Final kurikulum PPs TL: Magister RPTML, Magister TPLP, Doktor TL FAKULTAS TEKNIK SIPIL DAN PERENCANAAN




  Menitikberatkan implementasi pembangunan infrastruktur lingkungan melalui: x Mampu mengkaji permasalahan secara komprehensif dan penyelesaian ilmiah. x Mampu merencanakan dan mengembangkan penelitian berorientasi pada kemutakhiran.


  x Mampu dan terampil mengembangkan kriteria

  Lulusan perencanaan serta mengaplikasikannya.

  x Mampu mengkomunikasikan karya ilmiah secara lisan dan tertulis. x Mampu mengintegrasikan ketrampilan teknis (hard skills) dan penunjang pelaksanaannya (soft skills).

  Focusing on implementation of infrastructure development

  • 2014


  x Able to carry out comprehensive scientific review and problem solving.

  Graduate x Able to plan and design a novel-oriented research works.

  ITS : 2009 Competence

  x Able to formulate planning and design criteria and their applications. x Able to communicate scientific works both in oral and

  rriculum writing. Cu x Able to integrate hard skills and soft skills.




  1 RE 092204 Mata Kuliah Umum Kedinasan

  2 Official General Lecture

  2 RE 092315 Strategi Pengembangan Prasarana Permukiman

  2 Development Strategies of Settlement


  3 RE 092317 Analisis Kelayakan Pembangunan Prasarana

  3 Lingkungan Permukiman


Feasibility Analysis of Environmental Settlement

Infrastructure Development

  4 RE 092318 Analisis Wilayah Perkotaan Dan Prasarana

  3 Permukiman

  Analysis of Urban Area and Settlement Infrastructure

  Jumlah sks/Total of credits


  1 RE 092316 Analisis Teknis Drainase

  2 Technical Analysis of Drainage

  2 RE 092319 Analisis Teknis Prasarana Air Minum Dan Air

  3 Limbah


Technical Analysis of Water and Wastewater


  3 RE 092320 Analisis Teknis Prasarana Persampahan

  3 Technical Analysis of Solid Waste Facilities

  4 RE 092321 Evaluasi Teknis Prasarana Lingkungan

  3 Permukiman (Studio I)

  Technical Evaluation of Environmrental

  • 2014

  Settlement Infrastructure (Studio I)

  Jumlah sks/Total of credits


  1 RE 092205 Metodologi Penelitian Dan Proposal Tesis: Tesis I

  2 ITS : 2009 Research Methodology and Thesis : Thesis I

  2 RE 092322 Pengembangan Rencana Dan Pengelolaan

  3 Prasarana Air Minum Dan Air Limbah

  rriculum Development Plan and Management of Water Cu and Wastewater Facilities

  3 RE 092323 Pengembangan Rencana Dan Pengelolaan

  3 Prasarana Persampahan Dan Drainase


Development Plan and Managemen of Solid


  4 RE 092324 Evaluasi Rencana Pengembangan Dan

  3 Pengelolaan Prasarana Lingkungan Permukiman (Studio II)

  Evaluation of The Development Plan and Management for Settlement Infrastructure (Studio II)

  Jumlah sks/Total of credits


  1 RE 092325 Tesis II

  4 Thesis II Jumlah sks/Total of credits



RE 092204: Mata Kuliah Umum Kedinasan

MATA KULIAH/ RE 092204: Official General Lecture COURSE TITLE Credits: 2sks/2credits

  Semester: I Mahasiswa mampu merencanakan dan merancang dan


TUJUAN mengevaluasi prasarana lingkungan permukiman

PEMBELAJARAN/ berdasarkan norma, standar dan peraturan yang berlaku.

  LEARNING Students are able to plan and design and evaluation for OBJECTIVES settlement infrastructure according to norms, standards and other-related regulations.

  x Mampu menyiapkan kriteria perencanaan. x Mampu menetapkan kriteria desain.

  • 2014

  x Mampu mengevaluasi kelayakan prasarana lingkungan permukiman.

  KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Able to provide planning criteria.

  ITS : 2009 x Able to determine design criteria.

  x Able to evaluate the feasibility of environmental settlement infrastructure.


  x Norma, standar dan peraturan yang berlaku. Cu x Metode penetapan kriteria perencanaan dan desain.

  POKOK x Metode evaluasi kelayakan prasarana permukiman. BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS

  x Norms, standards and other-related regulations. Kurikulum/ x Methods to evaluate the feasibility of settlement infrastructure. x Norma, standar dan peraturan di lingkungan kementerian

  PUSTAKA pekerjaan umum dan lingkungan hidup. UTAMA/ Norms, standards and other-related regulations within the

  REFERENCES ministry of public works and the ministry of living environment.

  RE 092315: Strategi Pengembangan Prasarana Permukiman RE 092315: Development Strategies of Settlement


  Infrastructure COURSE TITLE

  Credits: 2sks/2credits Semester: I

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menyusun rencana strategis di bidang PEMBELAJARAN/

  prasarana permukiman.

  LEARNING Students are able to prepare strategic planning for settlement OBJECTIVES infrastructure.

  x Mampu menetapkan visi dan misi pembangunan prasarana permukiman. x Mampu mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan kendala suatu pembangunan prasarana permukiman. x Mampu menyusun rencana strategis.


  x Able to determine vision and mission for settlement infrastructure development. x Able to identify strength, weakness, opportunity and

  • 2014 threats for settlement infrastructure development.

  x Able to prepare strategic planning. x Visi dan misi. x Analisis kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan kendala.

  ITS : 2009

  x Rencana strategis pengembangan untuk prasarana POKOK lingkungan permukiman eksisting.

  BAHASAN/ rriculum

  SUBJECTS Cu x Vision and mission.

  x Analysis of strength, weakness, opportunity and constratins. x Strategic planning for settlement infrastructure.

  PUSTAKA Kurikulum/ x Peavy, H.S. Rowe, D.R. and Tchobanoglous, G. 1995.


  x Salvato, J.A. 1972. Environmental Engineering and Sanitation. John Wiley and Sons. NY. x Walcely, P.J. Schmeter, H, Mumtaz, B. 1972. Urban

  Housing Strategies: Education and Realization. Pitman Publishing. London.

  RE 092317: Analisis Kelayakan Pembangunan Prasarana Lingkungan Permukiman MATA KULIAH/ RE 092317: Feasibility Analysis of Environmental Settlement COURSE TITLE Infrastructure Development

  Credits: 3sks/3credits Semester: I

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu melakukan analisis kelayakan proyek PEMBELAJARAN/ prasarana permukiman.

  LEARNING Students are able to carry out an analysis of project feasibility OBJECTIVES for settlement infrastructure.

  x Mampu mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek kelayakan proyek. x Mampu menganalisis kelayakan proyek dengan kajian aspek-aspek secara terpadu.

  KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Able to identify project feasibility aspects.

  x Able to analyse project feasibility by means of integrated aspects. x Kelayakan proyek ditinjau dari segi teknik, ekonomi, finansial, kelembagaan, peranserta masyarakat dan lingkungan.

  • 2014

  x Kajian dilakukan untuk sektor perumahan, air minum, air POKOK limbah, persampahan dan drainase.


  x Project feasibility that is assessed by means of technical,

  ITS : 2009 economical, financial, institutional, social and environmental aspects.

  x Case study for settlement, drinking water, wastewater,

  rriculum solid waste and drainage sectors. Cu

  x Ruffalis, G.A. 1993. Comprehensive Guide to Water and

  PUSTAKA Wastewater Finance and Pricing. Second Edition. Lewis UTAMA/ Publisher, Michigan.


  x Chaturvedi, M.C. 1992. Water Resources Systems Kurikulum/ x Bedient, P.B. and Huber, W.C. 1992. Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis. 2nd ed. Addison Wesley. Reading. x Mays, L.W. and Yeou-Koung, T. 1992. Hydrosystems Engineering and Management. McGraw-Hill. New York. x Biswas, A.K. (ed). 1976. Systems Approach to Water Management. MCGraw-Hill. New York.

  RE 092318: Analisis Wilayah Perkotaan Dan Prasarana Permukiman MATA KULIAH/ RE 092318: Analysis of Urban Area and Settlement COURSE TITLE Infrastructure

  Credits: 3sks/3credits Semester: I Mahasiswa mampu melakukan analisis prasarana

  TUJUAN permukiman dalam dinamika perkembangan wilayah PEMBELAJARAN/


  LEARNING Students are able to carry out an analysis of settlement OBJECTIVES infrastructure, considering the dynamics of urban development.

  x Mampu mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek perkembangan perkotaan. x Mampu mengintegrasikan penyediaan prasarana

  KOMPETENSI/ permukiman dan dinamika perkembangan kota.

  COMPETENCY x Able to identify the aspects of urban development.

  x Able to integrate the provision of settlement

infrastructure and urban development.

  • 2014 x Dinamika perkembangan perkotaan.

  POKOK x Kebutuhan infrastruktur lingkungan perkotaan. BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x The dynamics of urban development.

  ITS : 2009 x The needs of urban environmental infrastructure.

  x Turner, J.F.C.1976. Housing by People. Marion Boyars.

  PUSTAKA London. rriculum


  x Walcely, P.J. Schmeter, H, Mumtaz, B. 1972. Urban


  Housing Strategies: Education and Realization. Pitman Publishing. London.


  COURSE TITLE RE 092316: Technical Analysis of Drainage

  Credits: 2sks/2credits

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis suatu konsep rancangan PEMBELAJARAN/ teknis fasilitas drainase.

  LEARNING Students are able to analyse the engineering design concept OBJECTIVES for drainage facility.

  x Mampu mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek teknis pengaliran limpasan air hujan.

  KOMPETENSI/ x Mampu menganalisis rancangan teknis drainase.

  COMPETENCY x Able to identify technical aspects runoff.

  x Able to analyse engineering design for drainage. x Siklus hidrologi. x Hidrolika saluran terbuka.

  POKOK x Tata letak dan dimensi saluran air hujan. BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x Hydrologic cycle.

  x Open channel hydraulics. x Lay out and dimensionering of drainage. x Dodson, R.D. 1998. Storm Water Pollution Control –

  Municipal, Industrial and Construction NPDES Compliance. McGraw-Hill. New York. x Read, G.F. and Vickridge, I.G. 1997. Sewers-Rehabilitation and New Construction-Repair and Renovation. Arnold.


  x Ye-Shi, C. 1994. Aerobic Heterotrophic Biodegradation in -2014


  Polluted Drains and Sewers – The Drain and Sewer As Dual-Phase Biological Reactors. A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam. x American Society of Civil Engineers. 1969. Design and

  Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers. ASCE. New

  ITS : 2009 York. rriculum

  RE 092319: Analisis Teknis Prasarana Air Minum Dan Air Cu Limbah MATA KULIAH/ RE 092319: Technical Analysis of Water and Wastewater COURSE TITLE Facilities

  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis suatu konsep rancangan PEMBELAJARAN/ teknis fasilitas air minum dan air limbah.

  OBJECTIVES for drinking water supply and wastewater facilities.

  x Mampu mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek teknis pengaliran air minum dan air limbah. x Mampu menganalisis rancangan teknis fasilitas air minum dan air limbah.


  x Able to identify technical aspects of drinking water and wastewater flows. x Able to analyse engineering design for drinking water and wastewater facilities. x Kebutuhan air, penyediaan air dan kuantitas air limbah. x Sistem penyediaan air minum perpipaan dan sistem sanitasi air limbah. x Hidrolika aliran bertekanan dan saluran terbuka. x Tata letak dan dimensi perpipaan air minum dan air limbah.


  x Water consumption, water supply and wastewater

  SUBJECTS quantity.

  x Piped water supply system and sanitation system. x Flow of water under pressure and open channel hydraulics. x Lay out and dimensionering of piped water supply and sanitation system.

  • 2014 x Peavy, H.S. Rowe, D.R. and Tchobanoglous, G. 1995.

  Environmental Engineering. McGraw Hill. NY. x Droste, R.L. 1997. Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment. John Wiley and Sons. NY.

  ITS : 2009 PUSTAKA x Manahan, S.E. 1994. Environmental Chemistry. 6th Ed. UTAMA/ Lewis Publishers. Florida.

  REFERENCES rriculum

  x Reynolds, T.D. 1982. Unit Operation and Processes in Environmental Engineering. Brooks/Cole. Cu x Salvato, J.A. 1972. Environmental Engineering and Sanitation. John Wiley and Sons. NY.


  COURSE TITLE RE 092320: Technical Analysis of Solid Waste Facilities

  Credits: 3sks/3credits

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis suatu konsep rancangan PEMBELAJARAN/ teknis fasilitas persampahan.

  LEARNING Students are able to analyse the engineering design concept OBJECTIVES for solid waste facilities.

  x Mampu mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek teknis pengelolaan sampah. x Mampu menganalisis rancangan teknis fasilitas persampahan.


  x Able to identify technical aspects of solid waste management. x Able to analyse engineering design for solid waste facilities. x Timbulan dan sumber sampah. x Koleksi, pengangkutan, pengolahan khusus dan pembuangan akhir.

  POKOK x Tata letak dan dimensi fasilitas persampahan. BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x Solid waste generation and sources.

  x Collection, transportation, specific treatment and final disposal. x Lay out and dimensionering of solid waste facilities. x Vesilind, P.A. Worrell, W. and Reinhardt, D. 2002. Solid

  Waste Engineering. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning,

  • 2014 Australia.

  x Diaz, L.F. Savage, G.M. Eggerth, L.L. and Golueke, C.G.

  1993. Composting and Recycling Municipal Solid Waste.

  PUSTAKA Lewis Publishers. London.

  ITS : 2009 UTAMA/

  x Lund, HF. 1993. Recycling Handbook. McGraw Hill . New

  REFERENCES York. rriculum x Tchobanoglous, G. Theisen, H. and Vigil, S.A. 1993.

  Integrated Solid Waste Management. Engineering


  Principles and Management issues. McGraw Hill. New York.


  COURSE TITLE Permukiman (Studio I) RE 092321: Technical Analysis Evaluation of Environmrental

  Credits: 3sks/3credits Semester: II

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu mengevaluasi suatu fasilitas prasarana PEMBELAJARAN/ permukiman.

  LEARNING Students are able to evaluate the facilities of settlement OBJECTIVES infrastructure.

  x Mampu mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek teknis prasarana permukiman. x Mampu mengevaluasi fasilitas prasarana permukiman.


  x Able to identify technical aspects of settlement infrastructure. x Able to evaluate the facilities of settlement infrastructure. Tugas khusus terpadu mencakup: x Prasarana drainase. x Prasarana air minum. x Prasarana air limbah. x Prasarana persampahan

  POKOK x Tata letak dan dimensi prasarana permukiman. BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Integrated specific assignment, consisting of: x Drainage infrastructure.

  • 2014 x Drinking water infrastructure.

  x Wastewater infrastructure. x Solid waste infrastructure. x Lay out and dimensionering of settlement infrastructure.

  ITS : 2009

  x Berbagai buku teks drainase, air minum, air limbah dan persampahan.

  PUSTAKA Various textbooks of drainage, drinking water, rriculum

  UTAMA/ wastewater and solid waste management.

  Cu REFERENCES x Jurnal-jurnal internasional berbagai penerbit.

  International journals from various publishers.

  Kurikulum/ RE 092321: Evaluasi Teknis Prasarana Lingkungan MATA KULIAH/ Permukiman (Studio I)


  Settlement Infrastructure (Studio I)

  Credits: 3sks/3credits

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu mengevaluasi suatu fasilitas prasarana PEMBELAJARAN/ permukiman.

  LEARNING Students are able to evaluate the facilities of settlement OBJECTIVES infrastructure.

  x Mampu mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek teknis prasarana permukiman. x Mampu mengevaluasi fasilitas prasarana permukiman.


  x Able to identify technical aspects of settlement infrastructure. x Able to evaluate the facilities of settlement infrastructure. Tugas khusus terpadu mencakup: x Prasarana drainase. x Prasarana air minum. x Prasarana air limbah. x Prasarana persampahan

  POKOK x Tata letak dan dimensi prasarana permukiman. BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS Integrated specific assignment, consisting of: x Drainage infrastructure.

  x Drinking water infrastructure. x Wastewater infrastructure.

  • 2014 x Solid waste infrastructure.

  x Lay out and dimensionering of settlement infrastructure. x Berbagai buku teks drainase, air minum, air limbah dan persampahan.

  ITS : 2009 PUSTAKA

  Various textbooks of drainage, drinking water, UTAMA/ wastewater and solid waste management.


  x Jurnal-jurnal internasional berbagai penerbit. rriculum

  International journals from various publishers. Cu RE 092205: Metodologi Penelitian Dan Proposal Tesis: Tesis I



  RE 092205: Research Methodology and Thesis : Thesis I COURSE TITLE

  Credits: 2sks/2credits

  1 Mahasiswa mampu menyusun proposal penelitian untuk


  suatu masalah implementasi pembangunan infrastruktur


  Students are able to prepare research proposal for an OBJECTIVES

implemented infrastructure under supervision.

  x Mampu menyiapkan proposal penelitian.

  KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Able to provide research proposal.

  x Formulasi masalah x Metodologi penelitian

  POKOK x Proposal penelitian dan seminarnya. BAHASAN/ SUBJECTS x Problem formulation.

  x Research methodology. x Research proposal and seminar. x Mangkoedihardjo, S. Strategi Tulis Artikel Jurnal

  Internasional (Manuscript Writing Strategy For

  International Journal) , Surabaya: Penerbit Gunawidya, 2009.

  x Greenfield, T(ed). 1996. Research Methods: Guidance for Postgraduates. Arnold. London.


  x Sproull, N. 1995. Handbook of Research Methods. The

  UTAMA/ Scarecroe Press.


  x Creswell J. 1994. Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Sage Pub. New Delhi.

  • 2014

  x Hedrick, T. et.al. 1993. Applied Research Design: A Practical Guide. Sage Pub. New Delhi.

  Beach, D.P. and Torsten, K.E.A. 1992, Handbook for Scientific and Technical Research. Prentice Hall.

  ITS : 2009 Englewood Cliffs. rriculum

  RE 092322: Pengembangan Rencana Dan Pengelolaan Cu

  Prasarana Air Minum Dan Air Limbah MATA KULIAH/ RE 092322: Development Plan and Management of Water COURSE TITLE and Wastewater Facilities

  Credits: 3sks/3credits


  Semester: III

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menyusun rencana pengembangan dan


  OBJECTIVES management for drinking water and wastewater facilities.

  x Mampu menyusun rencana pengembangan fasilitas air minum dan air limbah. x Mampu merencanakan pengelolaan fasilitas air minum dan air limbah.


  x Able to prepare development plan for drinking water and wastewater facilities. x Able to plan the management of drinking water and wastewater facilities. x Aspek-aspek rencana pengembangan fasilitas air minum dan air limbah. x Aspek-aspek pengelolaan fasilitas air minum dan air POKOK limbah.


  x Aspects of development plan for drinking water and wastewater facilities. x Aspects of management of drinking water and wastewater facilities. x Viessman, W. and Hammer, M.J. 1985. Water supply and Pollution Control. Harper and Row. Cambridge. x Barnes, D. and Wilson, F. 1983. Chemistry and Unit Operations in Water Treatment. Aplied Science. London. x Al Layla, M.A. Ahmad, S. and Middlebrooks, E. J. 1980.

  Water Supply Engineering Design. Ann Arbor Science. Ann

  • 2014 Arbor.


  x Read, G.F. and Vickridge, I.G. 1997. Sewers-Rehabilitation

  UTAMA/ and New Construction-Repair and Renovation. Arnold.


  ITS : 2009

  x Ye-Shi, C. 1994. Aerobic Heterotrophic Biodegradation in Polluted Drains and Sewers – The Drain and Sewer As Dual-Phase Biological Reactors. A.A. Balkema. Rotterdam.


  x American Society of Civil Engineers. 1969. Design and Cu Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers. ASCE. New York.

  Kurikulum/ RE 092323: Pengembangan Rencana Dan Pengelolaan MATA KULIAH/ Prasarana Persampahan Dan Drainase


  Waste and Drainage Facilities

  Credits: 3sks/3credits

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu menyusun rencana pengembangan dan PEMBELAJARAN/ pengelolaan fasilitas persampahan dan drainase.

  LEARNING Students are able to prepare development plan and OBJECTIVES management for solid waste and drainage facilities.

  x Mampu menyusun rencana pengembangan fasilitas persampahan dan drainase. x Mampu merencanakan pengelolaan fasilitas persampahan dan drainase.


  x Able to prepare development plan for solid waste and drainage facilities. x Able to plan the management of solid waste and drainage facilities. x Aspek-aspek rencana pengembangan fasilitas persampahan dan drainase. x Aspek-aspek pengelolaan fasilitas persampahan dan POKOK drainase.


  x Aspects of development plan for solid waste and drainage facilities. x Aspects of management of solid waste and drainage facilities.

  • 2014

  x Vesilind, P.A. Worrell, W. and Reinhardt, D. 2002. Solid Waste Engineering. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning, Australia. x Diaz, L.F. Savage, G.M. Eggerth, L.L. and Golueke, C.G.

  ITS : 2009 1993. Composting and Recycling Municipal Solid Waste.

  Lewis Publishers. London. x Lund, HF. 1993. Recycling Handbook. McGraw Hill . New

  rriculum PUSTAKA York.

  Cu UTAMA/ x Tchobanoglous, G. Theisen, H. and Vigil, S.A. 1993.


  Integrated Solid Waste Management. Engineering Principles and Management issues. McGraw Hill. New York.


  x Dodson, R.D. 1998. Storm Water Pollution Control – Municipal, Industrial and Construction NPDES

  1 and New Construction-Repair and Renovation. Arnold. London. x American Society of Civil Engineers. 1969. Design and

  Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers. ASCE. New York.

  RE 092324: Evaluasi Rencana Pengembangan Dan Pengelolaan Prasarana Lingkungan Permukiman (Studio II) MATA KULIAH/ RE 092324: Evaluation of The Development Plan and COURSE TITLE Management for Settlement Infrastructure (Studio II)

  Credits: 3sks/3credits Semester: III

  TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu mengevaluasi rencana pengembangan PEMBELAJARAN/ dan pengelolaan prasarana permukiman.

  LEARNING Students are able to evaluate the development plan and OBJECTIVES management for settlement infrastructure.

  x Mampu mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek kelayakan pengembangan dan pengelolaan prasarana permukiman. x Mampu melakukan penilaian teknis rencana pengembangan dan pengelolaan prasarana permukiman.


  x Able to identify feasibility aspects of development plan and management for settlement infrastructure. x Able to carry out a technical assessment of the

  • 2014

  development plan and management for settlement infrastructure.

  Tugas khusus terpadu mencakup: x Rencana pengembangan dan managemen prasarana air

  ITS : 2009 minum.

  x Rencana pengembangan dan managemen prasarana air limbah.


  x Rencana pengembangan dan managemen prasarana




  x Rencana pengembangan dan managemen prasarana

  SUBJECTS drainase.


Integrated specific assignment, consisting of:

  x Development plan and management of drinking water



  Mahasiswa mampu melaksanakan penelitian untuk suatu masalah implementasi pembangunan infrastruktur secara terbimbing.


  x Mampu mempertahankan hasil penelitian. x Able to carry out research works. x Able to defence the research results.

  x Development plan and management of solid waste infrastructure.


  x Berbagai buku teks drainase, air minum, air limbah dan persampahan.


  Various textbooks of drainage, drinking water, wastewater and solid waste management.

  x Jurnal-jurnal internasional berbagai penerbit.

  International journals from various publishers.

  RE 092325: Tesis II RE 092325: Thesis II

  Credits: 6sks/6credits Semester: IV


  Students are able to carry out research works for an

implemented infrastructure under supervision.

  KOMPETENSI/ COMPETENCY x Mampu melaksanakan penelitian.

  • 2014


  SUBJECTS x Pelaksanaan penelitian.

  x Seminar hasil penelitian dan ujian tertutup. x Carry out research works. x Seminar the research results and final examination.

  REFERENCES x Jurnal-jurnal internasional berbagai penerbit.

  International journals from various publishers.

  Kurikulum/ Cu rriculum

  1 infrastructure.

  ITS : 2009