Cynthia Rachmidianti, 210110110604, 2011. Jurusan Hubungan
Masyarakat, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran. Penelitian ini
berjudul “Strategi Marketing Public Relations Travel Citi Trans” sebuah studi
deskriptif kualitatif mengenai strategi marketing public relations travel Citi Trans
dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis transportasi di Bandung. Penelitian ini dibawah
bimbingan H. Wawan Setiawan, Drs., M.I.Kom., sebagai pembimbing utama dan Aat
Ruchiat N, S.Sos., M.Si., sebagai pembimbing pendamping.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kegiatan apa saja yang dilakukan
Citi Trans dalam strategi push, pull, dan pass marketing public relations dalam
menghadapi persaingan bisnis transportasi di Bandung. Serta mengetahui peran
public relations dan marketing di sebuah perusahaan travel.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif
dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat
beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh travel Citi Trans melalui strategi push, pull,
dan pass marketing public relations, namun dari ketiga strategi tersebut, strategi pull
yang lebih banyak dilakukan oleh perusahaan.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan
melalui tiga strategi marketing public relations masih kurang dan terdapat proses
strategi yang tidak sesuai dengan konsep marketing public relations.

Saran penelitian ini adalah untuk menambahkan masing-masing kegiatan
dari strategi push, pull, dan pass, serta melakukan promosi yang lebih agresif dalam
kegiatan strategi push, pendekatan dengan konsumen dalam strategi pull, dan
melakukan CSR dalam strategi pass.



Cynthia Rachmidianti, 210110110604, 2011. Departement of Public
Relations, Faculty of Communications, University of Padjadjaran. This research
which titled “Strategy of Marketing Public Relations Citi Trans Travel Tour” is a
descriptive qualitative study about marketing public relations strategy of Citi Trans
Travel Tour to face up the competition in transportation business in Bandung. This
research is conducted below the guidance of H. Wawan Setiawan, Drs., M.I.Kom., as
the main supervisor and Aat Ruchiat N, S.Sos., M.Si., as the co- supervisor.
The aim of this research is to analyze any activities of push, pull, and pass
strategy in marketing public relations strategy to face up the competition in
transportation business in Bandung, and also lead us to know the role of public
relations and marketing in travel companies.

The method which is used for this research is qualitative one by using the
descriptive approachment. The research showed that there are some activities of
push, pull, and pass marketing public relations which has been done by the Citi Trans
travel, and companies almost use the pull strategy among those three ways.
The conclusion of this research shows that the activities of marketing public
relations strategy too less for product promotion and process on strategy not fit with
the concept of marketing public relations.
The suggestions of this study are to add each of the activities on push, pull,
and pass strategy, as well as promoting a more aggressive on push strategy,
approach with the consumer on pull strategy, and corporate social responsibility for
pass strategy.
