(A Classroom Action Research Conducted at the First Grade Students of SMK N 1 Kejobong in Academic Year 2009/2010)


Submitted to Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University to Fulfil One of Requirements for Achieving the Undergraduate Degree of English Education




IMPROVE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL (A Classroom Action Research Conducted at the First Grade Students of SMK N 1 Kejobong, in Academic

Year 2009/2010). Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. 2010.

This research is a classroom action research. The objectives of this study are to know whether discussion can improve the students’ speaking skill or not and to know some obstacles probably occurred in the process of teaching speaking through discussion. The problem highlighted in the research is the low of students’ speaking skill at the first grade students of SMK N 1 Kejobong in academic year 2009/2010.

This research was carried out in X Computer Engineering and Network class. The procedure of the research consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. In this study, the writer was the practitioner who implemented the discussion technique in teaching learning process. The data are in form of qualitative and quantitative. The quantitative data are taken from the test conducted before and after the actions are implemented. The qualitative data are taken from the result of observation done by the observer while the actions are being carried out.

In this study, the writer found that the problems came from the teacher and the students. The research showed that the teacher was less creative in delivering material. It made students bored in the teaching learning process. He did not involve all students to take role during teaching learning process, so most of them were passive. Besides the teacher, the problems also came from the students. They still got difficulties in using grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. It was seen in the process of teaching learning. It seemed that the students lacked of participation and self confidence in speaking class.

Having collected the data, the writer analyzes the data. In this study, the writer finds that discussion technique can improve students’ speaking skill. It can be seen on students’ performance during teaching and learning process. Students became more active and all students were involved in teaching learning process. It created a better circumstance. Students were more enthusiastic in joining the lesson, so the class became more alive. Furthermore, there was also improvement in students’ achievement. The mean score in pre-test 4.22 increased to 6.76. Thus, the result of the research shows that discussion technique can improve students’ speaking skill in order to become one of appropriate ways in teaching speaking.

Practically, discussion is one of appropriate techniques to improve students’ speaking skill which has a view that students are active learners. It is considered that students learn best when they are personally involved in the teaching experience. Through discussion technique, the students can share ideas, information, or opinion to the other friends. The environment will not be threatening so that the learners are eager to communicate. Teaching speaking through discussion also provides an opportunity to develop accuracy, fluency and keep the learners highly motivated.


This thesis has been approved by the consultants to be examined by the board of thesis examiners of the English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

On : By :

First Consultant, Second Consultant,

Drs. A. Handoko Pudjobroto Dewi Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd, M.Pd 195810261988031001


This thesis has been examined by the Broad of Thesis Examiners of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University and has been accepted as partial fulfillments of the requirements for getting an Undergraduate Degree of Education in English. Day

: Date

: Boards of Examiners:

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: Drs. Martono, M.A

: Teguh Sarosa, S.S, M.Hum

NIP. 19730205 200604 1001

3. First examiner

: Drs. A. Handoko Pudjobroto

NIP. 195810261988031001

4. Second examiner : Dewi Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd, M.Pd ______________

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Teacher Training and Education Faculty Sebelas Maret University Dean,

Prof. Dr. M. Furqon Hidayatulloh, M.Pd NIP 19600727 198702 1 001


“M an purposes and God disposes”

“Allah will not give all the thing wanted but Allah will give us all the thing really


“By the sun and its brightness By the moon as it follows the sun By the day as it shows up the sun’s brightness By the night as it conceals the sun By the heaven and H im Who built it By the earth and H im Who spread it By a soul and H im Who perfected him in proportion T hen H e showed him what is wrong for him and what is right for him

I ndeed he succeeds who purifices his ownself And indeed he fails who corrupts his ownself” ( Surat Ash-shams: 1-10)


This thesis is proudly dedicated to: My Beloved Mom and Dad My Beloved Sister, Brother and Nephew My Beloved Friends The Readers


In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful. All praises and thanks are only dedicated for Allah SWT, who gives his blessing and help so the writer can finish his thesis.

In the process of his study, he received support, contribution, and assistance from many people. Thus, there are honorable people that are important to the writer to whom he can only express his gratitude:

1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty for approving this Thesis.

2. The Head of the Art and Language Education Department who has given his permission to write the thesis.

3. The Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty for giving the writer permission to write the thesis.

4. Drs. A. Handoko Pudjobroto, the writer’s first consultant for his patience, guidance, and suggestions.

5. Dewi Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd, M.Pd, the writer’s second consultant for his patience, guidance, and suggestions.

6. Drs. Sutarno as the headmaster of SMK N 1 Kejobong for facilitating the writer in collecting the data.

7. Sidik Purnomo, S.Pd as the English teacher of the tenth class of Computer

Engineering and Network who has helped the writer in doing the research.

8. The students of the tenth class of Computer Engineering and Network for the cooperation during the research.

9. His beloved parents for uncountable love, support, help, prayer, understanding, and everything that they give to the writer.

10. His beloved sister, brother in law and little nephew for being inspiration and supporting behind.

11. His beloved best friends (Nova, Amel, Dhian, Pipiet, Andre and Simbeh) for being second family, I am nothing without your presence, from the bottom of my heart I just want to say “I love you all”.

12. His beloved friends in “Neverland” boarding house for the friendship.

13. His friends in teacher qualification program in academic year 2008/2009 for the beautiful relationship. The writer realizes that this thesis still has many mistakes and inaccuracies. Therefore, he accepts gratefully every suggestions, critics, and comments from those who concern to this thesis. I hope that this thesis will be able to give contribution and

be useful for the readers especially for those who are interested in the similar study.

Surakarta, April 2010

Eling Setiadi


Class : X Computer Engineering and Network Class of SMK N 1 Kejobong Day/ Date th : Wednesday, 25 January 2010

Time : 12.45-13.35 pm Students

: 41, 8 males and 33 females Teacher

: Sidik Purnomo, S.Pd (SP) Observer

: Eling Setiadi (ES)

The Setting Description

The observation is carried out in the tenth class of Computer Engineering and Network, SMK N 1 Kejobong. The class is located behind the administration office. The indoor paint wall is white and the outdoor paint wall is green. The class is

7.5 meter and 7 meter wide. It has glasses windows in the north and the south side of the class. On the ceiling of the class, there are four 60-centimeter lamps. On the back wall, there is a red circle clock hanging.

The chairs and desks are arranged facing to the blackboard. There are 21 desks and 42 chairs for the students, and there is a chair and a desk next to the blackboard. Actually, the class seems to be too full.

In front of students’ seat, there is a big blackboard, with two pictures hung on of the right and left side of the blackboard. A calendar, a lesson schedule, and a presence board are hung on the left side of the blackboard. Brooms and dusters are hung on the wall close to the door. The class looks very clean and fresh.

Today all of the students are present. They wear blue uniform with a computer symbol stick on her/ his left sleeve. The English teacher wears batik and the observer wears white shirt and black trousers. The observer sits on the back of last line.

The picture of X Computer Engineering and Network

5. Students’ Chair

2. Teacher’s Desk

6. Observer

3. Teacher’s Chair

7. Clock

4. Students’ Desk The class, which was used for observation, was X Computer Engineering and Network class. English was started at 12.45 p.m. Teacher SP and researcher entered the class after the electric bell had rung. At the beginning of lesson, teacher SP opened the class with greeting. It was the first time the researcher came to the class. The students seemed to be curious when the researcher stepped into the class. The researcher was like a strange one for the teacher. It could be seen from their face who looked a lot of questions on it and I could see excitement on their face. First of all, the English teacher introduced him to the students and told them that he would use the class for try out in order to get the Bachelor Degree.

After introduction, the teacher started the class. The lesson at that time was speaking class. All of students immediately opened their bag and take English book/LKS. The teacher asked them to open page 24. There was a short conversation script about holiday. In the first turn, the students were asked to read and identify some difficult words. Some students looked into the dictionary to find the word meaning in Bahasa Indonesian while the other students seemed to be sleepy or had a chat with other students. After the students got the meaning, they asked to pronounce the words one by one. From this activity, the researcher found a lot of mistakes in pronouncing the words.

Teacher began the conversation by using repetition drilling. The students became bored in the middle of activity. It could be seen when put their head on the table, or talked to other friends and did not pay attention about the lesson. Then, the teacher SP invited to two students come forward the class. They were asked to practice the dialog. Both of them looked very nervous and their bodies were little bit shaking. There were many of pauses and slight foreign accent. After that, two lucky students became the next turn. It was similar with the previous performance. They were less confidence and there was noise coming from the students in the back.

Finally, the electric bell rang. It meant the class was over, and the researcher told them that he would use the class became object of the research.


Place : Teacher office Date th : Wednesday, 27 January 2010

ES : Eling Setiadi (ES) SP

: Mr. Sidik Purnomo (SP) Topic

: Teaching learning process and students’ educational background

Interview Transcript

The interview was conducted in the teacher office. The place was chosen because there was little noise. It was conducted in leisure time, at 09.15 p.m. and spent less than 20 minute.

ES : Sebelumnya saya mau tanya nama lengkap dan alamatnya? SP : Sidik Purnomo, alamatnya di Desa Nangkod RT 01 RW 02 Kecamatan

Kejobong. ES : Sudah berapa lama mengajar di sekolah ini? SP : Saya sudah mengajar di sekolah ini hampir 2 tahun ES : Penglaman di sekolah lain? SP : Saya sudah pernah mengajar di SMK Makmur Cilacap, SMK Muhammadiyah

Ajibarang, MTs Muhammadiyah 07 Kejobong. ES : Untuk pembelajaran di sini di SMKN 1 Kejobong, khususnya di kelas TKJ biasanya siswa aktif tidak? SP : Kalau aktif atau tidak, saya kira sama dengan sekolah lain. Mungkin ada sebagian yang aktif dan ada sebagian yang tidak karena merasa tidak PD (percaya diri).

ES : Syllabus yang dipakai untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar di SMKN 1 Kejobong?

SP : Saya mengacu kepada sekolah lain, karena SMK ini adalah SMK baru jadi saya menggunakan syllabus yang digunakan oleh SMK lain yang sudah lama berdiri.

ES : Background siswa sendiri, termasuk dalam qualified atau belum? SP : Belum, kalau dikatakan qualified. Karena kita memakai standar kabupaten,

dimana semua kompetensi menguasai. Sedang murid murid di sini berasal dari sekolah-sekolah pinggiran, yang tidak semua kompetensi dalam bahasa Inggris diberikan.

ES : Adakah media penunjang yang digunakan untuk kegiatan belajar mengajar, seperti lab bahasa atau referensi buku-buku bahasa Inggris? SP : Sementara lab bahasa di sini belum ada, jadi masih mengadakan media seadanya. Untuk speaking sendiri biasanya kita membuka kasus dengan menggunakan bantuan modul. Sedangkan untuk listening bisanya masih manual, saya membacakan dan siswa mendengarkan.

ES : Untuk speaking sendiri, biasanya kegiatan yang dilakukan seperti apa? SP : Untuk speaking sendiri, biasanya kita masuk materi dengan membuka dialog.

Dengan membahas materi yang pernah diulas/ diberikan. ES : Ada jam tertentu atau pertemuan tertentu untuk kegiatan speaking? SP : Kita masih mencampurkan antara 4 kompetensi yang ada, jadi kadang ada

listening dalam kegiatan speaking. ES : Untuk aspek lain seperti grammar, pronunciation, dan vocabulary, apakah siswa mengalami masalah? SP : Ya, grammar dan pronunciation. Untuk grammar kadang mereka tidak tahu sama sekali tentang pola kalimatnya dan pronunciation mereka mengalami kesuliatan karena biasanya merupakan bawaan dari SMP. Kita berusaha untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut, dengan memberikan semua kompetensi yang ada.

ES : Menurut bapak, masih perlu adanya improvement/ peningkatan dalam pembelajaran yang bapak berikan?

SP : Untuk SMK bisanya pelajaran yang diberikan masih sangat simple, maka perlu sekali adanya peningkatan. Kalau kita hanya berpatokan pada kurikulum yang ada, nanti ada banyak hal yang mereka tidak dapatkan. Karena bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa universal, mereka musti tau banyak hal yang tidak tercantum dalam kurikulum.

ES : Adakah jam tambahan atau ekstrakulikuler bahasa Inggris di SMKN 1 Kejobong ini? SP : Sementara belum ada, sebenarnya ada program berbicara bahasa Inggris penuh dalam satu hari, English day tapi belum bisa berjalan. Sedangkan untuk les atau ekstrakulikuler disini belum ada.

ES : Saya kira sudah cukup untuk informasi yang saya dapat. Terima kasih.


Place : Library Date th : Thursday, 28 January 2010

Interviewer : Eling Setiadi (ES) Interviewees :

1. Ummi Sulastri (US)

2. Uswatun Khasanah (UK) Topic

: Teaching learning process and students’ educational background

The First Interview Transcript

I came to library at 09.00 a.m. I had wait for 30 minutes to meet the interviewees in this room. After 30 minutes waiting, the interviewees came into the room and I told them the interview topic. I conducted the interview in bahasa Indonesia. There were two interviewees. They are Ummi Sulastri and Uswatun Khasanah. I interviewed them one by one starting from Ummi sulastri.

First Session

ES : Siapa namamu? US

: Ummi Sulastri ES

: Rumahnya? US

: Saya tinggal di desa sambong. ES

: Suka bahasa Inggris ga? US

: Suka. ES

: Kenapa? US

: Menarik ES

: Menurutmu bahasa Inggris penting ga? US

: Penting, karena untuk kebutuhan di dunia kerja

ES : Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, ada empat skill yaitu listening, speaking, reading dan writing. Dari empat skill itu menurut mu mana yang paling sulit?

US : Speaking ES

: Kenapa menurutmu itu sulit? US

: Karena biasanya susah dalam pengucapannya. ES

: Ada beberapa aspek dalam speaking, contohnya ada vocabulary, grammar dan pronunciation. Dari ketiga itu, menurut mu menjadi masalah ga? US

: Ya, kadang agak menjadi masalah. ES

: Menurutmu pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah sudah cukup baik belum? US

: Masih kurang baik, karena praktek speakingnya masih kurang karena biasanya hanya nulis. ES

: Jadi selama ini belum ada praktek speaking? US

: Ya belum pernah. ES

: Padahal kalian ingin? US

: Ya, ingin. ES

: Pada waktu proses belajar mengajar siswa aktif ga? US

: Ya seperti itu, kadang aktif kadang tidak. ES

: Biasanya mereka cuman duduk mendengarkan latihan. Untuk praktek speakingnya jarang? US

: Ya, jarang. ES

: Dalam kegiatan speaking, biasanya disuruh berbicara atau diskusi tidak? US

: Engga tuh, malah kayaknya engga pernah speaking. ES

: Dalam pembelajaran, apakah guru mendominasi dalam proses belajar mengajar? US

: Biasanya guru yang lebih banyak ngomong. ES

: Kemudian media pembelajaran yang digunakan biasanya apa? US

: Biasanya cuman LKS. ES

: Menurutmu kemampuan atau skill speaking siswa perlu ditingkatkan ga?

US : Ya perlu. ES

: Menurutmu caranya seperti apa? US

: Guru menyuruh siswa maju kedepan untuk mencoba belajar speaking di depan kelas. Selain itu dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa. ES

: Sejauh ini, kamu biasanya berlatih speaking dengan siapa? US

: Saya biasanya belajar bahasa di rumah dengan teman-teman. ES

: Selain belajar bahasa Inggris di sekolahan, ada media lain ga untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mu? US

: Saya biasanya nonton film atau mendengarkan lagu dari luar negeri. ES

: Ikut les bahasa Inggris ga ? US

: Ga. ES

: Seandainya kamu disuruh maju berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris malu ga? US

: Mungkin takut ada kesalahan dan kadang kurang PD. ES

: Media lain yang digunakan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris bervariasi ga? US

: biasanya hanya LKS. ES

: Di sekolah ini ada ekstrakulikuler bahasa Inggris ga? US

: Ga ada. ES

: Seandainya diadakan, suka ga? US

: Suka. ES

: Saya kira cukup untuk informasi yang saya dapat. Terima kasih.

Second Session

ES : Siapa namamu? UK

: Uswatun Khasanah ES

: Rumahnya? UK

: di Pengadegan, tepatnya di desa karangjoho RT02 RW01 ES

: suka bahasa Inggris ga? UK

: Kadang suka, tapi lebih suka matematika ES

: kenapa lebih suka matematika? UK

: ya…asik aja ES

: Menurutmu bahasa Inggris penting ga? UK

: Penting, karena di era globalisasi sekarang ini ada pasar global. Dimana bahasa Inggris digunakan sebagai bahasa pengantar. ES

: Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, ada empat skill yaitu listening, speaking,reading dan writing. Dari empat skill itu menurut mu mana yang paling sulit?

UK : Speaking dan listening ES

: Kenapa menurutmu itu sulit? UK

: Karena biasanya dalam bahasa Inggris antara tulisan dan pengucapan beda ES

: Ada beberapa aspek dalam speaking, contohnya ada vocabulary, grammar dan pronunciation. Dari ketiga itu, menurut mu menjadi masalah ga? UK

: Ya, menjadi masalah. Terutama vocabulary. ES

: Menurutmu pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah sudah cukup baik belum? UK

: belum. ES

: alasannya? UK

: media yang digunakan kurang bervariasi dan guru bisanya lebih

mendominasi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. ES

: ada pertemuan yang dikhususkan untuk speaking ga? UK

: ga ada. Biasanya cuman writing, reading atau listening. Untuk speaking sendiri masih sedikit

ES : siswa aktif ga dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar? UK

: ada yang aktif ada yang engga, tapi kebanyakan guru yang aktif ngomong. ES

: menurutmu kegiatan belajar mengajar perlu dikembangkan ga?terutama speaking. UK

: sangat perlu, untuk bisa kepentingan di dunia kerja nantinya. ES

: seandainya dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, siswa diikut sertakan dalam proses belajar mengajar kamu senang ga? UK

: Ya senang. Supaya lebih kompeten ES

: di rumah sering latihan bahasa Inggris ga? UK

: Ya, biasanya lewat sms dengan teman, buka-buka kamus untuk menambah vocabulary, kadang mendengarkan musik tapi ga tau artinya. ES

: kalau film suka ga? UK

: Ya suka. ES

: kalau dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris diperbanyak kegiatan speaking gimana? UK

: Ya, senang. ES

: Di sekolah ini ada ekstrakulikuler bahasa Inggris ga? UK

: Ga ada. Dulu katanya mau ada kelas intensif untuk bahasa Inggris dan science tapi sampai sekarang belum jalan. ES

: Saya kira cukup untuk informasi yang saya dapat. Terima kasih.


Place : Library Date th : Friday, 29 January 2010

Interviewer : Eling Setiadi (ES) Interviewees :

1. Agustriani (AT)

2. Noviatun (NA) and Rica (R) Topic

: Teaching learning process and students’ educational background

The Second Interview Transcript

I came to library at 09.00 a.m. I had prepared recorder and interview transcript before. After 5 minutes waiting, the interviewees came into the room and I told them the interview topic. I conducted the interview in bahasa Indonesia. There were three interviewees. They are Agustriani, Noviatun and Rica. Agustriani became the first interviewee, and two last girls were interviewed together.

First Session

ES : Siapa namamu? AT

: Agustriani ES

: Alamat rumahnya? AT

: Nangkasawit RT04 RW02 ES

: suka bahasa Inggris ga? AT

: suka ES

: kenapa suka bahasa Inggris? AT

: Karena untuk kedepan sangat berguna, khususnya untuk dunia kerja.

ES : karena bahasa Inggris itu penting, biasanya kamu belajar dimana saja selain disekolah?

AT : dirumah, dulu waktu masih MTs saya ikut kursus tapi sekarang tidak. ES

: Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, ada empat skill yaitu listening, speaking,reading dan writing. Dari empat skill itu menurut mu mana yang paling sulit?

AT : itu yang ada rumus-rumusnya ES

: berarti grammarnya!kalau pronounciation jadi masalah ga? AT

: ya, kadang susah ES

: Menurutmu pelajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah sudah cukup aktif belum? AT

: belum. ES

: dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris, apakah guru lebih mendominasi dalam pembelajaran? AT

: iya, guru lebih sering menjelaskan atau memberikan tugas-tugas.


: kegiatan speaking sendiri gimana?apakah sering dilakukan guru.

AT : Belum. Masih sangat kurang. ES

: media yang digunakan apa? AT


: yang lain ga ada? AT

: jarang ES

: menurutmu pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pelu ditingkatkan ga? AT

: Ya perlu, sebagai siswa SMK kita harus menguasai bahasa Inggris apalagi untuk terjun di dunia kerja. ES

: sudah pernah berbicara atau latihan dengan native speaker?contohnya mungkin waktu wisata di SMP ketemu dengan orang bule kamu berlatih berbicara gitu!

AT : belum pernah. ES

: kalau dirumah? Tadi kan ada temanmu ada yang bilang katanya mereka latihan sendiri melalu sms, kalau kamu? AT

: saya biasanya sms pake bahasa Inggris dengan Uus. ES

: seandainya disuruh maju de depan kelas malu ga?

AT : mungkin tidak karena dulu waktu masih belajar di MTs berlatih melalui pidato dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. ES

: menurutmu pelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMK ini masih perlu ditingkatkan ga? AT

: Ya perlu. ES

: kalau dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris diperbanyak kegiatan speaking gimana? AT

: Ya, senang. ES

: seandainya di sekolah ini ada ekstrakulikuler bahasa Inggris kamu senang ga? AT

: Ya, senang. ES

: Saya kira cukup untuk informasi yang saya dapat. Terima kasih.

Second Session

ES : Siapa namamu? R

: Rica ES

: Rumahnya? R

: Kedarpan ES

: kamu? NA

: Noviatun, asal saya Karangjoho ES

: saya ingin Tanya kalian tentang pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMK ini. Kalian sendiri suka bahasa Inggris ga? R

: suka tapi ga bisa. NA

: saya juga suka. ES

: kenapa suka bahasa Inggris? R

: yang pertama unik dan kedua penting untuk kedepan, terutama untuk dunia kerja. NA

: kalau menurut saya, bahasa Inggris itu sangat penting apalagi di era

globalisasi sperti sekarang ini. Jadi kita harus bisa.

ES : Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, ada empat skill yaitu listening, speaking,reading dan writing. Dari empat skill itu menurut mu mana yang paling sulit?

R : Berbicara Na

: Menulis ES

: di sini ada kelas tersendiri untuk kegiatan speaking? R

: ga ada. Jarang sekali. ES

: menurutmu perlu dikembangkan ga kompetensi bahasa Inggris di sini? NA

: ya perlu banget, karena untuk kedepan dapat dijadikan modal kerja

ES : di kelas bahasa Inggris siswa aktif ga? NA

: kadang aktif, karena gurunya galak.hehehehe…… ES

: kalian belajar bahasa dimana saja. NA

: cuman di sekolah. ES

: kalau dirumah juga ga pernah? R

: Ya, paling lewat sms. Kadang nonton film atau mendengarkan musik. ES

: di sini kan ga ada ekstrakulikuler bahasa Inggris, seandainya diadakan kalian mau ikut ga? NA & R : Mau. ES

: Saya kira cukup untuk informasi yang saya dapat. Terima kasih. NA & R : sama-sama.


Meeting st :1 meeting in cycle 1 Class

: X Computer Engineering and Network Class of SMKN1 Kejobong Day/ Date rd : Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Time : 07.00-09.00 pm Object

: teaching and learning process led by teacher ES Observer

: Mr. SP

The Setting Description

The class is clean and the atmosphere is very fresh. English is the first lesson of the day. The students have been ready to study English. The writer, Eling Setiadi, will lead the teaching learning process and the observer of the teaching learning process is Mr. Sidik Purnomo.

The teaching and learning process

The teacher and the observer are walking toward to the class after the bell has rung. The teacher knocks the door and enters the class. The teacher asks the leader of the class to lead the opening prayer. After that, the observer walks backward to have a seat.

The teacher greets the students and checks students attendance based on the students’ presence list. Unfortunately, there are two students absent because of sick. The teacher asks whether they have homework or not, and actually there is no homework.

The teacher begins the lesson by asking some students questions. The boy sits on the corner becoming the lucky number one. The teacher asks him with very simple question “what is your father?” and he spontaneously answers the question “my father is Riyanto”. Then the teacher asks the other students with same question. Most of the students’ answers are similar with the first lucky boy. The teacher just smiles at them. The class tends to be silent when the teacher gives strong deep question “Do you understand what I mean?”, the students answer my question “No, sir” loudly. The teacher explains the point of question “yang saya tanyakan ke kalian itu, apa pekerjaan ayahmu bukan menanyakan siapa nama ayahmu! ” and whole of them reply my explanation with “Oooo…itu to artinya”.

The teacher tries to take the students’ attention by telling the new topic for today. The teacher tells them that he will explain them about describing profession. The students look interested in the topic.

The teacher asks the students listen to a short text about Robert’s Occupation. The class starts to become little bit crowded when the teacher is reading the text. To keep the class being silent, the teacher tells them that there would be some questions must

be answered after all. The noise decreases. Through the process of listening, students don’t make noise any longer.

After listening to the descriptive text, the teacher gives some related questions for some of them randomly. The task is to quest what Robert is. Fortunately, most of them give right answer.

After the questions finished, the teacher asks two students to read the text and the other students identify some difficult words. The teacher writes some words and pronounces the right pronunciation forward the class.

Going to the main activity, the teacher explains the generic structure of descriptive text such as identification and description in order to explain language features. The language features occurred in descriptive text is simple present tense and adjective. The teacher explains about the pattern and functions of simple present tense.

After the explanation, one by one the students make some examples on the blackboard. Most of the examples are well done, so the teacher gives them the other exercises.

The researcher hands out a paper filled by some incorrect words in a short paragraph. In pair, the students have to identify the incorrect one and change into the correct one. The process runs well because they are able to finish the entire exercises well.

The bell is ringing. The teacher closes the meeting and says goodbye.


Meeting nd :2 meeting in cycle 1 Class

: X Computer Engineering and Network Class of SMKN1 Kejobong Day/ Date rd : Thursday, 3 February 2010

Time : 07.00-09.00 pm Object

: teaching and learning process led by teacher ES Observer

: Mr. SP

The Setting Description

The students wear blue uniform. The writer shirt and the observer wears batik. The writer, Eling Setiadi, will lead the teaching learning process and the observer of the teaching learning process is Mr. Sidik Purnomo.

The teaching and learning process

The teacher and the observer have been ready to enter the class. They walk toward to the class when the electric bell has been ringing. The teacher knocks the door and enters the class. The teacher asks the leader of the class to lead the opening prayer. After that, the observer walks backward to have a seat.

The teacher greets the students and checks students attendance based on the students’ presence list. All of the students are present. The teacher tells them that the lesson will be a discussion. Some students say ”Yeah….asik”. The teacher begins to split the class into some big discussion groups. A student asks whether the teacher divide them or they can choose their group freely. The other students say “pilih sendiri-sendiri ya pak!!!” and the other one “jangan pak, ditentukan pak guru saja!”. The class becomes The teacher greets the students and checks students attendance based on the students’ presence list. All of the students are present. The teacher tells them that the lesson will be a discussion. Some students say ”Yeah….asik”. The teacher begins to split the class into some big discussion groups. A student asks whether the teacher divide them or they can choose their group freely. The other students say “pilih sendiri-sendiri ya pak!!!” and the other one “jangan pak, ditentukan pak guru saja!”. The class becomes

The students seek their own group and try to get comfortable seat. After all the students get their own group, the teacher tells them the discussion rules. The rules are written on the blackboard and the teacher explains it clearly. After telling the rules, he asks “do you understand what you have to do?” and they answers “not yet”. The teacher tries to retell the rules in the second time.

The teacher spreads a picture for all groups. Each group has to describe the picture based on the situation. The students start to do the discussion in their own group. The noise is rising; the teacher claps his hands to warn some students. A leader of the class also warns “Silent please!” and the class discussion runs better. To make all the members active in a discussion, the teacher goes around the group and gives some passive students questions. A boy with pointed hair is questioned by the teacher “How many people are there?”, he just smiles and doesn’t understand with the question point.

The teacher gives them a chance to ask some difficulties to him. Some students ask about certain words in English such as “mengoprasikan komputer, pengantar pizza, menelpon, mengecek” . The discussion has spent in adequate time and the teacher says “have you finished?” lots of them say “Not yet, Sir!”. The injury time is only 5 minutes given to them to finish the assignment and the class is going to be crowded. The teacher tells them that each group has to choose one volunteer to come forward and describe the picture based on the discussion.

There are five representative students in the class. One by one, they explains the picture forward their peers. A girl from group four carries out the first performance, she looks confidence and quite good in fluency. After she presents her performance, the students give loud applause for it. She has a chance to choose the next presenter. The second performance done by group two, her body shacks gradually when she is telling the description. Group three does the third performance, she tells the description well but less of expression occurred in the process of describing. Actually, the students enchanted with her performance and the class becomes silent. Group five delivers the fourth performance, there is little communication and she tends being to be speechless. The class arises crowded when a boy is coming forward to be the last group. He tells the explanation with many pauses and no expression at all.

Before closing the second meeting, the teacher revises some mispronouncing words and the students reply what the teacher pronounced. The teacher tells the way to be relaxed and confidence delivering performance in front of the other students, and then

he chooses the best speaker of the day. It is aimed to give them motivation in speaking class.

There is 5 minutes provided for the teacher closing the lesson. He gives the students homework, each student has to get a picture. The picture will be shown off in front of class, and they have to describe the picture orally. There are no questions from the students any longer then, he sums the lesson up and says good-bye.


Meeting rd :3 meeting in cycle 1 Class

: X Computer Engineering and Network Class of SMKN1 Kejobong Day/ Date th : Monday, 9 February 2010

Time : 12.45-13.30 pm Object

: teaching and learning process led by teacher ES Observer

: Mr. S

The Setting Description

The students wear white and grey uniform. The sky looks cloudy and it will get rain. English is the last lesson; the students seem to be little bit tired. The writer, Eling Setiadi, will lead the teaching learning process and the observer of the teaching learning process is Mr. Sidik Purnomo. The writer wears long sleeves white shirt and the observer wears checked shirt.

The teaching and learning process

The teacher and the observer have prepared themselves well. They walk toward to the class when the electric bell has been ringing. The teacher knocks the door and enters the class.

The teacher greets the students and checks the students’ attendance. There is no missing student. All of them are present. The teacher tells the students that today they will have speaking class. They have to come forward present a picture and one by one, they describe the picture that has been prepared before.

Before starting the lesson, the teacher asks several students to pronounce some words written on colored paper, such as take care, fly, design, entertain, teach, give service, Before starting the lesson, the teacher asks several students to pronounce some words written on colored paper, such as take care, fly, design, entertain, teach, give service,

After that, he states that today activity will be begun. The class arises becoming little bit crowded and they look ready to perform. After all the students have already prepared their need, the teacher gives a chance to the students who want to be the first volunteer. There is a veiling girl coming forward the class and the other peers give loud applause for the first performance. The boys sit in back line say “prikitiew…”. She describes the picture quite well but sometimes she speaks with lots of pauses.

In the second chance, the teacher chooses the next performer randomly. The class is little bit crowded when one of their friends explains the picture forward the class. The next performer is short boy who sits in the middle line of chairs. He is Doni. His friends clap their hands loudly when he starts to explain the pictures. The English teacher asks the students to keep silent and pay attention to the one who is presenting the explanation. The atmosphere is getting much better and they begin to pay attention. Doni looks confidence and little pauses in presenting the picture. Doni’s performance is over; the others are in turn.

The performance is still in progress. Some students pay attention but the other are busy practicing the description in slow voice but it still can be heard. One by one, they describe the picture until the time is 10 minutes remaining. They are laughing, smiling, murmuring when one of them perform in the class.

The students look excited in that day activity because speaking is rarely occurred in English lesson before. The teacher asks the students “do you like today’s activity?” and loudly the students answer “Yes, Sir”. Then the teacher chooses one of students becomes the best speaker of the day. Endah Fariasih is the best speaker of the day; The students look excited in that day activity because speaking is rarely occurred in English lesson before. The teacher asks the students “do you like today’s activity?” and loudly the students answer “Yes, Sir”. Then the teacher chooses one of students becomes the best speaker of the day. Endah Fariasih is the best speaker of the day;


There is no question from the students at all and teacher SP shows two tombs up for their performance. The teacher leads the closing prayer and says good-bye.


Meeting rd :1 meeting in cycle 2 Class

: X Computer Engineering and Network Class of SMKN 1 Kejobong Day/ Date th : Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Time : 07.00-08.30 pm Object

: teaching and learning process led by teacher ES Observer

: Mr. SP

The Setting Description

The students wear blue uniform. The atmosphere is actually very fresh because English is the first lesson today. As usual, the writer, Eling Setiadi, will lead the teaching learning process and the observer of the teaching learning process is Mr. Sidik Purnomo. The writer wears white shirt and the observer wears batik.

The teaching and learning process

Similar with other day, the teacher enters the class after the bell has rung calling the students join the lesson today. Greeting and checking students’ attendance are two ordinary activities of opening. After that, the teacher asks whether there is homework and the students say that there is no homework today.

After five minutes passed, the teacher reviews the last meeting before he continues the main activity. He tells some mispronouncing words such as “would like, introduce, idol ”, grammatical usage such as “long blonde hair, long nose, hair short”, and less of expressions in previous presentation.

The teacher starts the lesson today with telling the topic, namely physical appearance. The teacher asks the students” Do you know what the meaning of physical The teacher starts the lesson today with telling the topic, namely physical appearance. The teacher asks the students” Do you know what the meaning of physical

to encourage students’ interest, the teacher gives the other questions continually, such as about her marital status, her boy friend, her occupation, her business and many more. The class is more active because most of them try to answer the questions.

Furthermore, the teacher asks about Luna’s physical appearance to the students. The answers mostly correct but the structure is incorrect grammatically, such as hair long, eyes round, hair straight etc.

The next step activity is writing some adjectives dealing with physical appearance on black board. The teacher pronounced the adjective correctly and so do the students. The teacher starts explaining the adjectives more detail.

When the material has totally given, the researcher hands out some exercises related to the topic. The students look enthusiastic to do the exercises because they just have to describe the pictures based on the picture given.

The last activity, the teacher reads short text entitled “My Friend Lara” and the students listen to the description seriously. After the description, they have to do the exercises collaboratively with her/his friends. The class is more manageable than the previous meeting. The English teacher helps the researcher by controlling them one by one.

After the entire students do their exercises, the teacher asks them to present their job.


In addition, the teacher gives them short material about how to give personal comment and expressions for conversation/ gambits. The teacher taught them this material because most of them are still lack of confidence and they do not understand how to give personal comment and expressions for conversation/ gambits.


In this stage, the teacher asks the students whether they still find any difficulties or not. So far, there is no question from the students. He utters that the next meeting will

be guessing game. The class will be split into several small groups’ discussion. The lesson is summed up and the teacher says good-bye.


Meeting nd :2 meeting in cycle 2 Class

: X Computer Engineering and Network Class of SMKN1 Kejobong Day/ Date th : Thursday, 11 February 2010

Time : 07.00-09.00 pm Object

: teaching and learning process led by teacher ES Observer

: Mr. S

The Setting Description

The students wear blue uniform. The writer, Eling Setiadi, will lead the teaching learning process and the observer of the teaching learning process is Mr. Sidik Purnomo. The writer and the observer wears batik shirt.

The teaching and learning process

The teacher and the observer have been ready to enter the class. They walk toward to the class when the electric bell has been ringing. The teacher knocks the door and enters the class. The teacher asks the leader of the class to lead the opening prayer. After that, the observer walks backward to have a seat.

The teacher tells them that there is a discussion class today. The class has been split into 10 small group discussions before today’s meeting and they join in their own group. The class are likely manageable and they do not make any noise in classroom.

The teacher gives the rule of discussion class i.e. each group has to choose one idol (movie star, singer, comedian, politician or their friend). The idol chosen should be kept in secret and untold to the others. The discussion is conducted in each group to describe the picture as difficult as possible, they have to describe both her/ his The teacher gives the rule of discussion class i.e. each group has to choose one idol (movie star, singer, comedian, politician or their friend). The idol chosen should be kept in secret and untold to the others. The discussion is conducted in each group to describe the picture as difficult as possible, they have to describe both her/ his

After the groups understand the rule of the discussion, they start to discuss the topic. All of them participate in the discussion actively. The teacher goes around the discussion groups. The time given is over; the teacher begins to invite the group randomly. Group 2 takes the first chance. The students clap their hands when group two is coming to present their task. The leader of group two starts to describe their idol in front of their peers. The presenter starts to describe idol’s physical appearance such as “He has black short hair, he is medium high……”. The class is no noise any longer. The students keep listening to the description curiously. At the certain time, they seem to discuss about the description told with other members in one group. The description is totally presented by the lucky number one and questions and answer session is started then. Most of them raise their hand and try to ask some questions. This session looks lively because they try to be faster asking the questions. A group stops a veiling girl because her question is too much.

The situation keeps going until the last group. In addition, the motivation to take part in discussion increases.

The teacher revises little mistakes occurred such as grammar or pronunciation in main activity. He asks them whether there is a question. The teacher sums up the activity because there is no question from students. He closes the second meeting with saying good-bye. In this stage there is injury time given.


Meeting rd :3 meeting in cycle 2 Class

: X Computer Engineering and Network Class of SMKN1 Kejobong Day/ Date th : Monday, 15 February 2010

Time : 12.45-13.30 pm Object

: teaching and learning process led by teacher ES Observer

: Mr. SP

The Setting Description

The students wear white and grey uniform. English is the last lesson of the day, the students seem to be little bit tired. The writer, Eling Setiadi, will lead the teaching learning process and the observer of the teaching learning process is Mr. Sidik Purnomo. The writer wears long sleeves white shirt and the observer wears checked shirt.

The teaching and learning process

The teacher and the observer have prepared themselves well. They walk toward to the class when the electric bell has been ringing. The teacher knocks the door and enters the class. Speaking test has been planned for today activity.

The sky is cloudy. Fortunately, the students are still ready to get the last lesson of the day and all of students are present. The teacher asks the students to choose one of their idol or inspiring man for her/ his life. Yuninda gives a question for the teacher “Can I describe my teacher?” and the teacher answers, “Yes, of course”. Then, the teacher provides 5 minutes for the students preparing the speaking test. Similar with the previous test, they describe the idol in front of their friends. Each student begins The sky is cloudy. Fortunately, the students are still ready to get the last lesson of the day and all of students are present. The teacher asks the students to choose one of their idol or inspiring man for her/ his life. Yuninda gives a question for the teacher “Can I describe my teacher?” and the teacher answers, “Yes, of course”. Then, the teacher provides 5 minutes for the students preparing the speaking test. Similar with the previous test, they describe the idol in front of their friends. Each student begins


Based on the students’ presence list, the teacher and teacher SP invite them one by one. The first performance is done by Uswatun Khasanah. She describes a Hollywood actor who plays in Harry Potter Trilogy. She seems to be relax and confidence in her performance. In previous meeting, she usually looks nervous in describing picture. The performance is better than the last activity. They look very confidence and do less of mistakes in speaking.


Most students look confidence in turn of describing their idol. In queue, they come forward presenting their performance well. The accuracy and fluently absolutely increase.


The time allotment in the third meeting of second cycle is over. The teacher gives them motivation in studying English, especially in speaking. Then, he leads the students to close the activity with closing prayer and he says good bye.

Researcher’s and Students’ Diary

A. Researcher’s Diary

The technique conducted to the students could create alive atmosphere in teaching learning process, especially in speaking. Students felt confidence and they were not afraid of speaking English. after they had been treated until second cycle, there was good progression. Researcher took some representatives students whose progression increased. They are: