IO BAHASA INGGRIS S Kelompok Akuntansi dan A Pemasaran N Kerjasama


  R P Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi DKI Jakarta,

  6 Kota/Kabupaten BODETABEK,

  1 Tangerang Selatan, Karawang, Serang, Pandeglang, dan Cilegon

   2 /




  P E T U N J U K U M U M

  1. Sebelum mengerjakan ujian, telitilah terlebih dahulu jumlah dan nomor halaman yang terdapat pada naskah ujian.

  2. Tulislah nomor peserta saudara pada lembar jawaban, sesuai dengan petunjuk yang diberikan oleh panitia.

  3. Bacalah dengan cermat setiap petunjuk yang menjelaskan cara menjawab soal.

  4. Jawablah dahulu soal-soal yang menurut saudara mudah, kemudian lanjutkan dengan menjawab soal-soal yang lebih sukar sehingga semua soal terjawab.

  5. Tulislah jawaban saudara pada lembar jawaban ujian yang disediakan dengan cara dan petunjuk yang telah diberikan oleh petugas.

  6. Untuk keperluan coret-mencoret dapat menggunakan tempat yang luang pada naskah ujian ini dan jangan sekali-kali menggunakan lembar jawaban.

  7. Selama ujian saudara tidak diperkenankan bertanya atau minta penjelasan mengenai soal-soal yang diujikan kepada siapapun, termasuk pengawas ujian.

  8. Setelah ujian selesai, harap saudara tetap duduk di tempat saudara sampai pengawas datang ke tempat saudara untuk mengumpulkan lembar jawaban.

  9. Perhatikan agar lembar jawaban ujian tidak kotor, tidak basah, tidak terlipat dan tidak sobek.

  10. Kode naskah ujian ini



1. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir yang terdiri dari 15 soal listening test dan 35 soal written test.

  2. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan pada salah satu huruf a, b, c, atau d di Lembar Jawaban.

  3. Untuk membetulkan jawaban, hapuslah dengan karet penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan jawaban yang benar



  Directions : There are three items in this part. For each item, you will see a picture on your test paper and you will

  hear four short statements. The statements will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. When you hear the four statements, look at the picture on your test paper and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.

  Look at the sample below. Now listen to the four statements: Sample Answer: Statement (D), “The children are participating in the lesson”, best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (D).

  Now let’s begin with the picture marked number one (1) on your test paper.



  3. A B C D In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

  PART II. QUESTIONS – RESPONSES. Questions 4 to 7. Directions : There are four items in this part of the test. For each item, you will hear a question or statement spoken

  9. What information does the woman offer to give the man?

  D. He doesn’t understand it.

  C. He is quite confused.

  B. He is very excited.

  11. How does the man feel about today’s topic meeting? A. He doesn’t like it.

  D. Everyone wants to go home late.

  C. There is too much to discuss.

  B. The staffs like to work lazily.

  10. Why do the projects run late? A. Time escapes them.

  D. Her account number

  C. A verification code

  B. Interest rates

  A. Her salary

  D. Choose a necklace

  in English followed by three responses, also spoken in English. They will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question or statement and mark it on your answer sheet. Now listen to a sample question. You will hear : Sample Answer: You will also hear : The best response to the question, “When should I call back?” is choice (A), “Anytime after lunch is fine.” Therefore you should choose answer (A).

  C. Get his money back

  B. Buy a gift for his wife

  A. Learn to make diamonds

  8. What does the man want to do?

  Now, let’s begin with question number eight (8) on your test paper.

  two people. You will hear the conversations TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. On your test paper, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

  Directions : There are four items in this part of the test. For each item you will hear a short conversation between

  7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet PART III. SHORT CONVERSATIONS. Questions 8 to 11.

  6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

  5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

  4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

  Now let’s begin with question number four (4) on your test paper.

  A B C

  PART IV. SHORT TALKS. Questions 12 to 15. Directions : In this part of the test you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not be

  printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. On your test paper, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

  Now let’s begin with the following short talk.

  12. What did the speaker say about the business hours? A. December is fully closed.

  B. The schedule is renewed.

  C. It will be open on weekends.

  D. There is no currency transaction.

  13. When can stocks and bonds be bought and sold? A. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  B. From 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

  C. On weekends

  D. In January only

  14. What is the information about?

  A. A rule in entering a building

  B. A change in the operation hours

  C. Important news for special visitors

  D. New problems faced by the hospitals

  15. How long will the special situation be in effect? A. From 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

  B. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

  C. For one week.

  D. During lobby improvement.

B. READING SECTION In this part of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand written English.

  There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.


PART V. Directions : From questions 16 – 27, four clauses/sentences, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D), are given

  beneath each incomplete dialog. Choose the one clause/sentence that best completes the dialog. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. :

  16. Siska Fiza : ... I like music too.

  A. Alright.

  B. Yes, sure.

  C. Oh, feel free.

  D. I am not sure.

  17. Yeni : Are you a night person or a morning one? Saskia : I am a night owl. … A. I usually sleep late.

  B. I have prepared well.

  C. I always came on time.

  D. I am going to be punctual.

  18. Bams : I never thought to stop smoking. All my friends smoke, and we hang out a lot.

  Kayla : Well, I think ... It's bad for you. It is also unhealthy.

  A. your friends will agree with you

  B. it is nice to have fun with them

  C. you had better continue

  D. you should quit now

  19. Dewa : People succeed because of their hard work. What do you think about it? Agus : ... In some cases, it works, but it doesn’t apply in others.

  A. I completely agree

  B. I couldn’t agree more

  C. I’m not at the same line

  D. That’s absolutely correct

  20. Bunga : How acceptable is it for wild animals to be kept in the zoo? Rayhan : …, it is kinder to allow a rare animal to die naturally in the wilds rather than to prolong its life artificially in a zoo.

  A. That’s just it

  B. In my opinion

  C. I really think so

  D. I have no objection

  21. Boss : Why are you out here? Secretary : … by someone. I’m going to tell you that I couldn’t finish my report right now. I’m waiting for the programmer to fix it.

  A. The report is typed

  B. My computer is sold

  C. The program was made

  D. My computer was hacked 22. Iqbal : Mom, may I use the car? I’m in a hurry to meet my lecturer. Mother : Okay. … Iqbal : I will.

  A. Wear your helmet.

  B. Don’t forget to set the pedal.

  C. Don’t drive without a seat belt on.

  D. Wear the safety sandals before entering.

  23. Poly : Hey mom, I was wondering if we could go camping this weekend. There is a nice site organized by the NTC.

  Mother : Well, that’s a great idea, Poly. Your father will love it. Poly : … and let you know soon.

  A. We had a wonderful family gathering

  B. The organization will give some bonus

  C. I will call for the availability and the price

  D. I went camping with my friends last year

  24. Carry : Can Donny come out to play with us? Mother : No. I’m sorry. He’s studying right now. … Carry : Oh, okay.

  A. He’s sleeping.

  B. He’s playing his toys.

  C. He’s listening to music.

  D. He’s doing his homework.

  25. Dany : Mike, did you win the lottery or something? Why the big smile? Mike : I'm so relieved. ...

  Dany : You did? That's great.

  A. My sister is going to get married.

  B. I just passed the dentist exam.

  C. My mother will come here.

  D. I am going to New York.

  26. Rina : I really like your happy family.

  Retno : Thanks. … It gives us good motivation and spirit. Rina : That’s right. I hope I can make it.

  A. Being in harmony is fantastic.

  B. Working hard is the most important.

  C. Seeing each other is not suggested.

  D. Having motivated family is impossible.

  27. Dinda : I think starting work is more exciting. What about you? Dania : For me, ... I knew school had been full of happiness. I really got excited about it.

  A. I like working better than studying.

  B. I am not interested in studying.

  C. I would rather have a job.

  D. I prefer being at college.


PART VI. Directions : Questions 28 – 30 are based on short dialogs of certain situation, such as invitation, daily

activity, opinion, etc. Choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each short dialog on the basis of what is stated or

  implied in the dialog. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.

  Question 28 is based on the following short dialog.

  Malinda : Hey Luna. What are you doing this weekend? Luna : I don’t have any major plans. Malinda : My boss is throwing a party for the success of our new website.

  He said that we could take our spouse or friend to the party. I thought about inviting you. Luna : Wonderful. I think I’ll love that.

  28. Why does Luna think that she will love it? A. Malinda’s boss is Luna’s friend.

  B. She doesn’t have a spouse, yet.

  C. She likes to go the party with Malinda.

  D. Malinda will be happy to go to the party alone.

  Question 29 is based on the following short dialog.

  Carry : What do you do for the living? Millie : I’m a stewardess. Carry : Do you like your work? Millie : Yes, of course. I love travelling.

  29. According to the dialog above, we know that Millie … .

  A. can visit many cities or countries

  B. loves to stay at home very much

  C. lives near her working place

  D. is not fond of travelling

  A museum in Batu, East Java, specializes in transportation with a remarkable collection of old cars, trucks and other forms of transportation. Museum Angkut (or Transportation Museum) features a collection of nearly any means of transportation that ever existed, traditional and modern, as well as replicas of rare vehicles. Set up in March 2014, the 3.8-hectare museum on the slopes of Mount Panderman, Batu, East Java, houses at least 500 exhibits representing various modes of movement, including old automobiles, a helicopter and a replica of an ox-drawn cart.

  A. The transportation in Malang

  D. Classic cars Ollie : Hi, Daisy. How are you? Daisy : I am pretty good, thanks. Hey, you can make it today for the meeting. That’s great. How can it be? Ollie : I always accompany my mom to see her doctor every Wednesdays, but today the doctor is out of town for the conference.

  C. Helicopters

  B. Old carts

  A. Bicycles

  32. What kind of vehicle collection can be found most?

  D. The museum of antiques and unique vehicles

  C. The collections of new sophisticated bicycles

  B. The modern automobiles in America

  31. What is the first paragraph about?

  “Through the collection, we can be reminded of the great inventors of transportation in the past, without whom we wouldn’t have the modern vehicles of today,” said Museum Angkut operational manager Titik S. Ariyanto. According to Titik, the museum has about 100 bicycles of various types, ranging from racing, transportation and child bicycles to those for firefighters. Most of the automobiles collected at the museum are classic cars, which are different from ‘old cars’, since it refers to the model of a car rather than the year of manufacture. Aside from that difference, all the museum’s items have remarkable historical value. The museum has hundreds of types of cars and motorcycles used in Indonesia in the past were mostly produced between the 1930s and the 1980s and are still in working order.

  Questions 31 – 32 refer to the following description.

  articles, advertisements, etc. Choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each reading selection on the basis of what is stated or implied in the selection. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.


PART VI. Directions: Questions 31 – 41 are based on a selection of reading materials, such as notices, letters, forms,

  D. his mother doesn’t need to see the doctor

  C. his mother can go to the doctor alone

  B. he loves to accompany his mother

  A. he has to see the doctor regularly

  30. Ollie can come to the club’s meeting today because … .

  Question 30 is based on the following short dialog.

  Daisy : I see. That’s why you’re here for our club routine agenda.

  Questions 33 – 34 refer to the following procedure.

  33. Wh In today’s nonstop, fast-paced world, everyone seems to “want it now” and want it fast. The at characteristics of such lifestyles have even spilled over into our way of eating. For some the days of long dinner preparations are lost forever. Someone who does not have a microwave today would be considered “ancient” and behind the times. Operating this tool correctly can be quite convenient and beneficial when preparing food, drinks or snacks.

  Open microwave door (depending on the style you may have to pull handle or push a button to

   open). Do not set oven for excessive cook times. Place the item (plate, container, mug) containing the food or drink inside the microwave. If the

   food or drink is in an aluminum container, remove and place into something that is microwave compatible. Close the door and set cook or reheat time as suggested for the particular food or drink. If no

   suggestions or recommendations are given, you may want to start with one to two minutes, depending on the contents' temperature. If contents are frozen, you can defrost first before actually cooking. Restart microwave if additional cooking is needed after four minutes.  Check contents periodically and (turn, or stir) to ensure even cooking.

   Remove food carefully and/or allow food to cool before removing.

   should you do with the food that is in an aluminum container?

  A. put the food on top of the microwave

  B. take and place it outside the microwave

  C. cook it right away with the aluminum container

  D. remove and put it into a microwave compatible 34. The most suitable title for the instruction above is … .

  A. How to cook frozen food

  B. How to open the container

  C. How to operate the microwave

  D. How to place the food correctly Questions 35 – 37 refer to the following description.

  35. A The brands of the Amides Group complement each other in a unique way to help athletes mi perform better, play better, feel better. Our products break records, set trends, and make history every de day all over the world. Welcome to the Amides Group. It is not only about faster shoes and fashion s statements. Just as a shoe is more than padding and foam, there is more to us than just the product.

  Everything we do is bound by one simple thought: we strive to help you perform at your best. Your success is our ambition. Your defeat spurs us on to be better.


Our brands complement each other like the skills of an exceptionally gifted decathlete. Our

consumers’ brand love is based on our employees’ extraordinary passion for a sporting lifestyle.

  With dedication, commitment and team spirit, we continuously innovate to establish new benchmarks in everything we do. Shaping the sporting goods industry sustainably is more than a job. It’s our impulse, an attitude that is truly dear to our hearts. It drives us.

  Employing more than 43,731 people in over 140 countries, we produce more than 560 million product units every year and generate sales of € 12.5 billion (all figures relate to 2013). These numbers alone can easily suggest that our Group is quite a complex organization. True. But we keep things simple, lean and fast. And we will use this approach now to tell you what our company is all about. Ready ... set, go.


  Group is commercially acknowledged in … countries.

  A. at least 125

  B. at least 140

  C. more than 560

  D. more than 731

  36. The company produced more than 560 million product units … .

  A. Jobs’ early life

  D. had mastered the calligraphy techniques Born on February 24, 1955, Steve Jobs was the adopted son of Paul Reinhold and Clara Jobs. His biological parents were Abdulfattah ‘John’ Jandali and Joanne Carole Schieble, who could not raise Steve as their parents objected to their relationship. Ever since a young age, Jobs was exposed to the world of mechanics. He would spent long hours with his father, dismantling and rebuilding electronic devices in the family garage. It was these experiences that gave the little boy tenacity and mechanical prowess. Academically, after passing his high school in 1972, he enrolled at the Reed College but dropped out of the same in a time frame of six months to pursue creative classes, including a course on calligraphy.

  C. was crazy about digital technology

  B. was a very well-educated man

  A. came from a rich family

  D. Jobs’ educational background 39. According to the text we know that Steve Jobs … .

  C. Jobs’ working experiences

  B. Jobs’ career life

  38. Para grap h one is about … .

  A. daily

  D. has no strong commitment for the consumer Questions 38 – 39 refer to the following description.

  C. has millions of employees in each countries

  B. is a less well-known company in the world

  A. values the comfort of the consumers

  D. annually 37. According to the text, we know that Amides Group … .

  C. monthly

  B. weekly

  Popularly known as the ‘Father of the Digital World’, Steve Jobs was and still continues to remain the legendary, futurist visionary who created a sensation across the globe with his personal computer revolution! Not the one to be satisfied with a single achievement, he moved on to make history in the world of consumer electronics with his foray into the music and cellular industry. The founder of Apple Inc, Pixar Animation Studios and NeXT Inc, Jobs gave information technology its life and blood. A master of innovation, he was known for his perfectionist attitude and futuristic vision. He foresaw trend in the field of information technology and worked hard to embrace the same in his line of products. With about 346 US patents by his side, Steve Jobs created a revolution in his field with his novel ideas and unique concepts. During his years at the Apple, he administered the development of the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. He was the mastermind behind the working of the company's Apple Retail Stores, iTunes Store and the App Store. Interestingly, with so much to fall back upon, it is quite amusing to know that this legendary innovator was not much educated, in fact a college dropout.

  Questions 40 – 41 refer to the following information.

  Anyeong Haseyo! For all of K-Popers in our school. We will hold a K-Pop Gathering. This event purpose is to make all of the K-

  Popers in our school could share information about K-Pop each other. The excellent event for the Gathering is a Dance Competition and Parody of Korean Drama. The K-Pop Gathering will be held on 15 January 2016 at School yard. For more information contact our Korean teachers or OSIS chairpersons

  40. Why does the school post the announcement? A. They will learn about Korean Drama.

  B. The OSIS is going to have K-Pop gathering.

  C. The school will have Korean teachers meeting.

  D. They want to invite the international K-Pop singers.

  41. What can be inferred from the passage? A. The students should pay for the tickets.

  B. The gathering will take place in the school hall.

  C. The Korean teachers will be involved in the event.

  D. Only Korean students can participate in the event.


Part VIII. Directions : From questions 42 – 50, four words/phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D), are given

  beneath each text. Choose the one word/phrase that best completes the text. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.

  Questions 42 – 44 refer to the following letter.

  TO: Kelly Anderson, Marketing Executive FROM: Jonathon Fitzgerald, Market Research Assistant DATE: June 14, 2007 SUBJECT: Fall Clothes Line Promotion

  Market research and analysis show that the proposed advertising media for the (42) … fall lines need to be reprioritized and changed. Findings from focus groups and surveys have made it apparent that we need to update our advertising efforts to align them with the styles and trends of young adults today. No longer are young adults interested in sitcoms as they (43) … reality televisions shows. Also, it has become (44) … important to use the internet as a tool to communicate with our target audience to show our dominance in the clothing industry.

42. A. new

  B. original

  C. ancient

  D. old-dates 43.

  A. record

  B. create

  C. watch

  D. learn

  44. A. suddenly

  B. practically

  C. increasingly

  D. progressively Questions 45 – 47 refer to the following information. It is my duty to inform you that our parent company, Doe International, is instituting a mandatory drug-testing program for all employees. Beginning November 15, all persons will be required to (45) … random drug-screening interviews and to provide urine samples upon request of their department's safety officer. An (46) … laboratory will process the samples and all results will be kept (47) … confidential. Employees testing positive for illegal drug use will be placed on probation pending negative results in further testing. Doe International and its subsidiaries are committed to maintaining a safe and drug-free workplace.

  45. A. achieve

  B. complete

  C. accomplish

  D. comprehend 46.

  A. illegal

  B. entrusted

  C. uneducated

  D. independent 47.

  A. strictly

  B. quickly

  C. straightly

  D. strangely Questions 48 – 50 refer to the following advertisement.

  Cubadak Island

  Cubadak Island is a hidden paradise which is located in the middle of Hindia Ocean. (48) … holiday will not be disturbed by hustle and bustle. This small island is promising serenity. Although Cubadak Island is far away from downtown, this island has a (49) … resort to enjoy wonderful scenery.

  How to Get to Cubadak Island

  From Padang, you can go toward to Curocok Beach in Painan. The distance between Padang to Painan is about 77 km. You will spend time about 2-hour passes forest and rice field. Curocok beach is main gate (50) … Cubadak Island.

  If you are interested to stay in Cubadak Island, for further information you can contact Nani at ( +62) 8126603766. Enjoy a private island! 48.

  A. My

  B. Her

  C. Your

  D. Their

  49. A. beautiful

  B. complete

  C. commercial

  D. complicated 50.

  A. in

  B. to

  C. at

  D. on