Strategi Viral Marketing Band Indie The Triangle.

Agung Praymesa, 210110090006, Strategi Viral Marketing Band Indie
The Triangle: Studi Kasus Deskriptif tentang Strategi Viral Marketing
Band Indie The Triangle dalam Promosi Lagu How Could You.
Pembimbing utama, Duddy Zein, Drs.,M.Si dan pembimbing pendamping
Uud Wahyudin, S.Sos.,M.Si , Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas
Penelit ian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana strategi vir a l
ma r keting band indie The Triangle dalam promosi lagu Ho w Could You .
Penelit ian ini menggunakan studi kasus deskriptif untuk memberikan
gambaran yang mendalam serta detail mengenai sebuah kasus yang ada di
dalamnya beserta konsep-konsep penelit ian. Kemudian, penelit ian ini
diuraikan melalui teknik deskript if dan analisa tema dalam penguraian
strategi vir a l ma r keting dalam promosi lagu Ho w Could You.
Hasil penelit ian ini menunjukkan bahwa The Triangle membuat
strategi pemasarannya dengan konsep Segmenting, Ta r geting, P ositioning
dan menggunakan niche ma r ket dalam memfokuskan target audiensnya.
Strategi Vir a l Ma r keting yang digunakan The Triangle dalam
mempromosikan lagu Ho w Could You adalah dengan membuat sebuah
website dan menggunakan situs jejaring sosial yang pada aplikasinya
keduanya dikoneksikan sehingga menghasilkan program tweet berbayar

dan QR Code.
The Triangle memperhat ikan lima prinsip dasar sebelum membuat
strategi vir a l ma r keting -nya yaitu memberikan produk dan layanan, proses
transfer informasi yang mudah, menggali dan membangkitkan motivasi
semua orang, memanfaatkan jaringan komunikas i yang ada, dan
memanfaatkan sumber daya orang lain.


Agung Praymesa, 210110090006, Viral Marketing Strategy on Indiependent
Band The Triangle : Descriptive Case Study about Viral Marketing Strategy on How
Could You Song Promotion of Independent Band The Triangle. Dudy Zein,Drs.,M.Si
as the First Supervisor and Uud Wahyudin, S.Sos.,M.Si as the second supervisor.
Faculty of Communication Science Faculty The University of Padjadjaran.
This research aims to understand how viral marketing strategy indie band
The Triangle in the promotion the song How Could You. This research uses
descriptive case studies to give you an idea the deep as well as details about a case
that is in it along with the concepts of research. Then, the research was ela borated
through descriptive techniques and analysis of the themes in the viral marketing

strategy involves the promotion of the song How Could You.
The results of this research show that The Triangle is making its marketing
strategy with the concept of Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning and using the niche
market in the focus the their audiens target. Viral Marketing strategy that used The
Triangle in promoting the song How Could You is by creating a website and use the
social networking site which in its application both connect to produce a program of
paid tweets and QR Code.
The five basic principles of observing The Triangle before making their viral
marketing strategy that delivers products and services, the information transfer
process easier, dig and raised everyone's motivation, leveraging existing
communication network, and exploit the resources of others.
