Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education Department






Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

in English and Education Department











      In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and Most Mercifull.

  Hereby the writer fully declares that this Graduating Paper is made by the writer and it is not containing materials writen or has been published by other people except the information from references and also the writer is capable of accounting for this Graduating Paper if in future this is can be proved of containing other‟s ideas, or in fact, the writer imitates the others‟ graduating paper.

  In addition, the writer really hopes that this declaration can be understood for all human being.


  Salatiga, December 19 2014 The Writer


  Jl. Stadion 03 Telp (0298) 323706, 323433 Fax. 323433 Salatiga 50721 Mrs. Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I.,M.A. The Lecturer of Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE

  Case: Khoirul Majid ‟s graduating paper


  Salatiga, December 19 2014 Dear The Head of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga


  After reading and correcting Khoirul Majid ‟s graduating paper entitle


Syntactic Analysis of Verb Phrase found in the Text of Link Magazine the

Fourth Edition August 2011, I have decided and would like to propose that if it

  could be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


  Jl. Stadion 03 Telp (0298) 323706, 323433 Fax. 323433 Salatiga 50721






  The future is not a place that we wait for, but something which we created “99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa” I prefer to explain why I‟m failed than I have to explain why I don‟t try.

  “Mario Teguh”


  This study is dedicated for : 1.

  Allah SWT 2. Prophet Muhammad SAW 3. My Beloved Father, Mother (Rest In Peace), Brothers, and also my beloved sisters

4. My beloved aunt, uncle, and my big family 5.

  The students of TBI 2010, especially E Class 2010 6. All of my friends



  Alhamdulillahirabbil „alamin, thanks to Allah because the writer could complete this research as one of the requirements for getting Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Educational Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga in 2014.

  This research would not have been completed without supports, guidance, advice, and help from individual‟s institution. Therefore, the writer would like to express deep appreciation to:

  1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., the Head of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd., the Head of Education Faculty of State Institute forIslamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga.

  3. Mrs. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari,M.Pd., the Head of the English Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga.

  4. Mrs. Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I., M.A., the consultant of this research. Thank you for suggestion and recommendation for this research from beginning until the end.

  5. All lecturers of English department, the writer deeply thank you all for your advice, knowledge, and kindness.

  6. All of staffs who help the writer in processing the research administration.

  7. All of the librarians who help the writer in finding the research references.

  8. My beloved parents, my father (Muslih), and my mother (Rumyati, Rest In Peace), who always gave me sincere prayers for successfulness in my life and always support and advise me.

  9. My big family, beloved brothersMas Mubtadi and his wife (Mbak Siti), Mas Ahmad Marzuki, and Mas Sahid Mustofa and his wife (Mbak Alfi), beloved sisters Mbak Sri Hidayati and her husband (Mas Arwani), Mbak Nur Faizah, Khasanatul Mu‟akhiroh and her husband (Eko), Mar‟atul Maghfiroh, and also Puji Fajarwho always give me support. My beloved little fighter: Alifia, Abiy, Adna n, A‟la, and Arkan who always make me smile.

  10. To my aunt, Mursydatun Ni‟mah and her family (Mas Han, Hanif, Vatar, Naufal) with whom struggle for my study, thank you.

  11. My beloved friends M. Rifki Athaya, Nasriyya Izzah ,Iin Fitra K, Rofiqoh, thank you for the time, pleasure and everything.

  12. All of my friends TBI 2010, especially E, thank you for all the time.

  13. All of you who I cannot mention one by one thank you for your support and kindness.


  Salatiga, December 19 2014 The writer



  Majid, Khoirul. 2014. Syntactic Analysis of Verb Phrase Found in the Text of Link

  Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011 . A Graduating Paper,

  EducationalFaculty, English Department, State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN).Consultant: Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I.,M.A.

  Key words: Syntax, Verb Phrase, Constituent, Construction.

  This study deals with the constituent of verb phrase and the construction of verb phrase used in text of Link Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011. The X-bar theory proposed by Radford (1988) in representative diagram is used as guide to answer the objectives of study, namely (1) to identify and to describe the constituents of Verb Phrases mostly found in the text of Link Magazine the Fourth

  . (2) To identify dominant Verb Phrases construction mostly

  Edition August 2011

  found in the text of Link Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011.This research applies the descriptive qualitative and quantitative method.The objects are the constituent of VerbPhrase, and the analyzed data are sentences and/or phrases containing the constructionsof Verb Phrase are used in the texts ofLink Magazine. The whole data are 70 data found by the writer. Based on the analysis, the writer found that there are thirty three constructions of Verb Phrase and the dominant construction lies within Verb(Head) + Post-modifier construction. For the specific result, the writer provides the percentage in detail, such as Verb (Head) in 2 data (3%), Pre-modifier + Verb (Head)in 2 data (3%), Verb (Head) + Post-modifierin 59 data (84%), and Pre-modifier + Verb (Head) + Post-modifier in 7 data (10%).



  TITLE................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION ................................................................................................. ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ................................................................ iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION …………………………………………..iv MOTTO............................................................................................................... v DEDICATION.................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT

  ……………………………………………………………………....xi TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... x LIST OF FIGURE AND TABLE ..................................................................... xiii

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study .......................................................................... 1 B. Statements of The Problem ....................................................................... 5 C. Objectives of Study .................................................................................. 6 D. Limitation of the Study ............................................................................. 6 E. Benefit of the Research ............................................................................. 6

  G. Clarification of the Key term .................................................................... 8

  H. Graduating Paper Organization ................................................................. 9

  CHAPTER II: THEORITICAL REVIEW A. Syntax ……………………………………………………………………11 1. The Definition of Syntax……….…………………………………….11 2. Syntactic Construction……………………………………………….12 B. Syntactic Structure……………………………………………………….18 1. Category……………………………………………………………...18 2. Constituent…………………………………………………………...19 C. X-bar Theory……………………………………………………………..20 D. Phrase Structure Rule…………………………………………………….21 E. Verb Phrase………………………………………………………………23 CHAPTER III: METHOD OF THE STUDY A. Type of the Study………………………………………………………...32 B. Object of the Study………………………………………………………34 C. Data Source………………………………………………………………35 D. Method of Collecting Data………………………………………………36 E. Technique of Analysis Data……………………………………………..36 CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS A. The Analysis of Verb Phrase Constituent………………………………..39 B. The Dominant Construction of Noun Phrase…………………………….73

CHAPTER V : CLOSURE A. Conclusions………………………………………………………………80 B. Suggestions………………………………………………………………84 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIXES



Figure 1.1 The Verb Phrase Sample 1 .................................................................. 4Figure 1.2 TheVerb Phrase Sample 2 ................................................................... 4Figure 2.1 The Example of Noun Phrase ............................................................ 15Figure 2.2 The Example of Verb Phrase ............................................................. 15Figure 2.3 The Example of Adjectival Phrase .................................................... 16Figure 2.4 The Example of Adverbial Phrase ..................................................... 17

  Figure 2.5The Example of Prepositional Phrase ................................................. 18 Figure 2.6The Example of Sentence Constituent ................................................ 20 Figure 2.7The Scheme of X-Bar Theory............................................................. 21

Figure 2.8 The Schema of Phrase Structure Rule ................................................ 22Figure 2.9 The Sequence of Auxiliary Verb ....................................................... 27Figure 2.10 Construction of Verb Phrase ............................................................ 28Figure 2.11 The Example of Construction of Verb Phrase .................................. 29

  Figure 2.12Construction of PP= Internal= Complement ..................................... 30

Figure 2.13 Construction of PP= External= Adjunct ........................................... 30 ) ............................................................................Figure 4.1 The Schema of V

  40 ‟ (V

Figure 4.2 the Schema ofV

  ” ((ASP) + V‟ (V)) ................................................... 40

Figure 4.3 the Schema of V

  ” (ASP + V‟ (V + NP)) ............................................ 41

Figure 4.4 the Schema of V” (ASP + V‟(V + NP + PP)) ..................................... 42

  Figure 4.5The schema of V‟ (V + NP) ............................................................... 44

  Figure 4.6The schema of V‟ (V + NP + NP) ..................................................... 45

  Figure 4.7The schema of V‟ (V + NP + NP + Conj + NP) .................................. 45

  Figure 4.8The schema of V‟ (V + NP + NP +PP (Complement)) ........................ 46

  Figure 4.9The schema of V” (V+ NP + NP + NP + Conj + PP (Complement) +

  PP (Adjunct)) ..................................................................................... 47 Figure 4.10The schema of V

  ” (V‟(V+NP) + ADVP (Adjunct)) .......................... 49 Figure 4.11The schema of

  V‟ (V + NP + PP (Complement)) .............................. 50 Figure 4.12The Schema of V

  ” (V‟(V + NP) + PP (Adjunct)) .............................. 52 Figure 4.13The schema of

  V‟ (V + NP + PP(Complement) + PP(Complement)) 53

  Figure 4.15The schema of V ” (V +NP +PP + ADVP) ........................................ 55

  Figure 4.16The schema of V ” (V +NP + AP ) ................................................... 56

  Figure 4.17The schema of V‟ ( V + NP+ CP) ..................................................... 57

  Figure 4.18The schema of V‟(V + PP (Complement) ......................................... 58

  Figure 4.19The schema of V‟ (V + PP (Complement) + PP (Complement)) ....... 60

  Figure 4.20The schema of V ” (V‟ (V + PP (Complement)+ PP (Adjunct)) ......... 60

  Figure 4.21The schema of V ” (V‟(V+PP(Complement)+PP(Adjunct)+ADVP) .. 61

Figure 4.22 The schema of

  V‟ (V + PP (Complement) + NP) ............................. 62 Figure 4.23The schema of V

  ” (V‟(V+PP (Complement) + AP) .......................... 63 Figure 4.24The schema of

  V‟ (V + PP(Complement) + CP) ................................ 64 Figure 4.25The schema of V

  ” (V‟ (V) + AP (Adjunct) ....................................... 65 Figure 4.26The schema of V

  ” (V‟ (V) + ADVP ................................................. 66 Figure 4.27The schema of V

  ” (ASP+ V‟ (V + ADVP + PP) ............................... 67 Figure 4.28The schema of V (V + CP) ............................................................... 68 Figure 4.29The Schema of

  V” (ADVP + V‟ (V)) ............................................... 69 Figure 4.30The schema of V

  ”(ADVP + V‟(V + NP)) ......................................... 70 Figure 4.31The schema of

  V” (ADVP + V‟(V + NP + AP)) ............................... 71 Figure4.32The schema of

  V” (ADVP + V‟(V + NP + PP(Complement)) ........... 71 Figure4.33The schema of

  V” (ADVP + V‟(V + NP + PP(Adjunct)) ................... 72 Figure4.34The schema of

  V‟ (V + S) ................................................................. 73 Table 4.1(VerbConstruction) .............................................................................. 74 Table 4.2(Pre-modifier + VerbConstruction) ...................................................... 74 Table 4.3(Verb + Post-Modifier Construction) ................................................... 75 Table 4.4(Pre-modifier + Verb (head) + Post-modifier Construction) ................. 78

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study Language is the important part of human life. They are not able to be

  separated each other because each community is formed by the activity of language. The people use language to gain information and convey several kinds of messages (ideas, emotions, and desires) to the others. The language has three functions in communication, they are cognitive, effective and afective, depended on the message to be communicated. Fromkin and Rodman (1988:4) stated when you know a language, you can speak and be uderstood by others who know that language. This means you have the capacity to produce sounds that signify certain meanings and to understand or intrepet the sounds produced by others. According to Dinneen (1966:12), there are two aspects of language: the first the expression side of language, and the second the content.

  Radford (1988:2) divides the aspect of language in four different aspects. The first is Phonology; it is the study of sound and sound system.

  The second is Morphology; it is the study how morphemes or grammatical units smaller than the words are combined together into words. The third is Semantic; it is the study of meaning of the words. Then the fourth is Syntax; it is the study of how words are combined together to form sentences. Dealing with the aspects of language , the most important thing in linguistic study of language is about grammar. Dinneen (1966:98) stated, grammar is the technical knowledge of the language generally employed by poets and writers. Grammar focused on the correct combinations of language units that have meaning, and it is not simply a relation between two terms but a very complex set of relation.

  Analysis of the language is needed since the complexity of the language meanings. Here grammar has the role major in analyzing the language. According to Parera (2009:5) every language has a language units; the smallest language unit is phonem, then morphem, over morphem is word, over word is phrase, then clausa, above clausa is sentence, and the largest language unit is discourse. Every language units is analyzed based on the stucture, function, and meaning. That is why there are subparts of language analysis; phonology, morphology, syntax, and discourse analysis. One of the branch of language analysis is syntax.

  Fromkin and Rodman (1988:163) describe syntax is the part of grammar that concerns the structure of phrases and sentences. In line with the statement, Valin (2001:1) stated that syntax deals with how sentences are constructed, and users of human language employ a striking variety of possible arrangements of the elements in sentences. Sentence is group of words that expresses a statement, question, etc. Lehmann as cited in Srijono (2001: 65) define sentence is a sequence of selected syntactic items combined into a unit in accordance with certain patterns of arrangement, modification, and intonation in any languages. Beside that O‟Grady in Srijono (2001: 65), the sentence is the largest unit of syntactic analysis.

  Every sentence is not simply a list of individual word, but can be seen to be a systemic structure of words in well formed phrases, and these phrases are in well formed position in clauses. In general, we can say that a clause can be divided into the operational constituents of Subject, Predicate, Complement and Adjunct. The constituents all of them could be phrases. According to Radford (1988:167) phrase is classified into five, they are: Noun Phrase (NP), Verb Phrase (VP), Prepositional Phrase (PP), Adverbial Phrase (Adv P), and Adjectival Phrase (AP). The head of phrase can be modified by any construction or words. It can be placed before or after the head of phrase.

  According to Miller (2002: 3) the head controls or manages the other words in a phrase, it is the modifier. If the head is a noun, the phrase is called a noun phrase; if the head is a verb, the phrase is a verb phrase, and so on. Modifier is a constituent that imparts information relating to the head of the construction. The function of phrase in a sentence can be as a subject, object, subject complement, object complement, etc.

  To provide the means for analyzing sentences or any other syntactic entities two terms are used: construction and constituent. According to Srijono (2001: 65), a constituent is any words or construction (or morpheme) which enters into some constructions. One example of phrase is verb phrase.

  A verb phrase refers to a phrase that composed of at least one verb and the dependents of the verb, in which the verb functions as the headword of the phrase. Therefore a verb phrase is similar to what is considered a predicate in some contexts. E.g. Ignacious Left quickly.


  V Adv p Adv

  Left quickly

Figure 1.1 The example of Verb Phrase Source: Radford, Andrew. 1988. Transformational Grammar (A first Course).

  Britain: Cambridge University Press.

  From the example of Verb Phrase above, left has a function as the head of verb, and quickly is Adverbial Phrase and has the function of modifier of Verb Phrase. It is commonly occurred in verb phrase. Other example of verb phrase, John has finished the work.



1 V‟


  2 NP

  D N has finished the work

Figure 1.2 The example of Verb Phrase


Source: Retrieved at September


  14 2014, time 18:42 The two examples of verb phrase above show that verb phrase can be extended by another phrases; adverbial phrase, noun phrase, adverbial phrase, etc. It shows that verb phrase is one of the complex phrase that needed to be learned deeply.

  According to the explanation above, the writer interests to identify the construction of verb phrases in the sentences. By understanding the verb phrase, it is expected that the readers are easy to understand a discourse.

  The purpose of this study is to identify the constituent and the construction of verb phrase used in the text of Link Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011. Therefore, the writer tries to do the study dealing with the problem and the study entitles


B. Statements of The Problem

  Based on the explanation in the background of the study, the writer formulates the following problems:

1. What are the constituents of verb phrases mostly found in the text of Link

  Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011? 2. What is the construction of verb phrase mostly found in the text of Link

  Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011?

C. Objectives of The Study

  In accordance with the problem above, the objective of the study are: 1.

  To identify and to describe the constituents of verb phrases mostly found in the text of Link Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011.

2. To identify the construction of verb phrase mostly found in the text of Link Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011.

  D. Limitation of the Study

  The writer limits his study, in order to give clear description of discussion in this study. This study concerned on analyzing the Verb Phrases that occur in the text of “Link Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011”.

  E. Benefits of the Study

  The writer expects that the result of Verb Phrase analysis in the text of “Link Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011” gives benefits for others (students, lecturers, etc) and gives contribution for academic field and practical field, as follows:

1. Theoretical Benefit a.

  The result of this study is expected to give clear explanation about constituent of Verb Phrase that found in the text of “Link Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011 ”.


  This study is to develop the lecturers‟ insight by dealing with Verb Phrase in different perspectives.

2. Practical Benefit a.

  This study gives more information to the next writer who will conduct with this research or the next writers who want to discuss with related study.


  This study gives more information to the readers about Verb Phrase and will enrich the knowledge around the Verb Phrase.

F. Review of Previous Study

  In this study, the writer takes the previous studies to determine originality of this study: The first study conducted by Siti Toyibatun graduated from State

  Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga (2011). She wrote

  Contrastive Analysis between English and Indonesian Verb Phrase. This

  study focused on analyzing the construction of verb phrases in an Indonesian and English sentence. She used the descriptive qualitative research to find out her study and she used it as a type of research.

  The second study conducted by Zahrotul Wahidah graduated from State institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga (2011) entitled A

  Syntactical Analysis of Noun Phrase in Sentence of Opinion Column at The Jakarta Post Newspaper on Saturday, February 19, 2011 Edition. This study

  focused on analyzing the construction of noun phrases in a sentence. She used the descriptive qualitative research as the type of the research. The finding of her study, there are seventy nine types of NP constructions that are stated on .

  The Opinion Column at the Jakarta Post

  The third is entitled A Syntactical Analysis of English Advertising on

  TV Program, written by Romiyati graduated from State Institute for Islamic

  Studies of Salatiga (2003). She analyzed the English sentences used in

  English advertising on TV program based on syntactical perspective . She

  used the descriptive qualitative research was a type of her research. The research finding of her study, there are four basic sentences used in English advertising based on linguistic form, they are declarative, imperative, exclamatory, and phrase.

  The present study is dealing with analysis of verb phrase on the text of “Link Magazine the Fourth Edition August 2011” analyzing more detail about the constituents and constructions of Verb Phrase.

G. Clarification of Key Term

  To avoid the mistakes in interpreting the title of this research, it is regarded necessary to explain the terms relating to it.

1. Syntax

  Fromkin, et al (2007: 125) stated, syntax is the part of grammar that represent a speaker‟s knowledge of sentences and their structures.

2. Analysis

  Analysis is the process of separating or examining something into its constituent elements: the procedure is often more accurately described as one of synthesis rather than analysis. 3. Verb Phrase

  Verb phrase (VP) is the category of phrase headed by the verb, minimally a VP consists of single verb (Carnie, 2007:72).

H. Graduating Paper Organization

  This study is written systematically in order to be easier to read and understand. This research is divided into five chapters and each chapter has several sub-chapters.

  Chapter one is introduction. It consists of background of the study, limitation of study, problem statement, objective of the study, review of previous study, benefit of the study and graduating paper organization.

  Chapter two covers theoretical framework. In this chapter would discuss the notion of x-bar theory, constituent, kinds of phrase, such as: noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, and the last discuss about verb phrase and the word order of verb phrase.

  Chapter three is research method. This chapter describes type of research, object of research, data and data source, method of collecting data, and technique of analysis data.

  Chapter four covers data analysis. It concerns with data analysis of research finding.

  Chapter five is conclusion and suggestion.

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW A. Syntax In the study of syntax, there are some elements that will be gained such

  as syntactic elements, it consists of phrases, clauses, and sentences. In the syntax there is also the phrase structure rule. It consist of the categories. Here, the writer gives some reviews of the definition of syntax before explaining about those elements.

1. The Definition of Syntax

  Radford (1997:1) explains that syntax is the study of language that concerned with the ways in which words are combined together to form phrases and sentences. In line with this statement, Fromkin (1988:162) states, the part of grammar that concern the structure of phrases and sentences is called syntax. According to Victoria, et al (2007:116) syntax is the part of grammar that represents a speaker‟s knowledgeof sentences and their structure. The study of syntax addresses the sturcture of sentences and their structural and functional relationship to one other (the sentences and the sentence structure).

  Van Valin (2001:1) states that syntax deals with how sentences are constructed, and users of human languages employe a striking variety of possible arrangements of the element in sentences. Carnie (2007:20) defines and meaning, where words are organized into phrases and sentences.One of the most important of syntactic properties of language is the simple sentences. It can be combined in various ways to form complex sentences.Fromkin, et al (2007:116) define the important role of the syntax is to describe the relationship between the meaning of a particular goup of words and the arrangement of those words.

  Based on the explanations about the syntax, in short the writer explains that syntax is the part of the linguistic study which concern to the rule of arrangement word into phrases and sentences. The function of syntactic analysis is to analyse the sentence units, then analyse elements of sentence structure, clause structure and phrase structure, and finally specify the class of word.

2. Syntactic Construction

  According to Miller (2002:23), a construction is the organisation of smaller units into bigger units, words into phrases, clauses, and sentences.

a. Sentence

  Regarding Allen (1972:3), a sentence is traditionally defined as a goup of words which expresses a complete thought. A complete thought necessarily expresses a thought more clearly. A sentence does not consist simply of a string of words. Nelson (2002:13) explains that the grammar deals with the rules for combining words into larger units. The largest unit that is described in grammar is normally the sentence.

  According to Fromkin and Rodman (1988:164), sentences are not simply random strings of words and morpheme, but conform to specific patterns determined by the syntactic rules of language. It means that sentence is not simple form. For example: Mother washes the clothes

  every day . This is a sentence which gopued from some words with a certain pattern of arrangement, alteration, and inflection.

  From the explanations about the sentence above, the writer concludes that the largest unit of syntactic analysis is the sentence.

  Sentence are formed by a group of words that not only has a simple form but can be combined in various ways to form complex sentence.

b. Clause

  Clause is a group of words which forms a part of sentence, and contains a subject and predicate (Wren and Martin, 2000:3). Miller (2002:60) divides the clause into independent (main) clause and dependent (subordinate). The independent clause can be a sentence, besides dependent clause can be a noun clause, adjective clause, and adverb clause.

  Miss Bates chattered on for hours . It is the example of

  sentence.But it is not only known as sentence, it also instances of main clauses. This clause comprises of the phrase Miss Bates refers to teacher,


chattered on refers to action and for hours refers to the adverb of time.

  Based on the explanation above, the writer briefly explains that the arrangement of meaning words and has both „a subject and a verb‟ that can form a sentence or part of sentence is commonly known as a clause.

c. Phrase

  Wren and Martin (2000:2) states phrase is a group of words which makes sense but not complete sense. In general, we can say that a clause can be divided into the operational constituents of Subject, Predicate, Complement and Adjunct. The constituents all of them could be phrases.

  Morley (2000:53) explains phrases are formally classified according to the class of word which functions as the headword. So, for example, a nominal phrase has a nominal headword, a verbal phrase has a verbal headword, and so on. (By contrast with elements of clause structure, therefore, the formal classification of phrases is not undertaken in terms of their syntactic function). Traditionally five main classes of phrase are recognized: the nominal, verbal, adjectival, adverbial and prepositional, and together with these we here also include the genitive andsubordinator.

  According to Radford (1988:167) phrase is classified into five, they are: Noun Phrase (NP), Verb Phrase (VP), Prepositional Phrase (PP), Adverbial Phrase (Adv P), and Adjectival Phrase (AP). The head of phrase can be modified by any construction or words. It can be placed before or after the head of phrase. The explanation of each point is discussed further into detail explanation.

1. Noun Phrase

  The noun phrase is phrase has a noun or pronoun as its headword. E.g. A peaceful result.

  N” D

  N‟ AP N

  A peaceful result

Figure 2.1 The example of Noun Phrase

  In the example of noun phrase above, result has a function as the head noun. Ahas the function as the determiner, and peaceful as the Adjectival Phrase functioned as pre nominal modifier.

2. Verb Phrase

  Verb phrase has a verb headword, which is a main verb. It may be preceded by an infinitiveparticle to and or one or more auxiliary verbs. In the case of phrasal verbs, the main verb isfollowed by an adverbial particle.E.g. He may [decide on the boat].

  V” V‟

  V PP decide on the boat

Figure 2.2 The example of Verb Phrase

  From the example of Verb Phrase above, decide has a function as the head of verb, and on the boat is Prepositional Phrase and has the function of modifier of Verb Phrase. It is commonly occurred in Verb Phrase.

3. Adjectival Phrase

  Adjectival phrases have an adjective headword. They may be modified (premodified) by a preceding adverb and qualified (postmodified) by a following adverb, prepositional phrase or subordinate clause.

  E.g.John isn’t [that fond of Mary].

  A” D

  A‟ A PP

  That fond of Mary

Figure 2.3 The example of Adjectival Phrase

  The phrase that fond of Mary shows the example of the Adjectival Phrase, where fondas the head of phrase. That as the determiner and of Mary as Prepositional Phrase and has the function of modifier of the Adjectival Phrase.

  4. Adverbial Phrase

  Adverbial phrases have as their headword an adverb. This headword adverb may also be premodified by an adverb and qualified by a following adverb, prepositional phrase or subordinate clause. E.g. She writes [very carefully].

  ADV‟ Intensifier ADV Very carefully

Figure 2.4 The example of Adverbial Phrase

  The example of Adverbial Phrase above shows that very

  quickly is shows how shewrites and carefully as the headword. Very

  is the intensifier and has the function as the modifier of the Adverbial Phrase. According to Nelson (2002:70), semantically, most of the modifiers are intensifiers, they express the degree to which the meaning of the adjective or adverb applies on an assumed scale.The most common intensifier is very.

  5. Prepositional Phrase

  The prepositional phrase cosist of a preposition as the headword and complement element which is integral to the structure of the phrase. This complement element is most typically realized by a noun phrase.E.g. He was [so completely in the wrong].

  P” D

  P‟ ADV

  P‟ P NP

  So completely in the wrong

Figure 2.5 The example of Prepositional Phrase

  From the example of the phrase above “so completely in the


  ” as the full Prepositional Phrase. In as the head of the phrase and so, completely, the wrong have the function as the modifier of Prepositional Phrase.

B. Syantactic Structure 1. Category

  Radford (1997:50) explains a grammatical category is a class of expressions which share a common set of grammatical properties. The syntactic evidence for assigning words to categories essentially relates to the fact that different categories of words have different distributions. Van Valin (2001:7) explains that syntactic category is relatively little number of classes or category of single words. It is known as lexical category. The most important lexical categories are noun (N), verb (V), prepositional (P), adjective (A), and adverb (Adv).

  In addition Van Valin (2001:7) argues that languages may also contain non-lexical of functional categories or a number of minor categories. They are determiner (D), auxiliary verb (Aux), conjunction (Con), and degree words. The category determiner includes articles like a and the and auxiliary verb includes modal (will, can, shall) and non- modal (be, have). While category conjunction includes and, but and or, then degree of words includes too, so, very and quite. Each constituent in the sentences belong to a specific syntactic category.

2. Constituent

  Constituent is the most important and basic notion in syntactic theory. According to Carnie (2002:64) constituent is a group of words which has functions together as a unit. The smallest constituent is a single word. The constituent may consist of head, modifier and arrangement of words. Although the term string is often used technically to refer to sequences of words, sentences are not merely strings of words in an acceptable order and making sense. They are structured into successive components, consisting of single words or groups of word.

  E.g. This boy seem incredibly stupid to that girl.

  S NP

  VP D N

  V AP PP ADVP A P NP ADV D N This boy seem incredibly stupid to that girl

Figure 2.6 The Example of Sentence Constituent

  Source: Radford, Andrew. 1988. Transformational Grammar (A first Course). Britain: Cambridge University Press.

  Each point in the tree diagrams is called node, and each node represents a constituent. The sentence constituent above represented by the symbol „S‟ consists of two constituents: a subject noun phrase (NP) [this boy] and a predicate or verb phrase (VP) [seem incredibly stupid to that girl].The subject NP in turn contains a noun (N) boy and a determiner or article (D) the. Similarly the VP contains a verb (V) seem, adjectival pharse (AP) incredibly stupid and prepositonal phrase (PP) to that girl. AP and PP as modifier of VP.

C. X- Bar Theory

  Radford (1988:110) expalins the term X-bar theory is a graph consits of a set of points or (nodes, to use the appropriate the technical terminology), describes that X-bar theory is a theory of what and why of labeling of nodes in phrase maker. X symbols as a category variable that representing world-level category. X stands for any world level category like; verb (V), noun (N), preposition (PP), adjective (A), adverb (Adv), etc. X-bar schema according to Radford (1988:229):

  X” (Specifier)

  X‟ X (Complement)

Figure 2.7 The Schema of X-Bar Theory

  Specifier and complement are not categorial terms, but rather represent grammatical function or relation; hence they have similiar status to term such as Subject and Object. Specifier and complement are optional constituents of a Phrase.

D. Phrase Structure Rule

  Phrase structure rules (PS-rules) are rules specify how sentence are structured out of phrase, and phrases out of words (Radford, 1988:123).

  Fromkin, et al (2007:128) state phrase structure rules specify the well-formed structures of language precisely and concisely. They express regularities of the language and make explicit a speaker‟s knowledge of the order of words and the grouping of words into syntactic categories.PS-rules can be used to construct (or generate) a phrase-marker or tree for a sentence.The following would be examples of PS-rules:

  1. NP M VP

  4. ADVP A S AP

  2. D N

  5. ADV



  6. P NP


  These rule above, (1) can form clause by taking a Noun Phrase immediately followed by a Modal andVerb Phrase. Rule (2) can form Noun

  Phrase by taking a Determiner immediately followed by a Noun. Rule (3) can

  form Verb Phrase by taking a Verb immediately followed by an Adjectival

  Phrases andPrepositional Phrase, while rule (4) can form Adjectival Phrase by

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