Proceedings of The 5th Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University (AIC
Unsyiah) 2015 In conjunction with The 8th International Conference of Chemical Engineering
on Science and Applications (ChESA) 2015 September 9-11, 2015, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Ra diose n sit ivit y a nd t he I n flue nce of Ga m m a Ra y s
I r r a dia t ion on Loca l Sa m osir Sha llot s

* Mariat i Sinuraya, 1 Rosm ayat i, 1Hasanuddin, and 1 Diana SofiaHanafiah


Agricult ural Facult y,Universit y of Sum at era Ut ara,Medan 20155,
I ndonesia
* Corresponding aut hor: m ariat i61@yahoo.com
Abst ra ct
Bulbs of localSam osir Shallot w it h t he weight ranging from 1,3 t o1, 7 g were irradiat ed by sev eral
doses of gam m a ray s in order t o inv est igat e t he radiosen sit iv it y and t he effect s of irradiat ons on t he
plant s. Dry bulbs 2,5 m ont hs aft er harv est were ex posed t o gam m a ray sradiat ion ranging from 0 Gy
t o 20 Gy t o det erm ine t heir responses t o radiat ion st ress and t he effect iv e radiat ion dose for
ident ificat ion of Let hal dose 5 0 ( LD 5 0 ) . Percen t age of shoot growt h was m easu red on 35 t h day s aft er

plant ing. The v ariat ion in m orph ological and agron om ic char act ers were also det erm ined. The result s
indicat ed t hat increasing doses of gam m a ir radiat ion h ad significant effect on shoot growt h.
I ncreasing in gam m a ray s doses from 0 Gy t o 11Gy h ad lit t le effect on percent age of shoot
growt h.Wit h t he increase in radiat ion dosesabov e 11Gy , agreat reduct ion in percent age of shoot
growt h was observ ed in irradiat ed bulbs as com pared t o cont rol. The LD 50 v alues of local Sam osir
Shallot det erm ined from linear regression analy sis ( u sing Curv e- fit Analy sis soft ware) based on
percent age
regenerat ed
growt h
Gy .
siqnificant differenciesbet weenregenerat ed plant s growt h from irradiat ed bulbs and cont r ol
( unirradiat ed) .Treat ed bulbs produced short her plant lenght and less leav e num ber.
Ke y W ords: Shallot s, gam m a ray irradiat ion, radiosen sit iv it y , LD 50, plant growt h.

I nt r oduct ion
Local Sam osir shallot (Allium ascalonicum ) grown at highland surrounding Toba Lakewhich about 930
m eter above sea level, is one of t he im portant com m odit y t hat since long t im e ago has been
int ensively cult ivat ed by t he farm ers at t he region. I t is very popular and in great dem and for having
t ypical and pungent scent , m ore red shiny color, m ore spicy and less water content alt hough sm aller
bulb size t han other varietas of shallot s. However, Plant ing area and shallot product ion in the area is
not growing, even t ends t o decrease and in several dist ricts t hat were used t o be t he centers of shallot
cult ivat ion have now convert ed into coffee cult ivat ion, t herefor t he product ion is m uch lower than
com sum psionneed so t hat t o fulfil t he dem ands of shallot in Nort h Sum at ra, the governm ent im port s
it from abroad and part ly from Brebes.
Because of t he great prospect and potent ial m arket of shallot, the cult ivat ion in I ndonesia especially in
Nort h Sum at ra needs t o be increased in t he quant it y, qualit y and cont inuit y. To support t he
developm ent , breeding act ivit ies are necessary t o produce shallot cult ivars t hat can adapt and yield
well in lowland as well as in high land Sam osir. Genet ic im provem ent by hybridizat ion is difficult t o
perform ed because shallot is an outcrossing and highly het erozygous crop ( Eady, l995) . I t is
propagated by seeds, bulbs or set s (sm all bulbs) . Being a biennial species it t akes m ore t im e to
im prove t his crop by convent ional m et hods such as hybridizat ion, recom binat ion and select ion
( Lawandeet al., 2009). The lack of inbred lines also m akes it difficult t o perform genet ic linkage
analysis in onion ( Cram er and Havey, 1999). I n addit ion, t he flowers of Sam osir shallot is difficult t o

form seeds. Alt ernat ively,Sam osir shallot breeding can be done by using m ut at ion induct ion.Mut at ion
induct ion can increase t he genet ic diversit y of plants ( Van Harten, 1988). I nduced m utat ions serve as
a com plem entary approach in genet ic im provem ent of crops ( Mahandj ievet al., 2001) . I t can be done
by using a chem ical m ut agen or physical m ut agen. One of t he m ost effect ive physical m ut agens t o
create genet ic variat ion in plants is by using gam m a rays irradiat ion ( Hum an, 2003) . Gam m a rays has
been widely used for producing m ut at ions in crop plant s, and frequent ly used to create variat ion in
gene pools of crop plant s.
The effect s of gam m a radiat ion oncyt ological charact erist ics vary from species to species andam ong
different genot ypes wit hin t he sam e species. Gam m aradiat ion interferes wit h t he process of cell
division,result ing in cyt ological abnorm alit ies and in a reducedfrequency of dividing cells, which is
ult im ately reflect ed inreduced seedling growth and ot her m orphological aberrat ions ( Am j ad and
Anj um , 2002).Gam m a rays are known t o influence plant growt h and developm ent by inducing
cyt ological, genet ical, biochem ical and physiological changes in cells and t issues ( Gunckeland
Sparrow, 1961) .


The biological effect of gam m a rays is based on t he int eract ion with at om s or m olecules in the cell,
part icularly water, to produce free radicals ( Kovacs and Keresztes, 2002) . These radicals can dam age
or m odify im port ant com ponent s of plant cells and have been reported t o affect different ially t he

m orphology, anat om y, biochem ist ry and physiology of plants depending on t he radiat ion dose
( Ashraf,2003). Plant s responsest o the gam m a rayirradiat ion, besides affected by t he kind of cult ure
used, also depended on irradiat ion dose. Most of t he researcher reported a highly correlat ion bet ween
irradiat ion dose and survival of plants. Higher doses produce very drast ic effect s, usually causing plant
deat h, and relat ively lower doses often result in alt ered growth characterist ics ( Am jad and Anj um ,
2002) .Sunarjono et al., ( 1985) reported that irradiat ed shallot by gam m a rays wit h 1, 5 and 6 Gy
t ended to increase bulbs yield com pared t o cont rol, event hough t he yield in t he first generat ion was
decreased. At dose of 1, 2, 4, and 5 Gy could st im ulate flowering.Bham burkar and Bhalla ( 1980)
found t hat germ inat ion percent age, and seedling height and survival were affect ed, when seeds of
t hree onion variet ies were irradiat ed wit h gam m a rays. They concluded t hat different variet ies of
Allium showed varying sensit ivit y t o irradiat ion. I n another experim ent ,when seeds of Phaseolus
vulgaris were irradiat ed wit h 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 krad gam m a rays, seed germ inat ion, plant
height , survival and yield all decreased as t he dose of irradiat ion increased, but t he effects were
relat ively sm all ( Carneiroet al., 1987) .The purpose of t his work is t o st udy radiosensit ivit y ( LD 50 ) of
local Sam osir shallot and t o invest igat e t he change occured caused by ionizing gam m a rays radiat ion
of different doses from Co 60 on t he first generat ion irradiat ed plant s.
M a t e r ia ls a nd M e t hods
Sixt y four ( 64) bulbs by doses of irradiat ed and non- irradiat ed local Sam osir shallot were packaged in
0.1m m t hick paper bags of 10 X 22cm dim ension and sealed. The bags were subjected t o gam m a rays
irradiat ion in iradiat or Cham ber A4000 wit h Cobalt -60 source at PATI R BATAN, by exposing t hem t o

doses of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 Gy. Subsequent ly, t he
irradiated bulbs along wit h unirradiated bulbs ( cont rol) were grown in t he field condit ion. The plant s
were t hen observed daily for a period of five ( 5) weeks. Percentage of shoot s growt h was recorded for
t he fift h week. Linear regression analysis by using Curve- fit Analysis software package was used t o
est im ate t he opt im um LD 50 doses by using percentage of shoots growt h in t he field condit ions. The
differencies between t reat ed plant s growt h and the cont rol were also analized by using t - test .
Results a nd D iscussion
Table 1 shows percent age of shoot s growt hand plant s lengt h 5( five) weeksafter plant ing in cont rol
( uniradiat ed) and irradiat ed shallot s. Shoot growt h in term s of shoot em ergence ( at least 5 m m )was
assessed each day unt il no furt her shoot growt h em ergence was noted. The percent age of shoots
growthwas m easuredas a percent age of all buds planted em ergenced shoot sthat furtherm ore was
used t o ident ify let hal dose of irradiat ed local Sam osir shallotby gam m a rays.
The result s indicat ed t hat increasing doses of gam m a rays irradiat ion had significant effect on shoot
growth for the fiveweek.Shallots irradiated t o a dose of 5 Gy at 5 WAP ( weeks aft er plant ing)
observat ion st ill grow well and 100% alive. I ncreasing in gam m a rays doses from 5Gy t o 11Gy had
lit t le effect on percent age of shoot growt h. However,wit h t he increase in radiat ion dosesabove 11Gy, a
great reduct ion in percentage of shoot growt h was observed in irradiat ed bulbs as com pared t o
cont rol. Shallot irradiated wit h dose of 14 Gy and m ore, som e st ill grow for a few weeks, but at 5
weeks after plant ing, not hing was survived (Figure 2) . Figure 1shows t he perform ance of sam osir
shallotsat age 2 WAP irradiated wit h gam m a rays dose of 1 Gyup t o 11 Gyalong with t he plant cont rol.

Figure1.Profil of 2 weeks regenerated plants Figure 2. Profil of 5 weeks iradiated
from iradiat ed bulbswit h doses of 1 t o 11 Gy
bulbs wit h doses of 13 to 18 Gy
along withunirradiated plant s ( left side)
The LD 50 values of local Sam osir Shallot determ ined from linear regression analysis ( Polynom ial fit
using CurveExpert 1.3Analysis software) based on percent age of regenerated shoot growt h was 11.60


Gy. Determ inat ion of t he lethal dose ( LD) is one of t he m aj or factor t hat support t he success of
irradiat ion t reat m ents t o obtain a variant or m ut ant form of irradiat ed plant s ( Reni et al., 2011).
Table. 1. The percentage of shoot growt h andthe lengt h of t he plants 5( five) weeksafter plant ing
D ose of I r r adia t ion
Pe r ce nt age ofe m er genced
The length of
( Gy )
shoot s
pla nts
(% )

( cm )
0 ( Kont rol)
29,21± 3,51
27,38± * 3,09
27,99± 3,27
26,26± * * 2,80
27,89± 3,08
25,37± * * 3,33

22,33± * * 3,02
19,37± * * 3,45
18,73± * * 3,55
19,02± * * 4,31
11,78± * * 5,12
12,04± * * 5,19
7,25± * * 4,90



S = 17.01852541
r = 0.94529748
11 0
91 .
73 .
36 .
18 .









D osisI r a dia si ( Gy )
Figure 3. Grafic t he effect of gam m a irradiat ion on t he percent age of growt h at 5 week s aft er plant ing

The variat ion in m orphological and agronom ic charact ers were also det erm ined,t he differencies
bet ween t reat ed plants growt h and t he cont rol were analized by using t - test .Gam m a ray irradiat ion
affects t he growt h of Sam osir red shallot . The higher of doses of gam m a rays, t he fewer survival
plants.Eventhough t he shallot s irradiated t o a dose of up t o 9Gy perform ed a good growt h viabilit y,
but t he growt h of irradiated plant s event at t he lowest dose com pared t o cont rol plants seem ed
depressed. This was indicated by t he lengt h and leaves num ber of irradiat ed plant s that were shorter
and fewer t han cont rol plants. Mean shoot lengt h, leave num ber and t iller num ber of 6 weeks plant s
are present ed at Table 2. The higher of doses of gam m a rays t he shorter shoot lengt h, fewer leaves
num ber and t iller num ber unt il dose of 8 Gy. However, at 9 Gy, shoot lengt h, leaves num ber and t iller
num ber of irradiated plant s increased slight ly.

Tabel 2. Mean shoot lenght and leave num ber of 6 weeks plants after plant ing




Shoot lenght
30,25± 3,05
26,87* * ± 4,45
27,03* * ± 3,12
26,53* * ± 3,98
26,89* * ± 4,81
23,64* * ± 4,55
21,59* * ± 4,52
20,37* * ± 3,87
18,46* * ± 3,95
19,81* * ± 4,54

Leaves Num ber
18,83± 6,26
14,67* * ± 4,96
14,44* * ± 5,03
14,81* * ± 5,17
15,38* * ± 6,70
13,11* * ± 4,90
12,56* * ± 4,39
10,90* * ± 3,73
10,26* * ± 4,16
11,84* * ± 4,04

Tiller num ber
5,47± 1,27
4,92± * 1,29
5,27± 1,19
5,11± 1,22
5,13± 1,25
5,17± 1,35
4,80± * * 1,19
4,59± * * 1,19
4,67± * * 1,69
5,47± 1,27

The research conducted revealed t he sensit ivit y ( LD50 value) of local Sam osir shallot to
gam m aradiat ion based on percent age of regenerat ed shoot growt h was 11.60 Gy. Gam m a ray
irradiat ion affects the growt h of Sam osir red shallot .The higher of doses of gam m a rays, the fewer
survival plants, the shorter shoot lengt h, and fewer leaves num ber and t iller num ber.
Ack now ledgem e nts
This research is part of the Doct oral Dissert at ion Grant . Authors Thanks are due t o t he Direct orate
General of Higher Educat ion for providing financial assist ance.
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