Social Capital in Early Housing Construction after Earthquake in Kemudo Village, Klaten - Diponegoro University | Institutional Repository (UNDIP-IR) kemudo abstrak LE

Social Capital in Early Housing Construction after Earthquake
in Kemudo Village, Klaten

Landung Esariti, ST, MPS*)
Paper Presented in
National Seminar by URDI : Participation Sustainability in the Development Context in Yogyakarta
25-26 July 2008

Roof first aid program implemented in Kemudo village focuses on participation and empowerment
concept. Practical knowledge to respond for existing condition is the output for this program. For
temporary shelter activities, it is expected that this program will give technical assistance to construct
an earthquake resistant house, so as to improve the local economy and environmentally friendly
Based on observation, it is found that about 84% of the beneficiaries able to finish the program on
time, while the rest needs additional time for about a month. This is also because of the financial aid
from the government that needs longer time to be given to the beneficiaries.
To sum up, it is clear that local needs and resource allocation are important to respond to dynamic in
sustainable development. It is also understandable to form sense of belonging between stakeholders
by giving then responsibility, so that minimize the dependency to the aid from the donors. Moreover,
indicator settings and target achievement towards performance mechanism would become beneficial
tools for better implementation in the future.

Keywords : post disaster, housing, participation

*) Peneliti Laboratorium Pengembangan Kota Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Universitas Diponegoro