Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Spelling Errors Made by Elementary Students in Group Work

Novince Fatima Puspitaria
English has become international language, so it is important for
people to learn English in order to be able to communicate with people
around the world. People believe that learning English since early age
will give benefits in language acquisition. For English as Foreign
Language (EFL) especially young learners, spelling is one of the
problems that might occur in acquiring a new language. Based on this
fact, this study aimed to describe the kinds of spelling errors made by
elementary school students in group work. There were one hundred six
(106) elementary school students of SD Negeri Kumpulrejo 02
Salatiga involved in this study. The data for this descriptive study were
collected through ten classroom observations and students’ written
exercises. The analysis of the data showed that most spelling errors
made by students could be classified into intralingual errors (L2based). There were three kinds of intralingual errors that could be
found in this study. They were sound-based errors, over-generalization
of spelling rules, and anomalous misspelling that there is more than
one error that happened in the same word.
Key words: young learners, spelling errors, intralingual errors