Anisa Nurfitria, 210110090196, 2013. Skripsi ini berjudul Brand Personality
Kratingdaeng Dalam Advergames Mission RealPossible: Studi Analisis Semiotika
Roland Barthes Terhadap Brand Personality Kratingdaeng Dalam Advergames
Mission RealPossible. Pembimbing Utama Uud Wahyudin, S.Sos.,M.Si. dan
pembimbing pendamping Nindi Aristi, S.Sos.,M.Comm. Jurusan Manajemen
Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor.
Penelitian bertujuan memaparkan makna denotasi, konotasi, serta mitos
yang dihasilkan oleh teks-teks yang terdapat di dalam advergames Mission
RealPossible berdasarkan teori semiotika Roland Barthes . Analisis teks dilakukan
meliputi penampilan visual dari advergames Mission RealPossible, gameplay
yang dimiliki, serta media advergames itu sendiri. Skripsi ini menggunakan teknik
pengumpulan data secara kualitatif dengan cara analisis teks, observasi,
wawancara mendalam, serta studi kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa advergames Mission RealPossible
mengandung unsur brand personality dari merek Kratingdaeng, yaitu ‘muda’,
‘energik’, ‘open-minded’, dan ‘modern’. Dari makna denotasi dan konotasi yang
ada, mitos-mitos yang teridentifikasi adalah sebagai berikut; ‘Kratingdaeng adalah
minuman supir Pantura’, ‘Kratingdaeng tidak boleh diminum wanita’, ‘Minuman
energi sebenarnya tidak menambah energi’, ‘Kratingdaeng dapat menambah

kekuatan khusus laki-laki’, ‘Pendapat diri sendiri selalu benar’, ‘Sesuatu yang
baru hanya bersifat negatif’, ‘Minuman energi selalu menampilkan citra
kampungan di dalam iklannya’, dan ‘Sesuatu yang modern pasti mahal’.







mengembangkan advergames sebagai media komunikasi pemasarannya, dengan
lebih menyesuaikan kerumitan yang dimiliki advergames dengan kemampuan
target pemainnya, serta membuat aplikasi sejenis yang bisa digunakan di platform

mobile seperti smartphone dan tablet.


Anisa Nurfitria. 210110090196. 2013. The title of this undergraduate thesis is The
Brand Personality of Kratingdaeng in Advergames Mission RealPossible: A
Semiotic Analysis of Roland Barthes to the Brand Personality of Kratingdaeng in
Advergames Mission RealPossible. The supervisors are Uud Wahyudin,
S.Sos.,M.Si and Nindi Aristi, S.Sos.,M.Comm.
The aim of the research is to explain both the denotation and
connotation meaning and also to explain the myth generated by the text on
advergames Mission RealPossible according to Roland Barthes’s theory of
This undergraduate thesis uses Roland Barthes’s theory of semiotic
and qualitative data collection techniques is used in the research. The results
generated from this research shows that advergames Mission RealPossible does
contain elements of brand personalities in every aspect of the advergames. The
brand personalities contained in the advergames are ‘young’, ‘energetic’, openminded’, and ’modern’.
From the connotation and denotation meanings that exist, the myth

that is identified are ‘Kratingdaeng is the Pantura driver’s drink’, ‘No women can
drink Kratingdaeng’, ‘Energy drink actually do not increases energy’,
‘Kratingdaeng can increase the men’s strength’, ‘Self opinion is always right’,
‘Something new is always negative’, ‘energy drinks’s commercial always shown
in a traditional way’, and ‘Modernity means expensive’.
The researcher’s suggestion for Kratingdaeng is to keep developing
the advergame as a company’s tool in doing marketing communication. But, the
company needs to match the complexity between the game and the player’s
ability. And, the company should create the game that also can be played in
mobile gadget such as smart-phone and tablet.