Penggunaan zeolit alam untuk mengurangi

Penggunaan zeolit alam untuk mengurangi kandungan krom dan
nh4+ dalam air limbah penyamakan kulit
Supraptiningsih Supraptiningsih, Agustin Suraswati, Muhammad Sholeh

Leather tanning waste water contains chemical compounds, such as chromium and NH4+ in high
concentration, so if they are thrown away without treatment they will make some problems. The aims of this
research is to adsorb the cations in leather tanning waste water i.e chromium and NH4+ used natural zeolite as
an adsorbent. Research was done by comparing amount of chromium and NH4+ in effluent waste water
treatment unit with amount of chromium and NH4+ after being adsorbed by zeolite in a batch system. The
result of this research showed that efficiency difference between using zeolite and waste water treatment unit
was significant. The optimal condition to reduce chromium and NH4+ was by using 300 grams per liter waste,
zeolite particle size was 50-60 mesh, contact time was 24 hours and pH 8±0,1. In this condition, zeolites could
reduce chromium from 3728,56mg/l to 365,39 mg/l or 90,20%, and NH4+ from 3040,02 mg/l menjadi 209,76
mg/l or 93,10%. Waste water treatment unit could reduce chromium 63,55% and NH4+ 56,75%.

Keywords : natural zeolite, chromium, NH4+, leather tanning, waste water.

Majalah Kulit, Karet, dan Plastik, 22(1), 16-19, (2006)


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