Ridha Kurnia 210110070207. 2011. Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Program Your
Daily Playlist di Radio Prambors Bandung. Pembimbing utama Slamet Mulyana,
Drs.,M.I.Kom dan Pembimbing pendamping Iwan Koswara, Drs., M.Si. Jurusan Manajemen
Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjadjaran.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan strategi komunikasi
pemasaran program Your Daily Playlist di radio Prambors Bandung. Penelitian ini
menggunakan studi kasus deskriptif untuk memberikan gambaran yang mendalam serta detail
disertai konsep-konsep penelitian.
Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa strategi komunikasi pemasaran program Your
Daily Playlist di Radio Prambors Bandung melalui beberapa tahapan dimulai dari
perencanaan. Dalam merencanakan strategi yang akan digunakan, perusahaan mengarah
kepada pada misi, tujuan, dan sasaran perusahaan yang dilakukan agar kegiatan tersebut tidak
keluar dari pemikiran yang sudah direncanakan lebih awal dan berjalan dengan baik.
Pelaksanaan strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakuakn difokuskan kepada
bauran komunikasi pemasaran besertta elemen-elemennya. Evaluasi dari pelaksanaan
tersebut, yaitu melakukan peninjauan kegiatan promosi, memperbaiki kekurangan kegiatan
promosi, dan melihat hasil dari kegiatan yang telah dilakukan.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa strategi komunikasi pemasaran program Your
Daily Playlist di radio Prambors dilakukan untuk membangun pendekatan dengan para
pendengarnya khususnya anak-anak muda di Bandung.

Ridha Kurnia 2101110103, “Marketing Communications Strategy Radio Station
Prambors Bandung” with main chancellor Iwan Koswara, Drs,M.Si and vice chancellor H.M
Fakhrudi Akbar,S.Sos,M.Si , Science of Communication Faculty, Padjadjaran University.
This research is in purpose to know the marketing communication
strategy through Bandung Prambors radio program"Your daily Playlist", seen
from the
planning, implementation and evaluation.
The research method is used descriptive qualitative study. The main instrument for
the researh is the observer his self. The data in this research is obtained by good participant
observation, dept interview with related person, documentatition and literature study.
The results of these studies show that at the planning stage strategy is needed
inmarketing Prambors Radio Bandung through the program "Your Daily Playlist" is the
determination of goals, objective to be achieved by radio station Prambors Bandung itself,
includes two aspect : idealistic purpose and commercial. At the implementation of radio
Prambors Bandung is using multiple tools as a result and adjustment to target identification
and analysis of the situation. Among other tools are off the water through the promotion of
music events, media advertising, personal selling are also social media like twitter, facebook,
web blogs as marketing. Stages of the evaluation is done by reading a good mapping results

of the survey agency or an independent survey conducted Prambors Bandung through its
partnership with the students. Then the mapping results obtained were taken to the general
meeting or special meeting program or product. However, monitoring and evaluation would
only be made based on activities that have been done Prambors Bandung, survey on brand
awareness has yet been done. So the evaluation performed within the scope of radio listeners
only, not yet to the wider community.