Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga







Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga



Muhammad Anis Murtadho










“Becoming human being as it should be.”

(K. H. Mustofa Bisri)


“If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be better than what you are.”

(-Master Shifu- in Kungfu Panda 3)

  DEDICATIONS This graduating paper is sincerely dedicated to: 1.

   My beloved father, Mr. Nasirun and my beloved mother, Mrs.

  Mukhovatul Maqomambillah, thank you for the endless love, patience, support, prayer and everything you give tome. May God bless you all, amiin.

  2. My beloved little brothers, Muhammad Fathin Almahdi and Muhammad Zaki Diaulhaq who always cheer up my days and makes me aware to be better old brother for you all. Just be awesome dudes! 3. My best friends, all of ICP 2014 members, all of Takan Kidul Big Family, all of Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School members, all of

  Padepokan Alif members, all of Rushd family members, all of the senior and junior in Salatiga, all of member English Rendezvous, all of member English Education 2014, all of member KKN Podosoko . You are awesome guys.

  4. Mr. Hanung Triyoko, M. Hum., M. Ed. Who guided me in this process of graduating paper and gave opportunity to express my hoby on the wall of English Rendezvous and Zawiya Arabiya.

5. The last, for the comfortable place, Salatiga city, our unforgettable moments and always been in every street.




  In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, the Lord of the entire universe. Because of Him, the researcher is able to finish this graduating paper as one of the requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  Peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be achieved without those support, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution. It is an appropriate moment for the researcher to extend the deepest gratitude for: 1.

  Dr. Rahmat Haryadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Saltiga.

  3. Noor Malihah. Ph. D. as the Head of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  4. Dr. Ruwandi S.Pd., M.A. as the counselor who has played an immense role in my graduating paper. His countless hours of reading



Murtadho, Muhammad Anis. 2018. “THE DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF

STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES ON SELF DIRECTED LANGUAGE LEARNING IN ENGLISH RENDEZVOUS AREA OF (LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT UNIT) UPTPB IN IAIN SALATIGA”. Graduating Paper. English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, State Institute for Islamic Studies of Salatiga. Advisor: Dr. Ruwandi, S. Pd., M.A.

  Keywords: Self-directed learning, Language learning, Attitude The objectives of this research are to describe the students’ attitudes toward self-directed learning facilitated by English Rendezvous area of

  (Languge Development Unit) UPTPB in IAIN Salatiga and the advantages of self-directed learning facilitated by English Rendezvous area of (Language Development Unit) UPTPB of IAIN Salatiga to students. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research was the students facilitated by English Rendezvous area of UPTPB in IAIN Salatiga. The data were collected from the questionnaires that distributed to students and interview. Therefore, the data were analyzed using descriptive method proposed by Suryana (2010: 16). The technique of data analysis involved collecting the data, analyze the data, and interpret the data. The result showed the most of the students are high self-directed learners with good attitude. Also it was showed that the students can take the advantages of self-directed learning facilitated in English Rendezvous area of UPTPB of

  IAIN Salatiga. It can be conclude that the students are have positive attitude to be higher self-directed learner. They prefer to learn through discussion with their friends that can make them more active and freely to learn.


  TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION .................................................................................................. ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELORS’ NOTES ............................................................. iii PAGE OF CERTIFICATION .............................................................................. iv MOTTO ................................................................................................................ v DEDICATIONS ................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ vii ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xiii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ..................................................................... 1 B. Problems of the Research .......................................................................... 4 C. Objectives of the Research ........................................................................ 5 D. Significances of the Research ................................................................... 5 E. Clarification of the Key Terms ................................................................. 6 F. Limitation of the Research ........................................................................ 9 G. Organization of the Graduating Paper....................................................... 9

  CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Language Learning and Language Acquisition ...................................... 12 B. Language Learning Strategy ................................................................... 16 C. Self-directed Learning ............................................................................. 17 D. Concept of Self-directed Learning .......................................................... 19 E. Stages of Self-directed Learning ............................................................. 20 F. Characteristic of Self-directed Learning ................................................. 21 G. Benefits of Using Self-directed Learning ............................................... 23 H. Attitude .................................................................................................... 23 I. Profile of UPTPB of IAIN Salatiga ........................................................ 24 J. Previous Study ........................................................................................ 26 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design ...................................................................................... 31 B. Research Setting ...................................................................................... 33 C. Resource the Data ................................................................................... 34 D. Population and Sample ............................................................................ 34 E. Technique of Data Collection ................................................................. 34 F. Techniques of Data Analysis .................................................................. 36 G. Validity of the Data ................................................................................. 39 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Findings .................................................................................................... 41 B. Discussions ............................................................................................... 53

  CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusions ............................................................................................. 60 B. Recommendations ................................................................................... 62 REFERENCES APPENDICES



Table 3.1 Research Schedule..............................................................................31Table 3.2 Data Coding.......................................................................................35Table 4.1 Open Questionnaire with Coding Result of Students’ Attitude toward Self- directed Learning Facilitated by English Rendezvous of UPTPB of IAIN


Table 4.2 The Advantages of Self-directed Facilitated by English Rendezvous area of UPTPB of IAIN Salatiga ...............................................................................49

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research The word ‘learning’ is very familiar for us. It always happens in our

  day today life. Even, this process has started at once after our birth by adapting to the new environment. There are so many definitions of learning.

  According to Schunk (2012:5) “learning is recalling what exists in the mind. Information acquired with the sense by observing, listening, tasting, smelling, touching constitutes raw materials rather than ideas”. It means that learning is remembering the information that the students have already acquired. It is not new ideas that come up in their minds. They got the information from observing, listening, tasting, smelling, or touching. Learning cannot be restricted by the times in few hours, days, months, or years because learning is a long life experience.

  Learning is an act of getting experience, knowledge, skills, and values by understanding what to do and how to do. We use our eyes, hands, feet, and our entire body to do activity dealing with learning. Learning brings about changes in the existing behavior of an individual. It is means that learning is processing which occupies an important role in moulding the structure of our personality where can enable individuals to acquire new behavior.

  Felder and Henriques (1995:21) states that learning is the ways in which an individual characteristically acquire, retains, and retrieves information are collectively termed the individual’s learning style. It can be meant that the students have their own preferred ways of learning process to involve their spirit in attaining the understanding of material. Crow and Crow (1973) states that learning is defined as “the acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitudes. It involves new ways of doing things, and it operates in an individual s’ attempts to overcome obstacles or to adjust to new situations. It represents progressive changes in behavior, it enables him to satisfy interests to attain goal”.

  Dunn (1979:239) points out that “… when students taught through methods that complemented their learning characteristics, students at all levels became increasingly motivated and achieved better academically”. It means that method and the students’ learning should be matched in order to achieve good academic result. The teachers often unaware of the way they teach. They use the same way and the same assessment to all of the students.

  Although, in this era educational developments every student has own understanding capacities and students’ learning styles.

  In language learning, especially English learning, students are expected to be able to master all language skills of English; listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is based on the goal of teaching English process. The teacher should consider the method and technique in order to improve the student’s ability. It is the role of teachers to make the students successful and feel easy when the students learn English.

  Based on this problem, some researchers have developed several instruments to balance the cognitive, affective and stimulus learning aspect with self-monitoring (the process whereby learners monitor, evaluate, and regulate their cognitive learning strategies). It is important to note that being a self-directed learner is a trait or disposition the teachers want students to develop, rather than laundry list of observable behaviors the teachers wish students to exhibit. Research within the fields of adult education (Garrison, 1997), and (Schillereff, 2001) has shown that this strategy is effective not only for the adult students but also for all learners.

  Knowles (1975:18) defines self-directed learning as “… a process in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and mental resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes”. It can be meant that students try to train their cognitive skill to know what they need and what they should do.

  English Rendezvous is a language room which was made from the innovation of Unit Language Development (UPTPB) of IAIN Salatiga that expected to develop students with language capability. The uniqueness of this room is designed like a cafeteria with aimed the students can feel relaxed when they want to express something with their friends using English or Arabic.

  In learning foreign language, especially English learning is still hard to be mastered all skills like listening, speaking, reading, and speaking for students. On the other side, the lack of awareness of the students to practice using English language in daily activities is also becoming the main factor of hampered of language mastery. It is important for the students to master English language in order to have good communication between teacher and students when teaching process and students’ future need.

  Therefore, the purpose of the research is to find out the descriptive study of students’ attitude using self-directed learning in English Rendezvous room to enhance students’ English ability. The subject of this research is the students’ activity in English Rendezvous room of UPTPB IAIN Salatiga.

  This research is qualitative research study. Those are represented in THE DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE ON SELF DIRECTED LEARNING IN ENGLISH RENDEZVOUS AREA OF (Language Development Unit) UPTPB IN IAIN SALATIGA.

B. Problem of the Research

  From the explanation above there are several problems to discuss, the researcher concern in the problem below.

  1. How are the students’ attitudes toward self-directed learning facilitated by English Rendezvous area of (Language Development Unit) UPTPB in IAIN Salatiga? 2. Why does self-directed learning facilitated by English Rendezvous area of (Language Development Unit) UPTPB in IAIN Salatiga give advantages to the students? C.

   Objectives of the Research

  In relation to the research problem already stated the purposes of this research are:

  1. To describe the students’ attitudes toward self-directed learning in English Rendezvous area of (Language Development Unit) UPTPB in IAIN Salatiga.

  2. To describe the advantages of self-directed learning facilitated by English Rendezvous area of (Language Development Unit) UPTPB in IAIN Salatiga to the students.

D. Significance of the Research

  The result of the research is formulated to give contributions to English teaching and learning, they are: 1.

  Theoretically, the result of this research is expected to enrich the strategy of teaching and learning English.

2. Practically,


  For the English lectures It is expected that the result of this research may be beneficial for the teacher and gives input for the teacher who has focused on English teaching process.


  For the students The result of this research can help the students especially the English language learners to enhance their English learning.

  Thus, the can understand and improve English better.

  c. For the researcher It is expected that the result of this research can engage the students in improving their initiative in learning process to improve English ability. Certainly, this research can beneficial for the researcher to learn how to enhance English learning using self-directed learning and to fulfill of requirement for the degree bachelor.

E. Clarification of the Key Terms 1.

  Language learning Language is medium of communication through vocal, written or gesture. The function of language is to communicate. Brown

  (2000:5) states that the standard definition of language is “a system arbitratry conventionalized vocal, written, gestural symbols that enable members of a given community to communicate intelligibly with one another”.

  According to Sapir (1921) states that language is purely human and non-instinctive method of communication ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily, produced symbols.

  To know more about language, people should do learning activities. According to Brown (2000:7) defines that “learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction”. It means that learning is an attempt to acquire knowledge or something new in people life by study or experience that they get alone and it may be instruction that someone else ask to do. Learning is process of getting knowledge.

  Language learning is an integral part of the unity of all language, especially in foreign language. According to Kramina (2000:27) states that language learning is a conscious process, is the product of either formal learning or self-study programme.

  According to Brown (200:1) argued that “learning a second language is a long and complex undertaking”. For some non-native speakers, English is a second language and a foreign language. Obviously, learning a second language or foreign language need a long process. There are so many complex structures to learn. In Indonesia, English becomes a foreign language. That is why English is still becoming a problem for some learner because people do not use in daily conversation. Therefore, there must be effective teaching and learning process in order to completely master the language.

2. Self-directed learning

  According to Knowles (1975) described that self-directed learning is as “a process in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of other”. It can be meant that self-directed learning is the students’ way to explore themselves ability to enliven a sense of creativity and responsibility as the students. So, this process may give the students an impression that it is a process in which the students act independently as the students responsible.

  Guglielmino (1977) described that self-directed learning as an increase in knowledge, skill or performance pursued by any individual for personal reasons employing any means, in any place or age. On the other hand that self-directed learning can be used for all active learners, as researched by Garisson (1997) states that this strategy has shown effective process not only for adult learner but also for all learner.

  “Self-directed learning is an approach where learners are motivated to assume personal responsibility and collaborative control of the cognitive (self-monitoring) and contextual (self-management) processes in contructing and confirming meaningful and worthwhile learning outcomes” (Garisson, 1997). It can be meant that self- directed learning can build student’s characteristics of personal responsibility, self-monitoring, and self-management. As every student is different, they have their own preferred way of learning with which they feel comfortable to improve themselves ability.

  F. Limitation of the Research

  The target of this research is investigating the self-directed learning strategies in learning English among the students facilitated by (Language Development Unit) UPTPB in IAIN Salatiga through English Rendezvous area. It is known that there are so many types of learning strategies. This research focuses on analyzing the students’ attitude and advantages toward self-directed learning which using the attitudes indicator based on curriculum 2013, they are responsible, discipline, honesty, respect, confident, persistence motivate, cooperative, friendly, and caring. Furthermore, the researcher used an open questionnaire and FGD (Forum Group Discussion) to gather the data.

  G. Organization of the Graduating Paper

  In this researcher, the researcher divided into five chapters and each explains about something differently, according to the topic which is discussed.

  Chapter I is introduction that consists of the background of the researcher, which mentions the researcher’s reasons why the researcher chooses the topic as a research topic. Then, the problems of the research, it explains the problems of the research that are observed by the researcher. Next is limitation of the research, which mentions the specific problems that the researcher explains. Afterwards, it includes the objectives of the research that consists of the aims of the research, and then the clarification of the key term. Furthermore, the last is the organization of the graduating paper.

  Chapter II is the theoretical framework. It presents the review of related literature of the research such as theoretical foundation which includes theoretical reviews of language learning, language learning strategies, and self-directed learning.

  Chapter III is the research methodology. It tells about why and how this study uses qualitative research as the type of the research. It elaborates the methodology of the research including research design, research setting, population and sample, technique of data analysis.

  Chapter IV is the findings and discussion of the research. It consists of an analysis of a descriptive study of self-directed learning performed by students facilitated by UPTPB IAIN Salatiga and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  Chapter V is closure. It is the last chapter of the research. It ends of the research, and he researcher states the conclusions and suggestions. For the attachments, there are references and appendixes.

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Language Learning and Language Acquisition Language is the heart of language teaching and learning needs to

  constantly reflect on what language is. An understanding of language as ‘open, dynamic, energetic, constantly evolving and personal’ (Shohamy, 2007:5) encompasses the rich complexities of communication. This expanded view of language also makes educational experience more engaging for students. As a learner, we should know that language is not a thing to be studied but a way of seeing, understanding and communicating about the world and each language user uses his or her language(s) differently to do this. This understanding of language sees a language not simply as a body of knowledge to be learnt but as a social practice in which to practice (Kramsch, 1994). It can be meant that language is something that people do in their daily lives and something they use to express, create and interpret meanings and to establish and maintain social and interpersonal relationships. Therefore, as language learner in understanding of language we need to know how that language is used to create and represent meaning and how to communicate with others and to engage with communication of others. This requires the development of awareness of the nature of language and its impact on the world (Svalberg, 2007).

  In thinking about education, teaching and learning in language education, it is essential for us the understandings that can implicit or explicit, influence our responsibility as the learner to improve our learning and assessment practices. Our understanding of learning Sometimes we have perception of the study and classroom related activities. Then, we think about various subject and skill that intended to master in school. But ‘learning’ is not limited to school. It is always happening in our life. There are so many definition of learning. Based on the statement of Schunk (2012:5) states that “learning is recalling what exist in the mind. Information acquired with the sense by observing, listening, tasting, smelling, or touching constitutes raw materials rather than ideas”. It can be meant that learning is a process of remembering the information that the students have already obtained. The appearing ideas from their mind is from the individuals’ experience. They got the information through observing, listening, tasting, smelling, or touching. It cannot be done just in a few hours, days, months or years.

  According to Kingsley & Garry (1957) “learning is the process by which behavior (in the border sense) is originated or changes through practice or training”. It can be meant that learning is a process which occupies an important role in moulding the structure of our personality behavior. It can develop our socially accepted behaviors and also it can give an equal chance of building negative side of human behavior. Learning actually is necessity in our daily life as communication to other people. That is why language and learning becoming important component in this discussion. Language is a tool for communication, that is why language learning becoming the most fundamental.

  Therefore, linguists distinguish between language learning and language acquisition. Language learning requires mastery of a skill as much acquisition of knowledge. In other words, it is not enough for the learners to know word meanings and structural rules. They need to be able to apply this knowledge quickly, even automatically, to express themselves smoothly, read competently, and comprehend spoken English rapidly. To build these skills, practice is necessary. As Omaggio Hardley (2001) and Brown & Lee (2015) stated that important concept related to language learning is automaticity. In language learning, feelings play a major role in language study and need to be taken seriously in planning a successful language learning campaign. As Ehrman, Leaver, and Oxford (2003:319) put it, “it is at least as important to manage feelings as it is to use more cognitive strategies, since negatives feelings reduce the effectiveness of most (language) learning activities. Appropriate self-efficacy promotes persistence in the face of difficulty”. Learners who have a strong desire to learn and who feel good about their progress are far more likely to continue working hard in the long term. One reason feelings play such important role in language learning is that learning a foreign language well involves a great deal effort over a long period of time. Students who feel good about their learning are particularly have strong willing to encouragement in learning process. Most language students usually are afraid of making mistake when learning language, especially in grammar mistakes. Scarcella and Oxford (1992) points out, “students are often unrealistic in what they believe they can and should accomplish in a given period of time, so their self-esteem suffers”. However, in language learning, the students should push themselves to improve their ability in language mastery. They should takes repeated practice to learn to learn to perform any skill smoothly and automatically, and language learning is no exception. They should make sense to structure learning in a way that gives students the maximum sense of progress and encourages them not to abandon the effort halfway. As Brown (1991) points out: “the emotions are the foundation on which all your learning strategies, techniques, and gimmicks will stand or fall… without that emotional foundations, you are fighting an uphill battle at best”.

  While language acquisition is the manner of learning a language by immersion. It provides the students with the practical knowledge of the language. Besides, Krashen (1987) theorized that “acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language - natural communication - In which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding”. It can be meant that process of learning in this case is natural and learned system. It is similar to the process children undergo when they acquire their first language. It requires meaningful interaction in the target language - natural communication – in which speakers are concentrated not in the form of their utterances, but in the communicative act.

  According to Scutz (2012) stated that language acquisition refers to the natural assimilation, involving intuition and subconscious learning. It is the product of real interactions between people in environments of the target language and culture, where the learner is an active player. It is same to the way children learn their native tongue, a process that produces functional skill in the spoken language without theoretical knowledge. It develops familiarity with the phonetic characteristics of the language as well as its structure and vocabulary, and is responsible for oral understanding, the capability for creative communication and for the identification of cultural values. However, language learning and language acquisition are efficient for attaining functional skill in a foreign language not only in childhood.

B. Language Learning Strategy

  Rubin (1975) described a very broad definition of learning strategies s “the techniques or devices which a learner may use to acquire knowledge”. It can meant that learning strategies can contribute to stimulate the learners’ ability in learning process, even can be directly.

  According to Oxford (1990) states that learning as “specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations”. In other words, language learning strategies is very important to stimulate the students learning process to make them more understanding, enjoyable, effective, and like in education. Based on his definition, language strategy are specific actions, behaviors, steps or techniques that learners to help the result of their learning inputting, comprehending, and outputting the target language. Oxford (1990) also proposed that language learning strategies could be divided into two categories: direct strategies and indirect strategies.

  Direct strategies include memory strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies, while indirect strategies include metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies. She believed that applying appropriate language learning strategies on learning process could help learners obtain self-confidence and improved proficiency, and which would lead to high motivation in language learning.

C. Self-Directed Learning

  Self-directed learning is an important issue that can support the growth of creativity of learners need in learning process. This strategy becomes a consistent way at the moment while adapted to the existing technological and cultural context. Dunn (1979:239) points out that “…when students taught through methods that complemented their learning characteristics, students at all levels became increasingly motivated and achieved better academically”.

  Knowles (1975:18) describes self-directed learning as “a process in which individuals take the initiative without the help of others in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating goals, identifying human and material resources, and evaluating learning outcomes”. It can be meant that this strategy is purposed to teach the individual self-management with self- monitoring. The individuals will estimate what they need to improve their ability and evaluate the result of learning process.

  Guglielmino (1977) described that self-directed learning as an increase in knowledge, skill or performance pursued by any individual for personal reasons employing any means, in any place or age”. It means that this strategy is usefulness for the active learner who wants to explore the material deeper. On the other hand that self-directed learning can involve the individual learners becoming empowered to take increasingly more responsibility as the learner for various decisions for improving the learner ability.

  According to Brockett & Hiemstra (1991) stated that “self-directed learning process of learning, stressing the ability of individuals to plan and manage their own learning, and a way of organizing instruction that allows for greater learner control”. It assumes that humans grow in capacity and need to be self-directed. They can learn from their experiences and make it the resource for learning to evaluate their process. “Self-directed learning is a central concept in the study and practice of adult education. While it has a rich history and is central to the field, the concept, nevertheless, carries considerable confusion and misunderstanding (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991; Candy, 1991). Until recently, the overriding theme of self-directed learning has been the external management of the learning process in educational life.

  In this conception, the learner exercises a great deal of independence in deciding what is worthwhile to learn and how to approach the learning task, regardless of entering competencies and contextual contingencies.

  Gibbons (2002) stated that “SDL is any increase in knowledge, skill, accomplishment, or personal development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her own efforts using any method in any circumstances at any time”. It can be meant that self-directed learning is needed to give the improvement of the learner skills, knowledge, accomplishment or personal development. It can be used to collaborate the ability development with character development and prepare to face the future of learners’ life. It is important to note that the learner should know what is the way they learning, how they can adapt with this globalization, and how they can take the initiative to define learning outcomes as both personally meaningful and socially worthwhile.

D. Concept of Self-Directed Learning

  Self-directed learning is often considered the ultimate goal of education (Brookfield, 1986; Mezirow, 1985). The human race needs self- directed learning for survival. This basic human potential, knowing how to


  learn is a necessity for living in the 21 century (Knowles, 1975). Self- directed learning, in various form, has been evident throughout history and is closely related to the concept of andragogy and its assumptions about adult learners (Knowles, 1980, 1984):

  a. Self-concept: the learners’ self-concept or belief about

  themselves as learners develops on a continuum with learners possessing various degrees of self-direction. Previous success in learning improves learners’ general self-concept and capacity for self-direction. Learners have a psychological need to be self- directing but may consciously choose to be more dependent in areas where they lack previous experience or knowledge.


   Experience: learners accumulate life experiences that are rich

  foundation and resource for new learning for themselves and others. Experiences must be valued as it is related to personal identity.

  c. Readiness to learn: learners are ready to learn as they accept and

  learn to adapt to new roles of, such as a different job or parenthood, or wish to escape from present roles.


   Orientation of learning: as learners mature, they prefer

  problem-centered learning than they can immediately apply to relevant situations to increase their competency and help them live more effectively.

  e. Motivation: adults are motivated to greater extent by internal

  factors such as self-esteem, job satisfaction, and quality of life than by external motivators such as promotions and higher salaries.

E. Stages of Self-Directed Learning

  According to Gibbons (2002) states that there are various phases in SDL and these phases start as a low degree of self-direction to the highest degree of SDL. The phases include the following stages of degrees of movement toward SDL, as follows: 1.

   Incidental Self-Directed Learning

  The occasional introduction of SDL activities into courses or programs that are otherwise teacher-directed.

  2. Teaching Students to Think Independently

  The programs that emphasize the personal pursuit of meaning through exploration, inquiry, problem solving and creative activity.

  3. Self-Managed Learning

  The programs presented through learner guides that students complete independently.

  4. Self-Planed Learning

  The programs in which students pursue course outcomes through activities they design themselves.

  5. Self-Directed Learning

  The programs in which students pursue course outcomes through activity they design themselves.

F. Characteristics of Self-Directed Learning

  Grow (1991) developed some characteristic of self-directed learner as follows:

  a. Dependent students (learners of Low Self-direction)

  The individuals with low self-directed learning score have characteristic of students who comfort a structured or traditional learning process such as the role of teachers in traditional classrooms. For these students, learning is teacher-centered.

  b. Interested student (learners of moderate self-direction)

  In this case, student have motivation and confidence. They also have a willingness to do the assignment



Involved students (learners of Intermediate Self-Direction)

  The individuals who is intermediate self-directed learners have characteristic that are successful in independent situations, but are not fully able to identify learning needs, planning and implementation of learning plans.

  d. High Self-Directed Learner

  The individuals who is high self-directed learner have characteristic students who can identify their learning needs and able to implement the learning plans. They also become students who are initiative, independence, responsibility for his or her own learning and view problems as challenges, not obstacles, and enjoy learning and having tendency to be goal-oriented.

G. Benefits of Using Self-Directed Learning

  Based on Garrison’s (1997) statement that the literature on self- directed learning affirms that self-directed learners can indicate a greater awareness of the responsibility as a learner. From using this strategy the learner can make learning more meaningful and monitoring themselves. The learners will have a sense of curiosity and willingness to try new things, view problems as challenges, desire change, and enjoy learner (Taylor, 1995).

  According to Taylor (1995), he also finds self-directed learners to be motivated and persistent, independent, self-disciplined, self-confident and goal-oriented.

  It can be meant that self-directed learners allows learners to be more effective learners, social beings, and creative learner. Self-directed learning researchers have challenged the assumption that giving some learning responsibility back to learners in many instances is more beneficial than other approaches. Morrow (1993) observed that with proper planning and implementation, self-directed learning can encourage students to develop their own rules and leadership patterns.

H. Attitude

  “Attitude is a mental of neutral state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a direct or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related” (Gordon allport, 1935) as quoted by (Oskamp & Schultz, 2005:8). It can be meant that attitude concerns about the concept of individual in readiness to response and motivation to influence the self. Otherwise, Kemendikbud has regulated to categorize the attitude divided into two as written in curriculum 2013, the first is spiritual attitude which is contained about the establishing students to be religious and devotional. The second is social attitude which is contained about the establishing students to be independent, democratic, and responsible. Regarding the understanding above, according to Kemendikbud in curriculum 2013 there are ten indicator to assess the attitude, as follows:

1. Responsible 2.

  Discipline 3. Honesty 4. Respect 5. Confident 6. Persistence 7. Motivate 8. Cooperative 9. Friendly

10. Caring I.

   UPTPB IAIN Salatiga

  UPTPB IAIN Salatiga is Technical Development Unit of Language Service which concentrated to develop networking and language skills of all elements of the students. Therefore, UPTPB creates a language area for improving language skills in the university, especially for the students. One of the regulation in this area is requiring the student to use English or Arabic in every activities in this room. This room was designed like a cafe with a colorful painting in order to make joyful learning the students. The area’s name is “English Rendezvous and Zawiya Arabiya”.

  UPTPB’s Vision

  Becoming a trustworthy technical implementing unit which serves

  IAIN Salatiga, academic community and general public in the utilization, learning and preservation of foreign, national, and local languages for the friendship and cooperation of all people in all nations, religions and cultures for the implementation.

  UPTPB Mission 1.

  Being the main driving force of all efforts to develop international relationships in order to achieve the vision and mission of IAIN Salatiga.

  2. Establish a skilled academy community of foreign languages as an ambassador of Indonesian Islam.

  3. To preserve the wealth of national and regional languages as the identiy of Indonesian.

  4. Managing and developing professional language teaching and learning activities based on dynamic community through innovative methods, technologies and learning activities.

  5. Establish friendships among local, national and world communities for prosperity and peace.

  6. Enliven language research for the sake of language itself and academic progress.

  7. Provide all the needs for the academic community to engage in international activities.

  8. Cooperate with all interested parties in the development of teaching and learning activities in language and human peace.

  English Rendezvous Area

  English Rendezvous is a language area for improving language skills in the university, especially for the students. The area’s name is “English Rendezvous and Zawiya Arabiya”. One of the regulation in this area is requiring the student to use English or Arabic in every activities in this room.

  This room was designed like a cafe with a colorful painting in order to make joyful learning the students. The purpose of this area is to facilitate the students in improving their English capability. Therefore, the students must be active. So the activeness of them can lead them in good learning process, such as by discussing with other friends and make some study club.

  J. Previous Study

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