Disertasi ini berjudul: “ Pemenuhan Hak Masyarakat Hukum Adat dalam

  Hukum Investasi ”. Isu hukum yang diangkat dalam penelitian in i adalah:

  1. Prinsip perlindungan dan pemenuhan hak masyarakat hukum adat dalam hukum investasi nasional.

  2. Pelibatan masyarakat hukum adat dalam kegiatan investasi melalui penyempurnaan Hukum Investasi Nasional.

  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, untuk mengkaji hukum positif yang berlaku. Pendekatan konseptual, beranjak dari pandangan dan doktrin yang berkembang dalam ilmu hukum untuk menemukan ide yang melahirkan konsep-konsep hukum, norma hukum maupun asas hukum yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan penelitian. Pendekatan kasus, digunakan untuk menganalisa ratio legis yang digunakan oleh Pemerintah dalam pelaksanaan investasi yang berhubungan dengan pemenuhuan hak masyarakat hukum adat, dan menganalisa ratio decidendi hakim dalam memutuskan perkara yang terkait dengan investasi dan pemenuhan hak masyarakat hukum adat. Pendekatan komparasi, digunakan untuk membandingkan undang-undang yang mengatur investasi dan pemenuhan hak masyarakat hukum adat. Bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Langkah-langkah penelitian: menentukan isu hukum, menentukan aturan hukum yang relevan, menganalisa dan mengintepretasikannya untuk ditarik kesimpulan.

  Penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan temuan bahwa:

  1. Eksistensi atau keberadaan Masyarakat Hukum Adat (MHA) beserta hak-hak tradisional mereka di wilayah kepulauan Indonesia ini, adalah hasil ciptaan Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa dan merupakan kehendak Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, sehingga komunitas MHA ada di berbagai kepulauan Indonesia, baik di pulau- pulau kecil, maupun di pulau-pulau besar. Eksistensi atau keberadaan MHA di wilayah kepulauan Indonesia telah ada mendahului kepulauan Indonesia eksistensi atau keberadaan MHA beserta hak-hak tradisional mereka, maka setelah Indonesia merdeka, para Pendiri Bangsa Indonesia ini merumuskan keberadaan MHA dalam konstitusi Negara Republik Indonesia, pada awalnya dirumuskan dalam Pasal 18 UUD 1945, sesuai penjelasan Pasal 18 ini

  dijelaskan bahwa: “dalam teritori Negara Indonesia terdapat lebih kurang 250

  zelfbesturende lanschappen dan volksgemeen schappen, s eperti: “Desa” di

  Jawa dan Bali, “Nagari” di Sumatera Barat, “Banua” di Kalimantan Barat, “Lembaga” di Toraja, “Dusun” dan “Marga” di Palembang, dan “Negeri” di

  Maluku, serta bentuk-bentuk yang lain di daerah- daerah lain di Indonesia”. Kemudian setelah UUD 1945 diamandemen, maka pengakuan dan penghormatan terhadap kesatuan MHA beserta hak-hak tradisional mereka dirumuskan dalam Pasal 18B ayat (2) UUD NRI Tahun 1945 dan hak MHA sebagai Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) mendapat pengakuan dalam Bab X UUD NRI Tahun 1945 yaitu Pasal 28I ayat (3) dan Pasal 28H ayat (4). Kemudian pengakuan dan perlindungan MHA beserta hak-hak tradisional mereka mendapat pengakuan dan pengaturan dalam sejumlah peraturan perundang- undangan sektoral dengan demikian secara yuridis formal keberadaan MHA beserta hak-hak tradisional MHA telah mendapat pengakuan dan perlindungan dari Negara Republik Indonesia.

  2. Pengakuan dan perlindungan atas eksistensi atau keberadaan MHA beserta hak-hak tradisional mereka atas wilayah adat (tanah/lahan) serta hak atas pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) mulai terganggu pada saat Pemerintah bagi perwujudan Pembangunan Nasional untuk menciptakan negara yang adil dan makmur. Selanjutnya untuk mewujudkan tujuan Pembangunan Nasional ini Pemerintah Indonesia membutuhkan banyak modal dan kebutuhan akan modal ini salah satunya berasal dari kegiatan penanaman modal/invetasi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan penanaman modal menghadirkan penanam modal (investor) baik itu modal asing maupun modal dalam negeri. Kehadiran para penanam modal (investor) berdasarkan izin dari Pemerintah Republik Indonesia untuk memanfaatkan tanah/lahan maupun SDA yang tadinya adalah milik MHA yang berada di wilayah adat mereka, pemberian izin ini tanpa melalui musyawarah atau melibatkan MHA kondisi ini menyebabkan MHA terpinggirkan dari wilayah adat dan SDAnya. Kondisi ini menyebabkan terjadinya pelanggaran HAM termasuk pelanggaran hak-hak MHA atas wilayah adat dan hak-hak pengelolaan SDA. Adanya kondisi ini menyebabkan diperlukannya tindakan perlindungan dan pemenuhan hak-hak MHA atas wilayah adat dan atas hak pengelolaan SDA.

  3. Untuk melindungi MHA dan memenuhi hak-hak MHA atas wilayah adat (tanah/lahan) dan hak atas pengelolaan SDA yang telah dikuasai oleh Pemerintah dan pengusaha (investor) dalam kegiatan pembangunan dan kegiatan penanaman modal. Hasil penelitian menemukan ada sejumlah prinsip yang dapat digunakan yaitu:

  a. Prinsip-prinsip utama yang mewarnai kerjasama pembangunan dewasa ini internasional. Prinsip-prinsip tersebut adalah: prinsip partisipasi, non- diskriminasi, kesetaraan (gender), keadilan, keberlanjutan lingkungan hidup dan prinsip HAM. Khusus untuk prinsip HAM, terdapat prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut: prinsip universalitas (universality principles), prinsip pemartabatan terhadap manusia (human dignity principles), prinsip non- diskriminasi, prinsip persamaan (equality principles), prinsip tidak bisa dipisah-pisahkan (indivisibility principles), prinsip tidak bisa dilepaskan satu dengan yang lainnya (inaliability principles ), prinsip saling ketergantungan (interdependency pricipals), prinsip pertanggungjawaban (responsibility principles). Selain ke-delapan prinsip HAM di atas pada tingkat internasional yaitu pada level PBB, Dewan HAM PBB pada bulan Juli 2011 telah mengesahkan prinsip panduan untuk bisnis dan HAM (Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights). Prinsip panduan ini untuk mengatur perusahaan bisnis (korporasi) agar menghormati HAM termasuk hak MHA pada negara dimana kegiatan bisnis beroperasi. Dalam rangka pelaksanaan penanaman modal/investasi ada beberapa prinsip yang mendasari pelaksanaan investasi, yaitu: prinsip good faith, prinsip pacta sunt servanda , prisip non-diskriminasi dan prinsip kedaulatan negara.

  b. Perlindungan dan pemenuhan hak MHA sebagai HAM sangat penting sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 28I ayat (4) UUD NRI Tahun 1945 karena sesuai dengan data Komnas HAM RI sejak tahun 2011 sampai dengan tahun 2015 ada kurang lebih 493 (empat ratus sembilan puluh tiga) pengaduan (investor) maupun BUMN, yaitu pelanggaran atas wilayah adat dan hak pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam di seluruh Indonesia dengan rincian sebagai berikut: Sektor Kehutanan, Sektor Perkebunan dan Sektor Pertambangan, khusus di Provinsi Maluku sebagaimana diangkat dalam penelitian ini.

  4. Sehubungan dengan keberadaan MHA dengan wilayah adat (tanah/lahan, serta hak atas pengelolaan SDA) MHA di Indonesia adalah sebagai pemilik, penyandang hak dan subjek hukum atas wilayah adat (tanah/lahan) dan hak atas pengelolaan SDA yang berada dalam wilayah adat MHA. Untuk itu, apabila Negara/Pemerintah membutuhkan wilayah adat mereka untuk kegiatan pembangunan atau penanaman modal (investasi) maka MHA harus dilibatkan secara dini mulai dari saat perencanaan sampai dengan pelaksanaan kegiatan penanaman modal (investasi) maupun pembangunan tersebut, karena MHA juga memiliki hak untuk bebas menerima atau menolak proyek pembangunan maupun investasi dalam wilayah adat mereka kalau tidak ada informasi yang jelas dan benar (rights to free, prior and informed consent). Karena hak ini secara hukum telah diatur didalam peraturan perundang-undangan nasional maupun internasional. Keadilan terhadap MHA hanya bisa dicapai apabila MHA dilibatkan secara simultan. Untuk itu negosiasi atau musyawarah harus berlangsung sejak awal sebelum kegiatan pembangunan dan penanaman modal (investasi) dilaksanakan antara Pemerintah (Pusat, Provinsi, Kabupaten dan Kota), Pengusaha/Investor dan Perusahaan BUMN dengan melibatkan MHA. sosial sebagai salah satu makna dari pembangunan yang dilaksanakan. Inti dan hakekat dari pengaturan hidup manusia haruslah melalui peraturan perundang- undangan di Negara Hukum Indonesia yang tidak boleh lepas dari peraturan dasar yang telah diletakan di dalam kehidupan masyarakat itu sendiri. Dalam hubungan ini, maka Pancasila sebagai cita hukum nasional yang telah diakui sebagai sumber dari segala sumber hukum dan UUD NRI Tahun 1945 sebagai dasar dari berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan haruslah diperhatikan dalam pembentukan perundang-undangan. Oleh karena Pancasila telah mensahihkan keberadaan MHA di Indonesia dan UUD NRI Tahun 1945 telah mengakui dan menghormati kesatuan MHA dan hak-hak tradisional mereka di dalam kerangka itulah maka hukum investasi nasional, dalam hal ini UU Nomor 25 Tahun 2007 haruslah memberikan perlindungan kepada masyarakat (khususnya MHA) serta mengatur dan mengakui hak-hak MHA.

  6. Setelah reformasi dengan prinsip otonomi luas disetujui maka pengaturan pemberian persetujuan dan perizinan pelaksanaan penanaman modal (investasi) sudah bersifat desentralisasi yang bertujuan melekatkan pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal (investasi) berada di tangan Pemerintah Daerah. Namun dalam kenyataannya berdasarkan Keppres Nomor 29 Tahun 2004, Pemerintah Daerah tidak lagi memiliki kewenangan dibidang perizinan penanaman modal (investasi) karena kewenangan tersebut telah diambil oleh Pemerintah (sentralisasi) akan tetapi berdasarkan Pasal 30 ayat (3) dan ayat (9) UU Nomor

  25 Tahun 2007, Pemerintah Daerah tidak memiliki kepastian kewenangan di Tahun 2014 juncto PP No. 38 Tahun 2007. Berdasarkan ketentuan perundang- undangan diatas, maka jelas terlihat adanya ketidakharmonisan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang penanaman modal (investasi) antara Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah.

  Untuk mencapai tujuan di atas, agar: (1) Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Provinsi, Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota dalam menentukan kebijakan pembangunan khususnya di bidang penanaman modal (investasi) harus memerhatikan eksistensi atau keberadaan MHA beserta hak-hak atas wilayah adat (lahan/tanah) dan hak atas SDA yang merupakan hak tradisional yang diperoleh secara turun temurun

  atau “hak bawaan”, oleh karena hak -hak ini telah mendapat pengakuan dan

  pengaturan dalam UUD NRI Tahun 1945 dan berbagai peraturan perundang- undangan sektoral lainnya; (2) Pemerintah dan DPR RI mengupayakan pembentukan Undang-Undang tentang Pengakuan, Perlindungan dan Pemenuhan MHA dan hak-hak MHA sebagai solusi dalam rangka penjabaran Pasal 18B ayat (2), Pasal 20, Pasal 21, Pasal 28I ayat (3), Pasal 28H ayat (4) dan Pasal 32 ayat (1) UUD NRI Tahun 1945; (3) unsur esensial atau hakekat MHA adalah kepemilikan, subjek hukum dan penyandang hak atas wilayah adat (lahan/tanah) serta hak pengelolaan SDA di atas tanah dan lahan milik mereka yang merupakan hak bawaan berdasarkan kepemilikan turun-temurun, maka Pemerintah, Pemerintah Provinsi, dan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota agar setiap penentuan kebijakan penanaman modal (investasi) yang bersentuhan dengan MHA dan hak-hak MHA haruslah melibatkan MHA, bahkan harus memperoleh persetujuan dari MHA


  This dissertation titled: "The Fulfillment of the Rights of Indigenous People in the Investment Law". Legal issues raised in this study are:

  1. The principle of the protection and fulfillment of the rights of indigenous people in the national investment laws. improvement of the National Investment Law.

  This research is a normative approach to reviewing the legislation applicable positive law. The conceptual approach to move from the views and doctrines that developed in the science of law to find ideas that gave birth to the concepts of law, a legal sense and the principle of law required to complete the study. Case approach used to analyze ratio legis used by the Government in the implementation of investments related to fulfillment the rights of indigenous people and to analyze ratio decidendi judge in deciding matters related to investment and fulfillment of rights of indigenous people. Comparative approach is used to compare the laws governing investments and fulfillment of rights of indigenous people. Legal materials used were the primary law and secondary law. Research steps: Determine the legal issue, Determine the relevant legal rules, analyzing and interpreting them to be Withdrawn conclusion.

  Research carried out has resulted in findings that:

  1. The existence or whereabouts of Indigenous People (MHA) along with their traditional rights in the archipelago of Indonesia is the creation of

  God Almighty and the will of the Almighty, so that there MHA communities in various islands of Indonesia, both on the small islands, as well as on the larger islands. The existence or presence of MHA in the Indonesian archipelago have been there ahead of the Indonesian archipelago are freed as the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Aware of the existence or presence of MHA and their traditional rights to them, formulates the existence of MHA in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, was originally formulated in Article 18 of the 1945 Constitution (before the amendment), as described in Article 18 this is explained that: "the territory of the State of Indonesia there are approximately 250 seljbestuurenden lanschappen and volksgemeen schappen. Such as:" Village "in Java and Bali," Nagari "in West Sumatra," Banua "in West Kalimantan," Institute "in Toraja," Backwoods "and" Highways "in Palembang, and" State "in the Moluccas, as well as other forms in other areas in Indonesia". Then after the 1945 Constitution was amended, the recognition and respect for the unity of MHA and their traditional rights they are formulated in Article 18B Paragraph (2) UUD NRI 1945 and the Rights of MHA as the human rights recognized in Chapter X UUD NRI 1945, Article 28, first paragraph ( 3) and Article 28H Paragraph (4). Then the recognition and protection of MHA along with their traditional rights recognized and arrangements in a number of sectorial legislation is

  therefore formal juridical existence secara MHA Traditional well as the rights they have gained recognition and protection of the Republic of Indonesia.

  2. Recognition and protection of MHA and its existence or whereabouts of their traditional rights over traditional territories (land / land) as well as the rights to manage natural resources began to fail when the Government of Indonesia requires a soil / land and Natural Resources for the developmental needs of embodiments National development to create a fair and prosperous country. To realize the objectives of the National Development Government of Indonesia requires a lot of capital and capital needs is one of them comes from investment activities / investment. Implementation of investment activity brings investors (investors) both foreign capital and domestic capital. The presence of investors (investors) with permission from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to utilize the land/farm and Natural Resources that had been the property of MHA and in the area of customs. Granting of this without consultation or involving the MHA.

  This condition causes the MHA marginalized from their traditional territories and their Natural Resources. This condition causes the occurrence of human rights violations, including violations of the rights of MHA on indigenous territories and rights of their management of Natural Resources. The existence of these conditions causes the need for protective measures and fulfillment of the rights of MHA on their

  traditional territories and the rights management of their natural resources

  3. To protect and fulfill the rights of MHA on indigenous territories (land/land) and the right to manage their Natural Resources which has been controlled by the Government and Employers (investors) in development activities and investment activities. Results of this research find there a number of principles that can be used are: a. The main principles of development cooperation that characterizes today's global clicking both in national and cooperation in international cooperation. Those principles are: the principle of participation, non-discrimination, equality (gender), justice. environmental sustainability and human rights principles. Special to the principles of Human Rights, there are the following principles: the principle of universality (universality principles), dignity against human principles (human dignity principles), the principle of non-discrimination. the principle of equality (equality principles), the principle can not be separated (indivisibility principles), the principle can not be separated from one another (inaliabity principles), the principle of interdependence (interdependent principles), the principle of accountability {responsibility principles). In addition to the eight principles of human rights on the international level, namely at the level of the United Nations, the UN Human Rights Council in July 2011 has

  endorsed the guiding principles on business and human rights (Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights). The guiding principle is to set up a business enterprise (corporation) to respect human rights, including the right to MHA in the country where the business activity operates. In the implementation of the investment / investment is found there are 4 principles of implementation of pacta sunt servanda, the principle of non-discrimination and the principle of state sovereignty.

  b. Protection and fulfillment of the rights of MHA as Human Rights is very important in accordance with the provisions of Article 28, first paragraph (4) UUD NRI 1945 because data in accordance with the National Commission on Human Rights from 2011 to 2015 there were approximately 493 (four hundred ninety three) complaints against MHA cases of rights violations committed by the company (investor) or state-owned, which is a violation of the rights of indigenous territories and natural resources management throughout Indonesia with following details as: Forestry Sector, the Agricultural Sector and the Mining Sector. Especially in Maluku province, as raised in this research.

  4. MHA in Indonesia is an owner, legal subjects and persons with rights over indigenous territories (soil / land) and the rights to manage natural resources that are in their traditional territories. Therefore, if

  the state / government requires customary areas for development activities or investments (investments), the MHA should be involved early start when planning to implementation of investment activities (investments) and this development because MHA also have the right to freely accept or rejected the project development and investment in the region of their customary if no information is clear and correct (rights regulated under national legislation or international. Justice of the MHA can only be achieved if the MHA involved simultaneously. For that negotiation or consultation should take place before the beginning of construction and investment activity (investment) implemented between the Government (central, provincial, district and town), Entrepreneur / Investor and involving the state-owned company with MHA.

  5. Development must aim to improve the life of social justice as one of the meanings of the construction carried out. The core and essence of human living arrangements should be through legislation in the State Law Indonesia should not be separated from the basic rules that have been placed in community life itself. In this connection, the Pancasila as ideals of national law which has been recognized as the source of all sources of law and UUD NRI 1945 as the basis of various laws and regulations must be taken into account in the formation of legislation. Therefore Pancasila has been validating the existence of MHA in

  Indonesia and UUD NRI Year 1945 recognizes and respects the unity of MHA and traditional rights of those within this framework, the law of national investment, in this case the Law Number 25 Year 2007 about investment must provide protection to the public (especially MHA) and to organize and recognize the rights of MHA.

  6. After the reforms with the principle of broad autonomy is approved, the approval and licensing arrangements implementation of capital investment (FDI) has been decentralized aimed embedding licensing services investment (FDI) in the hands of local government. But in reality based on Presidential Decree No. 29 of 2004, government area is no longer have an authority in the field of licensing investment (FDI) since the authority has taken by central government (centralized) but under Article 30 Paragraph (3) and paragraph (9) of the Law No. 25 of 2007 on investment, Local Government does not have the certainty of authority in the field of investment (investment) it is contrary to Law number 23 Year 2014 About the Local Government junto Government Regulation No. 38 of 2007. Under the provisions of the legislation above it is clear seen the disharmony of legislation in the field of investment (FDI) between the Central Government and Local Government.

  To achieve the above objectives in order to: (1) the Central Government, the Provincial Government. Regency / City Government in determining the development policy, especially in the field of investment (investment) must pay

  attention to the existence or presence of MHA along with their rights on indigenous territories (land / soil) and rights over natural resources are the traditional rights acquired hereditary or " innate right ", because these rights have been recognized and setting in UUD NRI 1945 and various legislations of other sectorial; (2) The Government and the Parliament to seek the establishment of the Law on Recognition. Protection and fulfillment of the rights of MHA and (2). Article 20, Article 21, Article 28, first paragraph (3), Article 28H paragraph (4) and Article 32 paragraph (1) UUD NRI 1945; (3) The essential element or essence of MHA is the ownership, legal subjects and persons with rights over indigenous territories (land / soil) as well as management rights over land and natural resources in their land which is based on the innate right of ownership is hereditary, then the Government. Provincial Government and District/City Government that any determination of the investment policy (investment) that come into contact with MHA and MHA rights must involve MHA even have to get approval from the local MHA.


  This dissertation raised the issues being examined and analyzed are related to the fulfillment of the Rights of Indigenous People in National Investment Laws. The central issue is divided into two (2) legal issues: First. The principle of the protection and fulfillment of the rights of indigenous people in the national investment laws and the Second, customary law community involvement through national investment improvement.

  The type of research in this dissertation is the study of law or normative legal research. The approach used is a conceptual approach, the approach of legislation, case-based approach and a human rights approach. A human rights approach is used to analyze the protection and fulfillment of customary law communities and the rights of indigenous communities as human rights.

  In accordance with nature of normative legal research, then the source material used law is the primary legal materials and secondary materials. The use of materials of this law are how to analyze and interpret that is focused on the protection and fulfillment of customary communities in national investment law that would occur in the development in the era of globalization.

  In the interpretation of the legal materials above are used in a way such as: 1). Digniatik done at the level of description systematizes and the analysis and evaluation of the legislation in the field of investment and human rights connected with a investment in order to protect and fulfill the rights of indigenous people. 2). At the level of legal theory analyzed the legal principles and legal theories which form the basis of investment arrangements in the context of national and adjusted to the principles of human rights in the context of fulfilling the rights of indigenous people. 3). At the philosophical level will be Analyzed the need for an improvement of law in Law No. 25 Year 2007 on Investment, pertaining to the protection and fulfillment of customary law communities and the rights of customary law communities, as well as customary law community involvement in investment activity (investment).

  Keywords : community customary law, investment law