The Role of Maxims and Script Incongruity in Revealing Humour in College Jokes.


Dalam tugas akhir ini, saya membahas humor yang terdapat dalam
lelucon. Data yang terkumpul diambil dari situs Dalam situs
tersebut terdapat beragam kategori lelucon, seperti lelucon dalam rumah tangga,
pekerjaan, dan lain-lain, baik dalam bentuk percakapan maupun teka-teki. Topik
khusus yang saya ambil sebagai data dalam penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah
humor yang terdapat dalam lelucon percakapan di kalangan pelajar, khususnya
Dalam meneliti humor yang terdapat dalam lelucon di kalangan
mahasiswa ini, saya menggunakan pendekatan pragmatik, dalam hal ini adalah
teori maxim atau bidal yang diperkenalkan oleh H. P. Grice. Selain itu, saya juga
menggunakan teori script incongruity yang diperkenalkan oleh Victor Raskin
untuk meneliti bagaimana humor terjadi sehingga mengakibatkan pembaca
Setelah meneliti data yang terkumpul, saya berkesimpulan bahwa penulis
paling banyak menggunakan flouting a maxim. Hal ini terjadi karena flouting a
maxim dapat dikatakan lebih mudah dimengerti daripada yang lain, yang
membutuhkan latar belakang pengetahuan yang baik dan pengetahuan yang dalam
mengenai situasi, budaya, dan sebagainya.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ii
Background of the Study............................................................................. 1
Statement of the Problem ............................................................................ 4
Purpose of the Study ................................................................................... 4
Method of Research .................................................................................... 4
Organization of the Thesis .......................................................................... 5
Grice’s Theory of Maxim ................................................................................. 6
Non-observance of the Maxims ....................................................................... 7
Raskin’s theory of script incongruity ........................................................... 11
IN COLLEGE JOKES.............................................................................13

CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION ................................................................. 29
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 33
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 34

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Background of the Study
In daily life, people as social beings communicate in order to express their
feelings, give their opinions or ideas, or just to have fun. One way of
communicating is by having a conversation. Through a conversation, people may
give their opinions or ideas to others and they may also get some information that
they need to know from others. However, in many cases, many people often ask
questions or say things that might be misinterpreted by others.
Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, and one important thing to
study in pragmatics is conversational implicature. In a conversation, people do not

always directly say what they mean. Sometimes they might imply their feelings,
opinions or ideas instead of saying them bluntly. By doing so, they actually fail to
observe the maxim.
Maxim is a kind of ‘rule’ in an utterance. Conversational implicature in
pragmatics studies how capable a person is to catch the implicature correctly from
others who fail to observe the maxim. This means that pragmatics also studies to
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recognize what a speaker implies in the utterance in order to make the hearer
Furthermore, conversational implicature is also used in creating humour.
We might get many examples in daily life because there is a chance that a
misunderstanding or misinterpretation happens in a conversation. Moreover, the
misunderstanding or misinterpretation that occurs in this conversation could be
funny in certain circumstances. In a conversation, the hearer might not always
understand what the speaker actually implies within the utterances. Still, when the
hearer thinks that he or she understands it clearly, and replies it with an answer
that actually is not in relation with the topic, it may turn out to be funny. As a
result, humour occurs as the hearer replies to the speaker’s utterances in an

unrelated way. From this situation, we might say that humour occurs when the
hearer fails to get what the speaker actually implies. In other words, humour may
be created from the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the conversational
The topic of this thesis is The Role of Maxims and Script Incongruity in
Revealing Humour in The reason why I choose this topic for my thesis
is because I am one of many people in the world who are very interested in
humour. One of the ways humour can be found is in jokes that are considered
There are a lot of categories of jokes from around the world. Each of the
categories has different types. It can be in a type of word play or a riddle.
However, I find that effective one way of telling jokes is by making them like

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conversations. It is interesting to be able to know how jokes in the form of
conversations are interpreted.
In addition, jokes are universal and they are easily found in a
misinterpretation of a conversation from anywhere. Therefore, in this thesis I

would like to analyze the conversational implicature in the jokes, the types of nonobservance of the maxims in relation with Raskin’s theory of incongruity and the
use of their role in revealing humour in the jokes.
The significance of the study is in explaining how a conversational
implicature is created in a joke and how the implicature becomes the source of the
joke itself. This study could open our mind in trying to understand the meaning of
conversational implicature in creating humour. This topic that I am studying
makes me hope that from what we are about to study in this thesis, the readers are
helped to be able to interpret humour within the jokes which are intended to
entertain and to be interpreted and appreciated by the people from around the
This topic belongs to the area of linguistics called pragmatics, as it
concerns with implicature in a conversation. The theories that are going to be used
in my analysis are Grice’s theory of maxims and Raskin’s theory of script
incongruity. These theories are needed to elaborate the explanation of the humour
within the joke explicitly. The importance of these theories is to reveal the
humour within the joke itself, to make the people consider and believe that the
joke is funny.
The source of the data which is going to be used in the analysis is This source is chosen because it is relevant with the analysis;

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besides, the actual data that is provided in this site is daily updated. There are at
least thirty data which could be gathered and analyzed from the source.
(Word count: 756)

Statement of the Problem
In this study, the problems that are going to be analyzed are:
1. Which type of non-observance of the maxim occurs in the joke?
2. What is the implicature?
3. How do Grice’s theory of maxims and Raskin’s theory of script incongruity
reveal the humour in the joke?

Purpose of the Study
Based on the statement of the problem above, I would like to:
1. Classify the type of the non-observance of the maxims that occurs in the joke.
2. Find out the implicature.
3. Explain how Grice’s theory of maxim and Raskin’s theory of script
incongruity reveal humour.

Method of Research
The first thing I do in completing this thesis is by gathering the data from
the source, which is, then specify the data which are going to
be analyzed. The next thing to do is to determine the theories that are going to be
used in the analysis. After the data and the theories are gathered, I begin the data
analysis according to the statement of the problem, and then writing the research
report and finishing the thesis.
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Organization of the Thesis
This thesis is organized into four chapters. Chapter One is Introduction,
which contains Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Purpose of
the Study, Method of Research and Organization of the Thesis. Chapter Two is
Theoretical Framework, which consists of the theories that are used in the
analysis. Chapter Three is Data Analysis, which is about the analysis of the
provided data. Chapter Four is Conclusion, which includes my comments,
opinions and suggestions for further researches. The last part is Bibliography.
Appendix is presented at the end of this thesis.

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In this chapter, I am going to draw a conclusion based on my analysis on
the conversational college jokes. The college jokes that I analyze are taken from The conclusion of my analysis is from the jokes that are related
to Grice’s theory of maxim, especially non-observance of the maxim together
with Raskin’s theory about script incongruity. In addition, I would also like to
make some comments regarding my analysis and suggestions for further analysis
using other theories besides the theories that I apply.
I have learned many things in finishing this thesis. I come to understand
the importance of maxim and implicature in a conversation, the non-observance of
maxims. Besides, I also gain understanding of Raskin’s theory of script
incongruity, and how the non-observance of maxims supports the script
incongruity in revealing humour.
The main reason for applying Grice’s theory of non-observance of the
maxim and Raskin’s theory of incongruity in analyzing the conversational jokes is

because of their efficiency in revealing humour. The theories, either Grice theory

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of non-observance of maxims or Raskin’s theory of script incongruity are
connected with conversations.
In my analysis, most of the non-observance of the maxims that commonly
occur in the jokes is flouting the maxim of relation. There are six cases of flouting
the maxim of relation that I found in my data. The second non-observance of the
maxim that commonly occurs in the jokes is flouting the maxim of manner and
quantity. There are four cases of both flouting the maxim of manner and quantity
that I found in my data.
The third non-observance of the maxim that occurs in the jokes is flouting
the maxim of quality. There is only one case of flouting the maxim of quality that
I found in my data. In the jokes that I take as my data, the type of the nonobservance of the maxim is only flouting the maxims. The other non-observance
of the maxims, such as violating a maxim, infringing a maxim, opting out of a
maxim, and suspending a maxim do not occur in the jokes. It is because they need
to create special conditions in the joke and they need some cultural knowledge.
From my analysis, flouting the maxim of relation is the non-observance of

the maxim that is most commonly found in my data. It is because flouting the
maxim of relation can instantly create another script. Thus, that other script easily
becomes a surprise, which is an important element in jokes.
The second non-observance of the maxim that mostly occurs is flouting
the maxim of manner and quantity. It is because the ambiguity in jokes can create
a surprise; besides, the element of surprise can be found when a person flouts the
maxim of quantity. And the third non-observance of the maxim that occurs in the
jokes is flouting the maxim of quality. It occurs less frequently in college jokes
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because one needs to understand the fact or the evidence when one is flouting the
maxim of quality.
There are some types of the non-observance of the maxims that do not
occur in my data. The first one is violating a maxim. The reason why it is not
found is because one has to create situation or fact to make the reader understand
when the person in the joke is trying to mislead someone. The second one is
infringing a maxim. The jokes may easily become funny if it is in an audio or
audiovisual form of oral conversation. However, because the jokes are in a form
of written conversation, one needs to be more careful in describing the culture or

certain conditions such as excitement, nervousness, etc.
The third one is opting out of a maxim. It is because one needs the
background knowledge and creates the appropriate situation; or else, the jokes
may turn out to be offensive. The last of the non-observance of the maxims that
does not occur in my data is suspending a maxim. It is because one has to have
certain knowledge about some circumstances, events, or cultures to understand.
That is why it is more difficult to create a joke that is appropriate to the readers in
general, considering the different cultures and understandings they may have.
Besides Grice’s theory about maxims, especially non-observance of the
maxims, the other theory that I apply in analyzing my data is Raskin’s theory of
script incongruity. It is applied to support my analysis on jokes. Raskin’s theory
of script incongruity itself gives a deeper understanding about the conversational
jokes. It explains why the jokes become funny.
By applying Grice’s theory of non-observance of the maxim, it will help
finding the non-observance of the maxim. Then, as it is found out, one can use it
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to distinguish the scripts in the jokes. Furthermore, using the scripts, one can give
a clearer explanation on why the jokes become funny by applying Raskin’s theory
of script incongruity. The keywords will also help in determining the scripts.
However, the important thing that we have to remember is that we have to
understand the whole story of the jokes.
The thing that also needs to be considered in analyzing the jokes is the
methods used. There are times when I mistakenly analyze the jokes, especially
about the scripts. It is because I only focused on the keywords of the scripts, so
that the second script becomes too serious that it does not become incongruous.
One has to be careful in understanding the jokes, determining the non-observance
of the maxims, and distinguishing the scripts so that all of the elements are
Finally, there are many other theories that can be applied in analyzing
jokes, and it is not limited to one or two theories to use. In this thesis, I apply
Grice’s theory about non-observance of the maxims; in addition, I apply Raskin’s
theory of script incongruity in revealing humour in the jokes. One can use one or
other theories besides the theories that I use. For example, one can apply the
incongruity resolution theory to analyze the jokes. Furhermore, one can apply
semantics, phonology, or morphology theories and support them using the
incongruity resolution theory in analyzing the jokes.
There are so much more variations of jokes all around the world besides
college jokes. There are also many types of jokes besides conversational jokes.
One just has to find the most appropriate theories to analyze them. My data can be
analyzed by applying other theories if one wishes to do it.

(Word Count: 1.084)

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Primary Texts
Skem9. Funny Jokes. Web. 7 March 2016.

Printed and Online References
Cook, Guy. Language Play, Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2000. Print.
“Sarcasm.” The Oxford English Dictionary. 7th ed. 2010. Print
Thomas, Jenny. Meaning in Interaction: an Introduction to Pragmatics. New
York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc., 1995. Print.

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