(A Classroom Action Research of the Tenth Grade Students of MA Nurul

Islam Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2018/2019)



Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.)




NIM. 1131407







  “You never fail until you stop trying”



  • -Albert Einstein-


  This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1. My beloved parents Muhyiddin (Alm) and Arumi, thanks for the prayer, support, and motivation.

  2. My siblings: Halimah and her family, Muh. Abdul Ghoni and his family, Zuhroh and her family, Muhammad Malkan and his family, Muhammad Muhtar, Laila Maghfiroh and her husband, Muhammad Abdul Azis, Muhammad Hilmi Amarudin, and Nafisatun Ni‟mah, who always motivate, support and help me.

  3. My brothers and sisters in Nurul Islam boarding school, thanks for your love, help, and motivation.

  4. My great friends: Muhammad Misbakhul Munir, Muhammad Mukhlis, Nurul Alfiatun K., and Siti Fatimah, thanks for your guidance and your inspiring life.

  5. My friends in campus, thanks for your motivation.

  6. My friends in CEC (Communicative English club), thanks for your big support.

  7. My friends in GREAT (International Voluntary Movement), thanks for your great experiences.



  In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful. All praises due to Allah SWT who always blesses and helps the researcher, so the researcher can finish the graduating paper as the requirements for Sarjana


Pendidikan in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education

  Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. bless and Mercy also be given to Muhammad SAW for his guidance that leads the researcher to the truth.

  However, this paper will not be finished without guidance, support, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution. Hence, the researcher would like to express special thanks to: 1.

  Mr. Dr. H. Rahmad Hariyadi, M.Pd. the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga 2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

  Faculty 3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department 4. Mr. Faizal Risdianto, M.Hum. as the counselor who has given countless hours of reading and revising this graduating paper, thanks a lot for your guidance 5. All lecturers, especially the lecturers of English Education Department of

  State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



  Arif, Muhammad. 2018. The Use of Snake and Ladder and Cooperative Learning

  to Improve Students’ Speaking Skills (A Calssroom Action Research of the Tenth Grade of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2018/2019). A Graduation Paper. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. English Education Department.

  State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor: Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M.Hum.

  Key Words: Snake and Ladder Game, Cooperative Learning, Speaking

  The researcher conducted the research to improve students‟ speaking skills through snake and ladder game and cooperative learning. This research answers a question, to what extent is the improvement of snake and ladder game and cooperativ e learning to improve students‟ speaking skills in X-1 of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran? The research design of this research is class action research. It includes two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The study shows that the implementation of the study improved gradually from cycle 1, and cycle 2. The improvement of the study is showed from each cycle. The result of the t-test of cycle 1, and cycle 2 are 7.89, and 5.69. The passing grade is 70, and the target of passing grade is 85%. The result of post- test from cycle 1, and cycle 2 are 44%, and 88% from the students. The students pass the passing grade in cycle 2. The passing grade of cycle 2 is over the target. The result of this research explains that snake and ladder game and cooperative learning can improve students‟ speaking skills in X-1 of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran.



  TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION .................................................................................................. ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR‟S NOTE ............................................................... iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ................................................................. iv MOTTO .................................................................................................................. v DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xiii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xiv

  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ........................................................................... 1 B. Problems of The Research .............................................................................. 5 C. Objectives of the Research .............................................................................. 5 D. Benefits of the Research ................................................................................. 6 E. Hypothesis and Success Indicator ................................................................... 7 F. Research Methodology 1. Research Design ......................................................................................... 7 2. Research Subject ...................................................................................... 10 3. Research Steps ........................................................................................... 12

  4. Data Collection Method and Research Instrument ................................... 13 5.

  Data Analysis Techniques ........................................................................ 15 G. Graduating Paper Organization ..................................................................... 18

  CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Supporting Theories ...................................................................................... 19 1. Concept of Snake and Ladder Game ......................................................... 19 2. Concept of Cooperative Learning ............................................................ 24 3. Concept of Speaking ................................................................................ 28 B. Previous Researches ...................................................................................... 32 CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH A. Procedures of The Research in Cycle I ......................................................... 34 1. Planning .................................................................................................. 34 2. Action ..................................................................................................... 35 3. Observation ............................................................................................ 35 4. Reflection ............................................................................................... 37 B. Procedures of The Research in Cycle II ........................................................ 37 1. Planning ................................................................................................. 37 2. Action ..................................................................................................... 38 3. Observation ............................................................................................ 38 4. Reflection ............................................................................................... 40 C. Minimal Standard of Successful ................................................................... 40

  CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Research Findings ......................................................................................... 41 1. Cycle I .................................................................................................... 41 2. Cycle II .................................................................................................. 47 B. Discussion ..................................................................................................... 53 1. Cycle I .................................................................................................... 58 2. Cycle II .................................................................................................. 66 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 76 B. Suggestions ................................................................................................... 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES



Table 1.1 List of the Students ............................................................................... 10Table 1.2 Research Schedule ................................................................................ 12


  1.3 Teacher‟s Field Note Checklist ............................................................. 14

Table 1.4 Students‟ Field Note Checklist ............................................................. 15Table 4.1 Teacher‟s Field Note Checklist of Cycle 1 ........................................... 45Table 4.2 Students‟ Field Note Checklist of Cycle 1 ............................................ 46Table 4.3 Teacher‟s Field Note Checklist of Cycle 2 ........................................... 51

  Tabl e 4.4 Students‟ Field Note Checklist of Cycle 2 ............................................ 52

Table 4.5 Rubric of Speaking................................................................................ 53Table 4.6 Pre-test Score in Cycle 1 ....................................................................... 58Table 4.7 Grade of Pre-test Passing Grade in Cycle 1 .......................................... 60Table 4.8 Post-test Score in Cycle 1 ..................................................................... 60Table 4.9 Grade of Post-test Passing Grade in Cycle 1 ........................................ 62Table 4.10 Differen Square of Pre-test and Post-test Score in Cycle 1 ................ 63Table 4.11 Pre-test Score in Cycle 2 ..................................................................... 66Table 4.12 Grade of Pre-test Passing Grade in Cycle 2 ........................................ 68Table 4.13 Post-test Score in Cycle 2 ................................................................... 69Table 4.14 Grade of Post-test Passing Grade in Cycle 2 ...................................... 70Table 4.15 Differen Square of Pre-test and Post-test Score in Cycle 2 ................ 71Table 4.16 Improvement of Pre-test and Post-test Score in Cycle 1 & 2 ............. 74



Figure 1.1 Model of Classroom Action Research .................................................. 8

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research In the globalization era, English plays a very significant role as an

  international language and people are required to be proficient in both oral and written English. People also consider that English is the window of the world. It means that we are able to know everything in the world by the mastery of English.

  English has many functions, one of them as being stated in the curriculum 2013 that English has a great role to convey the ideas over Indonesia and understand ideas derived from abroad (Widya, Furaidah, & Rohmah, 2016). In education, English is also as a means for the students to develop culture and art, and the final objective of its teaching and learning process is the students are expected to master four skills of language. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. But one of the four language skills which this research focuses is speaking skill.

  Speaking skill is an important part of Indonesian curriculum in language teaching, and this makes speaking skill an important object of assessment as well. Assessment of student s‟ speaking mastery can be seen from the students‟ capability and understanding. They are how to send the idea and how to spell word well. A nd the students‟ motivation and interest are required to make the process of their understanding more easily. But in the fact that students often find problems in developing speaking skill.

  Many problems happen in the teaching and learning process of speaking. In this case, Indonesian students learn English as a foreign language. The students do not speak English in their daily life. The students only learn it at the school. To make the students able to speak English, the teacher takes a big part to stimulate the students to be brave of speaking English. "No matter what is the teacher role in the classroom, the teacher always acts the central focus of the students' attention

  ” (Mustikasari, 2011:155). All of the activities of the teacher will be the students' attention. What the teacher says and does will be the important part of teaching and learning process. To know the problems in teaching and learning process on speaking in X-1 of MA Nurul Islam, the researcher conducts an interview.

  Based on the interview which was held on the sixteenth of July 2018, there are two main speaking problems in X-1 of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran. The first problem is from the teacher and the second problem is from the students. The researcher found that the teacher did not build English environment in previous school. The teacher also never gave the game in the classroom, especially in speaking skill. If the teacher seldom stimulate the students to speak English, so the students are getting difficulty in encouraging themselves to speak English. They only learn English as a lesson, without practicing. In the other hand, the teacher also cannot improve her teaching and learning skills. Wright, Betteridge, & Buckby stated that "games also help the teacher to create a context in which the language is useful and meaningful

  ” (Wright, Betteridge, & Buckby, 1994:1).

  The second speaking problem is from the students. The researcher found that in the X-1 class, most of the students are afraid of speaking English because they are afraid of speaking incorrectly. They are afraid of making mistake when they speak English and being laughed by their friends. They prefer to answer with Indonesian and others are only silent because of lack of vocabulary that they have.

  From those problems, the researcher provides some ways to make learning English become fun and joy. The students express their ideas using English in front of many students without any doubt. The researcher has two ways. The first way is using a game. Game is one of the effective ways to develop students' speaking ability.

  By the use of game, the students feel enjoyable and forget about doing a mistake. They do not feel afraid anymore to share their ideas with English in front of their friends, playing the game also can make the students having challenges. The students also can learn how to be sportive.

  If they start to have interest in something, they will work hard and do their best. They will be more creative and think to try to be the winner of the game. The game will really bring the students to obey the rule to speak more.

  Wright, Betteridge, & Buckby stated that "games also help the teacher to create a context in which the language is useful and meaningful ”

  (Wright, Betteridge, & Buckby, 1994:1). Besides having many advantages to the students, game also can give advantages to the teacher. The game can make the teacher more creative. It will make the teacher think to connect the game and the material. The teacher must prepare the things for the game. The teacher also has to learn and master the game well before the teacher asks the students to play. It can train the teacher to be a good planner. To sum up, the game is highly motivating because it is amusing and interesting. A game can also be used to give practice many types of communication.

  There are many advantages of using a game, the game can give relaxation and fun to the students and usually involve friendly competition and interested in learning. According to Puspita & Surya (2017), a game provides an interesting environment where students must follow the rules previously describes and strive to achieve challenging goals (Puspita & Surya, 2017:292). This creates the motivation for the students of English to get involved and participate actively in learning activities. A game is used to deliver the materials in order to be more fun for the students in a learning process, so they will be enthusiastic to join the activity. It is important to use the game as an alternative way to teach speaking.

  The second way is using cooperative learning method. "Over the last ten years, cooperative learning has become accepted as one of the

  „best practices' in education” (Cohen, Brody, & Shevin, 2014:3). Cooperative learning is an appropriate method to encourage the students to speak up. It can develop their confidence in front of their friends. Cohen, Brody, & Shevin also stated that "Cooperative learning is effective in reducing prejudice among students and in meeting the academic and social needs of students at risk for educational failure" Cooperative learning is not only about working together, but also supporting each other. One and other students become one team. The important thing in this cooperative learning is not only about they finish the task, but it is about the process of how they complete the task.

  Based on the explanation above, the researcher proposes a research entitled, "THE USE OF SNAKE AND LADDER GAME AND COOPERATIVE LEARNING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS' SPEAKING SKILLS (A Classroom Action Research of the Tenth Grade Students of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2018/2019)”

B. Problems of the Research

  Based on the above phenomenon, this research tries to answer a problem.

  To what extent is the improvement of snake and ladder game and cooperative learning to improve students‟ speaking skills in X-1 of

  MA Nurul Islam Tengaran? C.

   Objective of the Research

  Based on the statement of the problem of the research, the objective of the research is as follow: To measure what extent is the improvement of snake and ladder game and cooperative learning to improve students‟ speaking skills of X-1 of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran.

D. Benefits of the Research

  The researcher expects that the result of this research can give a contribution to academic field and practice field, as follows:

  1. Theoretically a.

  The students know more about snake and ladder game and cooperative learning.


  The results of the research can be used to develop teaching speaking.


  The result of the research can be reference for other researchers to conduct further research.

  2. Practically a.

  Students This research can motivate the students to improve their speaking skills through snake and ladder game and cooperative learning.


  Teachers This research can help teachers to find one of the games to teach speaking.

  This research can be used as a consideration in selecting the appropriate media and method in teaching and learning process.


  School The result of the research improve the institution‟s quality in English teaching and learning process.

  Hypothesis and Success Indicator E.

  By conducting this research, the researcher proposes a hypothesis: Using snake and ladder game and cooperative learning can improve students' speaking skill at the tenth grade of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran in the academic of year 2018/2019.

  The success indicator of this research is taken from the passing grade (KKM) of English lesson in MA Nurul Islam Tengaran. The passing grade is 70 and the target of the passing grade is 85%.

F. Research Methodology 1. Research Design

  In this research, the researcher uses Classroom Action Research (CAR). There are some definitions of action research from experts.

  According to Pelton, “Action research is best seen as way you approach your work in the classroom and the school setting ” (Pelton, 2010:5).

  “Action research is a form of inquiry that enables practitioners everywhere to investigate and evaluate their work ” (McNiff & Whitehead, 2006:7). It is used to evaluate the teachers‟ work and found the solution from every problem happened in the classroom.

  Therefore, the teachers could improve their ways to teach the students.

  According to Kemmis, McTaggart, & Nixon (2014:11), “Classroom action research typically involves the use of qualitative, interpretative modes of enquiry and data collection by teachers (often with help from academic partners) with a view to teachers making judgments about how to improve their own practices.

  ” Kemmis, McTaggart & Nixon stated

  This Lewinian view of action research and what, in earlier condi tions of the Planner, we called “a spiral of cycle of self- reflection” or “the self-reflective spiral” over-simplified the process, and, we now think, gave too much significance to the individual steps of planning, acting, observing, reflecting, re- planning, (and so on) and their reiteration (Kemmis, McTaggart & Nixon, 2014:9).

   Figure 1: Model of Classroom Action Research

  Based on Kemmis and Mc Taggart as quoted in Burns (2010:8) the procedures of each cycle are as follows:

1. Planning

  In this step, the activities are: a. Preparing materials, making a lesson plan, and design the step in doing action b.

  Preparing a list of students' name and scoring c. Preparing teaching-aids d. Preparing sheets for students and teachers observation sheet e. Preparing a test for pre-test and post-test 2. Acting

  In this step, the activities are: a. Giving pre-test for students. b.

  Teaching material.


  Giving chance for students to ask any difficulties.


  Giving post-test for students.

  3. Observing This phase involves the researcher in observing systematically the effects of the action and documenting the context, actions, and opinion of those involved. It is a data collection phase where you use open-eyed and open-minded tools to collect information about what is happening.

  4. Reflecting At this point, the researcher will reflect on, evaluate and describe the effects of the action in observation to make sense of what has happened and to understand the issue you have explored more clearly. The researcher may decide to do further cycles of action research to improve the situation even more, or to share a story of four researches with others as part of your ongoing to professional development.

  In this research, the researcher uses snake and ladder game and cooperative learning to improve speaking skills in the academic year of 2018/2019 in MA Nurul Islam Tengaran, so the researcher conducts classroom action research in X-1. Therefore, from the observation, the researcher knew about the student s‟ problems. The researcher uses classroom action research as the research design. The researcher will become the observer, and the practitioner will be the teacher of X-1.

2. Research Subject

  The subject of this research is the students of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran. The researcher only focuses on the tenth grade. There are two classes of tenth grade, but the researcher uses X-1. There are 29 students in X-1.

  Table 1. 1 the List of the Students in X-1 No Name

  1 A. M. A.

  2 A. Y. J.

  3 C. M.

  4 F. A.

  5 I. H.

  6 K. R. M.

  7 M. H. I. L.

  8 M. F. R.

  9 M. I. S.

  10 M. N. R.

  11 M. T.

  13 R. F. F.

  14 W. H. A. I.

  15 Y. A.

  16 A. H. F.

  17 A. R. Z.

  18 A. A. H.

  19 D. A. P. D.

  20 I. N. A.

  21 J. I. A.

  22 L. F.

  23 M. D.

  24 M. F. A.

  25 M. I. A.

  26 M. S.

  27 M. T. H.

  28 R. I.

  29 S. I. M. K 3.

   Research Steps

  In conducting the research, the researcher carries out the steps which summarized in the following research schedule. The research schedule is shown below:

Table 1.2 Research Schedule No Activities Time Allocation

  1 Preparing the research proposal Maret -April 2018

  2 Preparing cycle 1, and cycle 2 May 2018

  3 Checking class and students before cycle 1 June 2018

  4 Conducting pre-test cycle 1 July 2018

  5 Conducting treatment cycle 1 August 2018

  6 Conducting post-test cycle 1 August 2018

  7 Conducting pre-test cycle 2 August 2018

  8 Conducting treatment cycle 2 August 2018

  9 Conducting post-test cycle 2 August 2018

  10 Report of the graduation paper August

  • – September 2018

4. Technique of Collecting Data and Research Instrument

  To carry out the research, the researcher has several techniques of collecting data. The techniques of collecting data are test, observation, and documentation. The researcher uses test as the main method and observation to get data.

1. Test The researcher uses test to assess the students‟ speaking skills.

  Test is done by some purposes. One of the purpose is to know the students‟ speaking development. There are two tests, a pre-test and a post-test.

  a) Pre-Test

  Before conducting the cycle 1 and cycle 2, the researcher gives the pre-test for each cycle. The purpose is to know the speaking ability of the students before they get treatment in the cycle 1, and cycle 2. The research records the students‟ speaking. The researcher observes the pre-test to get data analysis.

  b) Post-Test

  After they get pre-test and treatment in cycle 1 and cycle 2 from the researcher, the researcher gets post-test in the research.

2. Observation

  Kothari stated The observation method is the most method especially in studies relating to behavioral sciences. In a way we all observe things around us, but this sort of observation is not scientific observation. Observation becomes a scientific tool and the method of data collection for the researcher, when it serves a formulated research purpose, is systematically planned and recorded and is subjected to checks and controls on validity and reliability (Kothari, 2004:96). Therefore, in this research, the researcher observes the research using field note checklist. The researcher collaborates with the

  English teacher of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran. The researcher will become the observer. There are two kinds of field note checklist.

  Those are field note checklists for the teacher and the students.

Table 1.3 Teacher’s Field Note Checklist No Teacher’s activities

  1 Greeting students before the lesson begins

  2 Praying before the lesson begins

3 Checking students‟ attendance

  4 Reminding previous materials

  5 Preparing and giving the materials

  6 Giving opportunity for asking

  7 Giving explanation for the question Guiding students‟ activity

  9 Giving feedback after the lesson

  10 Giving motivation for students

Table 1.4 Students’ Field Note Checklist No Students’ activities

1 Answer the teacher‟s greeting before the lesson begins

  2 Praying before the lesson

  3 Paying attention to the material delivered by the teacher

  4 Giving question about the teacher

  5 Working on group

  6 Playing the game with rules

  7 Taking conclusion from the lesson 3.

  Documentation In this research, the researcher uses photo, recordings, and videos as the documentation of the research.

5. Data Analysis

  The researcher conducts the Classroom Action Research (CAR) in improving the students‟ speaking skills through snake and ladder game and cooperative learning for the tenth grade students of MA Nurul Islam Tengaran. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses mixed method. It means that the research involve mixing of qualitative and quantitative data. The researcher would like to analyze the data using mixed method as follow:

  1. Qualitative data According to Creswell (2016:4) the qualitative data is a method for exploring and understanding the meanings that some individuals or groups of people attribute to problems of sociality or humanity. This research applies an inductive way of looking at the research, focusing on the meaning of the individual, and translating the complexity of a problem.

  The most important data in the action research is the description behavior of the students. The analysis of qualitative data is taken from observation, test, and documentation.

  2. Quantitative data Based on Creswell (2016:5) the quantitative data is a method for testing certain theories by examining relationships between variables. Variables are measured, usually with research instruments so that data composed of numbers can be analyzed based on statistical procedures.

  The procedure of the data analysis is done by analyzing the results of the test. According to Sudijono (2010:81-85) formula: a.

  Mean of Pre-test and Post-test M= Explanation: M = Mean of the students‟ score ∑x = Sum of the students‟ score N = Total number of the students b. Calculated mean difference

  MD = Explanation: MD = Mean of difference ∑D = Total of difference between pre-test and post-test N = Total number of the students c. Standard Deviation Calculation

  2 SD D = √

  ( ) Explanation: SD = Standard Deviation


  D = Difference Pre-test and Post-test N = Number of students d. T-test Explanation:

  = Standard error of mean ef difference

  = The difference of standard deviation N = The total number of the students e. Looking for t


  by using the following formula : t

  o =

  t o = t-value of observation MD = Mean of difference SE


  = Standard error of mean difference

  db. = N-1 G.

   Graduating Paper Organization

  This research paper is divided into five chapters; each chapter has different elements as follows: Chapter I is an introduction. It covers the background of the research, the problem of the research, the objective of the research, the benefits of the research, the hypothesis, the research methodology, and organization of graduating paper.

  Chapter II describes theoretical framework which consists of supporting theories and previous researches. Supporting theories consists

  MD 1 D SD SE N   of a concept of snake and ladder game, concept of cooperative learning, and concept of speaking.

  Chapter III discusses research implementation which consists of a description of teaching and learning in each cycle. Chapter IV presents research findings and discussion. The first part is research findings which describes about the steps of each. The next part describes the discussion.

  Chapter V discusses closure which consists of conclusion and suggestions.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Supporting Theories 1. Concept of Snake and Ladder Game a. Definition of Snake and Ladder Game In Science and Technology Education book, “snakes and

  ladders is a popular game for children in many countries of the world. It is an ancient Indian board game regarded today as a worldwide classic game. It is easy to make from basic materials and can be adapted to suit many learn ing situations.”

  According to Albab who adapted from Lowe (1988:27) that this game also “can assist in developing basic arithmetic such as counting, addition and subtraction, communication, as well as the concept for which a game has been developed.”

  Koninklijke (2012) stated that snake and ladder game is a game for 2 -5 players, who need to end their way around the board to get the finish.

  According to Shitiq and Mahmud who adapted from Avedon (2003), “the snake and ladder game is believed to have


  originated in 2 century India. The game was developed by teachers and marked as a children game.” b.

  The Rule of Snake and Ladder Game

1) Two, three, four or five people may play.

  2) Each player throws the die or spins the spinner. The player who has the highest number starts the game by throwing the die and moving his/her counter, starting at space 1.

  3) If a player scores a six, he/she throws the die or spins the spinner again.

  4) If a counter stops on the head of snake the, player must side the counter down the snake until it gets to the tail. Then carries on from that point. If a counter lands at the foot of a ladder the player moves it to the top and carries on from there.

  5) The first player to reach the square which has the highest number on it is the winner.


  The application of Snake and Ladder Game 1)

  Teacher‟s Role In this step, the teacher has to consider the strategies before presenting the game. There are four teacher‟s roles in playing snake and ladder game. They are preparing the media, preparing the students, explaining learning skills, and managing the classroom.

  The first important part to play Snake and Ladder Game is preparing the media. The teacher has to prepare it properly. The media in the game is a board. The teacher can make the media by themselves. For example, the teacher can make board game from the big sheet of paper. The board should be large enough so all students can see. And the teacher can download from the internet directly and then print it or the teacher can draw by themselves.

  The second important part in teacher‟s role is preparing the students. The teacher has to prepare the students in order to make the students confidence to learn the material. Next, they also need to prepare the topic in general and activity in particular.

  The following role of the teacher is explaining the skills in choosing the language item. The teacher has to explain briefly about what the students have to do. As facilitator, the teacher has to help the students to create the activity where the students do not only use the language, but also understand the reason of knowing something.

  The last teacher‟s role in playing Snake and Ladder Game is managing the classroom. The teacher has to make the students feel comfort in the classroom. After that the teacher guides the students to speak freely in the classroom.

  To sum up, one of the important part to succeed playing the Snake and Ladder Game is how the teacher understands about the teac her‟s roles. The teacher has to prepare the media well. Media is important tool to play it because media is the first impression for the students to be interested to the game.

  Preparing the students and explaining the skills are also important for the teacher. If the students can be conductive, and learning skills is explained well, the game will run well. Over all, teacher has to manage the classroom, classroom is not only about building, but also about the students and atmosphere. 2)

  Students‟ Role The students have the role as active speakers. If the students are passive, the game will not run effectively. In this game, the students will work in group. Students will cooperate in their group to play the game. It is expected that students can practice English well during playing the game. If the students are active and obey the rules, the playing will be successful.

  3) How to Play the Game The teacher needs a large snake and ladder board and dice.

  The steps of the game are:

  a) The students are divided by some groups and every group consists of 4-5 students.

  b) Each player should have their own marker, it can be stone, paper, or pen top. c) To decide who goes first, each player must shake the dice.

  Who gets the highest number of the dice will be the first and continued by the next players.

  d) Every square has its challenge, it is a picture. For example:

  When the player throws the dice and gets number 5, so the player moves to five squares. The player sees the picture which the player gets then describe the picture in the square.

  e) When the player describes the picture, another player pays attention whether the player‟s description right or not based on the structure and grammatically.

  f) Another player corrects if the player who is getting chance gets wrong.

  g) If a counter stops on the head of snake the, player must side the counter down the snake until it gets to the tail. Then carries on from that point. If a counter lands at the foot of a ladder the player moves it to the top and carries on from there.

  h) The first player who reaches the finish is the winner. Snake and ladder game is a very simple game to play, and it is usually played by children. But, in this research that this game is played by the students of senior high school. Based on the science technology education book that even snake and ladder game is a game for children but it can be adabted to suit many learning situations. It means that snake and ladder game can be played in many levels depends on the necessary and consideration, such as this research that using snake and ladder game for senior high school students because of the learning material and the purpose.

2. Concept of Cooperative Learning a.

  Definition of Cooperative Learning There are some definitions of cooperative learning from the experts, they are: The first, according to Jolliffe (2007:3), cooperative learning requires pupils to work together in small groups to support each other to improve their own learning and that of others.

  The second, according to Marr (1997), cooperative learning encourages mutual respect and learning among students with varying talents and abilities, languages, racial, ethnic background.

  The third, according to Kristiawan (2013:86), cooperative learning is the key to deal with children with various abilities and diverse area of intelligences.

  From the definitions above, the researcher concludes that cooperative learning lets the students search and find out the best path to learn given subjects by themselves. Students are free to express what they have in mind to complete the task given during the lesson and this method grown students‟ ability to collaborate and compare with others.


  Key Elements of Cooperative Learning Jolliffe (2007:3) stated that most researchers agree that to be truly cooperative learning should consist of key elements and two of these are particularly vital: 1)

  Positive Independence This requires each pupil in a small group to contribute to the learning of the group. Pupils are required to work in a way so that each group member needs the others to complete the ta sk. It is a feeling of „one for all and all for one‟. 2)

  Individual Accountability This means that each member of the group is accountable for completing his or her part of the work. It is important that no one can „hitchhike‟ on the work of others. It requires each pupil in the group to develop a sense of personal responsibility to learn and to help the rest of the group to learn.

  According to Jolliffe (2007:39-40), cooperative learning requires pupils to work together in small groups to support each other to improve their own learning and those of others. To work effectively certain key elements need to be in place. The following is the key elements of cooperative learning which have not been mentioned: 1)

  Group Processing Processing means giving pupils time and procedures to analyses how well their groups are functioning and using the necessary skills. This reflection ships among members. Feedback from the teacher and or students observers on how well they observed the groups working may help processing effectiveness. 2)

  Small-group and Interpersonal Skills Pupils do not come to school with the social skills. They need to collaborate effectively with others, so teachers need to teach the appropriate communication, leadership, trust-building, decision-making, and conflict management skills to students and provide the motivation to use these skills in order for the groups to function effectively.

  3) Face-to-face Interaction

  There are two aspects to this. The first is the physical proximity needed for effective communi cation, or „eye-to-eye and knee-to- knee‟. The second is that it supports thinking skills by more active involvement with the task and greater discussion. Oral summarizing, giving and receiving explanations, and elaborating (relating what is being learned to previous learning) are important types of verbal interchanges.


  Types of Cooperative Learning Jolliffe (2007:43) stated that cooperative learning utilizes three types of cooperative learning, they are:

  1) Formal Cooperative Learning

  These last from on lesson to a few weeks and need to consist of the following to work effectively: a)

  Team-building activities to establish team identify and cohesion b)

  Specific teamwork skills highlighted each lesson and/or week c)

  Teacher monitoring and support for task and teamwork skills

d) Evaluation of learning and teamwork by pupils and teacher.

  2) Informal Cooperative Learning Group

  These last from a few minutes to work a whole lesson and usually consist of „turn to your partner‟ discussion or think/pair/share and can be extended from pairs to fours or eights.

  3) Cooperative Base Groups