Applying Questioning Techniques in Teaching Reading Comprehension to Increase Students’ Reading Achievement :A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java.


Applying Questioning Techniques in Teaching

Reading Comprehension to Increase Students’

Reading Achievement

(A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the



Degree in English Education














Oleh Jaya

S.Pd Unwir Indramayu, 2000

Sebuah Tesis yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Magister Pendidikan (M.Pd.) pada Program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Pasca Sarjana

© Jaya 2012

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Juli 2012

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.

Skripsi ini tidak boleh diperbanyak seluruhya atau sebagian, dengan dicetak ulang, difoto kopi, atau cara lainnya tanpa ijin dari penulis.



This is to certify that Board of Examiners has approved the thesis as the requirement of the Master’s Degree in English Education

Board of Examiners:

Prof. A. Chaedar Alwasilah,M.A, Ph.D Main Supervisor

Dr. Yoyo Surjakusumah,M.Pd Co-Supervisor



This is to certify that Board of Examiners has approved the thesis as the requirement of the Master’s Degree in English Education

Board of Examiners:

Prof. A. Chaedar Alwasilah,M.A, Ph.D Main Supervisor

Dr. Yoyo Surjakusumah,M.Pd Co-Supervisor

Iwa Lukmana, M.A, Ph.D Examiner

Rd. Safrina Noorman, M.A, Ph.D Examiner



I hereby declare that this thesis entitled Applying Questioning Techniques in Teaching Reading Comprehension to Increase Students’ Reading Achievements is completely the result of my own investigations. I am fully aware that I have quoted some statements and ideas from other sources, and all of which are properly acknowledged in the texts.

Bandung, July 25th 2012

The writer,




This study investigated the effect of applying questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension. A quasi experimental design was chosen for this study since it did not select the participants randomly (as it is suggested in true experiment design). In this research, the students purposively selected for this purpose of this research.

The experimental group was exposed to the use of questioning techniques in all steps of reading activity, while of those techniques were not given to the control group. This study employed two comprehension test before and after the treatment in order to see the difference in achievement of the two groups. The subjects were also given a set of questionnaires to reveal their responses towards the use of questioning techniques. The data gathered was then carefully calculated by using t-test to identify whether there is a significant difference between the test scores of the two groups. The result of this research proves that Applying Questioning Techniques is effective to be used to increase the students’ reading achievement with the level of significance of 0.05 (α0.05), the value of t-test is 12.55. It is higher than the t-table, 2.045. Meanwhile, at the control group with the same level the value of the test is 2.25. Although the value of t-test at the control group still higher than the t-table, the experimental group got higher than the control.

Given the fact that this research was conducted in a quasi-experimental design in a short time involving two groups, it is recommended that further research be conducted in a longer period, by using a true experimental design.



In the name of Allah SWT, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, Praises and thanks to Allah Almighty, the Lord of the universe. By His guidance and His blessing, the writer has completed his thesis. Shalawat and salam be always delivered to the prophet Muhammad SAW as his excellent idol in facing the vey hard struggle of life. The writer finally accomplished this thesis titled “Applying questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension to increase students’ reading achievement”. This research has strived to find out whether applying questioning technique in teaching reading comprehension gives better impact to the students’ reading achievement, and to reveal the students’ responses towards the techniques.

The writer pays a great attention to the vocational school students’ reading ability since this skill is very important for facing their job. This research problem inspired that reading comprehension ability is very important for international communication and technology transfer. This research was conducted as a final assignment to pursue the master’s degree in English Education department. Hopefully, it may give some contributions to the development of knowledge especially on teaching reading comprehension.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is still far from perfect. Therefore, some constructive comments, criticisms and suggestions will be very much appreciated.

Bandung, July 2012 Writer



Alhamdulillaahi robbil ‘aalamin, Praise and thanks to Allah swt. the Lord of the universe. This thesis was finally accomplished after a long time of struggles. It would not have been completed without much help from other people. It is then, the writer’s pleasure to acknowledge the following people for their best constructive contributions to his education and the thesis writing.

First of all, I would like to address my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my main supervisor Prof. A. Chaedar Alwasilah, M.A, Ph.D, and his co-supervisor Dr. Yoyo Surjakusumah, M.Pd. for their invaluable inputs, feedback, knowledge, spiritual supports, guidance, and suggestions during the process of supervision.

Secondly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all lecturers at Pascasarjana UPI, especially to Emi Emilia, M.Ed. Ph. D the chairperson of English Education Program, Prof. Aminudin Aziz, M.A. Ph. D and Iwa Lukmana, M.A, Ph. D who always give me spirits and inspirations to learn much, Bachrudin Musthafa, M.A, Ph. D who has given an excellent experience in teaching English poetry and other literature, and all lecture that the writer cannot mention. I am deeply indebted to all of them.

Third, his deepest gratitude was expressed to the chairperson of English Education Program of Wiralodra University, Bambang MK, and the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sciences, Aan Juhana Senjaya, M.M, M.Pd, to My “Ayah” DR. Suwardi, M.Pd who always gives me supports.


I am also grateful to Jen Jen Jaeni Dahlan,M. M.Pd the Headmaster of SMKN 1 Indramayu, Undang Supriyatna, M.A, the English teacher of SMKN 1 Indramayu and all students especially to XI Multi Media1, and Multi Media2 2011-2012 period, who have voluntary involved as participants, for their kindness during the research process.

I would like to express my greatest appreciation to my classmates, Endi, Iskandar Dz, Nacep Asmara, Sri Fina Karlina, Taryanah, Sri Heppy Rahayu. You are all my best friends. To my family especially to my wife Romini, my sons Akhmad Shalahuddien, Winahyu Hening Praja S, and my pretty angel Fanny Tri Emilia Muharromah, who never give up praying and supporting my succeed. I deeply grateful to my mother, (the late Ibu Cayem), my father, (Bapak Madroman), my brothers in law, and all of my relatives who cannot be mentioned. It is to them that I dedicated this thesis.


Jaya, 2014

Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading

achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This study investigated the effect of applying questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension. A quasi experimental design was chosen for this study since it did not select the participants randomly (as it is suggested in true experiment design). In this research, the students purposively selected for this purpose of this research.

The experimental group was exposed to the use of questioning techniques in all steps of reading activity, while of those techniques were not given to the control group. This study employed two comprehension test before and after the treatment in order to see the difference in achievement of the two groups. The subjects were also given a set of questionnaires to reveal their responses towards the use of questioning techniques. The data gathered was then carefully calculated by using t-test to identify whether there is a significant difference between the test scores of the two groups.

The result of this research proves that Applying Questioning Techniques is effective to be used to increase the students’ reading achievement with the level of significance of 0.05 (α0.05), the value of t-test is 12.55. It is higher than the t-table, 2.045. Meanwhile, at the control group with the same level the value of the test is 2.25. Although the value of t-test at the control group still higher than the t-table, the experimental group got higher than the control.

Given the fact that this research was conducted in a quasi-experimental design in a short time involving two groups, it is recommended that further research be conducted in a longer period, by using a true experimental design.


i Jaya, 2014

Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Table of Content

APPROVAL PAGE ……….………….…………i

DECLARATION ……….……….…….…..ii

ABSTRACT ……….….…….iii

PREFACE ……….……….………...iv



LIST OF TABLES……….………...…..…...x



1.1 Background of the Study ………..…1

1.2 Research Questions..………..…..………....……….…..2

1.3 Research Variable………….………....………...….…….…….2

1.4 Aims of the Research….………..………….………..3

1.5 Research Significance………..……...………...3

1.6 Definition of the Terms……….……..4

1.7 The Structure of This Thesis………...…5


2.1The Nature of Reading………...6

2.2Reading Comprehension………...9

2.3Reading Comprehension Assessment……….…………....11

2.4Teaching Reading Comprehension……….13

2.4.1 Three Phase Technique……...………..………...………..…...14

2.5 Questioning in Teaching Reading Comprehension...………….……..….16

2.5.1 Question in Advance ( Pre-reading Activities)……….……..16

2.5.2 The Function of Questioning………...…….……....…...17

2.5.3 Questioning in the Classroom Interaction………...….……...18


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

2.7Kind and Form of Questions……….….…..……….……..22

2.8Assessing Questions………..…..…….………..…..…...24

2.9The Grammar Translation Method………...….26

2.10 Previous Research on Questioning Techniques in Teaching Reading……….….….29

2.11 Conclusion……...………..…….…………..………...………..….32


3.1Research Design……….…….………...……….…….….33

3.2Data Collection………...………..……...36

3.2.1 The Population, Setting, and Sample of Research..…..……...37

3.2.2 Instrumentation……..…....……...……….…….……38 for Scoring …….……….……….…38 for Treatment ….…….………….…….…...39

3.2.3 The Application of Questioning Techniques…...……....…...39 Activities………..…….………...….40 3.2.4 Treatment………….……….…….………...…...…..…...41 Reading Procedures and Materials of Question-ing Techniques for Experimental Group….…………...41 Reading Procedures and Materials for Control Group ……….49

3.3 The Schedule of Treatment………...…..…...….….…………50 3.4Data Analysis.……...……….………...…...………..51

3.4.1Technique, Instrument of Collecting Data, and Data Interpretat- ion…...…….………....……..51

3.4.2 The Technique of Analyzing Data …..…..…....……...…...…….52 Score Data Analysis ……….……..…....………….…..….52 Hypothesis Testing ..………….…….……...…....……..…53



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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

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4.1.1 Validity of the Test …………...………...…54

4.1.2 Reliability of the Test ………..….……….……..…..55

4.1.3 Test Items Difficulty………...….………….….…….…...55

4.2The Result of t-test for Reading Comprehension Test………..……….….56

4.2.1 The Pretest and Post-test Gained from the Experimental Group...56

4.2.2 The Pretest and Posttest Scores Gained from the Control Group..59

4.3 The Hypothesis Testing…………....………..………...64

4.3.1 Comparative Analysis of Pretest and Post-test scores of the Experiment Group ………..………..…...…………...…...64

4.3.2 Comparative Analysis of Pretest and Post-test scores of the Control Group………..………...….65

4.3.3 Comparative Analysis of Pretest Scores of Experimental and Control Group………..………..………..…... ..66

4.3.4 Comparative Analysis of Post-test of Experimental and Control Group………...……….……….……….…….68

4.4Interpretation to the Students’Responses in the Questionnaire………...70

4.5Discussion of the Research Finding…...………..…….…….…...74

4.5.1 The Implementation of Questioning Technique in Teaching Reading Comprehension……….………...………75

4.6 Conclusion………….………...……….…...77


5.1. The Conclusions………..….……….…….….……....78




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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

List of Tables

Table 3.1 Research Design ………...……..34

Table 3.2 The schedule of Pre- Post-test and treatment………...……...51 Table 4.1 Data gained from Pretest and Post-test at the Experimental Group...168 Table 4.2 Data Interval from Pre-post-test at the experimental group…………..169 Table 4.3 One sample Kolmogorov-Smirovtest from pre and post-test at

the experimental group ……….…………..57 Table 4.4 Paired samples test of the experimental group ………...58 Table 4.5 Paired of Pretest and Post-test of Experimental group ………...59 Table 4.6 Data gained from Pre and Post-test at the Control group ………...…..170 Table 4.7 Paired samples Statistics from Pre-test and post-test at the control

group ……….………...…..……60

Table 4.8 Paired samples from Pre-test and post-test at the control group ..…...61 Table 4.9 Data gained at the pre-test and post-test both experimental and

control group………..……...………..….171 Table 4.10 Data gained from pre-test both experimental and control

group analysis..………...……….173 Table 4.11 Independent samples t- test for Pre-test of Experimental and

Control group……….…..….……67 Table 4.12 Independent- samples test for Post-test at Experimental and

Control group………..……..69 Table 4.13 Data Gained from students’ questionnaire ………....…….175


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

List of Appendices




Appendix 3 THE TEXT MATERIALS……….118

Appendix 4 STUDENTS’ WORKSHEET………122


Appendix 6a PRE-TEST………..………….……...140

Appendix 6b POST-TEST……….….….147


Appendix 8 QUESTIONAIRES………...….…...162

Appendix 9 PICTURED DISPLAYED………...…….…....164 Appendix 10 Table 4.1DATA GAINED FROM PRE AND POST-TEST AT THE






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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Appendix 15 Table 4.13 DATA GAINED FROM STUDENTS’



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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



This chapter introduces the background of the study, research questions, research variables, aims of the research, research significance, definition of terms frequently used, and the organization of the thesis.

1.1 Background of the Study

Reading is an important tool to reach other skills. For instance, to understand text books, the students need to have satisfying ability in reading. Due to the importance role of reading skill for the students in the future, they need to be prepared well.

Questioning is always considered a valuable tool to stimulate students learning. Teachers, therefore, are being encouraged to use appropriate questions to activate students’ prior knowledge, as well as to actively engage them in the exploration and transformation of knowledge (Bomengen, 2010).

The use of questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension classroom, and getting the students to answer questions is one way for the teacher to get access to what is going on in their minds. As Nuttall (1996) states,

wrong answers are often particularly illuminating, because they can suggest where the misunderstanding arises. And right answer may be right by accident, which is why the teacher needs to probe into the reasons for them (Nuttall, 1996: 181)

Dealing with answers and the key role of the teachers then not just the type of questions, but the way they are used, is crucial (Nuttall, 1996).


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

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Some studies have indicated the importance of questioning techniques in learning process. For example, Wartono (1990) found that the students taught using questioning techniques have better achievement than those were not. In addition, Barnette, Orletsky, Sattes, and Walsh (1995), showed that providing students time to think after asking a question improve the students involvement and success. Furthermore, Hussain (2003) concluded that good questions can increase learning quality.

All these studies showed the importance of questioning techniques in learning process. However, there has not been a lot of research investigating this area especially in the context of reading comprehension. This study was accordingly conducted for these purposes.

1.2Research Questions

This study was conducted to find out the answers to the following research questions:

(i) Can the use of questioning techniques increase students’ reading comprehension achievement?

(ii) What are the students’ responses towards the implementation of teaching reading comprehension through questioning techniques? 1.3Research Variable

There are three variables in this study, one independent variable and two dependent ones. The independent variable is using questioning techniques in teaching and learning process of reading comprehension, and the dependent


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

variables are the students’ activities and students’ reading comprehension achievement.

1.4Aims of the Research

Based on the research problems, the research aims are proposed: 1.4.1 To find out the influence of questioning techniques used by the

teacher in teaching reading towards students’ reading comprehension achievement.

1.4.2 To find out the students’ responses towards the implementation of questioning techniques in teaching and learning process.

1.5 Research Significance

With regard to the significance of the study, this research has the potential significance to the theory, educational, and professional practice.

Theoretically, this study is expected to provide new insight and alternative literature for teachers in teaching English reading comprehension.

Regarding the second potential study, these research findings expected to provide teachers with an alternative solution to help students’ difficulties in reading comprehension.

Finally, it is expected that this study can provide teachers with varieties of using questioning in teaching reading. In addition, this study will provide


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

school principals with information about what assistances and facilities needed in the learning process of teaching reading comprehension.

1.6 Definition of the Terms

This part elaborates the key terms frequently used in this study. The elaboration is aimed for giving definition to avoid misunderstanding and limiting the use of the terms, and understanding the context in which the terms being used (Creswell, 1994).

1. Questioning: Giving questions on reading text and all about things relate to the topic and answered by the students.

2. Convergent Questions is the kinds of questions strategy to encourage student responses to converge or focus on a central theme (Orlich, 1985).

3. Divergent questions: To evoke and elicit longer students’ responses. Thus, if the teacher wishes to evoke several different responses from the students reply will be typically longer than a response to a convergent question (ibid).

4. Evaluative Questions is the kinds of question strategy that has a

built-in evaluatbuilt-ing or judgmental set of criteria. When one asks ‘why’

something is good or bad, an evaluation question is being raised (ibid).


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

5. Questioning Techniques in Teaching and Learning Reading

Comprehension is the questioning used as Nuttall (1996: 183-190) proposes to support and assist for maintaining the teaching and learning process, particularly teaching and learning reading comprehension and not intended to test.

6. Reading comprehension is the process of deriving meaning from connected text that involves words knowledge or vocabulary as well as thinking and reasoning, taking meaning to text in order to obtain meaning from the text (William, 1998; Turner cited in Alexander, 1998)

7. The classroom interaction is the interaction between teacher and learners, and amongst the learners in the classroom (Tsui, 2001). 1.7 The Structure of This Thesis

This thesis contains five chapters. The subsequence chapters are presented as follows:

Chapter II discusses the review of related literature underpinning this study, which includes the nature of reading, reading comprehension, teaching reading comprehension, questioning techniques, function of questioning, questioning and, how to apply these techniques in teaching and learning particularly teaching and learning reading comprehension. Chapter III constitutes the methodological aspects of this thesis, which include research design used, data collection and data analysis. Chapter IV elaborates the data presentation and


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

data analysis which covers the findings and discussions of how questioning

techniques improve students’ reading comprehension. This chapter also discusses students’ responses towards the application of questioning techniques. Finally, chapter V presents the conclusion of the study as well as some possible suggestions for conducting future research in the area of questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension.


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | CHAPTER III


This part provides a brief description about the research methodology, research design used, research procedures, applying questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension, the population, setting and samples of research, techniques of collecting, analysis, interpreting of data, instrumentation, treatment, and hypothesis testing.

3.1. Research Design

This study was intended for testing a hypothesis about the effects of using questioning technique in teaching reading comprehension towards development of students’ reading achievement. By using quasi-experimental design that provides a method of hypothesis testing (Hatch and Lazaraton, 1991). This design was used because the treatment was not random assignment of participant to groups (Creswell, 2008: 303). It means that no selection in the population, a group could be experimental or control. The researcher cannot artificially create groups for the experiment (Creswell, 2008). Since at experimental method was a method for establishing activities to sack the result, the result will be defined as something that will emphasize the existence of causal relationship between variables investigated in an issue.


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

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Moreover, by using quasi-experimental this research involved two groups experimental and control without random sampling. This typical pre and posttest designs examined up to now involve observations or measurements taken immediately before and after treatment (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1997: 272). The effectiveness of the treatment in this design was basically determined by analyzing the pattern of test scores that results from the tests. This design also permitted significant control over threats to internal validity. (Creswell, 2008: 319). To investigate the effects of treatment, pre- posttest and treatments have been conducted. To know the students’ responses towards the questioning techniques used in process of teaching and learning reading comprehension, the researcher also used questionnaires.

The research design used as in the previous mentioned was the quasi-experiment with a pre-test, treatment and post-test design, can be described at the following table:

Table 3.1 Research Design






2 Control Group





E = Experimental Group C = Control Group


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | O1, = Pre-test

O2 = Post-test

X = Treatment

(Adopted from Creswell, 2008)

Sample Observation Pre-test

Treatment Observation Post-test Experimental group


1 Using questioning technique

2 Control Group (C) 1 Without using

questioning technique


The quasi-experimental design has several characteristics as follows:

(1) It has one or two groups of subjects, experimental and control group. (2) It is not random assignment of participants to groups

(3) It compares the two groups with respect to measurement or observation on the dependent variable.

(4) It has twice measurement, pre-test and post-test.

(5) The experimental group is manipulated with the particular treatment,(Nunan, 1992; Creswell, 2008) in this study using questioning technique, while the control group without using it.


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

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There are two purposes of testing in this study; the pre-test is to find out the

basic knowledge of the students’ comprehension before having the treatment, and to

diagnose the students’ strengths and weaknesses in reading comprehension. The post -test is to assess how far the students have achieved the objective of the course from what is taught (Irwin, 1987: 141; Hughes, 1989: 10)

This study tried to find out the empirical evidence of whether the independent variable of using questioning technique in teaching reading comprehension affected the dependent variable of students’ reading achievement. The scores data pre-test and post-test of experimental and control group were compared to find out whether there was a significant difference. Moreover, to find out the students’ responses towards the implementation of the technique the researcher used questionnaire.

3.2 Data Collection

In this research the researcher collected the data from the respondents by using some steps: first, conducting try out to subjects from the same population but not included in the research samples, the result from this process calculated and analyzed by using Anates 4.0. Besides that, the researcher also consulted his advisors before applying the instruments used. It aimed to make sure the validity, reliability of the instruments, and to clarify the instruction used in. The research was conducted since August 26th until October 18th, 2011. The research started at August 26th, 2011 when the researcher asked for permission for conducting research from the teacher of


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

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English and the principal of SMK Negeri I Indramayu (Appendix 16). This occasion researcher used for collecting some information relates to the research will be conducted such as about the site, populations, samples, and available resources might be used. Then prepared and consulted his advisors for advice of instruments will be used. Second, before the instruments used, the researcher took two groups out of thirty groups of students at the same site but will not be involved, for testing of reliability and validity of the test. Third, before treatments, the students were given reading pre-test. The tests were given to find out the students’ score before the treatment. Fourth, upon the completion of the four meetings of treatment and finally posttest were given to both of the experimental and control group. In this research the treatment used was questioning techniques, and this technique wasonly given for the experimental group, while the reading text materials and questions used were modified from the students’ handbook and from on line internet resources. The experimental group consisted of 32 students, 16 males and 16 females. While, the control group was also consisted of 32 students, covers 17 males and 15 females. But, because of the respondents’ inconsistency, such as not joining the all research steps, two students at each group were dropped. The resources books used in this research as previously mentioned, were available in the school library in where the research was conducted.


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

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The population of the research conducted was the eleventh grade or second year students of vocational school SMK Negeri I Indramayu. The size number of population was thirty classes or group students, but not all of them were considered to be the sample of the research due to limited of time and funds. This research involved only two classes from the thirty existing classes, that was Class of XI Multi Media 1 consists of 32 students as the experimental class, and Class Xl Multi Media 2 consists of 32 students for control class.

This site was chosen for some reasons; firstly, the researcher has ever conducted research on the same concerns in this school several years before, and a low students’ reading achievement was secondly reason, besides this site was the nearest school from the researcher’s home.

This study employed purposive sampling. It means that the sample was taken based on the certain consideration, as Fraenkel and Wallen (1997: 75) stated:

On occasion, based on previous knowledge of a population and the specific purpose of the research, investigators used personal judgment to select a sample. Researchers assume they can use their knowledge of the population to judge whether or not a particular sample will be representative.

3.2.2 Instrumentation

There were two kinds of instruments used in this research for collecting the data: 1) instrument for scoring in the form of pre-test (Appendix 6a) and post-test items (Appendix 6b), and 2) instrument for conducting treatment which was in the


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

form of lesson plans (Appendix 1) included questions list (Appendix 2) and reading materials (Appendix 3). Instrument for Scoring

For obtaining the scoring data the researcher administered the test. He administered them twice, the pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given at the first meeting to find out the students’ reading comprehension ability before they were treated. The post-test was given at the end of the program to find out the influence of applying questioning technique in teaching reading comprehension. The test was multiple-choice questions test. It was the commonest way of assessing reading (Alderson, 2000). It was designed in such way in order to suit the students’ proficiency level.

The instruments for scoring both pre, and posttest were in form of reading texts followed by 30 short-questions to achieve of standard of competency suggested curriculum. They are (1) identifying main ideas, (2) understanding the general information, (3) understanding specific information, (4) recognizing the vocabulary, and understanding of author’s purpose.

The materials of the test were taken from Effective Communication for Elementary Level for SMK by Ernawan et al. (2010), Modul: A New Approach to Learn English XI by Tim MGMP Bahasa Inggris (2010) and from Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia.


40 Jaya, 2014

Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | 3. 2. 2. 2 The Instrument for Treatment

The instrument for treatment consisted of lesson plan and reading materials taught in the classrooms. The lesson plan was designed by adapting from Brown’s lesson plan (2001) and presented the teaching process through communicative approach. While, the reading materials were taken from the suitable resources books available in the school library such as Effective Communication for Elementary Level for SMK by Ernawan (2010), Modul: A New Approach to Learn English XI by Tim MGMP Bahasa Inggris (2010), and Developing English Competencies 2 by Achmad Doddy et al. (2009) published by Pusat Perbukuan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Jakarta.

3.2.3 The Application of Questioning Techniques

English syllabus for SMK indicates the teaching of English should be taught integrative into four language skills namely; listening, speaking, reading and writing proportionally. But, based on the topic of this thesis ‘the application of questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension to increase students’ reading achievement,’ the researcher applied his research dealing with reading comprehension only. In this study the researcher intended to emphasize questioning as a technique to increase students’ ability in reading comprehension. The questioning technique was given into three steps: pre-reading, whilst reading, and post reading activities.


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Based on the English syllabus for the eleventh grade students of SMKN 1 Indramayu, (Appendix 5) the standard competent was the students are able to communicate by using English at elementary level equally. The basic competency should be achieved as follows (Translated from SMKN 1 Indramayu English Syllabus 2011-2012, originally written in slightly different Indonesian wordings):

a) Understanding the daily simple conversation both in professional and private context used by non-English native speaker.

b) Taking simple notes from messages using their own education background, c) Cutting into small pieces of jobs and their own education backgrounds. d) Talking about jobs in the past and their planning in the future.

e) Expressing many kinds of desires. f) Understanding the simple instructions.

The passages given to both experimental and control group were as follows: 1. Manners in the Workplace

2. Serving and Handling Guests 3. Apprenticeship

4. Gold Instructional Activities

The subjects of the research was class XI MM1 as the experimental group, the group consisted of 32 students, 16 female and 16 male, and control group consisted of


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32 students in which 17 female and 15 male students. The research activities were started August 26th, up to October 26th, 2011.

The technique for presenting those passages was questioning focused on the reading instructional objectives such as: 1) to find out the general information, 2) to find out the main idea, 3) to find out the specific information either explicitly or implicitly stated, 4) to find out the words meaning, 5) to understand the author’s purposes. Questioning in advance was used in pre-reading, whilst reading and post reading activities. The technique was given only to the experimental group, while the students in the control group were not taught using the technique as in the experimental one.

3.2.4 The Treatment

This study compared the differences between the two approaches in teaching reading comprehension, the experimental group was taught using interactive communicative approach through questioning technique, while the control one was taught by the conventional grammar translation method. Using quasi-experimental design to see the effect of two different treatments given to both of them was prepared for this study.

The basic difference between the two approaches of reading comprehension in their application to the teaching-learning that in the experimental group the students were taught by using questioning both in oral and written in all three phase of


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teaching, while in control group the students were taught by using classical, traditional or grammar-translation. The procedures of teaching learning can be described as follows: The Teaching Process and Materials of Questioning Techniques for Experimental Group

The First meeting treatment for experimental group (held at September 13, 2011)

At the first meeting, the researcher spent more time than the other ones, because the questioning technique was a new for the students of XI MM1. Therefore, the clear explanation about the technique presented was needed to manage the class effectively. The steps were as follows:

- Opening or apperception; in this step the researcher greeted and checked the students’ presentation list to build a warm teacher-learners relationship, to connect and activate their prior knowledge (Nuttal, 1994). This step also can be used as a tool to help the students to prepare the communicative run well by giving them useful questions (William, 1984), and this fine job was also able to provide some worthy examples of real speech to engage the students in meaningful conversation (Nuttall, 1996)

- Introducing the questioning techniques; this step was explained in order to the students aware of many kinds and types of questions will be proposed in this


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research. It was important for students to know that the questions used in this research not for testing but for helping them in understanding the content of the text presented (Nuttall, 1996).

- Justifying the use of questioning techniques; there were several views from scholars about the necessary functions of the questions; for serving three strategic: diagnostic, instructional and motivational (Donald &Eggen, 1989), for checking the students’ understanding particularly by giving convergent and inferential questions (Johnson, 1997) giving impetus and opportunity to produce language comfortably without initiating language, giving the instructor immediate feedback about the learner’s understanding, and providing the students opportunity to find out what they think by hearing what they say (Kinsella, 1991;Brown, 2001)

Pre-reading activities, at this step the students were introduced by displaying pictures relate to the topic to arouse their curiosity and activate their prior knowledge (Carrel, 1988: Nuttall, 1996). It is more efficient than stopping and providing explanation and detail during reading, because it prevents miss-understanding before they crop up rather than remediating afterwards (Lemov,2010). To run this activity the teacher proposed some convergent questions, as it aimed to encourage students to response and focus on central theme (Orlich, 1985). The teacher asked the students to answer some the questions orally. The samples of questions as follows:


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1) Have you ever heard about etiquette?

2) What do you think of this people do?

3) Can you imagine if the world without etiquette?

Not all of the students needed to answer those above questions; hence the questioning and answering process was just used for checking their readiness of facing the real passages.

Whilst reading activities. In whilst reading activities, the teacher modeled fluent reading with rhythm, rate, intonation and expression. The teacher asked students to predict, look for general and specific information, and identify the main idea (Wallace, 1992) by using questioning techniques. The question words used: what? who?, when?, why? The passage was about “Manners at a Workplace” can be seen at the Appendix 3. The teacher proposed some questions to lead the students comprehend the passage (Appendix 2a). After the oral questions and answer, then the students were given a chance for re-read the text once or twice more. And for strengthening their comprehension they also asked find the meaning of selected following words based on the context and some tasks related to the passage presented in the Students’ Worksheet (Appendix 4a) In this step they might consult their dictionary.

Post reading activities. In this activity the teacher asked the students to share their understanding. The teacher added some additional comprehension questions or


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follow-up activities. And to push the students’ discussion onto broader or more analytical topic after completing a text, Lemov (2010: 294) proposes some techniques. They are summarizing and making better connection. To summarize the teacher asked students voluntarily to make summary about the passage they have read.

For making better connection beyond a text (Lemov, 2010) the teacher needed to recognize that certain types of questions were usually more rigorous and more likely to reinforce reading comprehension than others. So, here the teacher proposed the types of questions in priority order according to their relative rigor, with the more rigorous question formats, as follows:

 Text- to text, these types are preferable to text-to-world, and text-to -self because they reinforce testable ideas rather than judgment, opinion, and stories that students may not be able to access. Or across- text question

 Text-to-world, it is used to connect specific aspects of a text to specific aspects of broader world rather than allowing them to discuss any connection they see to any event in the world.

 Text-to-self, these questions are inevitable and valid, but they are also more limited in their relevance to other students and comprehension of texts. Although engaging, they can often lead classes astray (Appendix 2a)


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Assessment. For assessing the students’ comprehension there were some ways used by the teacher. One of them by providing activities related to both the content of the passage and its discourse structure, or organization (Grellet, 1981 in Hadley, 2001). And the second one for more effective reading instruction by finding out how well the students were reading to help them improve by giving them feedback, and measuring how much progress the student has been made (Pang, et al. 2010). (For more detailed stepping see the reading lesson plan for experimental group Appendix 1a)

The second meeting treatment for experimental group (held at September 20, 2011)

The passage about “Serving and Handling the Guests” (Appendix 3)

Pre-reading activities. After greeting and checking the students’ presentation list, then the teacher gave them apperception that was connecting the concept the students had and the topic will be introduced or warming up activity. In this activity the teacher displayed pictures related to the topic through LCD projector available in the classroom, this activity aimed to activate the students’ prior knowledge, as it needed by readers to activate their past knowledge and experience to predict what information was coming next in the text being read (McGinnis,1994) or operate to influence what is learning from the texts (Alexander, 1989) by proposing some


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questions (appendix 2b). In this step, as in the previous meeting the students needed to answer the teacher’s questions orally.

Whilst Reading Activity. After the teacher distributed the students’ worksheet (appendix 4b), the teacher asked them to focus their attention to the text will be discussed. Giving them a chance for to read by heart in limited time, and asked for some volunteer students to read aloud. In this activity the teacher might not interrupt though found students did miss-pronounce during reading process to keep the interaction between the reader and the text run well (Grabe, 1997). After three volunteers students the teacher asked them to answer some questions orally. In this step the teacher asked the students to point out their answers referred to. Then the students worked in pair and underlined the main idea of the passage by using their skimming experiences in their first language. The questions used for guiding their comprehension can be seen at the questions list appendix 2b and students’ worksheet appendix 4b.

Post reading activity. For checking their comprehension, the teacher asked the students to review the exercises used in this topic and made notes needed.

Assessment. The students’ activity result in doing some exercises from the post reading can be used to measure their performance.

The third meeting treatment for experimental group (held at September 27, 2011)


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Pre-reading activity. For engaging the students and activate their prior knowledge the teacher displayed some pictures relate to the topic (Apprenticeship) and asked them some questions about what their thinks about pictures. The questions for these activities can be seen at appendix 2c.

Whilst reading activity. In whilst reading activities, the teacher distributed the students’ worksheet, demonstrated and guided how to skim to get the gist of every paragraph by proposing some questions. The teacher asked students to predict, look for general and specific information. The text “Serving and Handling the Guests” can be seen at the Appendix 3. The teacher proposed some questions to lead the students comprehend the passage (Appendix 2c). After the oral questions and answer, then the students were given a chance for re-read the text once or twice more. And for strengthening their comprehension they also asked if they found some difficult words, by checking and clarifying the meaning of selected following words based on the context and some tasks related to the passage presented in the Students’ Worksheet (Appendix 4c). In this step they might consult their dictionary.

Post reading activity. In this activity, the students asked to read the passage once or more times in a limited time and discussed the answer of the exercises for checking their understanding.

The Fourth meeting treatment for experimental group (held at October 10, 2011)


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Pre-reading activity. In this activity, the teacher proposed factual soliciting questions (Lemov, 2010) in which needs a simple straight forward answers based on obvious facts or awareness, and some divergent questions that allow the students to explore different avenues and create many different variations and alternative answers. (see Appendix 2d)

Whilst reading activity. After the students answered the questions, then the teacher distributed the students’ work sheet and asked them to read the passage silently in a limited time. In this step activities also, the teacher modeled fluent reading with rhythm, rate, intonations and expression. The teacher asked students to predict, look for general and specific information, and identify the main idea (Wallace, 1992) by using questioning techniques. The teacher proposed some questions to lead the students comprehend the passage (Appendix 2d). After the oral questions and answer, then the students were given a chance for re-read the text once or twice more. And for strengthening their comprehension they also asked find the meaning of selected following words based on the context and some tasks related to the passage presented in the Students’ Worksheet (Appendix 4d) In this step they might consult their dictionary.

Post reading activity. In post reading activity the students were asked to write their understanding in about 150 words about the using of gold in modern era.


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The treatment for Control group (held at September 19, 26, October, 10 and 17, 2011)

The materials and the questions for teaching at the control group were not different from those at the experimental, except the technique in presenting them, that was the grammar-translation or traditional as their teacher usually does. The technique was not a new for the students. Therefore, the process of teaching-learning could be as natural as their everyday been taught. The steps were as follows:

Opening and Pre-reading activity.

The teacher greeted the students, checked the presentation list, and then asks the students about the reading passage after they had their worksheet (Appendix 4a) by asking them to give attention to the pictures displayed, and answering some questions for activating their prior knowledge to build meaning (Nunan, 2003), make intelligence hypothesis and draw correct inference and finally comprehend the text (Spiro, Bruce, Brewer, 1980). Whilst-reading activity.

At this stage, the teacher wrote the key words of the topic on the board and explaining them to the students. Giving simple information about the reading topic to support the students’ comprehending. For example, translate the idea of the topic by giving them the idea in their language and culture. The teacher explained the benefits of comprehending this passage, for instance they develop students' awareness of the reading process and reading strategies by asking students to think and talk about how they read in their native language. Then the students read the passage in about 20 minutes. The teacher explained


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and asked if the students found some the difficult words in the reading passage. In this case the teacher usually asked the students to give attention to the vocabulary list and grammar point for helping them in translating the reading passage.

Closing or Post-reading activity.

The teacher gave an evaluation; this contains answering the questions that related to the reading passage. If the students answer these questions correctly with a less interference by the teacher, the goals of the lesson were achieved. The teacher gave the students enough time to evaluate their understanding of the lesson.

(see the lesson plan for Control Group Appendix 1b for detail stages of teaching-learning process.

3.3 The Schedule of Treatment

The pre-test, post-test and teaching learning process was arranged in ten meetings. The time table of the treatment was shown in the following table:

Table 3. 2 The Schedule of Pre-Posttest and treatment time table

Meeting Date Description

Time Experimental


Control Group

1 12/09/2011 Giving Pre-test 2 x 45 “ 2 X 45” 2 13/09/2011 Manners at a workplace 2 X 45”

3 19/09/2011 Manners at a workplace 2 X 45 “ 4 20/09/2011 Serving and Handling Guests 2 X 45 “

5 26/09/2011 Serving and Handling Guests 2 X 45 “ 6 27/09/2011 Be Apprenticeship 2 X 45 “


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7 10/10/2011 Be Apprenticeship 2 x 45 “ 8 11/10/2011 Gold 2 x 45”

9 17/10/2011 Gold 2 X 45”

10 18/10/2011 Post-test 2 x 45 “ 2 X 45”

3.4 Data Analysis

3. 4. 1 Technique, Instrument of Collecting Data, and Data Interpretation

In this research the researcher used some instruments to collect data. The instruments for the first research questions was the pre-test and post-test of reading test for identifying the students’ reading achievement (Appendix 3). The reading test for pre and post-test had similar level of validity, reliability, discriminating power and level of difficulty. The multiple-choice questions item form was chosen for some reasons. Firstly, the scoring was easier, faster and more objective than the other form of test. Secondly, this was very efficient when number of students was large while time allocated was very short. Third, the reliability of this type was higher than the essay test (Heaton, 1995; Surapranata, 2004)

To get the data for the second research question the researcher used questionnaire (Appendix 8), to know students’ responses towards the implementation of questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension. There were many reasons to use questionnaire for collecting data and using it as a research instrument (Gray, 2004: 214) has given the following reasons: 1) There is a need to attain highly personalized data. 2) There are opportunities required for probing. 3) A good return


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rate is important. 4) Respondents are not fluent in the native language of the country, or where they have difficulties with written language.

The type of the questionnaire was Likert-Scale with five alternative options: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Uncertain, Agree, and Strongly Agree. This scale was chosen because it was less laborious and reliability of 0.85 is often achieved (Oppenheim, 1992). There were two kinds of statements in this research instrument, positive statement in which reflect positive response towards the issue being addressed, and the negative one which negative response towards those being addressed.

3.4.2 The Technique of Analyzing Data Score Data Analysis

The quantitative data of the research gained from pre-test and post test results. The qualitative data from questionnaires was used to measure the students’ responses towards the using of questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension to increase students’ reading achievement. To compute the data gained from both of experimental and control groups, then the results compared by using match-paired t-test in order to see the difference of achievement before and after treatment. And between the experimental and control group. The statistic computation of SPSS 17 was also used by the researcher. These hypothesis testing were conducted to see whether Ho and Hi accepted or rejected.


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To test the alternative hypothesis (Hi) there were some assumption that was to be fulfilled. Hi accepted if:

a. Mean of post test score is higher than that of pretest score of the two groups. b. Mean of pretest of the experimental group is not different from that of the

control group.

c. Mean of posttest score of the experimental group is higher than that of the control group (Creswell, 2008).

Meanwhile, to test the null Hypothesis (Ho), it is accepted if:

a. There is no significant difference between mean of post-test score and pre-test scores either of the experimental or control group.

b. There is no significant difference between mean of pre-test score of two groups.

c. There is no significant difference between mean of post-test score of the two groups.

To meet the above assumptions, statistical analysis of t-test was applied to decide whether the mean of pre-test score was different from that of post-test score; both in group itself and between two groups with the level of significance of 0.05.The significance of the test was analyzed by using computer program of Statistical Product and Solution Services (SPSS 17) Microsoft Windows program.


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This chapter presents conclusions which were drawn from the data gained, and based on the conclusions, the recommendations are given to both practitioners and further researchers.

5.1 The Conclusions

This study investigates whether questioning technique is effective to increase students’ reading comprehension and what the students’ responses towards the applying of those. Based on the theories, findings and discussions explored in the previous chapter, some conclusions can be drawn as follows:

Regarding the first research question; does the use of questioning techniques give better impact on students’ reading comprehension achievement compared to the grammar translation method? The data showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores gained by the experimental group in which the students taught using questioning techniques and those at the control group who taught without it. It can be seen from the result of both scores analysis of pretest and posttest. The value of t-test 12.62 is higher than the t-table, 2.045 at the experimental, while at the control group 2.33. The value has a very significant different comparing between the experimental and control group. It means that the result of the research supports the earlier research conducted by Wartono (1990) that questioning techniques can be used to develop students’ ability to answer comprehension questions by arousing their curiosity, activating


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their prior knowledge, and guiding questioning. The questioning techniques are helpful in making prediction, inferencing the words, and developing vocabulary. Hussain’s (2003) research focused on the questions frequently used by the teachers found that the teachers’ questions should inculcate the habit of asking more thought provoking questions, so that the learners’ involvement in the process of learning increases.

Regarding the second research question; what are the students’ responses towards the applying question techniques in teaching reading achievement. This study reveales that more than half of the students or 56.85 agree that questioning were able to help them in increasing their understanding of reading text. It is consistent with their response to the statement of guru memberikan Tanya jawab sebelum memulai pengajaran reading comprehension tidak membantu memudahkan pemahaman saya terhadap isi wacana (teacher gives questioning before starting reading comprehension teaching will not help my understanding towards the content of the text) 20% strongly disagree, 50% disagree, 24% uncertainly, only 3% or 1 respondent agree and strongly agree. So, it was not too exaggerated to conclude that the students’ response towards the applying of questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension were positive.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the findings of the implementation of questioning techniques in teaching reading comprehension, there are some recommendations proposed both for practical purposes and further research. The recommendations are intended to


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increase and find better way in teaching reading in vocational school. Besides, they are also to propose an alternative solution for helping students particularly vocational school students and institutions due to the achievement of the goal of teaching English as demanded by the working fields user and curriculum of education.

For practical purposes, based on the study there are some recommendations proposed. For institution, it is suggested that Vocational school need to adopt some techniques in teaching reading comprehension for instance questioning techniques since it is appropriate alternative to develop students’ reading ability. This technique can encourage students’ involvement in teaching learning process. It is recommended for the teachers that activating students’ background knowledge and grammatical competence can be able to help the students in grasping better understanding of reading text.

For further research, it is suggested that, as this research only employed quasi experimental design which was involved experimental and control groups without random sampling, further studies employ true experimental design in which the subjects are randomly selected, in order to see if there are influences of both external and internal factors, and the students achievement can be controlled well. Besides, this study only carried out in one vocational school, it is useful for more research to be conducted in bigger scale.


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Applying questioning techniques in teaching readingcomprehension to increase students’ reading achievement (A Quasi- Experimental Study at SMK Negeri 1 Indramayu West Java)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

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