Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: The Use of L1 in Peer and Group Discussion Among SMA Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga Students in English Classroom

Anita Widiprastyanti

This paper investigated the occasion when the eleventh grader students use L1 in
group discussions and what are the reasons of using L1 in group discussions during
their English classrooms. To investigate these, questionnaires were distributed to the
eleventh grader students of a private senior high school in Salatiga. There were three
parts in the questionnaire. The first part was the general questions about how
frequently they used L1 and their language preference in group discussions. In the
second part, they were asked to fill in 20 questionnaire items related to the frequency
of the use of L1, especially in their group discussions in their English classes. In the
third part, they were asked to fill six questions related to their beliefs about the use of
English in group discussions. The research found that when and reasons of using
Indonesian during the group works were: social use, vocabulary deliberations,
mechanics deliberations, grammar discussion, task management, and discussing &
generating ideas.
Keywords: L1 in group discussions1


Some part of this work have been presented and published in The 7th International Seminar 2013 – Faculty of
Language and Literature, Satya Wacana Christian University “Language Policy and Planning: What Are The

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