IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NOTICE BY USING ROUNDTABLE TECHNIQUE (A Classroom Action Research in the First Grade of MTs Ma’arif NU 14 Jingkang) - repository perpustakaan

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Research Notice is one of short functional texts, which is usually written or printed statement that gives an information, instructions, or warning to people. Sometimes the form of notice is just a sign not a sentence. It is important for

  students to understand of notice which is a sign form or sentences. By understanding the notice, students can save theirselves from any danger, students does not disturb other people, students can keep their attitudes, and etc.

  In fact there are some students who do not understand English notice. Based on the pre-observation and interview result at MTs Ma’arif NU 14 Jingkang it was found that there are some students have difficulty in understanding the notice which is organized as in sign or in sentence. They always find notices in their school but they do not understand the meaning of those notices. It become problem for the students if they do not understand about notice, vocabulary related notice and the information about notice. By understanding notices, the students can understand dangerous place, safe place, entry to a place, or prohibition to enter, and etc,.

  To overcome the problems that found at MTs Ma’arif NU 14 Jingkang, the researcher and the collaborator will use Roundtable Technique to improve the students’ understanding in notice. The researcher and the collaborator

  1 considered that Roundtable Technique is the way or an appropriate technique. This technique is one of cooperative learning models. It refers to a variety teaching methods in which students work in small group to help one another learn academic content. This technique is one of teaching technique where the teacher gives the text and divided the students into groups consist of 4-5 students. The groups are divided in heterogeneous and it is considered based on the score before. In this discussion, all of members in the group are given opportunity to share their ideas or answer the question based on the text and listen to the other members’ ideas so there is no student who be passive.

  Round table technique is the scientific deliberation that contains ideas exchange, opinion exchange carried out by several people who gather in the group to find out the truth. It means that in this technique, all of students share their ideas or opinion based on the text in with their groups and it will be found the conclusion of the content of the text. This interaction with group mate encourages students to restructure their idea. For instance, they might need to summarize, elaborate, defend, and explain their ideas, Tarmuji (1982:70). According to Lom (2012) state that Round Table in teaching reading can make the students report out with the most creative answer and contributing to a discussion simultaneously. It has benefit for students to develop their ability. Round Table Technique is a technique in which students take turn responding to a prompt writing one or two words, phrases or sentences before passing the paper along to the others who do the same (Barkley, 2005:235).

  Based on the description above, the researcher and the collaborator used Classroom Action Research (CAR) to solve those problems through conducting a research. The researcher is interested in doing a research entitled “Improving the Students Understanding of Notice by Using Roundtable Technique (A Classroom Action Research at First Grade of MTs Ma’arif NU 14 Jingkang in Academic Year 2015/2016).

  B. Reason for Choosing the Topic

  There are some reasons why the writer is interested in choosing the topic:

  1. Notice is important for us, because notice gives us information and warning and can be found many places.

  2. Many students does not understand the meaning of notices , the vocabulary related notice, information about notice which is in sign form or sentences.

  3. Round Table Technique can make it easy for the students to understand

  notice and can attract them in teaching learning process.

  C. Problem of the Research

  The problem of this research is : “Is the Round Table Technique able to improve the student’s understanding of notice at class VII C students of MTs

  Ma’arif NU 14 Jingkang in Academic Year 2015/2016?”.

  D. Aims of the Research

  Based on the problem, the aims of the research is: The aim of this research is “To improve students’ understanding of


  by using round table technique.”

E. Clarification of Terms 1.

  In the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1998:625), the word “improve” means become better.

2. In the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1998:1607), the word

  “understanding” means the knowledge that sub has about a particular subject or situation (noun). The ability to understand why people behave in a particular way and the willingness to forgive them when they do something wrong.

  3. In the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1998:998), the word

  “notice” means paying attention, giving information, announcing, warning when leaving jobs or house. Notice means to see, hear, or become aware or something.

  4. Roundtable Technique Isjoni (2010: 79) stated that Roundtable discussion is one of teaching technique where the teacher gives the text and divided the students into groups consist of 4-5 students. The groups are divided in heterogeneous and it is considered based on the score before, because it will make combination between the highest and the lowest students. It means that the clever students can help the others students who are low. In this discussion, all of members in the group are given opportunity to share their ideas or answer the question based on the text and listen to the other members’ ideas so there is no student who be passive. When students become actively engaged in discovering information for themselves, they would be able to solve problems and learn on their own. By doing this technique it will help the students to comprehend the text easily.

  Tarmuji (1982: 70) stated that roundtable discussion is the scientific deliberation that contains ideas exchange, opinion exchange carried out by several people who gather in the group to find out the truth. It means that in this discussion, all of studentshare their ideas or opinion based on the text in with their groups and it will be found the conclusion of the content of the text. This interaction with groupmate encourage students to restructure their ideas. For instance, they might need to summarize, elaborate, defent, and explain their ideas

F. Contribution of the Research

  By doing this research, it is expected that the results of this research give contribution for the English teacher, for the students and also for the other researcher.

  1. For the English teacher a. Teacher will know about the roundtable technique to teach notice.

  b. It can be a good alternative to teach notices more interested.

  c. The teacher can i mproving the students’ understanding about notice by using round table technique.

  2. For the students

  a. Students experience in learning English by using Round Table technique to teach reading. b. Students can improve their understanding in notice by using roundtable technique, so they will brave to share their idea related

  notice .

  c. Students are active in teaching learning proccess by using roundtable technique.

  3. For the other researchers a. It will improve her performance in teaching activity and skill.

  b. It can be used as a new teaching style for notices.

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