S TE 1102121 Abstract

Performance assessment belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan oleh guru mata
pelajaran. Penilaian terfokus kepada hasil praktik berupa produk dan laporan
praktik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penyusunan instrumen
performance assessment, efektivitas penerapan performance assessment, kinerja
siswa dalam kegiatan praktikum dan tanggapan guru terhadap instrumen
performance assessment yang telah dibuat. Penelitian ini menggunakan model
pembelajaran inkuiri jenis inkuiri terbimbing. Metode yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah mixed method dengan subjek satu kelas yaitu kelas X TPU 4
dengan jumlah sampel 30 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan
menggunakan instrumen performance assessment dan wawancara dengan guru
yang bersangkutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan desain performance assessment
yang telah diuji kelayakan oleh ahli dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam
melakukan penilaian kinerja siswa pada proses pembelajaran; efektivitas
performance assessment untuk aspek afektif, psikomotor dan presentasi masingmasing berada pada kategori baik; kinerja siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran
ditinjau dari perolehan rata-rata hasil belajar berada pada kategori baik dan guru
memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap penggunaan instrumen performance
assessment pada proses pembelajaran.
Kata kunci: performance assessment, guided inquiry

Nike Sartika, 2015

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.


Performance assessment has not been fully carried out by subject teachers.
The assessment only focuses on the practice results in the forms of products and
reports. The present study was intended to find out the proses of making the
performance assessment instruments, the effectiveness of performance assessment
employment, the students’ performance during practices and the teachers’
perception of the performance assessment instruments made. This study employed
a guided inquiry model. The method used in this study was a mixed method. The
subjects in this study were a class of X TPU 4 with 30 students as the samples.
The data were collected by using performance assessment instruments and an
interview with the teachers. The results showed that the performance assessment
design that has been examined by the expert judgments could be used as a
reference in assessing the students’ performance in the learning process; the
effectiveness of the performance assessment of affective, psychomotor and
presentation aspects each of them were in a good category; the students’

performances during the learning process observed from the mean of the learning
outcomes were in a good category and the teachers gave positive responses to the
use of the performance assessment instrument in the learning process.
Keyword: performance assessment, guided inquiry

Nike Sartika, 2015
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.