Materi Tambahan Mata Kuliah PTK: Model-Model Pembelajaran | I Made Sujana


I Made Sujana
FKIP Universitas Mataram

Mengapa Perlu Pembaharuan

Fakta menunjukkan bahwa hasil pendidikan kita
belum memuaskan

Laporan Human Development Report 2003  Indonesia
urutan 112
Laporan International Education Achievement (IEA):

Kemampuan membaca SD peringkat 38/39
Matematika SMP peringkat 34/38
IPA SMP peringkat 32/38

Isu Utama Pembaruan

Pembaruan Kurikulum
Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran
Efektivitas Metode Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran Kontekstual?
Konsep belajar dimana guru menghadirkan dunia nyata ke dalam
kelas dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara
pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dengan penerapannya dalam
kegidupan mereka sehari-hari; sementara siswa memperoleh

pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dari konteks yang terbatas, sedikit
demi sedikit dan dari proses mengkonstruksi sendiri, sebagai
bekal untuk memecahkan masalah dalam kehidupannya sebagai
anggota masyarakat

Beberapa Pernyataan Kunci

Membantu guru mengaitkan konten dengan
dunia nyata dan melihat hubungan
pengetahuan dan penerapannya
Memungkikan siswa menguatkan,
memperluas, dan menerapkan pengetahuan
dan ketrampilan akademik untuk dapat
memecahkan masalah

Beberapa Pernyataan ….. (lanj.)

Pengetahuan dan ketrampilan diperoleh sedikit
demi sedikit, berangkat dari skemata
(pengetahuan) yang dimiliki sebelumnya.
Kemajuan siswa diukur dari proses, kinerja,
dan produk, berbasis pada prinsip authentic

Tujuh Komponen Utama CTL

Konstruktivisme (Constructivism)
Bertanya (Questioning)
Menemukan (Inquiry)
Masyarakat Belajar (Learning Community)
Pemodelan (Modelling)
Refleksi (Reflection)
Penilaian Sebenarnya (Authentic Assessment)


Knowledge is constructed gradually
The result will be expanded through limited

context and is eventually developed.
Students construct what they have in mind
Relate the lessons in class to what is available in
their real lives.
Materials are suitable to their knowledge, prior
knowledge and individual learning style
Teacher functions as a facilitator helping students
solve their problems in learning.

Menemukan (Inquiry)

Every subject contains phenomena.
Cycles of Inquiry:

Data gathering

Bertanya (Questioning)

Questions can come from teacher or students
Questions can raise students’ interest, motivate them, and lead to attract
their attention to the phenomena observed.
Teacher’s questions can guide and judge the students. Reason for asking

to know the student’s knowledge,
to raise student’s curiosity,
to focus student’s attention to the objective of teaching and learning,
to stimulate student’s response,
to initiate further questions,
to review the previous lesson,
to find out whether students have understood or not the lesson presented

Masyarakat Belajar (Learning

a group of students having relatively the same needs
to solve the problem, set the concept together, answer
questions in various ideas to reach the same concept
or any other relevant activities.
Characteristics of LC

Speak and Share Ideas
Collaborate with others to create learning that is greater
than if we work alone

Pemodelan (Modelling)

Modelling can take the forms of action,
exemplification, or demonstration.
Modelling can be from a teacher, students,
videos, tapes, or other resource person

Refleksi (Reflections)

Reflection can be done by the teaching regarding
learning constraints, students’ motivation, interesting
and challenging tasks, and ways to help students learn
 to improve learning quality
Students’ reflection can be responses to events,
activities or knowledge they have just gained.
The teacher may ask questions, impression and
suggestion about the lesson
The teacher can exhibit students’ work on the wall in
the classroom or write it on their diaries or journals.

Penilaian Sebenarnya (Authentic


Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering and analysing
evidence of what a student can do.
The uses of multiple forms of assessment that reflect students
learning achievement, motivation, and attitudes on
instructionally-relevant classroom activities
Some conditions to be considered:
the assessment should measure students’ knowledge and
language skill,

language knowledge and skill need to be applied,
product assessment is the result of student’s work or
student’s tasks should be relevant and contextual, and
both process and product can be assessed proportionally equal.

Characteristics of Authentic

involving real experiences,
making use of the existing human resource and equipments,
there is a chance to get information,
students are engaged in relevant activities,
there is an effort and an exercise,
including self-assessment and reflection,
identifying student’s strength and weaknesses,
clear assessment criteria,
constructive answer,
students think more deeply,
meaningful and challenging tasks
related tasks between language skill and knowledge,
it needs collaboration and cooperative learning,
focusing on objectives,

Forms of Authentic Assessment:

an interview measuring speaking skill and questioning,
an expression or story telling,
a piece of writing or poetry writing,
an oral and a written report,
rubric or scale,
teacher’s observation sheet,
portfolio or student’s worksheet,
role play, drama and simulation,
discussion or debate,