Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga




(A Descriptive Study of the State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede)



Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) of

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga












ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب


“In The Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful”

  Hereby the researcher declares that this graduating paper is written by the researcher, and it does not contain materials written and have been published by others and other people‟s ideas except the information from the references.

  The researcher is responsible for the researcher‟s graduating paper if in the fu ture, it is proved containing others‟ ideas. The declaration is written by the researcher. In addition, the researcher hopes that this declaration can be understood.


  Salatiga, August 15 2016 The Researcher, Badariyah 113-12-122



No dream is too high so make it come true. Prove to them! They will stop to

underestimate without you have to talk much.


People will treat you of how the ways you treat them so treat them as good as you

treat yourself even more

Too many smart people, too less good people and too rare smart and good

people, be at least good people!


Life is too hard for some people so be sensitive at least listen to what happen to

them and helping them is precious

Because you live every day, explore the world!

(The Researcher)



  This work is sincerely dedicated for: 1.

  My beloved family, who always prays, guides, motivates me to become what I want. Thank for your trust, I will make you all proud of me.

  2. My beloved best friends “beb (s) and coy (s)” who always support, entertain, and help me to get my dreams and drive this life. You all such a fresh air come to me every day and make me stay alive.

3. My inspiring people who always motivate me to be like you so that I can inspire others.



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ,

  In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the kings of universe and space. Thanks to Allah because the researcher could complete this research as one of requirement to finish study in English and Education Department of States Institute for Islamic Studies.

  This graduating paper would not have been completed without support, and guidance from individual and institution. Therefore, the researcher would like to express special thanks to: 1.

  Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd., as Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head of English Education Department of States Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Thanks for all her suggestions, recommendations and supports for this graduating paper from the beginning until the end. She is really outstanding lecturer and mom for students of English Education Department.

  4. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, SS., M. Pd. as counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the researcher advices, suggestions and recommendations for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. Thanks for her patience and care. Without her, this graduating paper seemed will not be finished. She really gave big contributions to this graduating paper.

  5. All lecturers in English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga. Thanks for your guidance, knowledge, and support.

  6. My beloved family. Thanks for your love, support, and pray.

  7. My beloved best friends. Thanks for your love, laugh and pray.

  8. All of my friends TBI 2012.

  9. All of staffs who help the researcher in completing this graduating paper‟s administrations.

  10. Everybody who has helped me in finishing this graduating paper. Thank for your supports, advices, suggestions. The researcher hopes that this research will be useful for everyone.

  Salatiga, September 06


  2016 The Researcher, Badariyah 113-12-122

  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE............................................................................................................... i DECLARATION............................................................................................. ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTE............................................................... iii CERTIFICATION PAGE................................................................................ iv MOTTO............................................................................................................ v DEDICATION................................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xiii

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research .................................................................. 1 B. Problems of the Research ....................................................................... 5 C. Objectives of the Research ..................................................................... 5 D. Significances of the Research ................................................................ 6 E. Limitation of the Research ..................................................................... 7 F. Clarification of Key Terms ................................................................... 8 G. Research Outline .................................................................................. 10 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Previous Researches .................................................................................. 12 B.

  1. Definition and the Role of Teacher ....................................................... 14 2.

  Learning Process ................................................................................... 17 3. Teaching Process .................................................................................. 19 4. Curriculum and Character Education .................................................... 22

  CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. General Description of State Madrasah Aliayah Karanggede ................... 32 B. Research Design ........................................................................................ 34 C. Time Allocation of the Research .............................................................. 36 D. Subjects of the Research ............................................................................ 37 E. Data Sources .............................................................................................. 38 F. Data Collection .......................................................................................... 39 G. Data Analysis ............................................................................................. 41 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS A. Character Values Implemented at State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede into English Learning and Teaching Process.................... 45 B. Ways of teachers‟ to implement character values at State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede into English learning and teaching process ........... 48 C. Teacher‟s preparations to implement character values at State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede into English learning and teaching process ................................................................................................... 82

  CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusions ......................................................................................... 102 B. Suggestions ......................................................................................... 106 REFERENCES APPENDICES


Table 3.1 Time Allocation ........................................................................ 36Table 4.1 Implemented Character Values in English Learning and

  Teaching Process ...................................................................... 45

Table 4.2 Character Values which Applied at X.MIA_1 of the first

  Teacher ...................................................................................... 49

Table 4.3 Character Values which Applied at X.MIA_2 of the first

  Teacher ...................................................................................... 54

Table 4.4 Character Values which applied at X.Agama of the First

  Teacher ..................................................................................... 59

Table 4.5 Character Values which Applied at X.MIA_2 of the first

  Teacher ...................................................................................... 62

Table 4.6 Character Values which Applied at XI.IPS_1 of the Second

  Teacher ...................................................................................... 67

Table 4.7 Character Values which Applied at XI.IPS_2 of the Second

  Teacher ...................................................................................... 71

Table 4.8 Character values which applied at XI.Agama of the Second

  Teacher ...................................................................................... 75

Table 4.9 Character values which applied at XI.IPS_1 of the Second

  Teacher ..................................................................................... 79

Table 4.10 Implemented Character values in the Lesson Plans of theTable 4.11 Implemented Character Values in the Lesson Plans of the

  Second Teacher ......................................................................... 92 Abstract, Badariyah. 2016. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CHARACTER

  VALUES INTO ENGLISH AND TEACHING PROCESS (A Descriptive Study at the State Madarasah Aliyah Karanggede) in Karanggede district, Boyolali regency. graduating Paper. English Education Department. Teacher Training Program and Education Faculty. State Institude of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Consultant: Rr. Dewi Wahyu M, S.S., M.Pd.

  Keywords: Implementation, learning and teaching process, Character Values

  This research aims are: to know the implementation, to describe how the teacher implement and how the teacher prepare the character values in to English learning and teaching process by analyzing the result of the observations and the lesson plans from the tenth and eleventh grade students. The research questions are; what are the character values implemented into English learning and teaching process?, how are the implementation of the character values into English learning and te aching process, and how are the teachers‟ preparations to implement character values into English learning and teaching process?. Therefore, this research limits the subjects of the research. The researcher conducted the research at State Madrasah

  Aliyah Karanggede and the researcher collected the data from two

  English teachers learning and teaching process. In addition, this research used descriptive qualitative approach. The method of collecting data is documentation. There are thirteen character values were implemented by the first teacher into the learning and teaching process. Meanwhile, there were eleven character values were implemented by the second teacher. Furthermore, the first teacher wrote eight character values in his lesson plans. Meanwhile, the second teacher wrote seven character values into her lesson plans. The last, the first teacher used LCD and digital flip book as his preparations to implement the character values. In other hand, the second teacher used copied material and wrote the material on the white board as her preparations to implement the character values.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research Some social problems and issues in our society such as corruption,

  sexual insulting, violence, cheating, etc lead the Ministry of National Education to launch character building in every school in Indonesia. In which, the character educations are mentioned in the syllabus so that the teachers can adapt the character educations into their learning and teaching process. Teachers are challenged to integrate character building in the learning activities. In addition, teachers are hoped to put their creativity in cultivating character building to the students inside of learning and teaching process.

  Utomo in Republika (July 24,2011) cited in Salahudin & Alkrienciehie (2013:31), stated that building character is not as easy as picking a candy from a baby, but it does not mean that it cannot be done.

  The best way to build a character is started from the leader or authority. It can be concluded that a teacher and an educational side take the biggest role in this issue. They are challenged to be a model in how to behave the characters and to implement the characters to the students.

  The Ministry of National Education realizes that character education is important to all the students in Indonesia. There are eighteen characters education launched by the Ministry of National Education in order to build good character on students at all grades. They are; religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democracy, curiosity, spirit, nationalism, respect, cooperative, love peace, love reading, environmental caring, social caring, and responsibility Pusat


Kurikulum. Pengembangan dan Pendidikan Budaya & Karakter Bangsa

Pedoman Sekolah (2009:9-10) cited in (Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pusat kurikulum dan Pembukuan ,


  Every school in Indonesia is assigned to integrate those character educations in the teachers‟ lesson of whatever subject. It is meant to build the character and practice it in the real life in order to be good human beings. Having a good character means standing out at the charge of pursuing a good life (Lexmond & Reeves, 2009:13). Preparing students become a good human, the teachers are hoped to put and integrate good characters in the teachers‟ learning and teaching process. English teachers are challenged to apply those characters in their teaching process. Through their learning and teaching process, they are hoped to design and to apply those characters in their learning and teaching process.

  Character education is as educational values, educational attitude,


choose the right and the wrong way in their daily life. It also aims to keep

the goodness and to spread the goodness in their daily life sincerely

( Salahudin & Alkrienciehie, (2013:42) . The explanation leads to the

conclusion that character education is a good character to build a good

student existence in a daily life.

  Character education leads to the establishment of school culture,

that underlines the attitudes, traditions, habits, and symbols practiced by

all stakeholders of the school and its surrounding communities

(Kemendiknas, 2010:8). Therefore, character education is expected to

support the construction of Indonesia‟s new generation. This can be meant

that not only the students who have the responsibility in applying the

character educationbut also all the people in the school environment. They

are hoped to encourage and support the students in applying those

character buildings.

  Basically, character education is not taught directly, but they are integrated in the teaching and learning process, self-development activity and school culture (Kemendiknas, 2010). This can be meant that the teachers cultivate character values through classroom activities. Therefore, teachers and all school citizens should integrate those values into the existing curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plan.

  Learning activities are the core of teaching. Having a well-planned teaching helps the teacher to be creative in conveying materials. values inside of learning activities. According to Rohani (2004:1), teaching process is two combined activities, namely; teaching activity and learning activity. A teacher is the core of the teaching process but it does not mean that the teacher dominate the teaching process. Both teacher and students are teaching subjects.

  It can be meant that learning and teaching process are interconnected. They are done together at the same time. While the teachers are challenged to create communicative learning between teaching and learning itself, teacher and students are demanded to be active in the learning and teaching process.

  Scales (2008:69) states that education is about learning; qualifications are by-products of that learning. The mindset of the student‟s achievements is the case. A school may pride itself by referring to the number of students obtaining the high grades in national examinations, but that in itself is not evidence that these students have become effective and independent learners. It can be informed that learning is the main thing of education. Learning activities are the main thing of learning itself. The fact, that grading is the core point viewed by people in the societies. The people miss something important that character building is an important aspect to be concerned.

  In another hand, according to Ramyulis (2004:33) cited in


( Salahudin & Alkrienciehie, (2013:65) stated that Implementation of

  They are motivation, activity, interest and attention, action, individual, repetition, modelling, and conditionong. Learning and teaching process is the way to implement character education to the students based on the explanation.

  It means education, teaching, and learning process are interconnected. Learning activities represent the core of learning which it is a part of education. This research will have a focus on the learning and teaching process and character values inside of learning and teaching process. It is represented in the


B. Problems of the research

  Based on the background discussed above, the researcher underlines the problem as follow:

1. What are the character values implemented at State Madrasah Aliyah

  Karanggede into English learning and teaching process? 2. How are the implementations of character values at State Madrasah


Aliyah Karanggede into English learning and teaching process?


  How are the teachers‟ preparations to implement character values at State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede into English learning and teaching

C. Objectives of the Research 1.

  To describe what the character values implemented at State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede into English learning and teaching process are.

  2. To describe the implementations of character values at State Madrasah

Aliyah Karanggede into English learning and teaching process.

  3. To describe the teacher‟s preparations to implement character values at State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede into English learning and teaching process.

D. Significances of the Research

  This research is formulated as an effort of finding some significances. The significances of this research are:

  1. Theoretically, the results of the research can contribute useful information for the development of learning activities, especially in the character values applied in the English learning activities.

2. Practically a.

  For the researchers This research can help the researchers to find out the best English learning activities to reveal the character values in the classroom and it can help the researchers to conduct further research in relation to this theme.


  For the students

  Thi s research can build the students‟ characters for being a good human being.


  For the English Teacher This research does not only give additional contribution to English teachers to develop character educations in their English learning and teaching process, but also the teachers are able to cultivate the character values to the students in the learning activities.

  d. For the Institution The results of the research can contribute for the institution to fulfill the demand of English curriculum. Thus students are able to get satisfactory characters.

  E. Limitation of the Research This research is conducted at State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede.

  The researcher takes grade tenth and grade eleventh. The subject of this research is the English teachers and some students at grade tenth and eleventh of State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede while the object of this research is the English learning and teaching process as well as lesson plans used at State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede. There are two teachers as the subject of the research. It focuses on the implementation of character values into English learning and teaching process used in State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede.

  F. Clarification of Key Terms

  According to Slavin (2000:141) cited in Trianto (2009:16), states that leaning is: “Learning is usually defined as a change in an individual caused by experiences. Changes caused by development (such as growing taller) are not instances of learning. Neither are characteristics of individuals that are presented at birth (such as reflexes and response to hunger or point). However, humans do so much learning from the day of their birth (and some say earlier) that learning and development are inseparably linke d”. It can be meant that learning is individuals changing from their habit through experiences. The growth of individual cannot be meant as a source of experiences. Experiences are taken from individual activities. Moreover, learning is started from the earliest life of an individual.

  According to Trianto (2009:17), learning process is a complex human activity. It can be simply explained as an interaction between teacher and students. The teacher guides the students in their learning and experiences to achieve the expected goals.

  Meanwhile, according to Mudzakir & Sutrisno (1995:167)


  cited in Salahudin & Alkrienciehie (20013:60 teaching process is a wholeheartedly and systematically effort changing, mental and funding, sense, brain and other parts of body, physical aspects such as; intelligence, talent, motivation, desire, etc.

  Meanwhile, according to Brown (2003:5) states that teaching is a set of the practice of language learning where the learners can listen, think, take risks, set goals and process feedback from their teacher and then recalling through the skills that they are trying to master. This is meant that teaching is a place of a teacher and students to reach certain goals.

  In another way, it can be informed that learning and teaching process is continuously interactional products between development and experience. The learner learns from their experiences and develops their experiences so that they will get a new knowledge and self development.

2. Character education

  Character is a specific values (know good values, want to do good things, do good manner, give good impact to the society) that it is cultivated in one self and act as an attitude (Salahudin & Alkrienciehie, 20013:42). Everybody has a specific feature especially in their personality.

  Meanwhile, education based on Salahudin & Alkrienciehie (20013:79) is a process in achieving certain purposes. It means that an individual comes with her or his actualization and hopes to be or get something through the process. It clearly states that education is a process of self development and self improvement.

  Character education is a planned effort to develop the learner primary ethical action values. To make it fruitfully done, all the elements should take a part to cultivate the character values to the learners. The element includes school side, parent and students ( Character Education Partnership, 2005:1) .

G. Research Out Line

  This research is divided into five chapters. In order to get a tidy presentation, the researcher conveys this graduating paper in the following:

  Chapter I: Chapter I is introduction. It consists of background of stud y which mentions the researcher‟ reasons why the researcher chooses the topic as a research topic, then problem statement that explain the problem of the study that is observed by the researcher, next is limitation of the study which mentions the specific problem that the researcher explains. Besides that it includes objective of the study that consist of the aim of the study, significances of the study that describe the advantages of the study, and then the clarification of key term. Last is research out line.

  Chapter II is theoretical framework. It consists of related literature review. In this chapter, the researcher divides into two parts, namely: previous research and theoritical framework.

  Chapter III is research methodology. This chapter deals with the object of research, research types, data sources, the method of collecting data and the method of analyzing data.

  Chapter IV is findings and discussions. It consists of an analysis on character values of State Madrasah Aliyah Karanggede English learning and teaching process.

  Chapter V is conclusion. It is the last chapter of the research. It ends of the research and the researcher states the conclusions and suggestions of the research in summary. References Appendices

CHAPTER II LITERATURE RIVIEW A. Previous Research There are some researches had been conducted in relation to this

  research which character values are as the main discussion. The related researches are as the following:

1. Research report from Adi (2011). The research title was

  Integrating Character Building into language Learning Activities. The research aimed to describe the integration of character building into language learning activities. It used descriptive qualitative research as the research method. The results were; identifying instructional goals, identifying, entry behaviors, and learner characteristics, writing performance objectives, developing instructional strategy, and developing and selecting instructional materials.

  2. The second previous research was taken from research report of Bharati (2011) . The research title was English Teachers‟

  Challenges: To Integrate the Character Values in Their Lesson Plans. The research aimed to reveal whether teachers have implemented character education in their lesson plan, material, and evaluation or not. A descriptive research was conducted by taking 18 junior high schools English teacher in Semarang, observation sheet as instruments. The result showed that there were ten teachers (56%) integrating character values in the indicators of their lesson plans; some of them do not follow up in learning activities and evaluation. So, it can be meant that some teachers still do not know how to integrate character building in their lesson plans.

  3. Research report from Faiziyah & Fachrurrazy (2013). The research title was The Implementation of Character Building in English Subject at Junior High School 3 Malang. The research aimed to describe how the teachers develop and implement character building in English subject at junior high school 3 Malang. A descriptive qualitative was used as the method of this research. This research collected the data from conducting data study, observation and interview. The result showed that 12 character values were found six lesson plans studied. The character values were mentioned in special sub-title and two teachers elaborated in the learning activities. From the observation only a teacher taught the character values by using direct statement. The other two teachers tended to integrate the teaching of the values in the activities. From the research reports above, this research had the distinction because the researcher took the different subject of the

  Aliyah Karanggde. Besides this research further highlight the character

  education in English learning and teaching process. Furthermore, the researcher investigated the classroom of English learning and teaching process at different classes.

B. Theoretical Framework 1.

  Definition and the Role of Teacher Constructing student comprehension of the world through communicative interaction in a social process is called learning.

  Furthermore, learning is continuously process, active process, involving intellectual development and problem solving, not a product of a body of knowledge (Brunner, 1915-) cited in Scales (2008:64).

  Based on government rule no. 74 year 2008 about teacher section 52 said that some roles of teacher are; plan the learning, guiding and training the students. Design of learning and organizing teaching process are a teacher responsibility. Design of learning is a tool that helps a teacher to do effective and efficient learning and teaching process (Rohani, 2004:69).

  In addition, an article in Republika (12/19/2012) as is cited in Salahudin & Alkrienciehie (2013:167) stated that education as a part of the social system to increase prosperity, prestige of a nation needs a teacher. The teachers and curriculum are two side of money. They cannot be separated from its function to support each other. The explanation clearly stated that a teacher is an important part of conveying and cultivating character values to the students.

  The Teachers take an important part of teaching according to above explanations. The teachers are demanded to be creative and active in the pre teaching and during the teaching process as well as after the teaching process. Design of learning is a systematic planning in the learning and teaching process. The teachers are demanded to comprehend how to design a teaching and learning process deeply.

  Meanwhile, according to Harmer (2001:57- 62), the teacher‟s roles are as controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, participant,


  resource, tutor, and observer. This can be meant that teacher‟s roles are complex. They should act differently depending on the situational needs. Teachers are demanded to be creative so that they can create an effective and efficient learning and teaching process. A vital role for any teacher is fostering students‟ creativity. It can help the learners to develop their skills, analytical skill, critical thinker, problem solving skill, etc. Tomlinson (2015:24) cited in Maley & Peachey (2010:24). It is suitable to the theory of professional teacher‟s factors.

  There are four main planes that those must be owned by a professional teacher based on Rohani (2004:115), namely: a teacher trusted to him/her, a wide basic knowledge in relation to educational field and teaching process, a guidance skill because this is basic obligation of a teacher, a full comprehension about teaching material. This can be meant that a teacher should have those qualifications to be a professional teacher.

  Meanwhile Salahudin & Alkrienciehie (2013:124) stated that there are some qualifications to be a professional teacher, namely: a teacher is demanded to always learn continuously, to make lesson plan before teaching, want to be observed, want to be challenged to increase his/her creativity, to have a good character. This can be meant that a professional teacher should have well-planned teaching and creativity.

  Those explanations lead to the conclusion that a professional teacher should have well-planned teaching material and have a good manner. Furthermore, the teacher is demanded to not only comprehend materials will be taught but also comprehend his/her students. It agrees with the Indonesian curriculum which teacher should implement character values through his/her learning and teaching process as well as modeling the character values.

2. Learning

  Learning activities according to UNESCO (2006:9) are defined any activities of an individual organized with the intention to improve process of improvement of self knowledge, skills and competence through learning activities. Every individual attempts to get things done or in purposes.

  There are two fundamental criteria to distinguish learning activities from non-learning activities, they are: the activity must be intentional and the activity are organized some ways. It can be informed that the learning activities can be distinguished by the intention and its organization. Meanwhile, learning according to Green (2011:10) is seen as a collaborative process between students and teacher. This can be meant that learning is an interaction between the students and a teacher.

  Language learning is a conscious process to learn a language. It refers to formal study of a language rules. Richards & Rodgers (2001).

  It can be concluded that language learning is a well-planned process to master a language. In which, the learners learn in a formal way and a language rules.

  According to Rohani (2004:19) learning is a behavioral changing caused by experiences and practices. Experience is an interaction between individuals and their environment with their observation and practice. In this interaction, they get new knowledge, attitude, skill, etc.

  Those explanations have the same focus that learning is an views on how they define learning such as; intentional learning, integral part of life and behavioral changing. Those still lead to the conclusion that learning is a process of self development.

  In addition, students have various learning style. There are three sensory learning styles based on Ingweson, et al. (2000:46), namely: visual (display key concepts, use visual practice activities, develop or use visual support material and provide direction in written form), Auditory (verbalize information and use other auditory approaches), kinesthetic (encourage movement, provide hands-out activities, encourage creativity). This can be informed that those three learning styles have its characteristics and approaches. Visual learners tend to learn by seeing. Auditory learners tend to learn by listening and kinesthetic learners tend to learn by doing.

  The above explanations clearly stated that every student has their own way to absorb or process the material given by the teachers.

  Each of learning style has its method in conveying the material will be learnt by the students. Furthermore, it has its techniques and tools in which the material will deliver to the students. The teachers are demanded to understand their students learning style so that the material will be easier to understand for the students. Then, they are also hoped to deliver the material based on the students‟ learning style.

3. Teaching process

  As McManus (1989) cited in Smith and Laslett (2002:1) sensibly points out:

  “teaching is more than the sum of its parts‟ but it is possible from research, observation and autobiographical anecdote to discern „four rules‟ of classroom management applied by successful teachers which like the „four rules‟ in arithmetic, once assimilated, can be applied in many different situations”.

  In short it can be informed that teaching is a combined part probably taken from research or observation of the classroom with rules in which it can be flexible applied in many different situations.

  Trianto (2009:17) also has a statement in relation to teaching. According to him, teaching is a hand to help students to obtain knowledge, skill, attitude, etc. While teaching process, according to Trianto is a complex human activity. It can be simply explained as an interaction between teacher and students. The teacher guides the students in their learning and experiences to achieve expected goals.

  Meanwhile, Sardiman (2001:16) cited in Salahudin and Alkrienciehie (2013:64) stated that teaching is cultivating knowledge to the students, teaching material suitable with lesson plan, conveying cultures and knowledge to the students, and organizing well-activities teaching and connecting them to the students so that it will create teaching process.

  In another way, it can be informed that teaching process is continuously interactional product between development and experience. The learner learns from their experiences and develops their experience so that they will get a new knowledge and self development. Furthermore, teaching is knowledge cultivating from the teacher to the students.

  Teaching process consists of many aspects which it is systematically done. Each of the aspects is interconnected so it cannot be separated. Furthermore, this is done continuously (Rohani, 2004:1). This can be meant that according to Rohani, teaching is combined activities done systematically and continuously.

  Based on the explanations above, teaching process is many activities to support the successfulness of teaching itself. Mc. Manus said that it should be flexible applied in many different situations while Trianto stresses on the teaching is the interaction between teacher and students in achieving certain goals, and Rohani completes the explanation by teaching process is a systematically and continuously activities as well as Sardiman stated that teaching is a process of knowledge cultivating.

  Meanwhile, a cooperative teaching process according Ibrahim, et al (2000:11) cited in Trianto (2009:63) will be quite effective if the learning material provides completely in the meant that complicity of the learning material is the key of cooperative learning. It supports cooperative learning and teaching process.

  Meanwhile, in relation to English learning teaching, some figures explained clear definitions of English language teaching.

  According to Harmer (2001:5), he stated that English teaching methodology, especially English-speaking traditions are brought from the native, and it might not appropriately fit to the culture of English teaching where English is taught.

  The above statements clearly stated that bringing English from its origin does not mean that the English teaching methodology and the culture are followed. That might be not appropriate to apply in the country where English is taught. In his different chapter Harmer (2001:155-156) stated that language study techniques are divided into some parts, namely: demonstration, explanation, discovery, accurate reproduction, immediate creativity, check questions. This can be informed that language study technique has structurally steps. Each step is connected to other steps.

  Meanwhile, Harmer (2001:199&249) divides English skills into two parts. They are receptive skills; reading skill and listening skill and productive skills; writing skill and speaking skill. Receptive they see or hear. Meanwhile, productive skills are the ways in which people use their receptive skills.

4. Curriculum and Character Education

  Educational curriculum in Indonesia experienced many changes from era to era. This is an effort to have a better quality of educational curriculum. The Ministry of National Education is the authority to evaluate educational curriculum in Indonesia. According Salahudin & Alkrienciehie (20013:159), the developmental curriculum in Indonesia occurs in several times, namely: a.

  The old order era is called with curriculum 1947, 1952, and 1964.

  b. the new order era gave birth curriculum 1975 that is completed with Cara Belajar Siswa Aktif (CBSA) is called as 1994 curriculum that is completed and it is completed again with curriculum 1994.


  Reformation era appears curriculum 2004, which it is called with

  Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK), and end with Kurikumlum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP).

  The latest curriculum in Indonesia is KTSP and Kurikulum

  2013 (KURTILAS). Both are still applied in schools and both are allowed.

  Meanwhile, both have its differences. The differences between KTSP and KURTILAS according to Salahudin and Alkrienciehie (20013:160) are listed below: a.

  In KTSP, schools have full authority in constructing curriculum which it tends to Standar Isi (SI) and Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) that have been made by Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP).


  KTSP is constructed by headmaster with all teachers and engaged committee as well as educational stakeholders in that area such as organizational profession, industrial world, handicraft, tourism, etc. Curriculum is constructed based on its need, situation, and environmental condition.

  Meanwhile, new Kurikulum 2013 according to Salahudin & Alkrienciehie (20013:173) contains as listed below: a.

  Students are demanded to be active.


  Scoring standard will be done with basic competence. One of supporting competence is obligated scout extracurricular for all students because in scouting, contains leadership, cooperative, bravery, and tolerance.


  Curriculum approach stresses on elementary and junior high school level so that it is used integrative thematic in all subjects.


  One theme is learned will be connected to another subject. For theme. What observational approach is used, what substance is, how it is going, etc. All approaches will lead to all subjects, instead Indonesian language, religion, science, and mathematic.


  There are only five subjects being taught in elementary school, namely; Indonesian language, civil education, religion, and mathematic.


  Local subject is divided into two: home-making and physical education and sport/health.

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