The Planets Inner Planets


The Planets

Inner Planets Outer Planets

   One side very hot-

   Incredibly _______________________ atmospheric pressure – if you were to land on Venus, first you would be crushed, then cooked!

   Covered in very thick sulphuric acid cloud.

   _______________________________- hot enough to melt lead!


   Covered in craters.

   Very thin atmosphere.

   Takes ____________________ to orbit the sun.

   The other is very cold.

   _____________________________ to the Sun.

   ____________________________


   The Inner Planets. All of these are small-ish planets which are made from rock. They are also called the ____________________________________________________.

   _______________________________

   _______________________________

   _______________________________

   _______________________________

   ____________________________

   ____________________________

   ____________________________

   Can only see the surface via radar.

  Orbits the sun in ____________________________________.

   ________________________________ on Venus is longer than its year – and it

   ____________________________________________________________.


  Only planet known to definitely have

   ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________. Pleasant temperature .

   Orbits Sun in ___________________________________.

   Has one natural satellite: __________________________________.

   Most studied planet – for obvious reasons.

   Few impact craters.

   MARS – The Red Planet ______________________________________ from the Sun.

   Fairly cold, but can get up to freezing point.

   ____________________________________ - Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror). Both are on a

   ______________________________________ with Mars. May have had life at one time – certainly _________________________, rivers – possibly

   oceans! ____________________________________, maybe some ice.

   Thin carbon dioxide atmosphere.


   This picture was taken by the _________________________________ _____.

   It is most likely a ________________________________ _________________________________ _____ - but its resemblance to a human head is striking!

   Some people claim it looks like the ___________________ of Egypt!


   Lies ______________________________________ Mars and Jupiter.

   Lots of ______________________________________________________________, some are quite large.

   May have been a planet that failed to _______________________________________.

   Most asteroids are not solid – more like bundles of rock.


   ________________________________

   ________________________________

   ________________________________

   ________________________________

   ________________________________

  These planers are, with the _____________________________________________, very large

   balls of gas. They may have _____________________________________________, but this is unknown.


  ________________________________________ in the solar system -big enough to swallow

   Earth several times. Has at ___________________________________________ - 4 can be seen easily from Earth  (Ganymede, Io, Europa and Callisto). Has a huge _______________________________ - a massive

   _____________________________________________________________. Jupiter gives out more energy than it receives.

   Takes __________________________________ to orbit the Sun.


  Ganymede is the _________________________ moon in the ____________________________-

   bigger than Mercury and Pluto. Io has ________________________________ sulphur volcanoes.

   Europa is covered with _________________. There may be liquid water underneath.

   Callisto.


  Famous for its __________ - these are _________________

   ____________________, but composed of lots of bits of ________________. At least _________________________________. Biggest are

   Titan, Rhea, Lapetus and Dione. Takes ___________________________ to orbit the Sun.

   Would float in water, if you could make a container big

   enough!

  TITAN - The Odd One Out Titan is nearly as big as Ganymede, but has __________________________________________.

   Unlike nearly every other moon, it has a _____________________________________________

   - thicker than the Earth’s. It is very __________________. If you lived on Titan, you would have to be careful of the

   methane rain (methane is a natural gas). There may even be methane oceans, with methane icebergs!

  URANUS ______________________________________ from the Sun.

   Spins on ________________________________ - Uranus’s north pole sometimes points directly

   ____________________________________________________. Has rings but not as prominent as Saturns.

   15 moons. Largest are Titania and Oberon.

   Takes ______________________________ to orbit the Sun.

   NEPTUNE _______________________________ from the Sun.

   Takes _________________________________________ to orbit the sun.

   Very similar to Uranus – slightly smaller.

   _____________________________________ - the largest is Triton.

   Thin rings.

   Radiates more ________________________ than it receives. 

  TRITON – Another Strange One Triton, like Titan, also has an atmosphere, but considerably thinner.

   It is the only moon in the solar system to orbit the wrong way – the opposite way to the

   planets rotation. Has evidence of volcanoes and plate tectonics.

   PLUTO: The weakest Link


   from the Sun. Discovered in the 1930’s.

   Takes _________________________

   to orbit the Sun. Very little known about it.

   One moon -Charon. Discovered in

   1978. Very, very, very, _______________!

   Thin methane atmosphere.

   Planet or asteroid? The jury is out!

   PLANET X After Pluto was found, a search started for a tenth planet.

   Its existence is inferred by _________________________________________ in the orbits of

   the other planets and comets, but would have to be _____________________ (3 times the mass of Saturn). A small object has been found, but it is too small to be called a planet. (only 200 km in

   diameter).

  COMETS _________________________________________ - made of rock and ice.

   Usually highly ___________________________________________ orbits. 

   When they approach the Sun, they ________________________________ and gain long tails.

   Up to the 17 th century, people believed the __________________________ was the ______________________ of the universe.

   It is also the only thing, other than the Earth, that Mankind has ___________________ - the last time being 1974.

   The Moon is the Earths _____________________________ natural satellite.


   It needed to be “fiddled”!

   The ___________________________________________ view did not easily explain this.

   The main problem with this theory was that the planets sometimes appear to travel ___________________________________________________. (Retrograde motion).


   All the other members of the Solar System, including the Sun, orbited the Earth.


   The most famous is Hailey’s Comet – seen every ________________________________.

   Galileo was ____________________________ for his book, Copernicus _________________ until he was nearly dead to publish his.

   ______________________________________________________ first proposed the heliocentric (sun-centred theory). This outraged the church, and their work was _______________________.

   We now know all the planets orbit the sun, but it used to be very different.


   This is also why _________________________ orbit planets.

   All the planets/asteroids/comets travel in _______________________________ orbits because they are all __________________________ round by the Sun’s gravity.

   The Sun, being the ____________________________________ in the solar system, has the ___________________________________ gravitation field.


   Traditionally though to be bringers of bad tidings. (Comets that appeared in 1066 and 1666).

   The Moon orbits the Earth in about ______________________.

   As it orbits, it causes some interesting effects, like __________________________________________________________________________.

  The Earth and the Moon – Phases

   As the moon goes around the Earth, our view of it changes, so the amount we see changes from a full moon, to a new moon:

  The Earth and the Moon: Eclipses


_______________________________________: When the moon moves into the Earth’s



_______________________________________: When the Earth moves into the moon’s


  PART 3: THE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSE Where Did It All Come From??

   Scientists believe the Universe started with the _________________________________.

   Before the Big Bang all the matter in the matter in the Universe was compressed into a tiny dot called a ___________________________________________.

   Since the Big Bang – you can think of it as a ___________________________________________

  • the universe has been expanding, with galaxies steadily getting further and further away from each other.

   The universe contains everything you can see – and ________________________________________________________________________!

   There are millions of groups of stars called ____________________________________!

   Galaxies are held together by _____________________________ - all the stars in a galaxy orbit a ________________________________ - thought to be a ______________________________ in many cases.

   Galaxies are fairly evenly distributed. But they are a long way away from each other – typically millions of __________________________________________ away.

   One light year is 9460530000000km. This is the distance light travels in a year! Some Galaxies are…. 1) ________________________________________________ 2) ________________________________________________ 3) ________________________________________________ 4) ________________________________________________

   Our galaxy is the _____________________________________________.

   It is about ______________ thousand light year across.

   That is 851 447 700 000 000 000 km.

   Basically, it is _____________________________!

   It contains a lot of stars. 400 000 000 000 to be exact.

  The stars, which are just balls of very hot ______________ which give off light, are quite

   ______________________ together by comparison. Our sun is the __________________________________ of stars.

   It is average mass, average temperature, average size.

   Supergiants can be ________________ times this size. 