The Role of Gricean Maxims and Raskin’s Theory of Script Incongruity in Family Jokes in Jokes.Siliconindia.Com.


Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya membahas peranan bidal dan menggunakan
teori Raskin, Script Incongruity, untuk menganalisis humor bertemakan keluarga
yang terdapat di situs
Secara lebih spesifik, ruang lingkup tugas akhir ini termasuk ke dalam
pragmatik, dengan berfokus pada pembahasan pelanggaran bidal. Pelanggaran
bidal sendiri terdiri atas beberapa jenis, antara lain flouting, violating, infringing,
opting out, dan suspending. Didukung dengan teori Raskin, Script Incongruity,
saya menerapkan teori bidal dan script incongruity dalam humor keluarga dari
Salah satu temuan yang saya peroleh dari yaitu
bahwa bidal yang sering dilanggar adalah flouting the maxim, yang termasuk
dalam kategori bidal kuantitas dan perilaku. Kedua bidal tersebut sering
digunakan untuk memicu terjadinya humor. Saat seseorang memberikan informasi
yang kurang, atau berbicara ambigu, dan tidak langsung dengan alasan tertentu,
serta memiliki implikatur tersendiri, ia dapat menimbulkan atau memicu

Maranatha Christian University


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................. i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. ii
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... iii
Background of the Study .....................................................................................
Statement of the Problem .....................................................................................
Purpose of the Study ............................................................................................
Methods of Research ...........................................................................................
Organization of the Thesis ...................................................................................


CHAPTER TWO : THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................. 6

JOKES.SILICONINDIA.COM ....................................................................... 13
CHAPTER FOUR : CONCLUSION .............................................................. 26
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 30
APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 31

Maranatha Christian University



Background of the Study
In daily life, communication is the most effective means for people to
interact with others. People communicate for several purposes, such as expressing
their feelings, giving their opinion, having fun, and others.
The most common way of communication is conversation. Through
conversation people can interact with others directly using verbal language. Yet,

sometimes people often make mistakes to observe the maxims in their
Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning. In particular, it is the study of
contextual meaning. Pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than
is said (Thomas, 1995, p.21). One important thing to study in pragmatics is
conversational implicature. People usually fail to show their true purposes of
saying something because they do not directly say what they mean. Sometimes,
they imply their feeling and opinion bluntly. Such a case is known as a failure in

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observing the maxim. In pragmatics, conversational implicature is something
which is implied in conversation, which is left implicit in actual language use or
the implicature is according to the context in utterance. Conversational
implicature can be used to create humour or jokes.









misinterpretation happen between the speaker and the hearer, which creates funny
situations. Usually, in conversation the hearer does not always grasp exactly what
the speaker means. The hearer thinks that he or she has understood the speaker’s
meaning completely, and gives an answer which is actually irrelevant with the
topic, which causes misunderstanding.
According to Grice’s theory of the maxim, misunderstanding happens

when “...a speaker blatantly fails to observe a maxim, not with any intention of
deceiving or misleading. Instead, it is simply because the speaker wishes to
prompt the hearer to look for a meaning which is different from, or in addition to
the expressed meaning.” (Thomas, 1995, p.65). This insight about the theory is
very important to help people find out and understand what the speaker really
The topic of this thesis is The Role of Gricean Maxims and Raskin’s
Theory of Script Incongruity in Family Jokes. The reason that I choose this topic
as my analysis is because I am very interested in one aspect of communication,
namely humour. Moreover, jokes are interesting to analyze.
We can find jokes in daily conversation whether they happen deliberately
or not. Sometimes, misunderstanding and misinterpretation of daily conversation
can result in jokes. What I am going to analyze in my study is which types of non
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observance of the maxim are not observed in the jokes, the implicature of the
maxim and how Grice’s theory of maxim and Raskin’s theory of script
incongruity reveal the humour.
The significance of this study is to explain how the role of maxim

becomes the humour of a joke. We are going to learn something which can be
funny from an utterance. People create humour by making jokes and they can
understand which part of jokes is considered funny. In many cases, a joke is just a
word or a phrase that refers to some humourous situation; therefore, it makes
people entertained.
Finally, the purpose of this study is to help people identify which part of
an utterance is considered funny through the role of maxim and script incongruity
theory in jokes.
The theory that I am going to use is Grice’s theory on the role of maxim
and Raskin’s theory of script incongruity. According to Raskin’s theory, script
incongruity is the change of the script and it relates to non-observance of the
Gricean maxim. It happens when a speaker fails to observe a maxim without any
intention of deceiving or misleading. Sometimes, it creates a joke. Speaker’s
failure occurs when the hearer cannot catch what the speaker means.
The source of the data which I am going to use as the subject of my
analysis is family jokes in Many categories of data which I
can analyze in this web like funny jokes, families, colleges, managers and short
jokes. However, I will choose family jokes because there are plenty of data which
can be analyzed in this category.
Word count: 717 Words

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Statement of the Problem
In this study, the problem that are going to be analyzed are:

Which types of non-observance of the maxim are not observed in the


What is the implicature?


How do Grice’s theory of maxim and Raskin’s theory of script
incongruity reveal the humour?

Purpose of the Study

The steps I would like to take in gathering the data:
1. To find out which types of non-observance of the maxim are not observed
in the joke.
2. To identify the implicature.
3. To explain how Grice’s theory of maxim and Raskin’s theory of script
incongruity reveal the humour?
Method of Research
In writing this thesis, I have taken the following steps. I collected the data,
analyzed and gave explanations about the whole data. I read family jokes in a
form of conversation from the website as my primary source. Then, I also read as
well as compiling some information from Guy Cook’s Language Play, Language
Learning and Jenny Thomas’ Meaning in Interaction: an Introduction to
Pragmatics to support my analysis of script incongruity and the role of maxims.
Finally, I wrote the thesis.

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Organization of the Thesis
This thesis is organized into four chapters. Chapter One is Introduction,

which contains Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Purpose of
the Study, Method of Research and Organization of the Thesis. Chapter Two is
Theoretical Framework, which consists of the theories that are used in the analysis
of the data. Chapter Three is analysis of the data. Chapter Four is Conclusion,
which includes my opinions, comments and suggestions for further research. The
next part is Bibliography. And the last is Appendices, which is presented at the
last part of the thesis.

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In this chapter, I would like to present the result of my analysis of the role
of Gricean maxims and Raskin’s theory of script incongruity in family jokes in using the non-observance of the Gricean maxims along with
Raskin’s theory of Script Incongruity.
There are only two types of non-observance of the maxim out of the five

types of non-observance of the Gricean maxim that can be found in the whole
data. They are flouting the maxim and violating the maxim. I find that the most
frequent type of non-observance of the maxim used in the whole data is flouting
the maxims, which are flouting the maxim of manner, while the least is flouting
the maxim of quantity and violating the maxim. The non-observance of the
maxims which are not found in the data are infringing the maxim, opting out of a
maxim, and suspending a maxim.
Overall, flouting the maxim of manner relies on implicature or ambiguities
to ignite laughter in the humour. To be more specific, the ambiguities also rely on
certain grammatical features to tickle the reader’s curiosity in terms of

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demonstratives, or pronouns. The unclear reference of the pronoun can easily
trigger ambiguties. For example, in data 1 the use of demonstrative ‘that’ can refer
to spray poisonous chemicals for the vegetables or kill his wife by himself. This is
really effective as the basis of humour before coming out with the punch line of
the joke.
The same case also applies to the pronoun ‘we’ in data 3, which can be

understood as all the people tend to evade from her obligations. The pronoun is
used to effectuate the ambiguity for the hidden meaning because even a pronoun
sticks to the context. The reason why the maid uses the pronoun ‘we’ is because
she does not want to be blamed as the one causing the phone bill to become
exceptionally high.
Similarly, in data 4, the word “them” in Peter’s utterance to reply to
Doctor Larmer’s question is a general pronoun which refers to his wife’s family
which has caused him to get a high blood pressure. Peter’s utterance shows that
his high blood pressure is not hereditary, but the doctor fails to diagnose it. Then,
it turns out that Peter gives the doctor a sarcastic response because he thinks that
his previous utterance is already clear. I can conclude that speech of reference and
pronoun in ambiguous and long-winded or indirect utterance are very effective to
ignite laughter.
The nature of a child is shown in data 5. The son’s utterance flouts the
maxim of manner, the son with his innocence nature, tries to give information to
his father but it turns out that his utterance is still not satisfactory for his father,
who wants to have clearer information. At the end of the conversation, the son

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gives the information with make a long winded sentence by giving indirect answer
to his father.
Hiding some information purposefully is the reason why flouting maxim
of quantity is used, because it can lead to a certain interpretation. As soon as the
complete information is given at the end of the joke, it creates a surprise which
makes the joke funny. It happens 2 times. In data 2 and 6, the speaker seems to
give out complete information, but actually there is still some hidden information.
I find some interesting cases in my analysis in which naughtiness becomes
the reason why flouting the maxim of quantity and violating the maxim happen at
the same time. Based on my analysis in data 2 and data 6, naughtiness which is
one of a child’s natures is shown through Little Johnny’s utterance. In data 2,
considering that Little Johnny’s utterance flouts the maxim of quantity will not
make the joke funny, because his utterance seems like he feels sorry for what has
happened to his father. On the other hand, it can be concluded that Little Jonny’s
utterance violates the maxim as he has succesfully misled his mother and this
makes the joke funny.
I find the difference in data 6 in which flouting the maxim of quantity
together with violating the maxim makes the joke funny. Once again, the
naughtiness of a child is shown through Little Johnny’s witty utterance, which has
violated the maxim and successfully misled his teacher that ignites humour.
However, the utterance can also be considered flouting the maxim of quantity, and
it still makes the joke funny because it is related to Little Johnny’s intention of
trying to get a symphathy from his teacher by joking around.

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In my data, there are no flouting the maxim of quality and flouting
the maxim of relation because the case is always related and focused on the
opposite of what a person says. Based on my analysis, I find that all utterances
given in every data is relevant and based on the fact although some utterances are
not complete in the beginning.
The other types of non-observance of Gricean maxims, such as infringing
a maxim, opting out of a maxim and suspending a maxim are rarely found in
family jokes in Infringing a maxim rarely occurs in family
jokes as the speakers use English as their mother tongue. Likewise, in the case of
opting out of a maxim, the people inside a family environment do not need to
refuse cooperating when giving information to the other party in the family.
Besides, opting out of a maxim is usually involved in a conversation between
people from some specific professions, such as detectives, politicians, private
investigators, and etc. My analysis does not include suspending a maxim because
I find that those who are inside family environment not suspend anything to the
other party members of the family because as they speak openly and freely to one
From my analysis, we can learn which part of the joke becomes funny
through non-observance of the maxim and Raskin’s theory of Script Incongruity
to reveal the humour in the jokes. In addition, we can improve our knowledge
through this study, and we know that the non-observance as well as script
incongruity play a significant role in jokes.
Word count: 1,048 Words

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Primary Texts
Siliconindia jokes. (2014, March 6). Retrieved from

Cook, Guy. (2000). Language Play, Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Grice’s Cooperative Principle Maxims and Implicatures. (2014, April 21).
Retrieved from Grice’s Cooperative Principle Maxims and Implicature:
Thomas, Jenny. (1995). Meaning in Interaction: an Introduction to Pragmatics.
London and New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.

Maranatha Christian University