

ASTM D4318, Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit
and Plasticity Index of Soils, ASTM International, West Conshocken,
PA, 2005.
ASTM D2435-04, Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional
Consolidation of Soils, ASTM International, West Conshocken, PA,
ASTM D854, Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Soils,
ASTM International, West Conshocken, PA, 2005.
ASTM D4943, Standard Test Methods for Shrinkage Limit of Soils,
ASTM International, West Conshocken, PA, 2005.
Hardiyatmo, H. C, Mekanika Tanah I, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama,
Jakarta, 1994.
Muntohar, A.S, A Laboratory Test on The Strength and LoadSettlement Characteristic of Soft Soils Using Lime Column , Jurnal
Dinamika Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Vol. 10,
No. 3, 2010.
Setiawan, A, Pengaruh Pemakaian Kapur Terhadap Tekanan
Pengembangan Dan Penurunan Konsolidasi Pada Tanah Lempung
Pedan Klaten, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2008.
Satriyana, MRW, Tinjauan Jarak Pengambilan Sampel Pada Tanah
Lempung Lunak dari ds. Jono kec. Tanon kab. Sragen Yang
Distabilisasi Dengan Kolom Pasir , Universitas Muhammadiyah
Surakarta, 2014.

Table V and Fig. 10 show that the settlement consolidation
value decreased when getting closer to the sand-lime column.
The decrease of Sc value shows that sand-lime column has a
good effect because it can reduce the settlement.


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