Rebellion Against Educational Institution In J. D Salinger’s Novel The Catcher In The Rye




2.1 General Concept of Novel as Literature

The term literature originated from Latin literaturra. The term expanded toward European Nation and was absorbed in the European languages, such as: literature in English, littérature in French language , literatur in German language

and literatuur in Dutch language. Literraturra was derived from word “littera” and “gramma” which means “letter”.

From the meaning, it can be understood that literature deals with text and writing that can be read. However, not every writing text can be regarded as literature. Several aspects must be fulfilled by certain text in order to gain the label of literature. According to Abrams (1999) in Glossary of Literary Terms, there are certain criterions that need to be fulfilled in seeing work as literature.

It is either aesthetic worth alone or aesthetic worth in combination with general intellectual distinction. Within lyric poetry, drama, and fiction, the greatest works are selected on aesthetic grounds; other books are picked for their reputation or intellectual eminence together with aesthetic value of a rather narrow kind: style, composition, general force of presentation are the usual characteristics singled out. This is a common way of distinguishing or speaking of literature. By saying that 'this is not literature', we express such a value judgment; we make the same kind of judgment when we speak of a book on history, philosophy, or science as belonging to 'literature ' Abrams (1999:198).

In general, there are four major forms of literature. They consist of poetry, prose, drama and novel. Each of them are different in form, but they represent the essence of life as what Robert (1993:1) says in his book Literature: An Introduction


to Reading and Writing that literature refers to compositions and tell stories

dramatize situations, express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas.

From all the literary genres that have been mentioned, novel is the most recent to be included into the genre. Although novel is the newest genre in literature, the popularity of novel as literary work is massive and widely known by many people. In short, novel becomes the most common literary work that introduces people toward literature.

Wellek and Warren in The Theory of Literature (1956: 282) define the novel as a picture of real life manners of time in which it is written. It means everything that is described in a novel that is written by their authors based on the true story or on the experience of his or her life. The story a novel, even though it is fiction can be true in real life. The story about social phenomena and daily issues that the novel represents is closely related with human’s life (Klarer1994: 11).

2.1.1 Intrinsic Elements of the Novel

Intrinsic element is the elements that come from the literary work and affect the existence of it. In short, intrinsic elements build up the literary work. The elements that compose the intrinsic of the novel are:

a. Character

Abrams in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms (1999: 190-191) says that Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the


persons say and their distinctive ways of saying ways of saying it (dialogue) and from what they do (the action). The grounds in the characters' temperament, desires, and moral nature for their speech and actions are called their motivation.

From the explanation, it can be understood whether the existence of character in literary work is very decisive because character is the doer in literary work. Things that they do and things that happen to them are the focus of how the story will develop and affect other intrinsic elements.

b. Theme

Theme is an element of a story that binds together various other essential elements of a narrative. Theme gives readers better understanding of the main character’s conflicts, experiences, discoveries and emotions. Through themes, a writer tries to give his readers an insight into how the world works or how he or she reflects human life.

c. Plot

Plot is an ordered, organized sequence of events and action. Plot in this sense is found in novels rather than in ordinary life, life has story but novels have a plots and stories. As E.M. Forster explains it, a story is a narrative of events that arrange in their time sequence, whereas a plot is a narrative of events with the emphasis falling on causality. Not all commentators would agree that causality is a distinguishing feature, but they would agree that there is a necessary distinction to be made between the incident which is told in a novel in their chronological order and actual


narrating of these events in perhaps quite a different order in the novel Hawthorn (2001: 96).

Plot is the movement of the story. It determines the progression of event. By analyzing the plot, the reader can get better understanding about what will happen in the next sequence.

According to Mario Klarer (1998:15) plot is the logical interaction of various thematic elements of a text that lead to change of the original situation as presented at the outset of narrative. An ideal traditional plot line encompasses the following four sequential levels: Exposition - conflict – climax - resolution

1) Exposition

Exposition is the phase of events in fiction or drama in some situations that introduces the characters or the background story. Introducing from this figure are, origin, physical characteristics, and nature. (Siswanto 2008: 159). Exposition is the opening of the story that sets a scene and introduces the main character, situation, events existing before an action is prepared to begin a story. It also provides other background information that the reader needs in order to understand and to follow the events.

2) Conflict

Conflict is the tension in the story. Conflict always happen when there are two competing interests. This conflict can occur in one figure (inner-conflict) or between the two figures such as between figures with the public or between figures with environment, between the character and nature


figures, and between people and gods. (Siswanto 2008: 159). Conflict is the essence of fiction and it creates plot.

According to Klarer (1994), there are four kinds of conflict that could be found in the story of the novel. They are:

2.1 Man versus Man (Conflict that pits one person against another)

In this case, one person faces the problem with the others which causes a conflict. In here, there are contradictions to get something from the quarreled thing.

2.2 Man versus Nature (A run-in with the forces of nature)

This conflict expresses the insignificance of a single human life in the cosmic scheme of nature. On the other hand, it tests the limits of a person’s strength and his willing to live by fighting against his destiny.

2.3 Man versus Society

The values and customs where everyone else lives are being challenged by the main character. The character may come to situation where he is contrast with his society as the result of his own convictions. The character may bring others around to a sympathetic point of view toward him, or it may be decided that society was right after all.

2.4 Man versus Self (Internal conflict)

Not all conflict involves other people. Sometimes people are dealing with their self which causes internal conflict. Human is separated between two choices that make them quarreled with their self. The internal conflict is


representation of characters’ inner-strength from their way in dealing with their self.

3) Climax

Climax is the point of the greatest tension in a work of literature and the turning point in the action. In a plot line, the climax occurs after the rising action and before the falling action. A climax is the highest point in an ascending series of incidents in fiction. A climax will exist if there is a conflict. It is a point, at which the fortune of the protagonist undergoes a change influencing his heart or mind (Siswanto 2008: 159). Climax according to Stanton (1965: 16) is a conflict which has reached the high intensity, when the thing is something unavoidable. It means that based on the claim and logical story, the event should accord climax completely and determine the development of the story. Climax is the point between two or more opposite situation and. It considers how the problem will be resolved. In climax there are turning points that determine the end of the story. The climax is the result of the crisis. It is the highest point of the story for the reader. It is the moment of the highest interest and greatest emotion. The point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted.

4). Resolution

A resolution is the last event in a novel or the outcome of a conflict. The main character has finished solving his problem and the result is in a


happy or sad ending. Resolution refers to stage where the crisis or conflict is resolved.

d. Point of View

The story is represented by the author through narrator. The view of narrator in telling the story is called point of view. In telling the story there are four types point of view.

First Person

The narrator is the character in the story who can reveal only personal thoughts and feeling. Things that he or she sees are told by other character.

Third-Person Objective

The narrator is the outsider who can report only what he or she sees and hears. This narrator can tell us what is happening but he cannot tell us the characters’ thoughts.

Third-Person Limited

The narrator is an outsider who sees into the mind of one or main character.


The narrator knows everything about the story because he or she can see through all the characters’ thought.


e. Setting

Time, place, and social environment are the main components of the setting. Setting helps the reader to define the time and location where the story taken place. Like other intrinsic elements, the elements of setting can also be found inside the story. However, some literary works do not directly mention the setting. Reader must able to define the time or set of location based on the situation which is explicitly portrayed by the author.

2.1.2 Extrinsic Elements of the Novel

Opposite to the intrinsic, the extrinsic elements of the novel cannot be found inside the literary work. The extrinsic elements are not the elements that build up the story from the inside. It affects the existence of the story through historical, cultural and social background. Author is the main object of these backgrounds. In short, these elements are affecting the story through the author. As the other social creatures, the authors’ life receives the influence from their society. The author’s way to explain his work and preserving the story contains the historical cultural and social aspect that may occur during the time when the author wrote their work. The expert believes that the relation between individual and authors is the relation under social circumstances. Relation of a literary work to the segment of society that its fiction represents or to which the work is addressed (Abrams, 1999:208).

2.2. Marx’s Criticism

During the development of socio analysis, some experts lessens the analysis of human and their social phenomena into Marx's criticism which become the main key in exposing the conflict that happen in society. Today, conflict theorists find


whether Marx’s criticism is able to uncovered the role of economic in social group as the main factor which causes inequality. This inequality result social conflict between any groups in which the potential for inequality background mostly based on human objective to be enormous. Conflict theorists note that unequal groups usually have conflicting values and agendas, causes them to compete against one another. This constant competition between groups forms the basis for the everchanging nature of society.

Marxist criticism is part of larger body of theoretical analysis which aims to understand ideologies-the ideas, values and feelings by which men experience their societies at various times. And certain of those ideas, values and feelings are available to us only in literature (Eagleton, 1976: v). This idea is comprehend with the analysis of human response since human response toward their social phenomena is the result of their attitude and feelings. The phenomena in society give human certain experiences. This experience will affect human response toward society and toward the value that amends in it.

There is visible in the diffusion and development of the Marxist vision in literature (Parson, 1999:9). It is obvious that in analyzing the phenomena in literary work, Marxist criticism also has a very important role. Literature covers many aspect of life. The things that happen in literary work are inseparable with the facts that really occur in human life. The social phenomena that happen in reality sometimes become the inspiration of certain author to construct their story. This condition make the analysis of literary work and the phenomena that happen in its character can be observed through Marx’s Criticism.


Based on the clarification above, it is prevalent that action and reaction from human in society can be analyzed from the view of Marx’s Criticism. The subjects that correspond to be investigated are view of society that focuses on social processes of tension, competition, and change that emphasizes power and inequality.

Marxism is a scientific theory of human societies and of the practice of transforming them; and what that means, rather more concretely, is that the narrative Marxism has to deliver is the story of the struggles of men and women to free themselves from certain forms of exploitation and oppression (Eagleton, 1976: v).

According Karl Marx and his fellow thinker Friedrich Engels, the basic principles that causes human to struggle and to have conflict with his insitutions are:

1. Material Production (Economy)

The evolving history of humanity of its social groupings and relations, of its institutions, and of its ways of thinking are largely determined by the changing mode of its "material production"—that is, of its overall economic organization for producing and distributing material goods (Abrams, 1999: 147).

In human relation with the social living, economical background gives big impact toward human changes. In the social humans enter particular stages where they are restrained by social demand to fulfill material production (economy). Since it is important in defining their position in society, humans are pressed to fulfill the demand. This situation causes indispensable relation between human will and their development stage where they are forced by their society to accomplish the production of


material wealth. The the social, political and intellectual life process in general. As the result of this relation, human beings are shaped by their social environment which close to them. It is not the being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness (Eagleton 1976: 2).

At a certain stage of human development, their nature as decent human being has changed in society as the result of accomplishing material and economy as the social demand. Humans become ambitious toward material and compete with other in order to gain economical aspect that determines their position in society. This situation creates conflict in society that separates human bases on their economical background. It forces human to come in conflict with the existing relations of the social forces through material production. From forms of development of the economical forces, these relations turn into human fetters and causes rejection that ends of being a rebellion.

In short, material production (economy) holds immense function in creating conflict for humans and their society. Material production puts society as a tool to oppress individual to gain particular position. It changes human consciousness and it stratifies the individual base on their ability to gain particular social demand. The phenomena in human life are general while the way of human in receiving it is particular.


It is part of a social history where an element in that complex structure of social perception ensures the situation where one social class has power over the others. This condition is either seen by most members of the society as ‘natural’, or not seen at all. (Eagleton: 1976: 3).

In the fundamental mode of interaction, effect changes in the class structure of a society, establishing in each era dominant and subordinate classes that engage in a struggle for economic, political, and social advantage (Abrams, 1999: 148). Marxist criticism will analyses literature in terms of the historical conditions which produce certain class domination and the response against it.

Marxist criticism does not merely analyzes literary about when the work get published and whether they mention the working class. More deeply Marxist criticism concerned with how the development of human struggles appears over the time. Not only through the delineation in novel but also through it relations which represent particular history of the real social condition. It aims to explain the literary work more fully; and this means a sensitive attention to its forms, styles and meanings. But it also means grasping those forms, styles and meanings as the products of particular history (Eagleton, 1976: 2).

3. Ideology

Human consciousness is constituted by an ideology. That is, the beliefs, values, and ways of thinking and feeling through which human beings perceive, and by recourse to which they explain, what they take to be reality (Abrams, 1999: 148). That is why human ideology can be regarded as one of


the most important aspect in creating rebellion from certain character. Human ideology become one of the most important thing in affecting human perspective, and when the value that emerges in society contrast with their ideology, human tend to reject the social norm and decide to rebel. We do not understand ideology because we grasp the part it plays in the society as a whole. It consists of a definite perception, which underpins the power of a particular social class. This is not an easy task, since ideology is never a simple reflection of a ruling class’s ideas, on the contradictory, ideology reflects humans’ viewing about the whole essence of their living. To understand an ideology, we must analyze the precise relations between different classes in a society; and to do that means grasping where those classes stand in relation in society (Eagleton, 1976: 3).

It is important here to grasp the precise meaning for Marxism of ideology. Ideology is not in the first place a set of doctrines; it signifies the way men live out their roles in class society, the values, ideas and images which tie them to their social function and so prevent them from a true knowledge of society as a whole (Eagleton, 1976: 8).

In short, ideology is a tool for human to free their self from the boundaries of social boundaries. By having an ideology, human will be able to filter what is good and what is not good to be absorbed from the social value, since not all the values that are resulted by social interactions gives positive impact toward human living. Ideology helps human to keep their perspective about something. In Marxist view, ideology help human to prevent the existence of hypocrisy and insincerity. Ideology detaches human


from the trammel of social function that tend to classify people and encourage human to rebel against inequality in society.

The analysis of Marxist Criticism will gives further explanation that can help the author in analyzing the phenomena related with stratification and inequality aspect that creates rebellion from the main character in this analysis. The existence of literature that covers issues like inequality that creating rebellion as the subject of analysis clarifies its relation with Marx’s criticism. Literature in here tries to make sense the representation of human lives and portray human and the phenomena around them as actual as it can. This situation produce the possibility of Marxist Criticism to analyze the phenomena in literature as it analyzes the phenomena in real life


whether Marx’s criticism is able to uncovered the role of economic in social group as

the main factor which causes inequality. This inequality result social conflict

between any groups in which the potential for inequality background mostly based

on human objective to be enormous. Conflict theorists note that unequal groups

usually have conflicting values and agendas, causes them to compete against one

another. This constant competition between groups forms the basis for the

everchanging nature of society.

Marxist criticism is part of larger body of theoretical analysis which aims to

understand ideologies-the ideas, values and feelings by which men experience their

societies at various times. And certain of those ideas, values and feelings are

available to us only in literature (Eagleton, 1976: v). This idea is comprehend with

the analysis of human response since human response toward their social phenomena

is the result of their attitude and feelings. The phenomena in society give human

certain experiences. This experience will affect human response toward society and

toward the value that amends in it.

There is visible in the diffusion and development of the Marxist vision in

literature (Parson, 1999:9). It is obvious that in analyzing the phenomena in literary

work, Marxist criticism also has a very important role. Literature covers many aspect

of life. The things that happen in literary work are inseparable with the facts that

really occur in human life. The social phenomena that happen in reality sometimes

become the inspiration of certain author to construct their story. This condition make

the analysis of literary work and the phenomena that happen in its character can be


Based on the clarification above, it is prevalent that action and reaction from

human in society can be analyzed from the view of Marx’s Criticism. The subjects

that correspond to be investigated are view of society that focuses on social processes

of tension, competition, and change that emphasizes power and inequality.

Marxism is a scientific theory of human societies and of the practice of

transforming them; and what that means, rather more concretely, is that the narrative

Marxism has to deliver is the story of the struggles of men and women to free

themselves from certain forms of exploitation and oppression (Eagleton, 1976: v).

According Karl Marx and his fellow thinker Friedrich Engels, the basic

principles that causes human to struggle and to have conflict with his insitutions are:

1. Material Production (Economy)

The evolving history of humanity of its social groupings and relations,

of its institutions, and of its ways of thinking are largely determined by the

changing mode of its "material production"—that is, of its overall economic

organization for producing and distributing material goods (Abrams, 1999:


In human relation with the social living, economical background gives

big impact toward human changes. In the social

humans enter particular stages where they are restrained by social demand to

fulfill material production (economy). Since it is important in defining their

position in society, humans are pressed to fulfill the demand. This situation

causes indispensable relation between human will and their development


material wealth. The

the social, political and intellectual life process in general. As the result of

this relation, human beings are shaped by their social environment which

close to them. It is not the

being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their

consciousness (Eagleton 1976: 2).

At a certain stage of human development, their nature as decent

human being has changed in society as the result of accomplishing material

and economy as the social demand. Humans become ambitious toward

material and compete with other in order to gain economical aspect that

determines their position in society. This situation creates conflict in society

that separates human bases on their economical background. It forces human

to come in conflict with the existing relations of the social forces through

material production. From forms of development of the economical forces,

these relations turn into human fetters and causes rejection that ends of being

a rebellion.

In short, material production (economy) holds immense function in

creating conflict for humans and their society. Material production puts

society as a tool to oppress individual to gain particular position. It changes

human consciousness and it stratifies the individual base on their ability to

gain particular social demand. The phenomena in human life are general

while the way of human in receiving it is particular.


It is part of a social history where an element in that complex structure

of social perception ensures the situation where one social class has power

over the others. This condition is either seen by most members of the society

as ‘natural’, or not seen at all. (Eagleton: 1976: 3).

In the fundamental mode of interaction, effect changes in the class

structure of a society, establishing in each era dominant and subordinate

classes that engage in a struggle for economic, political, and social advantage

(Abrams, 1999: 148). Marxist criticism will analyses literature in terms of the

historical conditions which produce certain class domination and the response

against it.

Marxist criticism does not merely analyzes literary about when the

work get published and whether they mention the working class. More deeply

Marxist criticism concerned with how the development of human struggles

appears over the time. Not only through the delineation in novel but also

through it relations which represent particular history of the real social

condition. It aims to explain the literary work more fully; and this means a

sensitive attention to its forms, styles and meanings. But it also means

grasping those forms, styles and meanings as the products of particular

history (Eagleton, 1976: 2).

3. Ideology

Human consciousness is constituted by an ideology. That is, the

beliefs, values, and ways of thinking and feeling through which human beings


the most important aspect in creating rebellion from certain character. Human

ideology become one of the most important thing in affecting human

perspective, and when the value that emerges in society contrast with their

ideology, human tend to reject the social norm and decide to rebel. We do not

understand ideology because we grasp the part it plays in the society as a

whole. It consists of a definite perception, which underpins the power of a

particular social class. This is not an easy task, since ideology is never a

simple reflection of a ruling class’s ideas, on the contradictory, ideology

reflects humans’ viewing about the whole essence of their living. To

understand an ideology, we must analyze the precise relations between

different classes in a society; and to do that means grasping where those

classes stand in relation in society (Eagleton, 1976: 3).

It is important here to grasp the precise meaning for Marxism of

ideology. Ideology is not in the first place a set of doctrines; it signifies the

way men live out their roles in class society, the values, ideas and images

which tie them to their social function and so prevent them from a true

knowledge of society as a whole (Eagleton, 1976: 8).

In short, ideology is a tool for human to free their self from the

boundaries of social boundaries. By having an ideology, human will be able

to filter what is good and what is not good to be absorbed from the social

value, since not all the values that are resulted by social interactions gives

positive impact toward human living. Ideology helps human to keep their

perspective about something. In Marxist view, ideology help human to


from the trammel of social function that tend to classify people and

encourage human to rebel against inequality in society.

The analysis of Marxist Criticism will gives further explanation that

can help the author in analyzing the phenomena related with stratification and

inequality aspect that creates rebellion from the main character in this

analysis. The existence of literature that covers issues like inequality that

creating rebellion as the subject of analysis clarifies its relation with Marx’s

criticism. Literature in here tries to make sense the representation of human

lives and portray human and the phenomena around them as actual as it can.

This situation produce the possibility of Marxist Criticism to analyze the