THE USE OF PAIRS CHECK TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING WRITING (An Experimental Study at Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Diponegoro 1 Purwokerto in the Academic Year 20162017)



(An Experimental Study at Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Diponegoro 1

Purwokerto in the Academic Year 2016/2017)

Submitted to English Department In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for S. Pd Degree



Ria Yunita Widiasih













  I certify that this thesis entitled The Use of Pairs Check Technique in Teaching Writing (An Experimental Study at Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Diponegoro

  1 Purwokerto in the Academic Year 2016/2017) is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this thesis. Other writer’s opinion of findings included in the thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

  Purwokerto, 17 Januari 2017 Ria Yunita Widiasih


  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

  First of all, Alhamdulillah, all thanks to Allah SWT who has given blessing, mercy and also strength both physycally and spiritually that enable me to accomplish this bachelor thesis entitled: “Vocabulary Learning Strategies of English Department Students of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto

  ”. This thesis is presented to fullfil one of the requirements in accomplissing S-1 Degree in English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. The writer would like to express her great special appreciation to:

  1. Drs. H. Syamsuhadi Irsyad, S.H, M.H, the Rector of University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto.

  2. Drs. Pudiyono, M.Hum, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty who has given the permission to write this thesis.

  3. Aulia Nisa Khusnia, S.S, M.A, the Head of English Department who has given opportunity and agreement to conduct this study.

  4. Dra. Titi Wahyukti, M.Pd, for the valuable assistance and inspiration to the completion of this bachelor thesis.

  5. All of my lectures in English Department for inspiring me with their guidance and patience during my study in this university.

  6. Ahmad Riyanto, S.Ag, as headmaster of SMA Diponegoro 1 Purwokerto for his permission to do the research in that school.

  7. Ahmad Azka Prasetyo, S.Pd, the English Teacher of SMA Diponegoro 1 Purwokerto, for his kindness and support during the research.

  8. The eleventh grade students of SMA Diponegoro 1 Purwokerto as the respondent who involved this study.

  Finally, the writer will be believes that this thesis still have weaknesses. Therefore, the writer would welcome any criticism and suggestion from the readers. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful for English education especially for teachers and English learners.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

  Purwokerto, January 2017 Ria Yunita Widiasih


  This thesis is dedicated to: 1. Allah SWT thank you for all your blessing and mercy.

  2. My beloved parents, my mother, Adiyah, thanks for your unconditional love as long as you live and my father, Sehab, thanks for your unconditional love, support, prayer, and for everything that you have gave for me.

  3. My dearest brothers and sisters, Endah Nurlaesa, Ifan Fauzi, Humul Rizal Fauzi, Rindi Agustiana, Humul Ridho Fauzi and Ridha Salsabila, thank you so much for support me and gives me motivations to finish this thesis.

  4. My sweetly best friends, Yuni Kartikasari, Rizqa Alfia, Sri Wardatul Isnaeni, and Sri Lestari, who always gives me motivations throughout the entire S1 program. Thank you so much for all help, support, advice and encouragement to finish my thesis.

  5. My lovely classmate in English Department 2012, especially PBI D, thank for our amazing memories for about four years we spent together, you all will be missed.

  6. All my friends and family members in somewhere who have prayed for me.

  Purwokerto, January 2017 Writer


  “I believe that good things come to those who work” (Wilt Chamberlain)

  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE ............................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION ..........................................................................................

  2 C. Statements of the Problem .................................................

  7 5. Teaching Writing…………………………………... .

  5 4. Common Problems of Writing……………………...

  5 3. Writing of Process ......................................................

  4 2. The Important of Writing ...........................................

  4 1. Definition of writing ...................................................

  4 A. WRITING ..........................................................................

  3 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .....................................................

  3 D. Objectives of the Study ......................................................

  1 B. Reasons for Choosing the Topic ........................................


  1 A. Background of the Study ....................................................

  ……………………………………………………………… .... xvi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................


  ………………………………………………………… xiv LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xv

  ………………………………………………… ..... xi LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………... ...... xiii LIST OF CHARTS

  DECLARATION ............................................................................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................... vii

DEDICATION ................................................................................................ ix MOTTO .......................................................................................................... x TABLE OF CONTENT

  …………………………… ..... v

  DECLARATION OF LETTER .................................................................... iv APPROVAL OF SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE

  9 6. Evaluating Students Writing……………………….. 11

  B. COOPERATIVE LEARNING ..........................................

  13 1. General Concept of Method .......................................

  13 2. Definition of Cooperative Learning ...........................

  13 C. THE NATURE OF PAIRS CHECK .................................

  15 1. Definition of Pairs Check Technique .........................

  15 2. The Steps of Pairs Check Technique ..........................

  16 3. Advantages of Pairs Check Technique .......................

  17 4. Disadvantages of Pairs Check Technique………….. 17

  BASIC ASSUMPTION……………………………….. .. 18 HYPOTHESIS…………………………………………. 18 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................

  19 A. Research Methodology ...................................................

  19 B. Place and Time of the Research ......................................

  20 C. Subjects of the Research .................................................

  20 D. Research Procedure …………………………………… . 21 E. Technique of Collecting Data .........................................

  22 F. Technique of Analyzing Data .........................................

  22 CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION .............................................

  29 A. Results .............................................................................

  29 B. Discussion .......................................................................

  40 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...............................

  43 A. Conclusion ....................................................................

  43 B. Suggestion .....................................................................



  LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Place and Time for the Research Table 2 Scoring Guidance Taken From Heaton Table 3 Result of the Experimental Class Table 4 The Average Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test of the Experimental


  Table 5 The differences between the pre-test and post-test in writing aspects Table 6 Result of the Control Class Table 7 The Average Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test of the

  Control Class

  Table 8 The differences between the pre-test and post-test in writing aspects Table 9 Interpreting the Result



Chart 1 The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Class Chart 2 The Mean Score of Students Writing Aspects in Experimental Class Chart 3 The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Control Class Chart 4 The Mean Score of Students Writing Aspects in Control Class Chart 5 The Mean Result of Experimental Group and Control Group

  APPENDIX 1 Instrument of Pre-Test APPENDIX 2 Instrument of Post-Test APPENDIX 3 Lesson Plan for the Experimental Group APPENDIX 4 Lesson Plan for the Control Group APPENDIX 5 Pre-Test Score of the Experimental Group APPENDIX 6 Pre-Test Score of the Control Group APPENDIX 7 Post-Test Score of the Experimental Group APPENDIX 8 Post-Test Score of the Control Group APPENDIX 9 T-value of the Experimental Group APPENDIX 10 T-value of the Control Group APPENDIX 11 T-Test Computations APPENDIX 12 Documents APPENDIX 13 Students Worksheet



(An Experimental Study at Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Diponegoro 1

Purwokerto in Academic Year 2016/2017) Ria Yunita Widiasih




  The main objective of this study was to investigate whether the use of Pairs Check technique was effective in teaching writing. The subject of this research was the eleventh grade students of SMA Diponegoro 1 Purwokerto in academic year 2016/2017. Pre-test and post-test were used to collect the data in experimental group and control group. The data obtained were analysed by using t-test formula. The result indicate that there was a significant improvement in students writing ability, it could be seen from the result of t-test that was , while t-table was 1.697 at significance level

  ɑ = 0.05. It means that there was a significant improvement on students’ writing ability for those who were taught using Pairs Check Technique. However, it can be concluded that Pairs Check Technique was effective to teach writing.

  Keywords: Pairs check technique, writing, experimental study.

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