Adobe Photoshop 6 Bible

Praise for the Photoshop Bibles and
Deke M cClelland
Yo u’re pro bably thinking that if so me o ne has the gall to call his bo o k
a Bible , it had be tte r be pre tty go o d. If yo u’re no t thinking that, it’s
pro bably be cause yo u’ve alre ady e xpe rie nce d the Pho to sho p Bible
and yo u kno w it’s go o d.
— Los Angeles Tim es

Say go o dbye to tho se dull and dusty ste p-by-ste p tuto rials no w that
De ke McCle lland, the Digital Guru o f co mpute r graphics, has update d
his inte rnatio nal be stse lle r, the Mac wo rld Pho to sho p 5 Bible.
— Ad ob

A gre at pro gram de se rve s a gre at bo o k. Pho to sho p has o ne in this
mammo th pape rback (Pho to sho p Bible).
— Cincinna ti Enq u irer

I’ve be e n invo lve d with Pho to sho p fo r o ve r se ve n ye ars, and fo r as
lo ng as I can re me mbe r, I’ve had De ke lo o king o ve r my sho ulde r.
De ke take s yo u thro ugh Pho to sho p and co ve rs a lo t o f are as with
impre ssive de pth.

— Ma rk Ha m b u r g, Ado be Principal Scie ntist and Archite ct fo r Pho to sho p
It’s always nice to se e so me thing that was ve ry go o d be co me gre at — bigge r and be tte r
than its pre de ce sso r ( which was alre ady quite go o d) , the Mac wo rld Pho to sho p 5 Bible
kicks so me se rio us butt: it’s simply o utstanding.

— PhotoBooks .com
The Pho to sho p Bible is a must have e ncyclo pe dia o f Pho to sho p info . It’s a tribute to
De ke ’s Pho to sho p kno wle dge that e ve n the mo st ve te ran Pho to sho p use rs find the
“ Bible ” re quire d re ading.
— Jeff Schew e, Imaging Artist and Autho r

(Pho to sho p Bibles) sho w yo u the ins and o uts o f this fascinating pro gram, with
ste p-by-ste p instructio ns fo r bo th e ve ryday te chnique s and unusual but use ful tricks.

— Hou s ton Chronicle
This is an e xce lle nt bo o k. I be lie ve yo u will use it fo r ye ars.

— Sp a ce Coa s t PC Jou rna l

[ In Pho to sho p Studio Sec rets ] McCle lland take s yo u ste p by ste p thro ugh e ve ry stage

o f the de sign, fro m co nce pt to e xe cutio n. This is the bo o k yo u ne e d if yo u’re mo re
inte re ste d in the artwo rk than in the to o ls.

— Los Angeles Tim es
With Pho to sho p e xpe rt De ke McCle lland at the ste e ring whe e l, ho w can yo u go wro ng!

— The Des ign & Pu b lis hing Center
The Pho to sho p 5 Bible by De ke McCle lland sits pro udly o n my de sk and is a co nstant
so urce o f info rmatio n and assistance as I co nfide ntly cre ate with Ado be Pho to sho p 5.
McCle lland’s co mple te unde rstanding o f Ado be ’s suite o f imaging so ftware is o nly
surpasse d by his ability to te ach. He may be my favo rite autho r!
— Su s a nne York, Ho usto n, TX
I go tta te ll yo u — the Pho to sho p Bible has save d me many time s. The re is no thing
mo re a de signe r ne e ds ( e xce pt fo r co ffe e ) sitting be side his Mac than the Pho to sho p
— Ja s on K. Jennings , Nashville , TN
While it may the o re tically be po ssible to use Pho to sho p witho ut the Pho to sho p Bible,
I can’t imagine why anyo ne wo uld want to try.
— Tim Wils o n, Ke ys Ente rtainme nt
McCle lland o ffe rs to ns o f tips, tricks and pro ce dure s. The re are mo re insights than any

o ne pe rso n will like ly be able to dige st, but e ve n a fe w will pro ve invaluable fo r ge tting
mo re o ut o f the pro gram… . One advantage o f such a large bo o k is that co mplicate d
subje cts can be de alt with at le ngth. McCle lland take s full advantage o f this in the
spe cial e ffe cts se ctio n, de tailing ho w the diffe re nt filte rs wo rk, what the e ffe cts o f the
filte rs are , and ho w use rs can be tte r co ntro l the re sults… Mac wo rld Pho to sho p Bible
succe e ds as a valuable to me fo r use rs o f all le ve ls. It will be he lpful fo r be ginne rs and
re le vant to advance d use rs.

— Com m u nica tion Ar ts
This was the be st co mpute r bo o k I’ve e ve r re ad.
— SM, Bo ulde r, CO
This Autho r’s style is inviting and co mfo rtable . He e xplains co mple x co nce pts in a ve ry
simple , familiar manne r. No thing e lse co me s clo se .
— TG, No rth Ho llywo o d, CA
I re ad this bo o k o n vacatio n — and still had a go o d time !
— DLG, Vande rbilt, Mississippi
This bo o k has the mo st e xte nsive co ve rage o f Ado be Pho to sho p I’ve se e n! Thanks fo r
he lping me re aliz e the limitle ss po te ntial o f Pho to sho p!
— DG, Big Sandy, Te xas

… this e ncyclo pe dic e ffo rt o ught to he lp bo th ne w and e xpe rie nce d use rs unle ash the
po we r o f this multidime nsio nal pro gram. Ne arly e ve ry fe ature is e xplo re d in de tail — in
McCle lland’s co nve rsatio nal style … . One imaging to pic o f impo rtance amo ng Pho to sho p
disciple s — Unsharp Making— ge ts no le ss than se ve n page s in the Bible . It’s as cle ar an
e xplanatio n o f USM as has e ve r be e n publishe d, backe d up with e xample s sho wing the
e ffe cts achie ve d by varying the Amo unt, Radius, and Thre sho ld se ttings. In fact, if yo u’re
lo o king fo r o nly o ne co mpre he nsive Pho to sho p bo o k, this may be the o ne .

— Photo Dis trict New s
It’s a must have fo r e ve ry pro fe ssio nal Pho to sho p use r.
— RC, Lo ndo n, England
I te ach Pho to sho p; the re wo uld be no way fo r me to survive my first class witho ut this
bo o k! De ke McCle lland inco rpo rate s a funny way o f e xplaining things, he ’s ve ry
tho ro ugh and te lls yo u abo ut “ re al-life ” situatio ns, no t just what Ado be wants its
custo me rs to kno w.
— CD, Addiso n, Te xas
I tho ught I was an e xpe rt Pho to sho p use r, but yo u sho uld se e ho w many page s I’ve
marke d in this bo o k. De ke ’s pre se ntatio n is o ne o f the cle are st and mo st accurate
I’ve se e n.
— CS, Fulle rto n, Califo rnia

This bo o k puts the Pho to sho p use r manual to shame !
— DB, To ro nto , Ontario , Canada
De ke is humo ro us, no t a se lf-righte o us “ kno w e ve rything” autho r. This bo o k cuts
straight to the usable info rmatio n, witho ut the typical hype o r fluff o f the manufacture r
— EV, So me rse t, Ne w Je rse y
I’m able to do mo re than I tho ught po ssible with Pho to sho p using this guide .
— DH, Linco ln, Ne braska
I like the cle ar, co ncise , and practical applicatio n o f e ach pro ce ss in Pho to sho p.
Espe cially the use o f laye rs! WOW!
— MRB, Langle y, Washingto n
I have e ve ry Pho to sho p bo o k and this o ne is the be st. It is the o ne I go to whe n I ne e d
an answe r.
— EF, Bo ulde r Co lo rado

What I re ally like abo ut the bo o k is that De ke McCle lland starts at the basics and take s
yo u ste p by ste p as if yo u kne w no thing abo ut scanning o r image s. He take s no thing fo r
grante d, e xplaining in the intro ductio n such fundame ntals as whe n to use Pho to sho p
and whe n to use a drawing pro gram… So what do e s Pho to sho p do and ho w do e s this
bo o k he lp yo u in do ing it? Mr. McCle lland will answe r bo th que stio ns and e ve ry o the r

que stio n yo u can think o f within the co nfine s o f the Macinto sh and Pho to sho p.
— Work Pla ce, Unive rsity Co lle ge , Dublin, Ire land
No o the r bo o k abo ut Pho to sho p is as go o d as this o ne . It’s the be st!
— JO, Garsfo nte in, So uth Africa
A truly wo nde rful bo o k, jam packe d with use ful hints, tricks and basic pro ce dure s in
Pho to sho p.
— TW, Dubuque , Io wa
I had to ugh de adline s and had ne ve r use d Pho to sho p be fo re . This bo o k adde d ye ars to
my life !
— RB, Gre e n Bay, Wisco nsin
Gre at jo b McCle lland! Many bo o ks are dull, but this o ne made me laugh o ut lo ud. It
was e asy to re ad the who le thing.
— PM, Valle jo , Califo rnia
I am laughing all day thinking abo ut and re ading this bo o k.
— SA, Barce lo na, Spain
Give n the te chnical nature o f the to pic and the de pth o f co ve rage , yo u might e xpe ct the
writing to be rathe r dry — so me what le ss than inspiring. Fo rtunate ly, De ke McCle lland
is as acco mplishe d a write r as he is a Pho to sho p guru. He has manage d to ke e p a
po te ntially he avy to pic fro m be co ming to o gre at a burde n o n the re ade r, while
maintaining a stro ng flo w o f info rmatio n. His wit and style sho w thro ugh re pe ate dly in

e ve ry chapte r. I stro ngly re co mme nd this bo o k to anyo ne who use s Ado be Pho to sho p
o n the Mac o r PC.

— Fla s h
It has an answe r waiting fo r e ve ry que stio n I co uld po ssibly have abo ut Pho to sho p.
— TL, Co ro na, Califo rnia
This “ Bible ” brings all the co mfo rt that the King Jame s Ve rsio n no lo nge r do e s — it’s
my ne w “ Linus Blanke t!” I have ye t to go find a to pic that I can think o f that isn’t
co ve re d by the bo o k, and it is stuffe d full o f to pics that wo uldn’t have o ccurre d to me .
— NC, Lo ndo n, England
I le arn so me thing ne w e ve ry time I o pe n it.
— SFJ, Bille rica, Massachuse tts

It’s a gre at bo o k… de finite ly e ve ry Pho to sho p use r’s dre am.
— CT, Brisbane , Australia
I like De ke McCle lland’s se nse o f humo r! Plus I lo ve d all the info rmatio n he po ure d
fo rth abo ut e ve ry fe ature o f Pho to sho p. I just think this bo o k is e xce lle nt!
— TC, Augusta, Ge o rgia
I think I lo ve yo u, De ke McCle lland! Thank yo u fo r co ntinuing my o ngo ing que st!
— KW, Oco e e , Flo rida

This is a gre at bo o k. I kno w Pho to sho p but I ne ve r re aliz e d yo u co uld do so much with
it until I re ad this bo o k.
— TLS, White sto ne , Ne w Yo rk
It is e asily unde rstandable and ve ry e asy re ading with as much info rmatio n put
to ge the r as I tho ught po ssible . It has e ve rything!
— GKP, Euge ne , Ore go n
This bo o k he lpe d me to unde rstand the tho ught pro ce sse s the de ve lo pe rs we nt thro ugh
to build the pro gram, which he lps me to be a be tte r use r.
— JD, Arkansas City, Kansas
The be st Pho to sho p bo o k I’ve se e n — I kno w: I’m a sixte e n-ye ar pro fe ssio nal.
— CD, Haz e lwo o d, Misso uri
While re ading this bo o k, it fe lt like a go o d frie nd was sitting o ve r my sho ulde r le tting
me in o n all the tips and tricks no o ne e lse wo uld te ll me abo ut o r kne w abo ut.
— JO, San Marco s, Te xas
Anyo ne invo lve d with de sign kno ws abo ut this bo o k.
— TS, Philade lphia, Pe nnsylvania
This bo o k has info rmatio n o n all aspe cts o f Pho to sho p in no n-te chnical, e ve ryday
language . It was e njo yable to re ad and I le arne d a lo t.
— NI, Fairlawn, Ne w Je rse y

I se le cte d Mac wo rld Pho to sho p 4.0 Bible fo r my digital imaging co urse be cause I
was impre sse d with its tho ro ughne ss and with the fact that it’s ve ry appro priate fo r
be ginning thro ugh advance d-le ve l stude nts...a ve ry co mpre he nsive te xt!
— Thom a s Shirley, Faculty me mbe r, Digital Imaging, Co lumbia Co lle ge , IL

Photoshop 6 for
Windows Bible


Photoshop 6 for
Windows Bible


Deke McClelland

IDG Bo o ks Wo rldwide, Inc .

An Internatio nal Data Gro up Co mpany
Fo ster City, CA ✦ Chic ago , IL ✦ Indianapo lis, IN ✦ New Yo rk, NY

Photoshop ® 6 for Windows ® Bible
Published by

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mc Clelland, Deke, 1962–
Pho to sho p 6 fo r Windo ws Bible / Deke Mc Clelland.
p. c m.
ISBN 0-7645-3491-2 (alk. paper)
1. Co mputer graphic s. 2. Ado be Pho to sho p.
I. Title.
T385 .M3779964
006.6'869--dc 21

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About the Author
In 1985, Deke McClelland o versaw the implementatio n o f the first perso nal c o mputer-based pro duc tio n department in Bo ulder, Co lo rado . He later graduated to be
artistic direc to r fo r Publishing Reso urc es, o ne o f the earliest all-Po stSc ript servic e
bureaus in the United States.
These days, Deke is the autho r o f the award-winning titles Pho to sho p fo r Windo ws
Bible and Macwo rld Pho to sho p Bible (bo th published by IDG Bo o ks Wo rldwide), no w
in their eighth year with mo re c o pies in print than any o ther guides o n c o mputer
graphic s.
Other best-selling titles inc lude Pho to sho p Fo r Dummie s, Pho to sho p Studio Se cre ts,
We b De sign Studio Se cre ts (all IDG Bo o ks Wo rldwide), Re al Wo rld Illustrato r 9, and
Re al Wo rld Digital Pho to graphy (bo th Peac hpit Press). He also serves as ho st to several entertaining and educ atio nal video training series, inc luding To tal Pho to sho p,
To tal InDe sign, and To tal Illustrato r (all To tal Training).
In 1989, Deke wo n the Benjamin Franklin Award fo r Best Co mputer Bo o k. Sinc e
then, he has rec eived ho no rs fro m the So c iety fo r Tec hnic al Co mmunic atio n (o nc e
in 1994 and twic e in 1999), the Americ an So c iety o f Business Press Edito rs (1995),
the Western Public atio ns Asso c iatio n (1999), and the Co mputer Press Asso c iatio n
(1990, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, and twic e in 1999). In 1999, Bo o k Bytes named Deke
its Autho r o f the Year.
Deke is presently wo rking o n his new visual learning series, Lo o k & Le arn, whic h
is slated to inc lude Lo o k & Le arn Pho to sho p and Lo o k & Le arn Flash (IDG Bo o ks
Wo rldwide). He is a c o ntributing edito r fo r Macwo rld magazine.

To my mad little Max, and the wo man who cre ate d him.
Two swe e te r pe o ple yo u ne ve r did se e .
To se e the se two pe o ple is swe e tne ss inde e d.



f yo u are reading this fo rewo rd, it pro bably means that yo u’ve purc hased a c o py
o f Ado be Pho to sho p 6.0, and fo r that I and the rest o f the Pho to sho p team at
Ado be thank yo u.
If yo u o wn a previo us editio n o f the Pho to sho p Bible , yo u pro bably kno w what to
expec t. If no t, then get ready fo r an interesting trip.
A lo t o f attentio n in vario us fo rums has been given to the fac t that the year 2000
marks the ten-year anniversary o f Ado be Pho to sho p. Unless yo u buy this bo o k
almo st immediately after it c o mes o ut, I will also have been wo rking o n Pho to sho p
fo r ten years, so this seems like a go o d time to do a little lo o king bac k.
When I jo ined the Pho to sho p team, my first task was to start adding vec to r drawing
c apabilities to a pro gram that even in 1.0 c o uld lay c laim to being the leading deskto p raster editing pro gram. In o ther wo rds, I was to implement a Bézier pen to o l
that as initially planned was little mo re than a glo rified lasso to o l. Ten years later,
Pho to sho p 6 is no w taking vec to rs o n in earnest. I trust that do esn’t mean that we
sat still fo r the 9+ years between Pho to sho p 2.0 and Pho to sho p 6.0. It c ertainly
do esn’t feel that way.
If we had do ne so , I suspec t that we wo uld have heard fro m Deke Mc Clelland sinc e
he’s been watc hing o ver o ur sho ulders fo r almo st as lo ng as I c an remember.
While Pho to sho p 6 pro bably pro vides mo re instant gratific atio n features than any
previo us versio n, at its c o re it o ffers a bro ad c o llec tio n o f basic and no t so basic
to o ls fo r building and manipulating images. Bec o ming a skilled Pho to sho p user
invo lves getting to kno w tho se to o ls, ho w they interac t, and when to use them. The
best way I’ve fo und to do that is thro ugh use, explo ratio n, and play. On the o ther
hand, sinc e Pho to sho p allo ws o ne to do so muc h, it c an be diffic ult to kno w where
to begin. It’s like o pening a watc h maker’s to o l c hest: The sc rewdrivers are pretty
o bvio us, but what abo ut all these o ther strange and mysterio us instruments?
This is where Deke c o mes in. In Deke’s hands, Pho to sho p go es fro m being just a
to o lbo x to being a strange and wo nderful land all its o wn. The Pho to sho p Bible is a
guided to ur thro ugh that land with a guide who has been o ver the territo ry many
times .
Deke takes yo u thro ugh mo st o f Pho to sho p and c o vers a lo t o f areas in impressive
depth. No t o nly do es he sho w yo u the features in Pho to sho p — after all, yo u’ve go t



the manual to do that — he sho ws yo u ho w to use them to address issues that lo o k
almo st like real wo rld pro blems. This is the Pho to sho p Bible no t the Pho to sho p
Encyclo pe dia and henc e it tells sto ries rather than just presenting info rmatio n.
A sec o nd thing that yo u’ll get fro m this bo o k is a lo t o f c o mmentary. Deke isn’t shy
abo ut letting yo u kno w ho w he feels abo ut vario us features. I do n’t always agree
with Deke’s o pinio ns o n these matters, but I think his o penness abo ut his o pinio ns
makes the bo o k muc h ric her. If yo u bec o me a ro utine user o f Pho to sho p, yo u will
almo st c ertainly develo p yo ur o wn o pinio ns, so me o f whic h will pro bably matc h
Deke’s and so me o f whic h pro bably wo n’t. It’s valuable to get his o pinio ns during
the to ur, ho wever, bec ause, even if yo u end up disagreeing with them, they give yo u
mo re to think abo ut.
Finally, the mo st invigo rating aspec t o f this bo o k is the enthusiasm Deke brings to
the to ur. Yo u’ll no te that I inc luded “play” in my list o f strategies fo r c o ming to kno w
Pho to sho p, and I think just having fun with the pro gram is really o ne o f the best
things yo u c an do when starting o ut. Deke almo st relentlessly c o nveys that sense
o f exc itement and fun, and fo r that I thank him.
So , fasten yo ur seat belts, put o n yo ur pith helmets, and get ready. It’s a fasc inating
trip ahead.
Mark Hamburg
Princ ipal Sc ientist and Arc hitec t fo r Ado be Pho to sho p
Ado be Systems Inc o rpo rated
September 2000



have no idea where yo u are as yo u read this. Yo u might be sitting in fro nt o f yo ur
c o mputer, lo unging o n a beac h in Martinique, o r c urled up under the c o vers with
a flashlight. But there’s a c hanc e yo u’re standing in a bo o ksto re with a c lerk behind
yo u asking if yo u need any help. If so , yo u’re at what we in the bo o k biz like to c all
the “po int o f purc hase” (POP). Fro m my perspec tive, the POP is a dangero us plac e,
fraught with ambiguities and temptatio ns. There’s a c hanc e — ho wever infinitesimal —
that yo u might put this bo o k bac k where yo u fo und it and buy a c o mpeting title. I
shudder to think o f it.
So fo r the benefit o f yo u POPers, I’m abo ut to lay it o n a bit thic k.
This bo o k is no t o nly the number-o ne selling guide to Ado be Pho to sho p, but o ne
o f the two o r three mo st suc c essful bo o ks o n any elec tro nic publishing to pic ever
printed. Yo u c an find do zens o f lo c alized translatio ns thro ugho ut the wo rld. The
Dutc h translatio n has been kno wn to c o me o ut befo re the English editio n, and I
just rec eived an e-mail fro m my German translato r urging me to get her manusc ript
ASAP. The Pho to sho p Bible is the mo st widely ac c epted textbo o k fo r c o llege c o urses.
It is also the o nly third-party bo o k that has been edited fro m c o ver to c o ver fo r tec hnic al ac c urac y by members o f Pho to sho p’s pro gramming team (fo r whic h I am duly
No w, we all kno w “bestseller” do esn’t nec essarily translate to “best” — I needn’t
remind yo u that pet ro c ks were o nc e ho tter than Po kémo n. But the Pho to sho p Bible
seems to have to uc hed a c ho rd. Based o n the letters I’ve rec eived o ver the years,
mo st readers find the bo o k info rmative, c o mprehensive, and entertaining. (Okay, o ne
wo man summed it up as “vio lent, satanic , and blasphemo us” — c ro ss my heart, it’s
true — but no w that we’ve remo ved all the bac kward lyric s, I think we’ve addressed
that pro blem.) Kno wing that peo ple no t o nly buy the bo o k, but ac tually re ad it and
find it pleasurable, gives me mo re satisfac tio n than I c an say.
The driving philo so phy behind Pho to sho p 6 fo r Windo ws Bible is a simple o ne: Even
the mo st intimidating to pic c an be made easy if it’s explained pro perly. This go es
do uble when the subjec t o f the disc ussio n is so mething as mo dest as a piec e o f
so ftware. Pho to sho p isn’t so me remarkable wo rk o f nature that defies o ur c o mprehensio n. It’s no thing mo re that a c o mmerc ial pro duc t designed by a bunc h o f regular peo ple like yo u fo r the express purpo se o f being understo o d and put to use by
a bunc h o f regular peo ple like yo u. If I c an’t explain so mething that’s inherently so
straightfo rward, then shame o n me.



I’ve made it my missio n to address every to pic head-o n — no c o p-o uts, no apo lo gies. Everything’s here, fro m the prac tic al benefits o f c reating ac c urate masks to
the theo retic al wo nders o f designing yo ur o wn c usto m layer styles. I wasn’t bo rn
with this kno wledge, and there are plenty o f times when I’m learning with yo u. But
when I do n’t kno w ho w so mething wo rks, I do the researc h and figure it o ut, so metimes disc ussing features direc tly with the pro grammers, so metimes taking advantage o f o ther so urc es. My jo b is to find o ut the answers, make sure tho se answers
make sense, and pass them alo ng to yo u as c learly as I c an.
I also pro vide bac kgro und, o pinio ns, and a few feeble attempts at humo r. A dry listing o f features fo llo wed by po ndero us disc ussio ns o f ho w they wo rk do esn’t mean
squat unless I explain why the feature is there, where it fits into yo ur wo rkflo w,
and — o n o c c asio n — whether o r no t it’s the best so lutio n. I am alternatively c ranky,
exc ited, and just plain giddy as I explain Pho to sho p, and I make no effo rt to c o ntain
my c ritic isms o r enthusiasm. This bo o k is me walking yo u thro ugh the pro gram as
subjec tively as I wo uld explain it to a friend.
But befo re I brag any mo re abo ut the bo o k, it’s po ssible yo u’re no t even sure what
Pho to sho p is, muc h less why yo u’d need a bo o k o n the subjec t. Just so we’re all
c lear, let’s take a peek at the pro gram.

What Is Photoshop?
Pho to sho p 6 is a pro fessio nal-level image edito r that runs o n a Po wer Mac into sh
c o mputer running OS 8.5 o r later; o r a Pentium-based PC equipped with any o f several versio ns o f Mic ro so ft Windo ws. By image e dito r, I mean that Pho to sho p enables
yo u to edit pho to s and artwo rk sc anned to disk. Yo u c an then po st the resulting
images o n the Internet o r print them o n paper.
Here’s an example: Yo ur jo b is to take a pic ture o f yo ur c o mpany’s high-and-mighty
CEO, to uc h up the c ro w’s feet, fix the hair, and publish the Chief’s smiling fac e o n
the c o ver o f the annual repo rt. No pro blem. Just sho o t the pho to , have it sc anned
to disk, o pen Mr. o r Mrs. CEO inside Pho to sho p, and away yo u go . Pho to sho p arms
yo u with all the digital wrinkle c ream, to upee relaxer, jo wl remo ver, and to o th po lisher that yo u c o uld ask fo r. The head ho nc ho lo o ks presentable no matter ho w
badly the c o mpany is do ing.
Pho to sho p, then, is abo ut c hanging reality. It fo llo ws in the fo o tsteps o f a ric h pro c essio n o f after-c amera to o ls. Despite all the hand-wringing yo u may have heard
abo ut the verac ity o f pho to graphs in the digital age, image editing has been aro und
almo st as lo ng as pho to graphy itself. Witness the edito rial image belo w, lifted fro m
the hallo wed pages o f a 1917 issue o f The Ge o graphic (predec esso r to Natio nal
Ge o graphic ). The men o n the left are authentic , but I’m a bit skeptic al abo ut that
fello w inside the van. To day’s editing tec hniques may be mo re so phistic ated, but
they’re hardly anything new.


In 1917, The Geographic tendered this im age as a genuine photograph,
and very likely m any readers thought nothing of it. One day, future
generations w ill think the sam e of our w ork.

Pho to sho p go es beyo nd just reduc ing the distanc e between two Giza pyramids o n
the c o ver o f Natio nal Ge o graphic o r plo pping a leaning To m Cruise, pho to graphed
in Hawaii, o nto the suppo rtive sho ulder o f Dustin Ho ffman, pho to graphed in New
Yo rk, fo r a Ne wswe e k spread (bo th duller-than-fic tio n applic atio ns o f image-editing
so ftware). Pho to sho p brings yo u full-tilt c reativity. Pic ture the head o f an eagle o n
the bo dy o f a lio n with the legs o f a spider and the wings o f a do ve. Pic ture yo urself
in a bo at o n a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies. Whether yo ur inspiratio ns are o riginal o r derivative, Pho to sho p lets yo u paint snapsho ts fro m yo ur
dreams. If yo u c an pic ture it in yo ur head, yo u c an paint it in Pho to sho p.

About This Book
If yo u’re familiar with previo us editio ns o f this bo o k, this o ne represents yo ur
everyday average exhaustive reno vatio n. As is o ften the c ase, I am assisted by Julie
Pho to De luxe Fo r Dummie s King and Amy InDe sign Fo r Dummie s Tho mas Busc aglia,
lo ng-time c o ntributo rs to the Bible . (Julie has been adding her to uc h sinc e the very
first Bible ; Amy has been o n bo ard fo r the last seven renditio ns.) With their help,
I’ve added detailed disc ussio ns o n the subjec ts o f layers, blending o ptio ns, styles,




vec to r-based shapes, c o lo r management, o bjec t-o riented text, the expanded TIFF
and PDF file fo rmats, free-fo rm disto rtio ns, and the usual pletho ra o f interfac e
enhanc ements. As always, we’ve rewo rked the struc ture o f the bo o k to suit the
newest versio n o f Pho to sho p, c reating new parts, rehashing every c hapter witho ut
exc eptio n, and rewriting several c hapters fro m the gro und up. In sho rt, we’ve
deprived o urselves o f sleep and sanity to make yo u happy.
If yo u’re new to the Bible , I urge yo u to take a brief mo ment and make sure yo u have
the right o ne befo re yo u pay the c lerk and take it ho me. Yo u are c urrently ho lding
the Pho to sho p 6 fo r Windo ws Bible , designed spec ific ally fo r fo lks who o wn PCs
equipped with Mic ro so ft Windo ws. If yo u use a Apple Mac into sh o r iMac instead,
put this bo o k do wn and request a c o py o f the Macwo rld Pho to sho p 6 Bible , whic h
is far mo re likely to suit yo ur needs.

That silver Frisbee on the back cover
In the bac k o f this bo o k, yo u’ll find a CD-ROM. It c o ntains Pho to sho p plug-ins and
several high-reso lutio n piec es o f sto c k pho to graphy in full, natural c o lo r. I’ve
inc luded many o f the pivo tal images fro m this bo o k so that yo u c an fo llo w alo ng
with my examples as yo u see fit.
The Bible is no thing if no t c o mprehensive. To bo lster this c laim, I’ve inc luded a few
additio nal c hapters as PDF files o n the CD-ROM. Assuming yo u have Ado be Ac ro bat
Reader (whic h yo u c an do wnlo ad at www.ado be .co m ), yo u c an o pen the c hapters,
read them o n sc reen, and print them at yo ur leisure. Amo ng these o n-disk c hapters
are two c o llec tio ns o f Pho to sho p sho rtc uts — the mo st extensive o f their kind —
o ne fo r Mac into sh users (Chapter C) and o ne fo r Windo ws (Chapter D). This way,
even if yo u unkno wingly purc hased the wro ng versio n o f the bo o k, yo u have all
the sho rtc uts yo u need. The CD also inc ludes PDF c o pies o f all the printed c hapters
in this bo o k, perfec t fo r tho se times yo u want to print an additio nal c o py o f a c hapter to highlight, underline, o r paper the birdc age. Bear in mind, ho wever, that I pro vide these PDFs fo r yo ur perso nal use o nly. If yo u distribute them to friends and
family, yo u’re breaking all kinds o f federal c o des, interstate treaties, and Geneva
Co nventio n o rdinanc es. If yo u’re unluc ky eno ugh to get c aught, the FBI will raid
yo ur ho use and make yo u sit in the c o rner and write bad c hec ks. Okay, I made that
up. All I c an really do is tell yo u I’d rather yo u didn’t share the PDF c hapters and
ho pe yo u do n’t. I’m po werless; pity me.
As an extra spec ial bo nus, yo u’ll find several Quic kTime mo vie tuto rials that
explain ho w to use so me o f Pho to sho p’s mo st c hallenging features. These are
exc erpted fro m my video training series, To tal Pho to sho p, fro m To tal Training
( m ).

Perhaps best o f all, the CD is c ro ss-platfo rm, so yo u c an o pen it o n a Mac o r PC.
Read the appendix, “Using the CD-ROM,” fo r a c o mplete listing o f the c o ntents o f
the CD.


Every c o mputer bo o k seems to c o nfo rm to a lo gic all its o wn, and this o ne’s no
exc eptio n. Altho ugh I try to avo id pig latin — ellway, o rfay hetay o stmay artpay — I
do subsc ribe to a handful o f c o nventio ns that yo u may no t immediately rec o gnize.

Call it c o mputerese, c all it tec hno babble, c all it the synthetic jargo n o f pro peller
heads. The fac t is, I c an’t explain Pho to sho p in graphic and grueso me detail witho ut
reverting to the spec ialized language o f the trade. Ho wever, to help yo u keep up, I
c an and have italic ized vo c abulary wo rds (as in rando m-acce ss me mo ry ) with whic h
yo u may no t be familiar o r whic h I use in an unusual c o ntext. An italic ized term is
fo llo wed by a definitio n.
If yo u c o me ac ro ss a strange wo rd that is no t italic ized (that bit o f italic s was fo r
emphasis), lo o k it up in the index to find the first referenc e to the wo rd in the bo o k.

Commands and options
To distinguish the literal names o f c o mmands, dialo g bo xes, butto ns, and so o n, I
c apitalize the first letter in eac h wo rd (fo r example, click o n the Cance l butto n). The
o nly exc eptio ns are o ptio n names, whic h c an be six o r seven wo rds lo ng and filled
with prepo sitio ns like to and o f. Traditio nally, prepo sitio ns and artic les ( a, an, the )
do n’t appear in initial c aps, and this bo o k fo llo ws that time-ho no red rule, to o .
When disc ussing menus and c o mmands, I use an arro w symbo l to indic ate hierarc hy. Fo r example, Cho o se File ➪ Ope n means to c ho o se the Open c o mmand fro m
the File menu. If yo u have to display a submenu to reac h a c o mmand, I list the
c o mmand used to display the submenu between the menu name and the final c o mmand. Cho o se Image ➪ Adjust ➪ Inve rt means to c ho o se the Adjust c o mmand fro m
the Image menu and then c ho o se the Invert c o mmand fro m the Adjust submenu.

Version numbers
A new piec e o f so ftware c o mes o ut every 15 minutes. That’s no t a real statistic ,
mind yo u, but I bet I’m no t far o ff. As I write this, Pho to sho p has advanc ed to
Versio n 6.0. But by the time yo u read this, the versio n number may be seven hundredths o f a perc entage po int higher. So kno w that when I write Pho to sho p 6, I mean
any versio n o f Pho to sho p sho rt o f 7.
Similarly, when I write Pho to sho p 5, I mean Versio ns 5.0, 5.0.2, and 5.5; Pho to sho p 4
means Versio ns 4.0 and 4.0.1; Pho to sho p 3 means Versio ns 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.3, 3.0.4,
and 3.0.5; yo u get the idea.




Like just abo ut every c o mputer bo o k c urrently available o n yo ur greengro c er’s
shelves, this o ne inc ludes alluring ic o ns that fo c us yo ur eyeballs smac k-dab o n
impo rtant info rmatio n. The ic o ns make it easy fo r fo lks who just like to skim bo o ks
to figure o ut what the hec k’s go ing o n. Ic o ns serve as little insuranc e po lic ies
against sho rt attentio n spans. On the who le, the ic o ns are self-explanato ry, but
I’ll explain them anyway.
The Cautio n ic o n warns yo u that a step yo u’re abo ut to take may pro duc e disastro us results. Well, perhaps “disastro us” is an exaggeratio n. Inc o nvenient, then.
Unc o mfo rtable. Fo r heaven’s sake, use c autio n.


The No te ic o n highlights so me little tidbit o f info rmatio n I’ve dec ided to share with
yo u that seemed at the time to be remo tely related to the to pic at hand. I might tell
yo u ho w an o ptio n c ame into existenc e, why a feature is implemented the way it is,
o r ho w things used to be better bac k in the o ld days.



The Pho to sho p 6 ic o n explains an o ptio n, c o mmand, o r o ther feature that is
brand-spanking new to this latest revisio n. If yo u’re already familiar with previo us
versio ns o f Pho to sho p, yo u might just want to plo w thro ugh the bo o k lo o king fo r
Pho to sho p 6 ic o ns and see what new stuff is o ut there.


This bo o k is bursting with tips and tec hniques. If I were to highlight every o ne o f
them, who le pages wo uld have light-bulbs po pping o ut all o ver the plac e. The Tip
ic o n c alls attentio n to sho rtc uts that are spec ific ally applic able to the Pho to sho p
applic atio n. Fo r the bigger, mo re useful po wer tips, I’m afraid yo u’ll have to ac tually
read the text.



The Cro ss-Referenc e ic o n tells yo u where to go fo r info rmatio n related to the c urrent to pic . I inc luded o ne a few pages bac k and yo u pro bably read it witho ut thinking twic e. That means yo u’re either sharp as a tac k o r an experienc ed c o mputerbo o k user. Either way, yo u wo n’t have any tro uble with this ic o n.
I tho ught o f inc luding o ne mo re ic o n that alerted yo u to every new bit o f info rmatio n — whether Pho to sho p 6–dependent o r no t — that’s inc luded in this bo o k. But I
fo und myself using it every o ther paragraph. Besides, that wo uld have ro bbed yo u
o f the fun o f disc o vering the new stuff.

How to Bug M e
Even in its sixth editio n, sc anned by the eyes o f hundreds o f tho usands o f readers
and sc rutinized intensely fo r mo nths at a time by myself and my edito rs, I’ll bet
so meo ne, so mewhere will still manage to lo c ate erro rs and o versights. If yo u no tic e


tho se kinds o f things and yo u have a few spare mo ments, please let me kno w. I
always apprec iate readers’ c o mments.
If yo u want to share yo ur insights, c o mments, o r c o rrec tio ns, please visit my Web
site, the infamo us ke m. There yo u’ll find news and exc erpts
abo ut my bo o ks, tips fo r vario us graphic s pro duc ts, and o ther go o fy o nline stuff.
Let me kno w what yo u think. To e-mail me, c lic k o n the Co ntac t Deke butto n. Do n’t
fret if yo u do n’t hear fro m me fo r a few days, o r mo nths, o r ever. I read every letter
and try to implement nearly every c o nstruc tive idea anyo ne bo thers to send me.
But bec ause I rec eive hundreds o f reader letters a week, I c an respo nd to o nly a
small perc entage o f them.

Please, do no t write to ask me why yo ur c o py o f Pho to sho p is misbehaving o n yo ur
spec ific c o mputer. I was no t invo lved in develo ping Pho to sho p, I am no t emplo yed
by Ado be, and I am no t trained in pro duc t suppo rt. Ado be c an answer yo ur tec hnic al suppo rt questio ns way better than I c an, so I leave it to the experts.
No w, witho ut further ado , I urge yo u to turn the page and advanc e fo rward into the
great untamed fro ntier o f image editing. But remember, this bo o k c an be a dangero us to o l if wielded unwisely. Do n’t set it o n any c reaky c ard tables o r let yo ur c hildren play with it witho ut the assistanc e o f a stalwart adult, preferably an All-Star
Wrestler o r that guy who played the Inc redible Hulk o n TV. And no flo wer pressing.
The little suc kers wo uld be pummeled to dust by this mo nstro usly po werful c o lo ssus o f a bo o k.


Contents at a Glance
Fo rewo rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Prefac e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii

Part I: Welcome to Photoshop 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1: What’s Up with Pho to sho p 6? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 2: Inside Pho to sho p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 3: Image Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Part II: Painting and Retouching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Chapter 4: Defining Co lo rs . . . . . . .
Chapter 5: Painting and Editing . . . .
Chapter 6: Filling and Stro king . . . . .
Chapter 7: Reto uc hing, Repeating, and

. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
Resto ring




















Part III: Selections, M asks, and Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Chapter 8: Selec tio ns and Paths .
Chapter 9: Masks and Extrac tio ns
Chapter 10: Co rrec tive Filtering .
Chapter 11: Full-Co urt Filtering . .





























Part IV: Layers, Objects, and Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
Chapter 12: Wo rking with Layers . . . . . .
Chapter 13: The Wo nders o f Blend Mo des
Chapter 14: Shapes and Styles . . . . . . .
Chapter 15: Fully Editable Text . . . . . . .
























Part V: Color for Print and the Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
Chapter 16: Essential Co lo r Management . .
Chapter 17: Mapping and Adjusting Co lo rs .
Chapter 18: Printing Images. . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 19: Creating Graphic s fo r the Web .























Appendix: Using the CD-ROM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893

Bonus Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On the CD-ROM
Chapter A: Co nstruc ting Ho memade Effec ts
Chapter B: Ac tio ns and Other Auto matio ns
Chapter C: Mac into sh Sho rtc uts
Chapter D: Windo ws Sho rtc uts
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899
End-User Lic ense Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940
CD-ROM Installatio n Instruc tio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946


Forew ord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii

Part I: Welcome to Photoshop 6


Chapter 1: What’s Up with Photoshop 6?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
What Is Pho to sho p? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Image-Editing Theo ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Bitmaps versus o bjec ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The ups and do wns o f painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The do wns and ups o f drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
When to