


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University of Sunan

Ampel Surabaya


Dewi Masithah

Reg. Number: A83211138










Masithah, Dewi. 2016. A Mother’s Struggle To Get Better Education In Novel Daddy By Danielle Steel

Advisor: Abu Fanani, M. Pd.

Keyword: feminism, feminist mothering, a mother’s struggle, patriarchal motherhood, myth, movement

This thesis is concerned with literary work which related to problem of life. In this case, the problem of life is experienced by a mother. Then the writer explore the concept of feminism to express the idea through the novel which appears in the novel Daddy by Danielle Steel. The writer uses the qualitative descriptive analysis as a method to analyze the relationship between the main character and feminist values which appeared in the woman character of the novel. The data are obtained from the books of feminism and the internet which are related with the theory and the main source.

In this analysis, the writer uses feminism theory to analyze the problem that appear in the novel. Feminism is rising the issue about woman emancipation. This theory is talking about the mother which demand their right under patriarchal motherhood. Mother wants to be free from the responsibility to nurture their children. They have their own concept that bring up the children is not fully by a mother. It is because of the myth which develop in the environment that woman should be the center of taking care the family and stay at home. This becomes the reason of the movement which is brought by feminist theory. It wants to give a woman to sounding off their want as a free woman that can build up their own career outside of home. From this analysis, the writer found the result that a woman can reach her desire as she wants to be.



Masithah, Dewi. 2016. A Mother’s Struggle To Get Better Education In Novel Daddy By Danielle Steel

Dosen Pembimbing: Abu Fanani, M. Pd

Kata Kunci: feminism, feminist mothering, a mother’s struggle, patriarchal motherhood, myth, movement

Skripsi ini focus pada karya sastra yang berhubungan dengan masalah kehidupan. Dalam kasus ini, masalah kehidupan yang terjadi dialami oleh seorang ibu. Sehingga penulis mencari tahu konsep feminism untuk mengekspresikan idenya melalui sebuah novel berjudul Daddy karya Danielle Steel. Penulis menggunakan analisa deskriptif kualitatif sebagai metode untuk menganalisa hubungan antara karakter utama dengan feminism yang muncul pada karakter wanita dalam novel tersebut. Data-data diperoleh dari buku-buku tentang feminism dan dari internet yang berhubungan dengan teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisa sumber data.

Dalam analisis ini, penulis menggunakan teori feminism untuk menganalisa masalah yang muncul dalam novel tersebut. Feminism mengangkat isu tentang emansipasi wanita khususnya yang dialami oleh seorang ibu. Teori ini berbicara tentang seorang ibu yang menuntut haknya sebagai wanita dibawah otoritas seorang ayah. Seorang ibu ingin terbebas dari tanggung jawab dalam hal mengasuh anak-anak mereka. Mereka memiliki konsep tersendiri bahwa mengasuh anak bukanlah sepenuhnya tugas dari seorang ibu. Hal ini dikarenakan sebuah mitos yang berkembang di masyarakat bahwa wanita sudah seharusnya sebagai sosok utama yang mengurus keluarga dan berada di rumah. Inilah yang menjadi alasan munculnya pergerakan yang dibawa oleh teori feminism. Teori ini ingin memberikan kesempatan kepada para wanita untuk menyuarakan haknya sebagai wanita yang bebas dalam membangun karirnya sendiri diluar rumah. Melalui analisa ini, penulis mendapat kesimpulan bahwa wanita dapat meraih cita-citanya sebagaimana yang diinginkan.



Inside Cover Page...i

Declaration Page...ii

Advisor’s Approval Page...iii

Examiner’s Approval Page...iv


Table of Contents...vi



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study...1

1.2 Statement of Problem...6

1.3 Objective of the Study...6

1.4 Scope and Limitation...7

1.5 Significance of Study...7

1.6 Method of Study...7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Framework...9

2.1.1 Feminism in Literature...9

2.1.2 Feminist Theory...12

2.1.3 Feminist Mothering...15




3.1 Sarah’s Motive to Continue the Study...20

3.1.1 The Status...20

3.1.2 The Fear...21

3.1.3 The Equality...22

3.1.4 The Fate...23

3.2 Sarah’s Struggle...25

3.2.1 Abortion...25

3.2.2 Sarah is Going Away...28

3.3 The Effect Of Sarah’s Life After She Continue Her Study...34

3.3.1 Sarah’s Life...34

3.3.2 Sarah’s Life As A Mother...41


4.1 Conclusion...46






I.1. Background of Study

Literature is an imaginative work that contains a problem of life referring to reality. According to Fletcher, he said that literature is an expression of the author’s views of life and of their personalities and especially as a portrayal and interpretation of the life of their periods and all life as they have seen it (Fletcher). Fletcher here describes about literature as the expression of writer. The expression of writer depend on the point of view the writer about the event they have seen in life. Also their personalities experience of life especially they portrayal is pouring to the written text depend on their own interpretation become literary work.

The opinion above that explained literature as the experience of life is also strengthen from the quotation of Salman Rushdie, he said that literature is

experience of people from the highest and lowest places in human society and the human spirit, where someone hope to find not absolute truth of the late, of the imagination and of the heart (Lombardi). Rushdie here adds the literature is made based on the experience of people. The experience is explained about the status of people in the environment. Status of people includes all of the circle. The

literature according to Rushdie is about this story of reality with the beautiful imagiantion from the write.


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treating depend on historical documents by searching for their factual causes: the author’s life, the social and cultural framework, stated intentions, source

(Compagnon). Compagnon assumes literature is having distinctive features especially for literary text. Find out the aspect of factual causes becomes the special feature into literary text. The factual causes here includes about author’s life. The author’s life explains their social and cultural framework, stated intentions and adds by source. Shortly, literary text is the author’s expressions about their own experience in many aspect of life which is poured into writing.

The same opinion is expressing from Hudson, he assumes that literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspect of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us (Hudson:11). Hudson here explains that

literature is made depend on experience of person. The moment which

experienced by someone is recording on the memory of that person and pouring into the literary work. The experience is including two aspect, they are: thingking and feeling. Also the two aspect here is influenced by the moment which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us.

Further, there are four impulses behind literature according to Hudson. The first is our desire for self-expression. Second, our interest in people and their doing. Third, our interest in the world of reality in which we live, and in the world of imagination which we conjure into existence. And the last is our love of form as form (Hudson:12). Hudson also adds the impulse for someone to make a literature. Hudson explains the first impulse is self – expression. Everybody has


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tedency to express what they was thingking and what they was feeling. It becomes the based of literature which directly expresses the thoughts and feelings of the writer. So, it can be pouring into literary work. The second impulse which is mentioned by Hudson is interesting to people and their doing. There are some people that have an idol to other people. It makes them curious toward everything about their idol. The interest to other people to know about their personality becomes a great drama of human life and action. Their interesting to know about other people can pour into the literary work. The third impulse is interesting in the world of reality in which we live, and in the world of imagination which we conjure into existence. It means that all the reality which happen around us is interesting to know. When we already know many things, we have tedency to tell to other people what we have seen. Also we mix up the reality with the

imagination, they becomes literature of description. And the last impulse is love. Where the aesthetic impulse is present at all, we take a special satisfaction in the mere shaping of expression into form of beauty. This is the existence of literature as art.

In the book Encyclopedia Of Literature And Criticism edited by Coyle and friends, Roger Fowler said that literature is experience about the beliefs and values of the society, it is ideologically impregnated by its social positioning (Coyle:6). Fowler shares the meaning of literature from the experience of people which get more from the influence of environment. The points of experience here, he mentions about the beliefs and social values. The social position of people is


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building their experience about the beliefs and values of the society. This is the basic that can pour into literary work.

One of the literature observer, Diana Trilling gives the opinion about literature. Through the approach of ‘the impersonality’ for the book’s value as a work of literary art, Mr.Capote submits to actuality, or factuality and his

abrogation of the artist’s right to emphasize or even to suppress or distort reality for his own purpose. She gets the conclusion that in the interests of unadulterated factuality the composition of the book is determined by reality, rather than by the author and his free expression of his artistic aspirations (Petterson:90). Diana here wants to deliver that in writing of book emphasize to the reality. It is a little of portrayal the author to written in the book. It is not emphasize to the imagiantion of writer. So, Diana has the opinion about literature is the real information which happen in the real life.

One of the literary works that contains a problem of life referring to reality is Danielle Steel’s Daddy. This novel told about a problem of life. It is about Sarah, as a mother, who wants to get better education. She has to struggle to get this education. After her graduate in sophomor year from Radcliffe, she is getting maried to Oliver Watson. So far, she looks happy with their marriage. But, she feels not ready to get a baby. She can’t accept the reality that she is pregnant. She wants to continue her carreer. She ever works as an editor in one of the private magazine. From this experiences, she feels comfort with this activity. Then, she wants to continue her master program in Columbia Graduate School. She wants to develop her ability as a writer. But, the presence of baby becomes barricade her


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wish. She tries to communicate her intention for abortion to Oliver. But, Oliver refuses it. The birth of Benjamin, her first baby, ensures that becoming a mother is not her passion. She wants to get a job to help their financial life. Because, so far, they only live in the small apartment. But again, Oliver prohibits her to get a job. When, Benjamin begins to school, Sarah has a plan to write. She doesn’t want to get a job anymore, she wants to write a novel. Until the second pregnancy, Sarah feels depressed with this condition. She wastes the time with crying all day long. And again she wants abortion, but Oliver refuses it. Until Melissa borns, she promises herself to begin to write. But, she never has a time to start her writing. She is busy with her activity as a mother. The time is spent to take care their baby. Sarah feels bored with those activity. She feels envy to see her husband which have reached many achievement in his life.

Finally, she forgets her desire to write. She tries to enjoy her life. For the third, she is pregnant and giving birth. She still can’t start to write. She got a mail from Harvard University which said that she is accepted in Harvard University in master’s program she had applied a months before, when the childrens went to school. But, she is confused. She can’t leave her family, on the other hand, she wants it. She wants to continue her carrier. Then, she decides to inform it to her family at Chrismast night. When she delivers her wish to continue her study, there is a conflict. Sam, their last child, is crying, Mel is anger to her Mom and Dad. Benjamin tries to understand the condition. She tries hard to ensure her family that everything will be ok. After Sarah’s gone, the condition of her family is not good. That Sarah’s gone makes a bad effect to her family. Benjamin impregnates his girl


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friends. Melisa hostiles her Dad. She thinks that her Mom’s gone is because her Dad. And Sam experience trust crisis.

Sarah’s struggle to get her freedom is already beginning when she wants to abortion, but it doesn’t work. Then, the last effort to get her freedom is leaving her family to continue her study. After she leaves everything, her life is changing. These are the point which want to analyze in this thesis titled A Mother’s Struggle to Get Better Education.

Novel Daddy by Danielle Stell is the first published in January 1989. Daddy gets some achivement. It is published by some publisher. There are Dell,

Delacorte Press, Corgi, etc. It is also published in some languange. There are English, Arabic, Dutch, French and Italian. (www.goodreads.com)

Since 1981, Ms. Steel has been a permanent fixture on the New York Times hardcover and paperback bestseller lists. In 1989, she was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for having at least one of her books on the Times

bestseller list for 381 consecutive weeks. But Guinness was premature. The fact is that one or more of Ms. Steel's novels have been on the New York Times

bestseller list for over 390 consecutive weeks. Twenty-one of Ms. Steel's novels have been adapted for television, each earning high ratings and critical acclaim, including two Golden Globe nominations for JEWELS, a four-hour mini-series that starred Anthony Andrew. She was also decorated by the French government in 2002 as an "Officier" of the distinguished Order of Arts and Letters, for her lifetime contribution to world culture. She was awarded the second highest rank


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of the Order. From an education in New York and Europe to a professional background in public relations and advertising, and teaching, Ms. Steel moved on quickly to her literary career and has been hard at work writing ever since. She wrote her first book at nineteen. Often, she works on five books at a time — researching one storyline, writing another, and editing the third. Still, she often spends two to three years researching and developing a single project. In the heat of a first draft, it is not uncommon or her to spend eighteen to twenty hours a day glued to her 1946 Olympia manual typewriter. (www.goodreads.com)

I.2. Statement of Problem

Based on the background of study above, the problem run as follows:

1. What is the motivation of Sarah to get better education in Danielle Steel’s Daddy?

2. How is Sarah’s struggle to get better education describe in Danielle Steel’s Daddy?

3. What is the effect to Sarah’s life after she continue her study in Danielle Steel’s Daddy?

I.3. Objective of Study

Based on the statement of problem, the objective of study this thesis is to getting explanation about:

1. To know Sarah’s motivation to get better education in Danielle Steel’s Daddy.


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2. To describe the Sarah’s Struggle to get better education in Danielle Steel’s Daddy.

3. To describe the condition of Sarah’s life after she continue her study in Danielle Steel’s Daddy

I.4. Scope and Limitation

This study is focused on the mother’s life toward her struggle to get better education and the effect to her own life and her life toward the family after she leaves them. Thus, the analysis of the struggle of mother is the object to provide the idea that will suggest in what this story will be carried into feminism in the story. This study limits on the part of story which related to the mother and her struggle. This study also uses some other characters that related to mother’s struggle toward the effect of her struggle.

I.5. Significant of Study

The findings of this research are supposed to give valuable contributions theoretically and practically. Theoretically, from this research is expected to be one of the sources in Feminism approach. Practically, it will give some

information about Feminism in this novel. Hopefully, it will help the reader to define what the struggle of mother is and what the effect toward her family and how feminism examine the mother’s struggle. The last, the researcher expects this study is helpful to the other literature researchers or students who are interested in doing further studies on related topics.

I.6. Method of Study


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describes and analyzes the problem. I.6.1. Source of Data

The main source of data in this research is Danielle Steel’s novel Daddy. The data will be taken by quoting the sentences in the novel which related to the problem of statement in this research.

I.6.2. Procedure of Data Collection

There are some steps in collecting the data. First, read and taken note from Danielle Steel’s novel Daddy, to provide the opening understanding. Second, identify the subjects to look into the detail data and get better understanding. Third, develope the arrange outline by listing the subject and the codes that will be applied into the data. Fourth, arrange the data by applying the listed codes to the data, or in other word making some quotation that related to the subject to analyze.

I.6.3. Procedure of Data Analysis

The data which have been collected will be analysed using literary theory. The research follows some steps. First, selecting and collecting the data in form of narration and conversation from the novel related to the problem. Then, analysing the data collected with the statement of problems. The last step is making

conclusion of the analysis. The final statements covered of the study which is served shortly as the closing statemens for this study.




As stated briefly in the previous chapter about this study which the analysis on the female characters of Danielle Steel’s Daddy from the feminist point of view. In view of that, this chapter will mention all the related literature which will be helpful for the analysis.

II.1. Theoretical Framework

II.1.1. Feminism In Literature

Feminist literary criticism properly begins in the aftermath of ‘second wave’ feminism, the term usually given to the emergence of women’s movements in the United States and Europe during the Civil Rights campaigns of the 1960s. But it is not emerging fully formed from this moment. Rather, its eventual

selfconciousnes expression is the culmination of centuries of women’s writing, of women writing about women writing, and of women – and men – writing about women’s minds, bodies, art and ideas. From the beginning feminist literary criticism keen to uncover its own origins, seeking to establish traditions of women’s writing and early ‘feminist’ thought to counter the unquestioning acceptance of ‘man’ and male genius as the norm (Plain, Sellers:2). Plain and Seller are explaining secon wave feminism become the cause of the emerge feminist literary criticism. Second wave feminism is the term for about women’s movement which happen in the United State and Europe. This term is giving


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while the Civil Right campaign. This movement is marking woman expression toward their conciousnes about writing.

The development of women writing occurs in some phases. In

approximately 1550-1700, female writers begins to publish their works, both through manuscript circulation and in printed books, in an enermous variety of genres including poems, play, conversation narratives, advice books, translations, letters, devotional texts, prophecies, pamphlets, memoirs and works of philosophy and fiction (27).

Although the development shows good enough, female writers, constrained by social and economic limitation, including the obstacle to education (Gillespie:107). At the beginning seventeenth century, even the restricted education described was only available to a small proportion of the female population: the literacy rates of women in London estimates at no more than 10 per cent. For the 90 per cent of women who unable to write, speaking is still a significant option, though this form of self – expressions or intervention is seen by patriarchal authorities as particulary threatening to religious and social order (Plain, Seller29). From the explanantion of Plain and Seller, it seems that at the beginning seventeeth century women speaking to self – expressions is more than women writing.

Patriarchal authorities is more clearly seems in the nineteenth century, English writer initially published their fictions anonymously or under male names, such as Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, and Charlotte and Emily Bronte, even


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the expanding literacy of middle-class female readers opened the doors

(Gillespie:107). Gillespie explains that the intimidation to woman is happening in the nineteenth century. It is proving from the literary work that is made by woman is not published using the real author. They have to be using fictions anonymously for their own work.

In the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, feminist critics presumes that reading can lead to an enlightened, progressive politics, or, indeed, a world view. Clearly in the late medieval period there is some awareness of text’s potential to harm women, harm that should be avoided. Medieval feminist

analysis not only engages the category of ‘woman’ but also traces its relations to a range of intersecting concepts including gender, empire and embodiment, and it can begin to envision a genealogy of the modern phenomenon of feminist literary criticism. Higher education and official (Latin) culture are closed to women, but women do read and write in the vernacular languages (English and French in later medieval England), and very few may have gained sufficient learning to make them litteratus – literate in Latin. In fact, women in England are intimately and pervasively involved with textual culture. Both as readers and owner of books, they circulate amongst their acquaintances. Women form ‘textual communities’ through dense networks of personal relations, wherein textuality is ‘of the spoken as well as the written word’, as Felicity Riddy demonstrates: ‘it begins in the book, which may have been read aloud by clerk, but is then transmitted among the women by word of mouth’ (Plain, Sellers:12-13).


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From the short explanaiton above, we know that at the beginning, women awareness about writing. They only use speaking as their self-expression.

However, women begins to starting to write as their self-expression, they can’t publish their work freely. There is a period which require them to be ghost writer. Their name is never been published in their own work, but they write for the name of some one else. But in the twenty first century, women begins aware about education. Many of them seize to high education, but women are still limited to do read and write. It is known from the regulation which is require them using

vernacular language. The influence of writing is very amazing. Nowadays,women become ‘textual communities’ as the expalanation Felicity Riddy above.

II.1.2. Feminist Theory

Feminism is the idea about woman movement which concern to equal rights. It refuses man discrimination toward woman and attempts to end it.It raises issues that concern personal autonomy or freedom. Feminism opposes women’s subordination to men in the family and society, along with men’s claim to define what is best for women without consulting them; it thereby offers a frontal challenge to patriarchal thought, social organization, and control

mechanisms. Feminism is necessarily pro-woman. However, it does not follow that it must be anti-man; indeed, in time past, some of the most important

advocates of women’s cause have been men (Offen:151). Offen here explains that feminism is the movement which is did by woman. Woman is doing this


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man discrimination toward woman. Then this movement comes to end the discrimination which is did by man toward woman. Like Offen said that this issues concern to raise about personal autonomy or freedom which is the most wanted by woman. This movement opposes men as the only one that can manage everything about woman without consulting them before. It causes the frontal challenge which cover patriarchal thought, social organization, and control mechanism. Shortly, feminism comes to defend woman.

The definition about theory of feminism which quoted by Offen from the dictionary is a theory and/or movement concerned with advancing the position of women through such means as achievement of political, legal or economic rights equal to those granted men. This is also the perspective conveyed by the best-known histories of the American women’s movement published prior to 1970, in which feminism effectively began in 1848 notion here is the means to the end of “advancement”:”rights equal to those granted men”. Notice the extent to which this legalistic definition of “equal rights” proposes the standard of male adulthood as the norm (123). From the dictionary is clearly explaining feminism as the movement or theory to support women’s position in some aspect. The support of women’s position is explained to get the rights equal with men’s position.

Tim Gillespie explains that feminism, in general, examines the women’s role in society and advocates for women’s right and opportunities. This

movement presents in the past four decades and give the significant effect in many fields. The goal is to promote equality (Gillespie:110). Gillespie also has the same opinion about feminism. Feminism according to Gillespie again is


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emerging to support women character. He wants to find out the women to role in society. But it is not only analyze about woman role also he wants to demand of women’s right and opportunities in society.

The idea of Gillespie is streghten by Levin. He assumes that feminism is about the equality of women and men. According to equal pay, affirmative action, non-discrimination statutes, women’s studies departments, set asides, quotas, equal opportunity laws, anti-harrasmentenactments (Levin:1991). Again here Levin is supporting Gillespie’s opinion. He said that feminism is to demand the equality of women and men. Levin thinks that women has different right with men in many aspect such as the explanation above.

Hooks exlplains feminism in different way. Hooks said that feminism is the act to end the sexist, sexism oppression without imply that men are the enemy for women. Although Hooks explains feminism as the act to end the sexist, it has the same goal with the previous opinion above. The project vision of the

movement as being solely about women gaining equality with men in the existing system (Hooks:1-3). According to Hooks, he has the different opinion about feminism. He explains that feminism is emerging to the end the sexist. Feminism depend on Hooks is not demand women’s equal right, but he focus on the people who give prime important about gender. The oppression from the sexism is not contemplating negative toward men. At the end of this thinker is also similar with the previous explanation about feminisn that is to fight for women equality.


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In the thesis of Ajandi titled Overcoming Barriers And Finding Strengths: The Lives Of Single Mother, she has quotes Butler opinion about feminist theory that support the statement above. According to Butler, feminist theory is useful in analyzing the gendered experiences of men and women and is about the social transformation of gender relations (Butler: 204). Feminist theory as encompassing and highlighting how race, class, ability, family status, gender identity, sex, citizenship status, geographic location, spirituality, sexuality, and age interconnect and influence people’s live. These identity also connect with other people,

communities, institutions, and the environment.

The specific claims that have been made by feminist at particular times and in specific places in European history include arguments for ending the maligning of women in print, for educational opportunity, for changes in man-made laws governing marriage, for control of property and one’s own person, and for valuation of women’s unpaid labor along with opportunities for economic self-reliance. They also include demands for admission to the liberal professions, for readjustment of inequitable sexual mores and ending prostitution, for control over women’s health, birthing, and childbearing practices, for state financial aid to mothers, and for representation in political and religious organization (Offen:152). In this explanation, Offen delivers some aspect which is demanded for women in European. According to the explanation above, it seems that in Europe, there are many aspect which discriminate women. It shows that the conciousnes about equal right in Europe is a little bit. Most of them are still under male control.


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Arguments based on sexual difference, women’s maternal roles, or nurturant thinking, or especially the suggestion that physiological or hormonal differences between the sexes, or female sexuality itself, might have sociopolitical implication (153). This sentences has the meaning that sociopolitical can give influence to many aspect which has explained above. Also all aspect above still beam to women.

Feminist theorists have had with relational feminist arguments, both historically and today, is that such arguments seems to cut both way; even as they support a case for women’s distinctiveness and complementary of the sexes, they can be appropriated by political adversaries and twisted once again to endorse male privilage. It is no secret to those who study women’s history that certain aspects of arguments grounded in women’s special nature, physiological and physiological distinctiveness, the centrality of motherhood, and a sharp sexual division of labor within the family and society have in the past been co-opted by those hostile to women’s emancipation to fuel arguments for their continued subordiantion (154).

Feminist scholar-activists have discovered, for instance, that women’s cultural experience of motherhood as negative and restricting is historically spesific and, given a different shape, can potentially offer women much

satisfaction. However, we must find the initiative to reshape the world to our own purposes by rethinking the male-dominated family and its politics in a manner that incorporates, rather than neglects, the sociopolitical dimensions of women’s experience (156). This explanation is about the survey which is did by


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scholar-activists. They have found that women who has not the chance to take care the children or as the experience they have a little bit, these woman are more satisfaction with their life.

II.2. Review of Related Literature

In review of related literature, the writer finds out a previous study about the thesis that research novel Daddy by Danielle Steel. The first previous study belongs to thesis titled “The Ambition Of Main Character Of Sarah In Novel Danielle Steel’s Daddy” by Atik Shofiyanti. Those thesis analyses the main character’s Sarah. The researcher finds out the character of Sarah as a mother and has three childrens which has the problem with her ambition become a famous writer. Although Sarah has three childrens that must be managed by her, but she is willing to leave their family just for to reach her ambition.

The second previous study was from Mutiara Dahnia thesis student of University of Sumatera Utara titled “An Analysis Of Main Characters’Conflict In Danielle Steel’s Novel, Daddy”. Those thesis analyses about men character in the novel. It tries to describe the portrayal of men in novel Daddy, how they can face the conflict, and problem solving in condition was left a wife.

There are several similarities between this study and previous study. The first previous study has the same topic and source about the problem of study. Those thesis analyses the same problem and same resource. The thesis analyses character of Sarah Watson and her ambition in the novel Danielle Steel’s Daddy that reached by the researcher. The second previous study also has the same main


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source. While there are also some differences between this study and those previous. Those first thesis is using psychological approach and the second is analyzing men’s character. It different with this thesis that analyze woman character named Sarah using theory of feminism.




In this chapter the researcher answers the question in the previous chapter: to know Sarah’s motivation to get better education in Danielle Steel’s Daddy, to describe Sarah’s struggle to get better education in Danielle Steel’s Daddy, also to describes the condition of Sarah’s life after continuing her study in Danielle Steel’s Daddy.

III.1. Sarah’s Motives To Continue The Study

For the first, to know how Sarah’s Struggle to get better education in this novel, the researcher wants to describes about the motivation of Sarah’s struggle. The motivation of Sarah here is very influenccial to her struggle to reach her dreams and her right as a woman and mother that never she got before. It is also becoming a factor of someone to do feminism in her life.

III.1.1. The Status

Sarah MacCormick has graduated from Radcliffe in 1969 at the top of her class. She is married by Oliver Watson. She lives in purchase, New York, in a beautiful house they almost owned, after fourteen years of struggling with the mortgage. She has three children and a husband she loved. Everything is pretty here. It is a stroybook life in a storybook town, and the people around her seemed like storybook people. It looks like a perfect live. But it different with Sarah’s


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condition. Sarah feels jealous with her husband who has a good education and good job and carrier.

...and with his MBA, he got a pretty good job in an ad agency on Madison Avenue. She wanted to hate him for it, wanted to hate him for conforming, but she didn’t (Steel:5).

According to the quotation above, it seems to describe of the achievement which is reached by Sarah’s husband. Also it describes about Sarah’s condition which face the reality about her life. Sarah in a freak condition. It is because she feels that her husband has a perfect live with his desires want to do. It is

appropriate with the theory that is expalained in previous chapter.

III.1.2. The Fear

The fear is one of the motives in feminism. It is the reason for people to struggle for something to get safety live. It experience by Sarah. She feels not comfort with her condition which only live under her husband control.

“Marriage is for women who are looking for someone to support them. I want to take care of myself, Oliver Watson.” And she was capable of it, or she had been then, after a fashion. She had worked as a part-time gallery sitter in SoHo, and a free-lance writer. And she’d made money at it. Sometimes. But now, sometimes, she wondered if she would still be able to take care of herself, to support herself, to fill out her own tax forms and make sure her health insurance hadn’t lapsed (Steel:6).

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah is not satisfied with their marriage. It is because of her need has fulfilled by Olliver. She wonders about her live. She wants fulfill her need by her own effort. It also describes that


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Sarah has a skill for it. She ever has worked and life independent. But after she became a wife she dosn’t. She doesn’t want to live under her husband control.

Moreover, Sarah’s fear can also be seen from her worry about her husband. She fears when she imagine her husband can’t be there for her.

In the eighteen years they’d been married, she’d become so dependent on him. He took care of all the little problems in her life, and most of the big ones. It was like living in a hermetically sealed world, with Ollie always there to protect her (Steel:6).

She counted on him for everything, and more often than not, it scared her. What is something happened to him? Could she manage? Would she be able to keep the house, to support herself, or the kids? (Steel:6)

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah’s life after married to Olliver looks easy. It is because Olliver has backed up from the little problem until the big ones at home. Sarah doesn’t need to do anything. But it makes her worry. She feels worry about her live. She become depended to Oliver for everything in her live. She worries if she has to loose Ollie from her life. She worries if she can not do anything if something happen to Ollie. She can’t manage everything by herself.

III.1.3. The Equality

The equality is the most issue in feminist criticism. It also the motive of someone to do feminism. In Sarah’s story, she experience it. She wants to get the equality with her husband. She feels worry about her own carreer while her husband got it.


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He had been one of the youngest vice-presidents in her business, and she was proud of him. But it still scared her. What was she doing out here, in pretty little Purchase, watching the snow fall, and waiting for the kids to come home, while she pretended to write a story; a story that would never be written, that would never end, that would never go anywhere, just like the others she had tried to write in the last two years (Steel:6).

According to the quotation above, it describe the succesfull of Olliver in his career. Sarah looks happy about their condition that looks better. But it not makes her calm down about her condition. On the other way Sarah feels not fair with this condition. She still feels worry about her own live, her own carreer. Although she has a husband with all of the perfect things. She curses her

condition that can’t be proudly. She has not achievement in live like her husband do. She just a mother that only stay at home and makes sure that everything is good when their family is going home. Actually, she tries to do something for herself with starting to write. But she never can not be written which has tried in the last two years.

III.1.4. The Fate

Sarah can’t accept the fact that she is a woman, wherein the woman has her own fate to becomes a mother. The wedding is the first gate to becomes a mother, but she feels not ready for it. She can’t accept the presence of baby in her live. Because of her desire to becomes a free woman which can do anything without the presence of baby.

She has been puzzled by the absence of her period once they got home, but she had been religious about using diaphragm, and knew she couldn’t be pregnant. She had worn it practically night and day from the altar till they


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got home from their honeymoon, but somehow, some way, something had gone wrong, and she was pregnant (Steel:8).

According to the quotation above, it describes the part when Sarah gots her first pregnancy. Sarah looks afraid to be pregnant. she looks that she has used contraception to prevent the pregnancy. But it she feels that it does not work. She worries about the absence of her period. She can not face it. She can not accept her fate as a woman which can be pregnant. Even less she is a wife.

Moreover, this condition makes her more depressed. The presence their first baby doesn’t change her want to be a carrier woman.

...while Sarah collapsed in a chair with a sigh and a glass of wine,

wondering how she was going to survive it. Motherhood was definitely not her strong suit, and the apartment was so small, it was driving her crazy (Steel:9).

This couldn’t be happening to her! It couldn’t be! It wasn’t fair! When she grew up she was going to to be a writer! When? If? Or maybe not. Maybe all she’d ever be was a houswife. The ultimate condemnation when she was in college. The thing she had never wanted to be, and now was. That was all she was, wasn’t it? A houswife. She said it out loud in the car as though it were a dirty word. A baby! Jesus Christ! A baby! (Steel:19-20) According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah is musing her situation. She has a baby now. She thinks about her ability to take care the baby. She does not enjoy as a mother. She feels that she can not be a good mother for her family. She never wants the presence of baby in her live. She wants to be free without all of the responsibility as many mother experience. She also thinks about their residen which is very small to them life. She still has many dreams that should be raised. She wants to be success with her own career out there, and not at home only.


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All in all, the paragraph above explain that some causes of women, especially the character of Sarah in novel Daddy, do feminism. From the paragraph above, the researcher finds the causes of Sarah to do feminism, they are: about the status, the fear, the equality, and the fate. In fact, feminism can do by someone because of the factors above. The status that had by Sarah makes her not satisfied with herself. The fear toward the prosperity of live makes her strong will to do feminism. The equality of rights between women and men makes her believe that she have the same right to be struggling. The fate as a woman makes Sarah become stronger to prove to her family that it is not to be the obstacle for her to continue her struggling.

III.2. Sarah’s Struggle

III.2.1. Abortion

Sarah’s struggle begins when she was pregnant. The first pregnant is the beginning obstacle for Sarah to be a writer. Sarah wants to cut it before its too late.

...she was pregnant. And she wanted to have an abortion. Oliver was horrified that she would even think of it. But Sarah was even more so at the thought of having a children quickly.

“We don’t want a family yet. I want to get a job again. To do something.” She’d been thinking of getting a job this time as an editor at a literary magazine, her stories hadn’t been selling quite as well, and she had applied to Columbia Graduate School to do some work toward her master’s. She had quit the gallery-sitting job as soon as she married Ollie, because commuting to SoHo every day wouldn’t have been convenient.


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“You can always get a job later!” He reasoned with her. He comforted, he cajoled, he did everything he could to try to make her feel better (Steel:8). According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah already pregnant. But she looks not happy about this. She wants to do abortion. She does not ready to get a children in their marriage. She utters her intention to Olliver, but he does not agree with Sarah. He refuses Sarah to abortion. The conversation above also seems that Sarah is arguing to Olliver. She makes sure him that she wants to continue her own career. She also said that she has applied to Columbia Graduate School to do some work toward her master’s. But as beautiful as Sarah to give the reason to abortion, Ollie also pursues Sarah as well. He said that Sarah can go to work later after she gives birth.

Moreover, Sarah’s urge to abortion is not only at the first pregnant, but also at the second and third. She tries to pursue Ollie to approve her wants.

She couldn’t handle another child, and Benjamin wasn’t even out of diapers, and now there would be two of them. It was the only time she had actually seen Oliver down too. He didn’t know what to do to turn her around. And just like the first time, he was thrilled about the baby, but telling her that only made her cry harder.

“I can’t! I just can’t, Ollie! Please don’t make me...!” They argued about an abortion again, and once she almost swayed him for fear that if he didn’t agree, she might go crazy (Steel:10-11).

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah again has to face the reality that she will get the second child. She thinks that she never can not to handle another child. On the other hand their first baby is not yet out of diapers. She begs to Oliver about her wants to abortion. And again Olliver refuses it. Sarah


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just can cry of herself. She cries in front of Olliver to gets his Ollie’s sympathy and to get Ollie’s agreement.

On the other hand, before Sarah gets her third pregnancy, she has conveyed her argument to Ollie about the next baby.

“Why would we want more kids now, Ollie? Melissa and Benjamin are growing up. They’re easy, they have their own lives. In a few years we’ll be able to do anything we want. Why tie ourselves down with all those headaches again?” Even the thought of it made her shudder (Steel:15). According to the sentences above, it looks like Sarah tries to pursue Ollie to doesn’t have another child again. Sarah feels that their kids will be ok if she has another activity. She makes sure Ollie that they don not need the presence of baby again. Sarah wants to do everything depend on her desire without a presence of baby. She really doesn’t expect it.

Sarah’s struggle also seems, when she faces the situation wherein she gets the third pregnant

And an hour later she was at the gynecologist’s office, planning for her abortion, but the doctor threw her a curve, and asked her how Ollie felt about what she was doing (Steel:20).

“You’re still a very young woman. You’re certainly not too old to have this baby.”

“I want my freedom. In eleven years, my son will be in colllege, and my daughter two years later. If I have this baby, I’ll be tied down for another twenty years. I’m not ready to make that kind of commitment.”(Steel:21)

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah already gets the third pregnancy. The same reaction from Sarah is her intention to abortion. This


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turn, she goes to gynecologist without Ollie’s know. But she does not get a good reaction from doctor. The doctor asks her about Ollie’s agreement, and of course she is not getting it. Then doctor tries to make sure her to cancel the abortion. But she tries to argue the doctor. The doctor seems not agree with Sarah about her decision to abortion. He thinks that Sarah still be able to endure her third

pregnant. But, Sarah is not give up, she tries to argue the doctor’s statement, and she tries to defend about her want to be free woman.

Although she gets refusing from the doctor about her abortion without Oliver’s deal, she is not give up. She tries to fight to get her want. She tries to arguing Oliver again about it.

“Is that right?” He got up and started to pace the room. “Simple as that, is it? What is with you? Every time you get pregnant, we have to go through this fucking insanity about abortion.”

“It’s not insanity. It is my sanity. I don’t want another baby. You go to the office every day. Yo have your own life. I’m stuck out here playing car pool and PTA mom, and I’m going to re-up for another twenty years. I’ve done ten, and the way I see it, I’m halfway through, and you’re not going to change that.”

“I have grown up, God damn you. I’ve grown up, grown out, and grown old, and I’m not going to throw my life away for everyone else forever. Give me a chance, for chrissake. What about me? There are more than just kids in this world, Oliver, or hadn’t you noticed?” (Steel:24)

According to the conversation above, it seems that Sarah mixes up the argumentation with Olliver. Olliver also shows temper to react Sarah about her want to abortion. Sarah argues Olliver hardly. She tries hard to get her want to abortion. She argues Oliver with all the fact she has done every day. Then, she wants to stop it. She thinks that she does not get a freedom of live. She thinks that


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she got nothing in her live with all of her busy schedule. And now, she thinks that it is her chance to stop it and raising her dreams that have slept a long time ago.

III.2.1. Sarah is Going Away

Sarah’s rebellion happens. After she gets the letter from Harvard for her master’s program, she conveys it to him. She conveys her wants to continue her study. She tries to fight her husband about what she has felt during their marriage. At this turn, she doesn’t care although its happen when they get dinner at


“You don’t know anything about me.” She stood, facing him, as the waiters watched politely from the distance, and the diners nearby pretended not to listen. “You don’t know what it’s like, giving up

everything you’ve ever dreamed of. You’ve got it all, a career, a family, a wife waiting for you at home like a faithful little dog, waiting to bring you the newspaper and fetch your slippers. Well, what about me, God damn it! When do I get mine? When do I get to do what I want to do? When you’re dead, when the kids are gone, when I’m ninety? Well, I’m not going to wait that long. I want it now, before I’m too old to do anything

worthwhile, before I’m too old to give a damn anymore, or enjoy it. I’m not going to sit around and wait until you start calling our children because you can’t figure out whether I got lost when I went shopping, or I was so goddamn tired of my life I just decided not to come home again. I’m not waiting for that, Oliver Watson!”(Steel:42)

According the quotation above, it seems that Sarah can not hold again her grudges. She tries to overflow it to her husband. She said to Olliver that he never understand about her. She tells everything about Ollie’s achievement and compare wtih her. She curses herself which grow old and never do anything to be proud off. Sarah can not wait again to run out her own career. She can not wait and just stay at home to do nothing. She is not enjoying her life as a mother and wife. She


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feels tired about her routinity as well as Ollie’s wife and mother. She hopes he can understand it.

They all have finished with the stir about the presence of baby. They have an agreement to tying the cervix then Sarah will never pregnant again. Until Sarah got the letters from Harvard that she is accepted in master’s program. She is very excited to do this. Then she tries to utters her wise to continue her study to Olliver. It is not easy for they both. Sarah gets contradiction from her husband. Oliver is not agree with her decision. And Sarah is not give up. She is trying to arguing that.

“No, we don’t.” His face was suddenly more serious than she had ever seen it. “There should be absolutely nothing to think about. You’re a married woman with a husband and three kids. There’s no way you can go to a school almost two hundred miles away, unless you walk out on us, plain and simple.”

“It’s not that simple. Don’t make it that simple, Ollie. What if I really need to do this?”(Steel:43)

According to the quotation above, it seems that Olliver looks more serious to perceive Sarah’s wise to continue her study. Olliver does not permit Sarah to leave home so far for study. Olliver explains that she is a wife and a mother. Olliver wants to understanding Sarah that she has a responsibility at home. So, she can not go away. But Sarah can not accept Oliver’s opinion. She still firm to do it. She has to go and reach her desire by continue her study although it must leave her family.


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One of the Sarah’s effort to make sure Oliver is swear. Oliver feels so hard to let her go. But Sarah is sure that her decision can not change.

“Why are we doing this? Can’t we just turn the clock back a few weeks and forget this ever happened?”

Even through her tears she shook her head, and then looked up at him. “I don’t think so. I would always feel I’d missed something. I’ll come back. I promise. I swear. I love you too much not to.”(Steel:49-50)

According the quotation above, it seems that Olliver tries to pursue Sarah to stay at home and cancel her intention to study in Harvard University. But Sarah also tries more hard to make sure about her decision. She promises Olliver that she will always love him. Although Oliver live miserably, it can’t change anything. She has the firm stand.

Sarah’s effort is not only for Oliver, but also in front of her children. She has to make sure that children can accept her decision and support it. It seems when Sarah delivers her intention to continue her study to their children in Chrismast’s night.

“Harvard?” Benjamin looked shocked. “You? Why?” He didn’t

understand. How could she go to school in Boston? And then slowly he understood. He glanced at his father’s eyes and saw it all, the loneliness, the pain, the sorrow she had put there, but there was something anguished and sad in her eyes now too.

“I’m going to come home as often as I can. And you’ll still have Dad and Agnes to take care of you.”(Steel:55)

“Why Mom?” They were the two most painful words she had ever heard, and she looked to Oliver for help, but he said nothing now. He was as heartbroken over it as their children.


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“It’s hard to explain. It’s just something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.”

“Is it you and Dad?” Mel asked through her tears as she held on to Sam. “Are you getting divorced?”

“No, we’re not. Nothing’s going to change. I just need to go away for a while, to accomplish something for myself, to be someone on my own, without all of you.”(Steel:56)

According to the quotation above. It seems that Sarah has uttered her plan to go back to college. Benjamin, their old son, does not understand with Sarah’s decision. He looks confused.Sarah tries to give excuse about her plan. Mel, their second daughter also has the same question about her mother’s motive to leave them. She cries and tries to found the explanation from her father. She accuses that their parents will divorce. But Sarah makes sure that it does not. She makes sure their children that they’ll be fine without her presence at home. She tries to calming down their children with many promises. Sarah tries to explain clearly about her intention to go away. She ward off all the accusation from their children. She fight for her right.

Moreover, Sarah’s refuses about the presence of children seems again, when she tries to explain that she has to go alone without her family.

“Because I'm not. And what would you do in Cambridge? Lose all your friends here? Go to a new school? Live in a tiny apartment with me while I write papers and study for exams? Benjamin's in his senior year, you have two more to go. Do you really want to snake all that up? And I couldn't take care of you while I'm going to school. You're much better off here with Daddy and Aggie, in your own home, going to a school you love, with friends you've had for years, in familiar surroundings.”(Steel:58) “I'm not sure I know. I just know I can't do this anymore, and that seems right. That's all I know. I want to be more than this. More than someone


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who drives car pools and waits for Sam to come home from school.”(Steel:59)

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah tries to give

understanding to the kids that they can not follow her to Cambridge. Sarah looks that she wants to bolt from the family and regardless from the responsibility everything at home and to the family. she talk over again about her boring activity while she is at home. The presence of children is one of the obstacle for her to get her freedom. She also asserts that she has her own live that should be struggling. She wants her right as a woman and not as a mother.

After Sarah’s gone, the effort of Sarah to waive her bond with the family is showing in the conversation between Sarah and Oliver. At night, she tries to give the report about her condition to him. Oliver accuses her as a liar.

“You also said you'd come home every weekend. You lied.”

“I didn't lie. But I've thought it over, and I just think it would be hard on everyone. You, me, the children.”(Steel:77)

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah tries to keep the distance from her family. She is not fulfill a promise. When Oliver demands Sarah’s promise that she ever say before she go, she is eluding from it. She tries to avoid to meet her family soon.

Sarah’s effort to keep her family in a good condition seems when she call Oliver to give the report.

Sarah eventually called when she got her phone, two weeks later than promised, and she still hadn't come home to see them (Steel:79).


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The sentence above, it seems that Sarah is struggling to fulfill her promise which never leave her family. The report from Sarah is showing that she is still present for them. On the other hand, she does not want to meet her family soon.

Sarah struggles for everything to get her desire to be more success, become a great woman with every achievement in live. One of the factor that make it difficult to reach is a husband. She thinks that she can not reach her dreams as a wife.

“Easier for who? It seems to me you were the one promising that nothing would change, not so long ago, you were saying you weren't leaving for good. Or had you forgotten?”

“I didn't forget. Things just change when you get away and get some perspective.” Then why didn't things change for him? Why did he still want her so badly? He wanted to shake her until her teeth rattled in her head, and then he wanted to kiss her until she begged him to take her. But she wasn't going to do that again. Not ever (Steel:101).

According to the quotation above, it seems that Olliver againt demands Sarah’s promise that she will never change to Ollie. She promises to will always love him. But everything is not walking flawless. Sarah is already changing. She has forgotten her promise to Olliver. Sarah looks that she wants to avoid Ollie from the excuse. Sarah does not want to mixed up with Oliver deeply again. She tries to give the gap between them. She doesn’t want to come back in Oliver’s live. Sarah wants to waive their relationship.

Sarah’s effort to waive her loop with Oliver is seems clearly. Sarah does not want Oliver to presence in her life anymore. She more focus to reach her dreams come true.


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“I think I'm afraid to see you.” “But that's crazy. Why?”

“I don't know. Maybe you want too much from me, Oliver. It's almost as though I'm someone else now. Someone I used to be, and was going to be. Someone who's been asleep for all these years, put away, and forgotten, but now I'm alive again. And I don't want to give that up. For anyone. Not even you.”(Steel:103)

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah asserts more that she can not become herself during she still as Oliver’s wife. She thinks that Oliver is the obstacle for her to reach her dreams. She thinks that Oliver demands her too much as a wife. She thinks that Oliver was changed her become another people that she does not want it as long as his wife. And Sarah will not give up to get her right even Oliver tries to block her.

All in all, from the explanation above the researcher know about feminism that did by Sarah in Daddy. The Sarah’s struggle that found in this research, they are: the Sarah’s effort to abortion her pregnancy, it means that Sarah wants to life freely as a woman worker without responsibility to nurture a children. In this analysis the researcher found that Sarah’s struggle to get her right to continue her study with convince her family that her gone is fine for everyone. The last

struggling did by Sarah is breaking the relationship with her husband which her husband became the obstacle to reach her dreams.

III.3. The Effect Of Sarah’s Life After She Continue Her Study


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As far as Sarah is going away to continue her study in Harvard University, Sarah is not going home yet to visit her family. She instead invites them to visit her new apartment in Boston. But she is not welcoming Olliver as well. She asks him to stay overnight at hotels which Sarah looks to keep a distance between her and her husband. When Olliver carries on the children to Sarah’s place, he looks Sarah in a good condition although she is living away from him.

The flight to Boston had a festive air, as Oliver sat quietly across the aisle from them, and when they drove to her address on Brattle Street, he was incredibly nervous. He had told her he would drop them off, and when she opened the door, he thought his heart would stop when he saw her. She looked as lovely as she had before, only more so. Her hair was loose and longer, and her jeans clung to her in a way that made Ollie ache, but he tried to maintain his composure in front of the children (Steel:102). According to the quotation above, it seems that Olliver and the kids is going to meet Sarah after some monts they never meet. But Ollie will not spend time with Sarah because she refuses him to stay at her apartment. Ollie just drops the kids in front of the apartment. It is also describing of Sarah’s condition after she left. She does not look misery, precisely she looks to be better.

The Sarah’s life also describe her new residen. It describes when the children come to visit her.

She lived in a small apartment, with a comfortable living room and a tiny bedroom, and behind it a shaggy garden, and as the children slurped soup, gobbled their food, and stared happily at her, everyone talked at once with the relief of releasing long-pent-up fears and emotions. Sam stayed glued to her, and even Benjamin looked more relaxed than he had in a long time (Steel:102).

According to the quotation above. It explains the Sarah’s new condition after she left her old place. In a small apartment she lives. It also describes the furniture in the room. And the children looks happy they can gather with their


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mom although they stay in a simple place. They snatch away to talk to their mother while they enjoy the food together. The kids looks so happy.

Not only about a new residen she lives, but also Sarah’s new life shows in a love aspect. Although she is still as Sarah Watson, but she never miss her husband. It is showing when she invites the family to her new apartment, he asks her husband to stay at hotel and not with them. It tickling Olliver to investigate his wife.

His breath caught, but he had to ask her. “Is there someone else?”

Already? So soon? But there could be. And she looked so beautiful when he dropped the kids off. Years had dropped from her when she left

Purchase, and she had been pretty to him then, but now she was even more so.

“No, there isn't.” But she seemed to hesitate as she said it.” Not yet. But I want to be free to see other people.” Jesus. He couldn't believe she was saying these words. But she was. It was over (Steel:104).

From the quotation above, it shows that Sarah looks not suffer about the distance that keep them away. On the other way, she wants to loose the bond between she and her husband. She becomes herself acts like what she wants. She doesn’t want Olliver to curb her.

The freedom of Sarah begins as far as she goes away. After Sarah’s answer Ollie’s question about someone else in her life, she really wants to show that she is free to make a decision for her life including about a boy friend. It looks the statement from Sam, they little children.

“Mom's got this friend.” The words came out as he played, and stared at the cards, and suddenly all of his father's antennae went up. So that was it. She had a boyfriend (Steel:132).

According the quotation above is more strengthen Ollie’s assumption that Sarah has someone else in a relationship. After Sarah’s rejection of Ollie at the


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apartment when they visit them there. Then the statement from his little son is make sure him that his wife is really gone.

Another Sam’s statement is more clarify about Sarah’s life after she gone. And again he talks about a people who is purposed by him.

“He was there before. We met him another time too. But he's staying with Mom now. You know, kind of like a friend. He's from France, and his name's Jean-Pierre. He's twenty-five, and he's here on an exchange program for two years.”

“How nice for him.” Oliver's face set in a thin line as he picked another card without even seeing what it was.

”Nice for Mom, too, I guess. What's he like?” He hated to pump the child, but he wanted to know now. She was living with a twenty-five-year-old man, and exposing her children to him. It made him furious just thinking of it.

“It was no big deal, Dad. He slept on the couch when we were there.” And when you're not, he wanted to ask. Then where does he sleep? But they all knew that. Even Sam had commented on it to Mel on the way back, wanting to know if she thought their mother was in love with him (Steel:132-133).

From the quotation is clarify Ollie’s assumptin that his wife has another people to love. It also clarify Sarah’s freedom. Now she have the own rigth to determine what she wants to do. In this case, she has a boy friend before her relation with Olliver is really over.

Listening the chat between Sam and Ollie, Mel the second daughter tries to clarify what really happen. But it not makes the condition better, but it makes Ollie more infuriated.

He said his lease had run out, and Mom was letting him sleep on the couch until he found another place to live. He was nice to us. I don't think it means anything.†Her eyes were big and sad, and they both knew it meant a lot more than she was admitting to her father. It meant Sarah had moved on, and there was a man in her life...(Steel:133)


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The quotation above shows that Sarah have made a decision without Ollie agreement. It shows that Ollie is nothing again for her. She doesn’t regard Ollie as the important people in her life. She is not involving Ollie in her life again.

As far as Sarah’s gone is changing everything. Including the act to her husband. However she doesn’t yet divorce with Ollie, she has changed her status.

She was no longer the woman he knew and loved. She was someone else. And she belonged to a boy named Jean-Pierre (Steel:134).

According to the sentences above, it shows that Sarah is really changing. She is no longer belong to Olliver Watson. She is not a Ollie’s wife. Although they don’t yet divorce, Sarah braves to build a new relation with other people. Sarah begins to show that she is a free woman.

As far as Sarah separates her self from her family, she becomes

independent woman. She feels she can do everything without family especially under Ollie’s control. Sarah feels free with her new life. Also when Ollie warns about her attitude to serve her boy friend when the children was there.

“Don't threaten me, Oliver. I'm not one of your children. I'm not your maid. I don't work for you anymore. And if that's what you mean when you say you don't know me, you're right. You never did. All I was was a hired hand to keep your kids in line, and do your laundry” (Steel:135). According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah tries to release her grudges as long as she life with Ollie. She feels that Ollie has treaten her like a servant which can be ordered easily. Sarah looks not happy during they life together as a husband and wife. And living alone is the right choice to loose their relationship.

Feminism which is did by Sarah seems clearly from her own statement. As what feminism is brought to give emancipate for a woman rigth, Sarah wants to


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be free from the demand of her husband. Sarah expresses it to Ollie when they chat.

“But it wasn't real. I only did it because I had to. That's what was wrong with it. I wanted to be doing this, leading a bohemian life with no responsibilities other than to myself. I don't want to own anyone or

anything. I never did. I just wanted to be free. And I am now.” (Steel:136) According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah is already got her freedom after she left her family. She tells it to Ollie about her desire. She gets it with life alone and far from them.

The freedom is really felt by Sarah. Her life now what she is experienced the only one she wants. There is no children with her which have to be taking care. And there is no a husband which have to be served. Her new life makes her to be a new person and can be herself. She found her happines in a life. She expresses it to Ollie.

“Are you happy now?” He needed to know that, for his own peace of mind. She had turned their life upside down, but if she had found what she'd been looking for, maybe it was worth it. Just maybe.

“I think I am. Happier anyway. I'll be a lot more so when I accomplish something that I think is worthwhile.” (Steel:136)

The quotation above is asserting that Sarah is happier life alone without her family. She feels happy to life depend on her desire to be reach which she never got it during she life with Ollie before.

The happines of Sarah not only about a happy life. Living alone makes her to be a independent woman in everything, also in finance aspect. There is no more a husband which can fulfill her need. So, Sarah has to be strong than before.

Sarah hadn't taken a penny from him either since she left. She was

supporting herself on the money her grandmother had left, and she insisted it wasn't right for Ollie to support her. Things were tight for her, and the children reported constantly about things they couldn't do when they visited her, because “Mom couldn't afford it”, but that was thelifestyle


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Sarah had always wanted. The life that he had provided for her didn't matter to her anymore. She had given mountains of clothes to Mel, and left the rest at the house in Purchase. She lived in blue jeans and T-shirts and sandals. And she and Jean-Pierre were proud of the fact that they were traveling through Europe on a shoestring (Steel:149-150).

The quotation above shows that Sarah doesn’t want to make difficuities for Ollie. She shows that she can do and fulfill her need by herself. And when she has to be thrifty, she is not complaining it, instead it is a life style which is what she wants.

Sarah is really enjoying her new life in every single day. Also she shares it to the kids. She invites them to spend a holiday to around Europe. Sarah has forgotten about Ollie. They goes to Europe with her boy friend, Jean-Pierre. Until suddenly, Ollie gets a repport from his daughter that they get an accident there and Jean-Pierre is dead. From this part, Sarah shows that she really can continue her life without relationship with a man. This is also a part for Sarah to shows that she dosn’t need Ollie’s help in her life again.

Oliver nodded, and tried to comfort them, and then looked over Sam's head at Sarah. “Do you want to stay at the house in Purchase? We could stay in town, except for the Labor Day weekend.”

But she only shook her head and smiled. She seemed quieter, and notolder, but wiser.

“I start school on Monday. I want to go back. I have a lot to do.” And she didn't tell him that that summer she had finally started her novel


According to the quotation above, it shows that Ollie tries to peace off with Sarah and offers her to stay at the house that they life together before. But Sarah with explicity refuses Ollie’s offer. She wants to go back to her apartment because of her master’s program begins. Also she has to continue the novel that she has started which she can’t do while life as Ollie’s wife.


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As far as Sarah struggling is continue. She tries to finish a novel that she begins. She has more time to do that without any other schedule that deplete so many time. Also she has proper to get a maximum result.

The day before Thanksgiving, Sarah arrived to take Mel and Sam to San Francisco with her to see friends....

Sarah had finished her book a few weeks before...(Steel:266)

The quotation above explaines that Sarah has reached her desire. She has finished her novel that she can’t begins before. From the intention, her effort and her sacrifice, she has made an achievement which she loves to do.

III.3.2. Sarah’s Life As A Mother

One thing that Sarah has to continue beside of she studies is caring her kids. Although Sarah lifes far from the family, but she still cares to the children. It proves when she calls Olliver after she gets an apartment for her to life in New York.

“Hello?” “Is that you?”

“Yes.” A long pause while he tried to regain his composure. “How are you, Sarah?”

“I'm fine. I found an apartment today. How are the kids?”

“Holding up.” He listened, aching for her, and then suddenly hating her again for leaving. It hasn't been easy for them. She ignored the remark. “How was skiing?”

“Fine. The kids had a good time.”(Steel:76)

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah still remember the children. She tries to show her care with calling Olliver and asking about the condition of her kids.

Sarah also shows her care to the kids when Valentine’s Day is coming. She calls Olli to ask about the children.


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And then the big day came. Sarah called on Valentine's Day, and

announced that she wanted to see the children the following weekend. In Boston.

“I want them to see where I live.”(Steel:100)

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah invites the kids to her new residen. She wants them to see her.

Sarah still as a mother for the children. It very natural when the kids feel comfortable while they are beside their mother. It different after Sarah is no more at home. The kids loose a figure which care them well. The invitation of Sarah for the kids to visit her at the apartment is the chance for them to make quality time with their mother. It can make kids’s condition better than before Sarah goes away. Sarah proves that she still a good mother for them.

Melissa was the first to emerge, looking confident and grown up and very pretty. She waved at her father in the cab, and he was relieved to see t hat she was in good spirits. It had done her good to see her mother at last. Benjamin came next, looking serious and subdued, but he was always that way now. He had changed drastically in the two months since she had left them. Or maybe he was just growing up. Oliver wasn't sure, and he worried about him. And then came Sam, dragging his feet and carrying a large, awkwardly wrapped bundle. She had given him a teddy bear, unsure if he would like the gift, but he had slept with it the night before, and clutched it now like a sacred treasure (Steel:105).

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah have treaten the kids very well. It is also saw by Ollie when he came to pick up them to go home. It can prove that Sarah still a good mother for the children. Although she lives far away from them.

Sarah acts her character motherly. She can be a good friend for the kids. She also tries to be a good protector. It shows when she has to be faced the problem which is caused by her old son. Benjamin impregnant his girl friend.


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Benjamin tells it to Sarah because of his father doesn’t support him to keep the baby alive.

“Are you aware of what's going on in the life of your oldest son?' It sounded like a soap opera even to him, but something had to be done about it, he couldn't spend the rest of his life with that girl, and their baby. “He called me last night. I don't think you should interfere.”

“Are you crazy?” He wanted to strangle her with the telephone cord. “Don't you understand what this will do to his life?”

“What do you want him to do? Kill the girl?”

“Don't be an ass, for chrissake.” he couldn't believe what he was hearing from her, “She should get rid of it, or at least put the baby up for adoption. And Benjamin should come to his senses.” (Steel:126)

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah and Olliver argue about their son. Sarah looks support his decision, but it different with Olliver. Sarah tries to give her son a trust to make a decision by hisself. Sarah beliefs that he will make a good deal for him.

Beside of the problem which happen to Benjamin, Sarah also makes quality time again to her other kids. She shows her care to them with invite them to having fun together.

They celebrated the Fourth of July with a few friends and a barbecue, and in two weeks, Mel and Sam were joining Sarah for the rest of the summer. She was taking them to France, to travel there for a month with Jean-Pierre (Steel:144).

According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah tries to having fun with the kids. She invites them for spend time in summer to holiday. She still looks care about the happines of the kids. She stiil to be a good mother for them.

Sarah also acts the character of mother in a good way. She can be good friends for her children. Every kids get the different treatment from her. It makes they feel special for their mom. It proves when Sarah shares her clothes to her daughter.


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She had given mountains of clothes to Mel, and left the rest at the house in Purchase. She lived in blue jeans and T-shirts and sandals (Steel:150). According to the sentences above, it seems that Sarah very cares to her daughter. She willing to life unpretentious and give many clothes of her to her daughter. She shows her care totally to the kids.

Sarah has passed the time as a mother. She already proved that she can be a good mother for the children. On the other hand she is believed to be a grandma.

“Hello, Grandma.”

“Who is this?” She thought it was a crank call and was about to hang up. “You have a grandson, Sarah.” There were tears in his eyes again, as he remembered the children they had borne together.

“Oh my God. Is he all right?”

“He's perfect. Eight pounds, nine ounces, and he looks just like Benjamin when he was born.”

“How's Sandra?”

“Not too great, I suspect. They had to do a cesarean. But she'll be all right. The baby is so sweet, Sarrie... wait till you see him.”(Steel:193-194) According to the quotation above, it seems that Sarah receives the news from Olliver about her grandson. She has became a grandma. She also shows her care to them. She looks worries about the condition of grandson and Sandra (grandson’s mother). Also she feels happy about this.

All in all, from the analysis above the researcher knows that the Sarah’s struggle to get better education that did by Sarah is changing the Sarah’s life. After she left the family, she becomes a free woman instanly. She already became different personal after she gets separate with Olliver. She can decide everything without agreement from Olliver. She has ignored him. Also she has someone else in her life. And finally for the first time, she finished her novel which she never can begin before. Sarah’s life as a mother also running well. She shows to the kids


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that she still a good mother for them. The children also feels the her care very well.

From the analysis above the researcher found that there are two stages of feminism that uses in this research. The first stage is feminism itself. It is the movement did by common woman to get her right in social life. The movement did to get the admission from the environment about her existence. The existence that want to show is the equality right to get the same right in education’s scope. The second stage is feminist mothering. The second stage shows that feminism did by Sarah is more complex. It is because of her position as a mother. Sarah struggle her right well, but she doesn’t ignore the children. She can act the

character motherly. The two part of Sarah’s life is running well together. She gets her right to be free and finished the novel also she treats the children with full of care.




4.1. Conclusion

There are some reasons of Sarah to do feminism in her life, such as: the social status, the fear, the equality, and the fate. The marriage is not her final destination in life. A children, especially, she never hope their presence in her life. Although she is fated as a woman which can pregnant any time. As a woman, Sarah is having her dreams to be reached. The marriage which has builded by them is not realizing Sarah’s dreams. Exactly it makes her wish more strenght to be autonomous.

The first is status. Although she has graduated in sophomore years from Radcliffe at the top of her class, it is not satisfied her. She is jealous to her husband about his achievement and career that it can’t be reached by her. The second is the fear. The fear of Sarah is coming from her worry to take care herself. Since she got married to Oliver, all of her needs is finished by him. Sarah worries that she will be dependent to Oliver for all. She can’t support herself for all needs about financial. The third is equality. Sarah is not finishing yet her story after she got married. It is boring her and making her more jealous with her husband’s stir. She wants to having her own stir to be done and to be prouded. The fourth is the fate. She is a woman married. This fact should be aware her that she can pregnant any time. But the fact that she is pregnant their first baby not make her surrender to this situation. She never expect a baby in her life. She doesn’t want a perfect


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family yet. She doesn’t ready to take care the children. It makes her more struggle for her right through the abortion. It is happening recur until the third pregnant. She wants to be free woman to carve her own achievement and the children is blocking her movement.

The reason of Sarah to do feminism is proving from her effort. The first seems from her effort that apply master’s program in Harvard. It is becoming the gate for her to reach her dreams to be a writer. The second effort is proving from her effort to ensure her family that she is going away for goodness. She is

promising them to visit once a week. She ensures that the condition of her family is never change. Until she has to argued her husband if the decision is the best for her life.

The Sarah’s effort is successful, she is going away to continue her study. Feminist movement which did by Sarah here give the effect to her family

especially the children. After she is going away, the children live only with their father. Sarah is too far to always beside them and taking care them. But Sarah proves that she still a good mother for them. She shows the care to the children in different way. She often invites the kids to spend time together. She has treaten them very well. It shows when Olliver looks the different appearence from the kids after they visit their mother. She also has became a good friend for them. It shows when she tries to support her old son when he is in problem.

All in all, feminism did by Sarah is showing that as a mother she still has the right to do something for herself and by herself. The presence of regulation


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that mother has to be at home all day long and take care the children only her activity is a myth. It is showing from the character of Sarah. She is proving that as a mother she can reach her dreams although it need a big effort to realize it. Actually Sarah is experiencing patriarchal motherhood from her husband. She is under her husband control after she got married to Oliver. But from this story proves that Sarah can struggling her right and do emancipation for herself.


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