Overcoming The Problem of Students Not Coming To Thomas Alva Edison Class Regularly When I Teach in Logic Learning Center.


Dalam tugas akhir ini saya membahas masalah yang saya alami
selama saya magang di Logic Learning Center (LLC). Di LLC saya
ditugaskan untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris pada anak SMP kelas 2. Pada
awalnya saya ditugaskan untuk mengajar 15 anak. Namun kenyataannya
jumlah murid tersebut sering berubah-ubah dikarenakan beberapa siswa
sering tidak hadir di kelas saya.
Kehadiran setiap siswa yang tidak teratur di kelas saya ini terjadi
karena dua hal: jadwal antara saya sebagai guru, guru lain (Ibu Aryanti),
dan siswa tidak terorganisir dengan baik dan para siswa pun sudah lelah
karena aktivitas mereka sebelum datang ke kelas saya. Ketidakhadiran
beberapa siswa itu pun menyebabkan para siswa tersebut sulit mengikuti
pelajaran yang saya ajarkan. Saya pun merasa kesulitan untuk mengajar
siswa yang tidak secara teratur hadir di kelas. Kebiasaan mereka tidak
hadir di kelas secara teratur itu pun akhirnya menyebabkan siswa lebih
tidak berdisplin menghadiri kelas. Untuk menghadapi masalah yang saya
hadapi, saya memiliki tiga solusi. Pertama, saya harus membuat pelajaran
menjadi menarik sehingga siswa tertarik untuk terus datang ke kelas dan
termotivasi untuk belajar. Kedua, saya harus memberikan hadiah pada
siswa yang berdisiplin dan hukuman pada siswa yang tidak berdisiplin

datang ke kelas sehingga dengan diberi hadiah anak merasa bangga
pada dirinya sendiri dan dengan hukuman anak akan belajar untuk
berdisiplin menghadiri kelas. Ketiga, saya harus bisa bekerja sama
dengan Ibu Aryanti dan orang tua siswa untuk mengatur jadwal siswa
sehingga dapat menciptakan hubungan yang baik antara saya sebagai
guru, guru lain dan dengan orang tua murid dan dapat bekerjasama dalam
membentuk anak menjadi disiplin dan bertanggung jawab dengan jadwal
yang telah di tentukan.
Sebagai kesimpulan, jika ketiga solusi di atas dapat diterapkan, saya
percaya saya akan dapat mengatasi masalah siswa yang tidak secara
teratur hadir di kelas sehingga kegiatan belajar mengajar pun bisa
berjalan dengan baik.


Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. i

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ......................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1- 6
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ................................................................ 7- 9
CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ...................................................... 10-16
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ....................................................................... 17- 19


Maranatha Christian University


1. The schedule for me as a teacher,
another teacher (Mrs. Aryanti) and
my students is not well-organized.
2. The students are already tired
because of their activities before
coming to my class.

When I teach in LLC,
students do not come to
my class regularly.

Potential negative effects
1. I may get stressed because I have
to make interesting materials to
make students interested to come
to class each meeting.
2. The students cannot adjust to the
way I give the materials because
what I think interesting is not
always considered interesting by
the students.

Potential negative effects
1. The students attend the class
because they avoid being
2. The students will come to my class
only because they will be given a
prize or a reward.

Potential negative effects

1. With the cooperation between
students’ parents and me, I may
become stressed arranging the
students’ schedules based on
parents’ requests.
2. I may feel frustrated because I
have to spend more time arranging
meetings with students’ parents
and Mrs. Aryanti.
3. The cooperation may create
misunderstanding between
parents and me.

Potential solution 1
I should present
interesting lessons to
attract students to keep
coming to class.

Potential solution 2

I should give a reward to
the students who are
disciplined in coming to
my class regularly and
give a penalty to the
ones who are not.

Potential solution 3
I should hold a meeting
with another teacher
(Mrs. Aryanti) and each
students’ parents to
arrange students’
schedules based on the
schedule of Mrs.
Aryanti’s class and
students’ activities.

1. It is difficult for the students
who do not attend the

previous meetings to keep up
with the lessons given.
2. It is difficult for me to teach
students who do not come to
my class regularly.
3. When students are used to
not attending the class
regularly they become more
and more undisciplined to
come to class.

Potential positive effects
1. The students will be more
interested to study.
2. The students will feel
motivated to learn.

Potential positive effects
1. The students will be proud of
themselves when given a

2. When given a penalty
students can learn how to be

Potential positive effects
1. It will create a good
relationship between
students’ parents and me.
2. The parents, another teacher
(Mrs. Aryanti), and I can work
together to make the students
disciplined and responsible
for the schedule that has
been set.

Chosen solution
The combination of the three potential
solutions above.


Name of interviewer
Name of respondents

: Novieta
: Vivi, Vera, Faya, Gracella, Sherly, Michelle,
Gisel, Cindy, Nadia, Toni, Edwin, Ransen, Ratih,
Martha, dan Amel
Day & date of interview : 27 September and 3 October, 2011
Place of interview
: Logic Learning Center

: Cape engga les di kelas Miss Novi? Kenapa?
Vivi, Vera, Faya, Gracella, Sherly, Michelle, Gisel, Cindy, Nadia,
Martha, dan Amel
: Cape karena banyak aktivitas di sekolah.
Emang dari sekolah udah banyak tugas di
tempat les ada tugas lagi.

: Cape, karena malas terus ngantuk atau karena
: Cape, karena ada kerja kelompok.
: Engga.
: Cape, karena rumahnya jauh dari tempat les.
: Ada ga kegiatan yang diikuti sebelum masuk
kelas Miss Novi?
: Ada. Hari Rabu dan Sabtu, kalau Rabu
daripulang sekolah sampai jam 15.00, kalau
Sabtu dari jam 07.00 sampai 09.00.
: Ada paint art hari Jumat dari jam 12.00 sampai
15.00 sama ada les Inggris di Holis hari Senin
dan Rabu jam 15.00.

: Ada; computer, badminton, dan basket.
: Ada les lain di LLC hari Selasa jam 17.00
sampai malam.
: Ada. Hari Jumat dan Senin dari pulang sekolah
sampai 13.30 atau 15.00.
: Ada. Tadinya hari Sabtu, tapi diganti jadi ga
tentu seringnya hari Jumat sama suka ada kerja
kelompok sampai jam17.00.
: Ada. English hari Sabtu.


: Ada. Hari Senin dari jam 14.00 sampai 15.00.
: Ada. Fotografi dari pulang sekolah sampai jam
: Ada. Hari Rabu dan Jumat.
: Ada. Hari Senin dari jam 13.30 sampai 15.30.
: Ada. Hari Sabtu Math club.
: Ada. Footsal hari Rabu dari jam 14.00 sampai
: Ada. Senin dari 13.30 sampai 14.30.
: Ada. Hari Sabtu 07.00 sampai 11.00.
: Kalau masuk ke kelas Miss Novi (kelas bahasa
Inggris) sebelum atau sesudah kelas Mrs.

Vivi, Vera, Toni,
Gracella, dan Edwin
: sebelum kelas Mrs. Aryanti
Sherly, Ranse, Michelle,
Gisel, Cindy, Ratih,
Nadia, dan Amel
: Sesudah kelas Mrs. Aryanti makanya jadi cape
waktu masuk kelas Miss Novi.
Martha dan Faya
: Pernah sebelum pernah sesudah kelas Mrs.
: Kenapa terkadang tidak hadir di kelas bahasa
Inggris Miss Novi?
Vivi dan Vera
: Karena kecapean dari pulang sekolah.
Sherly, Ranse, Martha,
Michelle, Gisel, Cindy,
Ratih, Nadia,
Faya, dan Amel
: Masuk kelas Mrs. Aryanti, kalau ada tugas dan
ulangan jadi ga masuk kelas Miss Novi.
: Karena cape, malas, terus ngantuk.
: Karena tidak ada yang mengantar
: Karena ada ulangan atau tugas jadi ga bisa
masuk kelas Miss Novi.


A. Background of the Study
Students’ attendance is an important thing in a learning process.
Raymond J. Green says “it seems almost self-evident that increased
attendance would positively impact learning” (par. 9). The more regularly
the students attend the class, the more the students will learn. Moreover,
students who attend classes regularly generally earn higher grades
because “the time spent in the classroom had the greatest positive impact
on overall student performance” (par. 3), as is stated by Ronald N.
Cortright, et al.
Not only students’ attendance at school but students’ attendance at a
learning center is also important. Richard C. Schiming states that “the
most productive time in any course is the time actually spent in the
classroom. That time has the greatest positive impact on overall student
performance. The hour or two spent in class each day (for a particular
course) does the most to improve the student's grade” (par. 1). Therefore,
some parents send their children to a learning center with the purpose of
improving their children’s achievement at school by being


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helped in any subjects in which the children need help, as Sarah Barrett
Jen Grady says: “It is important for students to find a way that they can be
helped whether in their own school or in an outside source. Learning
centers have become a popular venue for students to attend to receive
help in any subject area that they may need” (par. 1). Therefore, students’
attendance in the learning center is also important because it can help
students in their lessons at school.
Amy Kestly says, “Students must understand that low attendance rates
can have a negative impact on their grades and overall learning” (par. 1).
When students miss the class, it will be difficult for them to keep up with
the lessons given. As a result, it can make students get low grades in their
lessons and hinder their academic success.
Teachers expect their students to achieve academic success, as Lisa
Rosenthal states: “Great teachers set high expectations for all students.
They expect that all students can and will achieve in their classroom” (par.
2). One of the ways to have academic success is to come to class
regularly, as Colorin Colorado says: “One of the most important things
your child can do to achieve academic success is also one of the most
basic: going to school every day. In fact, research has shown that your
child's attendance record may be the biggest factor influencing her
academic success” (par. 2).
When I taught in Logic Learning Center (henceforth, LLC), I found a
problem concerning students’ attendance in my class. I taught an English
language class. On the first day I taught 15 students around 13 to 14


Maranatha Christian University

years of age, but after that a different number of students each day, which
could be between two to ten students. The students’ attendance in my
class could not be predicted. Therefore, some students could not keep up
with the lessons because they were not present in the previous meetings,
whereas students’ attendance in class is important to make students
understand the lessons given. Besides, this will influence their academic
success. Because of that, in this term paper I would like to analyze the
problem concerning students’ attendance and find the best solution to
solve it.

B. Identification of the Problem
Based on my experience during my internship program as a teacher at
LLC, I would like to analyze:
1. Why did the students in LLC not come to my class regularly?
2. How could I make the students in LLC come to my class regularly?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of the study are to analyze why the students in LLC did
not come to my class regularly and to find out some possible solutions to
make them come to my class regularly. Moreover, I will also find the best
solution to this problem.


Maranatha Christian University

By writing this term paper there are some benefits for me, for the
institution and for the readers. For me, I can share my experience to the
readers and find the best solution to the problem I found during my
internship. I also expect this term paper can provide useful information for
LLC and the teachers there. Moreover, I expect this term paper can make
the readers know that students’ attendance is a very important thing, and
thus give the readers information how to make students come regularly to

D. Description of the Institution
LLC was founded at Kopo F8 Permai No. 7, Bandung on 22 July 2002.
The owners are Herry Gunawan, Kuncoro Hadinata, Elizabeth
Purawidjaya, and Santoso Tjahjadidjaja. LLC is a learning center that
provides lessons for all subjects in schools, for example, Math, Science,
History, Geography, English, Mandarin. The lessons are aimed at
kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, and senior high school
LLC continues to develop over time to help students have good
academic achievement at school. LLC has a vision to be a leading
learning center in South Bandung, and the mission is to provide a good
quality course for kindergarten to senior high school students.


Maranatha Christian University

E. Method of the Study
In this term paper, I analyze the problem that I faced during my
internship at LLC. I did an observation during my internship from 25 July
2011 until 20 September 2011 of the Thomas Alva Edison class, which
has fifteen (15) junior high school students around 13 to 14 years of age. I
wrote down my observation notes in an internship journal. I collected the
resources for solutions, theories that support my statement, and data
from interviews, the Internet, and books.

F. Limitation of the Study
My term paper focuses on me, as a teacher of English language, who
taught junior high school students in Thomas Alva Edison class at LLC.
I taught between two (2) and fifteen (15) students around 13 to 14 years of
age. The observation was conducted during my internship from 25 July
2011 to 20 September 2011.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper starts with the Abstract. It is a summary of the analysis
of this term paper in Indonesian, which can help the readers know the
contents of this term paper. The Abstract is followed by Declaration of
Originality, which contains a statement of authenticity of this term paper.
After that, there is Acknowledgements, which lists my gratitude to all


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people involved in the process of writing this term paper. Afterwards, there
is Table of Contents, followed by four chapters; Chapter I contains the
introduction of my problem, Chapter II is the problem analysis, which
covers the causes and effects of my problem, Chapter III contains three
potential solutions, with two or three positive and negative effects for each
solution. Chapter IV is the conclusion, which states the best solution to my
problem. After that, there is Bibliography, which contains information about
all the resources used from chapter I to chapter IV. The last part is
Appendix, containing a flowchart and a list of interview questions.


Maranatha Christian University


In the previous chapters, I have analyzed the problem I found during
my internship, the causes and the effects of the problem and three
potential solutions to solve my problem. The problem is that when I teach
in LLC, students do not come to my class regularly.
There are some causes and effects of this problem. The two causes of
my problem are that the schedule between me, another teacher (Mrs.
Aryanti), and the students is not well-organized and the students are too
tired because of their activities before coming to my class. The effects of
my problem are that it is difficult for the students who do not attend my
class regularly to keep up with the lessons given, and it is also difficult for
me to teach students who do not come to my class regularly. Moreover,
students who are used to not attending my class regularly become more
undisciplined to attend my class.
To solve this problem, there are three potential solutions. First, I should
make interesting lessons to attract students to keep coming to class.
Second, I should give rewards to the students who are disciplined in


Maranatha Christian University

coming to my class regularly and give a penalty to the ones who are not.
Third, I should hold a meeting with Mrs. Aryanti and each student’ parents
to arrange students’ schedules based on the schedule of Mrs. Aryanti’s
class and students’ activities.
Based on the analysis of all chapters, the best solutions to my problem
is the combination of all the three potential solutions. The first solution is
that I should make interesting lessons to attract students to keep coming
to class. As a result, the students will be more interested to study and they
will feel motivated to learn and keep coming regularly. The second solution
is that I should give rewards to the students who are disciplined in coming
to my class regularly and give a penalty to the ones who are not.
Consequently, the students will be proud of themselves when given
rewards and motivated to come to class, whereas, when given a penalty,
students can learn how to be disciplined by coming to class regularly. After
giving interesting lessons, it is important for me to provide rewards and
penalty. Therefore, I will not only make the students interested in the
lessons but with rewards I will also be able to make them motivated to
come to class, whereas with a penalty I will be able to make the students
disciplined to come to class regularly. The third solution is that I should
hold a meeting with Mrs. Aryanti and each student’s parents to arrange
students’ schedules based on the schedule of Mrs. Aryanti’s class and the
students’ activities. Consequently, it will create a good relationship
between students’ parents, other teacher (Mrs. Aryanti) and me.
Furthermore, the parents, Mrs. Aryanti, and I can work together to make


Maranatha Christian University

the students disciplined and responsible for the schedule that has been
set. After I have given interesting lessons, given rewards and penalty, it
will be complete if I hold a meeting with Mrs. Aryanti and each student’
parents to arrange schedules based on the schedule of Mrs. Aryanti’s
class and students’ activities because when we meet to arrange students’
schedule, we can tell each other what is needed for the children’s better
Thus, the combination of these three solutions is very useful to make
the students come to class regularly because these three solutions
support one another. When the students are given interesting lessons,
rewards, and penalty, the students are expected to be disciplined to come
to class regularly. Furthermore, cooperating with students’ parents and
Mrs. Aryanti will help me make the students’ parents be involved in making
the students disciplined and responsible for the schedule that has been
The conclusion is that I should give interesting lessons, give rewards to
the students who are disciplined in coming to my class regularly and give
a penalty to the ones who are not, and hold a meeting with Mrs. Aryanti
and each student’s parents. With these three solutions, I believe that
students will be attracted to come to class and be disciplined to come to
my class regularly.


Maranatha Christian University


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Maranatha Christian University

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Maranatha Christian University

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Amel, Vera, Nadia, dan Faya. Personal Interview. 3 October 2011

Maranatha Christian University