Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Field Study Report in SMK Kristen (Business And Management) Salatiga T0 3110003 BAB IV

Chapter 4

Conclusion and suggestion


Based on experiences obtained during the Field Study in SMK

Kristen (Business and Management), the writer can implement all theories
given during the college study. The writerbe able to concludes that from the
chapter 1, the writer knows to master all tasks given and perform them well.
The writer had spent almost 6 week in the Administration office. The writer
had done some activities, such as: filing letters, welcoming guests, checking







documents,and also performing other creative tasks. All theories and
knowledge obtained during the college study could be implemented in the
real field study. After those 6 week experience of Field Study, the writer
would like to give some conclusions to SMK Kristen (Business and
Management). The writer obtained very useful experiences by completing
the Field Study, in which there is indeed match and mismatch between
theories given and field practice that have made the writer gaining better
understanding about how to be a professional secretary.




Suggestions for SMK Kristen (Business and Management) and SatyaWacana
Christian University.


Suggestion for SMK Kristen (Business and Management).
To give more attention to the existing letters or documents storages. Perhaps,
by changing the existing shabby map folders with endurable ones and making
sure they can keep letters or documents in well-organized way.


To plan facilities improvement for Administration office.

Suggestions for SatyaWacana Christian University

Based on writer’s experience during the Field Study, which was

experiencedfrom 3 weeks delay from its original schedule, thus the writer would like
to suggest about clear notification or announcement about Field Study preparation.

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