Semiotic analysis on cellular phone advertisements of samsung galaxy series using c/.s peirce's theory





A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanity Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Strata 1







Izhar Azmi Faturahman, Semiotic Analysis on Cellular Phone Advertisements of Samsung Galaxy Series using C.S Peirce’s Theory. Thesis: English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2014.

This thesis is aimed at knowing the semiosis process occurring and the meaning containing in the advertisements of Samsung Galaxy Series by using triangle semiosis process of C.S Peirce’s theory (representemen, object and interpretent). The analysis technique used here is descriptive method to describe the processes and meanings of the advertisements.

The finding shows that: first, Peircian’s theory can describe how the semiosis process or the process of meaning making spesifically to the interaction between the representament, the object, and the interpretant is on each datum. Second, Peircian’s theory can give the hidden meaning contained at all the advertisements of Samsung Galaxy Series related to the interpretation of the writer himself.







I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, October 23th, 2014




In the Name Of Allah, the Most Gracious, And the Most Merciful

There is no word better than praises be to Allah, who always gives the writer much of pleasant and his amazing guidance until the writer can accomplish all the processes of this thesis. Peace and salutation forever be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has become the best model attitudes to be followed by us as Muslims.

In this good moment, first of all, the writer would like to express his greatest honor to his family, his uncle Taufik Hidayat who finances the writer’s education, may Allah bless you, and especially his mother Leni Yulpita and his little sister Iznadiar Azkiani, who always support and pray the best for the writer.

Secondly, the writer would like to adress his greatest honor and thankful to his advisors, Hilmi Akmal, M.Hum and Drs. H. Abdul Hamid, M.Ed, who always guide, support, and encourage the writer during making this thesis from the beginning until the ending. The writer will never forget about all of their kindness until the end of time.

Furthermore, the writer would like to express his honor also to those who have helped him in finishing this thesis, they are:

1. Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman, M.Hum, the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Jakarta.



3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department. 4. All the staffs of English Letters Department.

5. All the Lectures who have taught him in English Letters Department from the first semester until he accomplishes the study.

6. Itqiyatussilmy, the girl who always cares, supports, accompanies, and never feels tired in understanding the writer’s condition.

7. All my beloved friends in Happy C Family who have become the writer’s friends from the first semester until now.

Jakarta, October 23th, 2014









TABLE OF CONTENTS ……….………. vii


A. Background of the Study ……….. 1

B. Focus of the Study ……… 4

C. Research Question ……… 4

D. Significance of the Research ……… 4

E. Research Methodology …..………... 5

1. The Objectives of Research ………. 5

2. The Method of Research ...……….………….. 5

3. The Instrument of the Research ………... 6

4. The Data Analysis Technique ……….. 6

5. The Unit Analysis ……… 7


A. Previous Research ……… 8

B. Theoretical Description ...……….… 9

1. Definition of Semiotics ……….. 9

2. Peirce’s Theory of Semiotics ………..………. 10

3. Three Tricotomies of Signs ………..…… 13

4. Advertising ………... 17



A. The Data Description ………. 22

B. The Data Analysis ……….. 25

1. Datum 1 ……… 25

2. Datum 2 ……… 28

3. Datum 3 ……… 31

4. Datum 4 ……… 34

5. Datum 5 ……… 37

6. Datum 6 ……… 40


A. Conclusion ………...……….. 43

B. Suggestion ……….. 44






A. Background of the Study

Human are social beings. In order to communicate each other, they need a language. Language was an important tool in communication. As we know that language is any system of formalized symbols, signs, sounds, gestures, or the like used or conceived as a means of communicating thought, emotion, etc.1 While, communication is passing of information or exchange of ideas from the sender to the receiver using a language. So then, between a language and a communication are correlated each other.

Furthermore, in the communication, there are verbal and non-verbal communications. Both verbal and non-verbal have an important role in an advertisement. It is because in the advertisement consists a written language as the example of verbal communication, and the symbols or pictures as the example of non-verbal communication. Moreover in the process of communication between the sender and the receiver, there are ways: direct and indirect communication. Direct communication is when the true intentions are revealed in the verbal messages, or it is the communication between two people or more without any media or the meaning of the message is communicated mainly via words. For instance is the conversation between two people. Meanwhile, indirect communication is when the true intentions are hidden, or communication using

1 acessed on Monday, 28 April 2014, 1.25.p.m.



media to convey the message or idea to recipients.2 For example, a soap company shares its products through an advertisement in television, radio, or social media.

In this era, there are many ways for the advertisement creators to make an advertisement. They always make it as good as they able to create. The choosing of words, colors, and images become the main point as the tool to persuade the listeners and the readers to buy their product or to use their service. For instance, the advertisement of cigarette, the advertisement creator will choose the simple and ease words as their tag line which represents the product. So they put the suitable picture and color to make the advertisement is more attractive to persuade the reader or the listener. So then, they can get the point massage that delivered by the advertisement creator.

In order to get the meaning, analyzing, and understanding about the advertisement language is not as easy as we predict, but we can use semiotic approach. Semiotics is the study of sign or the science that study about the sign in human beings. It means, every exist things in our life is looked as the sign, that is something that we should give them meaning.3 The advertisement can be studied through semiotics approach because in an advertisement consists of many signs such images, words, comparisons, brand names, and visual logos. Many approach of semiotics, one of them is Charles Sander Peirce’s semiotics theory. Peirce argued that sign can be forms through his triadic relation are called

2Sarah Griffith, “Intercultural Business Communication: Direct and Indirect Communication”,

in accessed on Friday, 7 march 2014, 1.20 p.m


Benny H. Hoed. Semiotik dan Dinamika Sosial Budaya. Second Edition, (Depok: Komunitas Bambu, 2011), p.3


representament, object, and interpretant. The example of it is such as the symbol of the red lamp in the traffic lamp. The red lamp in the traffic lamp is as the

representatement, and the object is the lamp which has red color, and interpretant

of it is the meaning of the red lamp on the traffic lamp is all the vehicles must stop at that time.

In a semiotic sense, signs take the form of words, images, sounds, gestures and objects.4 In general, semiotics theories take signs or sign systems as their object of study.5 Because of language can be formulized from a signal or symbol, then, language is also can be studied through semiotics.

This case is found in the advertisement of Samsung Galaxy cellular phone too. It is interesting to be analyzed because in all these advertisements, the advertisement creator uses the unique and attractive words, picture, and color as the symbols or icons. The object of this thesis is Samsung Galaxy Series because from 2013 Samsung Company by its Android System has been standing out from the other companies of mobile phone especially BlackBerry Company which was the popular and sophisticate mobile phone on that time by its BBM system. So this thesis tries to analyze the semiosis process that occurs and the meaning of the object by the semiotics approach by Charles Sander Peirce’s theory.


Daniel Chandler. Semiotics: The Basics. Second Edition (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2007), p.2


Steven C. Hamel, “Preface” in Steven C. Hamel (ed) Semiotics Theory and Applications. (New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2011), p.vii



B. Focus of the study

In order to limit the field of this research, this research is only focused on the symbols and icons that appear at six cellular phone advertisements of Samsung Galaxy series (Samsung Galaxy Grand, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3). It is because the object of the research should be an up to date one, then those cellular phones are the latest popular one since the writer have been starting the thesis.

C. Research Question

Based on the background of the study, the research questions are:

a. How does the semiosis process occur at six cellular phone advertisements of Samsung Galaxy series (Samsung Galaxy Grand, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3)?

b. What are the meanings contained at six cellular phones of Samsung Galaxy series advertisement (Samsung Galaxy Grand S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3) after describing through semiosis process?

D. Significance of the Research

There are two significances of the research. Theoretically, this research will give contribution to the development of linguistics especially in the study of semiotics and this research will give the benefit to the other students as one of their references in analyzing about semiotics field. Practically, this research will help the society or the readers to understand more about the meaning contained at


six cellular phone advertisements of Samsung Galaxy series (Samsung Galaxy Grand, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3) or the signs found in their daily life especially using Charles Sanders Peirce’s theory.

E. Research Methodology

1. The Objectives of Research

The objective of the study is to achieve certain goals. Based on the research question above, they are:

1) To know how the semiosis process occur at six cellular phone advertisements of Samsung Galaxy series (Samsung Galaxy Grand, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3)

2) To know the meanings contained at six cellular phone advertisements of Samsung Galaxy series (Samsung Galaxy Grand, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3) after describing through semiosis process.

2. The Method of Research

The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method through the semiotics approach by Peirce’s theory to describe the semiosis process and the meaning on six cellular phone advertisements of Samsung Galaxy series (Samsung Galaxy Grand, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3).



3. The Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research is the writer himself in collecting data. Here the writer conducts several steps, such as: collecting the advertisements of Samsung Galaxy Series from internet, selecting six advertisements which have the icon and symbol randomly, taking notes to differ the signs, and then analyzing the collecting data to uncover the meanings.

4. Data Analysis Technique

The aim of data analysis is to analyze the data clearly, so the data analysis can be understood easily. Then, those advertisements will be analyzed through descriptive analysis technique using semiotics approach of Charles Sander Peirce theory. The technique will be applied by using the following steps:

a. Collecting the data:

1) Downloading the advertisements of the Samsung Galaxy series (Samsung Galaxy Grand, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3).

2) Choosing randomly the advertisement which will be the objects of the research.

b. Data analysis:

1) Writing some notes about semiotic theory especially semiotic theory of Peirce.

2) Telling the signs contained in the data.

3) Describing the semiosis process of the data by using semiotic triangle of Peirce.


4) Showing the meanings contained in the data. c. Writing a report of the study.

5. The Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this research is six selected cellular phone advertisements of Samsung Galaxy series (Samsung Galaxy Grand, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3) taking from internet. Those all have been enclosed at the appendices.





A. Previous Research

Tazkiyatul Fikriyah A’la, 2011, in her thesis by the title “A Semiotic Analysis on The A-Mild Advertisements Using Roland Barthes Theory”, used theory of Roland Barthes to analyze the signs. She explained descriptively all the data. She tried to give the meaning of all the billboard’s advertisements on the roads in Jakarta. She tried to find out the connotation meaning of the verbal and the non-verbal sign of A-Mild cigarette advertisements viewed from the denotation with Barthes’s theory and identified its myth.

Anwar Yasin, 2011, in his thesis, “A Semiotic Analysis of Education Advertisements on Campus Magazine”, tried to find out the meaning by using triangle semiotics concepts, but in the analysis chapter, he didn’t draw the Peirce’s triangle to show the relation between the object, representment, and interpretent. He used the table to describe them, and then explained them descriptively. He didn’t tell how many icon and symbol that found in every advertisement.

Hendi, 2011, in his thesis under title “A Semiotic Analysis on Nokia’s Advertisements Based on Charles Sander Peirce”, tried to find out the interpretation from the combination of the texts and pictures in the six selected advertisements of Nokia mobile phone through the semiotic analysis concept of Peirce and to find out the message which contained on those selected


advertisements. In his analysis, he didn’t describe the icons and symbols separately. He gathered them in one explanation.

So, in the writer’s thesis untitled “A Semiosis Process Analysis on Six Cellular Phone Advertisements of Samsung Galaxy Series using C.S Peirce’s Theory", which makes it different from previous researches is the thesis tries to explain the semiosis process that occurs on those advertisements and the signs meaning (icons and symbols) that contained on them after analyzing through semiosis process used Peirce’s triangle concept. The thesis will draw the Peirce’s triangle to show the relation between the object, representment, and interpreten. Furthermore, the icons and the symbols will be described separately and descriptively.

B. Theoritical Description 1. Definition of Semiotics

Semiotics is the study of sign or the science that study about the sign in human beings. It means, every exist things in our life is looked as the sign, that is something that we should give them meaning.6 Semiotics is concerned with everything that can be taken as a sign. A sign is everything which can be taken as significantly substituting for something else.7


Benny H. Hoed, Op.Cit. p.3




Semiotics involves the study not only of what we refer to as 'signs' in everyday speech, but of anything which 'stands for' something else. In a semiotic sense, signs take the form of words, images, sounds, gestures and objects.8

The object or subject matter of semiotic inquiry is not just signs but the action of signs or semiosis. This action, we now see, occurs at a number of levels that can be distinguished or identified as specific spheres or zones of sign activity.9

It is well known that semiotics as we find it today traces back mainly to two contemporaneous pioneers, one in the field of linguistics and one in the field of philosophy. The first of these, Ferdinand de Saussure, envisioned the possible developments under the label of semiology, which seems to have been a word of his own coining, fashioned, of course, from the Greek semeion. The second, C. S. Peirce, chose the name semiotic, also fashioned from the Greek but not of Peirce's own coining.10

2. Peirce’s theory of semiotics

Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914), whose surname is pronounced „purse’, was a son of Benjamin Peirce, a Harvard professor of mathematics and astronomy and, at the time, America’s foremost mathematician.11

C.S.Peirce was the founder of pragmatism and a pioneer in the field of semiotics. His work


Daniel Chandler. Semiotics for Beginners. 1994, p.8


John N Deely. Basics of Semiotics Advances in Semiotics. (London: Indiana University Press. 1990), p.105


Ibid. p.3-4



investigated the problem of meaning, which is the core aspect of semiosis as well as a significant issue in many academic fields.12

Peirce said that a sign is an object which stands for another to some mind.13 Signs take the form of words, images, sounds, odors, flavors, acts or objects, but such things have no intrinsic meaning and become signs only when we invest them with meaning. „Nothing is a sign unless it is interpreted as a sign’, declares Peirce in another book14.

In Peirce’s own words:

A sign . . . [in the form of a representamen] is something which stands to somebody for something in some respect or capacity. It addresses somebody, that is, creates in the mind of that person an equivalent sign, or perhaps a more developed sign. That sign which it creates I call the

interpretant of the first sign. The sign stands for something, its object. It stands for that object, not in all respects, but in reference to a sort of idea, which I have sometimes called the ground of the representamen.15

To use Peirce’s terminology, we can say that the sign, in the broad sense, consists of three interconnected elements: (1) the sign in the narrow sense, also referred to as the representamen, i.e. that which represents something else; (2) the

object, i.e. that which the sign stands for, that which is represented by it; and finally (3) the (possible or potential) meaning the sign allows for, which may


Floyd Merrell. Peirce, Signs, And Meaning, (Toronto Buffalo London: University Of Toronto Press. 1997), p.2


Steven C. Hamel. Op.Cit. p.67


Daniel Chandler. Semiotics The Basics. Second edition. (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2007), p.13




materialize as its translation into a new sign. Peirce refers to this as the


The interaction between the representamen, the object and the interpretant

is referred to by Peirce as „semeiosis’. A good explanation of how Peirce’s model works is offered by one of his own students, Roderick Munday17:

Semeiosis, this term (also spelled semiosis) was used by Peirce to refer to the process of meaning-making – specifically to the interaction between the representamen, the object and the interpretant.18 According to Peirce semosis is unlimited process, however, Eco refuse it by the argument that semiosis process will stop when human restricted by supra individual principle. Individual principle is cultural rule that decided and restricted the autonomy for doing interpretant process in human mind. That can be understood because Eco saw the sign as unit of culture.19


Jorgen Dines Johanson & Sven Erik Larsen. Sign in Use an Introduction to Semiotics. (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2005), p.27


Daniel Chandler. Op. Cit. p.30


Ibid p.259


Benny H. Hoed. Op. Cit. p.26


Object Interpretent


Nicole said in the site that Peirce tries to engender and to process signs in order to make them meaningful through an intricate interplay among firstness, secondness, and thirdness.

1. Firstness is a conception of being that is independent of anything else.

2. Secondness is the mode of being that is in relation to something else. This is the category that includes the individual, experience, fact, existence, and action-reaction.

3. Thirdness belongs to the domain of rules and laws; however, a law can only be manifested through the occurrences of its application, that is, by secondness; and these occurrences themselves actualize qualities, and therefore, firstness. Thirdness is the mediator through which a first and a second are brought into relation.20

3. Three Trichotomies of Signs

Peirce developed an elaborate typology of signs, beginning with a triadic classification of the sign correlates representament, object, and interpretant into three trichotomies.21 First, according to the sign in itself is a mere quality, is an actual existent, or is a general law. Secondly, according to the relation of the sign to its object consists in the sign's having some character in itself, or in some existential relation to that object, or in its relation to an interpretant. Thirdly,


Nicole Desmedt Everaert. “Peirce’s Semiotics”, in, acessed on Saturday, 8 March 2014, at 8.58 p.m.




according to its Interpretant represents it as a sign of possibility or as a sign of fact or a sign of reason.22

According to the first division, a sign may be termed a Qualisign, a Sinsign, or a Legisign. A Qualisign isa quality which is a Sign. It cannot actually act as a sign until it is embodied; but the embodiment has nothing to do with its character as a sign. The example is the green color. A Sinsign (where the syllable sin istaken as meaning “being only once,” as insingle, simple, Latin semel, etc.) is an actual existent thing or event which is a sign. It can only be so through its qualities; so that it involves a qualisign, or rather, several qualisigns. But these qualisigns are of a peculiar kind and only form a sign through being actually embodied. The example is a trafic lamp. A Legisign is a law that is a sign. This law is usually established by men. Every conventional sign is a legisign [but not conversely]. It is not a single object, but a general type which, it has been agreed, shall be significant. The example is sound of a witsle’s umpre in soccer game23

According to the second trichotomy, a sign may be termed an Icon, an Index, or a Symbol. An Icon is a sign which refers to the Object that it denotes merely by virtue of characters of its own, and which it possesses, just the same, whether any such Object actually exists or not. The example is a photo in profile picture on ID Card. An Index is a sign which refers to the Object that it


Charles Sander Peirce. The Collected Paper of Charles Sanders Peirce. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1931-1935). p.367



denotes by virtue of being really affected by that Object. The example is smoke as the sign there is fire. A Symbol is a sign which refers to the Object that it denotes by virtue of a law, usually an association of general ideas, which operates to cause the Symbol to be interpreted as referring to that Object. The example is a flag and language.24

According to the third trichotomy, a sign may be termed a Rheme, a Dicisign or Dicent Sign or an Argument. A Rheme is a Sign which, for its Interpretant, is a sign of qualitative possibility, that is, is understood as representing such and such a kind of possible Object. Any Rheme, perhaps, will afford some information; but it is not interpreted as doing so. The example is a concept. A Decisign is a Sign, which, for its Interpretant, is a sign of actual existence. It cannot, therefore, be an Icon, which affords no ground for an interpretation of it as referring to actual existence. A Dicisign necessarily involves, as a part of it, a Rheme, to describe the fact which it is interpreted as indicating. But this is a peculiar kind of Rheme; and while it is essential to the Dicisign, it by no means constitutes it. The example is descriptive statement. An Argument is a Sign which, for its Interpretant, is a Sign of law. Or we may say that a Rheme is a sign which is understood to represent its object in its characters merely; that a Dicisign is a sign which is understood to represent its object in




respect to actual existence; and that an Argument is a sign which is understood to represent its Object in its character as sign. The example is a preposition25

Here is the table of three trichotomies of sign in order to make clearer understanding: Quality Firstness Reality Secondness Law/ Rule Thirdness Representament

Firstness Qualisign Sinsign Legisign


Secondness Icon Index Symbol


Thirdness Rheme Dicent Argument

Table 1. Three Trichotomies of Signs26

Peirce's "most fundamental division of signs" between icon, index, and symbol has frequently been applied to the study of advertisements. Pictures of the product and its consumers, comparisons, metaphors, and other signs referring to their object by similarity belong to the domain of the icon in advertising. Symbols appear in the languages, brand names, trademarks, and visual logos. In its most prototypical function, however, the advertiser's attempt to draw the consumer's attention to the product implies an act of pointing, which is the sign type of an index.27 So then, this thesis uses Peircean semiotic theory to analyze the data.


Ibid, p.368


Paul Cobley. Op.Cit. p.31



4. Advertising

According to Nushart, advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideals, or services. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particular brand.28

Advertising falls into three main categories: (1) consumer advertising,

which is directed towards the promotion of some product, (2) trade advertising, in which a sales pitch is made to dealers and professionals through appropriate trade publications and media, and (3) political-social advertising, which is used by special-interest groups (such as anti-smolung groups) and politicians to advertise their platforms.29 This thesis uses the first category because it correlates to the object of the research which is representation designed to promote the sale or marketable goods.

Advertising has evolved into a vastly complex form of communication, with literally thousands of different ways for a business to get a message to the consumer.30 It is also done to build a brand identity, communicate changes in old products, or introduce new product or services to the customers.


Nushrat. Advertisement Is a Form of Communication Intended to Persuade an Audience”, in, accessed on Wedenesday, 16 April 2014, 08:03p.m.


Marcel Danesi. Messages Signs and Meanings A Basic Textbook in Semiotics and Communication Theory. Third edition. (University of Toronto, 2004) p.257

30 Paul Sugget. “Different Types of Advertising Methods”, in, accessed on Friday, 9 March, 2014. 10.16 p.m.



The different kinds of advertisements include print advertising, outdoor advertising, broadcast advertising, covert advertising, surrogate advertising, public service advertising and celebrity advertising. Advertising is the endorsement of a company's services and products carried out mainly to drive up sales of the services and products.31

There are many ways to spread an advertising message. A good ad campaign incorporates several types of advertising to get maximum exposure: (1) Television Advertising, (2) Radio Advertising, (3) Print Advertising, (4) Online Advertising, (5) Billboard Advertising, (6) In-Store Advertising, (7) Word of Mouth Advertising, (8). Endorsements.32

1) Television Advertising

TV commercials are a popular way to mass-market messages to large audiences. Although this medium has the ability to reach a high number of potential buyers, it is also one of the most costly forms of advertising. For example, one 30-second TV commercial during the Super Bowl cost about $3 million in 2009. Infomercials are another form of television advertising. The infomercial is different than a commercial because it is longer, includes more product information, and has more of a personal tone. Although they are also

31 accessed on Friday, 9 March, 2014. at 10.08 p.m.


Angie Gentri. “Types of Advertising”, in, accessed on Friday, 9 March, 2014, at 10.22 p.m.


costly to produce, infomercials are highly effective in creating impulse buys because of their demonstrative and persuasive nature.33

2) Radio Advertising

Radio commercials are an effective way for businesses to target a group of people based on location or similar tastes. For example, a local night club seeking college student clientele would probably consider advertising on a local pop station. Likewise, a country and western bar would choose a local country station.34

3) Print Advertising

Magazine and newspaper ads are another way to spread the word about a product or service. Print also offers the ability to target a specific audience based on geography or common interests. Print advertising usually includes larger display ads, as well as classified advertising. The classifieds are typically very affordable, whereas display ads are a bit more price.35

4) Online Advertising

Advertising online is an increasingly popular method for promoting a business. There are many forms of online advertising. Banner ads are image ads displayed on web pages. Google AdWords is another popular form of online advertising that matches an ad to an Internet user's search inquiry. Social network








marketing has been the fastest-growing form of Internet advertising. This includes using sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote a product or service. Many social networks have advertising available, such as Facebook Ads.36

5) Billboard Advertising

Billboard ads are large advertisements displayed on structures in public places. Most commonly, billboards are located along highways to target passing motorists. Another type of billboard advertising is a mobile banner or billboard. This can range from the signs seen at major sporting event arenas to billboard advertisements pasted on the sides of semi trailers.37

6) In-Store Advertising

In-store advertising takes place within a retail store. For example, a company that produces a new cleaning product might include an end cap display when they ship the product to stores. This gives the store an attractive display that draws attention to the new product. Other types of in-store advertising include banners and display cases.38

7) Word of Mouth Advertising

While some may argue that word of mouth is not advertising because it's free, this form of promotion is one of the most credible and priceless assets of any business. Even if business owners can't buy word of mouth advertising, they can







encourage their customers to tell their friends and family about the great product or service they purchased.39

8) Endorsements

Endorsement is similar to word of mouth promotion but typically does cost money. Having a product or service endorsed by a celebrity can increase sales and product awareness. Not every company can afford to have a major A-list celeb promoting a product, though. For smaller companies, consider using local celebrities or well-known individuals within the product's niche market. For example, many equine companies look for professional horse trainers to endorse their products.40







A. The Data Description

Based on the unit of analysis of this thesis, the object that will be analyzed in this chapter is six selected cellular phone advertisements of Samsung Galaxy series (Samsung Galaxy Grand, S3, S4, S5, Note 2, and Note 3). Those advertisements are taken from internet randomly. Then those all become the corpus of this thesis.

Here is the table of corpus data after being downloaded and collected:

Data Number Samsung Galaxy Series Advertisement

1 Samsung Galaxy Grand


3 Samsung Galaxy S4

4 Samsung Galaxy S5

5 Samsung Galaxy Note 2

6 Samsung Galaxy Note 3



In order to get the meaning of each datum clearly, the data will be analyzed used descriptive qualitative method by describing the semiosis process that occurs in each datum through Peirce’s theory. The theory used here just focused on Peirce’s second trichotomy of sign. It consists of symbol, icon, and index, where in the advertisement only consists of symbol and icon. The second trichotomy of sign by Peirce emphasizes the relationship between the representamen and its object. The symbol in the advertisement may be a sentence or language written on it, while the icon is the pictures, drawings, or photos. So, both symbol and icon will only be analyzed by the writer to uncover the hidden meaning of the advertisement which will be described and limited through the writer’s interpretation. Emphasizing, the writer here just focuses his object on slogans as the symbol and the pictures as the icon. If people buy one type mobile phone of Samsung Galaxy series, it may be the effect of its advertisement or because of the other factor which is called by index; the relationship between representamen and its object causally. The index is not being analyzed here because it needs further research to analyze it.


B. The Data Analysis

1. Datum 1 Samsung Galaxy Grand

This advertisement, Samsung Galaxy Grand, is equipped by three signs; two icons and one symbol. The two icons in this advertisement are the picture of mobile phone itself showing a clearer panorama than the shore around it and the drawing panorama around the picture of Samsung Galaxy Grand mobile phone showing a blur shore. The written language beside the mobile phone “your new world is waiting for you...” is the symbol of this advertisement.

There are three semiosis processes. In the first semiosis process, the drawing panorama around the picture of Samsung Galaxy Grand mobile phone showing a blur shore is the representamen (R) that represents its object (O) one of

the readers’ world conditions. The relationship between the representamen (R) and the object (O) produces the interpretant (I); the audiences need a new something to make our world is better because now, they are bored with our old world.



Fig.2. First Semiosis Process of Icon of Datum 1

The second semiosis process is the icon too. The picture of mobile phone itself showing a clearer panorama than the shore around it places as the representamen (R) which stands for its object (O) One of the advantages. The relationship between the representamen (R) and the object (O) produces the interpretant (I); through this mobile phone, the readers will find the new world.

Fig.3. Second Semiosis Process of icon of Datum 1 The drawing panorama around the

picture of Samsung Galaxy Grand mobile phone showing a blur shore is the representment. (R)

One of the readers’ world conditions. (O)

The audiences need something new to make our world is better because now, they are bored with our old world. (I)

One of the advantages. (O)

Through this mobile phone, the readers will find the new world. (I) The picture of mobile phone itself

showing a clearer panorama than the shore around it. (R)


The third semiosis process is the symbol. It is the written language “Your

new world is waiting for you” beside the mobile phone picture takes place as the representamen (R) that stands for its object (O) a new technology which is full of beauty of life. The relationship between the representamen (R) and the object (O) produces the interpretant (I); Samsung Galaxy Grand, that provides a new technology and feature inside, is waiting for people who need a new better world than the world where they are living.

Fig.4. Semiosis Process of Symbol of Datum 1

Samsung Galaxy Grand is one of android smartphone from the popular produser in Korea. This mobile phone is targeted for the people in the middle and the high class. The advertisement wants to tell us that Samsung Galaxy Grand has the advantages for them. One of those advantages is such a person who has this mobile phone can see clearer about the world. It because Samsung Galaxy Grand

“Your new world is waiting for you”. (R)

Samsung Galaxy

Grand, that provides a new technology and feature inside, is waiting for people who need a new better world than the world where they are living.(I)

A new technology which is full of beauty of life (O)



equipped with the new system of Android Jelly Bean which has fast and smooth moving gravis, 5” HD display, 8MP fixel camera and multi-window. Then, the advertisement used the word “world” to give the meaning that every single aspect of human life is here

2. Datum 2 Samsung Galaxy S3

Here, the advertisement consists of two signs. They are one icon and one symbol. The icon on this advertisement is the two pictures of mobile phone, and the written sentence “it doesn’t take a genius” takes place as the symbol. Then to find the hidden meaning of this advertisement, the writer will explain about the semiosis process of those signs.

The first semiosis process here is the icon. The two pictures of mobile phone (in the left side is the black iPhone 5and the right side is the white Samsung Galaxy S3) is as the representamen (R) that stands for its object (O) the comparison of two design and high quality of smart mobile phone. The


interpretant (I) here comes from the relationship between the representamen (R) and the object (O). That is Samsung Galaxy S3 has Samsung Galaxy S3 is more sophisticated than the mobile phone which has the higher price; iPhone 5.

Fig.5. Semiosis Process of Icon of Datum 2

The sentence of“it doesn’t take a genius” is the symbol that takes place as the representamen (R) standing for its object (O) one of the readers character in deciding a mobile phone. The relation between the representamen (R) and the object (O) produces the interpretant (I); the people don’t need to think more or to be a genius one to know which one is the best smart phone.

Samsung Galaxy S3 is more sophisticated than the mobile phone which has the higher price; iPhone 5. (I)

The comparison between the two designs and high qualities of smart mobile phone. (O)

The two pictures of mobile phone (in the left side is the black iPhone 5 and the right side is the white Samsung Galaxy S3). (R)



Fig.6. Semiosis Process of symbol of Datum 2

Samsung Galaxy S3 is one of the other mobile phone that produced by Samsung Company in 2013.

This advertisement wants to tell the message that there are many companies produce a smart mobile phone, and various types or series of smart phone in this age. Samsung Galaxy S3 mobile phone offers the readers the specifications are more sophisticated than iPhone 5 which is higher in price. Furthermore, to compare between both mobile phones we don’t need to be a genius first or to think harder because if we see from all the specifications, Samsung Galaxy S3 is better and more sophisticated. So, the readers don’t need to be hesitate to choose Samsung Galaxy S3 as their mobile phone which all its perfections. Moreover, the comparison of the color between those two cellular phones above shows that the white color represents goodness and the black color stand for the badness based on the virtue law. Then, it gives meaning too that Samsung Galaxy S3 is better than iPhone 5.

The people don’t need to think more or to be a genius one to know which one is the best smart phone. (I)

One of the readers characters in deciding a mobile phone. (O)


3. Datum 3 Samsung Galaxy S4

In the datum 3, the writer finds two signs consisting one symbol and one icon. The symbol in this advertisement is the announcement written on the top of it “your life companion is finally here”, and the picture of Samsung Galaxy S4 which showed from all sides is as the icon. The others written sentences in this advertisement are symbols too, but here, the writer limits his analysis only on its slogan.

The first semiosis process is the icon of this advertisement. The icon is the picture of Samsung Galaxy S4 showed from all sides (front, behind, and beside)

places the representamen (R) standing for its object (O) the real Samsung Galaxy S4. Between the representamen (R) and the object (O) have a relationship which produces the interpretant (I); the real Samsung Galaxy S4 has two variant colors and if the readers see at all sides, it will such what they see in the picture of the advertisement.



Fig.7. Semiosis Process of Icon of Datum 3

The declarative sentence on the top of picture Samsung Galaxy S4 “your

life companion is finally here” is the representamen (R) in the second semiosis process. It stands for its object (O) the role or function of this mobile phone. Furthermore, our life will be more perfect with Samsung Galaxy S4 because it can accompany us in daily lives, is the interpretant (I) which comes from the relationship between the representamen (R) and the object (O) above.

The real Samsung Galaxy S4 has two variant colors and if the readers see at all sides, it will such what they see in the picture of the advertisement. (I)

The real Samsung Galaxy S4. (O)

The picture of Samsung Galaxy S4 showed from all sides (front, behind, and beside). (R)


Fig.8. Semiosis Process of Symbol of Datum 3

As a real life companion, the new Samsung Galaxy S4 helps to bring us closer and captures those fun moments when we are together. Each feature was designed to simplify our daily lives.41

The hidden meaning on this advertisement wants to give us information that Samsung galaxy S4 is a mobile phone designed to be a partner for the readers’ daily life now. They can count on it to accompany them every day, every time, and every second they need it. It’s because this mobile phone can do what a friend can do and so it has a feature to record every single moments of the readers as one of its rules. Moreover, this mobile phone can give them recent news whatever they want to know easily. Then, the readers will not be worry anymore to do not have a friend in their life.

41, accessed on Sunday, 29th of June 2014. 5.25 p.m.

Our life will be more perfect with Samsung Galaxy S4 because it can accompany us in daily lives. (I)

The mobile phone’s rule or function. (O)

“Your life companion is finally here” (R)



4. Datum 4 Samsung Galaxy S5

In the fourth datum, there consists of two signs; one icon and one symbol. The icon of this advertisement is the black picture of Samsung Galaxy S5 and the symbol here is the written slogan beside the picture of this mobile phone “THE WAIT IS OVER, ANTICIPATE THE ARRIVAL”. There are two semiosis processes in this advertisement.

The representamen (R) in the first semiosis process of icon is the black picture of Samsung Galaxy S5at the right side of the advertisement. It stands for its object (O) the mobile phone design. The relationship between the representamen (R) and the object (O) produces the possible meaning or the interpretant (I); the black color around this advertisement is such as the darkness condition of the readers while waiting the coming of this mobile phone, and its design is not completely formed in the picture. It is intended to the readers feel more curious about this mobile phone.


Fig.9. Semiosis Process of Icon of Datum 4

In the second semiosis process, the representamen (R) is the declarative sentence beside the picture of this mobile phone “THE WAIT IS OVER,

ANTICIPATE THE ARRIVAL” that stands for its object (O) welcoming a new mobile phone. Both the representamen (R) and the object (O) have the relationship which produces the interpretant (I); A good news for the users of Samsung Mobile Phone and they have to be ready to grab Samsung Galaxy S5 fast.

The black color around this advertisement is such as the darkness condition of the readers while waiting the coming of this mobile phone, and its design is not completely formed in the picture. It is intended to the readers feel more curious about this phone. (I)

The mobile phone design. (O)

The black picture of Samsung Galaxy S5 at the right side of the advertisement. (R)



Fig.10. Semiosis Process of Symbol of Datum 4

Samsung goes for evolution over revolution again. Samsung Galaxy S5 is an Android smartphone produced by Samsung Electronics, which serves as the immediate successor to 2013's Galaxy S4. This advertisement wants to tell the readers a message that it is a pleasant news for the Samsung mobile phone users that Samsung Galaxy S5 is the waited mobile phone. This, Samsung’s latest flagship phone, is the answer for them who always need a new better device from Samsung Company. It’s different with the previous mobile phones. All the specifications are renewable and move forward to be the latest system. So, through this advertisement, the users are announced they have to anticipate this arrival and grab it fast.

A good news for the users of Samsung Mobile Phone and they have to be ready to grab Samsung Galaxy S5 fast (I)

Welcoming a new mobile phone (O)



5. Datum 5 Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Here is the advertisement of Samsung Galaxy Note 2 mobile phone. It is equipped by two signs; one icon and one symbol. The icon of this advertisement is the picture of a man holding a big painting of Mona Lisa where Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is as its frame, and the symbolic mode here is used imperative sentence “Be creative” on the top of this advertisement. So, here consists of two semiosis processes.

The icon, that will be the first semiosis process here, is the picture of a man holding a big painting of Mona Lisa where Samsung GalaxyNote 2 is as its frame that take place as the representamen (R) standing for its object (O) creative mode work. Then, the interpretent (I) here is the advertisement offers the readers to be a creative one using Samsung Galaxy Note 2.



Fig.11. Semiosis Process of Icon Datum 5

The second semiosis process of sign is the symbol. It is the imperative sentence “Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Be creative” as the representamen (R) that stands for its object (O) the innovation of this mobile phone. The relationship between the representamen (R) and the object (O) produces the interpretant (I);

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 makes someone to be a creative one and it will be the ideal device for anyone who wants to be expressive in creation, and make the users to live their life more extraordinary


The advertisement offers the readers to be a creative one using Samsung Galaxy Note 2. (I)

Creative mode work. (O)

The picture of a man holding a big painting of Mona Lisa where Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is as its frame. (R)


Fig.12. Semiosis Process of Symbol of Datum 5

Through this advertisement, Samsung Company announces the readers that now they produce a new smart mobile phone device persuading the readers or the customers who want to be a creative one, they have to use Samsung Galaxy Note 2. It is because this mobile phone offers them a new innovation inside to make them easier in creating something more extraordinary and to make something impossible becomes possible one. For the example is the picture of this advertisement. Actually, we can paint on the canvas, but now we can do painting on the mobile phone.

Samsung Galaxy Note 2 makes someone to be a creative one and it will be the ideal device for anyone who wants to be and expressive in making a creation, and make the users to live their life more extraordinary. (I)

The innovation of this mobile phone. (O)

“Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Be creative”. (R)



6. Datum 6 Samsung Galaxy Note 3

At the sixth datum, the advertisement is equipped by two signs. First is iconic mode; the picture of masculine hand of someone who is wearing coat and holding Samsung Galaxy Note 3 mobile phone. Second is symbolic mode; the written sentence “The Next Big Thing Is Here”. So, there are two semiosis processes in this advertisement.

In the first semiosis process, the picture of masculine hand of someone wearing coat and Samsung Gear is holding Samsung Galaxy Note 3 mobile phone

personates the representamen (R) of iconic mode which stands for its object (O) a rich and executive man. The relationship between the representamen (R) and the object (O) produces the interpretant (I); the users of this mobile phone are rich, masculine and executive people.


Fig.13. Semiosis Process of Icon of Datum 6

The next semiosis process is formed in symbolic mode. The sentence of

“The Next Big Thing Is Here” on the top of the advertisement is the representamen (R) which stands for its object (O) the advanced mobile phone. The relationship between the representamen (R) and the object (O) produces the interpretant (I); Samsung Company introduces the readers the latest advanced mobile phone which improves upon many features inside make it better to use especially for a businessman who need more perfect device in his work.

The users of this mobile phone are rich, masculine and executive people. (I) A rich and executive

man. (O)

The picture of masculine hand of someone wearing coat and Samsung Gear is holding Samsung Galaxy Note 3 mobile phone (R)



Fig.14. Semiosis Process of Symbol of Datum 6

In this advertisement, Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Gear are together. it enables the users or businessmen to be easier keep in touch with what the important things such receiving emails, calls, and texts only from their wrist (Samsung Galaxy Gear). Furthermore, the hidden message that contains in this advertisement is that both Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Galaxy Gear are the next big mobile phone for the executive men and these latest advanced mobile phones which improve upon many features inside make them better to use especially for a businessman who need more perfect device in his work. In addition, this mobile phone makes the users or we are who want to looks like a businessman and become an executive one have to use these mobile phones in our daily activities.

Samsung Company introduces the readers the latest advanced mobile phone which improves upon many features inside make it better to use especially for a businessman who need more perfect device in his work. (I)

The advanced mobile phone. (O)


43 A. Conclusion

After analyzing all the data in the previous chapter, a conclusion can be taken that the six advertisements of Samsung Galaxy Series can be analyzed through semiotics approach. It is because the advertisement is formed by languages, written texts, and pictures. In order to get the meaning from the advertisement, the writer uses semiosis process based on C.S. Peirce’s theory. The writer focuses on Peirce’s second tricotomy which emphasizes the relationship between the representamen and its object.

The representamen in the advertisement can be a symbol (sentence, written text) and an icon (pictures, drawings, or photos). If we see one of the advertisements of Samsung Galaxy series on internet, or public place, we will find some attractive written sentences or pictures there. These sentences and pictures are the representamen that stand for their object in our mind. Then, the relationship between the representamen and its object in our mind produces the different interpretation and meaning depend on our experience, knowledge or background. Then, the result of this process is called by interpretant where it perfects the semiosis process.

In addition, the research result shows that Peircian’s theory can describe the process meaning making and give the meaning that contained at the advertisements of Samsung Galaxy Series related to the interpretation of the



writer himself. If there is the differentiation in the interpretation between the writer and anyone, it doesn’t matter because Peirce said that the interpretation among people maybe different depend on their culture, background, knowledge, and experience.

B. Suggestion

After finishing this thesis, the suggestions that can be given to the readers who are interested in semiotics field, are: first, as we have known that language is sign. Sign can be formed in sentences, written texts, pictures, or drawings. We can find them everywhere and every time easily, for the example is in the advertisement. The advertisement makers deliver some messages to the readers using their creativity attractively. To understand those hidden messages or meanings, we can use semiotics approach. Semiotics has many theories are such C.S. Peirce, Ferdinand De Saussure, and Roland Barthes. So that, the readers should try to use one of their theories besides the theory used by the writer in this thesis because those theories can help you all in giving the hidden meanings or messages from every signs that you see variously.

Secondly, through this thesis, it hoped can give the benefits to the other students as one of their references in analyzing a sign of semiotics field. Especially for the English Letters Department students who want to do analysis about semiotics.




Chandler, Daniel. 2007. Semiotics: The Basics Second Edition. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Deely, John N. 1990. Basics of Semiotics Advances in Semiotics. London: Indiana University Press.

Eco, Umberto. 1979. A Theory of Semiotics. London: Indiana University Press.

Everaert, Nicole Desmedt. “Peirce’s Semiotics”, in, acessed on Saturday, 8 March 2014, at 8.58 p.m.

Gentri, Angie. “Types of Advertising”, in, accessed on Friday, 9 March, 2014, at 10.22 p.m.

Griffith, Sarah. “Intercultural Business Communication: Direct and Indirect

Communication”, in

Communication-The-difference-between-Direct-and-Indirect-Communication. accessed on Friday, 7 march 2014, 1.20 p.m

Hamel, C Steven. 2011. “Preface” in Steven C. Hamel (ed) Semiotics Theory and Applications. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Hoed, H Benny. 2011. Semiotik dan Dinamika Sosial Budaya. Second Edition. Depok: Komunitas Bambu.

Johanson, Jorgen Dines & Sven Erik Larsen. 2005. Sign in Use an Introduction to Semiotics. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Merrell, Floyd. 1997. Peirce, Signs, And Meaning. Toronto Buffalo London: University Of Toronto Press.

Noth, Winfried. 1990. Hand book of Semiotics.Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Nushrat. Advertisement Is a Form of Communication Intended to Persuade an

Audience”, in, accessed on Wedenesday, 16 April 2014, 08:03p.m.

Peirce, Charles Sander. 1931-1935. The Collected Paper of Charles Sanders Peirce. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Short, T. L. 2007. Peirce’s Theory of Signs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Sugget, Paul. “Different Types of Advertising Methods”, in, accessed on Friday, 9 March, 2014. 10.16 p.m. acessed on Monday, 28 April 2014, 1.25.p.m., accessed on Friday, 9 March, 2014. at 10.08 p.m., accessed on Sunday, 29th of June 2014. 5.25 p.m.


47 1. Datum 1



3. Datum 3




writer himself. If there is the differentiation in the interpretation between the writer and anyone, it doesn’t matter because Peirce said that the interpretation among people maybe different depend on their culture, background, knowledge, and experience.

B. Suggestion

After finishing this thesis, the suggestions that can be given to the readers who are interested in semiotics field, are: first, as we have known that language is sign. Sign can be formed in sentences, written texts, pictures, or drawings. We can find them everywhere and every time easily, for the example is in the advertisement. The advertisement makers deliver some messages to the readers using their creativity attractively. To understand those hidden messages or meanings, we can use semiotics approach. Semiotics has many theories are such C.S. Peirce, Ferdinand De Saussure, and Roland Barthes. So that, the readers should try to use one of their theories besides the theory used by the writer in this thesis because those theories can help you all in giving the hidden meanings or messages from every signs that you see variously.

Secondly, through this thesis, it hoped can give the benefits to the other students as one of their references in analyzing a sign of semiotics field. Especially for the English Letters Department students who want to do analysis about semiotics.




Chandler, Daniel. 2007. Semiotics: The Basics Second Edition. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Deely, John N. 1990. Basics of Semiotics Advances in Semiotics. London: Indiana University Press.

Eco, Umberto. 1979. A Theory of Semiotics. London: Indiana University Press. Everaert, Nicole Desmedt. “Peirce’s Semiotics”, in, acessed on Saturday, 8 March 2014, at 8.58 p.m.

Gentri, Angie. “Types of Advertising”, in, accessed on Friday, 9 March, 2014, at 10.22 p.m.

Griffith, Sarah. “Intercultural Business Communication: Direct and Indirect Communication”, in

Communication-The-difference-between-Direct-and-Indirect-Communication. accessed on Friday, 7 march 2014, 1.20 p.m

Hamel, C Steven. 2011. “Preface” in Steven C. Hamel (ed) Semiotics Theory and Applications. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Hoed, H Benny. 2011. Semiotik dan Dinamika Sosial Budaya. Second Edition. Depok: Komunitas Bambu.

Johanson, Jorgen Dines & Sven Erik Larsen. 2005. Sign in Use an Introduction to Semiotics. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Merrell, Floyd. 1997. Peirce, Signs, And Meaning. Toronto Buffalo London: University Of Toronto Press.

Noth, Winfried. 1990. Hand book of Semiotics.Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Nushrat. Advertisement Is a Form of Communication Intended to Persuade an Audience”, in, accessed on Wedenesday, 16 April 2014, 08:03p.m.

Peirce, Charles Sander. 1931-1935. The Collected Paper of Charles Sanders Peirce. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Short, T. L. 2007. Peirce’s Theory of Signs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Sugget, Paul. “Different Types of Advertising Methods”, in, accessed on Friday, 9 March, 2014. 10.16 p.m. acessed on Monday, 28 April

2014, 1.25.p.m., accessed on Friday, 9 March, 2014. at 10.08 p.m., accessed on Sunday, 29th of June 2014. 5.25 p.m.


47 APPENDICES 1. Datum 1



3. Datum 3


5. Datum 5