The Innovative Concept Of An Anti-Cigarette Campaign Poster To Put In The Countryside.



Saat ini tidak sedikit lembaga pemerintah maupun swasta yang telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menyadarkan masyarakat agar berhenti merokok. Namun kelihatannya hal ini tidak membawa perubahan yang berarti. Semakin hari jumlah perokok terus bertambah dan berdasarkan survey, jumlah perokok terbanyak adalah para remaja yang bermukim di pedesaan. Mereka senang merokok dengan alasan ingin mencoba hal yang baru. Saat ini, Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-5 perokok terbanyak setelah negara China, Amerika, Rusia, dan Jepang.

Salah satu penyebab meningkatnya jumlah perokok di pedesaan yaitu disebabkan oleh kurangnya informasi mengenai bahaya merokok. Dengan melihat segala keterbatasan yang ada di pedesaan, maka saya memutuskan untuk mengusulkan sebuah ide pembuatan iklan anti rokok dalam bentuk poster. Poster memiliki suatu kekuatan dalam menyampaikan pesan, untuk itulah penulis membuat suatu poster yang didesain semenarik mungkin dengan pesan yang dibuat secara sederhana agar mudah dimengerti oleh khalayak pedesaan.

Iklan dalam bentuk poster merupakan sarana yang dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi dalam bentuk visual. Hal ini diyakini efektif karena isi pesan di dalam sebuah poster lebih gampang diingat dan penyajian visual yang menarik membuat isi pesan dapat ditangkap secara maksimal.

Melalui usulan iklan ini, diharapkan masyarakat pedesaan, khususnya di Lampung, Jawa Barat, Kalimantan Barat, dan Bengkulu, dapat diingatkan tentang bahaya merokok. Saya berharap poster ini dapat berpengaruh terhadap penurunan jumlah perokok, khususnya di pedesaan.



I hereby sincerely and truthfully declare that this thesis contains no parts that are taken from other people’s works, except those mentioned in the quotations and in the bibliography as is proper for a scientific paper.

Bandung, February 2008

Yosie Setiadana



This thesis is submitted to the English for Business Professionals Programme Faculty of Letters, Maranatha Christian University, as a partial fulfilment of the requirement for the final assessment in the English for Business Professionals Programme.

In this final project I innovate an idea of a poster for anti-cigarette campaign to put in the countryside. The aim of the poster is to give information to the rural people about the danger of smoking. For this project, I do some library research and search data from the Internet for the project realization. In this opportunity I would like to express my deepest gratitude to:

1. Jesus Christ for His blessing and guidance in writing this thesis. 2. Miss. Nonie as my first supervisor for her guidance.

3. Mrs. Henni as my second supervisor for her help.

My thanks are also due to my beloved Budi Setiawan, my little sister, and also others whom I cannot mention but have supported me in writing this thesis.








I.1. Background of the project I.2. Project Identification I.3. Objective I.4. Layout of the Term Paper CHAPTER II: JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT………6






I.1 Background of the Project

Smoking has been a health problem in Indonesia, even in the world,

and it is the main factor of many diseases. I agree with how this website describes about smoking:

Smoking is a health problem in society, because it can cause many diseases, even death. The effect of the poison in the cigarette makes the smoker suffer some diseases such as lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, oesophagus cancer, bladder cancer and heart attack. Besides, smoking cigarettes also can increase the fatal risk for the pneumonia victim, cardiac arrest and also high blood pressure (translated from

Moreover, if someone smokes, it means that he or she inhales cigarette smoke 15 percent only, while the 85 percent is inhaled by the passive smoker (translated from modules/news/index.php?_act=detail&sub=news_minerbapabum&news_i d=1207). For the passive smokers, the smoke of cigarette can cause problems in the respiratory track and decrease the lung capacity (translated from cetak/2007/062007/07/ kampus/ mimbarakademik.htm). These effects are harmful because the smoke of cigarette contains 4,000 chemicals substances, 200 of which are


poisonous. The main poisons are carbon monoxide (CO), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, tar, benzopyrenes, vinyl chloride and nitro so-nor-nicotine, and those substances can cause cancer (translated from www. Nicotine is addictive, and tar is carcinogenic. The poisonous and carcinogenic elements that exist in tobacco burning can trigger cancer (translated from /id/3680, on article

Bisakah Berhenti Merokok? 12 Feb 2007,

Thus, we can conclude that cigarettes can cause many diseases which can destroy, even extinguish human’s life. In relation to the effect of cigarettes towards health, based on the data from Indonesian Health Department, the number of mortality caused by smoking cigarette in Indonesia reach about 58.000 people per year ( Because of that reason, we need to compare the profit and loss from cigarette industry in Indonesia. According to the data from the World Bank in 1999, the duty of cigarettes in Indonesia is only 2.6 trillion and the loss because of the cigarettes reaches about 14.5 trillion in the form of the cost of medicinal treatment, physical defects, and the productivity decrease (translated from /infoling.htm). Based on the library research, the number of smokers in Indonesia at the moment is increasing dramatically. In Tempo Magazine (June 2, 2006), it is stated that ’After entering the fifth grade of the largest number of smokers in the world, Indonesia also makes a new record, the highest number of teenager smoker in the world’. Indonesia is the fifth highest number of cigarette


smokers in the world with the number of cigarettes burnt in 1992 is 182 billion, after the People’s Republic of China (1.697.291 billion), United States of America (463,504 billion), Russia (375.000 billion) and Japan (299.085 billion). (translated from

The prevalence of smoking is increasing, especially in teenagers in Indonesia. Most of the male teenagers smoke and most of them are in the countryside (translated from ’’About 13,2 percent of the total number of teenagers in Indonesia, are active smokers’’ said Hakim Sarimuda Pohan, a member of Komisi IX DPR RI, after attending

’Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia’ programme. This happens because the

information about the effects and dangers of cigarettes is still lacking (translated from About 60 percent of the population in Indonesia are in the countryside, and others are in the towns or cities. (translated from Social and national economic survey (Susenas) in 1995 and 2001 shows that the highest number of smoker is in the countryside. Lampung (32%), West Java (31%), West Kalimantan (31%), and Bengkulu (30%) provinces have the highest number of smokers. Mostly, the smokers in these areas are low educated people and the male teenagers. (translated from

Based on the above facts, I am concerned about the condition, so I am interested in creating a concept for a Public Service Announcement (PSA) on the danger of smoking. This PSA is created in the form of a poster in order that the message can be remembered easily. Besides, the


poster can be placed everywhere to get attention from the target audience. Moreover, a poster has a strength in shaping public opinion. People may forget a newspaper article, but most remember a picture and short messages when they are walking or driving. ( I will explain further about the poster in Chapter II.

I.2 Project identification

I propose to present a concept of a poster to give information about the effects and dangers of smoking for the rural people in the countryside, especially in Lampung, West Java, West Kalimantan and Bengkulu.

I choose the topic ‘The innovative concept of an anti-cigarette campaign poster to put in the countryside’. I mean to present an alternative on how to give information about the effects of smoking for health and environment through the poster design. Several points are used in making innovative concept for anti cigarette campaign poster consist of the size of the poster is A2 poster layout page, design the poster by using colours to make the poster more attractive, headline on the top of the poster, a picture in the centre, and a sub headline on the bottom of the poster. I will explain all the points in Chapter II and I present the realisation in Chapter III.


I.3. Objective

The objective of this project is to present a concept in making a poster for anti-cigarette campaign to put in the countryside.

1.4. Layout of the Thesis

This thesis starts with the abstract, a concise summary of the entire paper in Indonesian. This abstract is followed by the preface, and table of contents that contains the number of page from every part. This thesis is divided into three chapters:

Chapter I Introduction

Chapter II Justification of the project Chapter III Project Realization

Following the Conclusion is Bibliography, where I present alphabetically the references used for the project.




Belch, George Edward & Belch, Michael A. Advertising and Promotion international edition, 6th edition. America New York. 1990

Belch,George Edward & Belch, Michael A. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications. America , New York. 1999

Belch, George Edward & Belch, Michael A. Advertsing and Promotion : An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective. America , New York. 2001

Bolen, William H. Advertising. Second Edition. America. 1984

Bovee , Courtland L, and Arens, F William. Contemporary Advertising. USA. Irwin .1986.

Jefkins, Frank. Periklanan. Jakarta : Erlangga, 1994

Madjadikara, Agus. Bagaimana Biro Iklan Memproduksi Iklan. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2004.

Neal, Michael and James, U. Consumer Behavior: An Integrated Approach. America. 1982

Suhandang, Kustadi. Periklanan, Manajemen, Kiat dan Strategi. Nuansa. Jakarta, 2005.


About Rokok.17 April 2007. <>


About Rokok 17 April 2007. <


About Rokok.17 April

2007<>. On article Perokok Pasif. 17 April 2007. <>.

on article Bisakah Berhenti Merokok? 12 February 2007,


<http: //>,<>

Social and national economic survey (Susenas) in 1995 and 2001. About perokok aktif. 17 April 2007. <>

on article about Rokok. 17 April 2007 <> .

< 3i.htm>. 8 May 2007 About Poster.

Helfand, (2003). About Poster. 8 May 2007 <>. .

About Poster. 8 May 2007<>.

Toesny.< w.html>.

About Message. 8 may 2007.<>.

About Rokok Memperpendek Umur. 1 July 2007.

< festylesreadingtasks.html>.


About What is Poster? 5 June 2007 <http: //>.

About Colour. 8 May 2007 <>.

About Colour Meaning. 29 June 2007 <>.

About Human Skull. 20 July 2007


About Perokok di Indonesia. Tempo Magazine (2 June 2006). 12 July 2007 , www.tempo


smokers in the world with the number of cigarettes burnt in 1992 is 182 billion, after the People’s Republic of China (1.697.291 billion), United States of America (463,504 billion), Russia (375.000 billion) and Japan (299.085 billion). (translated from

The prevalence of smoking is increasing, especially in teenagers in Indonesia. Most of the male teenagers smoke and most of them are in the countryside (translated from ’’About 13,2 percent of the total number of teenagers in Indonesia, are active smokers’’ said Hakim Sarimuda Pohan, a member of Komisi IX DPR RI, after attending ’Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia’ programme. This happens because the information about the effects and dangers of cigarettes is still lacking (translated from About 60 percent of the population in Indonesia are in the countryside, and others are in the towns or cities. (translated from Social and national economic survey (Susenas) in 1995 and 2001 shows that the highest number of smoker is in the countryside. Lampung (32%), West Java (31%), West Kalimantan (31%), and Bengkulu (30%) provinces have the highest number of smokers. Mostly, the smokers in these areas are low educated people and the male teenagers. (translated from

Based on the above facts, I am concerned about the condition, so I am interested in creating a concept for a Public Service Announcement (PSA) on the danger of smoking. This PSA is created in the form of a poster in order that the message can be remembered easily. Besides, the


poster can be placed everywhere to get attention from the target audience. Moreover, a poster has a strength in shaping public opinion. People may forget a newspaper article, but most remember a picture and short messages when they are walking or driving. ( I will explain further about the poster in Chapter II.

I.2 Project identification

I propose to present a concept of a poster to give information about the effects and dangers of smoking for the rural people in the countryside, especially in Lampung, West Java, West Kalimantan and Bengkulu.

I choose the topic ‘The innovative concept of an anti-cigarette campaign poster to put in the countryside’. I mean to present an alternative on how to give information about the effects of smoking for health and environment through the poster design. Several points are used in making innovative concept for anti cigarette campaign poster consist of the size of the poster is A2 poster layout page, design the poster by using colours to make the poster more attractive, headline on the top of the poster, a picture in the centre, and a sub headline on the bottom of the poster. I will explain all the points in Chapter II and I present the realisation in Chapter III.


I.3. Objective

The objective of this project is to present a concept in making a poster for anti-cigarette campaign to put in the countryside.

1.4. Layout of the Thesis

This thesis starts with the abstract, a concise summary of the entire paper in Indonesian. This abstract is followed by the preface, and table of contents that contains the number of page from every part. This thesis is divided into three chapters:

Chapter I Introduction

Chapter II Justification of the project Chapter III Project Realization

Following the Conclusion is Bibliography, where I present alphabetically the references used for the project.




Belch, George Edward & Belch, Michael A. Advertising and Promotion international edition, 6th edition. America New York. 1990

Belch,George Edward & Belch, Michael A. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications. America , New York. 1999

Belch, George Edward & Belch, Michael A. Advertsing and Promotion : An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective. America , New York. 2001

Bolen, William H. Advertising. Second Edition. America. 1984

Bovee , Courtland L, and Arens, F William. Contemporary Advertising. USA. Irwin .1986.

Jefkins, Frank. Periklanan. Jakarta : Erlangga, 1994

Madjadikara, Agus. Bagaimana Biro Iklan Memproduksi Iklan. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2004.

Neal, Michael and James, U. Consumer Behavior: An Integrated Approach. America. 1982

Suhandang, Kustadi. Periklanan, Manajemen, Kiat dan Strategi. Nuansa. Jakarta, 2005.


About Rokok 17 April 2007. <


About Rokok.17 April 2007<>.

On article Perokok Pasif. 17 April 2007. <>.

on article Bisakah Berhenti Merokok? 12 February 2007, <>

<http: //>,<>

Social and national economic survey (Susenas) in 1995 and 2001. About perokok aktif. 17 April 2007. <>

on article about Rokok. 17 April 2007 <> .

< 3i.htm>. 8 May 2007 About Poster.

Helfand, (2003). About Poster. 8 May 2007 <>. .

About Poster. 8 May 2007<>.

Toesny.< w.html>.

About Message. 8 may 2007.<>.

About Rokok Memperpendek Umur. 1 July 2007.

< festylesreadingtasks.html>.


About What is Poster? 5 June 2007 <http: //>.

About Colour. 8 May 2007 <>.

About Colour Meaning. 29 June 2007 <>.

About Human Skull. 20 July 2007


About Perokok di Indonesia. Tempo Magazine (2 June 2006). 12 July 2007 , www.tempo