Keterlibatan Keberhargaan dan Kompetensi. pdf

VOLUME 38, NO. 1, JUNI 2011: 52 – 60

Keterlibatan, Keberhargaan, dan Kompetensi Sosial sebagai
Prediktor Kompetisi pada Remaja
Singgih Wibowo Santoso1
Fakultas Psikologi
Universita Gadjah Mada
Competition is a common phenomenon among adolescents, that shows the drives to
express the ability, to compare self with others, and to strive to be the best. This study was
aimed to assess whether the engagement, sense of worth, and social competence can be the
predictors of the emergence of competition in adolescents. Subjects were amounted to 232
students, including the students from favorite and non-favorite junior and high school in the
city of Yogyakarta and Gunungkidul. The instrument used were the engagement’ scale, sense
of worth’ scale, social competence’ scale, and competition’ scale. The data then were analized
using regression approach and also t-test for additional analysis. The results showed that there
was the influence of engagement, sense of worth, and social competence to the competition
(F=65.274, p