


Purposed to fulfill The partial Requirement of Sarjana Pendidikan of International Program on Science Education

Prepared by: Novi Yufitri








Oleh Novi Yufitri

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© Novi Yufitri 2014 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2014

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vii Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept










A. Background………..…....

B. Research Problem………....…... C. Research Objectives..…………...……...…….. D. Research Benefits...…...………....….…. E. Organization of Study ………...…...…... F. Hypothesis ...


A. Learning Style...……. B. Cognitive Achievement... C. Creativity... D. Analysis of Material... E. Relevant Researches... F. Assumption... Page i ii iii iv v vii ix xi xii 1 4 4 5 5 6 7 11 14 15 24 24


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A. Research Method and Design...……… B. Research Location and Subject .……….. C. Operational Definition..………..………. D. Research Instrument..…………...………

E. Instrument Development…..………

F. Technique Data Collection and Analysis.………


1. The Profile of Students’ Learning Style... 2. Student Cognitive Achievement According to Student

Learning Style... 3. The Student Creativity on Product Based on Learning Style... B. Research Discussion

1. The Profile of Students’ Learning Style... 2. Student Cognitive Achievement According to Student

Learning Style... 3. The Student Creativity on Product Based on Learning


CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Conclusions…….………..…... B. Recommendation ……...………...……….



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Page Table 2.1 Cognitive Aspect based on Taxonomy Bloom...……...………...

Table 2.2 Science Project Based on VARK Learning Style....………. Table 2.3 Standard and Basic Competences of Optics...……….……. Table 3.1 The One Group Pretest-Posttest Design..…………....……... Table 3.2 Instrument Research Used... ………..………….……....…... Table3.3 Details of Cognitive Domain Type... Table 3.4 Blueprint Rubric of Student Creativity Product... Table 3.5 Validity Interpretation...……… Table3.6 Recapitulation of Validity Testing in Multiple Choices ...….... Table3.7 Reliability Interpretation...………... Table 3.8 Classification of Discriminating Power ... Table 3.9 The Classification Result of Discriminating Power... Table 3.10 Difficulty Level ...……… Table 3.11 Result of Difficulty Level ...…... Table 3.12 Ctegory of Creaty Level Based on Product ... Table 3.13 Category of Average Normalized Gain ... Table 4.1 Student Preference Learning Style .……… Table 4.2 Students’ Group Project Choices Based on Learning Style ... Table 4.3 Result of ANNOVA Pretest and Posttest in Cognitive

Achievement ...

11 15 16 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 41 43


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Table 4.4 Recapitulation of Students Cognitive Domain Based on Bloom Taxonomy.…... Table 4.5 Recapitulation of Cognitive Achievement in C1 (Remembering ... Table 4.6 Recapitulation of Cognitive Achievement in C2 (Understanding) . Table 4.7 Recapitulation of Cognitive Achievement in C3 (Applying) …... Table 4.8 Recapitulation of Cognitive Achievement in C4 (Analyzing) ... Table 4.9 Score of Creativity Product ... Table 4.10 Creativity on Artistic Representation Project ... Table 4.11 Creativity on Scientific Poster Project... Table 4.12 Creativity on Writing Article Project ... Table 4.13 Creativity on Drama Performances Project ...

45 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56


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Page Figure 2.1 Eyes ...

Figure 2.2 Eye Condition of Myiopia and Hypermetropia ... Figure 2.3 Properties of Camera ... Figure 2.4 Image Formation by Lup ... Figure 2.5 Periscope Image Formation ... Figure2.6 Image Formed in Microscope... Figure 2.7 Image Formed in Telescope ... Figure 4.1 Student Profile Learning Style...…………... Figure 4.2 Cognitive Achievemenets on Pretest and Postest ... Figure 4.3 The Improvement of Student Cognitive Achievemen in C1

(Remembering) ... Figure 4.3 The Improvement of Student Cognitive Achievemen in C2

(Understanding) ………...… Figure 4.4 The Improvement of Student Cognitive Achievemen in C3

(Applying) ...………. Figure 4.5 The Improvement of Student Cognitive Achievemen in C4

(Remembering) ...………. Figure 4.6 Result of Creativity Product ………. Figure 4.7 Rseult of Creativity Product Based on Learning Style ...

18 19 20 21 21 23 23 42 46




51 57 58


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Appendix A.1 Lesson Plan ………... Appendix A.2 Group’ Worksheet ………... Appendix A.3 Objective Test ………...


Appendix B.1 Rubric Creative Product .. ………... Appendix B.2 Observation Sheet ...………... Appendix B.3 Learning Style Questionaire ... C. INSTRUMENT ANALYSIS

Appendix C.1 Instrument Analysis of Objective Test ………... Appendix C.2 Judgment Result ………... D. STATICAL ANALYSIS

Appendix D.1 Descriptive of ANNOVA ...………...


Appendix E.1 Individual Score of Learning Style Questionaire... Appendix E.2 Score Recapitulation Score of Pretest and Postest ………... Appendix E.3 Score Recapitulation Score of Pretest and Posttes in Learning

Style Group ... Appendix E.4 Recapitulation Score of Crativity Product ………...


Appendix F.1 Judgment Form of Research Paper ...…...



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Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept



Novi Yufitri

International Program on Science Education


Learning style is the way how student perceive, gather and process the information.VARK (Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic) is one of the modality of learning style based on sensory modaliities. This research had been investgated the impact of learning style towards students’ cognitive achievement and creativity on optic instrument concept. The method which is used in this research was weak experiment with one-group-pretest-posttest design. The sample was taken Randomly (n=33students) at grade 8 in Boarding School. The quantitative data of this research was gained through objective test of multiple question, while the qualitative data was gathered through rubrics. The result of this research found that there is a differences within group of learning style with significanty level 0.003. Thus, the creativity stdent who choose a project which is suitable with their learning style was obtained high score. This indicated that learning style has an role towards cognitive achievement and creativity on optic instrument concept.

Key words: Learning Style, VARK, Cognitive achievement. Creativity, Optic instrument


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Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

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Learning science is not simply as logical think and memorizing the concept but also need basic inquiry and higher order thinking to discover a new thing or solve some problem. Learning science should involve an activities both minds’ on and hands’ on. So, student can gain the main concept and interested which is taught by teacher. Thus, learning process can be meaningful for student.

Several researchers advocate that a determination of correct learning style by using questionnaire or Learning Style Inventory is necessary, because it can assist to increase the academic performances of the student (Giggs,in Makhlouf et al., 2012). Preferred style of learning and

understanding of it can influence students’ learning in a positive way.

Flexible combination of learning and teaching style enable every student to develop effective ways of gaining positive educational outcomes (Stellwagen, 2001).

According to Peraturan Pemerintah number 20 years 2003 about national education system BAB II Pasal 3 stated that national education has a function to develop the ability and build a character and also dignified civilization in order to achieve the life of the nation, aimed at developing the potential of students to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. It has been issued that the heterogeneity of

student within classroom is one of the greatest challenges’ that is faced by

teacher. And the response has been a big clamoring to differentiate the instruction itself. Teacher may think that how to teach and give an instruction in the zone of proximal development for all student. While every student is



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

unique, they have their own way to learn and their own capability to strengthen their ability in learning.

Refers to Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional nomor 41 tahun 2007, about standard process for elementary and secondary school that in the making of lesson plan teacher should watch the differences of every student based on gender, ability, level, sex, ethnics, learning style, levels of intelligences, motivation, aptitude and student interest. Understanding the diversity of student is important thing for improving the quality of learning.

Based on the nativistic theory exemplified by Chomsky, it is noted that the way perceptual system organizes language acquisition is innately given, therefore everybody follows a uniform pattern (Schemeck, 1988). Each individual has its own interest on processing information led to the theory of cognitive process in 1950s. While the cognitive processes is a important part of preferences of learning style (Shi, 2011). Therefore, the student’s preferences learning style may be advantageous to increase the students' cognitive.

Preferences in the assimilation and processing of information and knowledge may differ from one student to others. Learning style greatly has an effect to the learning process, and, therefore the outcome (Makhlouf et al., 2012) “Learning styles refer to an individuals’ characteristics and preferred way of gathering, interpreting, organizing and thinking about

information”(Wang, in Shi, 2011). The teacher might not notice the

characteristic of each student. So, student can not perceive and gather any information well from teacher because the instructional method are not suitable for them, then it cause negatively by the decreasing number or value of student achievement and their motivation to learn science.

In addition, learning science is a process to making observations, testing ideas, generating evidence, and justifying based on evidence. Briefly, scientific process is active. Active learning involves students in learning activity. To enhance student activeness in teaching learning process, teachers



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

should motivate student to increase the achievement by giving the instruction that is matched with their preference style, Aural learners more active to learn by listening, visual learners more active to learn by seeing, kinesthetic learners more active to learn by doing, and read learners more active to learn by reading or writing. Learning style responsive instruction normally increased the achievement and motivation of student (Lovelace in Choi et al., 2008). So, it is important to redesign the instruction based on learners’ preference learning style then the outcome can be maximized.

Creativity is not just an outcome of dramatic improvisation and artistic artifacts, but also business innovation ideas and scientific breakthroughs. While Torrence (1996) argued that creativity is a multidimensional aspect involves fluency, flexibility, originality. Creativity is necessary in science, Erez advocate when art and science being taught simultaneously, creative skill can be developed that benefit both subject, student learn courage and a desire for originality.

Consistently, student has their own way and tendency. Tendencies that seem affect choice of action and thoughts. Pattern of habitual thinking and learning make ideas will be more obvious. While, the process of deliberate creativity is take less obvious ideas. In addition, leadership of teams is one of way to facilitate think in the same modes at the same time and choose a

preference’s learning style to the issues of the project (Barlow, 2000).

Nonetheless, not many researchers have been investigating the role of learning style that may affect the creativity and concept comprehension.

Generally, science is taught by using lecturing or guided inquiry learning regardless of gender differences and preferences’ learning style of student itself. KTSP is a written curriculum that regard to learning styles, in making lesson plan. In this research paper exhibit a role of learning style that may affect the creativity and cognitive achievement of middle school students.

Students preferences’ learning style is determine by using VARK (Visual,



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

which has similarities and choose some project (scientific poster, artistic representation, written article or drama perfprmences) to learn optic instruments concept in science classes. By providing variation of projects is expected to students can determine which one is more attractive and it can

increase students’ understanding and motivation to learn without limiting

creativity. Student with high levels of creativity might focus their creativity in quite different ways (Kirton in Barlow, 2010). Concept of optics instrument that eing taught in middle school itself is quite complex and need some media or representation to make it easier. Through of project based on learning style it hopes that learning process can be meaning Some of the reason above brings researcher to conduct an research to identify learning style toward students’ cognitive achievement and creativity on optics instrument concept.

B. Research Problem

According to the background above, the research problem is “how is identification resul of learning style towards students’ cognitive achievement and creativity on optic instrument concept?” .

From that problem there are some research questions that derived from, there are:

1. How is the profile of students’ learning style?

2. How is role of students’ learning style towards cognitive achievement in learning optic instruments?

3. How is role of students’ learning style towards creativity in learning optic instruments?

C. Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are:

1. To analyze type of students’ learning style

2. To investigate the student cognitive achievement based on students’ learning style in learning optic instruments.



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

3. To investigate the student’s creativity based on learning style in

learning optic instruments.

D. Research benefits

As the benefits of this research papers are: 1. Teacher

a. Have greater insight and know the importance of students’ learning style in the process of teaching and learning.

b. Noticed the individual characteristic of student in science class c. Apply project choices to develop student creativity based on

their learning style.

d. For future, hoped that teacher could develop and refine a methods or approachess which emphasizes student characteristics.

2. Students

a. Help students to know their preference learning style based on the sensory.

b. Develop student creativity

c. Get experience in project-team learning d. Motivate students to choose what they need 3. Other Researchers

a. To find out another consideration to improving the teaching and learning process which emphasizes learning style

b. Further analysis the impact of learning style towards improvement in cognitive achievement

c. Further analysis of the creativity based on student learning style E. Organization of Study



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Chapter One provides the background of the study which established the importance of the independent variables and the outcome variable intent to use learning style preference information in the statement of the problem, purpose and significance of the research. The research problem, the research question, limitation, objective and benefit are also identified in Chapter One.

Chapter Two presents the review of literature related to this study’s conceptual framework. The chapter introduction is followed by a discussion of the conceptual issues of learning styles such as the variation in definitions of learning style, conceptual frameworks and model descriptions, learning styles instruments, key characteristics of learning styles, definition of creativity, student creativity , product of creativity and concept. Independent and dependent are discussed as they link to the research.

Chapter Three discusses the methodology, instrument development, data collection, and data analysis used to conduct the study. Chapter Four reports the results of the data analyses related to the research question. Chapter Five provides a summary of the findings and conclusions, limitations, implications and recommendations for further research.

F. Hypothesis

H0: The is no differences of cognitive achievement within group of learning style


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Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

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CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Method and Design

1. Research method

The reasearch method which was applied in this research was experimental research. In experimental research, the reserachers look at the effect of least one independendent variable on one or more dependent variable (Fraenkel et al., 2009). The type of experimental research that is used in this study is weak experimental design, “weak” here means that there is no control for threats to internal validity. The dependent variable in this research are cognitive achievement and creativity, while the independent variable is learning style. According to the Frankael et al (2009) state that experimental study is the best type to testing hypothesis. That statement as one consideration of using this method is to testing hypothesis whether learning style has an impact in cognitive achievement or not.

2. Research design

Type of weak experimental design that is used in this research is one-group Pretest-Posttest Design. In this research design, a single one-group is measured or observed not only after being exposed to treatment of some sort but also before (Frankael et al., 2009). A table of this design is as follows:

Tabel 3.1 The One Group Pretest-Posttest Design


Pretest Treatment Posttest

B. Research Location and Subject 1. Research Location



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

This research was held in one of Boarding School in Subang which is use KTSP curriculum in teaching-learning process. The data collection was done in July 2014.

2. Subject

Population of this research is all of student’s ability in concept mastery and creativity that belongs to all 8 (eight) grade in the middle school. The sample of this research is one class of students’ ability in concept comprehension and creativity on optic instrument. The simple random sampling is used as sampling technique. Simple random sampling is one of the population has an equal and independent chance of being selected (Frankel, 2011)

C. Operational Definition

In order to conduct the research in accordance with the expected aims and avoid misunderstanding, therefore an operational definition need to be describe as follows:

1. Learning Style is a student’s preference of how student catch, organize and then processed the information by their sensory (visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetics) based on Fleming. Student were given a learning style questionnaire that was developed by Fleming, then student were grouped based on their prefference learning style.

2. Cognitive Achievement is a student cognitive accomplishment which is taken by pre and post test. The learning achievement that conduct in this research is achieved by cognitive aspect from revised taxonomy Bloom by Anderson (2011) which covers C1 until C4 in learning optics instrument.

3. Creativity is a product of creative thinking from group or individual perceive and create new combinations. Students’ creativity is assesed through rubric as an instrument. The are four aspects that measure



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

creativity based on Munandar. There are Fluently, Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration. Optic instrument is a topic that is chosen to make a product. Class will divided into several group based on their learning style.

D. Research Instrument

Research instrumen is a tool that is used to collect research data. Instrumen used in this research are, rubric for creativity product (Scientific Poster, Artistic Representation, writen article, and drama presentation) and multiple choice related to the creativity product made by students.

The instruments used in this research are illustrated in table, as follows: Table 3.2 Instrument Research Used

No. Type of


Aspect that Assessed Data Collected 1 ©VARK


Student preference learning style

The highest score of preference learning style from answer sheet of questionnaire 2 Assesment of


Level of creativity which is assessed based on novelty, resolution, elaboration and syhthesis.

Product of artistic representation/ drama performences/ scientific poster/writing article.

3 Multiple choices related to the optics instrument

Cognitive achievement that should be mastery by student

Pre-test and post-test

1. Pre test

Pre test were conducted in the beginning of learning. It was intended to know the students; prior knowledge toward optics intrument concept. In this pre test consist of 20 multiple-choice questions. Those questions only elaborated to the students’ cognitive domain. Learning outcome that would



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

be conducted in this research is about cognitive aspect; there were C1 (remembering), C2 (understanding), C3 (applying), C4 (analyzing) according to Revised Taxonomy Bloom.

Table 3.3 Details of Cognitive Domain Type

No Indicator Cognitive Domain Total Precentage


C1 C2 C3 C4

1 Explain the function of eyes as an optics instrument

1, 3 2, 4 4 20

2 Describe the image formation of objects on the retina.

8 5,6 7 5 25

3 Investigate the characteristics of optical instruments (Camera, telescope, lup, and


9 10, 11,15 19,20

13,14 16,18

12 11 55

Total 4 9 5 1

20 100

Precentage (%) 20 45 30 5

2. Post Test

Posttest was conducted at the end of learning. All questions were same with pre test questions. Post tes was given intention of knowing the development of student cognitive achievement towards optics instrument concept.



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Assesment rubric was used to asses the creativity based on the product that has been made by student. Rubric was made by adapted the existing rubric and developed subsequently based on the needed and objective of the research. Level of students’ creativity classified into categories, very high, high, medium, low, and very low. As illustrated table below :

Table 3.4 blueprint of Student Creativity Product No. Indicator of


Value Aspect of Product Scientific


Writing Assignment

Presentation Artistic Representation 1 Fluency Graphics Theme Performances Variation of

material 2 Flexibility Elements Elements Elements Elements 3 Originality Attractiveness Attractiveness Attractiveness Attractiveness 4 Elaboration Answering

problem a with explanation

Answering problem a with explanation

Answering problem a with explanation

Answering problem a with explanation

There are 4 types of rubric scale of product. First, rubric scale product of poster, presentation, writting scenario, and last, rubric scale product for artistic representation.

E. Instruments Development

The instruments that would be judged consist of questions of pretest and postest, the rubric sclae of product, rubric scale of creativity. The whole instruments were judged by 3 experts. Two of them are lectures of university and one of them is the official scence teachers of SMP Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Parahyangan.

Number of quetions that was related to the concept were tested to find out the feasibility as an instrument of the research. Form of product assesment onl tested and validated by teacher or lecturer. While for cognitive test, after being revised by judges the questions were tested to the



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

student. Further analysisi were needed to find out good or bad some test, covers validity, realibility, discriminating power, level of difficulty, and distractor by using dsoftware Anates ver.4.

1. Validity

The validity test is used to measure the validity of item test that will be used to measure students concept comprehension. Based on Arikunto, validity test is a measurement that confirm the instrument whether it is valid or not and can measure that will be measured (Arikunto, 2010).

Because of that, the validity test was implemented by compared the content of the subject matter which is students taught. To determine the appropriateness of the instrument with the material, it was done with the product moment correlation formula are given:


rxy = items correlation coefficient. X = items scores

N = amount of subject

(Arikunto, 2010) The table of interpretation of validity criteria compare to the result, are given:

Table 3.5 Validity Interpretation Correlation Coefficients Validity Criteria

0,80 < r ≤ 1,00 Very high

0,60 < r ≤ 0,80 High

0,40 < r ≤ 0,60 Enough

0,20 < r ≤ 0,40 Low

0,00 ≤ r ≤ 0,20 Very low

(Arikunto, 2010)

∑ [ ∑ ∑ ]



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Based on the criteria above, the item test are validated and classify it whether it belongs to very high, high, enough, low and very low. According to the calculation by using Anates ver.4 it was obtained 20 question of multiple choices which have criteria very high, high, enough , low, and very low. that will be used as a instrument

Table. 3.6 Recapitulation of Validity Testing in Multiple Choices

Number Question

Coefisien Correlation Criteria

1 0,617 High

2 0,611 High

3 0,369 Low

4 0,145 Very Low

5 0,304 Low

6 0,925 Very High

7 0,330 Low

8 0,559 Enough

9 0,159 Very Low

10 0,304 Low

11 0,651 High

12 0,559 Enough

13 0,482 Enough

14 0,149 Very Low

15 0,146 Very Low

16 0,159 Very Low

17 0,482 Enough

18 0,718 High

19 0,391 Low

20 0,475 Enough

2. Reliability

Reliability is used to measure the consistency of instrument to measure that was used. Based on Arikunto (2010) reliability tends to tool that is used to data collection instrument whether it has been good or yet. The formula that was used in this research is use Alpha Cronbrach, because this formula



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

could be used to answer which has the scales dichotomy as such true (1), false ()). Split-half method formula given:

r11 = (




r11 = Instrument reliability n = Amount of question

∑ = Amount of Varian score in each item = Varian total

(Arikunto,2010) The instrument can be called reliable if the reliability coefficient (R11)> 0.6, or can be compared with r table (product moment). The table to interpret reliability is given:

Table 3.7 Reliability Interpretation Correlation


Reliability Criteria 0,80 < r ≤ 1,00 Very high

0,60 < r ≤ 0,80 High 0,40 < r ≤ 0,60 Enough 0,20 < r ≤ 0,40 Low 0,00 ≤ r ≤ 0,20 Very low

(Arikunto, 2010) Based on the calculation by using software Anates ver.4, the reliabiity of the test was 0,62. Hence , it can be conclude that the test have a high criteria . means that the test was acceptable.



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

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The discriminating power is used to measure whether the student belongs to higher or lower achiever category through item test. the question or problem which have a good discrimination power will have higher result , so if it is given to the high achiever student rather than it is given to the low achiever student (Arikunto, 2010). Means that the problem can be determine which student belongs to. The formula that is use to discriminating power of an item test are given:


D = Discriminating power JA = Amount of high achiever JB = Amount of low achiever

BA = Amount of high achiever who answers question with the right answer

BB = Amount of low achiever who answers question with the right answer

PA = Proportion of high achiever who answers question with the right answer

PB = Proportion of low achiever who answers question with the right answer

(Arikunto, 2012) To classify it then the criteria are given below:

Table 3.8 Classification of Discriminating Power Discriminating Power Classification

0,00 – 0,20 Poor

0,21 – 0,40 Satisfactory

0,41 – 0,70 Good

0,71 – 1,00 Excellent

( Arikunto, 2010) Dp = - =PA-PB



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Based on the calculation was done by software anatest ver.4. the analysis of the discrimination power was obtained and criteria were given based on the table 3.8. as follows:

Table 3.9 The Classification Result of Discriminating Power No.


Discriminating Power (%) Criteria

1 85,71 Excellent

2 83,33 Excellent

3 33,33 Satisfactory

4 42,86 Good

5 33,33 Satisfactory

6 100 Excellent

7 0,00 Poor

8 57,14 Good

9 85,71 Excellent

10 16,67 Poor

11 0,00 Poor

12 83,33 Excellent

13 0,00 Poor

14 16,67 Poor

15 14,29 Poor

16 16,67 Poor

17 33,33 Satisfactory

18 66,67 Good

19 16,67 Poor

20 50,00 Good

Generally, question was good enough to use as instrument. But for a few question that belongs to poor criteria are revised, so it can be used. 4. Level of Difficulty

The good item test it should be not too easy or difficult of item test, but it should be balance. Students’ capability in answered difficult question is not determine by teacher perspective, but there are some requirements that should be consider determining the difficulty level of item test. the first requirement is balancing, means that the amount of



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

easy, medium and difficult of item test should be same. The second is the approximately three categories based on the proportion of the normal curve. Means that most of the problems are in the medium category, some are include in the easy category and difficult category with balanced proportions (Arikunto, 2010). The formula is given to determine it:


P = Difficulty level

B = Number of students who answer correctly N= Total number of students

(Arikunto, 2010) Table of each criteria are given as below:

Table 3.10 Difficulty Level Index of Difficulty Level Criteria

0 – 0,29 Difficult

0,30- 0,69 Middle

0,70 - 1,00 Easy

(Arikunto, 2010)

Based on the calculation was done by software anatest ver.4. the analysis of the discrimination power was obtained and criteria are given based on the Table 3.10. as follows:

Table 3.11 Result of Difficulty Level No.


Index Level of Difficulty Criteria

1 80,95 Easy

2 61,90 Middle

3 90,48 Easy

4 68,00 Middle

5 80,95 Easy

6 57,14 Middle

7 66,67 Middle

8 36,00 Middle

9 44,00 Middle

P =



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

No. Question

Index Level of Difficulty Criteria

10 95,24 Easy

11 28,00 Difficult

12 61,90 Middle

13 84,00 Easy

14 95,24 Easy

15 52,00 Middle

16 92,00 Easy

17 52,00 Middle

18 71,43 Easy

19 95,24 Easy

20 76,19 Middle

F. Technique Data Collection and Analysis

Data was collected using creativity rubric scoring for product, pretest and posttest that covers concept of optics instrument. Each data processed and analyzed by following way:

1. Data Processed and Analyzed of Creative Product

Data collected using rubric scale. Furthermore data is processed by calculating each score then convert to the form scale value from 1 – 100


NP = value look for (%)

R = Raw score obtained by students SM = Maximum ideal score

100 = Fixed number

(Purwanto, 2008) To determine level of students’ creativity, obtained value is interprated in percentage form. Based on Purwanto (2008), the precentage value result can be grouped into crirtia such as very high, high, medium, low, and very low.



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Table 3. 12 Category of Creativity Level based on Product

Value (%) Criteria

86 – 100 Very High

76 – 85 High

60 – 75 Medium

55 – 59 Low

≤ 54 Very Low

2. Data Processing and Analysis of Pretes and PostTest

Data was collected from pretest and post was obtained from student, which covered material about optics instrumen then being rocessed by calculating score of students’ pretest and posttest that formed in multiple choice. Each correct answer was given a score one, while a wrong answer was given a score zero. Then, to find out final score with scale 100 from multiple choice done by using formulation, as given:


SS = Score obtained by student SM = Maximum Score

FS = Final Score

After getting the final score, pretest and posttest being analyzed for the effectiveness of their instruction by finding the value of N-Gain. The value of N-gain were categorized as high, medium and low. As follows :

a. Average Normalized Gain

in obtaining the average normalized gain score in this research was done by ©Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Average normalized gain is a method to assess the effectiveness of instruction. The average normalized gain is commonly used to assess students’ performence in pre- and post-test. the average or normalized could be calculated by using average scores of the class or individual student’s score. Generally, both of calculation has



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

different product. The properties of two result were explored for several ideallized situations. The results indicated that it might be able to utilize the the difference between the two results to extract information about how population may have changed as a result of instruction. Average normalized gain (g) describe as the ratio of the average improvement in participantscores from pre-test to the post-test rescpectly to the maximum possible improvement. G can be calculated, as follows :

Hake (1998) noted that the normalized gain has a significant measurement of how well a course though topics of physics to students. Hake regarded normalized gain in the category of high, medium and low. As illustrated in table below :

Table 3.12 Category of Average Normalized Gain Normalized Gain Category

< 0.3 Low

0.3 < X< 0.7 Medium

> 0.7 High

(Hake, 1998) 3. Research Scheme

Research scheme is a view of how the research is conducted. Starting from the preparation stage, following by implementation stage until a conclusion is made based on the formulation issued raised. Detailed the plot of this research is set out in several step as shown below:



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Figure 3.2 Research Scheme

Test of reliability, discrimination power, and difficulty level of instrument (Cognitive Test)

Pre-test & VARK Questionnaire


Analyzing data


Material given and make a project Designing lesson plan

Literature study of Learning style creativity, cognitive achievement, and

optics concept Preliminary study/need analysis

Analyzing science content standard of secondary school

Analyzing Indicator of students creativity, product and optics instrument concept

Making research instrument (pretest, post test and rubric)

Instrument validation Revision




64 Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept



A. Conclusion

Research of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement and Creativity on Optic Instrument Concept has been conducted systematically, based on the research result it is acquired some conclusions as follows:

1. Auditory learners are prevailed with 36.36 % , followed by Visual learners 27.27 %, were read/write and kinesthetic learners are 18.18%. not all learners understand about their preference laerning style it is proof by no aural learners that is choose a project assigment which are design acoording to their learning style.

2. The learning style is an factor that can not be neglected in teaching learning process, it is noted based on the result of this study that learning style has a important role towards cognitive achievement. It is proof the alternative hypothesized (retain H1) that noted the different cognitive achievement within group of learning style through in posttest after the implementation has been conducted, with significancy level 0,003 using ANNOVA analysis. The group who choose a appropiate project with their learning style show higher improvement rather than group who are not. Visual and kinesthetics learners almost reached highest score in each cognitive test item (C1-C4), it happened because undirectly they have more advantages in learning process and project itself.

3. The learning style is take a important role and can not be neglected in the creativity process. It is proof by the student who choosed a project product baed on their preference learning style has higher creativity on product result rather than students who



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

are not choose project which are appropiate with their learning style.

B. Reccomendation

Based on the findings of the research that has been conducted and concluded, there are several recommendations that necessary to be conveyed by the researchers, some of them are:

1. It is necessary to conduct the learning style questionaire/ inventory in the begining of clas to know better understanding about student preffernce learning style.

2. Learning style is an aspect that can not be neglected in the diversity of student during teaching and learning process. Teacher should know that every student is unique and also student themselve shoul know that they are difference. Through learning style, not only teacher to know how to teach the student but also for student themselve to know how they learn better.

3. To develeop creativity based onthe learning style, teacher take an important role as a guidance to arrange nad guide which is potential for them. So, the development of creativity can be maximize.

4. For the next researchers who has interest in learning style, it is better to have a control and experiment class. Thus, the role of learning style itself can be seen clearly and the result are not bias between the high achiever and low achiever.


67 Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept


Abidin, et al. (2011). Learning Styles and Overall Academic Achievement in Specific Educational System. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. [Online]. Available at [accesile 24th April 2014].

Anderson, L.W and Karthwohl, D. R. (2001). A Taxonomy or Learning, Teaching

and Assessing: A revision of Bloom Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.

Addison Wesley Longmam.Inc.

Arikunto, S. (2010). Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Edisi Revisi). Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Armstrong, T. (2013). Kecerdasan Multiple di Dalam Kelas. Jakarta: PT Indeks. BSNP. (2006). Panduan Penyusunan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta: Badan Standar

Nasional Pendidikan.

BSNP. (2007). Standar Penilaian Pendidikan. Jakarta: Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan.

BSNP. (2006). Standar Proses. Jakarta: Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Deporter, Bobbi and Mike, Hernacki. (2007). Quantum Learning:

MembiasakanBelajar Nyaman dan Menyenangkan. Bandung: PT. Mizan


Dunn, R. et al. (n.d). A Meta-Analytic Validation of the Dunn and Dunn Model of Learning Style Prefferences.

Djamarah, S.B. (1994). Prestasi Belajar dan Kompetensi Guru. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.

Eishani, K.A, Erahim, A.S, and Yaghoob, N. (2014). The Relationship between Learning Styles and Creativity. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 114, Pages 1-954 . [Online].Available at: [accesible 7th may 2014].

Fleming, N. and Baume D. (2006) Learning Style Again: VARKing up the right tree!, Educational Developments, SEDA Ltd, Issue 7.4, Nov. 2006, p4-7. [Online]. Available at: [accessible 24th April 2004] Fleming, N (2010). The VARK for young Questionnaire. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 14th August 2013]

Fraenkael, et al., (2011). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education

(eight edition). New York: McGraw-Hill Publisher.

Hake, R.R. (1998). Analyzing Change/Gain Scores [Online]. Available at: [accessible 20th December 2013]

Jones, P.H. (2008). Fostering Creative Thinking. Bristol: Higher Education Academy Education Subject Centre Esscalate [Online]. Available at: [accessible 4th January 2014].

Karns, G.L. (2006). Learning style differences in the perceived effectiveness of learning activities. Journal of Marketing Education, 56-63. [Online]. Available at: [accessible 4th January 2014].



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom, B.S. and Masia, B.B. (1964). Taxonomy of Educational Onjectives, Book II Affective Domain. New York, NY. David McKay Company, Inc.

Makhlouf, A.S. et al. (2012). A Comparison of Preferred Learning Style between Vacational. Institute for Learning Styles Journal, 1-9. [Online. Available at: [accessible 4th January 2014].

Mokhtar, I.A, Shaheen, M and Schubert, F (2008). Teaching information literacy through learning styles: The application of Gardner's multiple intelligences. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. [Online].Available at: [accesible 7th may 2014]. Marcy, V. (2001) Adult Learning Styles: How the VARK Learning Style

Inventory Can be Used to Improve Student Learning. Perspective on Physician Assistant Education, Vol. 12, No. 2, Spring 2001. [Online]. Available at: [accessible 7th January 2014]

Miller, Pamela (2001). Learning Styles: The Multimedia of the Mind. Research

Report. [Online]. Available at:

[accesible 15th August 2014].

Munandar, U. (2009). Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Sukis, W. And Muharomah, Y. (2008). Mari Belajar Ilmu Alam Sekitar Bab.14

Light: D. Optic Instrument (pp. 269-276). . [Online]. Available at: [accesible 7th may 2014]

Ramirez, B.U. (2011). The sensory modality used for learning affects grades. Advances in Physiology EducationPublished 1 September 2011Vol. 35no. 3, 270-274. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 7th may 2014]

Reeder, F.F. and Joos, A.E (2013) Fire Service Instructor: Principle and Practice Second Edition (Eds). The Learning Proccess. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 14th August 2013]

Hake, R.R. (1998). Analyzing Change/Gain Scores [Online]. Available at:[accesible 20th December 2013]

Peter, S.E. et al., (2009). Learning styles, Personalisation and Adaptable

e-Learning. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 16

August 2014]

Puspita, Diana and Iip, Rohima., (2008). Alam Sekitar IPA Terpadu. [Online]. Available at: http://www accesible 20th December 2013].

Salkind, N. J. and Rasmussen, K. (2008). Encyclopaedia of Educational Psychology 1. London: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Snyder, R.C. (2000). The Relationship between Learning Styles/Multiple Intelligences and Academic Achievement of High School Students. [Online]. The High School Journal Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 11-20 Available at: [accesible 15th August 2014]

Stellwagen, (2001). A challenge to the learning style advocates. [Online]. Available at: http://www. [accesible 15th August 2014] .



Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Tutkun, O.F (2012) Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and Critics on it. The online Journal of Counseling and Education- July 2012,

Uzuntiryaki, E. (2007). Learning Styles and High School Students’ Chemistry Achievement. Science Education International Vol, 18 No.1, March 2007, pp. 25-37. Available at: [accesible 15th August 2014]

Vaishanav, R.S. (2013). Learning Style and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. Voice of Research Vol.1 issue 4, March 2013 [Online]. Available at: [accessible 16th April 2014]. Wiki Kids. (2013). Optical Instrument. [Online]. Available at: http://www. [accessible 16th August 2014].

William A. Drago and Richard J. Wagner, (2004). Vark preferred learning styles and online education. Management Research News, Vol. 27 Iss: 7, pp.1 – 13. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 14th August 2013]

Wulan, S. (2011). Iklim kelas belajar aktif, gaya belajar an kreativitas (suatu studi korelasional pada siswa kelas III Sekolah Dasar Islam AL-IZHAR Ponok Labu Jakarta Selatan). Thesis S2 Universitas Indonesia: Unreleased.



Figure 3.2 Research Scheme

Test of reliability, discrimination power, and difficulty level of instrument (Cognitive Test)

Pre-test & VARK Questionnaire

Post-test Analyzing data


Material given and make a project Designing lesson plan

Literature study of Learning style creativity, cognitive achievement, and

optics concept Preliminary study/need analysis

Analyzing science content standard of secondary school

Analyzing Indicator of students creativity, product and optics instrument concept

Making research instrument (pretest, post test and rubric)

Instrument validation Revision




64 Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Research of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement and Creativity on Optic Instrument Concept has been conducted systematically, based on the research result it is acquired some conclusions as follows:

1. Auditory learners are prevailed with 36.36 % , followed by Visual learners 27.27 %, were read/write and kinesthetic learners are 18.18%. not all learners understand about their preference laerning style it is proof by no aural learners that is choose a project assigment which are design acoording to their learning style.

2. The learning style is an factor that can not be neglected in teaching learning process, it is noted based on the result of this study that learning style has a important role towards cognitive achievement. It is proof the alternative hypothesized (retain H1)

that noted the different cognitive achievement within group of learning style through in posttest after the implementation has been conducted, with significancy level 0,003 using ANNOVA analysis. The group who choose a appropiate project with their learning style show higher improvement rather than group who are not. Visual and kinesthetics learners almost reached highest score in each cognitive test item (C1-C4), it happened because undirectly they have more advantages in learning process and project itself.

3. The learning style is take a important role and can not be neglected in the creativity process. It is proof by the student who choosed a project product baed on their preference learning style has higher creativity on product result rather than students who



are not choose project which are appropiate with their learning style.

B. Reccomendation

Based on the findings of the research that has been conducted and concluded, there are several recommendations that necessary to be conveyed by the researchers, some of them are:

1. It is necessary to conduct the learning style questionaire/ inventory in the begining of clas to know better understanding about student preffernce learning style.

2. Learning style is an aspect that can not be neglected in the diversity of student during teaching and learning process. Teacher should know that every student is unique and also student themselve shoul know that they are difference. Through learning style, not only teacher to know how to teach the student but also for student themselve to know how they learn better.

3. To develeop creativity based onthe learning style, teacher take an important role as a guidance to arrange nad guide which is potential for them. So, the development of creativity can be maximize.

4. For the next researchers who has interest in learning style, it is better to have a control and experiment class. Thus, the role of learning style itself can be seen clearly and the result are not bias between the high achiever and low achiever.


67 Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

April 2014].

Anderson, L.W and Karthwohl, D. R. (2001). A Taxonomy or Learning, Teaching and Assessing: A revision of Bloom Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Addison Wesley Longmam.Inc.

Arikunto, S. (2010). Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Edisi Revisi). Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Armstrong, T. (2013). Kecerdasan Multiple di Dalam Kelas. Jakarta: PT Indeks. BSNP. (2006). Panduan Penyusunan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta: Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan.

BSNP. (2007). Standar Penilaian Pendidikan. Jakarta: Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan.

BSNP. (2006). Standar Proses. Jakarta: Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Deporter, Bobbi and Mike, Hernacki. (2007). Quantum Learning:

MembiasakanBelajar Nyaman dan Menyenangkan. Bandung: PT. Mizan Pustaka.

Dunn, R. et al. (n.d). A Meta-Analytic Validation of the Dunn and Dunn Model of Learning Style Prefferences.

Djamarah, S.B. (1994). Prestasi Belajar dan Kompetensi Guru. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.

Eishani, K.A, Erahim, A.S, and Yaghoob, N. (2014). The Relationship between Learning Styles and Creativity. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 114, Pages 1-954 . [Online].Available at: [accesible 7th may 2014].

Fleming, N. and Baume D. (2006) Learning Style Again: VARKing up the right tree!, Educational Developments, SEDA Ltd, Issue 7.4, Nov. 2006, p4-7. [Online]. Available at: [accessible 24th April 2004] Fleming, N (2010). The VARK for young Questionnaire. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 14th August 2013]

Fraenkael, et al., (2011). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (eight edition). New York: McGraw-Hill Publisher.

Hake, R.R. (1998). Analyzing Change/Gain Scores [Online]. Available at: [accessible 20th December 2013]

Jones, P.H. (2008). Fostering Creative Thinking. Bristol: Higher Education Academy Education Subject Centre Esscalate [Online]. Available at: [accessible 4th January 2014].

Karns, G.L. (2006). Learning style differences in the perceived effectiveness of learning activities. Journal of Marketing Education, 56-63. [Online]. Available at: [accessible 4th January 2014].



Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom, B.S. and Masia, B.B. (1964). Taxonomy of Educational Onjectives, Book II Affective Domain. New York, NY. David McKay Company, Inc.

Makhlouf, A.S. et al. (2012). A Comparison of Preferred Learning Style between Vacational. Institute for Learning Styles Journal, 1-9. [Online. Available at: [accessible 4th January 2014].

Mokhtar, I.A, Shaheen, M and Schubert, F (2008). Teaching information literacy through learning styles: The application of Gardner's multiple intelligences. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. [Online].Available at: [accesible 7th may 2014]. Marcy, V. (2001) Adult Learning Styles: How the VARK Learning Style

Inventory Can be Used to Improve Student Learning. Perspective on Physician Assistant Education, Vol. 12, No. 2, Spring 2001. [Online]. Available at: [accessible 7th January 2014]

Miller, Pamela (2001). Learning Styles: The Multimedia of the Mind. Research Report. [Online]. Available at:

[accesible 15th August 2014].

Munandar, U. (2009). Pengembangan Kreativitas Anak Berbakat. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Sukis, W. And Muharomah, Y. (2008). Mari Belajar Ilmu Alam Sekitar Bab.14 Light: D. Optic Instrument (pp. 269-276). . [Online]. Available at: [accesible 7th may 2014]

Ramirez, B.U. (2011). The sensory modality used for learning affects grades. Advances in Physiology EducationPublished 1 September 2011Vol. 35no. 3, 270-274. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 7th may 2014]

Reeder, F.F. and Joos, A.E (2013) Fire Service Instructor: Principle and Practice Second Edition (Eds). The Learning Proccess. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 14th August 2013]

Hake, R.R. (1998). Analyzing Change/Gain Scores [Online]. Available at:[accesible 20th December 2013]

Peter, S.E. et al., (2009). Learning styles, Personalisation and Adaptable e-Learning. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 16 August 2014]

Puspita, Diana and Iip, Rohima., (2008). Alam Sekitar IPA Terpadu. [Online]. Available at: http://www accesible 20th December 2013].

Salkind, N. J. and Rasmussen, K. (2008). Encyclopaedia of Educational Psychology 1. London: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Snyder, R.C. (2000). The Relationship between Learning Styles/Multiple Intelligences and Academic Achievement of High School Students. [Online]. The High School Journal Vol. 83, No. 2, pp. 11-20 Available at: [accesible 15th August 2014]

Stellwagen, (2001). A challenge to the learning style advocates. [Online]. Available at: http://www. [accesible 15th August 2014] .


Novi Yufitri, 2014

Identify Role Of Learning Style Towards Students’ Cognitive Achievement And Creativity On Optics Instrument Concept

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Tutkun, O.F (2012) Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and Critics on it. The online Journal of Counseling and Education- July 2012,

Uzuntiryaki, E. (2007). Learning Styles and High School Students’ Chemistry Achievement. Science Education International Vol, 18 No.1, March 2007, pp. 25-37. Available at: [accesible 15th August 2014]

Vaishanav, R.S. (2013). Learning Style and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. Voice of Research Vol.1 issue 4, March 2013 [Online]. Available at: [accessible 16th April 2014]. Wiki Kids. (2013). Optical Instrument. [Online]. Available at: http://www. [accessible 16th August 2014].

William A. Drago and Richard J. Wagner, (2004). Vark preferred learning styles and online education. Management Research News, Vol. 27 Iss: 7, pp.1 – 13. [Online]. Available at: [accesible 14th August 2013]

Wulan, S. (2011). Iklim kelas belajar aktif, gaya belajar an kreativitas (suatu studi korelasional pada siswa kelas III Sekolah Dasar Islam AL-IZHAR Ponok Labu Jakarta Selatan). Thesis S2 Universitas Indonesia: Unreleased.