II.A.1.c.1.b.1 9 Prosiding Nasional FKP IV Kupang 2017 Anggota

  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV



Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan IV

Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan


Universitas Nusa Cendana

Kupang, 14 Oktober 2017

Undana Press


  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV

  Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan Ke – IV Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan Universitas Nusa Cendana Kupang, 14 Oktober 2017 Pengarah : Dr. Ir. Marcelien Dj. Ratoe Oedjoe, M.SI

Dr. Ir. Agnette Tjendanawangi, M.Si

Dr. Ir. Sunadji, MP

Dr. Lady Cindy Soewarlan, S.Pi.,M.Pi

Redaksi : Dr. Yuliana Salosso, S.Pi.,MP

  Pelaksana Dr. Priyo Santoso, S.Pi.,MP Aludin AL Ayubi, S.Pi.,M.Si

Ike Margareth Irawati Langke, A.Md

Reviewer : Dr. Ir. Marcelien Dj. Ratoe Oedjoe, M.SI

Dr. Ir. Agnette Tjendanawangi, M.Si

Dr. Ir. Sunadji, MP

Dr. Lady Cindy Soewarlan, S.Pi.,M.Pi

Dr. Yuliana Salosso, S.Pi.,MP Dr. Priyo Santoso, S.Pi.,MP

Dr. Ir, Fonny J. L. Risamasu, M.Si

Dr. Ir. Yahyah, M.Si Dr. Ismawan Tallo, S.Pi.,M.Si Ir. Felix Rebhung, M.Agr.,Ph.D Dr. Ir. Nicodemus Dahiklory, M.Si Dr. Pryo Santoso, S.Pi.,MP Dr. Ir. Yulianus Linggi, M.Si Dr. Chaterina Paulus, S.Pi.,M.Si

Dr. Alexander L. Kangkan, S.Pi.,MP

Dr. Ade Y. H. Lukas, S.Pi.,M.Si Ir. Ridwan Tobuku, M.Si Kiik Gretty Sine, S.Pi.,M.Si Lumban Nauli Lumban Toruan, S.Pi.,M.Si Crisca B. Eoh, S.Pi.,M.Si Aludin Al Ayubi, S.Pi.,M.Si

  ISBN : 978-602-6906-39-7 Penerbit : Undana Press Lt. 3 Kantor Rektorat Jl. Adisucipto Undana Penfui Kupang-NTT PO BOX 104 (0380) 881580-881586. Fax 881674-881586 Email : humasundana@gmail.com Website : www.undana.ac.id HAK CIPTA DILINDUNGI OLEH UNDANG-UNDANG Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV



  Tingkat Kelangsungan Hidup Bibit Rumput Laut (Kappaphycus alvarezii)

  1 dengan Pengangkutan Sistem Tertutup di Kabupaten Kupang

  Marcelien Dj. Ratoe Oedjoe, Felix Rebhung dan Sunadji

  Uji Kepadatan Bakteri Probiotik dengan Masa Simpan

  6 dan Jumlah Sarter Yang Berbeda

  Suseno, Masirah dan Himawan

  Potensi Ekstrak Gracilaria sp. Sebagai Imunostimulan pada Budidaya

  18 Litopenaeus Vannamei (Kajian Putaka)

  Yudiana Jasmanindar, Sukenda, Muhammad Zairin Jr, Alimuddin dan Nur Bambang Priyo Utomo

  Pertumbuhan Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias sp.) Pada Sistem Aquaponik

  27 dengan Penambahan Probiotik dalam Pakan dan Penggunaan Kijing (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) dalam Komponen Biofilter

  Priyo Santoso dan Sunadji

  Jumlah Atraktan Cumi yang Berbeda dalam Pakan Terhadap

  32 Pertumbuhan, Kecernaan dan Efisiensi Nutrien Pada Ikan Sidat (Anguilla sp.)

  Arning Wilujeng Ekawati, Mohamad Fadjar, Dian Eva Turrizqi, Dian Isna Selviyati dan Adam Prabani Muhammad

  Peran Salinitas dan Kalsium pada Pendederan Glass Eel Anguilla bicolor


  bicolor Terhadap Aktivitas Osmoregulasi dan Pertumbuhan Ade Y. H Lukas

  Efikasi Rute Vaksin Aeromonas hydrophila ASB-01 pada Ikan Gabus

  51 (Ophiocephalus striatus)

  Olga dan Fatmawati

  Masalah Produksi Tambak Ikan Bandeng yang Rendah di Desa Bipolo

  59 Agenette Tjendanawangi dan Nikodemus Dahoklory Komposisi Nutrisi Makroalga Hijau yang Ditemukan di Perairan Teluk

  63 Kupang

  Yuliana Salosso

  Peranan Bioteknologi Berbasis Probiotik dalam Perikanan Budidaya

  68 Ridwan Tobuku

  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV

  Tingkat Kelulushidupan, Kecepatan Moulting dan Pertambahan Bobot

  72 Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata) dengan Metode Mutilasi dan Injeksi Ekstrak Bayam di Tambak Oesapa

  Lasmi, Yahyah dan Cresca. B. Eoh

  Sebaran Morfologi Tiram (Crassostrea cucullata) di Perairan Intertidal

  87 Desa Tanah Merah Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang

  Yohana Charolina Lily, Evi Husain dan Sunadji

  Potensi Ekstrak Daun dan Batang Tumbuhan Mangrove Rhizophora


  stylosa dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila Heri Maryanto, Yunitasari dan Dini Siswani Mulia

  Ekstraksi Etanol Buah Pedada (Sonneratia alba) dalam Menghambat 105 Pertumbuhan Bakteri Vibrio harveyii Secara In Vitro

  Gloria Ika Satriani, Jimmy Cahyadi, Ery Gusman dan Eka Nur Juliana

  Gambaran Histologi Insang dan Hati Ikan Kerapu Tikus pada Uji 112 Toksisitas

  Jane L. Dangeubun dan Diana S. Syahailatua


  Kondisi Padang Lamun Pulau-Pulau Kecil di Timur Perairan Pulau Bintan 119 Kabupaten Bintan Kepulauan Riau

  Indarto Happy Supriyadi

  Coastal Communities Institution for Creative and Productive Enterprises in 130 Nemberala Village Using Interpretative Structural Modeling Chaterina A. Paulus, Yohanis Umbu L. Sobang dan Marthen R.


  Studi Bioekologi untuk Pengembangan Budidaya Perikanan Model IMTA 135 (Integrated Multi Tropich Aquaculture) di Kabupaten Kupang

  Yusuf Kamlasi, Alexander S. Tanody dan Mikson M.D Nalle

  Pengelolaan Perikanan dengan Pendekatan Ekosistem di Kabupaten Alor 140

  Donny M. Bessie, Ida A. L. Dewi, Saraswati Adityarini dan Dwi Ariyogagautama

  Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Ikan Layang Deles Teluk Prigi, Kabupaten 147 Trenggalek

  Mochammad Fattah, Pudji Purwanti dan Edi Susilo

  Analisis Penentuan Prioritas Pengembangan Kawasan Teluk Kupang 155 Berbasis Sektor Unggulan ,

  Alexander Leonidas Kangkan , Marsoedi, Bambang Semedi, Gatut Bintoro

  Identifikasi Jenis Lamun dan Jenis Biota Yang Hidup di Dalamnya di 162 Perairan Pesisir Tesabela Kecamatan Kupang Barat Kabupaten Kupang

  Sitti Halija dan Aludin Al Ayubi Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV

  Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index On Benthic Foraminifers is Less Effective 167 to Approximating Coral Reef Ecosystem Quality in Kupang Bay

  Lumban Nauli Lumban Toruan, Fonny J.L. Risamasu, Chaterina Agusta Paulus

  Analisis Komposisi dan Kepadatan Sampah Domestik yang Terpapar pada 174 Ekosistem Pesisir Oesapa Kota Kupang

  Fonny J. L. Risamasu, Ricky Gimin, P. Sutejo, W. I. I. Mella dan Yahyah

  Analisis Kandungan Proksimat Asam Amino dan Asam Lemak Algae Hijau 188

  Halimeda opuntia Asal Perairan Ujung Genteng Jawa Barat Abdullah Rasyid

  Identification of Halogenated Monoterpenes plocamenone From Aotearoa 196 Marine Red Algae Specimen Plocamium angustum

  Wem Turupadang




  Pengaruh Perbedaan Teknik Pengoperasian Alat Bantu Blabar dengan 204 Menggunakan Alat Tangkap Seser pada Penangkapan Nener di Perairan Atapupu Kabupaten Belu

  Kumala Sari, Sriawan dan Samuel Ulu

  Prospek Pengembangan Fasilitas Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Oeba 211 Kupang dalam Menunjang Aktivitas Perikanan Tangkap

  Susy Herwaty

  Analisa Bauran Pemasaran dalam Strategi Penetrasi Pasar Terhadap 226

  Positioning Produk Stik Tulang Ikan pada UKM Ijtihad di Kota Kupang Chairul Pua Tingga dan Cahyaningtias

  Kajian Mutu Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis L) Asap Akibat 231 Penggunaan Bahan Baku Lokal Sebagai Pengawet Alami

  Naema Bora dan Rikka W. Sir

  Optimalisasi Potensi Desa Pitay Melalui Budidaya Rumput Laut dan 239 Kerang Darah untuk Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat

  M.M. Dwi Wahyuni, Rut Rosina Riwu, Intje Picauly

  Pola Kemitraan pada Usaha Perikanan Pole And Line Ditinjau dari Fungsi 246 Ekonomi di Kota Kupang

  Naharuddin Sri, Alexander S. Tanody dan Joi A. Surbakti

  Analisis Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga Nelayan di Kota Kupang 257

  Yahyah dan Hadjrah Arifin

  Politik dan Kebijakan Pembangunan Perikanan Masa Reformasi: 272 Fenomenal dan Paradoksal

  Edi Susilo, Pudji Purwanti, Erlinda Indrayani, dan Candra Adi Intyas Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV



  Peningkatan jumlah penduduk dunia dan efek pemanasan global telah berdampak pada menurunnya produksi bahan pangan diberbagai Negara. Hal ini merupakan salah satu ancaman bagi ketahanan pangan dunia tidak terkecuali Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu Negara yang memiliki kekayaan hayati laut terbesar di dunia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, laut dan perairan tawar diharapkan dapat menopang ketersediaan sumber pangan nabati dan hewani bagi penduduknya.

  Berbagai penelitian yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan sumberdaya laut dan perairan tawar (penangkapan, budidaya) telah banyak dilakukan, tetapi belum banyak diaplikasikan oleh pengambil kebijakan maupun stakeholder. Menyadari hal tersebut maka Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan berencana mengadakan seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan yang merupakan media yang bisa mempertemukan berbagai kalangan baik dari akademisi, peneliti, pengambil kebijakan, stakeholder, maupun masyarakat yang mempunyai kepedulian pada bidang perikanan dan kelautan untuk mensinergikan hasil-hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan agar bisa diaplikasikan untuk peningkatan ketersediaan pangan dalam menghadapi MEA.

  Pada kesempatan ini panitia mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Rektor Universitas Nusa Cendana beserta staf, Dekan Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan beserta staf, semua panitia, serta semua pihak yang telah berpartisipasi dalam pelaksanaan seminar nasional tersebut. Selain itu, panitia juga memohon maaf kepada semua pihak, apabila pelaksanaan seminar nasional sampai penyusunan prosiding ini kurang berkenan, serta panitia mengharap kritik dan koreksi demi perbaikan isi dari prosiding ini.

  Akhir kata semoga prosiding ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca sekalian.

  Kupang, Oktober 2017 Panitia

  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV

  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV


  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Okt ober 2017)



  Lumban Nauli Lumban Toruan 1 , Fonny J.L. Risamasu 2 , Chaterina Agusta Paulus 3 1,2,3 Program Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan,


Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana

Correspondence: lumbannauli@staf.undana.ac.id


  The Shannon diversity index has long been used extensively in marine ecological studies in coral reef ecosystems. The high value of diversity index reflect the condition of suitable water quality. This study aims to examine the use of Shannon diversity index on benthic foraminifera in coral reef ecosystem. The collection of benthic foraminifera was carried out at 5-7 meters depth at eight stations in coastal waters between Semau and Timor Island. Three hundreds individuals from each station were identified using a stereo microscope. The results show Shannon's diversity index is sensitive to individual and genus changes, but is not sensitive to the functional groups changes of foraminifera. It should be considered using other indexes that reflect more coral reef ecosystem conditions rather than diversity index.

  Keywords: Functional, algal symbiont-bearing, opportunistic, heterotrophic


  Shannon's diversity index is often used to identify community diversity as a reflection of changes in community structure that reflecting the presence or absence of ecological pressures (Wilhm and Dorris, 1966). The use of the shannon diversity index has been widely used in ecological studies such as in mangrove studies (Wah et al., 2011), seagrasses (Panolino et al., 2014), coral reefs (Harborne et al., 2006), fish (Fausch et al ., 1990; Arias-González et al., 2012; Micheli et al., 2014), seaweed (Casas et al., 2004; Martins et al., 2014), sponge (Stubler et al., 2015), macrobentos (Best et al., 2014), to micro-organisms such as phytoplankton (Vallina et al., 2017), zooplankton (Mokhayer et al., 2017), and bacteria (Bourne and Munn, 2005). In some studies of community structures in Indonesia, the use of the Shannon diversity index is generally followed by diversity criteria, which reflect levels of diversity such as low, moderate, and high, as well as the degree of ecological stress due to pollution (Rembet et al., 2011;

  Adrim et al. , 2012; Suhud et al., 2012; Afif et al., 2014; Dewiyanti et al., 2015; Olii et al., 2015; Prakoso, 2015; and Mustafa and Arami, 2017).

  Foraminifera is a single-celled (unicellular) unicellular organism, having one or more rooms separated from each other by a septum penetrated by many foramen (Pringgoprawiro and Kapid 2000).

  Benthic foraminifera is one of organisms that are symbiotic and have a very close association with the reefs (Nybakken and Bertness, 2006). As part of the Indopasific region, Indonesia has a high diversity of foraminifera (Langer and Lips, 2003). Fluctuations in the aquatic environment both naturally and anthropogenic impacts can trigger changes in the biotic community, including benthic foraminifera such as changes in composition that ultimately lead to changes in the diversity of the community (Buzas et al., 2007; Radford et al., 2014). This study aims to examine the use of Shannon-wiener diversity index in benthic foraminifera in coral reef ecosystem.

  167 a 0.063 mm sieved, after which it was


  dried by oven at 50 C for two hours. Then the foraminifera in each sample is

  2.1 Sampling

  separated from the sediment in a petri dish under a binocular microscope. A further The data were collected at 8 stations 300 specimens were taken for each in the coastal waters of Kupang Bay sample and placed on a foraminiferal slide (Figure 1). Sampling of water quality and for identification using a binocular foraminifera was conducted in May-June microscope at 40 times magnification 2017. The sample of foraminifera was

  (Dewi et al., 2010). The main identification obtained by taking surface sediments on literature used refers to Loeblich and the bottom of the water (Hallock et al., Tappan (1994). 2003). In the laboratory, the foraminifera sample was washed with flowing water in

Figure 23.1. Map of research location


2.2 Data Analysis N : Number of individuals in all types

  The values of Shannon Diversity Wilhm and Dorris (1968) provide water Index were obtained using the following quality guidance based on Log-based H’ formula (Wilhm and Dorris, 1968). range (Table 1). This range changes depending on the logarithmic basis used.

  N N i i Pearson correlation is used to describe the H

  '   log 2 relationship between the number of taxa

   N N

  and H ' and also the correlation between the ratio Ratio Number of individuals Where : “S”/Number of Total Individuals and H’. H ' : Value of diversity index

  This correlation analysis has a range of -1 Ni : The number of individuals on the to 1 (Carnahan et al., 2009) i-th type

  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV 168

  Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Okt ober 2017)

Table 23.1. Water quality based on H '


Base Unpolluted Moderate Polluted

Log 2 >3,00 1,00-3,00 <1,00

Ln >2,08 0,69-2,08 <0,69


10 >0,90 0,30-0,90 <0,30

  are abundant in all location (30-54%, =

III. RESULT 41.7% of total individuals in each location).

  In general, the diversity index values show There are 50 taxa from 2400 the waters at the study site in moderate individuals foraminifers in which the range conditions, where the pollution level is not


  of all stations is 23-33 taxa ( = 29 ± 3.16) very high, so ecological pressure on the (Table 19.2 and Table 19.3). ecosystem is not high, but also not low.

  Amphistegina, Calcarina, Elphidium, and

  Although Location B has the highest

  Quinqueloculina are dominated the

  number of taxa, the highest H’ value is at locations. location E. The Pearson correlation

  Hallock et al. (2003) states that between the number of taxa and H’ benthic foraminifera in coral reef indicates the effect of the increase in the ecosystems is divided into three number of taxa on the increase in the functional groups: Symbiont-bearing (S), value of H' (r = 0.72) (Figure 3). A strong Opportunistic (O), and Heterotrophic (H). negative Pearson correlation was shown

  Based on Symbiont-bearing functional in the association of the algae to total ratio group, then all locations are indicated as of individuals and the value of H' (r = - coral reef ecosystem waters since the 85.94) (Figure 19.2). contribution of algal symbionts foraminifers

Table 23.2. Taxa on each functional group

  Number Number Number Grup S Ind Location Grup H Ind Location Grup H Ind Location Alveolinella


  1 Agglutinella


  5 Miliolinella


  7 Amphisorus


  5 Anomalinella


  2 Nonion


  1 Amphistegina 342

  8 Cancris


  3 Patellinella


  4 Baculogypsina


  2 Cibicides


  8 Planispirinella


  1 Borelis


  2 Clavulina


  6 Planorbulina


  5 Heterostegina


  8 Cyclammina


  2 Polysegmentina


  1 Cylindroclavulina Operculina




  2 Pyrgo


  6 Peneroplis


  8 Cymbaloporetta


  6 Quinqueloculina 427

  8 Sorites


  8 Discorbina


  3 Reussella


  7 Calcarina 317

  7 Discorbis


  2 Rosalina


  7 Neorotalia


  5 Epistomaroides


  3 Septotextularia


  1 Eponides 107

  8 Sigmoidella


  2 Globigerinoides


  8 Siphogenerina


  5 Haddonia


  1 Siphoniferoides


  2 Grup O Hauerina


  3 Siphotextularia


  1 Ammonia


  3 Heterolepa


  2 Spiroloculina


  8 Bolivina


  6 Lachlanella


  3 Textularia 127

  8 Elphidium 307

  8 Loxostomina


  6 Triloculina


  8 Table 23.3. Number of individuals and taxa in each functional group Total Location A B C D E F G H Average StDev taxa

  Number of individuals “S” 190 91 162 139 110 99 107 102 125.0

  35.3 Number of individuals “O”











  10.2 Number of individuals “H” 74 179 106 99 147 163 157 152 134.6

  36.8 Number of taxa “S”












  11 Number of taxa “O”












  3 Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV 169 Next Table 23.3. Number of individuals and taxa in each functional group

  Total Location A B C D E F G H Average StDev taxa Number of taxa “H”












  36 Diversity Index H’











  0.18 Ratio Number of individuals











  0.12 “S”/Number of Total Individuals












  50 TOTAL TAXA 2.80 y = 0.041x + 1.351 R² = 0.523


  2.60 '

2.50 H










  34 Number of Taxa

Figure 23.2. Relationship Number of Taxa and H '

  y = -1.31x + 3.085

2.80 R² = 0.738


  2.60 ' H










  0.70 Ratio Number of individuals “S”/Number of Total Individuals

Figure 23.3. Relationship of Ratio Number of individuals “S”/Number of Total

  Individuals and H ' value of the index given is a reflection of


  the quality of the waters. The better waters will give the index a higher value. Shannon's diversity index has long

  However, in coral reef ecosystems, the been used in studies of benthic use of diversity index has the potential of foraminifera (Buzas, 1969 and mis-interpretation (Hallock, 2012) because

  Muruganantham et al., 2017). Wilhm and H' only counts the number of taxa and the

  Dorris (1968) have the concept that the

  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV 170

  Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universit as Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Oktober 2017)

  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Okt ober 2017)

  Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 17(3), pp.154-163.


  Diversity of bacteria associated with the coral Pocillopora damicornis from the Great Barrier Reef. Environmental microbiology, 7(8), pp.1162-1174.

  Best, R.J., Chaudoin, A.L., Bracken, M.E., Graham, M.H. and Stachowicz, J.J., 2014. Plant–animal diversity relationships in a rocky intertidal system depend on invertebrate body size and algal cover. Ecology, 95(5), pp.1308-1322. Bourne, D.G. and Munn, C.B., 2005.

  Conservation, 21(1), pp.115-130.

  Arias-González, J.E., Acosta-González, G., Membrillo, N., Garza-Pérez, J.R. and Castro-Pérez, J.M., 2012. Predicting spatially explicit coral reef fish abundance, richness and Shannon–Weaver index from habitat characteristics. Biodiversity and

  Afif, J., Ngabekti, S. and Pribadi, T.A., 2014. Keanekaragaman Makrozoobentos Sebagai Indikator Kualitas Perairan Di Ekosistem Mangrove Wilayah Tapak Kelurahan Tugurejo Kota Semarang. Life Science, 3(1).

  Adrim, M., Harahap, S.A. and Wibowo, K., 2012. Struktur Komunitas Ikan Karang di Perairan Kendari (Community Structure of Coral Reef Fishes at Kendari Waters). Ilmu Kelautan:

  number of individuals in each taxa but does not consider the function of organisms in the ecosystem, especially as a bio-indicator. Hallock et al. (2003) provided an overview of the symbiont- bearing foraminifers group as a symbol of the better condition of reef ecosystems. Unfortunately a positive association between the abundance of symbiont- bearing foraminifers to diversity was not found in this study.


  The research was funded by Directorate of Research and Community Service, Directorate General of Research and Development Reinforcement, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, refers to Research Contract Number: 146 / UN15.19 / LT / 2017, therefore the research team would like to acknowledge the assistance and support from Kemenristek and the research institute of Nusa Cendana University for the facilitation given. Acknowledgments are also conveyed to PT.TOM and BKKPN who has facilitated research activities at sea.


  The Shannon-Wiener diversity index is sensitive to changes in individuals and species, but is not sensitive to changes in the composition of foraminifera in functional groups, making it less effective in interpreting coral reef ecosystem conditions. It should be considered using other better indices to use benthic foraminifera in reflecting the condition of coral reef ecosystems.

  Changes in the functional group of benthic foreminifers are thought to provide a better picture of ecological changes in a particular ecosystem than using diversity indices because they are less sensitive to changes in individuals and species, as long as the organisms are still in the same group. This interpretation has been studied in benthic foraminifera communities in coral reef ecosystems through the use of FoRAM Index (Hallock et al., 2003 and Pisapia et al., 2017). This understanding can minimize the degree of error in interpreting environmental stresses on coral reef ecosystems rather than using the H' index.

  Moreover, the use of H' demands the ability of the identification of organisms up to the species level since the value of H' is basically used to calculate species diversity, not to quantify generic diversity. In micro organisms, the error rate of identification is quite large compared to the identification of macroorganisms. Both points out that the use of the Shannon- Wiener diversity index on benthic foraminifers appears to be ineffective in coral reef ecosystems.


  Prosiding Seminar N asional Kelaut an dan Perikanan IV Fakultas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Nusa Cendana (Kupang, 14 Okt ober 2017)

  Hallock, P., 2012, July. The FoRAM Index revisited: uses, challenges, and limitations. In Proceedings of the 12th

  Mustafa, A. and Arami, H., 2017. Studi komunitas ikan pada ekosistem padang lamun yang tereksploitasi di Perairan Mola Taman Nasional Laut Wakatobi. Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan, 1(4). Nybakken JW, Bertness MD. 2006. Marine

  Muruganantham, M., Ragavan,P., and Mohan, P.M. 2017. Diversity and distribution of living Larger Benthic Foramnifera From Coral Reef environments, South Andaman Island, India. Journal of Foraminiferan Research Vol 47 No.3: 252-257.

  Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 16(2), pp.722-732.

  Mokhayer, Z., Mousavi Nadushan, R., Rabbaniha, M., Fatemi, M.R. and Sh, J., 2017. Community composition and diversity of zooplankton in the northwest Persian Gulf. Iranian

  Micheli, F., Mumby, P.J., Brumbaugh, D.R., Broad, K., Dahlgren, C.P., Harborne, A.R., Holmes, K.E., Kappel, C.V., Litvin, S.Y. and Sanchirico, J.N., 2014. High vulnerability of ecosystem function and services to diversity loss in Caribbean coral reefs. Biological Conservation, 171, pp.186-194.

  applied phycology, 26(5), pp.2037- 2045.

  Martins, C.D., Lhullier, C., Ramlov, F., Simonassi, J.C., Gouvea, L.P., Noernberg, M., Maraschin, M., Colepicolo, P., Hall-Spencer, J.M. and Horta, P.A., 2014. Seaweed chemical diversity: an additional and efficient tool for coastal evaluation. Journal of

  special publication 31: 1-661

  Foraminifera of The Sahul Shelf and Timor Sea. Cushman foundation

  Langer, M.R., and Lips, J.H. 2003 Foraminiferal distribution and diversity, Madang Reef and Lagoon, Papua New Guinea. Coral Reefs 22: 143–154 Loeblich Jr AR, Tappan H. 1994.

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