Handling The Negligence of The Workers To Check The Goods Stock in The Warehouse at P.T.Rahayu Tiharda Charisma.


Saat ini bisnis trading merupakan bisnis yang sedang diminati oleh banyak
pebisnis di Indonesia. Banyak manfaat dari berbisnis trading ini misalnya
membuka peluang untuk bekerja sama dengan perusahaan asing,
mengetahui perkembangan dunia bisnis di negara lain, memperluas jaringan,
dan masih banyak lagi. Berdasarkan pengalaman saat menjalankan magang
di P.T. Rahayu Tiharda Charisma, saya menemukan masalah yang
menyebabkan ketidakpuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan perusahaan ini.
Oleh sebab itu, saya memutuskan untuk membahas cara mengatasi kelalaian
pekerja dalam mengecek stok barang di gudang.
Saya membahas sebab dan akibat dari masalah tersebut. Menurut
pengamatan saya saat bermagang, masalah ini disebabkan oleh para
pekerja yang malas dalam mengecek stok karena mereka bosan dengan
pekerjaannya, mereka lupa mengecek karena terus mengobrol saat bekerja,
dan kurangnya pengawasan. Masalah ini mengakibatkan stok barang di
gudang habis, sehingga terjadi keterlambatan dalam pengiriman dan
akhirnya pelanggan merasa tidak puas. Oleh sebab itu saya menganalisa
beberapa solusi pilihan beserta dampak positif dan negatif yang mungkin
terjadi dari solusi tersebut. Solusi pilihan tersebut adalah membangun
motivasi dengan memberikan pujian, mengajak makan siang bersama

seluruh staf kantor setiap 3 bulan, dan mengawasi pekerja saat bekerja.
Setelah saya mempertimbangkan dari berbagai aspek dengan seksama,
saya memutuskan menggabungkan 2 solusi pilihan untuk mengawasi
masalah tersebut. Pilihan itu adalah mengajak makan siang bersama dengan
seluruh staf dan mengawasi pekerja saat bekerja. Saya merasa 2 solusi itu
dapat meningkatkan kualitas kerja dan semangat pekerja.

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DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY………………………………………........ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………..iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………...1-5


Background of the Study
Identification of the Problem
Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Description of the Institution
Method of the Study
Limitations of the Study
Organization of the Term Paper

CHAPTER IV.CONCLUSION……………………………………............15-16

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1. They became unmotivated
because they bored with regularly
2. They distracted because they
kept talking with other coworkers
3. Unsupervised workers

Negligence of the
workers to check
the goods stock in
the warehouse


1. The lateness of goods
2. The goods in the
warehouse were out of
3. Unsatisfied costumers

Potential Negative Effects:
1. They feel that they are
being evaluated
2. The effect of motivation is

Potential Solution I:
To build motivation
by giving praise

Potential Positive

Potential Negative Effects:

Potential Solution II:
Boss takes all staff
out for lunch
together every 3

Potential Positive Effects:

Potential Solution III:
Supervisor always
supervises the
workers’ work

Potential Positive Effects:

1. The workers will misunderstand
the boss goodness
2. Company will spend extra


Potential Negative Effects:
1. Workers will feel stressful
because they are always
2. Workers feel distrusted by
3. Lack of individual creativity

Chosen Solution:
Boss takes all staff out for
lunch together every 3
months + Supervisor
always supervises the
workers’ work

1. The workers will be more
2. Workers become more

motivated to work

1. Consolidate the
relationship between
employees and the boss
2. Build a good
communication each other

1. Supervisor can remind
workers when they make
2. Workers will be more
careful in working


A. Background of the Study
Nowadays, the business world is developing and competing rapidly. More
and more competitions happen among the firms to be much better and

preferred by many customers. There are many kinds of business, and one of
them is trading business. Trading business is a business which the company
buys products from overseas and resells it locally. I agree with Paul Hata who
says “International trade is also important to the value of one's lives today.
Imagine if our choices were limited to what we can produce locally” (par. 2). I
choose an analysis about trading business because I think through this kind
of business, we can establish partnerships with foreign firms, expand the
network and have international business contacts. Besides, without the goods
and services from other countries, we like just living in a limited world.
Currently, trading business is familiar in Indonesia. There are many business
competitors in Indonesia which provide a competitive price with good quality.

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I had internship as a Marketing Assistant at P.T. Rahayu Tiharda
Charisma, one of chemical trading business companies in Indonesia. P.T.
RTC has many customers from industrial factories which need its products to
support their production. Therefore, it is important to build trust between
producer and customer to make good connection. Besides, P.T. RTC always

offers products with good quality and compatible price to satisfy their
When I worked at P.T. RTC, I observed that there was a main problem
which made some customers unsatisfied. I found the negligence of the
workers to check the goods stock in the warehouse. That problem caused the
delay of information if the goods in the warehouse were out of stock and may
result in the lateness of delivery. In the end, the customers would complain
about this. Considering the importance of keeping customers’ trust and
increasing the company profit, I choose how to handle the negligence of the
workers to check the goods stock in the warehouse as the topic of my term

B. Identification of the Problem
The problem that I am going to analyze is clearly stated in the questions
1. What are the causes of the negligence of the workers to check the
goods stock in the warehouse at P.T. Rahayu Tiharda Charisma?

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2. What are the potential solutions to deal with the negligence of the
workers to check the goods stock in the warehouse?
3. How is the best way to solve the problem?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The aims of the study that will be achieved in the end of this term paper
1. To find out the causes of the negligence of the workers at P.T. Rahayu
Tiharda Charisma.
2. To find potential solutions to deal with the negligence of the workers at
P.T. Rahayu Tiharda Charisma.
3. To determine the best solution to deal with the negligence of the
workers at P.T. Rahayu Tiharda Charisma.
The benefit of the study for the company is the company can get insight
about the problem of the company based on my observation during my
internship. They also can try to solve it by using the best solutions that I will
analyze in the following paper.
The benefits for the readers are as follows; I expect that they will get more
knowledge and interested in trading business, how to run this business, how

to handle the problem in the company, and the importance of customer

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The benefit of the study for me is that I can improve my skill in business
about how to analyze and determine the best solution to solve the problem in
a company. Moreover, it can be a good insight for my future job.

D. Description of the Institution
P.T. Rahayu Tiharda Charisma is a chemical company engaged in trading
business. The company was started in 1960 where the first location was at
Jalan Gang Warung no 43 Semarang. The owners of this company are 3
siblings. They joined together to establish this company. But the person who
leads P.T RTC is Mr. Santoso. For around 49 years, P.T. RTC, customers
usually called it, has been successful and now this company has had two
branches at Jalan Puri Anjasmoro and Jalan Simongan no 96 Semarang.
Both of them are led by 2 siblings. P.T. RTC sells chemical tools which are
used by industrial factories in Indonesia, such as digital and analog
instruments, pH controller, digital pressure indicator, flue gas analyzer and
As a trading company, P.T. RTC has partnerships with foreign companies
both in Malaysia and Singapore. Products that the company purchased are
the quality products made in Germany, Japan, and the United States. P.T.
RTC is very concerned with the quality and competitive prices to satisfy its
customers. In addition, P.T. RTC also has a homemade product such as
ABC water hardness test kit. ABC water hardness test kit is a tool to test the

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substance in the clean water. This is the first company that made this
product. Until now, the ABC water hardness test kit is demanded, especially
by the customers from Jakarta, East Java and Central Java who order this
product in the significant amounts.

E. Method of the Study
In this term paper I am going to talk about handling the negligence of the
workers to check the goods stock in the warehouse at P.T. RTC. This term
paper also will be supported by the theories from books, online research,
library research, author quotations, and the internship journal.

F. Limitation of the Study
All of my observation data based on internship journal which I wrote
everyday during internship and the experiences from workplace, together with
some books which support my study. Besides, I have analyzed the
warehouse as the place which is related with the problem during my
internship for a month.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper consists of the Abstract, which is a substance of the
discussion of the term paper in Indonesian. This section will help the readers
to know the overall term paper quickly. After that, it will be followed by
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Declaration of Originality, Acknowledgements which contains my
thankfulness for people who are related to my writing term paper, and Table
of Contents which allows the readers to find the content through page
number, followed by Chapter 1 which is Introduction of study, Chapter 2, the
Problem Analysis which contains the causes and the effects of the problem,
Chapter 3, the Potential Solutions to solve the problem including the positive
and negative effects, Chapter 4, the Conclusion which choosing the best
solution of the problem, Bibliography which contains printed and electronic
sources of theories that support this term paper, and Appendix which
contains the flowchart.

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In Chapter one, I have explained the causes and the effects of the
negligence of the workers to check the goods stock in the warehouse, which
can give bad impacts to P.T.RTC. I also have discussed some potential
solutions to solve this problem including with the positive and negative
Now, this chapter will talk the best potential solution to solve this problem.
I decide to combine two potential solutions. Considering that both are very
important not only for the workers but also for the company. First, the boss
takes all staff out for lunch together every three months. Second, the
supervisor always supervises the workers’ work.
I choose to combine two potential solutions because PT. RTC should pay
attention to the quality of working and motivation. For the quality of the
working, the best solution is the supervisor always supervises the workers
work. I totally agree with an article entitled Beat The GMAT which stated that

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“Most employees function better is an environment where they are being
supervised” (par. 2). Supervising the workers is a very effective way because
they will work with more concentration and focus. They will not waste their
time for chatting with other workers or do useless things. The supervisor can
also remind them directly, if they make mistakes. Hence, the quality of the
workers will be better than before. For the quality of motivation, I choose the
boss takes all the staff out for lunch together every three months because it
can create the atmosphere of the workplace to become better. It can give
good impacts to the workers. The atmosphere of working will be even more
fun and the workers will be more excited and high-spirited in working. It would
be nice if all of staff go to the office everyday not because they have to but
they want to. Good relationship among the staff and the boss can determine
good communication between them. Furthermore, my suggestion to P.T. RTC
is the company should evaluate all work activities regularly for better service,
especially the availability of the goods stock, so delivery orders will always be
on time.

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Printed Sources
Furmston, Michael P. Sale and supply of goods. London: Cavendish
Publishing, 2000.
Weckert, John. Electronic monitoring in the workplace: controversies and
solutions. USA: Idea Group Publishing, 2004.

Electronic Sources
Baltazar, Melissa. “How to motivate your employees at work.” helium.com. 14
October 2009
Bartlain, Barbara. “How to be a great boss.” 26 March 2009. walletpop.com.
22 October 2009
“Customer Satisfaction Assessment .” 2001. Qualityvalues.com. 8 October

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Day, D. Dupont. “How to motivate your employees at work.” Helium.com. 14
October 2009
“Forgetting And Learning.” 24 March 2008. Education Guide Online. 6
October 2009
“Giving the Right Kind of Praise.” 2005. Leadingtoday.org. 21 October 2009

Gratzon, Fred. “Laziness Drive All Progress.” 2009. Lazyway.blogs. 6

Hale, Ali. “How to Be a Good Boss.” 26 September 2009. Dumblittleman.com.
21 October 2009
Halsten, Eric. “How to motivate your employees at work.” Helium.com. 14
October 2009
Hata, Paul. “Benefit of International Trade.” 19 June 2008. 10
September 2009

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Licata, Patricia P. “How to Be a Good Boss.” 2007. 21 October 2009

Marano, Hara E. “Life Lessons Learned on the Job.” 18 March 2003.
psychologytoday.com. 1 November 2009

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