Semiotic Analysis On Two Advertisements of 'Puteri Mist Cologne' Product.


Ada begitu banyak iklan mengenai produk kecantikan yang disajikan
dalam sebuah majalah, yang dirancang dengan sangat menarik sehingga mampu
menarik perhatian pembaca, yang umumnya tidak menyadari bahwa ada pesan di
balik perancangan sebuah iklan. Pesan tersebut dapat dipahami melalui tandatanda yang muncul dalam iklan tersebut.
Dalam skripsi ini, saya membahas pesan dalam dua buah iklan dari salah
satu produk kecantikan remaja di Indonesia, Mustika Puteri Mist Cologne. Saya
menggunakan teori semiotika karya Ferdinand de Saussure dan beberapa teori lain
untuk menganalisis data penelitian. Semiotika digunakan sebagai teori karena
semiotika adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tanda untuk mengungkap suatu pesan
atau makna.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap penanda-penanda pada kedua iklan
Mustika Puteri Mist Cologne, saya menyimpulkan bahwa penanda-penanda
tersebut berkaitan dengan perbedaan gaya berpenampilan pada seseorang. Selain
itu, dari hasil analisis juga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua iklan tersebut
menawarkan kebutuhan dasar bagi setiap perempuan, yaitu kebutuhan untuk bisa
tampil menarik.

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Melalui skripsi ini, saya berharap masyarakat tidak lagi memandang iklan
hanya sebagai media promosi, namun menyadari akan keberadaan sebuah pesan
dalam sebuah iklan sekaligus memahami arti pesan tersebut.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................


LIST OF FIGURES...........................................................................................




Background of the Study.......................................................................
Statement of the Problem......................................................................
Purpose of the Study..............................................................................
Method of Research...............................................................................
Organization of the Thesis.....................................................................



Semiotics / Semiology...........................................................................
Theory of the Hidden Meanings of Different Colors............................
Theory of the Meaning of Composition................................................




CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION................................................................






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Figure 1. Saussure’s Model of The Sign............................................................


Figure 2. Concept and Sound Pattern.................................................................


Figure 3. Mustika Puteri Red Glam Mist Cologne Advertisement....................


Figure 4. Hairbun Style......................................................................................


Figure 5. Woman Model’s Make Up in Puteri Red Glam Mist.........................


Figure 6. Examples of Ball Gown......................................................................


Figure 7. Examples of Stages.............................................................................


Figure 8.Examples of Man’s Gaze.....................................................................


Figure 9. Logo of Mustika Ratu.........................................................................


Figure 10. Logo of Super Brands.......................................................................


Figure 11. Logo of Customer Service Centre..................................................... 21
Figure 12. Logo of Online Shop......................................................................... 21
Figure 13. Logo of 100% Cinta Indonesia.........................................................


Figure 14. Logo of Facebook and Twitter.......................................................... 22
Figure 15. Mustika Puteri Pretty Chic Mist Cologne Advertisement................. 27
Figure 16. Examples of Chignon Hair Bun........................................................


Figure 17. Woman Model’s Make Up in Puteri Pretty Chic Mist Cologne.......


Figure 18. Examples of One Shoulder Ball Gown.............................................


Figure 19. Examples of Sexy and Cheerful Posing............................................


Figure 20. A Feminine Look..............................................................................


Figure 21. Example of Girls’ Bedroom..............................................................


Figure 22. Examples of Damask Wallpaper....................................................... 33

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(Puteri Red Glam Mist Cologne)

(Puteri Pretty Chic Mist Cologne)




Nowadays, advertisements have been everywhere in our daily life, such as
on television, radio, in newspapers and magazines. In Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary 7th Edition, advertisement is defined as “a notice, picture or short film
telling about a product, job, or service” (“Advertisement,” def. 1). As
advertisements are used to tell about those things to public, I believe that an
advertisement has a function to encourage people to buy or to use something
which is advertised. In order to encourage them, the advertisers usually make their
advertisements attractive so that people will look at them. This can be done by
using models or celebrities as the endorsers of the products, or using attractive
texts that cause people to pay more attention to the advertisements because the
more attractive an advertisement is, the more people will be interested in it.
Furthermore, if people analyze an advertisement, they will be able to reveal how a

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message is delivered through the ways the advertiser uses texts and pictures in the
The topic of my thesis is Semiotic Analysis on Two Advertisements of

Puteri Mist Cologne Product. Puteri Mist Cologne is a beauty product produced
by PT. Mustika Ratu Indonesia in May 2011 and it has female teenagers as its
target market. I am interested in analyzing the advertisements of beauty products
for teenagers as at their age, girls start using such products. Moreover, I want to
find out how the advertiser encourages teenagers to buy their products through
their advertisements. As an advertisement has a purpose to drive people’s
attention to certain products or services, I am sure that behind an advertisement
there is a message that the advertiser wants to tell to the viewers.
The message in an advertisement comes in the forms of pictures and texts.
I will analyze both the pictures and texts to find the message in the advertisement.
I will use semiotics as a tool to analyze the advertisement because it is a branch of
linguistics that studies the meaning of signs (Chandler 2). In this case, the pictures
and the texts in the advertisement are considered as signs (Chandler 2).
Specifically, my analysis will be based on Ferdinand de Saussure’s theory of
signs. I also use Gunther Kress’s theory of the meaning of the composition and
Luc Dupont’s theory of the hidden meaning of different colors in the
The products which are promoted through advertisements need a media to
make them known to public. Actually, there are a lot of media that can be used by
the advertiser, such as television, newspapers, radio, billboards, websites, and

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magazines. However, John Meskill, a media specialist, says that a magazine is the
best media to get information about beauty and elegance (Dupont 28).
The data that I would like to analyze in this thesis are two advertisements
of Puteri Mist Cologne series, namely Red Glam and Pretty Chic. The
advertisement for Red Glam is taken from TEEN magazine while Pretty Chic is
taken from ANEKA YESS! magazine.
In this era, beauty products such as powder, moisturizer, lip-gloss, body
lotion and perfumes become very important for female teenagers (Nurhaida,
par.1). They become important because the girls believe that by using those
beauty products they will look more beautiful and feel more confident (“Tips
Menjaga Kecantikan Kulit Bagi Remaja,” par. 2). Besides, beauty products are
also important for female teenagers because female teenagers want to look
attractive. The girls believe that those beauty products will make them look
attractive so that they will be able to make men attracted to them (Fazriyati, par.
5). Since the advertisements are about a new perfume product for female
teenagers, I am interested to know how the advertisements represent the product
in order to get the target market’s attention. I also choose TEEN and ANEKA
YESS! magazines as the media where Puteri Mist Cologne is advertised because
both of the magazines are published for teenagers, especially female teenage
readers, which are in accordance with the product’s target market. Besides, those
magazines contain not only gossips, news, sports, and fashion tips but also a lot of
information about beauty products. Therefore, I am interested in finding out the
message the advertiser wants to tell to the magazine readers through the
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I hope by analyzing the two advertisements, I can make the readers of this
thesis realize that advertisements do not only present a picture of a product but
they have a message that the advertiser wants to tell to the magazine readers. In
addition, by doing this analysis, I hope the readers of this thesis will consider an
advertisement as the medium that contains a certain message behind what it
shows. By reading this paper, they are expected to get the idea that an
advertisement has a deeper meaning than what it is shown as long as they see the
advertisement as a sign and analyze it by using the semiotic theory. I believe the
study is significant because it can make the readers of this thesis more critical
whenever they see many kinds of advertisements in their daily life.
(861 words)

The problems of this study are formulated in the following questions:
1. What are the signifiers presented in Puteri Red Glam Mist Cologne and
Puteri Pretty Chic Mist Cologne advertisements?
2. What do the signifiers signify?
3. How are Puteri Red Glam Mist Cologne and Puteri Pretty Chic Mist
Cologne represented in the advertisements?

This study has the following purposes:
1. to show the signifiers presented in Puteri Red Glam Mist Cologne and
Puteri Pretty Chic Mist Cologne advertisements
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2. to show what the signifiers signify
3. to show how Puteri Red Glam Mist Cologne and Puteri Pretty Chic Mist
Cologne are represented in the advertisements

The method of the research used in the study is library research. I searched
for some examples of beauty product advertisements in magazines and chose two
Puteri Mist Cologne advertisements as my data sources. Furthermore, I read some
books about semiotics and advertisements to support my analysis. I also searched
for some articles dealing about colors, fashion and make up to make my analysis
more comprehensive.

This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction,
which contains the Background of the Study, Statement of the Problems, Purpose
of the Study, Method of Research, and Organization of the Thesis. Chapter Two is
the Theoretical Framework, which contains the elaboration of the semiotic theory
that I used to analyze the data. Chapter Three is the analysis of two advertisements
of Puteri Mist Cologne. Next, Chapter Four, which is the last chapter in my thesis,
presents the conclusion of the analysis. The Bibliography and Appendices are put
at the end of this thesis.

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After analyzing the two advertisements of Puteri Mist Cologne, I find out
that there are some similarities and differences in both advertisements.
Concerning the similarity in both advertisements, I see that both of the
advertisements have the same concept, which is elegance. In the first
advertisement, the use of the visual signifiers such as the woman model’s make
up, hair style and gown can emphasize the concept of elegance. The concept is
also shown through the visual signifiers in the second advertisement. They are in
the woman model’s hair style, gown, shoes, bracelet, bag, fur shawl, wallpaper,
parquet and mirror. However, different from the first advertisement, the concept
of elegance in the second advertisement is shown not only through the visual
signifiers, but also through the textual signifier, which is in the tagline I am Pretty
Chic, as the word chic means elegant (“Chic”). Based on those results of the
analysis, I conclude that the concept of elegance is more emphasized in the second
advertisement than in the first advertisement.

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Through the similarity in the two advertisements, I conclude that both
variants of the product are intended for those who want to be elegant. As
mentioned in the previous chapter, being elegant is related to be attractive. And
female teenagers, at their age, want to look attractive so that they will be able to
make men interested in them. Since these two advertisements are about beauty
products for female teenagers, I think the concept of elegance is put in the two
advertisements because the advertiser tries to catch female teenagers’ attention by
offering them something that they desire, which may help them feel attractive.
Another similarity of the two advertisements is in the use of English in the
textual signifiers. These two advertisements are actually advertising products
made in Indonesia. Yet, both the advertisements use English words in their
taglines, which contain the name of the variants of the product. In the first
advertisement, the tagline is “I am Red Glam,” while in the second advertisement
it is “I am Pretty Chic.” In my opinion, the use of English words in the taglines
for these two advertisements is caused by the preference of Indonesian people to
using English. As mentioned in Chapter Three, to Indonesians, English is a trendy
language. Thus, the use of English in promoting a product will make the sale
increase more than it will if it uses only Bahasa Indonesia. It gives me an idea that
when an Indonesian beauty product is promoted in English, the product will be
more attractive and exclusive. Since Puteri Mist Cologne advertisement is using
English words in its tagline, this product is represented as a worth-buying product.
These two advertisements do not only have similarities, but also
differences. Apart from the same concept of elegance, the two advertisements
have other concepts that are different from each other. In the first advertisement,
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the other concept is glamour, which represents the product as a product for those
who want to be glamorous. This can be shown through the visual signifiers of the
first advertisement. The woman model is wearing a crown, a modern burgundy
red ball gown and burgundy red lipstick. The portrayal of the woman model in the
first advertisement is suitable for the characteristics of a glamorous woman. On
the other hand, in the second advertisement there is another concept, femininity,
so the product is represented as a product for those who want to be feminine. In
this advertisement, the woman model is wearing a pink-gold ball gown, pink eye
shadow as well as pink blush on and lipstick, which are suitable for the
characteristics of a feminine woman.
In addition, the different representations of the variants of the product in
the first and second advertisements can be seen through the textual signifiers.
There is a tagline “I am Red Glam, wangiku, gayaku” in the first advertisement,
while in the second advertisement, the tagline is “I am Pretty Chic, wangiku,
gayaku.” As mentioned before, Red Glam signifies glamour, thus the tagline in
the first advertisement gives knowledge that the perfume scent presents a
glamorous style. By contrast, in the second advertisement, Pretty Chic shows
femininity. Thus, the tagline gives knowledge that the perfume scent has a
feminine style.
The findings of the similarities and differences in the representations lead
me to the conclusion that these two advertisements try to represent the products as
products for people with different styles; yet, they have the same basic need.
Through these advertisements, I can clearly see that the product in each
advertisement is represented in a different way because the concept that is
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presented in each advertisement refers to a different style. In the first
advertisement, the concept of glamour refers to the glamorous style. Thus, the
product is represented as a product for those who want to be glamorous. On the
other hand, the concept of femininity in the second advertisement refers to
feminine style. Therefore, the product is represented as a product for those who
want to be feminine. However, elegance, which is the similar concept in the two
advertisements, exists because this particular concept refers to the same basic
need of women. Both the glamorous style women and the feminine style ones
want to be attractive. Thus, I conclude that the two variants of the same product
are represented as products which can satisfy the same desire of women and are
suitable for any style as every woman has their own style.
After doing the analysis of these advertisements through a semiotic
approach, I realize that the concept of every advertisement will be clearly seen if
we analyze the signifiers in the advertisement. It is also interesting for us to find
out what those signifiers signify. However, I also realize that there is no absolute
meaning for every single signifier. One signifier may have multiple meanings and
For the next researchers who are interested in analyzing similar data, I
suggest that they should try to analyze the whole variants of the product so that
they will find out how the advertiser represents all of the variants of the product.
Last but not least, it is advisable that the next researchers should use Barthes’
theory to analyze advertisements so that they will be able to reveal the myth
behind the advertisements.
(1061 words)
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