(B. Pertanian) DNA Sequencing and Determining of Tanin and Seed Gens in Order To Find New Superior Varieties of Salak Toward DNA Recombinant.

(B. Pertanian)
DNA Sequencing and Determining of Tanin and Seed Gens in Order To Find New Superior
Varieties of Salak Toward DNA Recombinant
Nandariyah; Hartati, Sri ; Wartoyo; Pardono
Fakultas Pertanian UNS, Penelitian, DP2M Dikti, Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, 2012
Indonesia is a center of origin and cultivation of Salak (Salacca zalacca Gaertner Voss) with a wide range
of quality fruit. Salak is one type of fruit that have a significant economic value as a commodity for
domestic and export trade. Fruits are consumed as fresh fruit and can be made as processed food. Taste
determining the selling fruits of salak. One of the taste determining is tannin content of fruit that causes
fruit to taste sepet less preferred by consumers.
The first year research aims to determine the diversity of salak accessions based on the fruit tannin
content, Grouping accessions of salak based on tannin content and to find a specific marker of the
molecular levels of tannins. Methods of laboratory research conducted at the Molecular Biology
Laboratory of Food Technology Faculty of UGM with tannin analysis and molecular diversity analysis
performed by the method of RAPD.
Based on the content of tannin in the fruit, can be classified three types of accessions that contains high
tannin, medium and low. By RAPD we grouping of accession salak in three groups there are Low, medium
and high tannin content. Generally low tannin content is owned by a group from Yogyakarta pondoh
salak, while the high tannin levels which is owned by the not pondoh salak except of Kediri and Bali
salak. The results of molecular analysis showed the diversity of characters from the accession salak.
Accession with a low tannin levels showed similarity type of DNA bands, including Gula pasir (Bali) salak,

black Pondoh Sleman and Madura salak. Which yield high tannin (Kecandran salak) has a specific
banding pattern different from the other accessions.