Maqashid Syariah dan Kebutuhan Manusia d (1)

Maqashid Syari’ah dan Kebutuhan Manusia dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
di Era Globalisasi
Ai Fitri Islami
Ekonomi Syariah, Pascasarjana IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon
Jl. Perjuangan By Pass Sunyaragi Cirebon 45132
The human need is the need or really want to fulfill in order to survive and to satisfy a desire
of globalization there is a tendency for economic development to be more concerned about
ethics in economic activity. In this paper, will be revealed about the trend of globalization and
economic development at the same time reveals the opportunities and challenges in the
economic development of sharia in the context of the era of global economic development.
Knowledge of maqashid al Sharia has always been a need for all parties to arrange all the
good side of human life associated with individuals and related to the wider community with
the legal basis and the considerations of the Shari'a.
Keyword: maqashid sharia, human needs, economic growth, globalization .
JEL Classification: P00, G2, O4,



Achieving masalahah is a goal of sharia, maslahah achieved includes both here and
hereafter. Measuring ‘maslahah’ should be considered from human needs level i.e. primary
needs dharury, secondary needs hajiat, and tertiary needs tahsiniyat. Maslahah.
concept will contribute tremendeously when it is implemented in Islamic economics
development such in human needs concept, economic activity paradigm,ans utility standard.1
Development is a tool used to achieve the goals of the nation and the economic growth
is one indicator to assess the success of the development of a country.2
Humans exposed to global environmental issues that affect everyone and can only be
managed effectively by working together among all, or most countries. Contemporary main
focus is the integration of environmental issues with economic planning and decisionmaking.3 Quality human development support economic development and vice versa
economic performance Good support human development.4
1 Kara, Muslim, Jurusan Ekonomi Islam, and Hukum UIN Alauddin Makassar. "Pemikiran Al-Syatibi
tentang Maslahah dan Implementasinya dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Syariah." Jurnal ASSETS 2.2 (2012):
2 Mirza, Denni Sulistio. "Pengaruh Kemiskinan, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, dan Belanja Modal Terhadap
Indeks Pembangunan Manusia di Jawa Tengah tahun 2006-2009." Economics Development Analysis Journal 1.2
3 Hurrell, Andrew, and Benedict Kingsbury. "The international politics of the environment: an
introduction." The International Politics of the Environment 1 (1992): 1-47.

4 Brata, Aloysius Gunadi. "Pembangunan Manusia dan Kinerja Ekonomi Regional di Indonesia." Jurnal
Ekonomi Pembangunan 7.2 (2002): 113-122.


Literature review

Asad Zaman (2008)5. A central thesis of this paper is that social science is the study of
human experience, and hence strongly conditioned by history. Modern Western political,
economic and social structures have emerged as a consequence of the repudiation of religion,
and are based on secular principles. Many of these are inimical to Islamic principles, and
cannot be adapted to an Islamic society. Muslim societies achieved freedom from colonial
rule in the first half of the twentieth century and sought to construct institutions in conformity
with Islam. The development of Islamic economics is part of this process of transition away
from Western colonial institutions. This paper focuses on the contrasts between Western
economic theories and Islamic approaches to organization of economic affairs.
Waeibrorheem Waemustafa and Sukri Suriani (2016)6. The significant roles of syari’ah
and Islamic banking undeniably critical in order to ensure about compliances to the Islamic
principle this in turn provide a very conclusive picture whether Islamic banks truly concerns
about Islamic requirement when introducing any type of product that might have any

significant effect on its marketability, however the terms used in Islamic banks currently are
highly suspicious of being involved in unlawful practices as mentioned in the holy text AlQuran, this has triggers the increased concerned about the strength of relationship between
syari’ah compliance and profitability. The trade-off between profit and syari’ah compliance
has remained one of very important issues which they must be addressed to ensure that
Islamic banks are not only profit making financial institution but it also very concerns about
the roles of Islam and the way that profit is gained to avoid making any profit that against the
principle of syari’ah.
Rania A Azmi (2006)7. Companies are dedicated to being sustainable organizations
through building long-term shareholder value while being a responsible corporate citizen. It is
globally believed that the only way to achieve that is to incorporate economic, social and
environmental codes of conduct into business strategy. Furthermore, global expansion has
brought about greater involvement with different cultures and socioeconomic systems. With
this development, ethical considerations become more important. Thus, the importance of
building a strong ethical culture is integral to the reputation, growth and finances of any
organization. It builds a brand that attracts the best talent and creates trust among the
stakeholders. Although companies are primarily business organizations run for the benefit of
shareholders, they have a wide-ranging set of responsibilities to their own suppliers,
customers and employees, to the communities in which they are located, and to society at
large. Most corporations recognize these responsibilities and make a serious effort to fulfil
them while trying to utilize their business ethics as a source of competitive advantage. This

has been defined as the "hidden logic of business ethics." This research will explore the
growing issue of business ethics particularly as a competitive advantage. We will also analyze
business ethics as a threat to business competitiveness, when ethical failure diminishes the
reputation of a company and its products, locally and globally. In certain markets companies'
records of positive or negative ethical conduct determine their "licence to operate" in some
5 Zaman, Asad, Islamic Economics: A Survey of the Literature (June 1, 2008). University of
Birmingham: Religions and Development Research Programme, Working Paper No. 22. Available at SSRN: or
6 Waemustafa, Waeibrorheem and Sukri, Suriani, Syari’ah Compliance and Lawful Profit Making
Dilemma in Malaysian Islamic Banks (August 16, 2016). Available at SSRN:
7 Azmi, Rania A., Business Ethics as Competitive Advantage for Companies in the Globalization Era
(July 2006). Available at SSRN: or

Carkovic, Maria V. and Levine, Ross (2002)8. This paper uses new statistical techniques
and two new databases to reassess the relationship between economic growth and FDI. After
resolving biases plaguing past work, we find that the exogenous component of FDI does not
exert a robust, independent influence on growth.
Brandon Levy (2012)9.Globalization is the process of increased interconnectedness among

countries. The prosperous economic development that is typically gained because of the
increased interconnectedness among countries usually results in a better standard of living,
and an overall improved quality of life. The successful economic development of a nation
hinges on its ability to globalize. Given that the international integration of national
economies has such a profound effect, globalization plays a central role in determining the
future of the world. This paper attempts to explain what role globalization has played and its
overall impact on economic development.
of the literature review above, differ with my opinion that, Islamic Shari'ah came as a
mercy to humans, keep the benefit in all cases and circumstances. All existing laws, either a
command or prohibition is recorded in the texts the shari'ah is not something hollow
meaningless. But all of that has the sole purpose. Humans as homo economicus has a
tendency to be able to meet all needs, both the needs of primary, secondary, and tertiary.
Man's efforts to meet these needs can not be separated from the human desire to survive and
continue their lives. In terms of economics, the development of the world economy raises two
important effects are very encouraging, namely 1). prosperity or standards of living has
increased and 2). he could create new employment opportunities to the population that
continues to grow in number. However, it is sad to recognize the fact that economic growth is
not something the events that occurred in all countries. Countries in Asia and Africa do not
enjoy fully the increase in economic growth.

Discussion / Result

according to a statement M. Khaeruddin Hamsin10 , MAmaslahah forms that serve as the
basis for measuring maqashid shari'a consists of two forms, namely: a. Realising the benefits,
kindness, and a pleasure to humans, which is called "al-manafi jalb '/ al-mashalih"; b.
Protects from damage and ugliness, called "daf'u al-mafasid". To determine the merits (or
mafasadah benefit) an act and in order to realize the ultimate goal the establishment and
development of the law, then the benchmark is what the basic necessities for human life. The
demands have levels so sequentially, scholars of the initiators maqashid to rank these needs
into three levels, namely: the necessities (primary), hajiyyat (secondary) and tahsinat
(tertiary). In essence globalization is best means for Muslims to introduce culture and the
teachings of Islam to the whole over the world. As already stated in the Qur'an that no
coercion in religion, Muslims can offers culture, ideology and lifestyle Islami, to the world by
displaying the example of the Prophet and the other prophets11.
Prosperous economic development obtained for improved linkages between countries
typically generate better living standards, and increase overall quality of life. Successful
8 Carkovic, Maria V. and Levine, Ross, Does Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Economic Growth?
(June 2002). U of Minnesota Department of Finance Working Paper. Available at SSRN: or

9 Levy, Brandon, The Role of Globalization in Economic Development (September 14, 2012). Available
at SSRN: or
10 Dr. M. Khaeruddin Hamsin, MA (Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta),
Determination maqashid In Islamic Shari'ah Law
11Basri, Faisal H. Indonesian Economy: challenges and hopes for economic revival Indonesia. Erland,

economic development of a nation depends on its ability to globalization. Given that the
international integration of the national economy has such a profound effect, globalization
plays a central role in determining the future of the world. This paper attempts to explain what
role globalization has played and the overall impact on economic development12. Mishra13
stated that globalization has limiting the capacity of the nation-state in conducting social
In this case, government policies relating to revenue and expenditure to improve the
economic stability needs to be done in the form of fiscal policy (fiscal policy). According
Soediyono R.14, fiscal policy is an action taken by the government in the budget
state in the form of revenue and expenditure for the purpose of influencing the course of the
the Islamic Economy System aimed to support society’s welfare, to realize the
Maqasid as Syariah, and to uphold the justice values, so the significant base in distribution

level is 'So that it will not be a perpetual distribution among the rich from among you' (alHasyr (7: 59). The concept of distribution based on the foundation covers: 1. Principles of
distribution from: a. gharar/ usury prohibition, b. justice in distribution, c. the
acknowledgment of personal property, to d. prohibition of material accumulation. 2. The
institution of distribution: government and society. 3. The instruments of distribution from
Alms, Benefaction, Inheritance, Infak and Sedekah15.
Therefore, according to Abdullah, M. Amin (2012)16, was not easy to make changes,
because most people feel comfortable with its hereditary. However, life and challenges
continue to change. Scientific paradigm of law (Islam) is also constantly changing in
accordance with changes in social, economic, inter-religious relations, international relations,
development of science and technology and so on. Of course, a paradigm shift from theory
Maslahah (maqasid al-Sharia) the old to the new maslahah theory requires changes slowly.
D. Conclusion
To measure the benefit to be seen from the level of human needs: the need dharury,
hajiat, and tahsiniyat. The concept of the benefit will be a huge contribution when
implemented in the economic development of sharia, Globalization is the process of
improving the relationship between the countries. Prosperous economic development is
usually obtained for improved linkages between countries that usually produce a better
standard of living, and improved quality of life overall. Successful economic development of
a nation depends on its ability to globalization. And In essence, this globalization is the best
means for Muslims to introduce the culture and the teachings of Islam to the world.

12 Tjiptoherijanto, Prijono. Indonesia's economic outlook in the context of globalization. Rineka
Copyright, 1997.
13 read Ramesh Mishra, Globalization and the Welfare State (London: McMillan, 2000).
14 Soediyono R., Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis National Income (Yogyakarta:
Liberty, 1992), 95.
15 Ghofur, Ruslan Abdul, The Concept of Distribution in the Islamic Economic System (November 10,
2011). Dissertation on Post Graduate Program of State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Jogjakarta, 2011 .
Available at SSRN:
16 Abdullah, M. Amin. "New Building Epistemology Scientific Study of Islamic law in response to
globalization." Asy-Syir'ah: Journal of Shari'ah and Law 46.2 (2012).

Abdullah, M. Amin. "New Building Epistemology Scientific Study of Islamic law in response to globalization." Asy-Syir'ah:
Journal of Shari'ah and Law 46.2 (2012).
Azmi, Rania A., Business Ethics as Competitive Advantage for Companies in the Globalization Era (July 2006). Available at
SSRN: or .
Basri, Faisal H. Indonesian Economy: challenges and hopes for economic revival Indonesia. Erland, 2002..
Brata, Aloysius Gunadi. "Pembangunan Manusia dan Kinerja Ekonomi Regional di Indonesia." Jurnal Ekonomi
Pembangunan 7.2 (2002): 113-122.

Carkovic, Maria V. and Levine, Ross, Does Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Economic Growth? (June 2002). U of
Minnesota Department of Finance Working Paper. Available at SSRN: or .
Dr. M. Khaeruddin Hamsin, MA (Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta), Determination maqashid In
Islamic Shari'ah Law.
Ghofur, Ruslan Abdul, The Concept of Distribution in the Islamic Economic System (November 10, 2011). Dissertation on
Post Graduate Program of State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Jogjakarta, 2011 . Available at SSRN:
Hurrell, Andrew, and Benedict Kingsbury. "The international politics of the environment: an introduction." The International
Politics of the Environment 1 (1992): 1-47.
Kara, Muslim, Jurusan Ekonomi Islam, and Hukum UIN Alauddin Makassar. "Pemikiran Al-Syatibi tentang Maslahah dan
Implementasinya dalam Pengembangan Ekonomi Syariah." Jurnal ASSETS 2.2 (2012): 173-184.
Levy, Brandon, The Role of Globalization in Economic Development (September 14, 2012). Available at SSRN: or
Mirza, Denni Sulistio. "Pengaruh Kemiskinan, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, dan Belanja Modal Terhadap Indeks Pembangunan
Manusia di Jawa Tengah tahun 2006-2009." Economics Development Analysis Journal 1.2 (2012).
read Ramesh Mishra, Globalization and the Welfare State (London: McMillan, 2000).
Soediyono R., Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis National Income (Yogyakarta:
Liberty, 1992), 95.
Tjiptoherijanto, Prijono. Indonesia's economic outlook in the context of globalization. Rineka Copyright, 1997.
Waemustafa, Waeibrorheem and Sukri, Suriani, Syari’ah Compliance and Lawful Profit Making Dilemma in Malaysian

Islamic Banks (August 16, 2016). Available at SSRN: or
Zaman, Asad, Islamic Economics: A Survey of the Literature (June 1, 2008). University of Birmingham: Religions and
Development Research Programme, Working Paper No. 22. Available at SSRN: